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S30.E01: Skeleton Keys

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Madison has a dark secret, y'all! She seems outgoing, but she has some darkness. It's a secret! A dark secret!


Are you paying attention to Madison but not paying any attention to her dark secret? She doesn't want to talk about her dark secret. Except she has one!

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I wasn't really ready for this season to begin, but it appears like a lot of entertainment value could come from this cast. The girls in particular need to get their stuff together though, what a mess they were initially.

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"Tonight, on Rivals III . . . "


So far, so good. I'm only really focused on two people: the girl who's from my neck of the woods (Nicole) and the guy I share a name with (Jason). They both seem normal . . . Nicole seems to be a chill lesbian who will never appear on a Challenge because she's too normal (see: Arielle). Jason looks normal so far, but his Skeletons look to be huge. BTW, you think the folks that are brought in appreciate being called "Skeletons"? Seems kind of nasty to me.


The rest of the cast? Pretty standard hardcore idjits that tend to blur together. Bruno looks to be a bigger brute type than Tony/Tommy, so telling the white guys apart is a snap. Violetta and Sylvia are a little tougher, mostly because I don't really give a crap about them at this point. Madison is blonde and from The South, so she's easy to pick out of a crowd. Oh, and she's had guns put to her face. Hard to forget a detail like that.


Seriously, why can't I quit this show? They don't have the "true story" intro anymore, and there's no cute dogs to distract from the psychotic. I guess I'm a sucker for moments like Bruno/Jason/Nicole taking a 45-minute walk to the supermarket that's a mere stone's throw arrive from the place where they live.


Any guesses as to how the extra rooms will be formed when the Skeletons come a-callin'? Not like BMP can send them away on vacation two weeks into their tour of duty.

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Normally, I'd be trying to guess which cast members I'll like and which ones I won't, but so much of the cast seemed to be competing for the cameras' attention that I have no idea where to start.  Nicole seems like she'll be one of my favorites.  I'm ready for her to directly go to the next season of The Challenge.  Violetta is my least favorite.  Talking about hashtags in the first few minutes of the episode is a really great way to put me off.  Madison's voice is hard to deal with.  I hope they're calmer next week.  My favorite moment is them hunting for the grocery store, because they weren't trying to get my attention.

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They all seem like assholes to me.  I think the "dark secret" is that Madison is a male.  Violetta is trash.  is she the one who doesn't wear a bra?  I guess if your chest is that small you don't need a bra.  Who wore the horrendous pink thing the first night?  Someone needs to look in a mirror.  Nichole could not be more stereo typical is she tried.  Sometimes she talks normal and other times she puts on an act but it comes off as someone with a speech impediment.

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Stupid misleading title. I'd watch if it were a show about seven skeletons picked to live in a house and have their lives taped. I mean, what happens when skeletons stop being polite and start getting real?

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Stupid misleading title. I'd watch if it were a show about seven skeletons picked to live in a house and have their lives taped. I mean, what happens when skeletons stop being polite and start getting real?

This is too funny!  I would too!

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Moving this post from the wrong thread:


I just can't with Madison.  She needs to pick a persona and stick with it.  What'll it be, sweetie?  Sex kitten? Innocent bullied victim?  Recovering addict?  It was hilarious when she was chatting with Bruno near the end of the ep and she was pulling all the sad faces in her repertoire and he asked "What's wrong, you look sad?" and she pulled yet another sad face.  I bet she practices in the mirror.

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Oh, Madison is good and crazy. Like, your own family calling the cops on you crazy. And it appears that Tony lacks that thing where you notice the warning signs in people. I think it's called "good judgment". He already has an crazy ex/stalker and will very soon regret engaging Madison. I can't wait to hear more from Madison's family. This gon' be good!


Violetta is not a nice person, but I think I understand why. Sylvia - normalish so far. Nicole - hilarious, normal. Bruno - normalish meathead dudebro type, but I think we saw a clip of him in a physical fight with his brother? Jason - normalish. Tony - thinks with his penis. Madison - Cray.

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Oh, Madison is good and crazy. Like, your own family calling the cops on you crazy. And it appears that Tony lacks that thing where you notice the warning signs in people. I think it's called "good judgment". He already has an crazy ex/stalker and will very soon regret engaging Madison. I can't wait to hear more from Madison's family. This gon' be good!

Good catch, I did not notice that.

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Oh, I totally thought it was the same guy who said "irregardless" both times. I've been watching this show since the original NY season and can't believe I've been sucked in again.

At first I pegged Madison for having had an eating disorder but maybe it's drugs if she was stealing from her family. In that mug shot (?) she looked like one of the meth people on Intervention.

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Wow, Madison is so fake and annoying and I'm pretty sure she had more than 3 drinks and was trying to get out of paying her share. Completely gross that they didn't have enough to pay their bill and probably stiffed the waitress for what should have been a $160 tip.

