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Teen Mom 2: Small Talk

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On 6/16/2019 at 10:50 AM, Scarlett45 said:

I’m being a judgy McJudgy Pants
I cannot believe I read this today. 
It’s father’s day right? Someone (a Facebook friend of mine) made their father’s day post not about their own deceased father, or the father to their kids, but about their boyfriend of a YEAR.

One. year. 
And all he’s done for her and her girls (two). She’s been divorced from her second husband for two hot seconds and both of her girls have their bio Dad in their lives. 

Good grief 🙄. I am not knocking her for having a boyfriend (that’s fine!!), but after ONE YEAR he has not earned “DAD” title to your kids, especially when they have Dads and he isn’t even raising them! He’s your BOYFRIEND. Now if they got married and 5-10yrs from now the girls saw him as another Dad that would be one thing, but it’s been ONE. YEAR. 

I had to come on here and contend I’m still a Judgy McJudgy pants- the person mentioned above has married her boyfriend of 18months. 34 and on her 3rd husband and NO ONE DIED. She’s gonna be the next Elizabeth Taylor I swear. No space between men- her baby by her second husband is only 3! She hasn’t been divorced two full years yet🙄. What’s the rush????

This woman is black (like me)- I wonder what her mom thinks about this. (Her dad died when we were teens).  The hopping into marriages/ stepfather thing is something I’ve noticed black women frown upon, or at the very best are very cautious about. Nothing wrong with a single mom having a boyfriend (or man friend) but you don’t bring him into your house until your kids are grown and gone (especially if you have girls).

  • Love 2
On 7/25/2019 at 6:04 PM, druzy said:

If anyone wants to see if they were impacted by the Equifax Data Breach here is a lookup tool. If you were impacted it brings you to a claim form. It took me 5 minutes from start to finish. My $125 check is on the way.

Did you actually get a check?  I looked at the FAQ and it says:


Based on the number of potentially valid claims for time and alternative compensation of up to $125 that have been submitted to date, payments of these benefits likely will be substantially lowered and will be distributed on a proportional basis if the settlement becomes final.  Depending on the number of additional valid claims that are filed, the amount you receive for time or alternative compensation may be a small percentage of your initial claim.

It sounds like people submit their claims, and once the deadline has passed, the actual amount of compensation is determined and paid based on the total amount of claims.  I read this as a warning that it's not going to be $125, and possibly only a small percentage of that.

Also, you can claim the $125 only if you already have credit monitoring and agree to keep it for six months.  Otherwise you have to take the credit monitoring.

On 7/25/2019 at 7:33 PM, Giant Misfit said:

Also, fuck Equifax...seriously. They should be paying people whose credit and social security numbers they failed to secure a helluva lot more money for this. It's a paltry sum for having literally all your personal information stolen and in the hands of who the hell knows.

If you think the $125 is paltry, I can't wait to hear your reaction to what people actually get once the dust settles.

  • Love 1

It’s dead AF in here!  So let me get it going.  Good times in the hood, we are in the Christmas spirit round here.  Plus we are killing it with our college and NFL teams so weekends are a great time in the Maison Dixie (our house).   

Sweet son of mine is now officially diagnosed as Intellectually Disabled.  That means another school change, but I’m glad it’s now because he can be on track for middle school.  It pisses me off to no end that it has taken until his 11th year / 5th grade for this to happen.  He’s been with me 3 full years now.  It’s so hard to understand how he went 11 years for anyone to figure out he is a 63 IQ and should be in life skills where he is now placed as of 2 weeks ago.  Pray for me!  I have an amazing school district and an amazing village but it’s still a lot.  


  • Love 10
8 hours ago, geauxaway said:

It’s dead AF in here!  So let me get it going.  Good times in the hood, we are in the Christmas spirit round here.  Plus we are killing it with our college and NFL teams so weekends are a great time in the Maison Dixie (our house).   

