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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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First off, I just want to brag that I so called this. (Actually, a lot of people called an AU scenario a long time ago...but still.)

I don't even know what to think anymore. I've been waiting years for an AU where the Dark Curse was never cast and we could see Princess Emma with an aged-up Snow and Charming (I'll have to dig through the wishes thread and find my old post that describes that exactly), but I wanted it as a significant season-long arc, not a one-off special episode. There's absolutely no way they can fit all of this AU stuff in a satisfying way into the fall finale. Also, it's written by A&E so I'm bound to not like it. Why couldn't Espenson or Goodman get a chance to write an AU episode? Why must A&E hog the only interesting plot they've had in ages? An AU plot like this is exactly what the show needed to kick itself back into gear and get away from the status quo, but it looks like everything is back to boring Storybrooke by 6x12. Screw two Reginas, an AU would have piqued general audience interest again. The only thing that's changing now in 6B is that Robin is somehow back in Storybrooke, but he's such a nonentity so he's not going to shake things up much, and we already know he's not sticking around long-term so what's the point? 

Why even bother with the AU if it's only going to last for one or two episodes? That plot could have easily lasted for half the season if they really wanted to explore it and not half-ass it like it inevitably will be. By squeezing all of the AU into 60 minutes, everything will be superficial and rushed and the characters will act OOC and one-dimensional just to move the plot along at lightning speed. If A&E cared about their characters, they wouldn't be so focused on making this a "twisted" AU. Instead, they would make this episode an interesting character study about how these characters they've played around with for five years would react in an entirely different setting. A&E claim this show is about "hope," yet they won't make this AU playful, swashbuckling, or exciting. Instead, it will be melodramatic, uncomfortable, and pessimistic. I want to have fun when I watch this show, not squirm in my seat. 

And if A&E cared about Emma, they wouldn't make her a bratty princess engaged to August, they'd make her a princess who still has some goodness and heroism but is generally unhappy with her life because she hasn't met either of her True Loves in this timeline yet. (If A&E make her bratty, it's like the writers are saying Emma at her core is like that, and the only reason she has her current personality is because of her terrible childhood.) I could easily imagine a scenario where Princess Emma is forced to pick a prince to marry, but with the wedding deadline coming up fast, she freaks out and sneaks aboard a ship to get out of Misthaven. (Like mother like daughter.) However, Princess Emma doesn't know it's helmed by the legendary Captain Hook en route to Neverland. (It makes zero sense to have Killian aged up when it's canon that he did Pan's errands.) If A&E really want to make this all about Regina, she can be the one person who remembers everything and has to convince everyone to get back to Storybrooke. Each episode could focus on one of the main characters remembering. Snow and Charming remembering could take up one episode, Zelena remembering would be another, Belle remembering another, Emma and Hook get their memories back by a proper TLK, etc. When the main cast finally has all of their memories back, they band together to figure out how to get back to Storybrooke, which requires a trip to Agrabah and teaming up with Jasmine and Aladdin to defeat Jafar/Rumple. That easily takes up all of 6B right there.

I think the thing that pisses me off about this AU the most is that it's going to be told through Regina's point of view and be more about her pain, even though Emma is the character who got screwed over the most by Regina casting the curse. Emma was the one who got her childhood ripped away from her and grew up without her parents because of Regina. Emma is the one who had to live in the real world not knowing she was meant for another world. Emma is the one who grew up with rejection after rejection and weird "best friends" who made her life miserable and a man who knocked her up as a teenager and left her in jail. So how are the writers going to twist this to make it Regina's fairytale and not Emma's? 

Edited by Curio
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6 hours ago, mjgchick said:

If this is Regina's wish then why show a wee Emma? What if it's Emma's wish and then she realizes that Regina cursing them was the best thing to ever happen? I think that's even worse than Regina wishing it.




Unless little Emma wished to be a princess, not knowing what the future would hold.


"Tonight's fall finale finds the heroes uncovering a weapon capable of wounding [the Evil Queen]."

Unless this deus ex machina weapon that's uncovered at the last second is the shears, this is a freaking Gauntlet 2.0 situation.


