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My Five Wives - General Discussion

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I still think the "stuck" window was staged for storyline purposes. It looked fake. I'm not doubting that Rosemary is a doormat, I'm just saying these people are not actors and are not following the lines being fed to them very well.

The show is getting worse every week. Scripted and staged. Like I said on the other thread, it is so bad it is actually making me start to miss the Browns!

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Thinking about this, I suspect that Rosemary's ring had to be sawed off because she got fat and couldn't take it out anymore.  That's how it got "broken" on the underside.  The jeweler emphasized that it wasn't a straightforward soldering job and needed a lot of gold. He probably had to make it larger.  Size 10 is a sausage finger.

Once again, a plig husband refers to the kids of a wife as "your kids" (to Rhonda: "Your boys and their long hair"). Do they not understand those kids are also theirs?

Sorry Josh, the world will no longer be able to see your magnificent body while you eat dinner. Idiot. Can't believe the collective moms didn't put their feet down sooner about the no shirts-no service rule.

I bet $10 that was the first time the wives have gotten together to clean the house of another wife. They were also a bit too dressed up for house cleaning.

Poor Rosemary, still sucking it up and postponing her anniversary ring until jackass Brady gets it right with Robyn. But it goes to show, if he tries to be equal with all the wives, that can backfire too.

While I feel for Rhonda, I have had biopsies that showed benign lumps. Hoping hers are OK. It is interesting that she works in the medical field and is still holding onto the archaic thinking of the old religion. 

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My brain short-circuited when Rhonda pretended she didn't know the results, then Brady asked what that the doctor said... she was silent for a while... the wheels were turning in her brain about how to explain that she actually did know the results, having spoken to the doctor!

Caught red-handed with the reality TV script, LOL.

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Yeah, that was weird. Brady asked her if she had read the letter and she said no. He opens it and reads it, then he asks her if the doctor had discussed the results with her. It's like the producer forgot to go over the script with them or else they forgot to follow it. All they had to do is reshoot it.

I said last week in another place that I thought Rhonda was a bad actress.  My BS meter was going off with this situation and I thought that maybe they already had the breast cancer scare before the TV show but were re-enacting it now to create a plot line.   Now I don't know if they're re-enacting it, but I think it just could be because Rhonda is not comfortable with dramatizing things for the sake of show drama.  She sometimes has this look on her face like she feels like she's lying.

They're so NOT Buddhists.  That thing about God healing the righteous with prayers and blessings... I'm pretty sure that's not the way of Buddha.

Didn't we even hear them mention "Lord Jesus Christ" in their prayer this week?

Edited by Intuition

Forget crazy Nonie--this week was Robyn's turn to go off the rails! Eventually I think I understood what she was saying...she wanted Brady to think of her and what she liked, then go get it. She didn't just want him to say "Rings are the new thing, here is your ring" in some automatic way (and then forget to do even that!) My husband watched the show with me and never got what she was trying to say. I tried to explain it minus the hysterics, and he still thought it was convoluted. I wonder if Brady ever figured it out , really.

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Don't doctor's usually call to discuss (even if a letter is also sent) test results unless they are completely normal? This show appears so staged.

While I totally get why Robin was upset about the ring thing. I had a hard time generating much sympathy for her. This is the kind of thing to expect when you share your husband with 4 other women. She's nothing special, just one of 5. And from what I've seen not one of his favorite wives anyway. Paulie and Rhonda seem to be the favs as far as I can tell.

Although I completely agree this show is staged to a degree (reinacting probably past scenes/setting up scenarios), I did feel the genuine emotions going on tonight.  Robyn's drama; the pain of the mammo (ugh); the frustration with the naked boys and wrestling at dinner time; Rosey's concern for Robyn and her holding back on how upset she will be to postpone her anniversary yet again.  I cant imagine the amount of pain and hurt these women walk around with.  True they signed up for this life, and airing their grievances on tv.  But I also wonder how they really feel when they watch the scenes beween Brady and each wife privately. 

I sort of felt for Robyn.  She felt slighted on her 20th anniversary when Brady didn't make the same timely effort as he did with Paulie.  It was probably just compounded by how under-appreciated she always feels, and it all came flowing out. 

Brady's attempt at discipline was really a huge fail, IMO.  When the boys asked him why their dinner behavior was a problem, he kept putting it back on the moms... "Cause your MOM'S say they don't like it."  Be a man.. Be a dad, you pussy!  Tell them that you at least agree with the moms.  That really bothered me.  Even the way he said "farting on your sisters (pause) is gross."  Was he trying to make them laugh, or make them behave?! 