Sweet son of mine is now officially diagnosed as Intellectually Disabled.  That means another school change, but I’m glad it’s now because he can be on track for middle school.  It pisses me off to no end that it has taken until his 11th year / 5th grade for this to happen.  He’s been with me 3 full years now.  It’s so hard to understand how he went 11 years for anyone to figure out he is a 63 IQ and should be in life skills where he is now placed as of 2 weeks ago.  Pray for me!  I have an amazing school district and an amazing village but it’s still a lot.  


I’m glad your son has a diagnosis and he can receive the proper education he needs. This will be extremely helpful as he ages and enters puberty (which is no joke- I always tell my Sib Friends that after surviving our Sibling’s puberty we know we can do anything). 

However I’m not surprised a diagnosis took so long. Speaking with others in our disability community, “high functioning” persons tend to suffer the most because they “blend” into society and it’s not until teen years/early adulthood things fall a part. If the child can walk/talk/dress/feed and is toilet trained, neglectful caregivers don’t expect much else, if I recall your son spent his early years in foster care. If your son wasn’t a “bother” in the classroom I can see them passing him on in school just because. 

Yay for an upcoming Christmas season. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

I’m glad your son has a diagnosis and he can receive the proper education he needs. This will be extremely helpful as he ages and enters puberty (which is no joke- I always tell my Sib Friends that after surviving our Sibling’s puberty we know we can do anything). 

However I’m not surprised a diagnosis took so long. Speaking with others in our disability community, “high functioning” persons tend to suffer the most because they “blend” into society and it’s not until teen years/early adulthood things fall a part. If the child can walk/talk/dress/feed and is toilet trained, neglectful caregivers don’t expect much else, if I recall your son spent his early years in foster care. If your son wasn’t a “bother” in the classroom I can see them passing him on in school just because. 

Yay for an upcoming Christmas season. 

You are absolutely correct, he isn’t physically disabled and doesn’t have the traditional “markers” (if you will).  He has always been behavioral but again that was just chalked up to ADHD, ODD, RAD, and EDD.  He was in a EDD classroom until this most recent change.  This diagnoses is the result of ASD testing we completed.  It’s a relief in many ways, and like you said just in time for puberty and middle school.  I’m glad to know what I’m facing so I can rearrange my expectations and we can work towards a common goal.   It truly just makes me love him more!  I’m glad that I live in a school district and community that has so many resources and services.  I’m excited to get him into Special Olympics and the adaptive programs at the Y.  He was trying to play in the regular programs and it was so frustrating for both him and the other kids and coaches.  They did their best to accommodate him, but it was a struggle and so stressful for me as a parent.  Now I know our place in this world, and as we continue to challenge him, I can also respect his limitations and that’s something I can work with.  

Thank you for listening to my TED talk 🤣

  • Love 9
On 11/24/2019 at 10:01 AM, Scarlett45 said:

@geauxaway you’re a wonderful mother and your son is lucky to have you. 

We are lucky to have each other.  But you know how that all goes.

It’s so quiet in here y’all!  I’m going coo coo cray with all the Christmas stuff.  I love it tho.

Makes me think about this trash ass TM’s.  I’ve spent more time volunteering at the school this week for Holiday Shop (on top of my 40+ hour a week job) than these girls film each season.   Then there is the adopt a family that we also happily signed up for at the school.  I only hope these girls are doing these things, too.  I literally spent my last $50 in my checking account on adopt a family because “winter coat” was on the list.  I mean, I have savings and all that but my checking was running thin due to holiday shopping.   I never thought twice about it, a little boy needs a coat!  I also got matching hat and gloves because hello....gotta match!   