"In a season that's seen a returning Evil Queen, a Savior in crisis, and a renegade genie all facing a dire prophecy"


I'm confused. Since when has this season been about a renegade genie? Is Episode 9 going to be all about this genie who apparently is prophesized to die as well? It would make sense if they were alluding to Jafar, but Oded hasn't been seen filming so it can't be him. So is the renegade genie Damien? Do they strip Rumple of his Dark One powers and make him a genie? Rumple is the only other character who's facing a dire prophecy because his unborn son already hates him.

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Maybe the AU is a manipulated version of what would of happened. What if the Evil Queen is sort of like Clarence from Its a Wonderful Life and she's showing Regina buts it's not a true version because she's the Evil Queen and maybe her agenda is to turn Regina against the others to make the Evil Queen again. So if Emma is unhappy or a brat the EQ can turn to Regina and say "See we did them a favor casting the curse" but there's no way to really know that.

4 hours ago, Curio said:

Since when has this season been about a renegade genie?

I'm scratching my head as well. Aladdin found a genie lamp in the last episode. But the press release for the next one says Jasmine finds a genie-less lamp. Are these referring to the same one? If the genie from the lamp turned renegade, where is he/she? In the LoUS? Now that he is presumably reunited with his lamp, is he obligated to start granting wishes? Maybe Damien becomes conscripted as the genie.

Besides, the only thing close to being a "dire prophecy" has been Emma's visions about dying. I guess the writer of the article needed to try the three disparate threads in the fall finale somehow. So they just shoved them together with no rhyme or reason. 

Edited by Rumsy4
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40 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

I guess the writer of the article needed to try the three disparate threads in the fall finale somehow. So they just shoved them together with no rhyme or reason. 


You know the season is bad when the EW writer—who is usually pretty soft on A&E—struggles to write a single sentence that sums up the major connecting theme of 6A.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Curio said:

Why even bother with the AU if it's only going to last for one or two episodes? That plot could have easily lasted for half the season if they really wanted to explore it and not half-ass it like it inevitably will be. By squeezing all of the AU into 60 minutes, everything will be superficial and rushed and the characters will act OOC and one-dimensional just to move the plot along at lightning speed.

This. The idea of an AU like that as such is not at all bad, but with Horowitz/Kitsis writing it and squeezing it into a single episode on top of that it's bound to be yet another great bit of potential completely wasted. I expected zero emotional depth and certainly nothing substantial as far as the Charmings are concerned. Ideally, the three of them (assuming Henry and the baby aren't part of the AU) should have the opportunity to deal with many of the family aspects that the show has happily ignored/skipped over for years now, but I expect most of their scenes will be devoted to Emma's love life and making sure she ends up with he "right" partner at the end of this. Which, frankly, I really couldn't care less about. Same goes for Regina. I guess there's still the question how Robin Hood ends up in Storybrooke later on, but since it's likely not the Robin Hood we know and the characters know I'm also not sure how exactly Horowitz and Kitsis plan to give the Robin and Robin/Regina dynamic they screwed over again and again since they brought Marian back and then turned her into Marilena closure with this.

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OMG! Since the original Robin's soul got obliterated, they're going to send AU Robin to heaven*, aren't they??! AU!Robin may have a relationship with AU!Regina, but he'll have no bond with Roland or Pistachio. Or Marian. Or original Regina. It's practically a different character for all intents and purposes. Man, A&E must have grown to really despise the Robin they created. lol

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I see Granny is taking her tea advice from Zelena.


Zelena: Here we go. I hope chamomile is okay. I've found it's excellent for the nerves.


Granny: Here you go. One cup of chamomile. Soothes the soul.

It's one of my nitpicky pet peeves, but I hate reused dialogue. (Even if it was modified somewhat.)

Eek. The Rumpbelle flashback was retcon-y. Since when did Servant!Belle throw around "beast"? After cleaning his bloody aprons and hearing the screams of his tortured prisoners, I don't think stealing a baby would be all that shocking. Rumple seemed way too tolerating of her convicting pleas.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 3

The new Rumbelle Sneak Peek. Belle knew Rumple stole babies. And yet she fell in love with him. He probably gave the baby back in the end of the episode. So, it's all okay, and Rumple is still a beast with a heart of gold (heh). As they usually go for parallels, it seems likely that the baby will be reunited with its parents in the flashback, but Rumbelle will lose theirs in present day. Poor Belle. 

