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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Oh, so this is good, how one spoiler can shed light on other ones, like why the dreamcatcher is being used.

It's not like they could have used that on Snow and Charming to find out Zelena's weakness or on Elsa to find out where Anna went. I wonder if the subject has to retain memories in order for them to viewed on the dreamcatcher. If that's so, it could be that someone is trying to hide or is  unable to speak about something about a certain event and the dreamcatcher will reveal what they really remember. Maybe they could use it on Rumple while he's in his coma.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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It's not like they could have used that on Snow and Charming to find out Zelena's weakness or on Elsa to find out where Anna went.


Elsa's memories were taken from her and put in the pet rock, so I don't know that the dreamcatcher would have done anything. 


We don't know what Regina is looking for. She probably stumbles upon something while looking for something else.

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They have done this memory loss storyline twice already, with the missing year in season 3 and with Frozen in season 4, and both times they handled it really poorly. So I doubt this time would be better. But, as they say, third time's the charm, I guess


I would classify the original premise of the show as a memory loss as well. None of the characters (except for Regina and Jefferson) started the season remembering they were Fairytale characters and what their true relationsihps were to each other.  If we count that one, the third time is not the charm.


Fourth time maybe? Oh, but wait, I guess the season 4 finale also had everybody lose their memories too and Henry had to get them to remember. So, fifth time? Oh, and then there was the memory curse Regina put on herself to forget who Henry's Mom was in 3A so maybe we should say sixth time? Oh, but then she also removed memories from Henry in 2B. 7th?


I'm really, really tired of memory curses.  Henry needs to start writing his book (and maybe keeping a digital copy on the cloud outside of Storybrooke) so that they can just refer to it when the next memory curse rolls into town.

Edited by kili
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From JM's interview



The initial situation isn’t that she’s creating the mischief, it’s that she’s no longer helping them solve it. I think it will be turning into her creating some of it as well as she embarks on the mission that she embarks on, but initially it’s more that she’s making the point that they don’t have her to help save them anymore.


So goth tacky makeup fully embraced the darkness Dark Swan takes a vacation? Man so evil. That bloodline, first spilling secrets, tripping people and taking vacations. Who knows what evil deeds they'll take up next? I'm shaking in my boots. They should also rename the Dark Swan Rises crap to Dark Swan Takes a Vacation instead.


I'm thinking the EF citizens will be A-OK. It's not like she's been doing a lot of saving after all. They still have St. Woegina doing all the heavy lifting so at most they'll be missing their "would you like fries with that" person.


So any guesses as to who the "gets to have all the fun" villain is? Zelena, Arthur, Merlin, or the missing Gold? Maybe all 4?

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They should also rename the Dark Swan Rises crap to Dark Swan Takes a Vacation instead.


It's going to be hard rooting against whatever darker Emma decides to do in Storybrooke because we've all been rooting for her to take a damn vacation and stop saving everyone for a while now. I think I'm going to really enjoy Dark Swan.

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I think we've spec'ed on the dagger a lot and Souris said it hasn't been guessed correctly yet. My new bet is Merlin's tree is baby Emma's tree and that somehow has further implications.


It was basically revealed in that Hollywood Reporter article that went up early & then got yanked. So if anybody is desperate to know, they can search it out.

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OK, I'm really behind in the spoiler. I'm trying to avoid them . Really hard, they are everywhere !

But, I got a glimpse of the sneak peak and love it.

I will add, that last year Regina forgot about Henry when she was depressed about Hood and the all O.M put him at risk.

So I gave desesperate Killian a pass.

Some people said all the characters lost their memory!!!!! Again??


just read Jen interview and I love her even if she clairly know that she will get shit by some.

She talk about Emma's motivaton and love for Hook.

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If Excalibur and the Dark One's dagger were meant to be whole, are we going to eventually get an epic scene where the two items magically forge together and form one giant mega sword that will eventually defeat the darkness once and for all?