Then, this one will make your heart melt.  We were checking out at the grocery tonight, and it’s fuel savers if you spend $50 get 25 cents off per gallon.  I’m trying to light shop since we are leaving in a week for Christmas vacation.  I ring up at $48 and change.  So I start grabbing candy bars.  The girl bagging sees the Take 5 and is like “oh wow, I love Take 5!” I’m like well, here ya go Merry Christmas! She was beside herself, and there’s my son standing next to her giving her knucks and saying “good job!”  (Our grocery employs special needs kids as baggers....so, yah my kid and this teen girl bonding over the Take 5).  Needless to say as we were walking out kiddo says to me “wow mom, that was so nice of you.”  I’m like you think I’m NOT a nice person?  Well you yell at cars a lot.  🙄🤦🏻‍♀️🤣🤷🏻‍♀️

Sorry to ramble on......

  • Love 12
6 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

We are lucky to have each other.  But you know how that all goes.

It’s so quiet in here y’all!  I’m going coo coo cray with all the Christmas stuff.  I love it tho.

Makes me think about this trash ass TM’s.  I’ve spent more time volunteering at the school this week for Holiday Shop (on top of my 40+ hour a week job) than these girls film each season.   Then there is the adopt a family that we also happily signed up for at the school.  I only hope these girls are doing these things, too.  I literally spent my last $50 in my checking account on adopt a family because “winter coat” was on the list.  I mean, I have savings and all that but my checking was running thin due to holiday shopping.   I never thought twice about it, a little boy needs a coat!  I also got matching hat and gloves because hello....gotta match!   

Then, this one will make your heart melt.  We were checking out at the grocery tonight, and it’s fuel savers if you spend $50 get 25 cents off per gallon.  I’m trying to light shop since we are leaving in a week for Christmas vacation.  I ring up at $48 and change.  So I start grabbing candy bars.  The girl bagging sees the Take 5 and is like “oh wow, I love Take 5!” I’m like well, here ya go Merry Christmas! She was beside herself, and there’s my son standing next to her giving her knucks and saying “good job!”  (Our grocery employs special needs kids as baggers....so, yah my kid and this teen girl bonding over the Take 5).  Needless to say as we were walking out kiddo says to me “wow mom, that was so nice of you.”  I’m like you think I’m NOT a nice person?  Well you yell at cars a lot.  🙄🤦🏻‍♀️🤣🤷🏻‍♀️

Sorry to ramble on......

That's really kind of you to go out of your way in your everyday life and further for a child's Christmas. I hope Santa brings you an extra hug from your precious boy. 

I've been kicked back because I had to stop watching these fools. Feeding the kids breakfast in the car FFS! Ugh...

My house is pretty quiet all things considered. Cat trumps the dog at every turn though. 

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

That's really kind of you to go out of your way in your everyday life and further for a child's Christmas. I hope Santa brings you an extra hug from your precious boy. 

I've been kicked back because I had to stop watching these fools. Feeding the kids breakfast in the car FFS! Ugh...

My house is pretty quiet all things considered. Cat trumps the dog at every turn though. 

Oh, I haven’t watched in years.  They all sicken me!  

We tried to do a selfie for our Christmas card tonight, to include the cat.  Yah no.  It was a nice effort tho!

  • LOL 5

@geauxaway I have been crazy busy- I was in the committee for the holiday gala at work, and making Christmas magic for my family. My friend and her wife took custody of three nephews(yes THREE) and the boys are finally in a safe place. They came with NOTHING so I spent my giving money on them, that’s true generosity, to open your open to children who need one. I don’t see any of the TM girls giving back AT ALL. It’s just “buy my products”. Children must have a winter coat- I can relate to how you felt. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

@geauxaway I have been crazy busy- I was in the committee for the holiday gala at work, and making Christmas magic for my family. My friend and her wife took custody of three nephews(yes THREE) and the boys are finally in a safe place. They came with NOTHING so I spent my giving money on them, that’s true generosity, to open your open to children who need one. I don’t see any of the TM girls giving back AT ALL. It’s just “buy my products”. Children must have a winter coat- I can relate to how you felt. 