  • Love 2

I am not anymore so sure Robin is not back permanently. 

I don't know but I read Sean said that he was still filming even if they said he was dead dead...  Maybe he was saying something there without saying it.

But, yes Robin will a totally different character and if I did liked him it before I will not be ok with having another Robin that I the one I knew and loved.

Like there only Hook and Emma I really care about being I saw their struggle and weak point.

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I've never been a fan of the non curse AU, and the more I think about it, the more I hate it. The last thought that occured to me is that they are adding another 30 years of pain to Hook's already long and painful life, another 30 years of missing Liam and Milah and plotting a revenge he is never going to get. When/if Emma meets him in the AU, he is not only going to be old, he is going to be an incredibly bitter and resentful person and probably completely nuts. Yeah, super fun and romantic stuff.

I believe the press info announcing his return always said Sean Maguire/Robin would be in a couple of episodes. If I remember correctly, we have spoilers of him on set for episodes 11 and 12 so far and I wouldn't be surprised if he's around until episode 15, maybe even 16 or 17 if he's not in every episode after 12. I'm still completely confused as to what they think they're doing with him if that's not even the "real" Robin, but I think Maguire also mentioned that Kitsis and Horowitz didn't tell him how his little arc would end when he signed on again so who knows if that's not yet another thing they're at least partially making up as they go along. Honestly, I'm starting to think they should have just brought Robin back from death and made a heartfelt attempt to fix at least some of the mess they've created before he could join Belle by fading in the background again. The show's very likely going to end with season 7 anyway so this whole thing just seems so completely pointless on so many levels.

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I think the EQ and AU!Robin will switch spots starting from the AU. Even after everyone somehow returns to Storybrooke, Robin still accompanies them, which makes me think that Rumple gets someone else to cast the Dark Curse for him in the new timeline. There will be a TLK, which will restore everyone's memories, and reset everything back to the original timeline, including the death of Robin and reappearance of the EQ. Then, the final episodes of the season will focus on how to get rid of the EQ for good (either reintegration or Shears), and they'll set-up the arc for S7 (if ONCE does get another season). A&E never seem to learn from their mistakes, so I have a feeling that Emma will die at the end of the season and that will be the cliffhanger. 

37 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

It's hard for me to feel sorry for Belle when her belief in Rumple causes most of her problems. She wasn't forced to trust him. She's just TSTL.

I agree. It really is hard to feel sorry for Belle. But I think she suffers from battered person syndrome or something. So, I still do feel a tiny bit sorry for her, even if I do think her colossally stupid.

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If I do believe the focus will shift back to Emma in the final and for the final season.

Just hoping she have a real Storyline for once. For me The Emma dead thing... It's not!

 I am less sure about the EQ be there still the end no one saw her after the au.

Until I saw a real spoiler showing she is still there I will believe she is deal with by episode 11

Robin; I could see him realizing that he don't belong in this timeline or he really is staying 

  • Love 1

I feel awful for Belle because the writers are writing her like someone whose suffering from Stockholm syndrome (I think Emma, her mother and son suffers from this also tbh.) and spousal abuse. The problem is these idiots don't see that that's what they're writing because they are to far up their own ass to notice. Or maybe they live in a warped world where statutory rape, sexual assault and spousal abuse is fine.

  • Love 1

The sneak makes me think this...

Belle convinces Rumple to be "good" and return the baby to Jack and Jill.  This leaves Rumple owing the powerful being (who I assume is the amok running genie) a baby.  Meaning he traded away his hypothetical second born, he never  planned on having, twice.  Rumple needs the shears to severe the tie between the powerful being and the Rumbelle baby.  This will retroactively make his actions heroic because Rumple has been doing all these things to save the baby.  And Belle is wrong for putting their baby in danger to protect flashback baby and not believing that there is good in Rumple.

I really hope this doesn't happen.  I've liked Belle much better since she took the blinders off.  Frankly, I've preferred the villainous version of Rumple that unapologetically wants power from a show/story perspective.

