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Spoilers With Speculation

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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Since Dean and Sam never clear the air, it leads to more miscommunication and their way of dealing with it is to ignore the elephant in the room so to speak.

Truth. I expect fugly


I can see Hannah giving her grace to Cas, but what did Crowley have in his hands?   Was it part of Cas original grace, because taking another angel's grace will only lead him back to death eventually, anyway.  So do they want to cure Cas?? that is the million dollar question.

I can see Crowley curing Cas because Cas could help with Dean.  I really don't think Crowley is done with Dean yet.  And taking Hannah's grace gives more time. He's almost out.

No way Crowley's done with Dean. Personally, I don't think he hid the Blade and is waiting for Dean to be jonesing for another kill and comes begging for it back. I'm not saying that's what Dean's gonna do, but I think that's what Crowley thinks gonna happen and he also thinks he'll have the upper hand. Crowley still has hope he can control Dean, IMO.

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I can see Crowley curing Cas because Cas could help with Dean.  I really don't think Crowley is done with Dean yet.  And taking Hannah's grace gives more time. He's almost out.


Yeah, I can totally see Crowley finding a way to sneak some new grace into Cas, just to keep him going a little longer. It's not a long term solution but Crowley won't care about that; he just needs Cas in the game a little longer. It would also explain how Cas, who looks like he's on currently on death's door, will still be around later in the season (when finding his grace becomes a goal for Sam and Dean.)

But of course Crowley hasn't given up on Dean, he's just wisely exiting stage right, he'll show up again when he feels he can gain the upper hand.  Stupid Crowley, don't you realize you'll never control Dean...some demon's never learn but it will be fun to see how Dean puts him back in his place, eventually...that is.


I'm okay if Hannah dies...Not a big fan of her from the beginning.  Why does this show always kill off the interesting ones and keep the ones that aren't interesting for a long time.  2nd Ruby comes to mind as well as 2nd Meg.  Or the just make the character interesting and then cue the music for death scene....sigh

There's very little here in the way of news (TVLine interview for tomorrow):



But I don't recall this tidbit before:


Meanwhile, an unlikely partnership forms when Crowley seeks out Castiel’s help after he realizes his former BFF’s antics are causing problems for him in Hell. “Once again, Castiel is, generally speaking, reluctant to partner with Crowley and vice versa, but I think that we end up finding some compatible goals to go after,” Collins teases.

We all guessed Crowley was potentially helping Cas but "his former BFF's antics are causing problems for him in Hell."  Is news to me. Since Dean is in the Bunker for this entire episode (as far as I can tell), then this must be something else than something he's actively doing right now.  Perhaps it's gossip regarding their showdown/breakup where Crowley didn't look too powerful. Perhaps they feel like while Dean Winchester is around, he's a threat to all demons -- what with killing so many and being a wildcard. IDK.  Curious to find out.


Also, it occurred to me after watching the Pilot today on the airplane (for important music cue research w/ catrox), that it seems likely we will once again see: "Take your brother outside as fast as you can, don't look back. Now Dean! Go!"  plus the little cherub and his "It's okay Sammy." 

First, how could they skip such an obvious call-back to S1E1. Second, "out of the fire!" *sigh*  I find myself ridiculously gleeful at the prospect of this. No explanation except that it shows 10 years of history.  Feels like family or something. 


Finally, watched the sneak peek.  Masterful work by both J2 IMO.  Can't wait. 

Thanks for the music research help, SueB.  I think I'll skip the holy water though...LOL..I'm uncertain as to the outcome.....


I'm wondering if Dean won't ever be free of the Mark(we need Cain dammit!) and that maybe he'll retain some power or demonity that will make him a threat in Hell. But this also sounds like I won't get my King of Hell!Dean either :(.   I dunno hard to say. Please give me just one episode of King of Hell!Dean....pretty please. ?

We all guessed Crowley was potentially helping Cas but "his former BFF's antics are causing problems for him in Hell."  Is news to me. Since Dean is in the Bunker for this entire episode (as far as I can tell), then this must be something else than something he's actively doing right now.  Perhaps it's gossip regarding their showdown/breakup where Crowley didn't look too powerful. Perhaps they feel like while Dean Winchester is around, he's a threat to all demons -- what with killing so many and being a wildcard. IDK.  Curious to find out.


