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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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On December 6, 2016 at 10:21 AM, Curio said:

How I predict A&E wrote the scene:
Old Hook stumbles into the scene. Emma is probably disgusted by him and Regina cracks a joke about his old age. Hook tries to do something villainous but August knocks him out, and that's that. On to the next scene!

Wow. So based on the live spoilers I've been reading about the episode, I was almost (just replace some of the characters' names) spot on with this assessment from 2 months ago. This is why I'm always pessimistic about this show...I'm almost always right. Unfortunately.

  • Love 5

I'm not surprised about this, it's what I've been dreading since they said that Hook was old in the AU. I'm not even surprised that Emma is the one making the fat-jokes and the drunk-jokes. It's just another proof of how little A&E care about Hook as a charater and about the relationship between Killian and Emma.

And everything else about the episode sounds so, so boring. At this point Hook and this forum are the only things that keep me watching.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Rumsy4 said:

Spoiler roundup from the panel (X).



On Gideon: “Gideon is bringing Rumple and Belle back together.” (x)

I mean...we all saw this coming. 

Also, apparently, Gideon wants to kill Emma and be the new savior.  


Talking about Wish Realm!Robin, Adam and Eddy said “he’s a different character”. (x)

On reintroducing Robin’s feather: “It was a sign of faith..that she should be faithful about bringing this Robin back” (x) 

Da eff?? 

19 minutes ago, Curio said:

"What can we do to really start Season 6B off with a bang?"
"You know how Wooden Swan and Outlaw Queen are kind of boring, maybe lukewarm ships at best?"
"Let's give them the spotlight for the entire episode."

It's remarkable how the writers zero-in on the most boring ideas ever. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Rumsy4 said:

It's remarkable how the writers zero-in on the most boring ideas ever. 

Why make Eduardo come up with a brand new character design for Old Hook and have Colin sit in a makeup chair for hours on end just for a two-second scene that is ultimately meaningless? If Jen was nearly peeing herself with laughter and Colin was really enjoying playing Old Hook, why couldn't we have had a longer adventure with those two in the Wishrealm? Even if it was played for laughs, it would have been a million times more entertaining than what we're actually getting. I'm one of the Hook fans who doesn't care what he looks like, I just want him to have screen time and not be Broody McBrooderson all the time. Old Hook would have been a blast to watch for longer than 10 minutes. 

Snow needs to make some room in the bed because I'm falling asleep to the rest of these spoilers. I had such high hopes for today, too... I should have known better.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 8
14 minutes ago, Curio said:

Even if it was played for laughs, it would have been a million times more entertaining that what we're actually getting. I'm one of the Hook fans who doesn't care what he looks like, I just want him to have screen time and not be Broody McBrooderson all the time. Old Hook would have been a blast to watch for longer than 10 minutes. 

Exactly. There was no need to bring in August. Wish!Hook could have played that role. But I suppose that would taken away from the SQ-fantasy. So, instead, Emma mocks Hook and can just about bring herself to say that she "sort of lives" with a different version of Hook.

  • Love 2

Also, apparently, Gideon wants to kill Emma and be the new savior.  

Or, you know, he could just kill Aladdin. The heroes would never agree to help with that, but it would explain why he'd want to go to Agrabah if he couldn't kill Emma for some reason. I think people would cry about that as much as they did Kendra in Buffy. (I promise I'll stop comparisons some day! I'm not obsessed, okay?)


Why make Eduardo come up with a brand new character design for Old Hook and have Colin sit in a makeup chair for hours on end just for a two-second scene that is ultimately meaningless? If Jen was nearly peeing herself with laughter and Colin was really enjoying playing Old Hook, why couldn't we have had a longer adventure with those two in the Wishrealm? Even if it was played for laughs, it would have been a million times more entertaining that what we're actually getting. I'm one of the Hook fans who doesn't care what he looks like, I just want him to have screen time and not be Broody McBrooderson all the time. Old Hook would have been a blast to watch for longer than 10 minutes. 