Rumple wants to use the baby to lure the Black Fairy because he needs her wand.

Just so it doesn't sound like a totally outlandish idea, Rumple has the Black Fairy's wand in the season 3 finale, or at least that's the wand I'm assuming he has. He said in 3x21 that he is in possession of a wand that can recreate all the magic that has been wielded and he tries to use it to open a portal for Emma and Hook to be on their way home before he realizes that he can't do that. Only the people who traveled through the portal can re-open the portal and he send Emma, Hook and Marian with the wand down to his vault. 

If we're going off of this, then he wants to use the baby to trap the Black Fairy so that he can take her wand and try to re-open the portal that took Baelfire away a good century before. 

Maybe the writers didn't forget about this? Too hopeful, I know!

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Just so it doesn't sound like a totally outlandish idea, Rumple has the Black Fairy's wand in the season 3 finale, or at least that's the wand I'm assuming he has. He said in 3x21 that he is in possession of a wand that can recreate all the magic that has been wielded and he tries to use it to open a portal for Emma and Hook to be on their way home before he realizes that he can't do that. Only the people who traveled through the portal can re-open the portal and he send Emma, Hook and Marian with the wand down to his vault.

I'm pretty sure he had to go steal it from Blue - which messes with 3x11 timeline, since retrieving the wand from her was what got Tinkerbell, Neal and Hook to destroy the Shadow. Also, if Rumple had the Black Fairy's Wand after the 3B finale, why didn't he use to reopen Bae's portal? Oh. Almighty prophecy + need for magic. That's why he missed another big opportunity...

Maybe he needs the Black Fairy for something else in 6x09?

As a side note - I like that they're using Jack and Jill. It's random namedropping that doesn't feel as bad. It's not like they're big name franchises the writers need to stay true too. There's not much to adapt. I wish we could get more obscure literary characters involved instead of generic originals like The Woodcutter or Dead Eye the Bandit. I miss Warlord Bo Peep.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 1
28 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

As a side note - I like that they're using Jack and Jill. It's random namedropping that doesn't feel as bad. It's not like they're big name franchises the writers need to stay true too. There's not much to adapt. I wish we could get more obscure literary characters involved instead of generic originals like The Woodcutter or Dead Eye the Bandit. I miss Warlord Bo Peep.

The Woodcutter wasn't an original. He's a twist on the character from Red Riding Hood. Snow mentioned that he's known for hunting down werewolves. Who's Dead Eye though? I can't remember. Do you mean Bad Tooth? (omg these names)

But yay to Jack and Jill! It reminds me of the Good Morning Storybrooke extras with the Boy Who Cried Wolf and Goldilocks as randoms.

  • Love 1

The Woodcutter wasn't an original. He's a twist on the character from Red Riding Hood. Snow mentioned that he's known for hunting down werewolves. Who's Dead Eye though? I can't remember. Do you mean Bad Tooth? (omg these names)

Dead Eye was the leader of the bandits hired by Regina to discourage teenaged Snow. Black Tooth was the random villager that Regina killed on her birthday. 

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I'm really not keen on this no-curse AU. The whole purpose behind the It's a Wonderful Life AU was to show a good person the impact he had on the world. I hate the idea of warping it to show the impact of something bad not happening, when that's going to be shown as a "wrong" universe that has to be set right. The thing is, the only people who would know it's wrong are those who retain knowledge of the other universe. Otherwise, it's a series of tradeoffs. Yeah, the Emma and Regina who have been mothers to Henry would want to have him their lives, but in a universe where he never was born and no one knew he was even a possibility, he wouldn't be missed. Instead, Emma isn't a pregnant teenager in jail, but rather a princess. I guess if you're buying into the idea of a destined magical true love, she might never find real love if she doesn't meet Hook, but otherwise, she can't miss what she doesn't have. Really, it's just the audience who will be aware of the wrongness and wanting things to be set right, which makes it kind of a cheat if the characters would be perfectly happy otherwise. If they try to show us that they're all miserable and Emma is a terrible person because their lives weren't ripped apart and Emma didn't grow up alone, I really call foul. The only people I really think are better off because of the curse are Hook, because the curse gave him the chance at his revenge and that allowed him to see how meaningless it was; Regina, who had a decent life for 28 years, got Henry, still managed to reconcile with her parents, and is now friends with all her victims, while she probably would have sulked her life away if she hadn't cast the curse, unless they're going with her having run off with Robin so she never became the Evil Queen; maybe Belle, since she did eventually get free, and I'm not sure how or when that would have happened without the curse; and possibly Rumple, who at least did find his son again. And I guess Henry, who was born.

