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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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i have no idea how to read these casting announcements, but is the copy indicating these are major roles for the episode?  I cannot overestimate my degree of disdain for watching an entire episode of young Regina and Zelena pining for the sister they never knew, only to grow up to be enemies who discover that as children all they wanted was a sibling who understood them.  Oh, the irony.  Now that we know I always wanted you we can go forth and be friends and sisters and share a baby to raise in a non-traditional family because Regina just rolls like that.  Oh Robin, did you have some feelings about being raped by deception that we should be considering in our sisterly reconciliation?  You really need to just sit over here and shut up and color.

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Honestly,at this point m'y hop for once a upon a cs ( shows I would love so much better than the actual thing ) come back is in the final and the fact that cohesive writing exige an real pays off this time.

I mean come on,even for them they surely can ignore all the angst CS go trought both in 5a and 5b.

Plus side for 5b;

CS seem to be always together starting 5x13-14.

Even OQ had a real store line in the 4b final even if the writers do not seem to care for the pairing because the poor reception they got in 4b.

So, no way an actual popular pairing they take precaution with will not have a little more attention in a final where their storyline is the overall focus of both 5a and 5b.

But, I do not thing it will be CS move 2.0. Still optimist on the tlk or engagement thing.

My interest in the Regina and Zelena flash back will be with Zelena and Oz motsly.

Really, seem 5b to be Zelena heavy more than Regina.

I guess for Regina the final will be about her sister redemption or dead? So, not too much false SQ friendship.

Robin is the new Belle!

If they wanted to whitewash or make use feel sympathy for Regina, they should have shown us her abusive upbringing with Cora. Sadly that boat has long sailed.


But that's the thing...we have seen that flashback before. Multiple times. Sure, it wasn't with a different child actor, but they tried to make Lana look a lot younger. So I don't know how this new flashback is going to show us anything we didn't already know, except to pile on more pain and misery to make the audience feel oh-so-sorry for her. Again.


I hope this Mills Sisters episode is the beginning of a brand-new BFF friendship between Zelena and Regina, so that the writers can drop the Emma and Regina farce and focus back on fixing Snow and Emma's relationship for Season 6. 

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So I don't know how this new flashback is going to show us anything we didn't already know, except to pile on more pain and misery to make the audience feel oh-so-sorry for her. Again.


I don't know, the casting call makes a bigger case for feeling sorry for Zelena than Regina. Zelena is dirt poor, and her adoptive father hates her and her magic. I'm assuming the adoptive mother has died by this point. 


I'm sure the story will be Regina and Zelena met when they little kids, they gave each other different name, and none is the wiser. And now the little friends are actually sisters who hate each others' guts. This is right up A&E's alley.


I have to say though, 5B sounds like a Zelena arc. 


Zelena dies, Regina cries because she realizes the error of her ways, blah blah blah.

Zelena dies, Regina cries because she realizes the error of her ways, blah blah blah.


Is it bad that I actually don't want Zelena to die at this point? If Regina is allowed to breathe and walk around and have a True Love boyfriend and son, then Zelena deserves to have just as much as her sister, especially because Zelena hasn't done nearly as many heinous acts as Regina did during her Evil Queen and Season 1 Mayor reign.

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Is it bad that I actually don't want Zelena to die at this point? If Regina is allowed to breathe and walk around and have a True Love boyfriend and son, then Zelena deserves to have just as much as her sister, especially because Zelena hasn't done nearly as many heinous acts as Regina did during her Evil Queen and Season 1 Mayor reign.


I'm sure they're gonna go all out for when Zelena is in Oz and trying to get back. Either she doesn't survive this, or decides her happy ending is with her real baby daddy. 

Sometimes I question if Cora is really Zelena and Regina's mother because she doesn't whine nearly as much as those two do. "Wah wah wah why can't my victims just let me do awful things to them?"


I wont be shocked if we see Young Z and R through the episode. Bailee still comes back as Snow and we'll see an even taller Bailee/Snow.

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That what suck! We really miss the real Meat about Emma chillwood. The Swan family ?? When she get out of jail and turned her life around all by herself? Hook was a slave for god sake ! All we saw was mostly tiny bit for exposition but we already saw Regina past to know everything that matter.

So I am here for Zelana happy Ending she is so much more fun to me than Regina anyway.

