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S19.E03: Week 3

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So has anyone yet referred to Michelle Money's comment on the first episode about Britt not showering?  Did I miss some  hygiene-related episode in the house? Or was it just MM being snarky and desperate for camera time?


The latter. She went on Twitter the next day to say she was kidding.


I believe that [Ashley's] a virgin and has never has a boyfriend. She looks like she may be from some middle eastern descent-- I'm TOTALLY stereotyping here--but as such, she may have strict parents when it comes to dating.


Her last name is Iaconetti, but she could easily pass for Middle Eastern. Maybe only her dad is Italian.

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but because she's apparently not aware enough of how bodies work when you're making out to realize that paying attention to things like being very high off of the ground, without a railing, is a good thing to pay attention to unless you want to end up splattered across the hotel courtyard.



Heh.  Yeah, through that whole thing I just kept thinking about the scene on Reign

where King Henry screwed a girl right out a window.  Seriously.


Spoiler tagged the Reign spoiler cause I get enough email in my life already.

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The latter. She went on Twitter the next day to say she was kidding.




Yeah, MM, that backfired badly. The way she said it, you could tell it really was based on something some of the girls (or crew friend?) had told her. But she just came off being bitchy and mean for no reason. Definitely wasn't trying to be funny there (and wasn't funny.) People didn't like it--so rude and personal to insult a woman you've never even met like that, live. Poor Britt. Then: "Oh, I was just kidding!" Right.


I kind of like Chris' laugh. It's annoying, true, but genuine. With his annoying high-pitched laugh and Whitney's annoying high-pitched voice they seem perfect for each other!

Edited by Padma
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I think the mystery of Jillian's black boxed butt goes back to the first episode when one of the women interviewed that Jillian was constantly sticking it in people's faces,  saying, "Feel my butt!  Go ahead!  Feel how hard it is!"  I think if this was going on all the time, the editors might have finally thought, okay, if you can't quit talking about it and you're insisting on making it the center of attention, then how about we just don't show it at all.

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Now I know where the song from the wedding Whitney and Chris "crashed" came from! It is Desiree and Chris' song, Love and Affection, by Matt White. He sang it during one of their dates and it was used in their engagement montage. He actually performed it at their wedding as a surprise. Aw!


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Thanks for the clip, Firefoxy.  Chris and Des are my favorite B&B's.  They bring the pretty for my taste.  Chris Soules and Whitney -- not so much.  That reminds me, Whitney kept saying Chris's name so that it sounded  like "Crystals,"  to me.

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You're welcome! And yes, they are so adorable. I love how non famewhorish they are...*cough*SeaCat*cough*. JP and Ashley too. Funny enough, Matt White also performed at their wedding. Apparently he is the choice of the superior TBette couples. I am sure ABC had the rights for that performance from Des' season and just dubbed it in.



I can actually see Whitney and Chris together in the real world. Her awful voice, his annoying laugh...Match made in heaven. He seemed taken with her this week so it could be a possibility.

Edited by FireFoxy
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Lastly, I hope Mackenzie is abducted by aliens. 


I think this already happened, and we're seeing the result...

As for Whitney, I kept wondering who she reminded me of when they kept showing her in 3/4ths lighting, with part of her face in shadow, and I finally realized it's Cate Blanchett... 

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A few late-to-the-party thoughts....


-Liked the 'Man Show' version of Jimmy Kimmel.  He was an unapologetic slob.  The starved-to-fit-his-suit Hollywood version is less appealing and far less humorous.  He's in a tricky spot because the media and the connected world just won't let another Carson or a Letterman develop organically.  The media and the connected world also won't stand for stars acting like stars so the stars have to act like Joe Sixpack which misses the point.  When there is no prestige in appearing on these chat shows then what is the audience's motivation for watching?  Kimmel has obviously studied Bill Murray - the on and offscreen versions - in detail for many long years.  That's a polite way of saying he's shamelessly ripped off Murray's droll persona.  Asking awkward questions is not the same thing as creativity and/or humor but that's unfunny postmodern PC comedy for you.  The first date also proved, despite the effort, that three is definitely a crowd even if the gooseberry is a Famous Comedian.


