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I forgot there were new episodes of this show being made and haven't tuned in for a few weeks.  Sounds like I didn't miss anything.  And chiming in to agree that Jarrod needs to go.  The tension between him and Brandi was ridiculous and even if the charges against him don't stick if one of them has to go I vote for Jarrod.  

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3 hours ago, WinnieWinkle said:

I forgot there were new episodes of this show being made and haven't tuned in for a few weeks.  Sounds like I didn't miss anything.  And chiming in to agree that Jarrod needs to go.  The tension between him and Brandi was ridiculous and even if the charges against him don't stick if one of them has to go I vote for Jarrod.  

He only appeared in the first week's episode.  Since then no Jarrod, only Brandi.

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On 6/1/2021 at 10:00 PM, Yeah No said:

He only appeared in the first week's episode.  Since then no Jarrod, only Brandi.

I haven't seen any of the new episodes. I know they will be aired ad nauseum in the very near future.

I live about 15 minutes from the bar Jarrod has part ownership in. I was there once (pre Jarrod ownership) on New Years Eve. Nothing special.

Maybe I'll take one for the team and go back there someday. I just hope they know how to make a good martini! 

Looking at the pics of the bar on their website, it appears to me to be decorated like a manchild did the decor. Where's Bar Rescue/John Taffer? Lol.

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Been watching this now and then, it's been years, so all the episodes seem like new to me. I have renewed my abhorrence of Dave Hester, Jarrod, Darrell and Rene has moved up very close to Dave Hester as my most abhorred. Why do I watch this c**p? Oh yeah, because with all the channels I have to choose from, there's nothing on that interests me. I don't mind Brandy or Mary and I can even tolerate Ivy even though I think he's a dolt. I miss Barry, he's not on many of the episodes that are available right now. I know, I read above that he was in a bad motorcycle accident and took a long time to recover. This show needs another likeable person like Barry, he always took such joy in his finds.

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1 hour ago, chenoa333 said:

I haven't seen any of the new episodes but I'm interested since Barry is back. I'm hoping dopey Daryl is gone. 

Dave Hester is gone, Daryl is back. Brandi just isn’t the same without Jarod!  No big finds yet. That always makes the show fun. Lockers have been pretty raunchy!

That young silly girl Mary is gone. The new girl … not much personality.  

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7 hours ago, Maverick said:

 Ivy is also back, with his son tagging along and Kenny is back too.   I've only seen a few of the newer ones here and there so I don't know why Brandy is still doing lockers.  Is she just going to auctions for the show or does she still run their store?   

She and Jarod broke up.  She's doing home staging.  All according to rumor!

Ivy's son is a very good looking young man.  Educated and polite.  Ivy's a bit rough around the edges.  Isaiah must take after his mother.  Lol

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9 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

She and Jarod broke up.  She's doing home staging.  All according to rumor!

Yes. And Jarrod bought into a bar/ restaurant in Lake Forest, CA. I don't remember the name of it but I've been in it once, before he was part owner. Nothing special. Just a local bar.

Brandi is looking really "weathered" in the new episodes. But she's still got the big breast implants so she'll find another guy. 

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2 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Yes. And Jarrod bought into a bar/ restaurant in Lake Forest, CA. I don't remember the name of it but I've been in it once, before he was part owner. Nothing special. Just a local bar.

Brandi is looking really "weathered" in the new episodes. But she's still got the big breast implants so she'll find another guy. 

I think she put on some weight and it's showing in her face.  Or she got fillers?  Something.

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28 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I think she put on some weight and it's showing in her face.  Or she got fillers?  Something.

I too, noticed her face being puffy. Her body looks the same but her face is either bloated from bad fillers or too much drinking LOL! I don't know if she drinks. 

It's somewhat odd who is still on this show and who isn't. No matter what: I 💗 Barry!

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 I was so glad to see Barry and his same old goof ball routine. I was glad not to see Dave Hester, and Daryl Sheets is still as obnoxious as usual, Brandon wasn't with him, he's probably doing fine on his own without his dad.  I prefer Brandon anytime over Daryl. Still cannot tolerate Rene. Don't really mind Ivy or Kenny. I like Brandy much better without Jared, she made him tolerable and the episode with them bidding against each other was uncomfortable. I like how the other guys are nice to Brandy and willing to help her, even if it's something simple, like pulling down a door. I don't mind Mary and as someone said above, Lisa doesn't have much of a personality, maybe she'll improve with some time. New guy, Lee I think, wasn't very good at estimating, he estimated a bunch of fabric at $2,000! I'm a fabricaholic and that would have to be a lot of silks and microsuede to be worth that much. New and in an upscale fabric store maybe he could get that, at a flea market/swap meet or thrift store, no effing way.

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 It should be mostly gravy to auction company.  They don't have to inventory and photograph a catalogue like they usually would for an estate auction.   They don't need a ring crew.   There's no remote/online bidding.  They pretty much have a regular bidder pool so there's little marketing and with the era of social media that cost is probably close to non-existent.  They sell things literally as is where is with the buyer responsible for moving it.   It seems like all they have to do show, sell, take their percentage and head back to their mansion.

