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S06.E06: Sitting


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So we finally find out where Woodhouse has been the whole time: Rehab.


A "Rusty Krieger" is a White Mexican, but with breast milk. One, ick. Two, really good callback to the Wee Baby Seamus episodes.


"Can't we have one poker night without a hate crime?!"


Pam going King Kong over AJ (and not out of malice, either) was all kinds of amazing. Krieger also didn't need to do anything but be in his underwear and a gas mask to be awesome.


So yeah, who else figured that the whole plot was a test from Lana, even after Kumail admitted it wasn't? Last week's episode pretty much had the same twist, it was at least expected.


ETA: Next Week looks good. "I WANNA FLY THE TRAIN!"

Edited by Galileo908

I think I am going to vote this one as the weakest episode of the season. It was still good but not as good as last week's


So yeah, who else figured that the whole plot was a test from Lana, even after Kumail admitted it wasn't? Last week's episode pretty much had the same twist, it was at least expected.


Yeah, it was obvious that it was all a step up by Lana (and you kind of knew that the Pakistani "spy" wasn't really a spy or at least not good at spying;  plus,  he didn't really know what to do and what to say/not say to Archer). 


Although, it was awesome to see that Krieger and Pam were stripping only because they got hot and not because they were playing strip poker (and seeing Pam acting like King Kong, while holding AJ, was the icing on the cake for this episode). Overall, I would love to see an episode that is solely about the Friday night poker (as the A-plot) and then seeing a B-plot involving Lana, Archer, and Malory. 

Edited by TVSpectator
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A step down, especially after last week. I was amused while watching, but I think the "twist" about it being a set-up from Lana and Malory, really soured it.  I don't know why, but it just made me roll my eyes.


Favorite stuff was easily the poker game.  Yeah, Cheryl would be one of the last people I would want to play cards against, because she would, at best, wish hate crimes on you, and, at worst, put a gun in your mouth.  Loved Krieger wearing a gas mask.  I wonder if it was just random, or if in his own silly way, he thought it would hide in tells he had.


I did like that Archer really did care for AJ, despite his fuck ups.  I truly believe he would have destroyed Manny, had he gotten the gun away from him.  I kind of wished that happened, so did it would be about Lana and Malory trying to fix what they helped caused.

Yeah, Lana and Mallory were real dicks in this episode. Test Archer with a farfetched scenario while he's taking care of AJ? Okay, fine, a bit much but fine. Not care that your farfetched scenario got him shot twice, because the dickhead actor you hired brought a real gun? That bugged me (it also bugged me that Manny got no comeuppance whatsoever).


I know Archer gets shot all the time, so it's kind of a running joke at this point, but they usually at least show some concern for him. But I did like that he was clearly concerned for AJ, and seems to want to be a dad to her. It's an interesting beat that he was about to go to another whole level of Rampage on Manny, as soon as AJ was safe.


But thinking about it, Lana opened herself up to a serious custody battle, if Archer was so inclined. She hired a man to go and threaten her child and the father of her child, and that is fucked up on so many levels.


Archer saying that most accidents in his home happen in the bar was amusing, and very likely true.


I liked the poker night, and Cheryl wishing hate crimes on Ray, while just generally being her batshit crazy self. I enjoyed Cyril just getting knocked down and contributing nothing. Pam turning into King Kong was good use of her, and I'm fine with the character when they just drop little moments like that into episodes.

Edited by Danny Franks
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Wow, Lana…way to be an uber-dick. But, as said above, what can you expect from someone who steals her ex-boyfriend's sperm to knock herself up?

I loved everyone not Lana this episode. And the actor, but I don't think we were supposed to give a crap about him.

Archer was amazing in daddy mode, and I loved the poker game.

Nice to see Slater, but I wish it'd been for a different reason.

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Are the episodes getting shorter? More commercials? Some amusing scenes with poker and a baby, getting ready for the real plot, and then...suddenly it's over? That's it? Recording then FFing through the ads, the show seems about ten minutes long. It's so short I can't even work up an opinion about the episode because it barely seems more than an introduction.