I didn't read the article and have been avoiding all promos like the plague right now, so I'm just going off what we've seen in the show thus far. I'd hazard a guess that Dean's disrespectful attitude towards Crowley is making him look weak to his minions and probably causing them to wonder why they're backing Crowley as King Of Hell right now. I'm also thinking that Crowley's plan to rebuild his powerbase was based on having Dean be his enforcer and since Dean's not so keen on being Crowley's puppet, his minions are finding it easier to misbehave.

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Jensen teases tonight's episode. And it sounds like what we all speculate that the plan is not going to go according to Hoyle and I really hope this means the cure doesn't actually take at all.  And we get demon!Dean for at least another episode.  This show is making me all kinds of messed up.



12 hours is too far away and I am 5 years old because I want it NOW

I'm guessing we get a Hannah-grace powered Cas-ex-machina who stops dean from killing Sammy.

Although the lights going red suggests Sam has enacted some emergency protocol. So perhaps Sam has something up his sleeve.

I expect the de-demonizing process to be complete because they are taking Dean down the rabid-dog path (like when Soulless Sam nearly killed Bobby). Dean needs to be rational for future eps. I think he breaks out halfway at its situation FUBAR until Cas shows.

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I hope we see Dean use some of his powers against Sam.  I mean he should be able to stop him talking or fling Sam across the room right? He should be able to do a lot of things to Sam just because of the Mark alone. Cain still was able to kill all those demons without the Blade in his presence and he could still stop Crowley from speaking.  So why aren't we seeing those powers in Dean? I'm gonna be kind of annoyed if we never see Dean do those things.


Since Dean still has the MoC won't we be back to square one? The Mark is what was killing Dean. Being a demon is the only reason Dean is not dead yet.  Since Dean will no longer be a demon, shouldn't he just drop dead again? He's going to need something else to be alive.  Is that why Crowley looks to be taking Cas' grace? Or giving something to him? And Sam doesn't even know yet that the Mark was killing Dean unless Crowley told him.


And to me Dean Winchester 1.0 is dead already so whatever comes after is Dean Winchester 2.0.And that just makes me fucking sad all over again.


Godsdamn this show.

Edited by catrox14
Since Dean will no longer be a demon, shouldn't he just drop dead again? He's going to need something else to be alive.


But the show already established that Dean is not a usual demon. It may have been subtle, but Dean cutting his hand with the blade and his hand healing immediately afterwards was important, I think. Angels can do that easily, but as far as I remember, regular demons do not. Remember Ruby getting tortured by Alastair in the part two episode of "I Know What You Did..." (Forgot the name momentarily) - she was still cut up, she didn't heal. So when most demon bodies are injured, the demon keeps them alive and the injuries remain and or heal at a normal human rate. But we saw Dean heal himself, so whatever injuries Dean had, I presume he wasn't dead dead (only mostly dead), because the mark healed him. So therefore in my opinion, Dean's body is no longer injured and him not being a demon will not mean that he is dead. The mark of Cain healed him.

But the show already established that Dean is not a usual demon. It may have been subtle, but Dean cutting his hand with the blade and his hand healing immediately afterwards was important, I think. Angels can do that easily, but as far as I remember, regular demons do not. Remember Ruby getting tortured by Alastair in the part two episode of "I Know What You Did..." (Forgot the name momentarily) - she was still cut up, she didn't heal. So when most demon bodies are injured, the demon keeps them alive and the injuries remain and or heal at a normal human rate. But we saw Dean heal himself, so whatever injuries Dean had, I presume he wasn't dead dead (only mostly dead), because the mark healed him. So therefore in my opinion, Dean's body is no longer injured and him not being a demon will not mean that he is dead. The mark of Cain healed him.


I don't think it's been demonstrated that the MoC itself is why Dean can heal himself. He didn't heal himself when he was human bearing the Mark, not that I can recall. He had wounds and he did really most sincerely die in that warehouse as a human being and was resurrected as a demon  which is no longer a human....I think...;/. It seems to me that it's the Mark plus demon status that gave Dean the ability to heal himself now when it didn't heal him before.


To me it seems that if Dean was resurrected as a not-human then the demon cure would reset him back to his factory default of human with the MoC.  


Who knows! This stupid show makes me think about it too much. Bah.

