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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Why even bother Eduardo with making a new dress, then? Why not just use the same freaking dress, instead of making it canon that she changed outfits just for the hell of it, and then immediately put her back in the outfit she was wearing before? Eduardo spends a lot of time on those outfits, and surely it cost them some good money just to make a new Evil Queen costume, but why go through all that effort when it wasn't even necessary in the first place?

I don't think that's a new dress. i think that's the dress she wears in season 3/snow/excalibur flashbacks except a different necklace.

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I guess if there still people shipping Hook and Regiona or the EQ there some Interest but I never did!

So, if the FB is just that kind of stuff.

It will exactly prove how wrong it was to have her in the only real FB about Killian past.

I am not a happy camper because I am not a fans and I was looking for to learn about Killian as a child and with his past but all I have been hearing seem rather dull.

I am just at the point to want to see the episode and be over with. The good news for is I am back to be sure Killian sacrifice himself at the end and it will have an emotional CS scene at the lake.

Just too much Hook is the worse DO to ever ever walk!

And there still baby Killian!!

It's not so much that Hook and Regina are acing the characterization, but they bounce well off each other. They're basically two kinds of villains - the flamboyant, mustache-twirly one and the uninterested "get in and get out" one. Whenever someone is allowed to antagonize Regina, it's gold.


Regina: "You don't know my mother. She's an expert at one thing - exploiting weakness; and I need to make sure you have none."

Hook: "Well she sounds lovely. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

Regina: "Shut up."


I just love that.



You are not. She was trying too hard. Blech.

There's been such a lack of Evil Queen that she's over-compensating. In a sense, she's out of practice. I would have rather had a more "Mayor Mills" angle.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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hee. Yup. Colin nailed that same bored look from S2.


I know I'm beating a dead horse, but if some the Nevengers get literally marked for death, and Eddy is talking about Dark Hook feeling conflicted, the last-minute turn-around theory is more supported. 

Yep and he ends up saving them all and destroying the darkness for good. He makes the ultimate sacrifice for his TL which leads to her and everybody else going to the UW to save him.


This all but confirms they don't go to the UW by force but to save Killian.

I just really, reallyreally don't want a last-minute epiphany where Hook realizes he has to do something based off a flashback he randomly remembers about his dad at the 11th hour. But that's exactly what this episode seems to be shaping up to be. It's basically like Regina's last-second epiphany to not kill Zelena in "Mother." During that episode, Regina was all set on eliminating her sister no matter what, but then she randomly remembered some flashback about her mom that seemed like a retcon, and then she did a 180 in a couple seconds and changed her mind. Now we have Hook remembering some flashback about his dad that also seems like a retcon, which will probably make him do a 180 and change his mind. I'm crossing every part I can to hope this isn't the case, but based on everyone getting marked up and the fact that it's TS;TW... I'm losing faith.

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Yep and he ends up saving them all and destroying the darkness for good. He makes the ultimate sacrifice for his TL which leads to her and everybody else going to the UW to save him.


lol. Some of you guys jump on anything even remotely negative. A last minute change of heart doesn't stop the fact that it would still be severe character regression for Hook to put everyone in danger just to get his revenge. Not buying the "he had no choice" because he is a Dark One idea. I didn't buy it for Rumple. Not going to buy it for Hook, even if he is my favorite character in the show. It may still play out beautifully on-screen, and I am still hopeful that it does. But who knows with this show. We shall see... Just two more days to go.

Edited by Rumsy4
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yeah...yeah...Hook/EQ retcon flashback...blah...the only flashback I want is CS making tacos the first time ...I am shallow!!

Yes...NOW the interviews have gone from Hook is full on evil' to 'he's conflicted'....i also can't believe that Emma's original faith in him has been completely pointless or why have Charming point it out...Mr Threw Myself Under an Arrow to save my True Love from doing something she'd never recover from...no parallel there at all ..doh!

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lol. Some of you guys jump on anything even remotely negative. A last minute change of heart doesn't stop the fact that it would still be severe character regression for Hook to put everyone in danger just to get his revenge. Not buying the "he had no choice" because he is a Dark One idea. I didn't buy it for Rumple. Not going to buy it for Hook, even if he is my favorite character in the show. It may still play out beautifully on-screen, and I am still hopeful that it does. But who knows with this show. We shall see... Just two more days to go.


I disagree because even though it takes him to that moment he ultimately chooses love over revenge which will contrast to him making the opposite decision in his past that just took him down the endless road where he believed there was nothing for him after his revenge.