Without the curse, Emma gets to grow up with her parents, Neal's still alive, Pinocchio probably turns out to be a better person because he's raised by Gepetto instead of basically being a feral child, and the whole kingdom doesn't have their lives uprooted and their memories messed with so that they don't fit into either world well anymore. Robin's likely still alive because Hades doesn't get yanked out of the Underworld.

This one's going to be really tricky for them to pull off. I don't have a lot of confidence in it working.

  • Love 6

An AU is just a repeat of the S4 finale - a universe where things aren't as they should be. We've got fanfiction for this sort of thing. There's no point in having it in the show unless it brings about actual consequences. It won't give us any character development because it will be short lived and the writers like to push the reset button after every major event. There is no avenue where this turns out well. It's a bad idea from the start because TS,TW.

It's really weird putting it in the middle of the season and not at the end.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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That why Adam specifically said it was not  a repeative storyline. He know a lot people find it very similar to 4 season final. If Henry is the key to the come back with any Regina it is uncanny.

Even adding all the Rumbelle soap make it similar because at the end. The au was Rumple changing the story.

And, Emma and Hook ad some cute scene.

Unfortunately, they will reunite Rumbelle but for me it is too late and any whitewashing of Rumple action will make me skip it.

I am very much exciting for the next episode because it look different. But...

I am not interesting anymore it all been done and I already saw that film. 

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

I think the EQ and AU!Robin will switch spots starting from the AU. Even after everyone somehow returns to Storybrooke, Robin still accompanies them, which makes me think that Rumple gets someone else to cast the Dark Curse for him in the new timeline. There will be a TLK, which will restore everyone's memories, and reset everything back to the original timeline, including the death of Robin and reappearance of the EQ. Then, the final episodes of the season will focus on how to get rid of the EQ for good (either reintegration or Shears), and they'll set-up the arc for S7 (if ONCE does get another season). A&E never seem to learn from their mistakes, so I have a feeling that Emma will die at the end of the season and that will be the cliffhanger. 

I agree. It really is hard to feel sorry for Belle. But I think she suffers from battered person syndrome or something. So, I still do feel a tiny bit sorry for her, even if I do think her colossally stupid.

Emma's not gonna die.

As far as this AU I really don't care either way it's literally just one episode.

13 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

Not to mention, all the slaughtered villagers.

That depends on what the point of departure is. Things are lots better for everyone if Regina runs off with Robin in the tavern. Then Leopold probably lived a lot longer, Sidney was never imprisoned in the mirror, Jefferson was never separated from his daughter, Snow wasn't run out of her home, and all those villagers lived. Snow and Charming seem to be together and they had Emma, so I guess they still met. But if it's just that the curse wasn't cast, then the villagers are still dead.

This may be terribly unromantic of me, but I wouldn't find it a huge tragedy if AU Princess Emma never met AU Hook. I'm not sure they would fall in love in those circumstances. One of the things that brings them together is that their similar backgrounds mean they get each other. They were both abandoned as kids and grew up in difficult circumstances. They're both "lost children." They've been betrayed and disappointed. If she grew up in a happy home with two parents, she wouldn't be the Emma he loves. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's just different. She might be even happier with someone else.

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I'm okay if Princess Emma ended up with someone else, but just not... August. Granted, he's probably a different person as well, but he still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don't know of any other contenders since everyone's going to be 28 years older. 

Granny and Gepetto are probably dead. I'm imagining the dwarves with long white beards like the Disney movie now.

