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Small Talk: 7th Floor Nurses Station

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Kudos to all you amazing YOUNG women for dealing with so much in such a short period of time! I just turned 55 and thank my lucky stars every day that I'm healthy. I don't take these things for granted, that's for sure. I get my mammogram every year, and if my doctor says 'lets do an MRI just to be sure," I schedule an appointment immediately. I had s huge surprise last November when she ordered an MRI of the pituitary gland because my prolactin level was slightly elevated. 'I don't expect to see anything, but let's just take a look' turned into 'you have a 2 cm tumor that's pressing against your optic nerve. I want you to see an endocrinologist immediately.' So I called my guy and went to see him. The next day I was in the neurosurgeon office, and two weeks later, I was in the hospital having the tumor removed. Thankfully the procedure went smoothly and my 3 month MRI was clean. I have to go back once z year to make certain it doesn't grow back, but I told my surgeon that if it does, it's staying there lol! I am a lousy patient and have less than zero interest in going back to the hospital.

But what I went through was nothing compared to everything I'm reading here. You are all my heroes and Deserve every good thing life has to offer. Stay strong!

  • Love 3

I'm feeling a bit strange for hoping the endoscopy I'm having tomorrow shows something, but I feel like some of you here my get that. The back story is because of a procedure I had when I was a few months old called a fundoplication I can't throw up. Whenever I'm sick (or hung over...) I just gag until I just can't any more or the feeling passes. It was a needed fix then but 27yrs later, a big pain because the gagging physically can drain me because of the neuromuscular condition I was born with. Anyway I've been gagging... 3-14 times per day it can be insane for weeks now. A CT did show I have a type of sliding hernia but Drs. Of course are insisting its just too small to be doing this even though they don't know if my congenital condition can make it worse because its so rare no Dr. around me has another patient with the congenital form of what I have. So here I am actually hoping for something to show (terrible reflux, I'm an ulcer waiting to happen I think) before my doctors go to the old "Depression since I don't get out like other people my age" route many others have made a pit stop at since I was a teenager when I have unknown symptoms. But it happened twice at a baby shower yesterday so that's proof I'm not a total shut in making myself sick. I have witnesses!

My MD even started to go there Thursday, then made a huge deal about my blood pressure being sky high. I couldn't even point out the made me want to hit him cause then he'd probably really think I'm nuts!

Edited by Gigi43

Hope your endoscopy went well, Gigi!


Well, I had my Mammogram today. A digital one. Silly me, I thought with the word "digital", that meant my breast wouldn't have to be smooshed like a pancake press. But it still does--it just shows "more" in the tissue, I guess. The good thing is, instead of waiting to get the results mailed to me, I got them right after Mammo--and breath of relief, it was normal!


That said, I was getting nervous when the radiologist called me back to take three more slides/pictures.  Still, I need to speak to a genetic counselor to determine if my risk is high enough that my ovaries should also be removed.  If yes, then the left breast should also be removed.  If no, well, I'm seriously thinking of removing the left one anyway so there's no risk of the cancer finding its way over there.



I get digital mammograms, but they still need to sonogram a section of me because they can't otherwise get a decent picture. So I get squashed and gelled. And to top it all off, I have to pay a chunk of the cost because as soon as they find something, a mammogram switches from being preventative to diagnostic, and that's when the deductible kicks in. 


ACA or not, the insurance companies find a way to screw you over.

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I get digital mammograms, but they still need to sonogram a section of me because they can't otherwise get a decent picture. So I get squashed and gelled. And to top it all off, I have to pay a chunk of the cost because as soon as they find something, a mammogram switches from being preventative to diagnostic, and that's when the deductible kicks in. 


ACA or not, the insurance companies find a way to screw you over.


For realz! I mean, they tried to tell me I owed a payment, I was like no way! This is a mammogram. I don't care if it's diagnostic. Then she said, well, you still have your deductible to pay. I swear, I could feel my blood boiling. It wasn't her fault but their stupid system.


I said, Oh, noooo. I paid the deductible--three weeks ago--IN CASH--when I had my Herceptin infusion, after switching carriers. So, after I said that, even though there was a sticky with the $100 or so bucks, I didn't pay a cent. Nor did they ask me to. ALL of this is COVERED under my current coverage.