Mark Isham made a song just for his sacrifice it's definitely gonna be beautiful and heartbreaking but it's gonna be ultimately satisfying when at the end of the finale Emma and co are on their way to go and save him and his archenemy no less assists them in saving him.

At this point, and after reading all the interviews, the last-second change of heart seems to be the only option. Well, that or him dying a villain, something I wouldn't rule out.

i also can't believe that Emma's original faith in him has been completely pointless

Well, I'm not surprised. Emma's faith in him lasted about ten seconds.

Mark Isham made a song just for his sacrifice 

No, Isham has writen a piece called The Sacrifice. But we don't know anything else about it. It can be for Hook or for any other character.

Edited by RadioGirl27
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Signs point now to a last minute change of heart. Since what Hook's put in motion is horrific, we'll see if it's enough. Clearly Snow and David are laying the forgiveness track. I'm not sure if I buy it. I'm not a fan of taking characters super dark and blaming it on magic.

Well it's clearly enough since by the end of the finale they're on their way to the UW to save him, everyone.

No, Isham has writen a piece called The Sacrifice. But we don't know anything else about it. It can be for Hook or for any other character.

LOL You're right, absolutely. It's gonna be Zelena or Nimue's death that is the sacrifice. I'm being so silly that since the episode is based around Killian that it would be his sacrifice and swan song that Isham's piece is about.

Edited by Hookian


LOL You're right, absolutely. It's gonna be Zelena or Nimue's death that is the sacrifice. I'm being so silly that since the episode is based around Killian that it would be his sacrifice and swan song that Isham's piece is about.

I'm surprised the press release didn't say, "and a sacrifice to save everyone comes from an unlikely source." Zelena will die to give her child a good future, OQ will name it after her, and she'll always be remembered as a hero. We all know 5B is really #SaveZelena

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Emma isn't firing on all cylinders at the moment. It's hard to blame her for losing faith in Hook when he literally crushed a man's heart and cast a curse right after telling her that Killian Jones is dead. Add in that she's compromised by the Darkness and it's hard to judge her for not being on the trust in Hook train. That said, I think Emma is on the Save Hook train. She knows he's still there under it all if she can remove the Darkness, so her focus is on getting rid of it rather than trying to reason with Dark Hook.


I cannot tell you how funny I find it that Zelena is all upset about the latest events. She's the one who unleashed Dark Hook on Storybrooke in the first place. She's also a big part of the reason why Emma needed to save Hook in the first place. It will never be acknowledged by her though.

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Well it's clearly enough since by the end of the finale they're on their way to the UW to save him, everyone..

As you will notice from re-reading my post, I'm addressing this on two levels -- whether it's enough for the characters -- and I'm citing Snow and David as evidence it will be -- and whether it's enough for me as a viewer -- and I'm saying the jury's out.

YMMV but there's no 'clear' conclusion.

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Hook threatened Emma's family. Even if they don't give as much of a damn as she does them he still threatened them. This is where Emma gets real and be on the defense. I love Hook but if Emma lost faith in him it's because he's far to gone. Dark Emma never went around threatening Hook. In fact she invited him to be together.

Edited by mjgchick
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I have two theories about the sneak peek with Hook and Regina. The first is that Regina puts some kind of hallucinogenic potion in Hook's wine, and then he dreams meeting his father. Maybe Regina can somehow see his thoughts when this happens. The other is that Papa Hook is Regina in disguise. I just don't think Papa Hook is still alive in this time period. I think he died a natural death, and Hook will meet him in the UW for the first time since he was abandoned.

Edited by pezgirl7
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I have two theories about the sneak peek with Hook and Regina. The first is the Regina puts some kind of hallucinogenic potion in Hook's wine, and then he dreams meeting his father. Maybe Regina can somehow see his thoughts when this happens. The other is that Papa Hook is Regina in disguise

That makes sense, since that's exactly the kind of thing Cora would do if she wanted something from Hook. 

Mark Isham made a song just for his sacrifice it's definitely gonna be beautiful and heartbreaking but it's gonna be ultimately satisfying when at the end of the finale Emma and co are on their way to go and save him and his archenemy no less assists them in saving him.


Well it's clearly enough since by the end of the finale they're on their way to the UW to save him, everyone.


And then they lived Happily Ever After. ;-) Seriously, I really hope your positivity is justified. But nothing is 100% certain, going by A&E's past history.