Wouldn't it be great if we got AU Enchanted Forest as flashbacks and AU Cursed Storybrooke as present day? This is starting to sound like flash sideways. (Especially if present day is normal timeline.) Lost S6: A major event stops the catalyst for the show, thereby creating an alternate timeline where it never happened. (But not really.)

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 2
41 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

I'm okay if Princess Emma ended up with someone else, but just not... August. Granted, he's probably a different person as well, but he still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don't know of any other contenders since everyone's going to be 28 years older. 

Granny and Gepetto are probably dead. I'm imagining the dwarves with long white beards like the Disney movie now.

Wouldn't it be great if we got AU Enchanted Forest as flashbacks and AU Cursed Storybrooke as present day? This is starting to sound like flash sideways. (Especially if present day is normal timeline.) Lost S6: A major event stops the catalyst for the show, thereby creating an alternate timeline where it never happened. (But not really.)

It's supposed to leave a bad taste in your mouth because it's wrong and it's not supposed to be what happens. It's supposed to make you want to leave this world and go back to the real timeline.

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And I'm pretty sure that Hook and Emma are not going to be together in the AU, because he is going to be at least 60 (the tweet Adam deleted pretty much confirms it) and Emma is going to be with August (again, Adam's tweet pretty much confirms it). But  in a show (supposedly) about happy endings, true love and "I will always find you", Emma ending up with someone else in the AU that is not Hook is a slap in the face of the CS shippers, especially when it's obvious that Snow and Charming are going to end up together no matter what.

  • Love 4

supposed tease for winter finale from Nat Abrams.....if i take the source and Emma's words ...is she saying this to Hook? That's the sort of thing to make Nat happy.


11 minutes ago, RadioGirl27 said:

And I'm pretty sure that Hook and Emma are not going to be together in the AU, because he is going to be at least 60 (the tweet Adam deleted pretty much confirms it) and Emma is going to be with August (again, Adam's tweet pretty much confirms it). But  in a show (supposedly) about happy endings, true love and "I will always find you", Emma ending up with someone else in the AU that is not Hook is a slap in the face of the CS shippers, especially when it's obvious that Snow and Charming are going to end up together no matter what.

What tweets? I couldn't find them.

That gif Natalie Abrams posted is how I'm starting to feel about the show.


This is all great because we won't find anything out about 6x11 until the show is back from the winter hiatus which might last 4 weeks or 12 apparently because ABC can't seem to make up its damn mind.

The new format for S6 really blows. I miss the half-season formula.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 2
40 minutes ago, RadioGirl27 said:

And I'm pretty sure that Hook and Emma are not going to be together in the AU, because he is going to be at least 60 (the tweet Adam deleted pretty much confirms it) and Emma is going to be with August (again, Adam's tweet pretty much confirms it). But  in a show (supposedly) about happy endings, true love and "I will always find you", Emma ending up with someone else in the AU that is not Hook is a slap in the face of the CS shippers, especially when it's obvious that Snow and Charming are going to end up together no matter what.

Adam tweeted that August and Emma would not be a couple. And you realize that Hook is like 300 years old in a well preserve body, right? 

This whole pearl clutching over Captain Swan has gotten completely ridiculous.

This is all great because we won't find anything out about 6x11 until the show is back from the winter hiatus which might last 4 weeks or 12 apparently because ABC can't seem to make up its damn mind.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

Adam tweeted that August and Emma would not be a couple.

Oh. Is it a deleted tweet? I can't find it.

I do find it odd that people are freaking out over Hook looking his age. Since when has that mattered? Age will not be the reason CS aren't together in the AU, if that's the case. What I'm worried about (and almost resigned to) is the whitewashing of Regina over the Dark Curse. 

  • Love 6

Hi, I am going to stand up for the CS Shipper.

It does seem that CS are not developed as they should at this point .

OQ are soulmate had romantic domestic scene and even a sexy scen now he is back to pl ay a major role in the EQ arc.

Rumbelle In every season have a storyline mosly the about them and have a couple of episodes call as Rumbelle episode. 

Snowing are always together and mostly about each other   . Share tlk multiple times . Rumbelle at least once

I can count on one hand the real CS episodes. This show could very well ending this year. So, I understand the deception CS don't have any storyline or build up by episode 13.