He had wounds and he did really most sincerely die in that warehouse as a human being and was resurrected as a demon  which is no longer a human....I think...;


Oh I agree that Dean died. I was making a "Princess Bride" reference. Wesley also died, but I was saying that there might be degrees of "dead" and as you say it appears that demon Dean + mark of Cain = healing abilities. Even if Dean became human again, though, I don't think his body would unheal itself. When Castiel got ejected from Jimmy for example, he'd been at least shot and stabbed in the heart, but even without Castiel in there, Jimmy was fine, because Castiel had previously healed the body. So I'm just guessing it would be the same here - that healed is healed.


My interpretation has been that regular demons can only heal to an extent, since the human body heals, but if it's a mortal wound that wouldn't normally heal enough to provide life again, it's only going to be a cosmetic healing. Once the demon is ejected, the body is still going to have the old symptoms of the wound and so might be dead. I think the demons that Abaddon switched to soldier bodies left behind meatsuits that had signs of healed over wounds that would have been fatal to the organs underneath, and so they were fatal once the demon left the body, but the outside wounds remained healed (just scarred). But since Dean's body is healed, it should remain healed, I think.

I agree AwesomO, it's not the Mark that killed Dean, it was the stab wound. The Mark brought him back, but now that his body is healed, I think he should be fine.


However, I don't think Dean will be fully "cured" or whatever these kids will be calling it anyway. I think they'll go far enough to get Dean under some sort of control so he can go hunt some randoms for a few episodes until the mid-season finale where I'm sure this will all rear it's ugly head again and come to some sort of conclusion then. Or, that's my piss-poor theory anyway. I think Dean will still have some lesser demonic effects for some time to come. And, possibly that's the reason he doesn't fall down dead immediately. Who knows.


ETA: I'm just spit balling here, but I'm thinking that regular stunt demons don't actually heal the body, but with them inside they can still animate a body. So, when they leave the body, it returns to it's previous state. I'm just assuming that because Dean isn't possessing someone, and because he should be more powerful than the average stunt demon, he's actually healing his body not just animating it...does that even make sense? Seriously, one shouldn't have to work so hard to figure this stuff out.

Edited by DittyDotDot
I agree AwesomO, it's not the Mark that killed Dean, it was the stab wound. The Mark brought him back, but now that his body is healed, I think he should be fine.


Fair enough.


Here's what I don't understand. 


The Mark itself was actually killing Dean because Dean wasn't killing. It's not a sentient being AFAIK thus it would not care if either Dean or Cain died. Dean was on his way to death already and the process was complete after Metatron stabbed him.  So then why would it force Cain to be alive or Dean for that matter? IMO it has be being controlled by something or someone else possibly Lucifer. And the Blade itself seems to be the key to why Dean was resurrected, not just the Mark at least in Dean's case. I feel like that was a deliberate act and Crowley knew by putting the Blade in Dean's hand it would trigger the process for the final destination of demon!Dean. I'm so confused.

Edited by catrox14

From what I understand, the Mark wasn't killing him, but making him hunger for the kill. Basically, the more he kills the better he feels, but I'm not sure it would actually kill him if he didn't kill. I don't know for sure. I think the idea is, the urge to kill makes him feel off balance and a kill puts in back somewhat in balance. The more he kills, the more balance he feels. I don't think it actually kills him if he doesn't kill, just makes the urge greater and greater until the urge overtakes him and probably drives him batshit kill-crazy. At that point, I don't know if he can be stopped or reached. I think what Crowley is trying to do by sending the little kills his way is feed the Mark enough that Dean is still somewhat reasonable and in Crowley's mind controllable. HA! The joke's on Crowley though.


As far as needing the Blade to make that transformation, I don't feel like we've gotten enough information for me to form a theory on that yet. Did Crowley place it in his hands to transform him or so that it would be there the moment he wakes up? I don't know for sure, but for now I'm thinking of the Blade as a tool that can only be used by the Mark. Crowley put the Blade in Dean's hands only because Dean would be the only one who could use it.

Although it's starting on the East Coast, I'm on West Coast, so I'll dash in here with my comments before too much goes on.

1) What species is Dean if they "cure a demon".  Is only his demonized soul cured and he retains his post-resurrection body?  Is that body human or not?  I'm going to go with "not".  That doesn't necessarily make him a demon still.  But he's not a normal meatsuit with a demon inside.  His body was transformed. I think fixing his soul will de-demonize him but not make him human.

