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I agree the storyline will go to about episode 13, and I think that's probably the right amount of time. He can't really be out of the suit TOO long, yet the trial storyline does need at least a few episodes to do it justice. So it sounds about right to me.

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And just a reminder, Kevin Smith -who loves to throw out teases- is supposed to be directing an episode this month; it's not this week (or he'd be talking about it) or next weekend (he's got another appointment), so keep an eye on his social media.

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5 hours ago, Proteus said:

Interesting. I wonder if this is a part of the "enlightenment" plan from Devoe. I do think it's interesting that that Kendrick Sampson who plays Dominic/Devoe is still on vacation, while Kim E who plays the Mechanic is one of the only ones who went back to work last week. It seems that only Grant, Kim, and some of the earlier season metas were filming. But, now the rest of the cast seems to have returned as well. They should have started filming 4x15 (Enter Flashtime) this week. 

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[VERONICA DALE] Mid 20s-30s. Female, an Environmental Activist (back when she was still sane) turned Animal Liberator turned Domestic Terrorist, who’s the leader of the Eden Corps — a cult-like organization that proposes to turn back the clock to a pre-industrial age — and if millions of innocent people have to die in the process, well, that’s just tough…LARGE PRINCIPAL

Hmm, yeah; I could see how The Thinker could use her for his plans, except that she seems more... homicidal.

On another note, this season looks like it's going to have the most female villains ever on the show. So far there's been Killer Frost, Peekaboo, Hazard, Amunet, Black Bison, the Mechanic, and this new one.

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3 minutes ago, Trini said:

So far there's been Killer Frost, Peekaboo, Hazard, Amunet, Black Bison, the Mechanic, and this new one.

I'm not sure we can call Killer Frost a villain at this point.  Last season, sure, but once you actively help save Supergirl/the world from extra-dimensional Nazis, you're pretty clearly something of a hero.  And yes, that includes Mick as well.

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23 hours ago, johntfs said:

I'm not sure we can call Killer Frost a villain at this point.  Last season, sure, but once you actively help save Supergirl/the world from extra-dimensional Nazis, you're pretty clearly something of a hero.  And yes, that includes Mick as well.

One heroic act creates a hero? If only this logic could be applied evenly for all characters.

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Episode 4.12:


"Honey, I Shrunk Team Flash"

THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MEN - A meta who can shrink anything he touches battles Team Flash. Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and Ralph (guest star Hartley Sawyer) get caught in his crossfire and are shrunk to miniature versions of themselves. Cecile (guest star Danielle Nicolet) realizes her pregnancy has caused her to have temporary powers and discovers she can hear other people's thoughts, which unnerves Joe (Jesse L. Martin). Meanwhile, Barry (Grant Gustin) meets someone with a mysterious connection to Henry Allen.

Chris Peppe directed the episode written by Sam Chalsen & Judalina Neira
(#412). Original airdate 1/30/2018.


I knew this episode was going to be stupid from the title. And what kind of weird meta power is that??

"Someone with a mysterious connection to Henry Allen" -- is this (maybe) Dawn? Or probably someone in the prison; but why 'mysterious'? It'd be nice to see some flashback Henry, if their guest star budget allows.


Cecile realizes her pregnancy has caused her to have temporary powers and discovers she can hear other people's thoughts,


This sounds like another one I'm going to be fast-forwarding through.

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That episode sounds really dumb. I thought it sounded like it could be funny from the title, but I thought the whole team would be shrunk, including Barry. But it's just a stupid Cisco and Ralph subplot? Who cares? It's obviously filler and a waste of time while Barry sits in jail.

I really don't want that baby to be a meta. If he is than he's probably Daniel West, which means this whole stupid pregnancy/baby storyline is going to be WAY bigger than I thought, which means they probably aren't going to do the Tornado Twins yet. And Iris won't be pregnant by the season finale after all.

I don't want any of this.

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3 hours ago, Trini said:

One heroic act creates a hero? If only this logic could be applied evenly for all characters.

I never said Killer Frost was a hero, just that I don't think we can consider her to be a true villain any more.  It's sort of the same way that Mick Rory over on Legends of Tomorrow isn't some goody-two-shoes hero, but he isn't really a villain anymore either.

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Whether we like it or not Killer Frost is, per the show canon, a hero. The city loves her, she gets a drink named after her, she's buddy-buddy with the other characters. I wish the transition had been more natural and that she had been held accountable for her own evil actions but...:sigh:

I hope they won't turn Cecile into a meta and that it's only the baby who has powers.

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3 hours ago, Starry said:

I hope they won't turn Cecile into a meta and that it's only the baby who has powers.

Why would the baby have powers?  As far as we know, Cecile hasn't been around any dark matter events while pregnant.

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14 hours ago, ruby24 said:

That episode sounds really dumb. I thought it sounded like it could be funny from the title, but I thought the whole team would be shrunk, including Barry. But it's just a stupid Cisco and Ralph subplot? Who cares? It's obviously filler and a waste of time while Barry sits in jail.

The only part that sounds potentially interesting to me is the subplot with Barry.