Violetta thinks she's a lot hotter than she is...

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Okay, I officially feel old. Half of them were so drunk they could barely speak coherently or walk straight (if they weren't already passed out), yet they still managed to hit up a SECOND bar? How do these people still have livers?


And an $800 bar tab?? I'd be pissed too if I had to pay $100 for 1/2 a night out (remember, this was the FIRST bar of the night) if she really did only have 3 drinks. But who knows if she's telling the truth. How the heck do these people afford this if they aren't working? Do they get any sort of "allowance" for being on the show?


Madison is crazy. I first had her pegged as an airhead who is "misunderstood" and sleeps with everyone she meets. But whoa...she might be interesting. 


I can't tell the brunettes females apart yet, except the one seems to be much crazier than the other.


The guys? Eh. They're all kind of meathead-y. I like when they throw in more unconventional people (Mike Mike from Vegas 2.0 is my absolute favorite EVER). 

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Madison - That fucking voice and the thoughts attached to it ... Like a dull butter knife being dragged across my eardrums slowly.   She's "that" annoying chick who is (self-described) sweetheart, bullied victim, and dudebro.   SHUT THE FUCK UP.


Nicole - I want to like her - but her accent is SO put on that's it's bordering on absurd so I can't stand listening to her - and *I* have an accent lol.   My husband has a THICK Brooklyn Puerto Rican accent and I've got the type of NY latina accent that no one local can pinpoint, but that can be picked out when we travel.   I say cawfee (for coffee) but she sounds like a caricature of a what a NY accent is. Annoying. 


Irregardless and the rest of the crew all blend together for me.   

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Madison lost her virginity late.  At 18!  And she's only slept with 7 people.  But it's really 12.  12 is the real number. 


She is so wrapped up in her sexuality and being a tease (like bending over KNOWING the guys were all looking) - I just want to smack her.

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Ha! I cackled at that too. She was just such an old maid at 18.

Girl is seriously delusion or completely duplicitous.

These people are all cray. I was with Violetta on feeling freaked out by how they were greeting each new roommate. They were all screaming in everyone's faces and I would have walked right out the door had I entered into that mess. But them, you know, she had to act batshit insane herself later on. So I lost any feelings of identifying with her.

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I like that the use of "irregardless" is being given equal weight to everything else that happened in this episode.


Petty observation: Why didn't Madison get her roots done before debuting on television? I dye my hair (at this point I'm covering the grey) and if I've been lax about keeping it up I get it colored if I have a big event.


I like Nicole so far, so it will probably turn out that she eats kittens or something.

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I can't believe this show is still on the air. I found it on-demand yesterday afternoon, and fell asleep after the one girl felt bad for yelling at Madison, when she appeared with money the next morning. I, too, feel old now. I guess someone else covered Madison when she went to the club, after the big freak-out over her not paying her share?


That guy, trying to make up to both girls? Really? He's kissing one girl, and then wanting to make sure that he doesn't lose his chance with the openly jealous one. So childish. As were both girls. Madison deliberately flashing the men... ugh.


Since this is "the real world", I wish they would have them working, somehow. One guy called the show a vacation. The people in the first season were actually working, or studying, weren't they? God, I was sixteen or seventeen when that aired.

Edited by Anela
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This accent of Nicole's is NOT a Staten Island accent. It sounds to me like a Boston accent or something similar. I'm from Brooklyn; my husband's from Staten Island, spend lots of my life in both places. Nobody sounds like that. I forgot what word she was saying, maybe park or something, and it came out like "Pahk" or "soopahmahket" and what the hell is a beahguh? We say burger like everyone else does. She can't be from New York at all. Kinda weird too because sometimes I can understand her and sometimes her accent is so strong. She seems ok but something's not adding up.

Edited to add that I just realized the second episode has just aired. Haven't seen it yet, maybe this is addressed in it...

Edited by Rbonnie
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I know the times have changed & we have to go along with it but I miss the days of the original show when it really was about diversity & overcoming preconceived opinions. Now it's all just hook ups, drunk fights & now with the skeletons coming it's telling us that it's all about fighting not really about learning tolerance & understanding others. Sorry, I'm old, I've watched since the 1st season & now I only watch to know whose who on the Challenge.

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I haven't watched since Brooklyn but I caught the first episode. How old are these people? It's funny to compare the first season to this one- everyone seems so much younger. MTV also loves to cast crazy people. So in conclusion the show is an abomination and disrespectful to the legacy of the wonderful show it once was--but I was thoroughly entertained.

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Okay, I know this is late but I'm watching this first episode. I think Madison and V have to be the biggest loons ever...Madison is what 21/22, and she's liked "I've only been with 12 people"(after the seven thing).....That's a big number, even for someone into casual hook ups. I get that Tony was drunk but I hope sober Tony is smart enough to realize, "Hey, there are hotter girls out there, I don't need this crazy."

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