As you will notice from re-reading my post, I'm addressing this on two levels -- whether it's enough for the characters -- and I'm citing Snow and David as evidence it will be -- and whether it's enough for me as a viewer -- and I'm saying the jury's out.


Exactly. Team Hero is easy to satisfy (see how they treat Regina). It is as the viewer that I want to be satisfied. Wiith such a packed episode, we can't be certain. It is likely that the repercussions of this regression on Hook's part will play out more in 5B. After all, Hook will have to deal with the fact that he put everyone in danger, and where better than in the UW?

Edited by Rumsy4
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We're missing something huge about the wardrobe change! This is a different timeline from Queen of Hearts. Emma and Hook's time travel adventures are really leaving their mark now. Regina was right, they really shouldn't have messed with the timeline and now we're seeing the consequences. Obviously Smee mentioned Hook's super cool new leather vest to Hook after he recovered from being passed out on the floor. This, in addition to Hook's rum soaked memories of being punched out by a dashing figure wearing a leather vest, convinced him that he needed to add even more leather to his ensemble. Similarly, Regina's failure to kill Snow even though she had her burned at the freaking stake, caused her to forego her triumphant purple in favor of a more tasteful red. 


We're getting payoff for something that happened one and a half seasons ago. This is something that I feel Once truly excels at! (haha yeah right)


ETA: This also explains why Hook is taking his time drinking his wine and chilling outside the castle. He did blame the rum!

Edited by InsertWordHere
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And then they lived Happily Ever After. ;-) Seriously, I really hope your positivity is justified. But nothing is 100% certain, going by A&E's past history.


True we don't know 100% with certainty but I say it's like 99.99999% chance of it happening like this.


We know the spoilers from the filming. We know that by the end of the finale, Rumple has cut his hand with the dagger and places the blood in the water clearly to make a portal(as we learned this past episode he's the only one that can do that). By this time, Emma is back to her savior clothes so this all happens after Killian's sacrifice and everybody is there as well since they're wearing the same clothes they wear in the UW.



So they're definitely on their way to the UW by the end of the finale and it's to rescue Hook. Now will the characters find his sacrifice worthwhile saving. I think most just want to do this for Emma. Mainly because she's fought for everyone's right to a happy ending but it's her that has to make all the sacrifices. So now they want to help her gain back what she lost.

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We're missing something huge about the wardrobe change! This is a different timeline from Queen of Hearts. Emma and Hook's time travel adventures are really leaving their mark now. Regina was right, they really shouldn't have messed with the timeline and now we're seeing the consequences. ... We're getting payoff for something that happened one and a half seasons ago. 


Now this explains ALL of the continuity errors this season. This is an altered timeline. No wonder most things don't match. ;-)

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Did anyone else get Shattered Sight vibes from the promos? I doubt the DOs are going to raise any hell aside from maybe killing Zelena. Do we have anything other than the promo that shows Zelena is kicking the bucket? Because it looks to me like she's just taking the broom through the window or opening a portal to Oz. There's definitely magic smoke.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I have two theories about the sneak peek with Hook and Regina. The first is that Regina puts some kind of hallucinogenic potion in Hook's wine, and then he dreams meeting his father. Maybe Regina can somehow see his thoughts when this happens. The other is that Papa Hook is Regina in disguise. I just don't think Papa Hook is still alive in this time period. I think he died a natural death, and Hook will meet him in the UW for the first time since he was abandoned.



Hmm, say Zelena gets marked and tries to escape it by whipping up a tornado to Oz. Could that possibly send her to the Underworld instead? Perhaps if you're marked and try to realm hop it automatically takes you to Underbrooke. 


Those are both interesting theories! The former would explain the discontinuity of Hook's dad being his same age. And the latter would explain Zelena being in the UW but leave her not dead.


My critical mind wants to be all pissed off about Hook simply flipping at the last moment and all the logic holes and character fuckery that would've been solved by him actually having a long con instead. But I think I've finally reached the acceptance level of not expecting quality, continuity or respect for characters from TSTW, so I'm more zen about the whole thing. That said, they could very well still eff things up enough in the midseason finale and piss me off enough to make me quit the show. I'm just waiting to see how it goes. I need Hook to make a conscious, free choice to fight the darkness and save Emma/the others. That seems to be where it's going, but … TSTW. I don't trust them a bit after 4x11.