2) I think he won't be up to full powers of say, Cain, in the MoL.  The previews suggest at least 5 or 6 blood transfusions before he breaks out.  So he'll be affected. Plus we don't know WHAT he learned during the two months with Crowley.

3) I think he will still need to satiate the Mark.  If being a demon didn't stop that completely, then it'll still be there.

4) The Mark came from Lucifer, a Fallen Archangel.  Lucifer made demons by twisting their soul.  But the Mark is clearly some sort of killing curse.  I don't think it's sentient. I think it's like the rabbits foot. It has curse-like properties.  So -- while it comes from an angelic creature, I still believe it is evil in nature. But it might have angel-like effect in terms of healing. 

5) Pragmatically speaking, they can't give Dean too many powers or it takes away some of the plot.  So he might see demons for their true selves. Maybe still be stronger/faster/better killer.  But I don't think he'll be zapping about or flinging people to the wall. 


Just spitballin'

Apparently this is from an interview with Jeremy Carver:


What you’re seeing [in the first few episodes] is the first part of Castiel’s journey [and] that’s going to spin him into something even more personal,” Carver teased. When Carver says personal, he means personal, as we now know that someone from Castiel’s past will resurface in a future episode: Claire Novak, the daughter of Castiel’s vessel. “That’s part of a journey where Castiel feels compelled to rectify some of the wrongs that he has committed in the last 7 years,” Collins explained. “He feels like he’s done harm to a lot of people and beings and wants to do his best to make things right. So that’s really, I think, largely his journey this season.” In fact, it’s his current road trip with Hannah that will eventually lead to this future story arc, according to Collins: “Cas’ interactions with Hannah are ultimately what propels him to reunite with Claire Novak and to start really exploring righting his past wrongs. So it’s a very important relationship in Cas’ overall trajectory.


Gee, Cas trying to right wrongs of his? How refreshing! Christ Almighty. They just bring him back to try (and usually fail at) the same shit, over and over again, don't they?


That said, I am interested in seeing Claire again...

Probably too vague to really be a spoiler but just in case someone is super-anti-hints, this is an exchange on Twitter I had with Clarissa from Screenfad.


SnazzyO ‏@SnazzyO 7m7 minutes ago

@clarissa373 Having post-near-fratricidal letdown. Any hints on whether or not we get bro-talk next episode? #Supernatural #ActionAckles

Clarissa ‏@clarissa373 3m3 minutes ago

@SnazzyO I believe so, to a degree at least. It sounds like they start working things out.
10:34 PM - 21 Oct 2014 · Details

SnazzyO ‏@SnazzyO now

@clarissa373 I hope so. Feeling the need for some serious healing. #Supernatural #ActionAckles

This doesn't say for sure there's a conversation. But it's obviously better. So... we'll see.

I`d be very happy if they skip a conversation about it. Not looking forward to Dean groveling in apology for the mean things he said as a demon whereas Sam can say mean things even without being a demon and have it not be adressed at all. And I`m so sensitive to Sam-pimping now, that when it comes from Dean - normally while Dean is putting himself down - that I seriously don`t want a version of "oh, your gracious and wonderful self saved me when I was so horrible to you back when you were a demon blood junkie/soulless/whatever." Urgh.


And if the acting choices in this episode are any indication - looking smug is not what I would have gone for with the "welcome back, Dean" - I don`t want to see the faux-humble reaction to such a confession.


It`s bad enough that they once more trampled a Dean storyline into the ground, MUST there be insult to injury?




Relevant SPN bit:

Question: Any Supernatural scoop? —Frances
Ausiello: Now that the bromance between Dean and Crowley appears to be over, the King of Hell is going through an identity crisis of sorts. “The journey’s a little different than last year,” Mark Sheppard explains. “Last year, the human element was the problem. I still think there’s a residual issue there. [Now] Crowley’s re-evaluating his position as King of Hell and his friendship with Dean. But I know there’s a lot of affection there between the two of them, whether Dean agrees to it or not.”


