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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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So is Hades basically Mayor Mills and Emma has to break a curse or whatever so everyone can go where they are suppose to go?


Also is Mulan going to be dressing in her warrior outfit in Storybrook or is she in Enchanted Forest?

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and another with Mulan.

It looks like Mulan is somewhere too fancy for Storybrooke. What if she and Red teamed up with Dorothy and they just go realm-hopping using the Silver Slippers? Fighting crime and looks for werewolves.

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I'm just waiting for Zelena to be the big hero and Saviour of 5B. We know it can't be Emma because she's not allowed to do that anymore (and they're setting her up as one in interviews, which means it's a fake out). Maybe we get a Regina/Zelena sisterly True Love's Kiss that frees everyone from the Underworld, so the end of "Sisters" is when everyone returns home to Storybrooke.

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I think I'm going to stand by my assessment that 5B will be Zelena's own swan song. This thing seems to be shifting between the Underworld and Oz. 


5x12 - the 100th episode, so I don't think it will focused on anyone in particular

5x13 - likely Snow centric

5x14 - Rumple, possibly? Although I'm really torn and it could very well be Hades.

5x15 - Hook

5x16 - This one might be Hades, heavily featuring Zelena

5x17 - Belle, and Belle has Zelena's baby in tow

5x18 - I know it's called Ruby Slippers, but the person who directed the episode posted pics of munchkins, so Oz

5x19 - Regina/Zelena, whatever the setting Zelena will be heavily involved.


This has a really serious 3B feel to it. Plus Zelena was defeated in 3x20, and I'm guessing we'll have an idea with the title of the episode what it will be about. 5x20 might be the episode everyone does get back to Storybrooke finally.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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That script tease sounds like Belle is talking to Rumple on the cell phone. Either A she found out about the dagger and Rumple is lying about making the "sacrifice" to take the darkness again or B he tells her he had take the Nevengers into the Underworld.

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That script tease sounds like Belle is talking to Rumple on the cell phone. Either A she found out about the dagger and Rumple is lying about making the "sacrifice" to take the darkness again or B he tells her he had take the Nevengers into the Underworld.

I am going with door B....!
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What's one more lie between them? Rumple lies to Belle like he breathes, and if she believes him, then she's an idiot. I hope someone just tells her what really happened.


I've been thinking for a week or so that at the end of the series, Belle might end up the one who is left high and dry, with no happy ending. 


If they write in Emilie's pregnancy, Rumple will likely make an effort to change because of the baby, not because of her.

If they don't write in the pregnancy, Rumple will keep being an asshole.

If there's some kind of battle between good and evil, and Rumple dies, she loses the guy she's built her life around.

If there's some kind of battle between good and evil, and Rumple survives, how does she react to that? Belle doesn't seem to be interested in normal Rumple.


Belle needs to cut her losses.

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Belle: I don't understand... why you?


Is it possible that this isn't about Rumple? Could she be in contact with Zelena, Mulan, or Red at this point? Or even Arthur? I guess we could probably just check the list of guest stars for that episode to see which ones we can eliminate.


But logic probably points to this being about Rumple. I hope this is Belle questioning Rumple about wanting to save Hook in the Underworld instead of Belle finding out he's the Dark One again. They need to stretch that secret out.


(Also, I have to chuckle at the Rumbelle responses to this spoiler. A lot of them seem to think this quote is about Rumple coming clean to Belle and how he's nicely explaining why he had to become the Dark One again. Those poor, naïve, delusional fans...)


What's one more lie between them? Rumple lies to Belle like he breathes, and if she believes him, then she's an idiot. I hope someone just tells her what really happened. [...] Belle needs to cut her losses.


Responding in the relationships thread.

Edited by Curio
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Why is his hook bloody?

And how is there a physical hook when his body with hook is in the Storybrooke morgue? (I know that this is going to drive me insane all season unless they come up with a good bit of handwavium -- I could see an "Underworld incarnation" to create a form that is physical there, but that incarnation having a hook?).


But with the bloody hook and the grave, I wonder if maybe Hades is trying to convince Emma that Hook is dead even in the Underworld. If it's just a case of "sorry, he died, he's mine now," then why have a grave in the Underworld and why show a bloody hook?

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I've been thinking that everyone who arrives in the UW has their own headstone. Maybe it's a reminder that they're no longer alive, and are basically stuck in this universe without any chance of getting out of it. 

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I am getting very freaking anxious to see my baes on tv again. It feels like it's been forever!!