Oh, and nothing to be concerned over, but there has been fluid collection in the cavity of Franken Boob, but since I'm not having fevers, it's nothing to be concerned about. Probably a residual from having that expander in me for 7 months.  And that thing I thought was fluid collection? Under my arm? Nothing. I love my breast surgeon.  She tells me like it is, and lets me know if I should be concerned.  Said if the collection becomes bothersome, she'll drain it. It's okay. I already have the potential of one, maybe two more major surgeries to look forward to, (not including the final reconstruction), and any way I can NOT have any more needles being stuck in me, creating more scars, I'll take it.

  • Love 1

Wow, you guys are so brave! Going through all these medical trials and tribulations with your sense of humor reasonably intact must be the ultimate sign of great mental health! As to insurance companies - my mom (age 89) is on Medicare plus pays several hundred extra each month for "Medical supplemental insurance" that seems to entitle her to get her healthcare from the world's shittiest HMO. She was diagnosed with lung cancer about 6 weeks ago (after months of run-arounds, and it turns out her primary care doctor knew she had lung cancer SIX YEARS AGO and never told her - the oncologist and pulmonologist both confirmed that she has a great case for a major medical malpractice suit but we aren't going there yet)...and on July 6th she starts radiation treatment - five days a week for five weeks. The kicker here is that they want her to pay $50. for each treatment so, yes, an additional $1250. for the privilege despite the amount she already pays. She doesn't have the money, I don't have the money to give her (I'm an only child so no siblings to help), so we are hoping the American Cancer Society is going to help her out. Although she has no money in the bank, my parents do own their home so are considered too well off to qualify for any sort of government assistance. The ACA did nothing for me (my premiums for private coverage through Blue Shield are astronomical and rise every year) and has done nothing for her. "Affordable Care" my sweet behind! Okay, rant over. Back to the shew...:)

Holy crap, isalicat!  I've heard of something called gofundme?  A classmate used that to get help to pay her medical bills, which were HUGE. She had surgery, chemo and radiation. or maybe chemo and radiation only.


The problem for me is, gofundme is so...public. Or that's how it seems to me. I don't know.


I think I'll order a tank of this hoodie and long-sleeved T-shirt I got--it helped me. Well helped me in that I have to have a sense of humor about this, otherwise I'd be a blithering mess. WendyCR72 sent me the link.


It says, bold as you please: Yes, they're Fake. My Real Ones Tried to Kill Me..

  • Love 6

Holy crap, isalicat!  I've heard of something called gofundme?  A classmate used that to get help to pay her medical bills, which were HUGE. She had surgery, chemo and radiation. or maybe chemo and radiation only.


The problem for me is, gofundme is so...public. Or that's how it seems to me. I don't know.


I think I'll order a tank of this hoodie and long-sleeved T-shirt I got--it helped me. Well helped me in that I have to have a sense of humor about this, otherwise I'd be a blithering mess. WendyCR72 sent me the link.


It says, bold as you please: Yes, they're Fake. My Real Ones Tried to Kill Me..


So glad you liked that!  :-)

Always better to laugh! What a great t-shirt/hoodie!


My mom is working with someone from the Veteran's Admin on Thursday to see if they can help with $$$ (my dad is a vet of both WWII and Korea - he is 94 and is still in great health, drives and does all the shopping now). I'm reluctant to ask strangers to ante up for my mom until we have exhausted all other resources as there are so many considerably younger people in dire circumstances that need emergency help. Thanks for the suggestion though! The main thing is to get the treatment started as the entire process of diagnosis took over 6 months (again, entirely unnecessarily - from what I have observed and been told by others, the health care system nowadays basically wants old people to just go away and die unless they are very rich).

Okay so I found out my fibroids have to come out. My GYN ordered an abdominal/pelvic MRI last month, and initially said everything was fine. Then she called this week to say 'oops, sorry! the hospital didn't send the full report. Now that I have it, one of the fibroids is causing a problem with your kidney. And since you can't lose a kidney, the fibroids need to be removed.'


