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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Rumple killed his father. It is inevitable that Hook does too.


I forgot about that. Rumple killed his father, Regina killed her father.....having Hook kill his father too sounds like exactly what these writers would do. They seem intent on making Hook as dirty as Rumple and Regina in terms of past villainy. But whyyyyyyy??????

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Calling it: Hook kills his dad in the flashback, last scene of the episode is a reunion with him in Hell.  Brennan Jones is the Ursula, Cruella and Maleficent of this year's winter finale.  Sheesh, Regina, Rumple, Hook, all father-killers....why not just tell us that Zelena tracked down and murdered Jonathan while you're at it?


And LOL at "Hook's actions will devastate Emma in a way no one saw coming".  You had many people doubting for a while, I'll give you that, but no.  We all know he's sacrificing himself in order to free her from the darkness. 

Edited by Mathius
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Calling it: Hook kills his dad in the flashback, last scene of the episode is a reunion with him in Hell.  Brennan Jones is the Ursula, Cruella and Maleficent of this year's winter finale.  Sheesh, Regina, Rumple, Hook, all father-killers....why not just tell us that Zelena tracked down and murdered Jonathan while you're at it?


And LOL at "Hook's actions will devastate Emma in a way no one saw coming".  You had many people doubting for a while, I'll give you that, but no.  We all know he's sacrificing himself in order to free her from the darkness. 


I've pretty much been calling that Brennan is gonna be a big player of S5B and this supports that. You don't introduce somebody in the mid season finale if they're not gonna play a big role in the upcoming arc. 


I as well think the final scene is Hook being reunited with his father in the UW.

It sounds like all souls trapped in Hell are more repentant than in life...except for Cruella, who is contracted for multiple episodes which just screams "secondary villain". She probably LOVES it in Hell...given her last name, that's fitting.

Also, people were worried that a half-season in Hell on top of this 5A arc would be too dark and depressing, but honestly this is sounding less dark, as Hell is mitigated by looking like Storybrooke, the eternal torments being unconventional one, and that the devil is Hades who, given the casting of Greg Germann, is definitely based on the Disney version. It's going to be much more fun than this arc, I think.

Thr same bad thought flashed through my mind. If post-Neverland Hooks sees his dad alive and well after centuries, it won't go well for his the latter. They may use that as an example of Hook's ruthlessness to contrast with his sacrifice in the present. Even immortals can be killed with the right weapon, if Daddy Jones is one. This won't discount Hook encountering his father in the UW. Didn't they say this flashback will show how Hook became so revenge-focussed (even though we already knew that?!). Rumple killed his father. It is inevitable that Hook does too.

Yeah, the pieces started falling into place today for me about this too! I haven't been able to contribute much to the discussion because work. I think this is very plausible. Didn't Adam Croasdell post a picture of himself with a few burned out cars? Underbrooke!

Edited by OnceUponAJen

So Regina finds Hook's father, sends him on a collision course with him. We will likely find out why the man isn't dead. If there's an element of immortality going on with the father, then maybe there's the same thing going on with the son, which means she just stood there, and said nothing when everyone thought Hook was dying.


If this is close to what's happening, this is why the writers not telling their actors much makes the characters look stupid.

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She probably LOVES it in Hell...given her last name, that's fitting.

Well, her family estate is called Hell Hall, so...



I doubt that Hook killed his father. His father abandoned him and his father is most likely Davy Jones, the immortal who collects the souls of sailors, so probably not the easiest bloke to kill.


I think Hook might kill him to mirror assassinating Cora for Regina. They don't need to explain his father's immortality until 5B. That can be one of the mysteries for us to consider during the winter hiatus. 

  • Love 1

I forgot about that. Rumple killed his father, Regina killed her father.....having Hook kill his father too sounds like exactly what these writers would do. They seem intent on making Hook as dirty as Rumple and Regina in terms of past villainy. But whyyyyyyy??????



Why not? They've got lots of time in the finale. They'll probably have him send some children to their death and kill a mute maid while he is at it. Might as well go the distance. Has Pongo got a puppy he can kick?


"Eric Keenleyside as Maurice" No idea why he's going to be back. What does Belle have to do with anything?

He's probably just helping Belle get in a car to cross the town line and be safe. I presume the curse has been broken if she's driving out of town. Although, Dopey doesn't appear to be one of the guest stars.

Edited by kili
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Hm I found that sneak peek interesting. I could actually believe Hook is going to take out Nimue to save them all. He looked pensive and made that point about Rumple being unable to give up power...it reminds me of when BTVS tried to make it seem that Spike was on the warpath against Buffy to make her pay but in reality he headed off to get a soul...

Edited by chrisvee
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Well, her family estate is called Hell Hall, so...



I think Hook might kill him to mirror assassinating Cora for Regina. They don't need to explain his father's immortality until 5B. That can be one of the mysteries for us to consider during the winter hiatus. 


That's probably gonna be the person he sees first when he gets to the UW, his father.