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Emma has gotten more childhood flashbacks than Regina. We've only seen Regina as an older teenager and young adult, never as a kid or preteen. 


What's interesting is that from what we've seen out of Regina's past, it was almost always at stages in her life where she could have done something about it. After Daniel died and Cora was banished, she didn't need to marry Leopold. She didn't need to become the Evil Queen. Those were all bad choices, yet they're used to woobify her as a victim. In contrast, Emma's circumstances have almost always been unfortunate due to others interfering with her life out of her control or knowledge. That makes her more sympathetic.


One of Regina's biggest problems as a character is that she is identified as someone who always gets the short end of the stick despite that rarely being the case in what we see. Showing child flashbacks would better fit that assessment than showing her murdering a groom or lasagna getting rejected.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Emma has gotten more childhood flashbacks than Regina. We've only seen Regina as an older teenager and young adult, never as a kid or preteen. 


Just to play devil's advocate, shouldn't Emma naturally have more childhood flashbacks just because she's the lead of the show? And with Emma, so much about her personality stems from her childhood in foster care, so it's only natural that we should see those scenes on screen. Whereas with Regina, the audience can probably glean from her other flashbacks what her childhood was like. Emma has flat-out said on the show that a lot of her issues stem from her childhood, "In my childhood, people were always letting me down." Regina's issues always seemed to be more centered around her mother (and Rumple later on) in general, not specifically any childhood issues.


There are some characters where a childhood flashback naturally fits into the story, and some where it seems like overkill. (I doubt Charming or Belle will ever see childhood flashbacks.) With Cruella, seeing her as a child was significant because it told the audience she was born with evil tendencies and did heinous crimes at such an early age. With Hook, the importance of showing his childhood flashback was twofold: first, it verified that the story he told Bae was true and wasn't made up on the spot just to feign sympathy; and secondly, we learned that he became a servant/slave for most of his childhood. That's actually some new and significant information that helps the audience better understand his adult character, and explains why he always feels so strongly about giving Emma her agency. I just don't see any new information like that happening here with Regina because we've already been given plenty of flashback opportunities to dig into her psyche.


One of Regina's biggest problems as a character is that she is identified as someone who always gets the short end of the stick despite that rarely being the case in what we see. Showing child flashbacks would better fit that assessment than showing her murdering a groom or lasagna rejection.


While I completely agree with this, it's too little too late for me at this point.

Edited by Curio
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Emma has gotten more childhood flashbacks than Regina. We've only seen Regina as an older teenager and young adult, never as a kid or preteen.


Emma's teen flashbacks were about drawing parallels to that messed up friendship. From one messed up "friendship" to another!


Emma got 3x22 (which shocker was actually about Emma), 4x05 (in an episode that I will never ever rewatch again) and 4x19, plus 5x01 as a child. There was also 2x06, but I'm not sure that really counts. I just remembered the flashback with Ingrid as well. As a lead character, Emma has barely had any flashbacks for anything. We don't know who gave her a chance to turn her life around after she was released from jail, we don't know how she fell into bailsbond. 




It's the second half of the season, so we know how the show rolls. As long as the last 2 hours are not a rendition of Operation Mongoose, I'm fine.


Emma got 3x22 (which shocker was actually about Emma), 4x05 (in an episode that I will never ever rewatch again) and 4x19, plus 5x01 as a child. There was also 2x06, but I'm not sure that really counts. I just remembered the flashback with Ingrid as well. As a lead character, Emma has barely had any flashbacks for anything. We don't know who gave her a chance to turn her life around after she was released from jail, we don't know how she fell into bailsbond.


Just to play devil's advocate, shouldn't Emma naturally have more childhood flashbacks just because she's the lead of the show?

I'm going to back away slowly because I think this is more about who viewers believe is more important and deserving of flashbacks. I respect everyone's opinions, I just don't feel I should be touching open wounds in the Spoiler thread. :)



While I completely agree with this, it's too little too late for me at this point.

I agree that it's too late. Wee!Regina flashbacks have just been on my wishlist for a while. 

Edited by KingOfHearts

I'm going to back away slowly because I think this is more about who viewers believe is more important and deserving of flashbacks. I respect everyone's opinions, I just don't feel I should be touching open wounds in the Spoiler thread. :)

Yeah, sorry for jumping all over your post.


They said there would be tons of Regina, so this comes as no surprise. If it's bring something new to the table then fine.