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I'm rooting for any version of Emma this show gives me. She didn't choose the Dark Life. It chose her.

Let me go back to watching gifs of Emma and Killian swinging each other's hands like the 5 year olds in love they are. Yeah I didn't forget her 3 words she told Killian show so y'all better address it.

Edited by mjgchick
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If Excalibur and the Dark One's dagger were meant to be whole, are we going to eventually get an epic scene where the two items magically forge together and form one giant mega sword that will eventually defeat the darkness once and for all?


That's one of my theories. Everyone magically pours their love into Excalibur, then the dagger is rejoined to it, and the love in Excalibur overpowers & destroys the darkness for good. Love is a dangerous weapon, after all!


So, yes, the dagger is the end of Excalibur. That's the big connection.

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If Excalibur and the Dark One's dagger were meant to be whole, are we going to eventually get an epic scene where the two items magically forge together and form one giant mega sword that will eventually defeat the darkness once and for all?


If it was supposed to be a sword in the first place. I mean both have their own magical properties. One represents light and the other one darkness, they were probably forged from the same thing (iron? Valyrian steel? You know this show can't resist since it's one of 3 things that can kill the white walkers).


My question now is pretty simple. 


Did Arthur go to the Dark One for assistance in order to take ownership of the sword that made him king? 


And if that's the case, what price did he (or his kingdom, wife and so on) pay?  It just seems odd that he is sitting around waiting for a prophecy to be fulfilled, waiting for the people from SB to just show up at his doorstep.


If Merlin is telling Emma not to pull the sword out of the stone, does that mean she's the only one who would have been physically able to do that? 

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And if that's the case, what price did he (or his kingdom, wife and so on) pay?  It just seems odd that he is sitting around waiting for a prophecy to be fulfilled, waiting for the people from SB to just show up at his doorstep.

Maybe he's told he can have Excalibur until its rightful owner comes to claim it, and then bye-bye Excalibur, bye-bye kingdom. That makes him so paranoid that he basically self-destructs his marriage and friendship with Lancelot. Then Emma comes, and she's the rightful owner, and shady Arthur *pretends* he wants to help, but actually...

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I keep imagining this whole dagger vs excalibur thing to end just like Harry Potter. Emma casts Avada Kedavra with the dagger, Regina (who of course will end up wielding Excalibur) casts expelliarmus. But because Emma had willingly handed over the Dagger to Regina, she's technically the Dagger's owner. So, Emma's spell backfires and she disintegrates. Regina's a hero and finally becomes the official main character.

All is well.

The yellow bug is a horcrux.

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Maybe he's told he can have Excalibur until its rightful owner comes to claim it, and then bye-bye Excalibur, bye-bye kingdom. That makes him so paranoid that he basically self-destructs his marriage and friendship with Lancelot. Then Emma comes, and she's the rightful owner, and shady Arthur *pretends* he wants to help, but actually...

We will likely find out a week from Sunday.

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For me the key, crucial phrase in that big 'whoops didn't mean to post" article is:

'Or what she thinks they did to her'

Which is what sent her over the edge and has got her so angry. So many possibilities. ...and given this show has characters over react to stuff some of us would roll our eyes at but completely ignore/hug over/white wash vicious crimes of the most heinous nature, either Emma has been betrayed or subjected to something incredibly cruel and unforgivable or someone stole her lunch.

Seriously, we know for Emma that lies and betrayal (thanks FuckwitFire!) are her trigger points and if the Darkness magnifies the person's traits then my guess is Merlin or Arthur trick her into believing her loved ones (and Regina) have set her up and betrayed her, big time. Maybe they try to imprison her in the DO vault (another reason for it to appear in that hideous poster) or in Merlin's tree a la Nimue or try to kill/control her and set up her family to take the fall.

But they fail and she's enraged over the lie and the trickery. ..and things go downhill from there. Believing she was lied to and betrayed by those closest to her. She takes their memories of whatever knowledge they might have gained in trying to rid of the curse, so they have to start from scratch. But she gives them back bits and pieces of the memories based on who she decided to toy with that day.