I'm guessing that Rhonda's mother kept counting on faith to heal her, and chose not to get propery medical care until it was too late, which is very unfortunate. 

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Most telling scene for me was with Rosemary and Robyn in Brady's office.  As Rosemary was walking out (after Robyn's meltdown), Brady called for her to come back.  And in that hug and kiss, it was beyond obvious how miserable and worthless she felt.  She knew, in her heart, that it was just a gesture (and barely a peck) for the cameras.  She didn't have her heart in the kiss or hug - and it just made me want to cry for her.  In spite of the fact that I hate polygamy (both in theory and from what we have witnessed on this show and Kody and his brood), my heart broke for her.  She just seemed so resigned to her miserable life with this clueless dumbass.

And for the love of Pete (as my grandmother used to say), will someone please try to explain what these women are fawning over?  Because I.just.don't.get.it.....  He could not look more worn down if he tried.  I highly doubt there is ANY sexual activity going on regularly with ANY of the wives.  Unless, of course, the wives are doing all the work -- and even then, it's pretty doubtful.  IMO

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Brady's attempt at discipline was really a huge fail, IMO.  When the boys asked him why their dinner behavior was a problem, he kept putting it back on the moms... "Cause your MOM'S say they don't like it."  Be a man.. Be a dad, you pussy!  Tell them that you at least agree with the moms.  That really bothered me.  Even the way he said "farting on your sisters (pause) is gross."  Was he trying to make them laugh, or make them behave?! 


The whole premise was absurd.  In what crazy ass world does it take a meeting for parents to decide that their children's behavior needed to be addressed??  How about ALL of you  "man up"  and correct your children in the moment?  I cannot imagine needing to have an in depth discussion with my husband about our son's behavior at dinner -- it was simply addressed (by either of us) at the time.

No shirt = "go put a shirt on" 

Yelling =  "knock it off"

Rough-housing = reminder of time and place

Helping to clean up = "get to it"

Showing appreciation = prompted by both of us at appropriate time

     Why on earth all of the wives need to come to a consensus regarding their (shared) children's antics is just so bizarre to me.  And they were all so friggin timid in broaching each subject!  You either have an issue and confront it - or DON'T.  Damn.. 

Edited by tabloidlover
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I also really hated that Brady told the boys that he was talking to them because the moms were complaining.  Man up you idiot.  Of course, why the moms needed Brady to talk to them is also a mystery to me.  If I'd done that with my boys, they never would have had decent manners.

While I understand Rhonda being concerned, what I don't understand is a woman with a family history of breast cancer, who has had a scare in the past, waiting years to get a routine mammogram.  Apparently, they offer them free in Utah.  And even if she had to pay for it, where are the priorities?  That also makes me wonder if they have health insurance for that massive brood.

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I was really annoyed with Robyn. She got a ring, late, but she got one. A new one at that. Brady had Rosemary's ring either resized or fixed (not sure which). It's not like Rosemary got a NEW ring, she's just able to wear her old ring again.

Brady buys the wife a new ring on her twentieth anniversary. He bought Paulie's new ring while shopping with Robyn. Then he bought Robyn's new ring late. The ring he had fixed for Rosemary was her original wedding ring. Her twentieth wedding anniversary is coming up and she said last night he can put off buying THAT ring until he makes things right with Robyn's twentieth ring. So Rosemary is sacrificing herself again for another wife. I was annoyed at Robyn for dragging Rosemary into the whole situation as a wingman for the Safe Talk. All she had to do was tell Brady that she was hurt by how he went about buying her ring, that he needed to make it special for her in his own way, then send him on his way. No need to involve anyone else and certainly no reason to make him postpone buying another wife's ring too.

  • Love 1

I was annoyed by the aside about how the great benefit of polygamy is that "there's always someone there to help," as demonstrated in the house cleaning.  True, but...  Didn't we used to have, you know, extended family for that?  Neighbors, friends, church members?  It may be a sad commentary that polygamy IS the new extended family in a mobile society in which everyone lives so far away from their relatives, but it hardly seems a happy alternative given all the angst involved.  And it appears not even a village can raise a (boy) child...

Edited by all4mom

Throwing away paper and plastic for thirty people every.single.night just makes me cringe. They better recycle.

With 24 kids, you would think they would already have a schedule in place for who does clean-up every night (the kids of the mom who cooked the previous night cleans up the next night, for example). You would also think with that many kids, a house would have a cleaning schedule in place and sister wives would not have to come over to clean. Not to go all Dugger, but teenagers can help out a bit more (jackass boys included). I'd make Prince Josh drive his brothers to karate for smart-mouthing his dad about the shirt business.