  • Love 1

Yeah at this point im not mad about a weeRegina flashback because I've wanted one for so long. Give me a reason to feel sorry for her because like others have said the flashbacks she's been given leaves me cold when it comes to sympathy. I still remember giving the biggest eye roll when the reveal of why she really hated Snow White wasn't even Snows damn fault. But it also lead me to wonder why did Regina refuse to go after her mom and leave Snow out of it? Is their more to Cora and Regina than the Daniel thing for Regina to be afraid to go after her? So yeah im actually excited for Wee Regina but it sucks that it sounds like its meant to make the sisters closer and nothing to do with Regina's awful mommy issues.

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Just to play devil's advocate, shouldn't Emma naturally have more childhood flashbacks just because she's the lead of the show?


Eh, I'm less concerned about who gets one and how many they have as I am about the content of them. Everyone was excited about Young!Emma in 5.01 and that was a total bust. It told us nothing about her and ultimately, the stupid message given made zero sense in the grand scheme of things. That's a waste of a flashback and was massively disappointing to Emma fans. At least this casting call sounds more like the episode will feature young Regina and Zelena, so in theory we should learn something about them. Unfortunately, I just don't think it will fit with what we've already learned and will be just another opportunity to make us all see that Cora was a big meanie and Regina just wanted to be loved just like Young!Zelena and her meanie of a father. We've seen that. We're done with that. Let's come up with something new for Regina & Zelena that isn't rehashing information or retconning the hell out of past episodes. I'd take an entire episode of Regina/Zelena/Cora shenanigans in the Underworld. How about a Cora/Regina team up against Zelena/Hades? There's no need for flashbacks. That would be an awesome episode.

Unfortunately, I just don't think it will fit with what we've already learned and will be just another opportunity to make us all see that Cora was a big meanie and Regina just wanted to be loved just like Young!Zelena and her meanie of a father. We've seen that. We're done with that. Let's come up with something new for Regina & Zelena that isn't rehashing information or retconning the hell out of past episodes.


That's where I'm at. I don't mind exploring Regina and Zelena's relationship as sisters, but I don't think paralleling their current situation to their childhoods or somehow retconning their histories to have them meet each other as kids is the way to do it. Although I'm pretty much over all flashbacks at this point, but I'll take that rant to another thread.


And wow...I can't believe we're wasting a CGI budget on that hair...

Edited by Curio
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I thought the hair was fake, but then I saw the picture was credited to ABC. They really shouldn't have done that. 


ETA - What would be cool, and as someone who has not really seen Hercules is if Hades turns into blue flames, and when he assumes his "human" form, the hair is the last thing that looks normal. 

Edited by YaddaYadda

Kind of a pet peeve for mine... it looks like 5B is going to make jokes about hell and the Devil, but at the same time making the distinction it's actually the Underworld and Hades. The mixed signals doesn't make it any easier for the audience to understand the concept they're shooting for. A&E called Hades the "the devil" in the interview. I was hoping they wouldn't do that sort of thing.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Kind of a pet peeve for mine... it looks like 5B is going to make jokes about hell and the Devil, but at the same time making the distinction it's actually the Underworld and Hades.


We could probably make a drinking game based on all the hell-related puns and phrases we're going to get in 5B. Bloody hell, hell in a hand basket, what the hell, what the devil, devil's advocate, give the devil his due, deviled eggs, dead set, deadly serious, things are looking grim, hell froze over, dying to leave...

  • Love 4

The comment section on that hair photo is entertaining. Why are they doing the hair? Quiet and unassuming would make him much more menacing whereas that hair just makes him a clown. I guess he and Zelena really are soulmates. He's got the crazy blue hair and she's got the green skin thing going on. They understand the pain of looking different. It's a match made in hell.

  • Love 3


I guess he and Zelena really are soulmates. He's got the crazy blue hair and she's got the green skin thing going on.

Once upon a time, he had anger issues... that turned into flaming hair. Zelena and Hades were just two outcasts whose weaknesses turned into visible imperfections. 


The picture seems to be in a CGI scene, so I'm hoping his Underbrooke scenes will be normal. Wouldn't it be ironic if the citizens didn't know he was Hades? Just that he's a mystery man?

Edited by KingOfHearts

I guess he and Zelena really are soulmates. He's got the crazy blue hair and she's got the green skin thing going on. They understand the pain of looking different. It's a match made in hell.