 The lockers are being sold to cover unpaid rent so I wonder what happens to any excess under California law.  If it sells for more than the back fees (after the auctioneer cut) does the excess go to the renter or does the storage facility get to keep it?

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10 hours ago, Maverick said:

The lockers are being sold to cover unpaid rent so I wonder what happens to any excess under California law.  If it sells for more than the back fees (after the auctioneer cut) does the excess go to the renter or does the storage facility get to keep it?

A friends ex boyfriend had 2 storage lockers in the same storage facility that went up for auction. Lots of desirable items like fishing rods, bicycles, sporting goods.

His 2 units sold for a good amount. And yes he did get paid the extra money after all storage fees/auction fees were paid. 

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I really do live in Alabama, and a friend that works at the local storage facility group handles the monthly auctions.    They give renters a lot longer than they legally are required to, to catch up on their storage fees.  Also, quite a few around here are military, so if they're deployed, or stationed elsewhere they really try to give even more time.   

Once the storage unit is way overdue on payments, and they can't get the person to pay up, or get in contact with them it's usually six months or more.     Then, the legal paperwork is filed, lock is cut off and changed to the storage unit's lock.   

Then, once a month or so, when there are enough units to auction, they announce the auction, and sell them off.   They don't have outside auctioneers either.  There are 7 or 8 locations for the same company, so they usually have the auctions all on the same day.   Then the storage facility keeps the money the winning bidder pays, and the lock is changed to the winning bidder, and they have a certain number of days to clean the locker out.     The winner can either take the stuff, or trash it in the dumpster, and sometimes they donate items too.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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saw the episode recently where Dave & Dan get into a physical altercation. Wow, that was unnecessary, especially on Dave's part, he wouldn't shut up and let go, just kept pushing, then he was pushing physically. Laura tries hard to keep a sweet and innocent facade, but that sure came off, girl has a mouth on her when provoked! I can't stand Rene, but he did earn a couple of brownie points from me when he gave Laura a hand up when Dave pushed her down. And, I don't think that was deliberate, I think it was a side effect of the pushing and shoving that Dave and Dan were doing and the others getting in between to stop the fight. Rene was also a little comforting to Mary as they walked away together afterwards, so another brownie point or two.

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On 12/30/2021 at 4:59 PM, CrazyInAlabama said:

I really do live in Alabama, and a friend that works at the local storage facility group handles the monthly auctions.    They give renters a lot longer than they legally are required to, to catch up on their storage fees.  Also, quite a few around here are military, so if they're deployed, or stationed elsewhere they really try to give even more time.   

Once the storage unit is way overdue on payments, and they can't get the person to pay up, or get in contact with them it's usually six months or more.     Then, the legal paperwork is filed, lock is cut off and changed to the storage unit's lock.   

Then, once a month or so, when there are enough units to auction, they announce the auction, and sell them off.   They don't have outside auctioneers either.  There are 7 or 8 locations for the same company, so they usually have the auctions all on the same day.   Then the storage facility keeps the money the winning bidder pays, and the lock is changed to the winning bidder, and they have a certain number of days to clean the locker out.     The winner can either take the stuff, or trash it in the dumpster, and sometimes they donate items too.  

Thank you. I always wondered how that worked.

I've always been curious if the storage company owner goes through the locker before the auction looking for treasures?

Just one of those things I ponder!

I used to watch this show and didn't realize they were still making new episodes!  A&E has day long marathons once a weeks so I've been seeing older episodes and the newer ones now too.  Glad to see Dave Hester is gone and I like Brandy and the new girl (Lisa?) and of course Barry is back so yay.

Saw the famous episode where Dan and Dave get in a brawl and Laura gets pushed today.  I don't know about anyone else but I thought it looked staged.  Or at least I didn't feel it was very natural.  I think most men if they geniuinely believed a woman they know well had been shoved by another man they would have intervened and instead the guys just seemed to stand around waiting for the auction to start again. I dunno.  Just seemed off to me.  That said if it was real Hester is lucky he didn't end up on charges of some kind!


2 hours ago, SusanM said:

I used to watch this show and didn't realize they were still making new episodes!  A&E has day long marathons once a weeks so I've been seeing older episodes and the newer ones now too.  Glad to see Dave Hester is gone and I like Brandy and the new girl (Lisa?) and of course Barry is back so yay.

Saw the famous episode where Dan and Dave get in a brawl and Laura gets pushed today.  I don't know about anyone else but I thought it looked staged.  Or at least I didn't feel it was very natural.  I think most men if they geniuinely believed a woman they know well had been shoved by another man they would have intervened and instead the guys just seemed to stand around waiting for the auction to start again. I dunno.  Just seemed off to me.  That said if it was real Hester is lucky he didn't end up on charges of some kind!


That was the beginning of the end for Hester, couldn't have happened to a more deserving person.


