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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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But we haven't seen Bernard on set since they filmed that episode, which I don't like. I want Liam back permanently!

You and me both!! Everything about this episode is promising to gut me emotionally. Easily the one I am most looking forward to this half of the season.

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Everything about this episode is promising to gut me emotionally. Easily the one I am most looking forward to this half of the season.

How much longer do we have to wait for it? It's the third of the arc, isn't it? That would be the 20th.


So, is that also the one where Emma finally runs into Hook? Or is there any indication that she finds him in the second episode? Or is that just the one where we learn more about where he is and what's up with him?


Which episode is the one where Milah appears?

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I'm kind of hoping Hook loses his memory and lives a phony happy life with Liam. That way Hades could attempt to stop him from wanting to leave the Underworld and A&E can get their parallel with 3x12. (Only with Hook and Emma reversed.) Hook would escape his torture, but this would be the string attached.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Just as a reference if anyone needs it about what's going on with the upcoming episodes (sorry if I'm missing stuff);


  • 5x13 - Labor of Love; Snow centric with Hercules and Megara  - Ginny says that Hercules basically reminds her who Snow was (which hallelujah!)


  • 5x14 - Devil's Due; could be Hades or Rumple, I guess - Milah is in this episode, and she and Emma meet in the middle of Main street. Milah is a crossing guard. There's also a character named Fendrake the Healer. (At this point, I'm thinking that given Hook's state, that this Frendrake person is supposed to help him). Leaf Lady tweeted about CS scene for this episode.


  • 5x15 - The Brothers Jones; Liam and Captain Silver are in this one. Emma/Henry/Liam/Hook scenes, and I wanna say that Regina was there as well at one point.


  • 5x16 - Our Decay; Zelena centric; first glimpse at Warrior Dorothy who is likely useless since Zelena is still alive and is back in Storybrooke. Belle makes her way to the UW with Pistachio. There was filming with Belle, Regina and Robin at night near Zelena's farmhouse in the UW. Hades/Zelena night scene in Steveston with some dialogue about trust


  • 5x17 - Her Handome Hero; Belle centric with Gaston in both flashbacks and in the Underworld. I'm thinking this is the episode Belle finds out what hubby has done. Emma/Hook scene on the library roof talking.


  • 5x18 - Ruby Slippers; the return of Mulan and Ruby in this one. Ruby seems to have filmed with the gang that's in the Underworld (Hook and David), and Dorothy is in this one as well. There was also some filming done in town with Hook/David/Henry and Cruella was on the scene at some point.


  • 5x19 - Sisters; Zelena and Regina kid flashbacks. Cora is in this one as well, Barbara Hershey confirmed a scene with Hook/Cora. It also seems as though Cruella has kidnapped Pistachio and that Robin, David, Emma and Hook manage to get the baby back. Zelena looks like she's kidnapped by Pan and Rumple right outside of UW!Granny's and James decks David and it looks like he's trying to take his place to peace out of the UW.


  • 5x20 - Firebird; Emma centric (although it looks like it might be a CS joint centric instead). We meet Emma's mentor, a bails bond woman (Cleo if that's her real name), and Adam Croasdell aka deadbeat Brennan Jones is supposedly back for that episode. There were day scenes with Lana, Robin, the Blind Witch, Cruella, Stealthy, and many more dead people, Jared and his book sitting at a desk right next to the clock tower likely recording stuff. Night shoot was Jared, Emma, Hook, Regina, David (or James) and Hades, talking.


  • 5x21 - Last Rights; Zelena/Regina/Robin filmed at the Merry Men camp. Robin and Roland reunion, Little John on the scene because he is the real parent in this relationship. Zelena/Emma night scenes at the town hall.


  • 5x22 and 5x23 - no titles yet; Merida, Emma, Regina, David and Rumple at the town hall. Emma looked pissed at something and Regina looked like she was trying to stop her.
Edited by YaddaYadda
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This instagram filter has got to go.

I can't believe we're going to have 10-11 episodes with the red grainy filter.  Seriously?  Don't they want to increase ratings?  I can see people think there is something wrong with their tv.


Just as a reference if anyone needs it about what's going on with the upcoming episodes (sorry if I'm missing stuff);


  • 5x13 - Labor of Love; Snow centric with Hercules and Megara  - Ginny says that Hercules basically reminds her who Snow was (which hallelujah!)


  • 5x14 - Devil's Due; could be Hades or Rumple, I guess - Milah is in this episode, and she and Emma meet in the middle of Main street. Milah is a crossing guard. There's also a character named Fendrake the Healer. (At this point, I'm thinking that given Hook's state, that this Frendrake person is supposed to help him). Leaf Lady tweeted about CS scene for this episode.