I think there are better ways to service the character other than Old Hook. I agree that the original costume is a waste. If Hook is going to do more than brood, he needs to be part of something more uplifting. An old drunk is just depressing.


I think he still looks cute. 

My reaction was closer to WTF. He looks like a retired rock star.

Edited by KingOfHearts
33 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

I think he still looks cute. 

Honestly, he looks a bit like my dad. He was a tall, lean guy for his entire life, but once he hit his 50s, his metabolism caught up with him finally. (You know, like a normal human being.) There was no way in hell he was giving up his Wisconsin beers (I don't blame him), so now he just has a bit of a beer gut. 

I doubt it was A&E's intention (because they never think about any implications beyond "wouldn't it be cool..."), but Emma comes off as "sort of" shallow and flippant of her True Love®. Was Emma embarrassed by Old Hook, so she filtered her response in front of the younger and arguably more attractive August to say she "sort of" lives with Hook? Was she afraid of August judging her? Um, Emma, how about you risked your life and your family's life and battled through hell to get back to Hook? No? And then Hook, who has never been shown to have a sweet tooth on camera, now eats too many desserts? And his roommate, who has been shown on camera eating Pop Tarts, onion rings, and grilled cheeses, thinks she needs to alter Hook's diet because she doesn't want him ending up with a beer gut? Really, A&E? That's message you're going to send? How about Emma is genuinely concerned Hook's alcoholism is going to kill him, not some petty aesthetic crap.

I'm also amazed that A&E nearly stumbled upon some great continuity by bringing up the Jolly Roger (that happens to be made out of enchanted wood) in the same plot where Emma and August are trying to replicate the magical wardrobe (that also happens to be made out of enchanted wood)...and then did nothing with it. From reading the spoilers, it sounds like it's even Emma's plan to take Killian back to the Jolly Roger, but no one bothers to use some of the wood to replicate the wardrobe? Like, how does that sit right in front of you, and as a writer you completely ignore it, or worse, miss the connection altogether? Or was this a part of the episode and it just happened off screen?

Edited by Curio
  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, Curio said:

Emma comes off as "sort of" shallow and flippant of her True Love®. Was Emma embarrassed by Old Hook, so she filtered her response in front of the younger and arguably more attractive August to say she "sort of" lives with Hook?

The people who were claiming Emma is shallow and only loves Hook for his looks will have a lot of evidence to back up their claims after this. Sorry Emma: I am ashamed of you if you are going to be ashamed of "old fat" Hook. God I hope it doesn't play out on-screen as awful as it seems. 

  • Love 6

Emma: Come sit down. Let me take a look at you.
Hook: Are you sure you want to? Hades sort of knocked the handsome out of me.
Emma: No one's that powerful. Well...unless you gain 15 pounds. Then that might be a deal breaker.

The funny thing is SNL recently did a fairy tale sketch making fun of this concept too. Just gender swap the roles.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 3

I don't even mind Emma's reaction to the "old fat" Hook if they would've given her one more scene to say to "Listen, dude. I'm pretty sure I know why you're a miserable drunk in this realm but I want you to know that in another realm, I love you dearly." Problematic issues solved.

I don't know. I can't really fault Emma for any of this though. This is clearly Regina's delusional wish realm. I had to hand wave Emma's reaction in the last episode. I'll just do the same for this one. She can't get back to her own realm and out of Regina's horrible aura soon enough.

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, sharky said:

I don't even mind Emma's reaction to the "old fat" Hook if they would've given her one more scene to say to "Listen, dude. I'm pretty sure I know why you're a miserable drunk in this realm but I want you to know that in another realm, I love you dearly." Problematic issues solved.