My theory on sword and the dagger is either the right people need to stab her with both at the s ame time or they need to reforge the sword (LOtR style) and she has to stab herself with it.

Edited by PixiePaws1
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That's one of my theories. Everyone magically pours their love into Excalibur, then the dagger is rejoined to it, and the love in Excalibur overpowers & destroys the darkness for good. Love is a dangerous weapon, after all!


So, yes, the dagger is the end of Excalibur. That's the big connection.

Like Sailor moon when she is facing Queen Beryl?

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Ok, so Excalibur was broken in two to make the dagger? Is that what I'm getting?


That is how it appears.


Now you can stop letting it drive you crazy! Since THR went and spoiled it anyway....

Edited by Souris
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Now you can stop letting it drive you crazy!


What? Driving me crazy? Me? Never! I have no idea what you're talking about.


IF that's the case, then it means Arthur released something (likely evil) when he pulled it out of the stone.

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Most of the "big twists" the writers come up with are usually either eye-roll inducing or complete retcons, but even I have to admit, it's pretty genius to have the Dark One's dagger be the end of Excalibur. There's no retconning going on because the "Excalibur" Snow used earlier was a fake, and the audience has never been shown the end of the real Excalibur to verify if it's wavy or not because the tip has been in a rock for centuries. Now I just wish they applied that creative thinking to some of their other plots and this show would be incredible...

Edited by Curio
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The Dark One Dagger being part ot the blade of Excalibur is pretty cool. Maybe the blade breaks when Merlin is fighting the Darkness. Nimue tries to come to his rescue, and holds up the broken tip, only to have all the Darkness channeled into it He-Man style. Thus creating the Dark One.

I'm wondering why the Apprentice had the "Light" wand if it needed someone Dark to use it. Was he Dark and shady?

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I think I’m the only one that doesn’t think making the Dark One’s dagger the end of Excalibur is “genius” or “cool”. But here’s the thing, I’m not deeply familiar with Camelot or Arthurian legend (that is, I know the story but I’ve never delved deeply into the Arthurian tales), so is there something from the Arthurian legends that makes this genius?

IIRC the mythology of the Dark One and the Dagger, as of right now, is a big blank page because we’ve been told very few things about them -- that there have been other Dark Ones, the dagger controls them and, for all intents and purposes, Dark Ones are immortal. That’s basically all the show has said about it. And, the only thing in this show’s universe they’ve said about Excalibur was that it was in Camelot (And David tricked Snow into thinking she had pulled the sword from the stone. *Womp Womp*). With that little information about Dark One's and The Dagger, there's nothing that we can look back at (in prior seasons) and connect the dots to Excalibur, as far as I know. But that may be because, again, I don't know the Arthurian legends in intimate detail. (and also, that would require the writers to have planned this story several seasons ahead of time, which...HA! Yaaaa, riiiight. Like that's ever happened. TS;TW; )


So….I’m missing the awesome factor that others are seeing.


I mean, if LoTR weren’t heavily copyrighted they could’ve just as easily said “Oh, The One Ring was a piece of the Dark One’s Dagger that was forged by Sauron...and Sauron was the first Dark One.” and instead of Camelot we’d be getting Middle Earth. A tie in like that wouldn’t make it genius, but really, just a convenient way of them tying their show “mythology” to someone else’s existing (and much cooler) story.

So really, sincere question - Why is this genius? I feel like I'm missing something here...

Edited by regularlyleaded
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I think I’m the only one that doesn’t think making the Dark One’s dagger the end of Excalibur “genius” or “cool”.

Let me sit beside you. The dagger is a kris and Excalibur is a sword. I'm supposed to believe that the sword had a wavy blade for a tip? How are you ever going to pull it out of a rock? Or was it supposed to get wavy when it broke off because it was so evil?  Why is the tip evil? Why not the handle? 