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chenoa333, sadly Daryl is still around occasionally. He's a little better without his son to bully. I liked Brandon better than his dad and hope he is doing well on his own with his own family. But the new "rivalry" seems to be between Rene and Daryl and Rene and a newish guy, Dusty. I don't like Rene much either, he's an a$$. 

Was watching a new episode recently and Lisa bought a unit and Brandy didn't, so Lisa invited Brandy to go through her locker together. It seemed like they were having fun, joking around. I'd like to see more of that than the put downs and one upping that the guys do with each other. Lisa seems to get along well with all the other regulars. She and Kenny have gone through units together and talk nicely to each other. She teases Ivy and it doesn't come off mean spirited. I think that's the whole thing I like, not mean spirited. I like the softer, kinder Storage Wars. And, of course, Barry.

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Warching the reruns today and the one where Hester buys the storage unit full of crappy old books was on.  He seriously got away with valuing those books at $14,000??  In his dreams.  I hated Hester for a lot of reasons but the way he overvalued stuff really got on my last nerve.  So glad he's not back in the new episodes. 

Still liking the two new people, Lisa and Dusty.  And always good to see Barry and Brandy.

Edited by SusanM
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I don't know if anyone is still watching this show but A&E just started airing it in blocks of 7 or so episodes at a time and I've been dipping in.  I am finding in rewatching them that I really dislike Darrel.  I hadn't seen the show in ages but if you'd asked me I'd have said the only one I really hated was Dave (like most viewers I guess). 

But the episodes I've just seen had Darrel being so nasty, mocking Renee's accent and being downright rude to the people he goes to to evaluate his finds.  Since when do you call people nerds and make fun of their interests and knowledge?  Especially when you want to take advantage of that knowledge to make you some money?

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10 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I am shocked!  I saw an old episode and came here to see who’s still alive.  Didn’t some cast members pass away?  

Gunter, Rene Nezhoda's father died earlier this year from lung cancer.  He was 67 and a smoker for over 30 years according to his son.  I was very sad to hear this.

Also about 10 years ago Mark Balelo, a lesser known bidder on several episodes was arrested for possession of meth and later committed suicide.

Other than that I don't know of any of the cast passing away.

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I just read there was a rumor that Barry Weiss died in a car accident, but it wasn’t true.  Maybe, that’s what I heard.  

He had a serious motorcycle accident in 2019 and needed surgery and a lot of recuperation from that so maybe that's how the rumor got started.  Although it seems like there are a lot of celebrity hoax death rumors going around these days.

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2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Gunter, Rene Nezhoda's father died earlier this year from lung cancer.  He was 67 and a smoker for over 30 years according to his son.  I was very sad to hear this.

Also about 10 years ago Mark Balelo, a lesser known bidder on several episodes was arrested for possession of meth and later committed suicide.

Other than that I don't know of any of the cast passing away.

Gunter was 67? He looked much older than that. I hope this inspires Rene to take better care of himself.

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I thought I had set this up to record but I hadn't.  Happy to hear Barry is in them.  He makes it worth watching!  Any other of the regulars back?  

On 6/5/2023 at 2:26 AM, kathyk24 said:

Gunter was 67? He looked much older than that. I hope this inspires Rene to take better care of himself.

Geeze, thought he was at least in his mid 60s back when he was appearing on the show with Rene.  

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Caught up with all the news ones.  On the plus side no Jarod and especially no Dave.  On the down side, I dunno, the episodes weren't bad but nothing special either.  I did like that there seemed to be a certain camaraderie between the buyers as opposed to the nastiness and snarking from back in the day. On the other hand it really was a case of "the pitcher going to the well once too often".

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23 hours ago, Dimity said:

It's weird watching the old episodes of this show knowing that Jarod and Brandy split up.  Kinda seems obvious that they were heading that way really.

A&E is definitely burning us out with the constant weekends of SW reruns.

I'm glad Jarod is gone. I was so damn tired of the Brandy and Jarod "schtick" of  "Brandy says I over spent on this locker now I have to hope we find something good." 


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On 12/23/2024 at 7:27 PM, Jst2Wld said:

A&E is definitely burning us out with the constant weekends of SW reruns.

Not just on the week-ends anymore.  I hadn't checked my PVR carefully and there were dozens of episodes taped.  It's weird to watch them though because there doesn't seem to be any particular order to them.  One episode will be from the first season or two and then boom we've got episodes with the Las Vegas ladies or those that were filmed during Covid.  Have to wonder what anyone who has never seen the show must think!

Anyway I've been burning through them and have 3 thoughts:

1. Laura started off nice and normal and somewhere along the way went completely off the rails and turned into an oversexed, giggly caricature.  I hope this was just her TV persona.

2. Any episode without Dave is a better than average episode.

3. Darryl really needs to stick to wearing shirts with sleeves.  I mean really really needs to do this.

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Why do the bidders on storage  wars  act so stupid on what they are bidding on.   Why does Dan and Laura let the shanningans go on between bidders.  I have never seen an auction go on like it does on Storage Wars.  I do not think Brandi needs to dress so provocatively when coming to an auction. Dan Hester needs to not be allowed to go to the auctions of Dan's 

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