Question: I’d love some info on Felicia Day’s Supernatural return. —Estée
Ausiello: Day’s Season 10 comeback — which the actress is currently shooting — will present “a Charlie we haven’t seen before,” executive producer Robert Singer teases. Adds Day: “She comes back from Oz, and her experiences there have changed her.”


So yeah. We get more about Crowley when I want more Dean and more Demon!Dean.  I dunno maybe there are some real world reasons why they cutoff demon!Dean early.


I swear, if I were Jensen, and they gave me a script to direct that neutered my story arc AGAIN, I'd really be tempted to tell the show to just fuck off after that.  But I know he would never do that.  But man I'm so irritated. Especially after I accepted demon!Dean and like what he was doing with it.





Relevant bit:

Loved, loved this week’s Supernatural, can you tell me what’s next? –Mae


The next episode, “Paper Moon,” brings back Kate the werewolf for a specific, thematic reason, says writer Adam Glass. “Her experience, as great Monster of the Week episodes always do, reflects basically where the boys are at emotionally right now. So it will be them looking at themselves in the mirror through Kate and what’s happening in her experience.” Explaining the decision to revisit the lady lycanthrope, Glass says that when viewers last saw Kate, in Season 8’s “Bitten,” “It was like The Incredible Hulk, which was pretty cool, as she’s walking off. And I think everybody in the writers room was like, ‘What happened to Kate? What is her next move?’ So the idea of bringing her back is just tremendous.”


Edited by Demented Daisy

Tremendous? For whom? I hated that episode. Sigh. I did not care what happened to her at all and I don't now. Sigh. Can't we just have an episode with Sam and Dean dealing with there own shit without it being a parallel to some other monster thing? That's why I hated thinman so much. Blah. Also in that preview Dean looks distractingly like Jason Stackhouse in that uniform which I now desperately want Dean and Jason to be in buddy cop show. Sigh

Edited by catrox14
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Can't we just have an episode with Sam and Dean dealing with there own shit without it being a parallel to some other monster thing?

That's tough to sell.  We had a lot of that in Soul Survivor and there were complaints about it being too talky.  The problem with #Thinman was how heavy handed it was.  Perhaps this will be more subtle. Plus there's pre-amble and coda potential for the show to have just the bro's talking. 

It's like "ask and you shall receive".  I write a bit about not knowing the physical state of Dean right now and Natalie Abrams gives us scoop! http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/10/24/spoiler-room-supernatural-once-newsroom/



I need Supernatural scoop. How did Dean’s time as a demon change him? — Carl
“Right now, it’s less about how he was and what he was, and it’s more about what he might possibly still be,” Jensen Ackles tells me. “He’s still got the mark of Cain so he’s still dealing with whatever adverse effects that’s having on him. What those are have yet to be really defined, but it’s the mystery of what those could be that is really haunting Dean right now. He’s got the shakes. He’s trying to live a cleaner life. He doesn’t want to let does his guard or cloud his judgement.”


So...shakes but I don't think he's hacking blood.

That's interesting and goes back to the conflict that I mentioned in the episode thread might come up for Sam. If Dean still needs to kill, how will Sam balance that against his likely worry that a Dean in danger could get him killed and therefore potentially a demon again. Will Dean be tempted to sneak off on his own to find monsters to kill? Which I hope not. I would hope they'd get by that and not keep things from each other anymore as that generally leads to nowhere good, but I can see where there might be conflict due to the dead might mean demon again thing and not wanting that to happen vs Dean's potentially needing to kill still.

Supernatural - Paper Moon Clip


It's just rehashing Sam's storyline in a different way and once more damn waste of Dean's arc and Jensen's talent. It's too soon to be done with actual DemonDean :( . I mean it was like 12 episodes of soulless Sam and an entire season of demon blood Sam and and another half season of hallucinations Sam. bummer and a half.



ETA: I normally don't complain about weird lines but WTF was the line about Obama supposed to imply? This show has pretty much always been generic about it's political jokes,  but I don't get it. And it really rubbed me the wrong way. Can someone help me understand what the context was?

Edited by catrox14

The ranger-in-charge asks what seems like a  rhetorical question ("You tell me"). The Winchesters and the ranger seem to be talking about animals that are being driven out of their natural habitats.   After a prolonged silence, once they figure out the man's waiting for a response, the Winchesters throw out a bunch of things to ease the uncomfortable silence (logging, ice caps and whatever Dean says next).  Since President Obama is blamed for many things in the media of late, Dean throws his name in, too, at the end of the "joke".   I think it's not supposed to be offensive just silly.  