This "twist" smells like something they thought was so cool at 3 am and after 5 cans of Red Bull that they fell in love with it and said "Logic be damned! Nobody is going to care when the twist is this great" and then passed out behind their chairs.


And if they tell me they are twin blades, all I'm going to be able to think about is that movie called "Twins" starring Arnold Schwartzneger and Danny Devito.

Edited by kili
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So really, sincere question - Why is this genius? I feel like I'm missing something here...


For me, it's "genius" by this show's standards, which basically means it meets these minimum requirements: 1) it doesn't retcon anything that came before it, 2) it uses two magical items that have already been referenced and used in the show's canon (unlike the many deus ex machina gauntlets and wands we always come across), and 3) there's potential for some good storytelling by having opposing items where one represents good and the other represents evil. On most other shows, these aren't terribly hard standards to meet, but with Once, you have to give a gold star to the kid who usually slacks off most of the year but then suddenly writes a decent paper.


I'm supposed to believe that the sword had a wavy blade for a tip? How are you ever going to pull it out of a rock? Or was it supposed to get wavy when it broke off because it was so evil?  Why is the tip evil? Why not the handle?


It could be the case where Excalibur was originally a completely good/light magic sword, but then the tip broke off in a battle against something evil. The broken off tip of the blade isn't wavy yet—it's just the normal end of the sword, but since it impaled something evil, the metal is now tainted with darkness. So Merlin takes the broken tip, melts it down, and creates the wavy dagger.

Edited by Curio
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Ah, thanks Curio. :)
I really was hoping I just didn't know Arthurian legends well enough and was merely missing a piece of information so that the cool factor would kick in for me. I was hoping Excalibur had Arthur's name on it, or...heck, I don't know. But something more. So, basically, the writers tied Excalibur to The Dagger because they are both sharp, shiny metal objects whose pointy ends are supposed to go into the other guy. Meh.
This was my fault. I did that thing I do, again -- I endowed this show (and writers) with an intelligence and sophistication that they've never had.
(And also, dammit. Now I prefer my idea that the Dark One's Dagger was forged by Sauron, that the One Ring came from the dagger, and Sauron was the original Dark One. Damn. Mission to Mount Doom, everyone! Commence Operation: My Precious! :P )

Let me sit beside you. The dagger is a kris and Excalibur is a sword. I'm supposed to believe that the sword had a wavy blade for a tip? How are you ever going to pull it out of a rock? Or was it supposed to get wavy when it broke off because it was so evil? Why is the tip evil? Why not the handle?

This "twist" smells like something they thought was so cool at 3 am and after 5 cans of Red Bull that they fell in love with it and said "Logic be damned! Nobody is going to care when the twist is this great" and then passed out behind their chairs.

Yay! It's nice not to be alone in this. Hello, friend kili ;) Welcome to the "And? So? Therefore? Meh. Whatever." seating area.

Edited by regularlyleaded
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I was just happy to see Reggie fail @ using the wand (just not quite evil enough anymore, tho' still deeply unpleasant), given a certain Evil Regal's recent gloating about Hook's inability to summon Emma with the dagger. Yes, I am that petty. ;-p

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It could be the case where Excalibur was originally a completely good/light magic sword, but then the tip broke off in a battle against something evil. The broken off tip of the blade isn't wavy yet—it's just the normal end of the sword, but since it impaled something evil, the metal is now tainted with darkness. So Merlin takes the broken tip, melts it down, and creates the wavy dagger.

Because....only wavy things are evil? And why bother making a zany, wavy dagger with an evil tainted, broken piece of metal. I mean, throw that shit into a volcano and be rid of it! Geeeez, Isildur Merlin. *SMH* ;)

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Frankly, I thought it is a cool twist because it immediately reminded me of Anduril/Narsil and the One Ring from LotR, but not in a "they blatantly copied it" way. Yeah--sometimes I'm that easily pleased. ;-) And as Curio said, this doesn't seem as contrived like most other MacGuffins in OUAT have been. 