Exactly. A simple 20-second scene was all that was needed to bookend the comic relief. But when you don't have that bookend scene, the comic relief just comes off as a pile on. I'm sure if Snow saw Charming turn into an ogre or Hook saw Emma turn into an ugly witch in an alternate universe, they'd probably have similar reactions and say something sarcastic. But you'd also expect some kind of ownership of the relationship, like, "Yep, that's my True Love right there. They're not as green in my other world." "You're really with that person?" "Absolutely!"

Also, Emma doesn't even know at this point of the episode that she can return to Storybrooke, right? What if she was stuck in the Wishrealm forever? Was she really not at all excited to see Hook again, even in a slightly different form? Was she content that her only interaction with her True Love was knocking him out, and not trying to convince him to help with her quest? Wouldn't she want to hang out with him and get inside his head and ask him why he became the way he did?

  • Love 5

How can they use the wardrobe if it could only transfer two people max? Oh, right. This is the Wish!Realm, where everything makes even less sense than in the other worlds. I'm sure if Rumple has magic beans to throw away, shoving a third person into a tree shouldn't be an issue.


I'm kinda not feeling Captain Swan with all these spoilers. Sort-of roommate romance bores me. 

I'm not sure why the writers started despising Captain Swan all of a sudden. They were the core beat of S5, and in S6, they're more like dirty laundry. Sure they moved in, but that hasn't really affected their relationship. It feels like a bone throw to the audience more than anything.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 7

“If you like Captain Swan, there will be a lot of #CaptainSwan-age in the second half of the season… ‘Captain Swan’ fans will be happy!“ (x)

I want to know who said this.  And if it was A or E, I want to know if there was any incredulous looks from JMo or Colin.

I'm not believing it.  Not any part of it.

16 minutes ago, Curio said:

This was pretty awesome!

8 minutes ago, Curio said:

But you'd also expect some kind of ownership of the relationship, like, "Yep, that's my True Love right there. They're not as green in my other world." "You're really with that person?" "Absolutely!"...

Was she content that her only interaction with her True Love was knocking him out, and not trying to convince him to help with her quest? Wouldn't she want to hang out with him and get inside his head and ask him why he became the way he did?

This is what bothers me. Emma's reaction. It's like a reaction from S2 Emma freshly betrayed by Hook. 


I'm not sure why the writers started despising Captain Swan all of a sudden. 

Yeah. It's beyond just getting bored with it.


Very little Henry. He rides up on a horse looking for Regina and Emma and then rides off with two nameless knights. He is in the fight scene but didn't speak much.

That's the only good thing I've heard about the episode.

While I love that Emma chose Swan for herself, it's ridiculous that no one gave her a name before she was like eight. So she was the one named wonder until then. Nice.

  • Love 1

She was whining about everyone being happier without her in that realm.

LOL. Even in the realm where she gets everything she ever wanted, she still manages to complain. If she were in a relationship, she would probably be upset if her lover ever had any fun without her.


I felt like Emma should have thought to go to Hook before August. 

Well, August is her other BFF, so. A&E think he's the Harry to her Sally.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 1

I cannot tell you how glad I am I decided not to go. A&E really do seem to despise CS and their fans at this point.

So Eddy promises good stuff for CS & CSers will like this season?


It's also pretty sick they showed dead Belle's bones -- and after teasing that we'd see her as we never have before. A&E are a couple of twisted mofo's.

Edited by Souris
  • Love 5

At least they didn't kill Hook. Poor Belle doesn't even appear because starved to death. Rumbellers have enjoyed watching their ship demonstrate the delights of domestic abuse and now in this world, Belle is dead. Wow. I'm impressed with how well the writers are destroying their various fandoms.

Also, Regina whines about how everyone is happier in the wishverse. Shocking. Everyone except Belle obviously because Regina murdered her. Cheer up, Regina! Belle would be on Team Curse with you.

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, XrystalPond said:

I felt like Emma should have thought to go to Hook before August. Hook, as she knows him, always seems to find a magic bean or portal. That would have made more sense than carving another wardrobe (that's a long term plan).