Awwwwhhhh!  I love your spirit!  I hope all is well with your friend and those boys.  Children are so dang precious, I want them all to be safe and happy, especially this time of year!  I really want my son to understand that, too.  Now if only he would let me start clearing out and donating some of his old toys!  🤣

  • Love 4

I want to thank you all for keeping me up to date on all things Teen Mom for the last few months. And all the snark lol. I have been having a very tough time with a compression fracture in my back. Then I had a very minor surgery on my hand last week that got infected which resulted in the need for emergency surgery today. The need for antibiotics might delay the  much needed back surgery damnit. You all have really helped me take my mind off things. Thank you!

  • Love 8
46 minutes ago, badhaggis said:

I want to thank you all for keeping me up to date on all things Teen Mom for the last few months. And all the snark lol. I have been having a very tough time with a compression fracture in my back. Then I had a very minor surgery on my hand last week that got infected which resulted in the need for emergency surgery today. The need for antibiotics might delay the  much needed back surgery damnit. You all have really helped me take my mind off things. Thank you!

Oh no @badhaggis I'm sending positive vibes to you and I will keep you in my prayers. I hope you recover as quickly as possible from your surgery.❤️


  • Love 4
On 1/20/2020 at 9:49 AM, badhaggis said:

I want to thank you all for keeping me up to date on all things Teen Mom for the last few months. And all the snark lol. I have been having a very tough time with a compression fracture in my back. Then I had a very minor surgery on my hand last week that got infected which resulted in the need for emergency surgery today. The need for antibiotics might delay the  much needed back surgery damnit. You all have really helped me take my mind off things. Thank you!

Sending you extra fairy dust for a speedy recovery! Sorry I've taken so long to get back here. Huge hugs and a PPP! xoxox

  • Love 2

So I’m watching “Cheer” on Netflix and I have a lot of respect for how hard these kids work and what they are able to achieve. How come we never heard Leah talk about THAT part of cheer, team work, athleticism, cooperation etc (which are all wonderful things), it seems that she only talks about the makeup and the costume. I enjoy pretty makeup and costumes too but these kids are WORKING.....I wasn’t sure if this would go in the Leah thread so I stuck it in small talk. 

  • Love 4
43 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

So I’m watching “Cheer” on Netflix and I have a lot of respect for how hard these kids work and what they are able to achieve. How come we never heard Leah talk about THAT part of cheer, team work, athleticism, cooperation etc (which are all wonderful things), it seems that she only talks about the makeup and the costume. I enjoy pretty makeup and costumes too but these kids are WORKING.....I wasn’t sure if this would go in the Leah thread so I stuck it in small talk. 

You bring up a very good point. I think Leah always got by in life because of her looks. She probably never participated in anything that took effort so she only sees the "finished product" which to her is the cute cheerleading outfit and matching bows, not the discipline and practice that is put into achieving the perfect routine. Hopefully by participating in cheer, Gracie is learning about teamwork and the work it takes to achieve her goals and the satisfaction when those goals are achieved. We know she's not learning that stuff from Leah.

  • Love 5

Happened to catch a re-run of 16& Pregnant yesterday - it was Jordan, a girl who was homeless and moving from house to house with her slacker boyfriend.

There is a scene when the two of them are up in the middle of the night during the first couple of weeks with the baby. The baby (a girl) is crying that super high-pitched cry that newborns make.  Jordan is crying, saying the baby is hungry. The boyfriend won't give her the baby. He's sitting there saying they need to let her cry...that the mom holds her too much!!!!  OMG a newborn infant and this stupid, stupid manchild is telling the mom the baby needs to learn how to get back to sleep without being held!!!  

It reminded me of that scene with that other girl on Young and Pregnant or something - the dad with severe acne scares- Shayden I think his name was. He did the exact same thing.

Two young, inexperienced parents, and these stupid manchildren acting like they know everything about how to treat a newborn.  