It's harder when there isn't much outside shooting for the spoiler thread to flail over.

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It really, really doesn't help that the spoilers we do have basically confirm what Eddy said to TVline that “The Zelena story in Oz, with Dorothy, will tie into our Underworld story pretty significantly.” Zelena is fine for a couple minutes of snark each episode, but it's looking like 5B is 3B redux and that means way too much Zelena. Unfortunately, Bex isn't Robert Carlyle and won't tell the writers that a little bit of a crazy villain goes a long way. The mid part of the season is sounding awful, but I'm willing to give it a shot. That said, if Zelena is leading the screentime in 5B, I'm done.

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Thinking about the new ad and trying to focus on the 'moments' that typically exceed the whole of an episode, particularly in the wake of non-thrilling Zelena / Regina spoilers and spec.


I'm really hoping that we get Hades talking to Emma while he is holding the hook and he uses something similar to this line: "There will be no bargain.  I will not give up my favorite decoration.  I like Captain Hook where he is."

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Dammit. I want that line now -- so of course it won't happen.

And I'm starting to get a bit worried to with the spoilers. The Hook is dark thing felt a little like they were taking the focus off of Dark Swan, which I thought was the point of that half season. And now they are focusing during the hiatus on Hook in Hell, but it makes me think that halfway through 5B it won't be about that at all.

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Looks like it's a lot about Zelena and Regina. Unsurprising actually, I wasn't expecting it to be about Hook any more than #SaveHenry was about Henry.

I am hoping for some good moments here and there with Hook and Emma. Good as in substantial, not necessarily nice and fluffy of course. I don't expect any fluffy this half season with these two.

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And I'm starting to get a bit worried to with the spoilers. The Hook is dark thing felt a little like they were taking the focus off of Dark Swan, which I thought was the point of that half season. And now they are focusing during the hiatus on Hook in Hell, but it makes me think that halfway through 5B it won't be about that at all.


Everything from the spoilers right now sounds a hell of a lot like 3B. I'm pretty sure the focus will shift away from Hook the moment they find him, and he and Emma are reunited. 5x15 is the Hook centric. I think we're basically done after that.

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I agree that it's starting to look a lot like 3B with the focus on Zelena vs Regina. However, I have a feeling that we may be getting another CS-centric 2-hr season finale which culminates in an engagement or a shotgun wedding. 

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I agree that it's starting to look a lot like 3B with the focus on Zelena vs Regina. However, I have a feeling that we may be getting another CS-centric 2-hr season finale which culminates in an engagement or a shotgun wedding. 


I sort of agree with that minus the shotgun wedding. 


I'm very curious about the title for 5x20. 3x20 is when Zelena was defeated. And now they have Dorothy in the mix whom I'm assuming is not the naive little girl she was. Maybe Dorothy ends Zelena.

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And now they have Dorothy in the mix whom I'm assuming is not the naive little girl she was. Maybe Dorothy ends Zelena.


Pretty sure that's where they're going. Can you imagine A&E letting Regina have to make nice to Zelena the way Snow and Emma are to Regina? No way. I think A&E made Mader a Regular just to complete Zelena's story and kill her off at the end of it. All of Regina's so called obstacles to her "Happy Ending" are lite versions of what she inflicted on others.

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Pretty sure that's where they're going. Can you imagine A&E letting Regina have to make nice to Zelena the way Snow and Emma are to Regina? No way. I think A&E made Mader a Regular just to complete Zelena's story and kill her off at the end of it. All of Regina's so called obstacles to her "Happy Ending" are lite versions of what she inflicted on others.


I think that's what it comes down too as well.


I was impressed that Zelena didn't try to kill Hook in the basement after he removed her cuff, and freed him instead. She could've ended him with a flick of her wrist to get back at Emma for what she had just done. It kind of proved that if they hadn't followed Regina's lead in Camelot when it came to Zelena, maybe things would have gone differently, you know. And yes, I know everything that Zelena has done. But Zelena is also treated like a pariah because of Regina.


I'm very convinced that Zelena's time on the show is coming to a close. Regina gets to have Robin and a brand new baby.

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It was truly an example of writing themselves into a corner by having Zelena be pregnant.


Was it writing themselves into a corner if they intended it? Though it's beyond me why the writers keep adding babies into the Show when they clearly don't know what to do with them.

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Can you imagine A&E letting Regina have to make nice to Zelena the way Snow and Emma are to Regina?