Edited by Souris
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Well, I'm not surprised. Emma's faith in him lasted about ten seconds.


Her Dad's faith that MM hadn't killed Kathryn only lasted 10 secs, too. ..and he was under the Dark Curse and his daughter is under the DO Curse...so, so many parallels that can play out here with CS and Snow being all murderous after forgetting her True Love which was thanks to a potion procured from ....a DO!....and that worked out ok in the end..well until the Dark Curse (paralleled with a cloud of corporeal DOs) Edited by PixiePaws1
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I really should know better by now but think the costume change might be a hint that the test isn't real or that Regina somehow resets what happens. Hook even points out that she took some time to do her hair. We know she filmed in the Queen of Hearts dress because LP or someone else tweeted a pic of Regina in that dress, so why have her put on another dress and then have Hook point it out? Perhaps Hook proves his mettle by "killing" his father (or just showing Regina he's willing to kill him), but it's not real and Regina resets things by having him forget the whole adventure and putting him back in the castle in his black velvet vest. Changing someone's clothes after stealing their memories is apparently a thing this season. I'm just not sure why he would change out of it to begin with since he's never had a costume change mid adventure unless it was needed for the plot. 


But something must happen between Hook and Papa that causes Regina to learn his secret (which I think has something to do with the Underworld), so on some level the Daddy Hook in the flashback test must be "real."

That is S2 Hook and Regina to a T. I'm digging it. lol

Yeah, it was super fun. I think Lana went a bit too over the top/campy compared to how she actually played the EQ in previous seasons, but I think she's just a bit out of practice. Her EQ in Storybrooke from 4A also wasn't the best, but I don't really care, because it's such a stark improvement over current Regina.


Frankly, I will be shocked if it's anything but that, especially if the long con theory is correct since that will make Colin a flat-out liar.

The same Colin who, during 3B, went around saying Hook "kinda liked Emma or whatever", when he had already filmed the "I swear on Emma Swan" scene?


Okay, I didn't watch the last episode (new job, not a free moment), but someone help me: did we see Hook take Merlin's heart and Merlin protesting? Here's what I don't understand:

1. If the point of the last episode was "Dark Hook is the evilest evil", why not show him murdering Merlin? The last time a DO took a heart (Emma with Violet) and we didn't see it, it was because there was a flashback/twist involved and we saw it later. Especially since Merlin has been a big deal for so long, and so powerful, and they simply... decided to have his death scene off screen?

2. Merlin was "brewing" the dark curse. Why? 


That just screams to me that Merlin and Dark Hook are in this together, which was also hinted at by Elliot.

Edited by Serena

Okay, I didn't watch the last episode (new job, not a free moment), but someone help me: did we see Hook take Merlin's heart and Merlin protesting? Here's what I don't understand:

1. If the point of the last episode was "Dark Hook is the evilest evil", why not show him murdering Merlin? The last time a DO took a heart (Emma with Violet) and we didn't see it, it was because there was a flashback/twist involved and we saw it later. Especially since Merlin has been a big deal for so long, and so powerful, and they simply... decided to have his death scene off screen?

2. Merlin was "brewing" the dark curse. Why?

That just screams to me that Merlin and Dark Hook are in this together, which was also hinted at by Elliot.

Hook virtually walked in the door at Granny's and ripped Merlin's heart out. If there was any kind of collusion between the two it had to be before Killian became a DO...i am not completely against the possibility but Merlin would have had to have wiped Hook's memory so the Darkness as earworm Rumple was unaware.Maybe if Merlin comes back as a semi DO he puts the memory back at the right moment for Hook to resist the Darkness but that is a really far fetched theory and not what I think happened. Perhaps that had something to do with that snow globe ....

Is clippy!Rumple that smart, though? He claimed Emma had already given in to the darkness when it was not true.

Still confused about that, but I've settled with the idea that clippy!rumple/Emma scenes like that basically represent the (very small) part of her that wants the evil darkness plan to succeed (that all DO's innately and apparently want to some varying degree). And those scenes kind of contradict the truth, so it shows she's struggling just a little???? She is a DO, so technically she gave into the darkness (just a tad though).

Edited by HoodlumSheep

Is clippy!Rumple that smart, though? He claimed Emma had already given in to the darkness when it was not true.


That's the thing though, what I'm getting is that clippies don't have access to the thoughts of the current Dark One. If they had, they would've known exactly what Emma was doing. Nimue seemed a bit suspicious of Emma because Emma refused to kill Merlin, refused the power that she was being offered. 