  • 5x15 - The Brothers Jones; Liam and Captain Silver are in this one. Emma/Henry/Liam/Hook scenes, and I wanna say that Regina was there as well at one point.


  • 5x16 - Our Decay; Zelena centric; first glimpse at Warrior Dorothy who is likely useless since Zelena is still alive and is back in Storybrooke. Belle makes her way to the UW with Pistachio. There was filming with Belle, Regina and Robin at night near Zelena's farmhouse in the UW. Hades/Zelena night scene in Steveston with some dialogue about trust


  • 5x17 - Her Handome Hero; Belle centric with Gaston in both flashbacks and in the Underworld. I'm thinking this is the episode Belle finds out what hubby has done. Emma/Hook scene on the library roof talking.


  • 5x18 - Ruby Slippers; the return of Mulan and Ruby in this one. Ruby seems to have filmed with the gang that's in the Underworld (Hook and David), and Dorothy is in this one as well. There was also some filming done in town with Hook/David/Henry and Cruella was on the scene at some point.


  • 5x19 - Sisters; Zelena and Regina kid flashbacks. Cora is in this one as well, Barbara Hershey confirmed a scene with Hook/Cora. It also seems as though Cruella has kidnapped Pistachio and that Robin, David, Emma and Hook manage to get the baby back. Zelena looks like she's kidnapped by Pan and Rumple right outside of UW!Granny's and James decks David and it looks like he's trying to take his place to peace out of the UW.


  • 5x20 - Firebird; Emma centric (although it looks like it might be a CS joint centric instead). We meet Emma's mentor, a bails bond woman (Cleo if that's her real name), and Adam Croasdell aka deadbeat Brennan Jones is supposedly back for that episode. There were day scenes with Lana, Robin, the Blind Witch, Cruella, Stealthy, and many more dead people, Jared and his book sitting at a desk right next to the clock tower likely recording stuff. Night shoot was Jared, Emma, Hook, Regina, David (or James) and Hades, talking.


  • 5x21 - Last Rights; Zelena/Regina/Robin filmed at the Merry Men camp. Robin and Roland reunion, Little John on the scene because he is the real parent in this relationship.


  • 5x22 and 5x23 - no titles yet; Merida, Emma, Regina, David and Rumple at the town hall. Emma looked pissed at something and Regina looked like she was trying to stop her.


There's way too much Zelena in the 2nd half season for me.  Why weren't we finished with her with Oz?  What's the point of bringing Dorothy back anyway, just to get Zelena to the Underworld?  Ugh

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There's way too much Zelena in the 2nd half season for me.  Why weren't we finished with her with Oz?  What's the point of bringing Dorothy back anyway, just to get Zelena to the Underworld?  Ugh


It was to be expected the second we found out she was the connection to Hades.

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I can't believe we're going to have 10-11 episodes with the red grainy filter.  Seriously?  Don't they want to increase ratings?  I can see people think there is something wrong with their tv.

I'm hoping they're using the red fliter a lot more in 5x12 in order to establish the Underworld, with less usage in later episodes.



There's way too much Zelena in the 2nd half season for me.  Why weren't we finished with her with Oz?  What's the point of bringing Dorothy back anyway, just to get Zelena to the Underworld?  Ugh

There's definitely some Zelena-heavy content a-brewing. But I'll reserve my judgement until we see studio scenes. (I'm a fan of Zelena, not so much her storylines.)

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Thanks, YaddaYadda. Okay, so we don't actually know for sure that Hook and Milah have a scene together, do we? I assume they will but who knows with this show.

They probably will. I don't see them not having that happen.


Emma has a scene with Neal right off the bat in 5x12, so I'm pretty sure they'll have the Hook/Milah scene too since they like to have CS on the same footing so to speak. Plus it wouldn't make sense that after all this time that Hook spent seeking vengeance in her name that they wouldn't finally and 100% put that to rest. 

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Didn't A&E promise a wedding in some EW Q&A? And now they say there won't be one?

It's kind of sad that the last two weddings on the show have been between AU Robin & Zelena and Lying-About-the-Dagger Rumple & In-the-Dark Belle.


Also, haven't Robin and Regina already exchanged "I love yous" already? Am I just making this up? I didn't realize this was a thing fans were waiting on.