  • Love 4

I had to really force myself to watch this episode. It keeps getting worse. Robyn is the forgotten mouse. Remember the date night when he tried to order her shrimp and she hates shrimp? He is an awful husband. I feel for Rosemary too. The fake hug and tight kiss before she left the room was pathetic. How about when Robyn places the ring on Brady's dresser so he could make things right? That douchebag actually has a framed picture of himself on his dresser? Hahaha that's something I would expect from Kody.

The scene where they read the results together was so fake and they totally screwed up their lines. Did she read the results? No. But then she tells Brady what the dr said. Geez!! I guess TLC figures we are all stupid and won't notice.

It's nice to have a break from seeing Nonie drama.

And I agree. Josh is a jerk. Go to Africa already!

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Oh one more thing. The fake manners talk. And the fake good behavior from the kids. All staged.

All of the please and thank you's and you're welcomes were making me want to puke. Dad helped with the dishes? Lol yes I agree with what you all said.....he helped throw away the trash from the plastic goods they ate off of. Wow. I'm impressed.

Edited by Danielle A

I'm genuinely curious to see if this "cancer scare" turns out to be anything at all except bad acting on everyone's part.  I once had what turned out to be an adenoma; got the mammogram, ultrasound, diagnostic aspiration, and excisional biopsy (under local anesthetic only, as I drove myself home after), and then waited for the pathology report all on my lonesome without even telling a soul about it.  And I can close my own windows.  Imagine that!


It's a truly boring family with a very troubling baby obsession (well, maybe Brady's father won't be "boring," if they ever move to Washington state)...  BRING BACK THE BROWNS! 

Edited by all4mom
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Didn't we even hear them mention "Lord Jesus Christ" in their prayer this week?

I'm pretty sure we've heard it almost every episode. 


Brady's attempt at discipline was really a huge fail, IMO.  When the boys asked him why their dinner behavior was a problem, he kept putting it back on the moms... "Cause your MOM'S say they don't like it."  

This drove me insane. He acted like he was trying to be so cool and just one of the boys. Basically acting like the bearer of bad news, rather than a parent. 


Josh is seriously the worst. I can't stand the way he just sits and gapes with his mouth open all the time, and acts like he is the same age as all those little boys. He is 19, seriously? His reaction at the no-shirt conversation was absolutely embarrassing. 


I understand why Robyn is upset. These women know what they signed up for, and probably keep their shit together pretty well most of the time while deeply unhappy, but every now and again it's bound to boil over. It's impossible to meet all of these women's needs adequately and equally. How can he re-invent an anniversary gift every 5, 10, 15, 20 years with 5 different women? He can't. And it sucks for them. But I guess they chose it!

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Brady's attempt at discipline was really a huge fail,

IMO.  When the boys asked him why their dinner behavior was a problem, he kept putting it back on the moms... "Cause your MOM'S say they don't like it."

That bothered me so much.  Why can't he take the responsibility and say because it's bad manners, disrespectful, and immature?  Why should his sons accept responsibility when he won't?

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And don't forget that Brady said the moms have been complaining about the manners and no shirts at dinner for about 4 years. So apparently, Brady handles everything in a belated manner. Anniversaries (unless it's Nonie), fixing broken jewelry, disciplining the kids etc., etc. smh!

And now I am wishing I didn't delete my recording because I would like to listen to Robyn's blubbering again and see if I can decipher exactly what happened with her 20th? He didn't give her a ring on that day and then she had to ask him to go get her one? Then she gets it and it means nothing to her? If that's really how she explained it then he sucks worse than I thought! Especially after making a big deal over Paulie's 20th!

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I haven't watched it yet, so I'll try to let you know. It seems every week I wait later and later to watch the recorded episode. Not a good sign!

I have several episodes saved...I have yet to watch the last few. I am having trouble committing to this show. The Browns drive me crazy enough but this crew does not interest me. I would rather read about them. LOL.

Edited by Jellybeans
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I think I'd rather read about it too, Jellybeans!  I just watched the first half of last week's episode so I could get a grip on the Robyn/ring saga.  But had to put the rest of it off for another time.  It just seems to me that they lead a relatively boring life (i.e. ordinary) and they are trying to stir up drama for the sake of the show.  Each time one of the wives speaks, its like she is on the verge of tears.  Can they be that unhappy all the time?  