"Hades, they don't know what it feels like to be rejected and misunderstood. Not the way I do. Not the way you do. And somehow that makes us...I don't know...unique, or maybe even special."

  • Love 1

Hades was given the Underworld to rule because of his hair. He was made fun of because of his flamboyant hair.


Hades the blue haired Greek God

Had very flamboyant hair

And if you ever saw it

You would even say it... burned.

All of the other Greek Gods

Used to laugh and call him dorky

They never let poor Hades

Join in any Olympus orgy. 

  • Love 8

Hades the blue haired Greek God

Had very flamboyant hair

And if you ever saw it

You would even say it... burned.

All of the other Greek Gods

Used to laugh and call him dorky

They never let poor Hades

Join in any Olympus orgy. 


That reminds me -- have we been given an estimate on how many episodes before we get the obligatory Hades tragic backstory that is going to completely butcher Greek mythology?  Hades actually did have a tragic beginning, you know; as the firstborn child of Cronus and Rhea, Hades was the first victim of Cronus' desire to murder his children by devouring them as soon as they were born.

Edited by legaleagle53

It's funny to me how closely each half season seems to reflect the previous year.


The Brothers Jones = Poor Unfortunate Soul (aka the random Hook-centric)

Ruby Slippers = Heart of Gold (aka the random Zelena-centric with no main cast members)

Sisters = Mother (aka the Regina + one Mills family member centric)


It will be interesting if the show does another two-hour finale experiment that has nothing to do with the rest of the season. If the past two seasons are anything to go by, Hades will be defeated in 5x21, and then we'll get a two-part finale that experiments with the "It's a Wonderful Life" concept.

It will be interesting if the show does another two-hour finale experiment that has nothing to do with the rest of the season.


If they do that, I hope it starts in 5x21 because I want shit to make sense. I hate how they rush through their finales where things end up not making much sense.


Honestly though, given that they are spending a lot of time in the UW, I don't know that they will be sending the characters anywhere for the last 2 hours. Unless they have to end up somewhere before they arrive in Storybrooke.

“It’s a place that, once they get there, they’re going to discover that possibly some of these people can be saved and brought out of there, because maybe they’re misplaced in this world,”


This is kind of interesting, that the people who died are ending up in the Underworld even though they're not supposed to. I guess it's not so much about unfinished business as much as it is about them getting lost along the way, or Charon just bringing them to the UW because Hades said so.


I'm guessing that people like Liam, possibly Milah, James were never supposed to end up there in the first place. Liam seemed way too good and moral to be in purgatory. Unless being stupid lands you there.


Might explain why there's so many kids there too.

Edited by YaddaYadda

This is kind of interesting, that the people who died are ending up in the Underworld even though they're not supposed to. I guess it's not so much about unfinished business as much as it is about them getting lost along the way, or Charon just bringing them to the UW because Hades said so.


If Hades is abusing his power as the master of the Underworld and forcing people to stay there who don't belong in that world, that would make him a more menacing villain. If he's just doing his job as the guy who just oversees dead bodies, you can't really argue with that because everyone eventually dies. That's just life. But if he's over-stepping his boundaries, then our heroes might have a battle to deal with before they all leave the Underworld and set things right.

If Hades is abusing his power as the master of the Underworld and forcing people to stay there who don't belong in that world, that would make him a more menacing villain. If he's just doing his job as the guy who just oversees dead bodies, you can't really argue with that because everyone eventually dies. That's just life. But if he's over-stepping his boundaries, then our heroes might have a battle to deal with before they all leave the Underworld and set things right.


There was a spoiler about Emma realizing that her Savior job not being done, so I'm thinking Hades is just keeping anyone who ends up in the Underworld. You can't reign over something if you barely have anyone to reign over.


It's like well this person was supposed to end up in Heaven, and instead oopsie, they're stuck in the UW, and have been there for centuries in some cases.


It definitely makes for something a bit more interesting, hopefully?

Are there people in the Underworld who shouldn't be dead? Like Anastasia in OUATIW, for example. I know Hook is somehow a special case since he has a tombstone there. Judging by the Hades pic, maybe he's being kept in a secret lair? But then he gets out to talk to Liam, correct? Or were those just flashbacks?

Edited by KingOfHearts
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