Edited by maryle
2 hours ago, PixiePaws1 said:

What tweets? I couldn't find them.

He has deleted them, along with a few others. They were very carefully worded tweets. One said "the Killian you know and love isn't being turned into an old man" (well, yeah, present Killian, the one we know, is not going to be turned into an old man, but that doens't mean the AU one would not) and the other said something about Emma and August not being a couple (but in a non curse AU, August wouldn't be August but Pinocchio).

And yeah, Hook has lived 300 years, but he is not old. Neverland and the curse stopped his ageing, both physical and psychological. But now we are talking about a 60 years old man who has lived those 30 extra years. And, in my case, I'm just not a fan of 60 years old men having a relationship with 30 years old women. 

And, after a very lackluster season where they almost haven't  interacted, this is just frustrating. 

56 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

What I'm worried about (and almost resigned to) is the whitewashing of Regina over the Dark Curse.

But this is a given, that is why I never wanted the non curse AU.

Edited by RadioGirl27
  • Love 3

What I'm worried about (and almost resigned to) is the whitewashing of Regina over the Dark Curse.

Bear with me, I'm still drawing on the Lost parallels. Jack wanted to reset the timeline so that the plane crash never happened. The crashing on the Island could be equated to the curse on Once Upon a Time. Being on Island caused so much pain and death for everyone that resetting everything sounded like a good idea. Everyone could have just gone about their lives. However, the difference between that and Once is that everyone was actually miserable before the crash. The Island merely brought their issues to the forefront and played them out in a different scenario. People died, but at the same time, many of them found their purpose and made positive changes following their experiences on the Island. It's more of a mixed bag than Once, but someone still wanted to keep it all from happening.

Over time, the Dark Curse has been watered down. All the pain and misery it caused has been whitewashed and casting it is no longer a big deal. (Either you can split your heart or have a spirit possessing you destroy one for you.) But logically, someone should be upset. Someone should want to undo it. It was such a cop-out in 3B when every single citizen in Storybrooke was fine with no longer living in their homeland. It shouldn't be accurate to say the Curse positively affected everyone. It gave peasants cushier lives, but it also dragged down figures of high power and ripped people from their homes. At the logical level, the question of whether to reverse the Curse or not is a gray area. Yes it was very bad, but at this point, it's playing god to say which is better. The answer depends on who you talk to.

I'm really concerned the show is going to say the Curse was better. While saying no Curse is better would be an easier pill to swallow, I wouldn't be happy with that either. It's just not that black and white. As Lost states, "Whatever happened, happened." The show is going to try to draw a conclusion. It's not going to be just a random "wouldn't it be cool if" sidetrack.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

He deleted it like he tends to delete everything.



Thanks for the link. Oh, Adam...



in a non curse AU, August wouldn't be August but Pinocchio

That is a good point. Adam is likely twisting things and giving "hope" to fans. 


It does seem that CS are not developed as they should at this point .

I agree that this season has been CS-lite when compared with, say, 5A. But I think CS is miles better off than any other ship, except maybe Snowing. Rumbelle is at its worst right now, and that is saying something. Even if Robin is back, it's some "twisted" version, rather than the original recipe. I too am pissed off at the lack of domestic CS scenes, but that's a pervasive problem with the show. Yeah--a CS taco scene is way overdue, but we aren't going to get it until the season finale. A&E are afraid CS fans will get bored and tune-out once they show us a CS bed scene or something.

In the previous AU, Robin married Zelena. Dark Snow was controlling Charming with his heart. Rumbelle was the same as usual, funnily enough. So, if by some chance Emma and Hook don't connect in the alternate timeline I won't like it, but at least, CS won't be alone.

Edited by Rumsy4
8 hours ago, RadioGirl27 said:

And I'm pretty sure that Hook and Emma are not going to be together in the AU, because he is going to be at least 60 (the tweet Adam deleted pretty much confirms it) and Emma is going to be with August (again, Adam's tweet pretty much confirms it). But  in a show (supposedly) about happy endings, true love and "I will always find you", Emma ending up with someone else in the AU that is not Hook is a slap in the face of the CS shippers, especially when it's obvious that Snow and Charming are going to end up together no matter what.