Danielle A--as for Robyn and her 20th anniversary ring, from what I could decipher through the crying, Paulie received a new wedding ring from Brady on their 20th anniversary, so when Robyn's 20th came around a few months later, Brady asked her if she wanted him to pick a new ring out for her or did she want to go with him to pick it out.  Robyn said she wanted to go with him, but the anniversary came and went without either the shopping or the new ring.  When Robyn mentioned it to Brady, they had a big "fight," and she told him she didn't want a new ring.  He bought her one anyway a few weeks later and she has never felt it was "special."  So consequently they have had several more fights about the ring, even though she wears it.  Of course, this was Rosemary's cue to offer to go with Robyn to speak to Brady about it, because according to Rosemary, she doesn't want her new 20th anniversary ring until this thing with Robyn is "fixed."   These women do nothing if not rain on each other's parade!

Edited by 4leafclover
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I haven't watched it yet, so I'll try to let you know.  It seems every week I wait later and later to watch the recorded episode.  Not a good sign!

Completely agree! The show feels like a chore to watch. I usually enjoy watching a train wreck show, but this show is just boring and scripted feeling. Blah!

Thanks for the recap on the ring drama. For being so scripted, I know one thing that IS real and it's all the tears we see. These women are very unhappy.

All4mom: I wondered myself if Brady has a secret temper? True, he doesn't have the energy, but sometimes he looks like he wants to snap. Very slightly, but I thought it was there a couple times.

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Brady seems more whiney to me than angry--case in point--when he was asking Rhonda if she wanted him to go with her to the mammogram.  I think he would have wet his pants or burst out crying if she had said yes (which I'm surprised she didn't).  


I agree Danielle A, these are collectively 5 of the unhappiest women I've seen--they make the Browns seem almost manic.  But at least when the Williams women cry, they don't wipe their eyes and look at their fingers (at least I haven't seen that happen yet).  Maybe because they don't wear makeup yet!  lol

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A well-placed advert for Sister Wives in this episode. 


Kadoofus is  dressed like a slob after five weeks on the couch, King of The MacMansions, and lectures some poor teen about the chemical dangers of kissing and holding hands.  "Science backs me up," said the illiterate buffoon that bangs 3 whales and a dolphin. Good.  The kids can skip kisses and hand-holding and jump straight to blowjobs.  Science backs ME up on that, LOL. It's totally safe, source: the internet.  Kodouche is such a cretin.  And he's hideous.  Talk about not aging well.


Meanwhile back at the Williams's, where there is at least some semblance of a plot, manufactured and drawn out as it may be, we find out at last what we suspected all along; the cancer scare was nothing, nothing at all.


We could see Rosemary's doormat dynamic at play.  She's so pathologically eager to please that she is paving her own way to depression.  "Who, me?  Never mind me, I have no needs, take care of everyone else first..." no wonder she's dead last in the totem pole, that's where she puts herself.  I'm not blaming Brady for not getting excited for this self-effacing ball of insecurities.


Robin looked especially nice with the wavy hair, and the good lighting.


Nonie can try to act normal but the cray cray never looks far from the surface.  Is she pregnant?  I don't care.


The Valentine bouquets were lackluster, they looked like thrown-together dead branches, wild parsnip, dandelions, and one stargazer lily.  The kids exchange was nice... but... sardines?  And one little girl didn't look at her card and tossed it aside as soon as she received it. 

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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That was incredibly boring. I'm glad Rhonda is OK. Otherwise, that was one butt-ugly tattoo and JethroJosh leaves for Africa with a backpack and a pair of flip flops. It also seemed like Robyn was a more child-like than we have seen her before.


What the hell was that prolonged preview for Sister Wives with Kody talking to Mykelitie's boyfriend? Hormones pass through the mouth when you kiss and he knows this because he reads a lot of science stuff? Can we please keep just one jackass per show, TLC?

One thing I noticed about the Sister Wives preview. KoDouche can't help making things about him. He said that if Mykelti gets her heart broken, it will be hard on him. How about it will be hard on Mykelti? Such a Grade A asshat. And Brady must be watching old reruns of the Browns. He mentioned to two different "normal" people that he's a polygamist. And just FYI, TLC... We've seen the polygamist hubbie gets flowers on Valentine's Day and tries to shock the florist with his studliness of having multiple wives. It sucked with KoDouche and it sucked out loud with Brady.

I'm so glad that tattoo artist talked him out of the stupid outdated arm band tattoo. I think he was making up "the lines are too small" so he didn't have to put his name out there (on national tv no less) as having done a frickin' tribal arm band tattoo in 2014. Those things are like the male version of a tramp stamp - they were super trendy at one point and now you mainly see them on middle-aged people who thought they were a good idea at 18 years old. 

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