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Small Talk: Behavioral Gabbing Unit

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I really enjoyed Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Robert Goren is very similar to Reid; both of them have schizophrenic mothers they are responsible for, fathers that abandoned them, and they are very cerebral.


I have also often thought, when watching syndicated episodes on ION, that Goren is very much like Reid, just with fifty percent more listing to port. :-)

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Vincent has done a lot of stellar work, beginning with a role that always makes me squirm with agony that any kid could go through that, and the certainty that it very much might end up the way it did: "Gomer" Lawrence in Full Metal Jacket. I just can't watch that show, it hurts so damn much.

Vincent later did stuff for Tim Burton (a guilty pleasure called Ed Wood), and lots of other indie stuff.

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I think he was also the "bug" alien man in one of the Men In Black movies. He also did a movie with Tony Shaloub and Gary Sinise. He was an investigator trying to catch alien androids that were replacing humans. Good movie.

Oh, and let's not forget that he was "Thor" (the car mechanic with long blond hair) in Adventures in Babysitting.

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Vincent has done a lot of stellar work, beginning with a role that always makes me squirm with agony that any kid could go through that, and the certainty that it very much might end up the way it did: "Gomer" Lawrence in Full Metal Jacket. I just can't watch that show, it hurts so damn much.


Two years after Jacket, Vincent was in my favorite science-fiction movie of all time, The Blood of Heroes. His role there is neither as complex nor as tragic as Gomer, but it's a really under-rated film, IMO.

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Oh wow, I liked Leverage too for a while. I had to stop when the plots just became too outrageous for me. I never realized Parker was Maeve! I really liked Parker... And jealous of Maeve with Reid!

I also liked Closer, Crossing Jordan, usually any Law and Order rerun I'll probably watch. I love HGTV too! For a while, Revolution was nice. Currently watching Haven and Scorpion. I like the team on Scorpion, though you do have to suspend disbelief often. I think I may enjoy it more now than CM of late.

I liked "Crossing Jordan". Couldn't stand the "The Closer" because of the main character. I liked "In Plain Sight". I currently watch things on DIY and HGTV. The pilot episode of "Forever" aired on ABC and I noticed that they didn't get some of the continuity right already. LOL. In a later episode the main character talks about how he's never killed anyone and how awful it is for someone to take a life-- but in the pilot episode he knocked a guy off a roof and fell with him. They both died (only the main character always comes back to life naked in water). It's still a fun program. I think I can dismiss more because the guy is essentially immortal. He does a lot of profiling. He's sort of like Sherlock Holmes meets Highlander.

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Folks, hubs and I (he's an indy director in spare time) have discovered Robert Rodriguez's  El Rey network, and specifically, his interview series The Director's Chair. So far he's interviewed John Carpenter, Guillermo del Toro and Quentin Tarantino. Brilliant, insightful discussions of the director/filmmaker world. I have always loved del Toro's movies, but now I love him. Rodriguez is so very savvy, but not glib at all. Watch this if you love filmmaking.

How did all you folks come up with your user name?



I am way late to answer because holidays and company and all that stuff.


Anyhow, I love to knit and I have two Shih Tzu dogs -- my original babies. Also it was my username on TWoP, which I still miss terribly. I was there back when it was Mighty Big TV and I didn't even own a TV, so... :(

Edited by Knittzu
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I'm also late to the party. Internet has been at about dialup speeds and not wanting to cooperate. My cat, Captain Fluffy has to climb on me everytime I get on the computer. She'll sit on me for hours and then decide to go eat a few bites of food. She'll leave for maybe 2 min and come back and sit on me for awhile, then back to the food for a couple min and then back on me and so forth. LOL. My one-eyed kitty, Ginger, wanted in on the love so she was climbing on me and trying to get Fluffy to groom her.

It was cold last night so I was buried under a cat pile. LOL. I knew of at least 3 of them up near my face and two on my legs, but I couldn't sit up to look to see if there were more. 

My brother is away visiting a friend so I'm enjoying not having to clean up his messes for a change. Of course, I did discover some messes he left before he went on the trip-- trash started falling on my head from on top of the freezer when I opened it. The microwave is actually staying clean now. Its also nicer to go to the grocery store and not have a ton of stuff to haul in.


Meanwhile I'm trying to get up the energy to replace the wax ring on the toilet.

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Haven't checked this thread in awhile. Actually, I haven't been here much at all. My husband fell on our front stairs on December 10th. He ruptured his quadriceps tendon and had to have surgery (12/22) and I've been taking care of him since he fell. He just got the staples out the other day and is a little more comfortable, but I still have to help dress him, get all his meals, fetch for him, etc. He won't be able to drive for another month. His leg is in a brace. It's been an ordeal but the doc is very pleased with how well he is doing.


Anyway, Happy New Year to you all. We never got our Christmas decorations up this year, but I was relieved that I didn't have to take them down and put them away after Christmas. Also had a death in or family on 12/21. My cousin, only 34. Leaves behind a wife and 4 adorable children ages 2-11. Very, very sad. I don't know how she's going to manage.


So I hope all who have had the flu are feeling much better now. Stay warm. Love those kitties and other pets. Our Callie was a bit freaked over Daddy's crutches at first but she is used to them now. She has been staying inside at night and sleeping with us during this cold spell. Such a spoiled baby, but we love our little fur ball.

  • Love 4

So sorry about your hubby and cousin, JS. I'm glad your hubby is doing better at least. Give Callie a snuggle for me.