Edited by Rumsy4
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For me, it's "genius" by this show's standards, which basically means it meets these minimum requirements: 1) it doesn't retcon anything that came before it, 2) it uses two magical items that have already been referenced and used in the show's canon (unlike the many deus ex machina gauntlets and wands we always come across), and 3) there's potential for some good storytelling by having opposing items where one represents good and the other represents evil. On most other shows, these aren't terribly hard standards to meet, but with Once, you have to give a gold star to the kid who usually slacks off most of the year but then suddenly writes a decent paper.


I can't help it, I thought it was really cool. Especially for this show. I never saw ANYBODY speculate about that link between the two weapons, even though we've had images of the dagger and Excalibur swirling around for months. So they pulled off something that WORKS and that fans didn't think of. They get a cookie for that. We'll see if they make something of it.


That room quote I just linked in the Spoilers thread is clearly about Regina, right?

Edited by Souris
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That room quote I just linked in the Spoilers thread is clearly about Regina, right?


It's pretty obvious. But surprisingly, I'm actually hoping they go ahead and give Regina her big "full hero" moment at the end of the 5A arc just so we can rip off the inevitable painful bandaid and get it over with. And then Regina can complete the full "Hero's Circle" of Once Upon a Time where once she becomes a boring hero in the writers' eyes, she'll then get shoved to the side and become a supporting character while a new villain takes over the show.


Oh, wait. Does that only happen to Charmings? My bad.

Edited by Curio
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I don't think the room quote is about Regina.  I'm not sure why, but my gut says they are talking about someone else.  I guess they've been talking about Regina being a hero for so long, this seems different.  I'm leaning towards Hook.

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I really was hoping I just didn't know Arthurian legends well enough and was merely missing a piece of information so that the cool factor would kick in for me.


I think knowing the Arthurian legend is a huge handicap actually. My reaction to the sword and the dagger being one kind of pisses me off if I'm being completely honest with myself. Because why? 


Is Arthur pulling a broken sword out of the stone in which case, I'd like to weep.


I could be more "accepting" of the sword in the stone and the dagger being one, because the sword in the stone determined who would be king and Excalibur was loaned to Arthur by the Lady of the Lake. But they're making them one and the same, so, yeah...


Merlin tells Emma not to pull the sword out of the stone? What in the fresh hell does that even mean? Like what? Shouldn't he be telling Arthur not to pull the sword out of the stone? 


Unless they're using that as a metaphor and this is what ends up giving Emma that push into the darkness.

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I don't think the room quote is about Regina.  I'm not sure why, but my gut says they are talking about someone else.  I guess they've been talking about Regina being a hero for so long, this seems different.  I'm leaning towards Hook.


I had a second thought that maybe it refers to Charming, if they were about to watch the second ep. (They apparently do watch the eps ahead of time.)

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I had a second thought that maybe it refers to Charming, if they were about to watch the second ep. (They apparently do watch the eps ahead of time.)

I had the same thought, tho' it could be Leroy, Doc, or Sneezy for me at this point, so long as it is NOT Regina.

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I think the title has two meanings: An actual birth (maybe Nimue & Merlin's baby?) & the birth of the Dark One (or Dark Swan). It's too early for Zelena's baby.

Edited by Souris
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I think the title has two meanings: An actual birth (maybe Nimue & Merlin's baby?) & the birth of the Dark One (or Dark Swan). It's too early for Zelena's baby.


Zelena doesn't even look like she's pregnant at all and the dress she was wearing looked to have a corset even.


I also think there's a double meaning to this. We find out how Dark Swan came to be and maybe there's a baby born in flashbacks. You know, the destroyer of darkness/Dark One.

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I think the title has two meanings: An actual birth (maybe Nimue & Merlin's baby?) & the birth of the Dark One (or Dark Swan). It's too early for Zelena's baby.