Happy Hearts Day y’all!  As of yesterday I’m looking at a 5 day weekend, and my momma is here to visit.  Which is always the best thing ever, until she woke up this  morning with a fever and is asking me to take her to urgent care once the bus comes to take the little man off to school.  UGH!  I had all this food prepped and cooked for today / tonight / etc.  it is what it is, I hope she is going to be OK and that we aren’t infected 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼.  The kiddo made out his Valentine’s last night which was a fun time (not! 🤣. He hates writing and still doesn’t read fluently, so it’s like torture).  But he persevered and here we are.  I’m so sad it’s his last little ❣️❣️❣️ party.  I’m really gonna miss elementary school next year.  😫😫😫.

Stay warm y’all!  Spring is in site!

  • Love 7

I need some suggestions. Help. I wouldn’t ask if I weren’t at my wits end. I’m a happy person. I just hate disrespectful people.  I’ve posted before about my neighbor who shoots super close to my house.  We live in the country.  We called the sheriff.  There is no ordinance on shooting in the country. The bullet just can’t travel across property lines.  🤦🏻‍♀️ We are close so I’m positive that has happened but that’s not the issue this time.  I’ll refer to him as shooter. 
The neighbor behind me is what I’d consider a friend. We watch each other’s house if we go out of town or even if she hears something and needs help. She lives alone with her kids.  Example the other night she heard someone in her driveway (I have cameras) so she text and I looked to see what was going on. 
She has two dogs.  The minute the sun goes down they bark. They are a small breed Mix but I can’t tell what kind they are. They don’t come in my yard because my lab scared them when they were puppies and they haven’t been back. They won’t even get close to my property. My dogs bark sounds vicious. She is not. They bark from sun down to sun up.  It’s an absolute nightmare.  I’ve bought ear plugs, head phones, my fan is on high, I run the dishwasher.  I can still hear them. I’ve contacted her twice about it. She apologized the first time and said her family can’t sleep either and she can’t get them quiet.  She was wanting to give them away.  They kept on. I waited a few weeks and contacted her again. I asked if she needed some help.  I told her I have two spare shock collars. One vibrayes if she’s against shocking. She said no. She was good. That she hasn’t heard them lately so she’s pass. Huh???? I hear them. They are barking towards my bedroom window. I should not have to sit in my living room not able to watch tv with ear plugs or headphones.  I’m not falling asleep until sun up because that’s when they stop. My heart rate increases. My anger builds. I’ve tried Xanax, wine, sleeping meds.  It’s all I hear.  😫 

Guess who gets a new dog? Shooter! It’s a little yapping a hole who barks no matter the time of day.   Last night it was so close I swore he was in our yard. Our dog was sleeping so she didn’t hear it. I emailed the sheriff about the situation who said there is no disturbing the peace laws and they can’t do anything about the dogs.  They have to reach a certain decibel and he’s positive they don’t reach that number. He told me “you’ve already done what I suggest which is talk to them. I can go talk to them but it may cause more trouble but we can’t stop it.” I’ve googled ways to stop and most of what is suggested I’ve tried.  Except for the high pitched noise disturbance thing. I don’t want to purchase that if it’s going to be a big flop. The reviews are 50/50. I’ve even looked at houses. We’d have to sell ours. Which isn’t fair.  Why can’t people just be respectful and shut their animals up! My dog doesn’t go out barking. We trained her with time and patience. She isn’t allowed to just bark at nothing. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make it stop? Am I really going to have to turn into a raging B to get some peace.  I don’t want to make people think they have to give their dog away. But it’s affecting my health.  I haven’t had a migraine in a month and now they are back.  😫 I’m at the end of my rope.  

@Mkay, I'm sorry you are going through this.   Shock collars aren't a good idea, though.  It would be nice if the people in question worked with their dogs through positive reinforcement training.     My semi-uneducated opinion (having read just enough about dog training and dog behavior to think I actually know something) is that dogs don't just bark for no reason.  They're bored, or they're anxious, or they're reacting to something.   Some people also want their dogs to bark as a form of protection and thus encourage them to do so. 