I told her I'm never doing another MRI EVER again. That from this point forward, if there's anything wrong with me, I don't want to know. Seriously, first a damn brain tumor, and now this? Granted, the fibroids are huge (12x11x13 cm), but it's enough. I have an appointment with the surgeon on Wednesday, and depending on the procedure, I'm definitely asking for a tummy tuck! I asked the neurosurgeon but he wouldn't do it lol! I'll just keep asking until I find someone willing to throw it in as part of whatever other operation they're performing. :)


Thanks for the well wishes! Don't get me wrong I am so thankful they didn't find anything horrible, but, they also didn't find anything that explains my symptoms, either. :( I've been in a funk all day about it just feeling trapt. Though there's one more test that can be done, and I have an appointment July 8th, but as of July 1st my personal GI will be in Iceland for two weeks. Also, they took some samples of my insides today which will be back in a week, and again, like with the other test, I don't even know who I'm getting those results from or if I have to wait until I see him again on the 20th! When I explained to the GI my Neuro thinks my congenital thing could be making the hernia worse, he was like "well can she try a different treatment so maybe it'll stop" and I had to remind him there is zero treatment (seriously, I've been to the Mayo Clinic to be a test subject for a "promising" (but failed) one in 2000), so I'm just stuck as I am on that front so I really refuse to be on this stomach thing too. (Hence my day of anger today.) ...Maybe I'll get lucky on the 8th. I just want something that explains this and I passed the point of feeling at all weird about saying it.


GHSR, That's great about your Mamo being good! Best of luck going forward! So stupid of the office about the payment thing... but of course thats what matters most to them.


Sake614, OMG much credit to you for not flipping out on the doctor for not waiting until he/she had the full results! That must feel like such a blow.


isalicat, If your mom gets any kind of SS not extra help as you said she doesn't qualify for, can you call the supplemental insurance, social security office or medicare for your mom and see if there's any way she qualifies for a break on the fee? I keep seeing commercials for one such plan that says ask about having the fees wavered if you get a certain amount from SS. I want to say its an Emblem (which probably varies by state) one I see but I'm not 100% 

Edited by Gigi43

What a pain (literally) that you have to go through all this. And of course your doctor is going on vacation. Isn't that the way it always works? :)


I am so thankful they didn't find anything horrible, but, they also didn't find anything that explains my symptoms, either




Yea that's how I felt about my migraines. I had a full neuro work up because they were getting worse MRI and ECG. Both showed...nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zip. Well okay then. Guess I imagined the raging pain in my head lol! I mean, like you, I was glad they didn't find anything awful. But I kinda wanted them to see SOMETHING. Anything that would explain the headaches. Then, when we discovered the tumor last winter, I thought maybe removing it would help reduce or even eliminate the headaches. No such luck there, either :(.


Just hang in there. Hopefully they'll figure it out soon and you'll be all better!

  • Love 1

Ay yi yi, Sake!


That reminds me of when I was suffering migraines or really bad, horrendous headaches years ago. The doctor I had at the time was the best. I didn't need to go see him in order for him to prescribe me drugs.  He'd been my doctor for 15 years by that point, I think.  Anyoo, none of them worked. I mean, I kept calling him, every week, saying drug x wasn't working, nor was y, z, or aa.  I had an MRI, Cat Scan...while I had the latter, I was hoping they'd find something to explain the reasons. Like a tumor or something. Now me saying that out loud got my mother to cry. I wasn't hoping or wishing for a tumor! But all tests were negative.


Sooo, I quit taking all the drugs cold turkey. Suffered, and I mean suffered blinding, raging headaches for a good solid week, and then poof! they stopped.


But I still suffer from migraines. Fortunately, they don't happen that often. But when they do, I burrow under my blankets in a dark, dark room and turn off my phones. Oh and take the good drugs.


So, I see the genetic counselor on July 29, at which time, I'll be told what my risk factor is.

Yeah migraines are soooo much fun..NOT lol!


My neuro at the time must've thought I was certifiable when I looked disappointed that the scans were all negative. I just sat there and said 'Nothing? Really? NOTHING?' My GYN is like your doctor. Every time I need more headache pills, she writes me an Rx no questions asked. All my other doctors want me to come in, or they'll refill the Rx for one month with no refills. I'm not abusing the stuff, but it works. And nothing else does. So geez, if I tell you I need more and it's been a YEAR since my last scrip, just fill the stupid thing and don't bother me.


Good luck with the genetic counselor!

Thank you to all of you with your helpful suggestions regarding getting more financial assistance for my mom!