Not reading spoilers but I just read that script tease.  Arrgh.  So a special secret between Emma and Regina.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat... 

I know, right? I just can't wait. I'm sure whatever she does, whether she keeps her promise or not, Emma will thank her later just like she did for controlling her with the dagger. Grrr. 


But you'd better get out of here before you read spoilers, Camera One

I kinda like the irony if Regina actually ends up spilling Emma's secret, considering how this whole thing got rolling in the first place.

Last season I was in the Hook and Emma (and maybe Belle) were playing a long con on rumple camp. That turned out not to be the case then, so I strongly doubt it's the case now. I'm in harsh reality land :-( OTOH, once Hook's back to normal he'll never say such awful things in such awful ways to Emma ever again, while Regina will still be a toxic bitch.

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Bae is back. By Bae I mean Dylan Schmidt not MRJ. Rumple, Milah, young Bae, and a new character named Fendrake were filming tonight.

I hope this is a flashback and not a scene in the UW where the wife he killed and the son he abbandoned are forgiving Rumple for what he did. But it's this show, so that's probably what is happening.

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the sneak peek:

1 - There's already been discussion here about the ambiguous expression Killian is wearing at the start...when I saw it quickly this morning i thought he looked pensive but on 2nd (oh ..ok 7th & 8th) viewing i figured out why it is so striking (yes..aside from it being a close up of Colin)...this is the first time he looks sane since he embraced the Dark...no-one to perform for..just him with his thoughts. .he looks resolute..

2- goading Rumple about losing the DO power...and giving off an 'I threw the fight' vibe..i think he did lose because the Darkness distracted him but he's playing with Rumple here...and it really feels like he's pushing Rumple to try and take back the Dark..but i suspect Killian wants him to take Emma's Darkness and I am beginning to think she gets de -Darked via Rumple

3- Most peculiar of all..WTH is Rumple doing roaming about the forest just to meet up with DO Hook???? Surely Rumple didn't feel the need to take Excalibur out for a stroll...it had to be pre-arranged meeting. So why????? They already had the duel...so what is the point? ?

Filming spoiler:

Milah as a crossng guard. I kind of like the idea that Milah is in the Elysian Fields....there are different sections of the UW. I never hated Milah. I think it would be lovely that she gets a re-do on the motherly role...and helping kids.

Edited by PixiePaws1
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Bae is back. By Bae I mean Dylan Schmidt not MRJ. Rumple, Milah, young Bae, and a new character named Fendrake were filming tonight.


Okay, well this episode is definitely Rumple's episode.


I don't know how I fee about the character they're bringing back being Bae as opposed to Neal. Neal was opposed to being turned into a child again.


Does that mean that he doesn't remember his adult life? And if that's the case, it means he doesn't remember Emma, or Henry.


And if he remembers them, then it will be incredibly creepy.


I hope Emma and Henry don't cross paths with him.

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Does that mean that he doesn't remember his adult life? And if that's the case, it means he doesn't remember Emma, or Henry.

And if he remembers them, then it will be incredibly creepy.

I hope Emma and Henry don't cross paths with him.

oh yeah...creepy is the word...that is just every kind of disturbing...ew...!! Let's hope young Bae drank a troughful from the River of Forgetfulness. ..rather him than Killian Edited by PixiePaws1
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Well there's that casting description about a guy you don't want to have a drink with..wouldn't be surprised if Hades does have the power to make people 'forget' their human lives.

I 'd like to thnk that only those who deserve a clean slate get that as a recompense but...if there's a chance for the writers to toss in some angst then they're likely going to do that..and we know a memory wipe is their 'go to' move.

I don't think it's creepy for Emma to meet young Baelfire. It's like looking at an ex's childhood photo album, except it's interactive. haha It would be weird, but that's the Show, folks! I suspect it's not even really Baelfire/Neal. It's like a construct in Milah's UW penenace or whatever. She would only remember him as a boy.

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Being young would definitely be a punishment for Neal, because he didn't want that.


But Neal died a hero, so why would be punished?


I actually agree with Rumsy on this one. Milah never encountered adult Bae, or Neal. I don't even know what names to use for any of this characters anymore. 


Maybe this is her living with her son, and writing a wrong from all those centuries ago.

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I just want them to wrap up his story in a way that makes sense. Merlin is supposed to be all powerful, and Elliot said something about how his character isn't attached to a plane, or a realm, or whatever, which made it sound like you can't just crush his heart to kill him, that it might take more than that. This is the opposite of going out with a bang.


I'd think a bit of heart crushing when you're immortal means nothing? And how did this guy not protect himself? I think he wanted this to happen.


I rag on Merlin a lot because he is a shady mofo, but I really want more from him, about him, and I want some damn explanations.


Plus Once really has the knack of finding good actors. I have enjoyed both Arthur, and Merlin immensely. 

Edited by YaddaYadda

Based on the newest interview, I think it's almost a certainty at this point, unless Colin is straight-up lying, that Hook is NOT playing the Darkness and that his sacrifice is going to be a turnaround based on his love for Emma coming through when she's about to sacrifice herself (again). 