-The girls' true colors are beginning to show rather quickly.  We could have predicted most of this based on our keen, if cynical, eye and with the overt spoilers shown in the first episode's teaser reel we didn't have to guess much.


-Hunky, nice guy Chris is demonstrating that may be the full extent of his CV.  Except for the fact that women are flinging themselves at him like Alfred Hitchcock's crazed birds (pun!) he is a patently uninteresting individual even by TB standards.  I once resented the cocky Brad Womack but a bit of his rough edge wouldn't go amiss now.  Based on the teaser reel (again), Chris will do some head-in-hands agonizing but, as usual, we aren't sure if it's because he's emotionally conflicted or because he's just another male exasperated by round-the-clock female drama.  But that is not a substitute for actual depth of character.  The B/ettes are, by dictate or circumstance, rather limited in the subjects they can discuss but the producers are missing a trick by not prompting TB to do a bit of amateur psychoanalysis on each girl a) to gauge his thought process and b) to see if he is seeing the same things we are.


-I wish I could remember past seasons in more detail but it seems that Chris' 'batting average' i.e. locking lips with anyone within arm's reach - provided they aren't on a crying jag - is quite high even if he's planning on evicting them in a few short hours.


Quick B'ette items:


-Kaitlyn is as calculating as Whitney but is doing it with a bit more style as you might expect from a dancer/performer vs a nurse.  I can't bring myself to dislike her...yet.

-The university I attended was notable for the large number of coeds who were pursuing 'M-R-S' degrees but those ladies reacted with halfhearted indignation whenever someone suggested same.  Whitney's agenda has been similarly obvious from the word go.  She may as well walk around with a stack of flash cards detailing the steps in her plan.  It fits perfectly with her job where intimacy and natural processes have been replaced by cold, clinical routine.  As others have said, she's a bit more tolerable now but still cynical in the extreme.

-Amber was genuinely hurt especially after a snog and no rose in rapid-fire order.  She's a hard-boiled Chicago chick and a bartender to boot - she's heard and seen it all especially from horny drunk lads in the wee hours but she still let her guard down last episode and this.  She probably annoyed the crew by saying simply 'I don't want to talk anymore' but good on her.

-Samantha is in full pageant-girl mode as befits a Miss California top 10 finisher, keeping her poise even as she's roundly ignored again.  I'm glad she's being kept around another week.  I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest that Chris may be intimidated by her.

-Jillian is a no-hoper and undeserving of lavish camera time.

-Carly.  Ugh.

-Jade has also been spinning her web from the start.  I find her unappealing.  From the teaser reel we see her on the back of Chris' motorbike so there's a non-spoiler spoiler thanks to the producers.

-Britt did a boffo first night's performance but seems out of ideas already.  She has the bod and looks to maintain any red-blooded male's interest but Bachelors drunk on female hormones don't do jealousy - they usually don't even recognize it.  Is her upcoming fit of sobbing mere jealousy or is it the aftermath of a crisis talk with Chris?

-Kelsey is insanely photogenic but has been inexplicably marginalized thus far.  I have a feeling this will change drastically.

-Ashley I looks much more appealing in other photos available on the net.  The spider lashes are absent and the makeup less severe.  Her manner of speaking - not necessarily an accent - is annoying.  She silences the first letter of most words: 'H Y Od I an't elieve e're oing ishing!' (Oh my God I can't believe we're going fishing!).

-Megan can barely get the filament in the light bulb to glow let alone produce light.


Herd thinning rapidly already.  The cocktail party catfight is upcoming.  Teaser reels are notoriously misleading but it appears to be Kaitlyn v Whitney with Ashley S sticking her oar in also.

Edited by Rainsong
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Sharleen wrote something about that that I hadn't thought of. She thinks he's actually being gentlemanly with all the kissing because usually it's been one of the women making the first move--and it would be insulting to reject them on national television. I can't remember all the times (too many!), so I'm taking her word for it there.

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