As to migraines, I had all the symptoms of an oncoming migraine for a year or so after I had my son - the flashing lights and halo/aura around all light sources and a strange nausea....went to a neurologist finally and had all the tests known at the time including an MRI and they found not a thing (thanks, God!) and then it went away. These symptoms never led to a real migraine headache although the neurologist said he was surprised that was the case. Since it was never diagnosed, I have no idea to this day but wondered if it might be hormone related...not sure anyone tests for that in relation to migraines? Just an idea...

hormones are absolutely migraine triggers  So is wine, chocolate, barometric pressure, and countless others. Of course not everyone has the same triggers, which probably makes diagnosing them harder. But it's always nice to have company :)


Meantime, I saw the gyno surgeon yesterday and he said I have one option for the fibroids: a hysterectomy, which we scheduled for August 13. Thankfully he said he doesn't need to take the ovaries, so hopefully I won't have to deal with the hot flashes that have accompanied traditional hysterectomies. ANd surprisingly, he said it's a same-day procedure. Which means NO HOSPITAL STAY!!!!!! Still holding out for the tummy tuck at the same time, but since the doctor said 'you're not fat' I don't know that I can talk him into it lol!

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Lucky you, Sake, that you don't need to stay overnight.  I know when I had my hysterectomy (lathroscopic), my GYN left my ovaries intact.  But I stayed overnight. Well, technically, 23 hours. 


That sound you here is my good feeling crashing to the ground...


I can't believe what my mother just told me.

She called and I told her that I have to go see a genetic counselor to see what my risk factor is? and it wasn't even her words--they were my sister's-because she just loves saying everything, every test that someone has to take is an Insurance SCAM. Anyhoo, when I told her about the genetic testing, she said it was a SCAM. That's when I lost it. I told her, I needed to find out what my risk factor was so I could prevent the cancer from coming back to my healthy breast by removing it before it can get its hooks in me again, instead of having another mastectomy, followed by more chemo again. That seemed to shut her up. Then she started on the final recontsruction, and how I should WAIT, and have it in the Spring, because December is BAD weather, prices are HIGH, and cost is an issue. I'm telling her I'm not even THINKING about that right now, but she's going on and on and on...that I have to think about them (my parents) and their convenience.


First, money is not an issue. I've already told my dad that I won't know anything until September. I'm tempted to just tell them, just stay in India then. I'll figure out how to do this on my own. I certainly don't need the added stress or implication that I am being selfish. No seriously; I have people who I can reach out to--myself. I think one of the cancer organizations I called when looking for financial assistance said they provided nursing care. Maybe I'll just take them up on that. I really don't want to feel guilty or feel like I'm forcing my parents to come. Why wait for that fucker to come back when I can prevent it from doing so? Or at least try.


Instead of good luck, let me know what they say, it's "scam! you don't need it! Stop thinking about yourself!"


My mother is great at denial.

Oh man, it sucks to not have a supportive family. Especially in situations like this! I'm so sorry GHSR! You should definitely look into the nursing care offered by the cancer organization, and if you have a good, close friend who can and will be there for you if you need anything (food, sundries or just company), that will make you feel better too.

I have to talk to the doctor again on July 30 for my pre-op appointment so I'll confirm then that I don't have to stay overnight. But everything I've read online says its outpatient. And really after the two days of hell I spent at the hospital in December, I do NOT want to stay overnight if I can help it.

It's tough for parents to see their kid sick, especially if they can't be there. My mom wanted to hear all the details about my cancer, but I could tell it really upset her, so I glossed over the worst parts. It made it easier for both of us, and I don't regret it.


It is, especially my mother. She seemed very okay, if you will when I was first diagnosed last fall, but the day of the mastectomy, she was in tears as I was just about to go under after the anesthesia.  Dad said that she was crying non-stop during the whole surgery.


I think she believes that since I'm in remission, there's no need for me take any more tests. It was difficult for her to see the effects that  chemo took on me.  I know she doesn't mean to sound like she' s not supportive, but that's how it comes across.