Edited by Curio
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Do we know if they're skipping Easter this year? If they do, it means three weeks before a break, which doesn't allow them to build momentum, but if they don't, ratings tend to drop because people aren't watching TV (I'm all for TV on Easter night because I don't feel like doing much else after singing for three services in the morning). If they skip Easter, we have to wait until after Easter for The Brothers Jones, but if they don't, then it will be on Easter and get killed in the ratings, and then people will try to claim that's because it's a Hook episode.

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Apparently Emma & Zelena were fighting/arguing.


I wonder who seeks who out since they're not fans of each other in the least. 


And this is why I will never understand how people can co-exist on this show, like ever! I'm all for forgive and forget, but there just seems to be an ocean under the bridge at this point for a few characters.


Emma has her reasons to hate Zelena, and Zelena definitely has her reasons to hate Emma. But if Zelena and Regina have made peace, Zelena automatically becomes part of the group. I'm not even going to mention the things Regina has done, or the conflict that exists between Hook and Rumple, although I'm glad they don't paint them as BFFs, but as two people who barely tolerate each other, and will screw the other over at the first opportunity. Rumple tried to kill Emma for power, and it doesn't compute how Snowing can just sit there and tolerate him. 


This show is so messed up. Family being family is one thing, but if someone tried to stab me, I'm pretty sure I will never speak to them again, and call the cops.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Would Zelena pull a Zelena and shape shift into Hook to get a free pass out of the Underworld? Meanwhile, real Hook is left behind? It seems a bit repetitive, but it is TS;TW.

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This show is so messed up. Family being family is one thing, but if someone tried to stab me, I'm pretty sure I will never speak to them again, and call the cops.

This show treats murder like being killed in a video game. How many times have characters "respawned"? These characters don't seem to fear death at all.



Would Zelena pull a Zelena and shape shift into Hook to get a free pass out of the Underworld? Meanwhile, real Hook is left behind? It seems a bit repetitive, but it is TS;TW.

If it's more pain for Hook and Emma, I'm sure they'll jump on it.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Would Zelena pull a Zelena and shape shift into Hook to get a free pass out of the Underworld? Meanwhile, real Hook is left behind? It seems a bit repetitive, but it is TS;TW.

A&E are not the sharpest pencil in the drawer, but this would be simply stupid. A twist like this would alienate half the audience.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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Would Zelena pull a Zelena and shape shift into Hook to get a free pass out of the Underworld? Meanwhile, real Hook is left behind? It seems a bit repetitive, but it is TS;TW.

Knowing how Zelena feels about her OTP sure why not. Oh and how this show likes to torture Hook and Emma also.

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Maybe Zelena had to something or honour a promise to Hades or something as part of the deal to get Kilian out of the UW (cos c'mon he's a god ..nobody's leaving his realm without his say so)...and she's reneged. .?This based on the idea that Killian isn't there and he and Emma would be pretty much go everywhere together for a while once they got hm back.

Edited by PixiePaws1
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Continuing a discussion from the fandom thread...


Were people honestly expecting a wedding from any pairing at the end of this season? The only viable candidates are Captain Swan and Outlaw Queen, and honestly, both would seem rushed at this point. I can't imagine either of them pulling what Rumple and Belle did at the end of Season 3 and doing a quick wedding with no guests. I'd wager that Season 6 might have one or two weddings, though.

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Just watched the "Sneak Peek" where they enter Scarybrooke.



I was wondering how they were going to explain why the Underworld looks like Storybrooke.


EMMA: How is this possible?  How does the Underworld look like Storybrooke? 

RUMPLE: Your questions are pointless.


He then goes on to completely ignore the question and instead explain that it's where people with "unfinished business" goes.  



Uh, is this meta?

Edited by Camera One
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Were people honestly expecting a wedding from any pairing at the end of this season?

I'm not even expecting a satisfiying payoff for all the angst of the season, but a lot of people was actually predicting a wedding for the season finale, so I guess they are a bit disappointed.

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A wedding is a bit premature, I find. I could an engagement happening more than a wedding.


Besides, these guys are getting back from the UW, and it seems like they're already thrown into the next crisis for season 6. 

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A wedding is a bit premature, I find. I could an engagement happening more than a wedding.

I never thought there'd be a CS wedding unless this was the last season. Can maybe see an engagement (with Emma doing the proposing to Killian's shock)...but I do think we will get a CS TLK instead of heart sharing. Edited by PixiePaws1
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I never thought there'd be a CS wedding unless this was the last season. Can maybe see an engagement (with Emma doing the proposing to Killian's shock)...but I do think we will get a CS TLK instead of heart sharing.

I was hoping to get either a TLK or a proposal. I would like them to not rush and be engaged a bit while Emma and Snow discuss wedding plans and show Emma getting alternated excited and nervous about it even to the point of freaking out.