Is there a local animal shelter near you?  If so, maybe contact them to find out if they have any suggestions on what to do in this situation.    They may have some ideas.  

I'd also keep talking to your friend about the issue and be honest about how it affects you.  Keep track of when the dogs bark so you can provide that evidence. Perhaps record them as well?   If she's really your friend, it seems she'd want to work to rectify the situation.     At the very least, she shouldn't be leaving them out all night anyway.

The shooter you probably can't do anything about, but maybe if your friend's dogs weren't left out all the time, then maybe that dog would calm down some?

Also, do you live in a rural area?  I live in a semi-rural area and there are wolves and foxes around.  Some places have bears roaming. You could maybe scare your neighbor a bit? 

  • Love 4
20 minutes ago, NannyBails said:

@Mkay, I'm sorry you are going through this.   Shock collars aren't a good idea, though.  It would be nice if the people in question worked with their dogs through positive reinforcement training.     My semi-uneducated opinion (having read just enough about dog training and dog behavior to think I actually know something) is that dogs don't just bark for no reason.  They're bored, or they're anxious, or they're reacting to something.   Some people also want their dogs to bark as a form of protection and thus encourage them to do so. 

Is there a local animal shelter near you?  If so, maybe contact them to find out if they have any suggestions on what to do in this situation.    They may have some ideas.  

I'd also keep talking to your friend about the issue and be honest about how it affects you.  Keep track of when the dogs bark so you can provide that evidence. Perhaps record them as well?   If she's really your friend, it seems she'd want to work to rectify the situation.     At the very least, she shouldn't be leaving them out all night anyway.

The shooter you probably can't do anything about, but maybe if your friend's dogs weren't left out all the time, then maybe that dog would calm down some?

Also, do you live in a rural area?  I live in a semi-rural area and there are wolves and foxes around.  Some places have bears roaming. You could maybe scare your neighbor a bit? 

I  am very much in the country.  Dirt road and all.  The three houses here (mine, her, shooter) are in very close proximity. We are all on about two acres a piece. She’s behind me On my left and he is to my right. We are kind of clumped together because the shooters family once owned all three houses and pastures and lost her house and mine in a foreclosure. I’m actively looking for more land or a different home. My nerves can not take the stress anymore. 
She and I are friends in a way that we look after each other and text to say we are leaving town or whatever. But we never visit each other or hang out at each other’s house. I know she isn’t against shock collars. I realize some people are. She had the underground fence for a previous dog so she isn’t against that. They literally do not make a peep all day long. The other night when she text about the man who was turning around in her driveway she even mentioned how her dogs never barked at him. I did notice that and just sent a hahaha reply.  She told me the first time I approached her about it that she doesn’t like the dogs.  They ARE bored.  I never see anyone play with them.  But once the sun goes down I can’t dare step outside without them going nuts.  They can’t even see me. In the daytime if they see me they run and hide in the pasture. 
My dog has an underground electric fence.  At the lowest setting she learned real fast where her boundary is.  Now she doesn’t even need the collar. She knows where to stop.  The fence isn’t even plugged in anymore. We did that for her safety. Like David I get the impression our shooter neighbor is itching to kill something so the fence was for our dogs safety.  A vibrating color would not hurt her dog.  We offered her the one we had. My husband and daughter were laughing putting that to their own neck. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I took the time to teach our dog when to bark. When we saw the guy turning around in her driveway she watched with me and I told her to bark. Her bark sounds vicious.  Haha She isn’t. After a few barks she ran back in the house to watch the action.😆 I had to let this stranger think I had a mean dog so he’d leave.
I swear I’m not a mean person. I want to help her keep her animals if she wants them.  The second contact about them I asked her if there was anything I could do to help.  I haven’t tried a 3rd time. Something has to give, though. My migraines were gone for about a month.  With all the rain we got they were quiet.  Now the sun is back and blaring (hiss!) and it’s warming up.  I used to love the night time and now I dread it.  My migraines are back.  I slept an hour so far tonight which is why I’m rambling. Everything I have read says it’s not the dogs fault but the owner. What if I went around blowing an air horn every time they barked while most people slept? It wouldn’t be received very well.  It’s the exact same thing.  