It'll parallel the flashback: Hook works for an evil lady (Regina), has to do something horrible (kill his father), and he goes through with it.  But in the present, Hook works for an evil lady (Nimue), has to do something horrible (damn all of Storybrooke to Hell just to get his revenge on Rumple), but ultimately can't go through with it and undoes it all at the cost of his life.  It sounds kind of a mix between Regina's attempted sacrifice in the S2 finale (in that he's undoing what he caused) and Rumple's sacrifice in the 3A finale (in that he's the Dark One), plus it has shades of Hook's original redemption in which he was leaving Storybrooke to die but turned around to save it (he came too late, since it was saved already, but it was only thanks to him that they were able to pursue Greg and Tamara to Neverland and save Henry.) 

Edited by Mathius
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He's such a child. lol

Maybe Merlin will end up being in hell because he troller everyone from Mickey, to Arthur to Emma and probably Hook because we still don't know why he was making the dark curse.

That's what I was thinking. We could see Merlin in the Underworld.

Are the dark ones who've been revived just a corporeal form of themselves, or are they actually the hosts' bodies with their DO egos inhabiting them?

Because I'd love to see Nimue again. I think Caroline Ford is a good actress.

Edited by HoodlumSheep

Based on the newest interview, I think it's almost a certainty at this point, unless Colin is straight-up lying, that Hook is NOT playing the Darkness and that his sacrifice is going to be a turnaround based on his love for Emma coming through when she's about to sacrifice herself

I agree...i think Nimue wants to hurt Emma because she successfully resisted her in Camelot and when stands in her way in SB she attempts to kill her. DO Killian ...even after turning supposedly full Dark said he won't kill Emma and I wonder if we get a line from Nimue as she is choking Emma of 'BTW you're doing this ' like Nimue said to Emma when she had her hand around Merlin's throat.

If DO Hook turns on Nimue and she tries to kill him instead I think Emma would try to stop her and that is what brings Killian fully to his senses just long enough to end the Darkness.

The only other option is that he gets dragged to the UW full on DO and unrepentant and the SBers have to go to the UW for some other reason ....and they agree to retrieve Killian while they are there because talking to him by shade ale convinces Emma he is back to his pre-DO full on loving Emma self? I just can't see that happening. ..

Edited by PixiePaws1

Nothing really too revealing in those promo pics. I am glad Hook appears to already have all his rings (I know he's had them since The Crocodile but they kind of retconned one of them to him getting it after he lost his hand) because I was kind of worried that the 3rd unexplained ring would be a souvenir from Daddy's death. 

Yeah it definitely does not seem like a happy reunion (not that we expected it to be). Hook seems pretty devastated/pissed. I wonder what's written on that piece of paper that he's holding in his hand? 


Nothing really too revealing in those promo pics. I am glad Hook appears to already have all his rings (I know he's had them since The Crocodile but they kind of retconned one of them to him getting it after he lost his hand) because I was kind of worried that the 3rd unexplained ring would be a souvenir from Daddy's death. 


Oh god, I hadn't even thought that one of his rings could be his father's, that would be brutal. I really really hope that he doesn't kill his father, that might be a bit much even for villain Hook. 

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Hook looks like he's having the "You abandon us" moment with his dad I've always wanted Emma to have with both her parents. :(

Do we know if Hook remembers all of this? Or do we think Regina must have wiped his memory? Or maybe meeting that bar wench and getting knocked the fuck out by her jealous boyfriend did it. :)

Edited by mjgchick

I don't want him to kill his father (who we don't know for sure is a villain, deadbeat dad or not) either but I will take him doing something truly horrible in his evil pre-curse days over his doing something truly horrible in the present. I have reached the bargaining stage here. But they really are turning him into Regina. I still don't think dad is going to be so easy to kill though. I think he's already been in the Underworld and that's why he left in the first place. 

  • Love 3

Based on the newest interview, I think it's almost a certainty at this point, unless Colin is straight-up lying, that Hook is NOT playing the Darkness and that his sacrifice is going to be a turnaround based on his love for Emma coming through when she's about to sacrifice herself (again). 


It'll parallel the flashback: Hook works for an evil lady (Regina), has to do something horrible (kill his father), and he goes through with it.  But in the present, Hook works for an evil lady (Nimue), has to do something horrible (damn all of Storybrooke to Hell just to get his revenge on Rumple), but ultimately can't go through with it and undoes it all at the cost of his life.  It sounds kind of a mix between Regina's attempted sacrifice in the S2 finale (in that he's undoing what he caused) and Rumple's sacrifice in the 3A finale (in that he's the Dark One), plus it has shades of Hook's original redemption in which he was leaving Storybrooke to die but turned around to save it (he came too late, since it was saved already, but it was only thanks to him that they were able to pursue Greg and Tamara to Neverland and save Henry.) 

And just like with S2 finale they will open up a portal by the end of the finale to give chase and go and rescues Emma's TL.

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