A few days ago there was a casting call for a baby, so it seems that there is going to be a real birth. But, yeah, no way it's Zelena's.


In other news, yesterday they filmed at Emma's house. It was Dark Swan, Snow, Charming and, of course, Regina. Any of the usual set stalkers was there, but both Jen and Josh have posted pics.

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I also think it'll show the birth of the Dark Swan, and I think it'll parallel with the birth of the Original Dark One. If Nimue is the 1st DO, maybe her title episode will introduce her and then the next (so "Birth") will show the dagger/excalibur splitting and her going evil. Or maybe she pulls an "emma" and volunteers to be tethered, thus adding to Nimue's sob story because A&E loves doing that.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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Considering Zelena and Robin's baby is the huge elephant in the room this season, it seems weird to have an episode be called "Birth" but have it not be about that baby. I don't think Zelena will be giving birth yet (even though I wouldn't put it past the writers to have the baby magically grow super fast inside the womb), but something major has to happen with the stupid Robin/Regina/Zelena baby subplot in this episode. Maybe they all have to sign court-ordered forms that forces all three of them to attend weekly parenting classes. If I have to sit through this awful storyline, can I at least have some entertaining scenes where Robin awkwardly has to watch Zelena and Regina bitch at each other during the parenting class, and then they accidentally tear the mock baby doll in two and it catches on fire? 

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Considering Zelena and Robin's baby is the huge elephant in the room this season, it seems weird to have an episode be called "Birth" but have it not be about that baby


But that baby is like Do Over all over again. It's the dark cloud hanging over Regina's head and her idea of her perfect happy ending. The episode that child is born will probably be called "Her Tears" or some nonsense like that.


The baby they're looking to cast is I'm assuming (I know it is and it works just fine for me, really) hella important to the whole Dark Swan plot which Zelena's baby isn't.


ETA - Does anyone find the line from the Apprentice a tad odd when he says Emma is likely back in the place where the darkness is born, your realm when replying to Hook (I think it was Hook) who was asking the question where Emma was? 


Merlin is from Camelot, and now between Excalibur and the dagger being part of one, it makes no sense that the darkness was born in the Enchanted Forest. Maybe the EF is the sewage system of Camelot or something.


And it's interesting that once Excalibur and the dagger are split, one is basically light, one is darkness. That's exactly who Emma is. When she was the Savior, she was all light magic (plus her parents basically broke the darkness out of her) and when she becomes the Dark One, she's just darkness.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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I still don't get that because Emma was light but she didn't mind getting her hands dirty to get by in life and even after she found out she was the savior she still did some shady things to win the war. I always saw Emma light and dark before eggnapping.


Damn you writers for ruining my head canon.

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I always saw Emma light and dark before eggnapping.


Because she was. She wasn't an angel, she wasn't a demon either. She was just a regular, normal chick making her way through life the best way she could/knew. The whole let's suck her darkness out of her was so beyond stupid, especially when the Apprentice is sitting there telling Snowing how it still won't matter because a child needs guidance.


Maybe if she had grown up with her parents and they had guided her and loved her the way a child ought to be, then it would have been a completely different result. I think the fact that she grew up the way she did undid the magical lobotomy. She was just a normal person at the end of the day.

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Season Five of OUAT is underway! And this is a good time to remind everyone – while lots of leeway was allowed here over the summer, this is the spot for Spoiler Discussion. That means posts here should be rooted in actual spoilers. This isn’t the spot for extensive discussion of episodes, comparisons of actors or characters, or fears of what A&E might do next.


Thank you for posting at Previously.TV!

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From the Once Upon a Fans interview:


we’re going to set it up in the first half of the season, and the story’s going to play out in the second half of the season, and we are treating it no different than any other love story. Even though, as you say, this may be the first time for this and that, for us, we’ve always respected love, and that’s how we’re dealing with it.


This definitely supports Mulan being one half of said romance.

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