Oh, I can imagine it and it's beautiful.


Regina: Zelena! Please be my friend! I know you want to kill me, but I'll never stop trying! We share custody of the same child now, so we have that bond going for us. And we're so alike! We both have magic! Nobody understands the pain and specialness we have! I don't care that you've threatened to kill Henry, that's all in the past. You're a different person now! I can tell how Pistachio has changed you into a better person. I'm going to follow you around all the time and bring you kale salads and root beers until you agree to be my best friend! And don't worry about what you did to Robin, I did something pretty bad with some innocent guy a few seasons ago, too. In fact, let's discuss our naughty sex lives while we slowly stroll down the street in search for someone who might be on the brink of death. Say...what is your happy ending? Hmm? Do you want me to give up my Mayor position off screen? Because I can do that. Actually, screw that. I don't need to know your happy ending. I'm going to jump on board Operation Green without asking any questions and I'm going to help you find your happy ending because I feel so guilty about separating you from your baby!

Zelena: Why the hell would you do any of that? That's weird. Go away.

Emma and Snow: Why do I have déjà vu...


Man, the Regina/Snow/Emma dynamic is really screwed up when you apply the same rules to different characters.


Regarding the hook in the new promo. I'm guessing that Hades is holding it. However, what if it is Pan? We know that the short shot we got of him in the midseason finale ending was in what appeared to be an Underworld version of Gold's shop. So what if the hook is there?


I like that theory, but I'm guessing the writers won't dabble too much with the Pan/Hook relationship. Pan will probably only interact with Rumple and then poof away. Robbie didn't seem to film in Vancouver very long, so I'm guessing it's just a quick appearance for him in the 100th.

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Was it writing themselves into a corner if they intended it? Though it's beyond me why the writers keep adding babies into the Show when they clearly don't know what to do with them.

Babies are like characters - they're intended as plot devices, not real people. But even then, the babies' births are more like plot devices than they themselves.



so I'm guessing it's just a quick appearance for him in the 100th.

I know Cora and Cruella are back for multiple episodes, but it seems weird to have someone as major as Pan only show up for a cameo. He's had a decent following (from what I've seen).

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I still think Zelena will end up staying in the UW either by choice or because of a bargain/contract, a la Persephone, rather than outright dying. That way A&E could trot her out for a visit now & then, but she would be off-canvas unless they decide they need her for something.

Edited by Souris
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Regina, Zelena & Cora filmed today.


I realized that Cora has been brought back at least once every season since the character died in season 2.


Season 3, we had the whole young!Cora and Jonathan and her leaving Zelena behind in 3x18.

Season 4, we have 4x20.


And this season, she gets to meet the baby she abandoned in the woods. 


The show really does follow a pattern with their episodes. I'll be expecting Cora back next season around 6x18, 6x19 or 6x20.

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I'm bummed that there hasn't been a single spoiler I'm excited about. I'm happy that Ruby is coming back, and that Emma found Hook, but that's about it. They've been doing so much filming inside, there really hasn't been any good set photos like in the past. I remember how just a few photos would get us all giddy and excited and get our imaginations racing about what could be happening. Everything so far about 5B has been so blah.


ETA Just saw a pic of Hade's car. I'm more excited about that than anything. Maybe Emma and Hook can borrow it; it probably has a big back seat.

Edited by pezgirl7
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The Zelena/Hades ship seems to be sailing pretty strong. At this point it definitely seems like Zelena will end up in the Underworld with Hades, whether Dorothy is involved in the matter or not.

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Does anyone know about this supposed newsletter from Sean's agent going around saying he would finish OUAT in March? At first I thought it was the usual SQ BS, but I've read references to it from people who couldn't care less about SQ. Where does this rumor come from?

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I don't know where it first started, but supposedly it was a newsletter that his agent sent out, in which it said Sean would be finished with Once in March and please keep him in mind for future projects. Everybody will finish with Once for the season in very early April, so maybe his agent just said March to keep April sounding open. Now, Sean did switch some gig with an Irish singer that was supposed to be in Vancouver in late March to being in L.A. instead then. Nothing on its own, but taken together, could possibly mean something. Or not.

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I saw that floating around and have no clue what the origin is, but if it is legit, it's probably just a way to let casting directors know that Sean is interested in filming other projects during the summer hiatus. I'll eat my hat if the writers decide to kick Robin off the show after building up his relationship with Regina for 2+ years now.

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