Either way, now that I've calmed down...there's no urgency for surgery, as my mammogram was normal; so I can have the surgery in January or February.  I'm jumping ahead, I know. I just hope the ovaries don't need to go. Because then I start thinking: who's going to do that surgery? My OBGYN? And then my breast surgeon can take over and remove the breast? And do I have to wait after the drains are done, to then have the final reconstruction on both breasts? That would mean going to another hospital, because the specialist my breast surgeon recommended doesn't have visiting privileges at the hospital where I had my mastectomy last fall.


Too bad real life isn't GH where only one doctor *coughPatrick*cough*cough*Patrick*cough can do ALL surgeries.


On this note, I hope y'all have a great and HAPPY FOURTH!!!!!

  • Love 3



I was hoping I wouldn't have to post here until after I'd seen the genetic counselor.  Buuuut....


The 'residual' fluid build-up is starting to cause me some discomfort, so it's off to my breast surgeon I go on Wednesday, so she can drain it. It's not too bad because no fevers, but it's bad because the outer area is hard, but the middle, where the stitches had been is soft, like breast tissue should be.





I was hoping I wouldn't have to post here until after I'd seen the genetic counselor.  Buuuut....


The 'residual' fluid build-up is starting to cause me some discomfort, so it's off to my breast surgeon I go on Wednesday, so she can drain it. It's not too bad because no fevers, but it's bad because the outer area is hard, but the middle, where the stitches had been is soft, like breast tissue should be.




Jeez, I hope things settle down soon, GHSR!

  • Love 1


I was hoping I wouldn't have to post here until after I'd seen the genetic counselor. Buuuut....

The 'residual' fluid build-up is starting to cause me some discomfort, so it's off to my breast surgeon I go on Wednesday, so she can drain it. It's not too bad because no fevers, but it's bad because the outer area is hard, but the middle, where the stitches had been is soft, like breast tissue should be.


Oh NO!!!!! I kept checking in to see if you had posted and when you hadn't, wrongly presumed that 'no news is good news.' I'm sorry you're having difficulties again, but at least there's no fever so that means no infection, right? Hopefully the surgeon will have some answers and alleviate your discomfort.

Good luck!

I honestly remain in awe of your strength and bravery Tvgoddess. Same with GHSR and the rest of you battling cancer and other illnesses. I've certainly had more health issues in the last 8 months than in the last 50 years, but nothing like you. You're an inspiration to us all!

Edited by Sake614
  • Love 3

Just picture the hair pulling emoji, because that's how I feel right now.


I go to get my car checked out because the engine icon has suddenly flashed on, and I thought it was because my gas tank was loose, but it wasn't. Had to do with the the C0 number one, which wasn't 'talking' to C02, via the computer (????) and could cause burn out and emission test failure. Okay, fix it, and while I'm there, get a transmission oil thing done. Now picture me crying, at the cost of it all.  This is all before I have to go to get drained.


I get to my surgeon's office and there's this new nurse; she tells me she's new. As if she's warning me upfront, so that I can hand wave if she makes a mistake?


Anyhoo, she asks me why I'm there, and I told her, I'd seen my surgeon two weeks ago, and was told there was residual fluid collection after the removal of my expander. But that if it caused me discomfort, I could come back and she would drain it. And all the other answers. Now, she's got the computer there. With ALL my information, and the past surgical procedures. And the conversation goes like this:


"Can you tell me who referred you to Dr. A.?"


Me: I turn to look at her, and sincerely hope I didn't sound as snarky as I felt..."No one. She's my doctor. She performed the mastectomy, and told me to come back." I wanted to add, like I just told you, ten seconds ago.


NewNurse: "Oh, right. Sorry."


Me: big sigh. And I wait for my surgeon to come. And when she does, she sees the sonogram/ultrasound thingamajig where she can see what she's doing isn't plugged in; not turned on.  And she sighs. And tells me I have to come back next week because Shauna (regular nurse) isn't here today, and she knows how to work that thing, so she, the surgeon can see what she's doing and where to stick the catheter, etc., etc., and NewNurse doesn't know how.


I literally whimpered. No lie. I could hear the sound.  She nodded her head in empathy. And I appreciated that she didn't want to work with someone who was clearly clueless so something wrong wouldn't happen.


So, I go back on Monday. And because there was nothing done, no charge for today's visit!


