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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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You know the other 'protect Emma's heart' thing could be conundrum of Hook being the only villain thinking that a villainous past doesn't preclude a happy future as long he changes, tries to do the right thing, and loves someone and ultimately puts their needs and safety above his own.


I wouldn't put it past them to have Hook fall in line with the other villains quest for happy endings so that Emma doesn't get her heart broken because he's doomed not to get a HEA and therefore she is too. 

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If Hook and Emma parallel Snow and Charming, and he's supposed to protect her heart, then I expect to see a scene where Hook pleads for Emma not to kill a villain. For whatever black heart reasons. *hurl things at screen*


Emma should feel the need to want to kill Rumple when he returns to Storybrooke after he's tried to use the hat on her, didn't help her when she was dying of hypothermia, his awful treatment toward Belle, his attempt to hat the fairies knowing they were making the only cure for the Shattered Sight spell, and attempting to kill her boyfriend right in front of her. (And that's not even including his thoughts about wanting to kill Henry from previous seasons.) But since Emma wasn't allowed to react to any of those things in 4A, it would be weird for her to suddenly be upset at Rumple in 4B. Although, it would be pretty big character development if Hook of all people convinced Emma to not kill Rumple as a way to protect her (and her heart) from going down the same vengeful path he did.


Ah, who am I kidding. The moment Henry sees Rumple again, he'll be like "Grandpa! You're back!" and then Emma and the rest of the town will be like "Oh, well I guess we can give him a ninth chance since he's family."

Edited by Curio
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Insinuating that the QoD are going to make us question who are the villians vs. heroes in the same breath as talking about a history with the Charmings


I've kind of thought that the spoiler about Snowing being the ones who question whether they are on the side of villains or heroes might be due to the idea that if the author could change the story and fix things from the past, then maybe Snowing might be conflicted about changing things so that they didn't put Emma in the wardrobe and were able to raise her. I could see how they might consider using this author to give them a happier ending than they got. Of course, Emma wouldn't have Henry and I don't think she'd make that trade off and Regina would be upset at this idea, but so many "bad things" happened to Regina in the book that she deserves a better ending than she got, but Snowing should just be happy to have Emma at all and not upset that they missed her entire childhood while she suffered a sad, miserable existence. 

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That being said, even though it was a ridiculous plot point, Emma gave up her magic to save Hook last season.  She was the one everyone was counting on to save the town where her son and her parents live.  She decided to save Hook.


Yes, plot point to open it up for Regina but still...


There's a whole list of things Emma has done to save Hook.  No, she may not be fawning all over him, but she has saved him...a lot.  Much as I was pissed at the end of 4A, I'm sure there's a very valid reason why they did it the way they did it with their 26 seconds of slamming the heart back in and calling it a day.

It honestly makes me roll my eyes how fandom can't go five minutes without repeating the "Hook gave up his ship for Emma!" mantra, while ignoring that Emma gave up her magic. I mean, sure, the JR was his home and that's a big deal, but Emma's magic was a part of her, and also the only thing she thought would be able to save her brother's life, and possibly her whole family's.


If Hook and Emma parallel Snow and Charming, and he's supposed to protect her heart, then I expect to see a scene where Hook pleads for Emma not to kill a villain. For whatever black heart reasons. *hurl things at screen*

Which will be yet another nonsensical thing about the way this show does characterizations. Emma was never tempted to kill Zelena, and she "killed" Neal. What can this other villain do to make her madder? The Charmings, Henry and Hook aren't dying, so... oh, I know! I bet they ruin Regina's new pantsuit. That cannot be forgiven.


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Emma would never want to kills someone but is it just me or was there a line between Emma and Elsa where Elsa said they could not kill Ingrid and Emma replied they might not have a choice?  Is it just me or did this actually happen?  I seem to have a vague recollection of it, but my brain makes shit up sometimes, so I can't really be sure.  


What if the season ends with the bad guys winning?  Maybe that's the reason they have four villains instead of just the one who needs to be killed off by the end of the season?


Since we haven't gotten the title of 417, I'm assuming they're still working on 416 (Best Laid Plans)?

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Which will be yet another nonsensical thing about the way this show does characterizations. Emma was never tempted to kill Zelena, and she "killed" Neal. What can this other villain do to make her madder?


Emma may not be one for revenge, but I can easily believe that she would kill somebody if it meant saving somebody she loved. When she faced-off against Ingrid with Elsa, Elsa couldn't harm Ingrid, but Emma was willing (Elsa: I can't hurt her. Emma: Yeah, well I can). Emma was fully prepared to shoot Pan when they thought he was still controlling the Shadow from within Pandora's box. She supported the taking of a Lost Boy's heart.


