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Finally, Let's Watch The Downton Abbey Christmas Sketch

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I liked everything but Clooney. He's so dull, and when you sweep the hype away he doesn't convey that Mr. Hollywood, Rat pack-ish, charismatic, glamorous charmer stuff at all. He's an irritant with an orange tan. Too much time spent with him. Lily James was sparkling, Allen Leech was funny, Michelle Dockery was wry and funny, the downstairs staff was on point, and I loved Penelope Wilton's quick "While we were discussing how to end poverty in the east end!" as Isobel. Hugh Bonneville glued it together as usual. I was cringing having to click on to watch Part 2 because that was the Clooney stuff and he just doesn't pull off being who Clooney is supposed to be. I don't even like Jeremy Piven and I thought Piven worked out just fine much better than Clooney.

Edited by DianeDobbler
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I love this so much. The only thing missing was Mr Bates's murderous impulses.

Also, I'm glad that they're aware of these things, but I hope they actually put a little effort in to fixing them, not just spoofing them.

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But was that Joanna Lumley as the angel or Joanna Lumley as Patsy Stone as the angel? Either way I loved it. Maggie Smith rolling sloooooooowly onto the floor made me cackle out loud.

Edited by Kristen
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I loved it. I'm not a Clooney fan, but if he brought hype to a good cause: Good!

I loved Molesly having "I love Baxter" tatooed on his arm, Mrs Patmore drunk and with ridiculous glasses, Tom,Mary and Edith in a drinking contest and Thomas nicking all the silver!

And I laughed out loud at Julian Fellows! That was hilarious!

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After the first minute or so (when they stopped making fun of the show and switched to featuring selfridge and george clooney) I stopped enjoying it. I've rather wished that the BBC would continue their parody of the first season of the show, which also included Lumley and was totally hilarious.

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McGovern's delivery on the "Not again" after Lord G announces that he lost the fortune is BRILLIANT!!! Part chastisement, part regret, and a whole lot of resignation. I laughed at a lot of things here, but none harder than that one (except maybe Maggie Smith's drop and roll--has anyone checked to make sure she's ok)?

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I laughed at a lot of things here, but none harder than that one


I think Michelle Dockery rising up, seemingly through the floorboards like Dracula to report, "He's right, a footman's duties include..." and the descending again in that same smooth "might be the black magic of the living dead afoot" manner was just as funny as McGovern's "Not again", but it was close.  

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