And this is how awesome and knowledgeable my surgeon is; I mentioned that if the risk factor is high enough that my ovaries have to go, would it be possible to have that done and her removing my other breast at the same time? And if it's just the breast, can she say it was necessary so insurance will cover it, since a friend told me, it would be considered elective, since no cancer is there. Well, my surgeon, just shook her head and said "your friend is WRONG." It is totally covered, so I don't need to worry about that, and she would reach out to my obgyn about scheduling it so IF ovaries go, she can remove those and when she's done, my breast surgeon can take over and lop of the other boob.


And then I worked from home, lying to my boss that I was still woozy and wouldn't make it in.  This way, I don't get docked. I save about $15 because I am so totally broke until payday this weekend, that this way I'll be able to metro it to work tomorrow and Friday. I'm scrunging around to see what I can throw together to eat because there is no FOOD--meaning no veggies, meat or eggs. Sigh.


And I get a call from my mother, asking If I'm okay, because I posted on FB that I was feeling frustrated and gave an abridged version of the conversation I had with the nurse, leaving out WHY I was there.  And I tried to explain to her again why I was going to the genetic counselor and getting the test. And that there is no urgency, because right now, I am in remission. But I don't want to run the risk of it coming back, so despite what the results are, i"m going to have them both removed. Hell, I had a hysterectomy four years ago, so it's not as if I could have children anyway.  


So, drainage next Monday; Genetic test, July 29. Oy Vey.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule

ScorpiosRule, I'm so sorry to here about your day. The new nurse and not being able to be drained is enough. Add in the car, cash flow answer food issues and I would have cried not just whimper before I put my big girl panties on too. You are so strong.

I hope everything works out Monday. You are in my prayers.

Okay I'm confused. The new chick is a NURSE? As in, an RN? Not a medical assistant but a full fledged, licensed nurse? And she doesn't know how to operate the equipment in the doctor's office??? Dare I ask how she got hired in the first place?


I'm really sorry about your day. Just one of those incidents would have made me cry. All of them in one day would have sent me to the loony bin!  Hang in there, it'll get better. The regular nurse will be back next week and you can get the breast drained, and then see the genetics counselor and make a decision about everything else. And at least there was some good news about the insurance coverage!

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Just chiming to echo everyone else's "there there" and good wishes, Scorpiosrule. I just had the exact same thing happen with my car although I drove around with the check engine light on for six months before finally taking it in. Cars are so complicated now with the mod-ren electronics that I am always certain the mechanic will come up with extra stuff to fix just because I don't know enough to say that is not really necessary. Anyways seem to have found a good one (mechanic) who diagnosed the problem and fixed the car within one day but it costs $400 for the diagnosis, replacing the faulty sensor including labor (it took 15 minutes - the cost was mostly the part). However in order to pass the smog test (my first one ever - until recently I was living in a part of California that did not require smog tests) this would have had to be fixed, so I had him do the smog test too (another $97). $500 in two days out the door...well, better than fancy car payments I guess!


As to your medical woes, I had some interesting encounters in the past and more recently with medical personnel that clearly did not have a clue - as I have been told often by my medical professional friends, there are "A" doctors and nurses, and then there are "C" and "D" doctors and nurses too. I went to a OB/Gyn complaining of fatigue, abdominal pain and lack of appetite and she insisted I had a urinary tract infection and had me go through three complete courses of antibiotics (even though she never tested for an elevated white blood cell count or did any blood work at all and I had no other signs of infection) before sending me in for an ultrasound at which point it was discovered that I had lots of rapidly growing fibroid tumors in my uterus. So as I was already 50 years old at that point, I had them take "everything" (uterus, ovaries, cervix) out - it was a regular operation (not a scope procedure) so the recovery was a bit longer but it was also one of the best decisions I made for my long term health. No more pap smears! It does propel you right into menopause which of course is different for everyone.


So the moral of this story: Yelp is your friend (thats how I found the good mechanic) and medical people are definitely not infallible even they think they are!


Okay I'm confused. The new chick is a NURSE? As in, an RN? Not a medical assistant but a full fledged, licensed nurse? And she doesn't know how to operate the equipment in the doctor's office??? Dare I ask how she got hired in the first place?




Yes, she was a Nurse, as in RN. Based on the color of her uniform and her name tag, it's safe to assume that she transferred over from the Georgetown University Hospital--which have very good doctors and nurses, by the way. I have no idea.