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1 hour ago, johntfs said:

Why would the baby have powers?  As far as we know, Cecile hasn't been around any dark matter events while pregnant.

Maybe she was hit in 4x03 when they let the PA go to negate Hazard's luck field. I don't know how this can work. You think Cecile was exposed to the dark matter the first time the PA exploded and her powers are manifesting just now because of the pregnancy?

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Someone thought this might have something to do with DeVoe/Dominic. I like that theory better, since it would mean it has nothing to do with the baby, who I don't want to be a main character or storyline. 

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16 hours ago, Trini said:

"Honey, I Shrunk Team Flash"

THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MEN - A meta who can shrink anything he touches battles Team Flash. Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and Ralph (guest star Hartley Sawyer) get caught in his crossfire and are shrunk to miniature versions of themselves. Cecile (guest star Danielle Nicolet) realizes her pregnancy has caused her to have temporary powers and discovers she can hear other people's thoughts, which unnerves Joe (Jesse L. Martin). Meanwhile, Barry (Grant Gustin) meets someone with a mysterious connection to Henry Allen.

Chris Peppe directed the episode written by Sam Chalsen & Judalina Neira
(#412). Original airdate 1/30/2018.

I'm only surprised we don't get Ray Palmer showing up to lend a hand -- after all, if anyone knows about shrinking and how to counteract it, he would.

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I think the episode sounds fun. With how heavy the prison stuff will probably be it will probably provide a nice fun counterpoint to have this plot. Plus the others need to help them get out of the shrunken state.  Not sure how I feel about the temporary powers, but I'll wait and see, it could be interesting. It might have something to do with Devoe. Now that I think about it, we don't know that much about Cecile. Where she was when the particle accelerator exploded etc etc.

The person with the connection to Henry could be the mystery girl or someone Barry meets in prison. With the timing of the interview with the actress she's going to be in one of the episodes from 10-13. It would be fun if she had scenes with Iris too this time. I still hope so much that she's Barry and Iris' daughter or granddaughter or great granddaughter (and so on and so forth)

I don't know that I'd call Killer Frost a hero, but in the show they've been moving away from having her as a 100% villain. She's now hanging out with the team (even though we didn't see it, they said she did), helping the team etc. Who knows what they will do, but for now she's kind of part of the team. I thought her dynamic with Iris was pretty interesting. It has the potential to be a cool (no pun intended!) friendship.

Is the Flash going on hiatus during the olympics?

Happy Flash day!

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Photos for 4.11 are out: They got another The Flash (1990) actress to make an appearance playing the same character! Plus new costume for Ralph.


I think the goggles/mask kinda works - they fit with his face. And the new costume has 2 things going for it: it's not a gray onesie, and it doesn't look like it came from the CW Bikers Club like so many of the other costumes.


I love the choices on the wheel!


Plus sad prison Barry:



I hate that Wally is a no-show.

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4 hours ago, Trini said:

I hate that Wally is a no-show.

Yep. it is super noticeable at this point. Caitlin getting kidnapped, again? That's a record for this season, right? I think it's a first for Cisco for the season, though. 

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I am actually happy he is moving to LOTS.  I think he'll fit in well with that crew.  Also they could totally use a speedster.  He is superfluous on The Flash because this is Barry's show,  And since they've lost both Stein and Jax, there is definitely room for him on the Waverider.

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Even with him having the same powers as Barry, Wally still could have been useful on the show. Just as a member of the West family he was important, and I wish he would stay. I hope they at least say something on The Flash.

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4.13 description in which they finally can admit that Barry is in prison:


"True Colors"

AMUNET MAKES A BIG PLAY - After hearing that Amunet (guest star Katee Sackhoff) has struck a deal to buy all of the metahumans in Iron Heights, Barry (Grant Gustin) must decide if he should expose his powers in order to save his cellmates. After a visit from an old friend, Ralph (guest star Hartley Sawyer) is reminded of his shady past and wonders if he's really a changed man.

Tara Nicole Weyr directed the episode written by Jonathan Butler & Gabriel Garza (#413). Original airdate 2/6/2018.


The show really needs a real 'win' against Amunet (and not just escaping from her while she escapes too) because it's not great that she keeps getting away when she's not even a Big Bad.

But about the plot; would she even be able to buy/sell/control all those metas? All it would take is two of them to gang up on her.

Edited by Trini
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1 hour ago, Trini said:

The show really needs a real 'win' against Amunet (and not just escaping from her while she escapes too) because it's not great that she keeps getting away when she's not even a Big Bad.


So much this!! I think this is her last apprearance, or at least I hope so.

I can't remember if Katee said until "next time" or if she was done with Vancouver. I follow her on IG, and she does document when she goes to Vancouver to work on the Flash. 

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Barry sitting in jail for three episodes is pushing it, but I do think this will be his last one in prison. In fact I'm sure he probably does use his powers in this one and probably sneaks in and out of the prison for whatever reason.

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The next episode descriptions don't mention anything about Nora/Dawn Allen/Mystery Girl appearing, but we know she's supposed to show up again, and soon. When do you think we'll see her? I'm guessing 4.13, so that she can use her speedster powers -instead of Barry- to save the metas and keep his identity a secret. But I think we'll need to see her before that happens, so 4.12 might be her next appearance, maybe just for one or two scenes.