So, I could see her being willing to kill somebody if she thought it would save Henry or Snowing. At the same time, Hook could be the one to talk her out of it. He knows what killing does to a person and he's already talked her out of revenge based on his experience (she wanted revenge on Zelena after Neal's funeral). What would be somewhat interesting is if it is a parallel of Rumple beating Hook to death scene. Rumple can play the part of Hook, Emma can be Rumple and Hook can play Belle trying to talk Emma into not damaging her own heart on somebody who is not worth it.  I can see A&E loving that. It also parallels Charming taking an arrow meant for Regina to save Snow's heart. A chance for a double parallel - how can A&E resist?

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Robin, Roland, and Marian are apparently shooting some scenes in "New York City" today.

Why does everyone always go to New York? Whatever happened to Boston? I'm surprised Robin isn't in Storybrooke by this point, to be honest. It'll probably be the "shocking twist" at the end of the season.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Well, at least we know Robin isn't back until at least 416. But yeah, why New York? There must be lots of places closer to SB (just in case), cheaper and less confusing for people coming from another world.

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New York can be a bit of a freak show.  They'll blend right in!  Seriously though, I thought Robin would end up in living in the woods and New York could not be further from that.  I know!  Maybe they'll camp out in Central Park, not far from the pond.

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There must be lots of places closer to SB (just in case), cheaper and less confusing for people coming from another world.

Yeah, isn't Maine full of strange small towns? (At least, that's what TV, movies and books teach us.) It seems like there's plenty of woodsy, outdoorsy room for someone like Robin Hood to fit in.

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It seems like there's plenty of woodsy, outdoorsy room for someone like Robin Hood to fit in.

I thought they'd just find some abandoned cabin or summer home outside Storybrooke in the woods somewhere. I can't imagine a person like Robin living on the streets of New York.

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Why does everyone always go to New York?


I think it is because Vancovuer doesn't have a lot of buildings that could maybe  pass for downtons of major US cities and they've used all those buildings for New York already. They have a lot of green glass buildings, but I'm not sure what US city that might be like. Seattle? The show has gone to Portland (Grimm looks like it is filmed in Vancouver even though it is actually filmed in Portland - so I can see how Vancouver can easily pass for Portland). Portland and New York are sufficiently off-kilter that Fairy Tale goings on also won't generate much attention.


Lots of quirky small town sets, though. That's why X-Factor frequently visited those.

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It could be a way to tie the Robin storyline in with the villain club, since they were all in the same city.

As for why New York? Well, it's a bit of a cliche, which would be good enough for our writing team. In a lot of fiction, "going to the city" seems to always mean New York, despite the continental US being dotted with other cities that would often make just as much-if not more-sense.

(not that I've anything against New York. Never been there, actually. I just think it is over used in tv and movies as The City.)

Edited by Mari
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As for New York? Well, it's a bit of a cliche, which would be good enough for our writing team. In a lot of fiction, "going to the city" seems to always mean New York, despite the continental US being dotted with other cities that would often make just as much-if not more-sense.

Fairytales in New York is a wonderful idea. It's been in movies like Enchanted. I just think it's weird that Boston is closer yet Robin went another 200 miles to get to NY. It's just convenient and cliche, which is right up A&E's alley.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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I just think it's weird that Boston is closer yet Robin went another 200 miles to get to NY


Have we yet to see Robin display any skills? Other than his ability get drunk and moon after Regina, what else has he done (okay, he once nicked a distracted flying monkey)? He gets frozen a lot and his arrows get picked out of the air. He probably got lost and ended up in New York. Either that or Marian said "Screw your living in the woods, frat boy. I'm not making any more sacrifices for your cheating ass. Thanks for coming with me, but I'm the heart and the brains of this operation so we are going to New York. In the five seconds I wasn't frozen, I heard it was a pretty great place."

Edited by kili
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Now I'm listening to Neil Young. Maybe Grumpy has been a miner for a heart of gold. Or Hook has crossed the ocean for a heart of gold. Just kidding. It could be about Emma though, if the trio are gunning for her heart because it's pure or something.

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They did not.  Aurora had that line about the Devil's box and had no clue what the CD was which Snow thought was cute and then called her a newbie.  You know, that episode with mommy and me classes where Emma boiled her bro's milk by holding it in her hand.  Yeah, that one!