Edited by Phebemarie


It's just rehashing Sam's storyline in a different way and once more damn waste of Dean's arc and Jensen's talent. It's too soon to be done with actual DemonDean :( . I mean it was like 12 episodes of soulless Sam and an entire season of demon blood Sam and and another half season of hallucinations Sam. bummer and a half.

Damn, I was really hoping we would be made wrong.  If they really did just end it for a lame idea...why can't they use the potential for Dean, it's suppose to be about two leads but this is sounding like it's all about Sam...and I'm really sick of that.


At least the brothers are working together, I guess...but not excited about next week.  I need the show to throw in surprises, not telling the same story over and over again.  Sounds like they are just looking for the spin off that will work on supernatural before they try it again...but do they really know why we watch this show?  :(

Seriously, I hated the advent of Demon!Dean but it was being so well done, why on earth are the going away from it already:(. 


The only way this works for me is if Dean is going to be fighting off the demon part but even that seems gone. And we are left with Dean trying not to kill, which is the same thing as Sam trying not to drink demon blood.  Bah. :(:(


Both are addiction storylines that cannot possibly treat addiction with aplomb.  Grrrr.

Edited by catrox14
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I'm not sure if Dean having the urge to kill = Sam and demon blood. I agree that the show doesn't ever do all that well with addiction stories, but Dean's mark story last season wasn't written the same way as Sam's demon blood story was, so I'm not sure it would be the same now. I'm sure it will be derivative and repetitive, but I do think certain writers can make this type of introspective material work (Robert Berens did a great job showing that type of Dean in "Captives" last season). It just depends on who is writing that episode.


I'm also not all that sure it's going to be all about Sam. I remember last season some fans kept talking about how the Gadreel story was just an excuse to have Jared play two roles, and why can't Dean be an angel, and ultimately Sam was a near-afterthought in the story, while Jensen had quite a lot of material.


The other problem I have with Dean = Sam stories is that Dean is a multi-layered character with tons of POV. Sam has been just sort of there for years, which meant these supposedly big stories were often just things happening to him. The hallucinations story was him clutching his scar while Mark Pellegrino yelled about prison rape. 


I'm not really expecting anything good, but I don't see the horribleness of it either. I think it will likely be mediocre or dull with some occasional strong moments. I just want it to continue to develop Dean as a character.


At least the brothers are working together, I guess...but not excited about next week.  I need the show to throw in surprises, not telling the same story over and over again.  Sounds like they are just looking for the spin off that will work on supernatural before they try it again...but do they really know why we watch this show?  :(


I don't get the impression they only care about the spinoff. Jared and Jensen seem to care about Sam and Dean. I'm sure Carver does too.

The ranger-in-charge asks what seems like a  rhetorical question ("You tell me"). The Winchesters and the ranger seem to be talking about animals that are being driven out of their natural habitats.   After a prolonged silence, once they figure out the man's waiting for a response, the Winchesters throw out a bunch of things to ease the uncomfortable silence (logging, ice caps and whatever Dean says next).  Since President Obama is blamed for many things in the media of late, Dean throws his name in, too, at the end of the "joke".   I think it's not supposed to be offensive just silly.  


Haven't watched the promo, but I think they made a mistake in the title. Shouldn't it be a shout out to the Def Leppard song Paper Sun? The lyrics alone seem to fit in my mind...


Does it hurt to remember?
Does it help to forget?
Do you know what you started
When you lit the fuse of regret?


And that's only the first verse.


Yeah, yeah, I know moons; werewolves...blah, blah, blah. And, I also know there's a song also called "It's Only A Paper Moon", but really, that one doesn't quite fit tonally like the above mentioned, IMO.  Maybe it's a shout out to the movie, though?

The only way it fits with the movie is if someone in the show is a con artist ND essentially Sam and Dean are con artists of the highest order. Or that Dean is trying to con everyone into thinking he is cured. I'd be up for that, but I still don't get what Riechenbach was supposed to mean either. Remember when the titles gave insight? Remember when scripts were really good and made sense mostly. Sigh.

If this is about Kate the werewolf she is in her 20s by now.

Edited by catrox14
Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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