Yes, but that would have required A&E writing an episode that featured more than 5 minutes of Emma/Hook interaction, and we simply can't have that. (I think the last A&E episode that actually happened was way back in 5x11.) 

No, but seriously, it's starting to get to the point where the characters have to act out of character in order to avoid Emma/Hook interactions. It's completely inorganic for Emma's first idea to be to search out August, and the only reason it happened is because A&E wanted to use the actor again. It's also completely inorganic for Emma to dump Hook like a sack of potatoes and not attempt to convince him to help her with her quest. 

My casual viewer friend doesn't even know who August is. When we were watching Season 4, she asked, "Wait, who is he again?" I'm sure this episode is going to be thrilling for her.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 2

Thank you for the detailed report @XrystalPond In your opinion, did it come across as though Emma was mocking/ashamed of wish!Hook? I would like to be prepared when the episode airs. Tumblr folks have posted spoilers, but I would like to know the opinion of a PTV poster on that matter.

43 minutes ago, Souris said:

It's also pretty sick they showed dead Belle's bones -- and after teasing that we'd see her as we never have before. A&E are a couple of twisted mofo's.

 Seriously morbid. lol

57 minutes ago, XrystalPond said:

Maybe I missed it but someone should clue in Gideon that there are multiple saviors so he doesn't have to kill Emma.

Technically, Aladdin is not the savior anymore. So many only one savior can exist at a time.

  • Love 1

I'm so very wary concerning the complications of bringing Wish!Robin to Storybrooke. No matter what they are, they're not going to make any sense. The show is going to have to create completely new mechanics for how "fake" worlds operate. I assume the consequences will be along the lines of Wish!Robin being incapable of living outside his world for very long. Regina may even consider, for a brief moment, moving in with him. I doubt Wish!Robin will have any agency in the matter whatsoever. It won't just break up with her and do what he wants. He'll be forced to do whatever angst charges him with, because plot > characters.

Edited by KingOfHearts

The sad thing is that after today's panel we still have no idea what 6B is supposed to be about. I guess the overarching story is about Gideon wanting to kill Emma and the stuff with the Black Fairy? Wouldn't you think they would take the opportunity to somewhat explain how all the various pieces  (Ariel, Tiger Lily, Jasmine & Aladdin, TinkerBell, Snake!EQ, Charming's dad, Snowing curse, OQ, etc.) all fit together? It's still feeling completely disjointed and random. Adam & Eddy are both terrible at promoting their show and terrible at understanding what is going to make people want to tune in.

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

I'm so very wary concerning the complications of bringing Wish!Robin to Storybrooke. No matter what they are, they're not going to make any sense. The show is going to have to create completely new mechanics for how "fake" worlds operate. 

See, I still think that Robin is not Wish!Robin is not a manifestation of Emma's fake wish world.  He's "what Regina deserves" from Charming's wish.  Comes with a whole other set of problems, but not how "fake" worlds operate.  And if it wasn't that way originally, it will be now that they got murdering Snowing backlash.  They have to make Robin different from everyone else in Wish!Realm. Robin being the only one not aged in the WishRealm being a start to that.

That also means that they either have to leave EQ as a snake permanently or if there is some reason that they have to de-snake her then they have to redux Robin ceasing to exist to undo Charming's Wish.  Oops.

Edited by ParadoxLost
5 minutes ago, XrystalPond said:

I think that the way that JMo played or was told to play Emma in the Wish Realm was problematic for more than just Captain Swan. She watched her parents die. Emma accepts Regina's word that they will be fine in the real world, but how does she know? She spends this episode hiding from her own son in that realm. She seemed detached for a person struggling with two sets of memories there. I blame the writing more than the acting, but it was a little jarring.

So standard operating procedure.  A chance to play out a meaty dynamic of Emma's inner life that the audience has been wanting to see and they just ignore it.  I think in this case they did it because it tips the scales to Snowing was "real" to Emma and that is problematic for the friendship they want her to maintain with Regina.