Logically speaking there's no way in hell any sane person would ever bank on Archer being a responsible or reliable parent, and for the most part this season he's been doing the same stuff he's been doing for the last 5 seasons - booze, hookers, etc. that would bear out that opinion.  Even Archer seems to acknowledge that when he tells Lana (with some hesitation) at the end of "Three to Tango" that it's a good idea that AJ would go to Lana's parents, and then Lana's sister in the event that something ever happened to Lana (although I thought that was some holy-shitsnacks-level cold of her to tell him that under the circumstances).


Having said that,  Lana knows all this shit, and she still chose to swipe his man-jelly to have a baby without telling him, and even in the last season finale was telling him how awesome and amazing and special he is while confessing that fact.  (Plus, since when has logic ever had any place in this show?)


She was a lot more likeable as the sole voice of competency and reason on the show, but when it comes to AJ and Archer she's gone way past utter hypocrisy into utter "OMG what the FUCK is wrong with you" insanity, which is actually what I yelled at the screen last night when she chirped a cheery "well, I'd call that a success!" at the end of the episode.

Edited by DasFlavorPup
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I thought Lana pulling the scam on Archer was funny as hell and something Atcher would have appreciated if he hadn't have gotten shot twice. He did when Ray spent half an episode pretending he couldn't walk and made Archer carry him even through alligator infested swamps and people who wanted to kill them. Archer likes these complicated schemes. He pulls them himself all the time. He was part of the white office scheme. the drones pulled on Mallory. He thought that was hilarious. I main difference is he has never really been a father this up close before. That is what made it personal but it also showed that although he will never be the perfect father he is ready to be a good one.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Archer did figure out it was a scam right from the start. If Manny didn't actually decide to swap guns and actually shoot him, he would have been proven right. 


I kind of wished that happened, so did it would be about Lana and Malory trying to fix what they helped caused.


TPTBs chickened out on this imo. Archer is successful in the field in the end. Usually he either makes it harder for himself or the others screw up, but he finishes the job. They should have had him able to disarm Manny and pistol whip him pretty good right as Lana and Malory showed up. That's kind of a disservice to the character. 

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They should have had him able to disarm Manny and pistol whip him pretty good right as Lana and Malory showed up. That's kind of a disservice to the character.



Now that I think about it; it might have been funny if he beat Manny to death and then have Lana and Mallory show up and then have one of them sigh resigned "I'll fetch the rug."   I know it is Woodhouse's line but they have said each others lines before.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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I was really disappointed that archer didn't get to kill the shit out of manny and that made this worse. I swear those animators are amazing because I saw love shooting out of archers drawn eyeballs when he talked about his child. This guy had real gun and was shooting it around your baby. I can get over how irresponsible it was of her and I know this is well this show but still.

It didn't help that all or archers daddy moments made me seriously love him wholeheartedly and I am mad as hell at Lana. I think it would have been better if it really was a bad guy and ten more came and archer killed every last one of ten brutally and everybody left thinking woa. I wilm never mess with AJ.

Edited by Shanna

It didn't help that all or archers daddy moments made me seriously love him wholeheartedly and I am mad as hell at Lana. I think it would have been better if it really was a bad guy and ten more came and archer killed every last one of ten brutally and everybody left thinking woa. I wilm never mess with AJ.


I think it would have played much better, and been much funnier, if Archer had fervently believed Manny was a setup all the way through, until he finally just snapped and brutally destroyed him. Then Lana returns and Archer is all, 'I thought this asshole was someone you hired to test me', which Lana says she would never ever do. Cut to some actor with a fake gun hanging around in Archer's penthouse, telling Lana on the phone that the guy she hired him to scare isn't even there.

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I think it would have played much better, and been much funnier, if Archer had fervently believed Manny was a setup all the way through, until he finally just snapped and brutally destroyed him.


That would have been better than my suggestion. I guess I can wank it that Archer was off his game because the baby was around, but he had to have known she would have been ok once Pam took her. 

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