  • Love 4

@Mkay you are not a bad person, and anyone who thinks you are is crazy.  I'm a huge dog lover and the dogs down the street who bark all the time drive me batshit crazy.   Some dogs are just more vocal (think beagles), and that's how they are.  Again, I go back to the "don't leave your dog out all day and night" thing, especially if they are barkers.

I hope you are able to find a solution quickly. 

  • Love 5
On 2/4/2020 at 12:47 PM, ChristmasJones said:

Happened to catch a re-run of 16& Pregnant yesterday - it was Jordan, a girl who was homeless and moving from house to house with her slacker boyfriend.


didn't she develop a drug problem & lose partial custody?  I think I saw that on a Where Are They Now (we need another one of those, btw)

I was surprised, I didn't expect her to end up like that

  • Love 3

@Mkay - I really feel for you. I would be going absolutely nuts in your situation. Its noise pollution, hand down. There is research showing that intrusive noise can be extremely detrimental to both mental and physical health. 

I have stories I could tell about noisy neighbors... .barking dogs, drummers, loud cars... ugh.

I ended up sending an anonymous letter to one neighbor describing several situations with their dog barking excessively (one night they left him out for an hour during a horrible freezing rain storm and the poor dog was squealing in pain/fear the entire time).  I was polite, but firm about how the dog sounded stressed and unhappy, and the noise was intrusive.  Thankfully (and surprisingly), they've only left him out a couple times in over year  since then. 

This website might have some ideas for you  http://barkingdogs.net/


  • Love 5

Hey y’all.  I don’t even know where to start.  Hope y’all safe and have all ya necessities.  I’ve got my groceries order for pick up on Sunday. Besides foods we are good on papers and cleaning shit.  My work situation is up in the air.  My baby boy woke up warm today and I kinda freaked.  Stay safe, stay home.  I’m so depressed right now, I’ve had to cancel all my travel and fun vacations plans.  It’s sad times... 😢

  • Love 5
12 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

Hey y’all.  I don’t even know where to start.  Hope y’all safe and have all ya necessities.  I’ve got my groceries order for pick up on Sunday. Besides foods we are good on papers and cleaning shit.  My work situation is up in the air.  My baby boy woke up warm today and I kinda freaked.  Stay safe, stay home.  I’m so depressed right now, I’ve had to cancel all my travel and fun vacations plans.  It’s sad times... 😢

Stay safe and well ❤️ This sucks!

  • Love 5

I'm exceptionally bat shit crazy at this point and now we have lost Kenny Rogers. 2020 has really sucked ass and I would like to cancel it. You know we are totally fucked when they extend the tax season until July. 

I'm back to watching Hallmark Christmas movies to lull my ass to sleep. Average time my feet hit the floor is 2 P.M. I am now on the same schedule as my teen grandson that games all night.

  • Love 6

My twin sister died on March 12th due to breast cancer. We buried her on Tuesday in Michigan  with minimal family to comply with CDC.  We can’t have a funeral for her in Chicago until at least mid-April and most likely May because the churches are closed as we are in “shelter in place” until 4/7 and now it looks like it’ll be a full 8 weeks from today.  I can’t hug my family or friends at the time when all I need is physical comfort.  You never realize how important death rituals are until you aren’t able to collectively grieve.  I hate 2020.