Hook is doing the exact opposite of Emma. He killed Merlin, or Nimue did it through him, he brought the Dark Ones to SB. He's doing what they're telling him to do, but whatever he is thinking, whether he is torn up about what he's doing, they wouldn't know.




My question is, how did clippies not go after Hook in his amnesiac state. Did they also forget the was a Dark One? They should know that Emma turned Hook into a Dark One, that the guy is prime for a blow up because he is wound up real tight. Rumple was there when Emma did what she did. And yet, no preying on Hook. I know there's the whole memory loss part, but still, I'd think that's the best time to pounce.

Edited by YaddaYadda

Well for people on here paranoid or something at least this already sounds much better than 4x11


Honestly, the fact that we're getting a young Killian flashback, a Papa Jones interaction, and basically just a whole bunch of Hook throughout the entire episode... it's already going to be 1,000 times better than 4x11, even if they make Hook do a cliché heel face turn at the very end.

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...even if they make Hook do a cliché heel face turn at the very end.


Yeah. Like when Regina had her epiphany about sparing Zelena at the end of 4B, based on nothing that was actually shown that season, but  on a retconned shoehorned flashback involving Cora.


I think Regina will remind Hook of whatever happened in their retconned shoehorned flashback, and that will trigger Dark Hook's change of heart. I'm starting to think that the whole "test"  Regina sets for Hook is a hallucination. That might explain the rapid costume change, and Hook randomly standing in the middle of nowhere with a wine goblet in his hand. 


Colin seems really excited about his flashback with Daddy Jones. I'm so lookign forward to it!

Edited by Rumsy4
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Instead of an illusion, I'm more inclined that she took his memories instead. I know this show plays fast and loose with a lot (everything), but how would she even know what a man who lived hundreds of years before even looks like?


Come to think of it, how does she even know he's Captain Hook's father? Did she go on Ancestry.com and searched for him? Or did the guy broadcast all over the EF being the father of a man who basically returned from Neverland like a year or so before? 

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Or it could be the case where the wine Regina gave Hook is a magical spell that makes the person hallucinate their biggest weakness. So Regina might expect some dastardly pirate to magically appear as an apparition and order Hook to defeat him, but then she's surprised that it's actually Hook's not-super-intimidating-looking father.

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Or it's really the writers doing what they do best, fuckery.


I'm fine with where they stuck it within the timeline. But they really needed to go and check the dialogue, and the stuff that happened after that scene. 


Regina getting changed? I'm more than okay with that, because she's the EQ, and she changes outfits as she's walking. 


But Hook never changes. 

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Or it could be the case where the wine Regina gave Hook is a magical spell that makes the person hallucinate their biggest weakness. So Regina might expect some dastardly pirate to magically appear as an apparition and order Hook to defeat him, but then she's surprised that it's actually Hook's not-super-intimidating-looking father.


That's a brilliant idea. Someone on tumblr pointed out that after Graham "chickened out" of killing Snow White, Regina wanted to make sure Hook would not do the same wrt to Cora. I shudder to think what may have happened if Hook had failed the test.

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After processing the sneak peek where Emma says Regina's right about hitting DO Hook with everything they've got, I can only say that Emma really does need to wise up. The man Emma loved did NOT die in Camelot and Regina knows bugger all about what it takes to be a real hero (since she had it handed to her on a silver platter - Thanks, Writers) so she needs to sit her ass down and STFU!


Having said that, I enjoyed the latest sneak peek immensely. Hook is just so deeply unimpressed by all her Muahawhaw-ing. Good, bad, or somewhere in between, he's my guy (just like Spike).

Edited by Dianthus
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Having said that, I enjoyed the latest sneak peek immensely. Hook is just so deeply unimpressed by all her Muahawhaw-ing.


I was perusing Brigitte Hales's twitter to see if I could spot any spoilery writers' room quotes, and I'm now convinced this quote is referring to that Hook/Regina scene:

Brigitte Hales ‏@InkTankGirl Runner-up room quote: "Thanks for being hot and hitting on me but I'm not gonna take you up on that right now."

If I'm right and that's the scene she's referring to, then the tweet she posted just a couple minutes before that one might be a hint about how tomorrow's episode will end:

Brigitte Hales ‏@InkTankGirl This week's very non-spoilery writers' room quote: "Now crank up the Joy Division and get outta here."

Edited by Curio
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