And naturally, I have a deadline on Monday, so I can't go on Monday to be drained. BUT, going on Tuesday.


I think I'll call my Pops and see if he can float me some Benjamins.


Even if he can't, I'm UBER excited for this weekend! Going to a book signing (20th Anniversary signing) featuring Nora Roberts (it's her hubby's store), and since it's a milestone anniversary, Nalini Singh is going to be there as well. That's part two of my excitement, because Nalini Singh lives in New Zealand and she only ever goes to New York, I think for the RWA retreats or whatever.


I've "talked" with Singh a few times and we've emailed, so I am superduperruper excited to see her.


As for Nora, well, I've been going to her book signings for...17 years now. She knows me--meaning who I am, so it's not like I have to tell her my name when she's signing a buik or buiks*


*Sorry, I've fallen in love with how Sam Heughan says "book", so that's how I'm "saying" it from now on!


Then it's Brunch with Nora on Sunday.


And it goes downhill after 3:00 pm Sunday, since I have to come in to get started on the filing that is due on Monday. Hey, at least I get some overtime.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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The book signing and brunch sounds AWESOME! The work, not so much but hopefully you'll still be in a great mood and it will all go smoothly.

I saw the urologist last night and thankfully he said my kidneys are perfectly fine. In fact, he described them as 'beefy' lol! First time I've ever heard kidneys described that waY but I'll take it! He said once the fibroids are out, everything will go back to normal. The problem is the fibroid is massive and as a result, urine is backing up in the kidney because it can't get past the fibroid.

The doctor was amazing. Very friendly, very helpful. He showed me the scan instead of just relying on the MRI report, and explained everything that I was seeing and why it was happening. So the hysterectomy is August 13. It'll be done laparoscopically so recovery should be minimal (I hope). Meantime I'm walking every day and trying to eat right. I've lost 4 lbs in 3 weeks and my clothes actually fit again. It certainly isn't easy but I decided it was time to stop talking about losing weight and start doing it.

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GUYYYYYSSS, I can't believe my jerk of a boss made me come in yesterday. Straight from the brunch and I was here until 11-FUCKING!-30! That's P.M. And didn't get home until close to one, got four hours sleep and up at 5:30, to trudge back to work....


BUT, I had an AWESOME and FABULOUS time at the signing....got to see Nora again after a year (hey, before the cancer, I saw her five times a year--as her hubby's store holds book signings there (since she doesn't do book tours anymore) and she's local, so I go. Yes, yes, I'm known in our circles as The Nora Stalker. But the best part was meeting my second favorite author, Nalini Singh. She's so sweet, and a wee bit shy, but she loved my tank, y'all!


I normally don't post pictures of myself here, just my adopted dogs, but, I wanted y'all to see.


I hope I can get both pictures in this one post. Sorry if they're huge; I don't know how to crop them.


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so glad you had fun. You look amazing!


Thanks! I had an AMAZING time. Of course, we had that huge storm at 8:00 in the morning, two hours before the store open up, and I pulled out my umbrella and was cowering in the corner of an alcove for about a half hour! The sun came out after that and boy, was it blazing hot! So GLAD I decided to wear shorts this year to the signing!


The signings are always fun. Even though I only buy books from four authors (Nora, Nalini, Linda Howard and Ann Stuart), I like chatting with the other authors that come to the signings. It's quite the challenge trying to maneuver around the table in order to get pictures taken with them; sometimes they're squished together that i wonder how they manage to sign the books.

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I read the first 10 of Nora's "In Death" series last winter while I was recuperating. I think there are still about 30 books to go but I'll get to them eventually lol! My favorite author is Jonathan Kellerman. He doesn't do a lot of book signings, but if he ever gets to NYC, I'll wait all day if necessary to meet him lol! I've never read the other authors you mentioned. What type of stories do they write?

I read the first 10 of Nora's "In Death" series last winter while I was recuperating. I think there are still about 30 books to go but I'll get to them eventually lol! My favorite author is Jonathan Kellerman. He doesn't do a lot of book signings, but if he ever gets to NYC, I'll wait all day if necessary to meet him lol! I've never read the other authors you mentioned. What type of stories do they write?

I LOVE the "In Death" series and own all but the most recent couple (and a few novellas). I'm actually in the middle of a re-read now…I'm on Fantasy in Death.

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