I know people are freaking out about the line "We sort of live together." But she was speaking to Pinocchio who grew up in the Enchanted Forest with every different rules as mores. The idea of a princess and pirate together was probably shocking enough for him to consider - hence his question. So I took it more like she was just trying to answer it without too much explanation. Granted she's a single mom princess, but still. I think it was more of a difference in realm culture than a slight to their relationship.


I think the thing that's bothering me is that the writers hammered it over and over again that this Wishrealm isn't real, the people aren't real, and none of this matters. So if August is just a fake person who Emma is never going to see again when she leaves, why play coy about her other life? She clearly is okay with just ditching Henry and it doesn't bother her that her parents were murdered in front of her, so why would Emma care about August's opinion at all? It's not like any of this matters, because this episode is likely to be quickly forgotten and never referenced again in the future.

Does anyone else find it ironic (and by ironic, I mean depressing) that Colin teased about wanting a sitcom as Old Hook, but he said this in front of two of the writers he currently works for, and those two men had the complete power to give Colin exactly what he wanted in this episode? It wouldn't have necessarily been a true sitcom per se, but actually including Old Hook as a comedic figure in the episode who helped Emma return back home to Storybrooke has wacky hijinks and sitcom scenarios written all over it.

Edited by Curio
  • Love 3
37 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

Thank you for the detailed report @XrystalPond In your opinion, did it come across as though Emma was mocking/ashamed of wish!Hook? I would like to be prepared when the episode airs. 

My advice is to skip the episode.  I hope A&E find cratering premiere ratings as funny as I find their wish verse.  I'll probably watch the baby Emma scene on you tube and start watching the show live once the CS-age we are promised materializes.

honestly, I cannot fanthom what A&E were thinking when planning this season.  Does Lana have pictures of them in compromising positions?  I like Sean but  to spend any time on a dead character and lack luster relationship makes no sense.  It's like a do over.

Edited by kitticup
  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, XrystalPond said:

I think that the way that JMo played or was told to play Emma in the Wish Realm was problematic for more than just Captain Swan. She watched her parents die. Emma accepts Regina's word that they will be fine in the real world, but how does she know? She spends this episode hiding from her own son in that realm. She seemed detached for a person struggling with two sets of memories there. I blame the writing more than the acting, but it was a little jarring.

Thanks, @XrystalPond. How sad that the writers sacrificed a cool concept on the altar of Regina!

2 minutes ago, kitticup said:

honestly, I cannot fanthom what A&E were thinking when planning this season.  Does Lana have pictures of them in compromising positions? 

Yeah--it makes zero sense. 

  • Love 3
57 minutes ago, Curio said:


Does anyone else find it ironic (and by ironic, I mean depressing) that Colin teased about wanting a sitcom as Old Hook, but he said this in front of two of the writers he currently works for, and those two men had the complete power to give Colin exactly what he wanted in this episode? It wouldn't have necessarily been a true sitcom per se, but actually including Old Hook as a comedic figure in the episode who helped Emma return back home to Storybrooke has whacky hijinx and sitcom scenarios written all over it.

Totally agree.  I might have been able to stomach a old drunk Hook, if he was still effective and actually helped Emma.   I know everyone laughs at CaptainFloor in Season 2 but I always thought that Hook was very effective given how completely out gunned he was by everyone around him.  He came closer to killing Rumple than anyone else.  If Snow had any brains, she would have let Rumple die and crushed Cora's heart.

Edited by kitticup
  • Love 8

Could it be that Emma didn't want to hurt wish!Hook feelings by telling him too much about how loved he is in the 'real'world and how much better his life turned out once he gave up revenge? (Yes...i know about the awful things but when Emma actually is at home and not on the season's stipulated SQ pandering side trip...Killian has his Emma in their home).

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