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4x17 title.


Based on the title, it's either about Rumple or Regina.

Ugh, Scott Nimerfro. I expect lots of queerbaiting and fan-pandering. I hope the episode is about Rumple or Regina (we know both of them have hearts of gold) and Emma and Hook doesn't appear in it.


Edited by RadioGirl27
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Although I could have lived without seeing Robin Jerk again, I look forward to seeing more of Marian. I like the character (Team Marian!) and I think the actress has done a great job with inserting more life into her than the scripts give her. She's really giving 110 percent to a thankless role. No, she's not vanilla. She's awesome and braver and stronger than some people on the show I could mention ...

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Yeah, based on these photos, someone steals Marian's purse, and Robin chases after the crook. I'm assuming he jumps on a carriage horse while in pursuit. 


I wonder if Robin meets Gold or one of the trio in NYC? I saw someone speculating on Tumblr that they kidnap him and bring him back to the cabin to use as leverage. 

Edited by retrograde
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Yeah, based on these photos, someone steals Marian's purse,


Yes, she's definitely just fallen off the turnip truck leaving that purse sitting behind her on the pavement. The Fox version of Robin Hood wouldn't have been more aware than that and would have caught the guy before he got half-way down to grabbing it. Too funny that Robin Hood gets robbed.

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Guessing at this is probably pointless, but Scott Nimerfro tweeted this a few weeks ago:


Scott Nimerfro @ScottNimerfro  ·  Jan 16
something so outrageous in my next Once script (with Tze Chun) that during concept meeting -- the prod team was all aflutter at the news!


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Scott Nimerfro @ScottNimerfro  ·  Jan 16

something so outrageous in my next Once script (with Tze Chun) that during concept meeting -- the prod team was all aflutter at the news!

Swan Queen kiss. It's coming!... On a totally unrelated note, does anyone have a barf bag I could borrow?

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Yeah, it would be the producer, director, location manager, etc. Presumably means it isn't something they could whip up in CGI, though. 


ETA: Description of filming today:

Robin, Marian and Roland are in “New York”, and Marian’s purse gets stolen. Robin runs off and grabs a horse from it’s carraige, jumps on it, and follows the thief that’s by now jumped on a bike!


So what was filmed was obviously mostly stunt double, riding a horse, jumping over some kind of barrier and running between two rows of cars. In the end, Sean got on a fake horse, and did the same scene between the cars as the stunt did on the real horse.


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As much as I wouldn't put anything past that guy, I think it's probably something technical that will require some work. He later re-stressed "production" team.


I sure hope whatever technical thing he has planned is better than his "brilliant" CGI viking monster idea...

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Scott Nimerfro @ScottNimerfro  ·  Jan 16

something so outrageous in my next Once script (with Tze Chun) that during concept meeting -- the prod team was all aflutter at the news!

I can't with this guy. I think I will skip this one. I don't even want to imagine what that "outrageous" idea is.

But I'm sure that when the episode airs and it doesn't include some hot sex between Emma and Regina to celebrate Hook's and Robin's gruesome deaths, he would just accuse the "production team" of not backing his ideas.

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Maybe he was talking about the horse back thief chase?


Won't the chase scene be in the previous episode? I seem to recall that Adam generally releases the name of the next episode shortly before it begins filming. The latest Scott script title was released yesterday when the chase scene was already filmed or being filmed.

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All I know is that a Robin-centric better not be called "Heart of Gold" because just no..  Heart of Gold once upon a time, maybe?  Heart of Gold?  Not so much!  The last episode those two penned together was the horrible (imo) Shattered Sight.  The worst spell ever turned into the worst joke ever.  The only good thing about it was the way Ingrid ended.  Anyway...I guess we shall see.  I'm thinking since he's the one writing this episode that it's probably all about Regina really does have a heart of gold or some nonsense like that since she decided to sacrifice her happiness to save Marian's life.  


On a whole other note, Marian's boots are very, very nice.  How anyone can call that woman vanilla is absolutely beyond me.  

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Marian has never killed or raped anyone, and she doesn't tell pregnant women to eat less ice cream, so according to this show's logic that makes her vanilla.

Edited by Serena
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Won't the chase scene be in the previous episode? I seem to recall that Adam generally releases the name of the next episode shortly before it begins filming. The latest Scott script title was released yesterday when the chase scene was already filmed or being filmed.

Yeah people who watched filming seemed to think yesterday was still 4.16, and that fits the pattern. So same episode they were filming Robin in the woods (and probably that cabin) for.

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