Amuse me how exactly it's a slap in the face to CS fans? The AU is a BAD place. It's not supposed to be a good place because if it's good it contradicts the entire point of it. To show that it was better the curse happened then didn't.

And of course Snowing ended up together, they were married already before the curse. How much do you want to make a bet though that Snowing are nowhere near as strong as they are because of everything that has happened post curse.

Seriously some of you guys need to chill out. I'm a huge CS fan and I don't consider it a slap in the face at all. The AU is supposed to be this way. 


5 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:


I agree that this season has been CS-lite when compared with, say, 5A. But I think CS is miles better off than any other ship, except maybe Snowing. Rumbelle is at its worst right now, and that is saying something. Even if Robin is back, it's some "twisted" version, rather than the original recipe. I too am pissed off at the lack of domestic CS scenes, but that's a pervasive problem with the show. Yeah--a CS taco scene is way overdue, but we aren't going to get it until the season finale. A&E are afraid CS fans will get bored and tune-out once they show us a CS bed scene or something.

No way, they'll get engaged probably in the season finale. And I think it's pretty obvious they've already had taco time.

Edited by Hookian
12 minutes ago, Hookian said:

Amuse me how exactly it's a slap in the face to CS fans? The AU is a BAD place. It's not supposed to be a good place because if it's good it contradicts the entire point of it. To show that it was better the curse happened then didn't.

And of course Snowing ended up together, they were married already before the curse. How much do you want to make a bet though that Snowing are nowhere near as strong as they are because of everything that has happened post curse.

Seriously some of you guys need to chill out. I'm a huge CS fan and I don't consider it a slap in the face at all. The AU is supposed to be this way. 

Why is the AU supposed to be this way? This is not the storybook AU written by Issac. As @KingOfHearts said, a no-Curse AU should theoretically be a mix of both good and bad changes. Person of Interest did something like this in its final season. Having the no-Curse alternative timeline crappy only serves to whitewash Regina. There also needs to be an explanation for Snowing being together. If Regina ran off with Robin at the Tavern, canon events would be wildly divergent from the original. We simply don't have enough information to be definitive about it. 

9 minutes ago, Hookian said:

No way, they'll get engaged probably in the season finale. And I think it's pretty obvious they've already had taco time.

We were discussing showing implied CS taco time on-screen--not debating whether it has happened or not. Every other couple in the show has had that post-coital scene, and a lot of fans are clamoring for it. So, A&E want to stretch it out as much as possible, not realizing that most people will have stopped caring at that point. As to a CS engagement, people have been predicting one since S3. It may or may not happen in S6. A&E are not writing this season as though it could be the last or even the penultimate one.  

Edited by Rumsy4
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9 hours ago, KingOfHearts said:

I'm okay if Princess Emma ended up with someone else, but just not... August. Granted, he's probably a different person as well, but he still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don't know of any other contenders since everyone's going to be 28 years older. 

ITA about August. As for other contenders, it depends on the point of departure from the timeline. If Regina still ran from the tavern and Roland still exists, Princess Emma could be with him. Not that I think that's going to happen, but it's just funny to think that he's older than Emma. There's Hansel too, who would also be older than Emma. Not to mention the countless other children that would have existed if the curse had never been cast, including other royals, like a child of Frederick and Abigail, Ella and Thomas, or a (different) child of Aurora and Phillip. 

But the writers probably think it would be neat to put her with Pinocchio, for exactly the same reasons I wouldn't like it. 

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2 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

OMG. That would be hilariously awesome! 

Although probably weird if we ever see hobbit Roland again and if Emma remembers the AU. It would be much more fun for me than putting her with the one person besides Rumple whose age wouldn't be different without the curse. 

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, InsertWordHere said:

It would be much more fun for me than putting her with the one person besides Rumple whose age wouldn't be different without the curse. 

Huh. Good point. I would definitely prefer it if August is more like a brother-figure to Emma in the AU (like he was meant to in the original).

I also want to know if Granny and Gepetto got together in the AU. Colin said he ships them, after all. Maybe he had some insider knowledge. ;-) 

Edited by Rumsy4
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