  • Love 1
19 minutes ago, LBS said:

My twin sister died on March 12th due to breast cancer. We buried her on Tuesday in Michigan  with minimal family to comply with CDC.  We can’t have a funeral for her in Chicago until at least mid-April and most likely May because the churches are closed as we are in “shelter in place” until 4/7 and now it looks like it’ll be a full 8 weeks from today.  I can’t hug my family or friends at the time when all I need is physical comfort.  You never realize how important death rituals are until you aren’t able to collectively grieve.  I hate 2020.


LBS I am so sorry. My heart breaks for you. Please take care of yourself. Sending lots of love and virtual hugs.

This is such a horrible time for such a devastating loss.

Pm if you ever just want to talk.


  • Love 7
31 minutes ago, LBS said:

My twin sister died on March 12th due to breast cancer. We buried her on Tuesday in Michigan  with minimal family to comply with CDC.  We can’t have a funeral for her in Chicago until at least mid-April and most likely May because the churches are closed as we are in “shelter in place” until 4/7 and now it looks like it’ll be a full 8 weeks from today.  I can’t hug my family or friends at the time when all I need is physical comfort.  You never realize how important death rituals are until you aren’t able to collectively grieve.  I hate 2020.


I am so sorry for your loss.  I cannot even imagine not being able to grieve as we usually would.  The mental and emotional toll this is taking on all of us is beyond comprehension.  Sometimes it just hits me how effed up this all is.  Hang in there, hun.  😢

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, LBS said:

My twin sister died on March 12th due to breast cancer. We buried her on Tuesday in Michigan  with minimal family to comply with CDC.  We can’t have a funeral for her in Chicago until at least mid-April and most likely May because the churches are closed as we are in “shelter in place” until 4/7 and now it looks like it’ll be a full 8 weeks from today.  I can’t hug my family or friends at the time when all I need is physical comfort.  You never realize how important death rituals are until you aren’t able to collectively grieve.  I hate 2020.


Oh Hun....I'm so sorry for your loss. I don't think there is ever a great time to suffer such loss but the current conditions have made it even worse. Sending that virtual hug and loads of fairy dust.

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, LBS said:

My twin sister died on March 12th due to breast cancer. We buried her on Tuesday in Michigan  with minimal family to comply with CDC.  We can’t have a funeral for her in Chicago until at least mid-April and most likely May because the churches are closed as we are in “shelter in place” until 4/7 and now it looks like it’ll be a full 8 weeks from today.  I can’t hug my family or friends at the time when all I need is physical comfort.  You never realize how important death rituals are until you aren’t able to collectively grieve.  I hate 2020.


I am so sorry. 

  • Love 6
On 3/21/2020 at 1:49 PM, LBS said:

My twin sister died on March 12th due to breast cancer. We buried her on Tuesday in Michigan  with minimal family to comply with CDC.  We can’t have a funeral for her in Chicago until at least mid-April and most likely May because the churches are closed as we are in “shelter in place” until 4/7 and now it looks like it’ll be a full 8 weeks from today.  I can’t hug my family or friends at the time when all I need is physical comfort.  You never realize how important death rituals are until you aren’t able to collectively grieve.  I hate 2020.


I’m sorry my deepest condolences! 

  • Love 3

I pride myself on keeping it together and pushing through.  I’ve had a tough go of it but for the last 8 years I have pulled it together.  But good lort, tonight I lost it.  Full on ugly cry.  To the point my lil dude heard me sobbing and came down to ask me what is wrong.  He’s seen me cry or be “weak” like never.   This C19 shit has me in all sorts of fits.  But I was doing my beat until I went to order his bday gifts and they said it won’t arrive until after his bday.  I feel like a total failure.  We’ve obviously had to move his party out to a date TBD, but what killed me is that I realized it’s going to be just me and him and nothing else on his special day.  No taking treats to school, no special lunch at school, no party.  And that’s when I lost it.   Pity party = 1 🌧🐴 (really?? There’s no donkey emoji????) Way to kill my Eyeore vibe. 

  • Love 2

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