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I'm wondering how Iris appears to have powers in episode 16.

It could be an alternate earth Iris or Iris from the future. OR maybe a one-off where Barry's powers have been accidentally transferred to her or something. I remember an episode of Lois & Clark where something like this happened I think- can't remember the details but I know Lois became Ultra Woman for one episode, lol. 

They could do that and it could kinda play into the whole "we're the Flash" thing they've been going for.

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I think it's definitely an Iris from a different Earth. I've been waiting for them to do another version of Iris. They can still do a power transference episode sometime later, though. I'd love to see that too!


In other news, Kevin Smith is starting his episode:


No title? Hmmm.

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4.11 photos are out; and I want to check and see if this is the first time that they've had photos without Barry/Flash, but probably not:


Dr. Finkle is back!


The villain's name is Sylbert Rundin.



I wonder if Barry's story is really going to be the C-plot of this episode. I guess I'm happy for Grant getting a lighter workload for a bit....

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24 minutes ago, Trini said:

4.11 photos are out; and I want to check and see if this is the first time that they've had photos without Barry/Flash, but probably not:

Sometimes they release more photos later, but after a quick scroll-through of The Flash gallery, this looks like a first.

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Now I'm thinking that there are no photos of Barry for 4.11, is because the prison scenes for 4.10 and 4.11 were filmed at the same time, maybe?



Get ready for some awesome news: Iris West will be suiting up this season! Yes, seriously. While it’s temporary, I hear Iris will indeed suit up as a speedster in a March episode, but additional details as to how are being kept under wraps at the moment.


So either Iris gets powers for an episode (transfer? Velocity drug?) or it's a speedster from another dimension. I would love to see BOTH scenarios play out on the show eventually, but right now I'd prefer that it's an Iris doppelganger, since we haven't seen another version of Iris in a while. Also from the set photos I'm leaning toward it being a doppelganger, with her all suited up and taking on a metahuman villain already.

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36 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

Well, the episode title is Run, Iris, Run, so I'm leaning towards maybe a transfer of Barry's powers somehow?

"We're the Flash" <-- They were prepping us! ?

But where did you get the title from?

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On 1/26/2018 at 7:40 PM, Primal Slayer said:

Now I am pissed that we wont be able to see Wally and Iris race each other. 

This show refuses greatness.

I am looking forward to seeing Iris as a speedster (however they do it), but they've screwed up other stuff that looked good from afar off, so I'm trying to keep my excitement in check!

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If she's getting a costume, even for just an episode, marketing should do a poster for Iris. She was on two with Barry for the 2017 Crossover, and one for the musical - but as 'Millie'. This is an opportunity for a solo poster as Iris.

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'Glee’s Max Adler To Set The Flash On Fire'


... another veteran from Glee is headed to the Arrowverse. And this time… it’s Karofsky, or more properly, it’s Max Adler who played David Karofsky on the FOX musical series.

FlashTVNews has confirmed that Adler, whose other credits include Switched at Birth and a recent episode of Criminal Minds, will be playing a character named Jaco Birch who is described as “an obsessive music fanatic who worships at the altar of classic heavy metal.” Birch is a roadie for all the contemporary metal bands you’ve never heard of… and there’s one other thing: he loves to set things on fire.

We’re not sure if there’s a comic book equivalent of Jaco Birch; obviously, the rogues’ gallery’s biggest fire bug, Mick Rory a.k.a. Heat Wave, is busy over on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.

Look for Adler’s episode of The Flash in March. ...


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Ah, so episode 17 is a Vibe/Cisco episode. Are we ever going to see Gypsy again? If the actress isn't available they're probably going to have to break them up at some point. I hope Barry and Iris get to have some romance after reuniting. They have to make these babies, right?

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9 hours ago, ruby24 said:

Ah, so episode 17 is a Vibe/Cisco episode. Are we ever going to see Gypsy again? If the actress isn't available they're probably going to have to break them up at some point. I hope Barry and Iris get to have some romance after reuniting. They have to make these babies, right?

I follow the actress on IG, and she posted a couple of days ago that she's filming the last episode (of the season or maybe series) of her show this week. So, perhaps she will pop up in episode 4x17? I'm guessing that she'll be back at some point this season. 

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On one hand, of course I want to see more Cynthia! On the other, not really if she's just going to play 'Cisco's Girlfriend' and not Awesome Interdimensional Bounty Hunter. siiiiiigh

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Spoiler about when Wally shows up on Legends:


When are we going to see Rip Hunter on Legends of Tomorrow? — Benjilau
Very soon! In fact, his reappearance is tied to the introduction of Wally West on the Waverider, set for the Feb. 19 episode. “Wally is brought to the team by Rip Hunter, of all people, and once he meets them, he realizes this is a good group to stay with,” executive producer Marc Guggenheim teases of the speedster’s arrival.

When will he show up on Flash?? Come on; give this Flash family member a proper exit episode.

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