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Yeah. No way Emma is getting married this season, when season 6 is already in the bag. I'm not even sure of an engagement this season, though at this point it's rather immaterial. But god, I want a True Love Kiss as payoff for all the angst they're throwing at CS!

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Looks like some ancient temple. So, I guess we're not done with the Greek Mythology stuff yet. 


We don't know for which episode this is. It could very well be a temple that's dedicated to Hades, perhaps?

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omg!! a bright shiny coffin. ..a greek looking temple (that looks a smidge like a cut down version of Petra)...and a boat..Did.Killian's body get put in the coffin while they were away and now they are reuniting body and soul? ?????? Please don't tell me we have to wait till the end of the season for that???? Ok ...that is likely. ..but if they haven't been able to touch for nearly all 5b the angst will see me a mess. (and could explain the 'stone temple 'because -if no touching -and this is where he is resurrected, the heat could cause anything flammable to go up when they finally get their hands on each other )

of course i could be completed off course and the coffin is the one they used for MoronFire or Archie....

Edited by PixiePaws1
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I had a random Romulus and Remus thought about the two brothers casting spoiler. Seems too esoteric, though, but if the temple sets are for the finale versus the Hades season, I can give one more penny to that thought.

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I had a random Romulus and Remus thought about the two brothers casting spoiler. Seems too esoteric, though, but if the temple sets are for the finale versus the Hades season, I can give one more penny to that thought.

...and an excellent thought it is...weren't they suckled by a wolf....just how old is Granny?!!
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I had a random Romulus and Remus thought about the two brothers casting spoiler. Seems too esoteric, though, but if the temple sets are for the finale versus the Hades season, I can give one more penny to that thought.


It's funny, I thought of Castor and Pollux. 


Looking forward to seeing this casting to have an idea what season 6 is going to be about.

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It sounds like Colin is being forced to keep his hair that long. I hope they don't do a cliffhanger on whether Hook survives or not. I don't think I can take that torture. lol

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It sounds like Colin is being forced to keep his hair that long. I hope they don't do a cliffhanger on whether Hook survives or not. I don't think I can take that torture. lol

Well since that was pretty much the cliffhanger of 5x11...

Edited by KingOfHearts
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It sounds like Colin is being forced to keep his hair that long. I hope they don't do a cliffhanger on whether Hook survives or not. I don't think I can take that torture. lol


And it makes sense. Crisis #1, They get back to Storybrooke, Emma is the Dark One, guy is preoccupied and stressed by that. Crisis #2, he dies, and is in the UW getting tortured, and after they find him, they're I'm assuming trying to figure a way out of dodge. There isn't exactly time to go for a haircut.


I thought one of the most jarring things in 3A was Ginny getting a hair cut during the Neverland arc. It was one of those things where all I could do was just stare at her hair every time she came on.

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It was one of those things where all I could do was just stare at her hair every time she came on.

Maybe she asked Regina nicely to give her a magic haircut? Hook probably wouldn't do that. 

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Why did Mary Margaret hide her kiss with James from David?  I hope we are not going to get an adultery storyline.  Snow being attracted by the "bad boy" in James and then leaving Charming in Hell.

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Why did Mary Margaret hide her kiss with James from David?  I hope we are not going to get an adultery storyline.  Snow being attracted by the "bad boy" in James and then leaving Charming in Hell.


It's one sneak peek, and it's really on a let's wait and see if she mentions anything to him, though I'm more inclined to think that if she does, it will probably be in 5x13 since that's her centric.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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It also seems like her minds some where else. David tends to get jealous and warn to punch people so maybe she just wanted to get into it at the moment since Emma's on a verge of a breakdown.

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Snow isn't really given time to react to James. Emma and Rumple immediately walk in and she looks flustered. She didn't really get to process what just happened because it was so quick. 

Edited by KingOfHearts
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How stupid is she anyway? David has a scar on his chin that she gave him. James does not have that scar. I'm going to have so many problems with this arc. It's going to take a lot of liquor to distract me from the continuity issues. Good thing I bought two bottles of rum in preparation. And to stay focused on the positive, I've picked the fact that there is zero Merida in the premiere. None!  And don't anyone spoil my happy place by bringing up the recent filming pictures.

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The Writers think she's pretty stupid (rushing over when Zelena claimed to be in pain in Camelot). In this case, it's the Writers who seem stupid. "Why did you change? How did you get clothes that fit you EXACTLY?" Why would Snow and Charming split up? They didn't have a convo about who they might find in Scarybrooke?

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