I'm over the flu finally and my brother is away on a trip. Other than when he cooked some meals, its actually more convenient without him here. Food and toilet paper are lasting longer, microwave is clean, trash isn't being thrown all over the floor, I'm not being constantly pestered to go buy milk, grocery shopping is faster, and I don't have to worry about him slowing the internet down. I do miss him in some ways, but its like a vacation for me to not have to clean up after his messes for a change.

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It's the opposite in our house, Zannej. My husband complains about how much TP I use. But when he travels, I do enjoy having the house and the TV all to myself.


We are hanging in there. My cousin who died was the assistant equipment manager for the Chicago Blackhawks. They did a tribute to him the night he died and there are some trusts that have been set up for his wife and kids. I just can't stop worrying about his family and how they're going to get by. Just goes to show you never know about a person and what they're going through. They seemed to have an ideal life. My husband's parents are 90ish and still alive in an assisted living facility near us. They are miserable just sitting in their room all day and their minds are really going. If someone had to go.... Well, it's not for us to choose.




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Not to give TMI, but my brother likes to "mummy hand" with the TP because he can't stand to get stuff on his hands-- even if he's going to be able to promptly wash it off. So he uses an inordinately large amount of TP.

The bottled water is lasting longer too.


I'm glad that there is help for your cousin's family, but it is still so tragic. I had a friend (I often mistakenly called him a cousin because our families were very close and he was like a cousin) he literally dropped dead at 30 for no apparent reason. :-(


Meanwhile, I had a small victory today. I battled AT&T customer service and after talking to at least 5 different people, I finally got someone competent who was able to help me switch to an unlimited long distance package, bundle it with my cellular, and get a $12 discount. They are also saying that U-verse should be available "soon". I hope so, because then I can get rid of satellite internet.

  • Love 1

So now that I've all but weaned myself off CM, can someone recommend a decent crime show/mystery? (Even semi-decent would suffice...I'm not too picky!) Ideally, I'd love one where we DON'T always know exactly who perpetrated the crimes within the first few freaking seconds of every episode (*glares bitterly at CM*), with more psychological suspense/insight than just sordidness and gore, and featuring characters with fairly well-defined personalities (in other words, NOT JJ!) despite not dwelling much on their personal lives. British whodunits tend to be my all-time favorites, but I've probably seen them all by now :)


Any and all suggestions will be much appreciated! 

I haven't been interested in the Shades of Gray thing so I don't know the details. I think I get the gist of it from things I've heard. I don't get what the big deal is.


Anyway, I feel like venting because my lazy asshat brother who didn't do his share of the household chores for YEARS, doesn't clean up after himself, leaves messes for me, doesn't keep promises about things, and whines about every little thing he's asked to do decided to start lecturing me about work ethic, exercise, etc. He was informing me that I can just make my chronic fatigue magically go away and basically implied that its not a legitimate problem and that I'm just being a wuss and then talked about sucking it up and working through it--- and he talked about the brief time he had a job and how he worked through it. That punk whined every single fucking day about how hard it was and claimed it made him too tired to do any of his own chores (including washing his own dishes and his own laundry) and missed days because he didn't feel like going in... After he got fired he still didn't do any of his chores. I have taken the trash out many more times than he has and its supposed to be his task (he was supposed to do dishes but after not doing dishes for years he insisted on switching to trash duty because he claimed he'd be better at it than me-- since I was having problems lifting and carrying things because of my health)... And he won't even change the frickin' bag or pick up trash that falls on the floor and even after I changed the trash bag out, he left trash on the counters and dumped it on the floor...


And he thinks he has the right to lecture me on shit. That from the guy who flunked out of three different colleges and the only classes he passed were when I made him go to class or he copied my work.... 


After 20 minutes I told him it was enough and he started saying I just didn't want to hear it because I knew he was right and was being a total arrogant asshole about it. I don't go lecturing him about things. 


It's just rather frustrating to have him act like I'm a complete lazy useless lump when I'm the only one who actually does any cleaning around the house. I'm the one who is responsible for taking care of the animals, taking people to doctor's appointments, picking up the mail (since we don't get delivery at home), getting groceries, handling insurance claims and whatever.... And he thinks its too much because he's asked to cook one or two meals per day (and not even every day). GAH!


Ok... venting done...

zannej, just one weekend when you know he has to be home the whole time, publicly declare moratorium on doing any of the stuff he is supposed to do. Do none of his laundry, fix food for yourself and your mother, tell him he has to find someone else to drive him anywhere, and if he leaves a mess, cordon it off and label it his and leave it.

  • Love 1

zannej, just one weekend when you know he has to be home the whole time, publicly declare moratorium on doing any of the stuff he is supposed to do. Do none of his laundry, fix food for yourself and your mother, tell him he has to find someone else to drive him anywhere, and if he leaves a mess, cordon it off and label it his and leave it.

I will add this: ... Leave it in his room.

You shouldn't keep putting up with him anymore. He should behave as an adult, and he won't start acting like one if his life if magically solved by his relatives.

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I stopped doing his laundry a long time ago so now he has filled the hallway with his laundry-- to the point that I now have trouble getting in to the laundry room. And now the dryer won't work anymore -- its giving some error message.


It's not as simple as cordoning off the mess-- he just dumps stuff all over the house. I'll go to open the refrigerator and empty containers will fall on my head because he puts them on top of the fridge and freezer instead of in the trash. And I have to keep the floor policed up enough that my mother can walk through the house with her cane. I think I'm more bothered by his attitude and hypocrisy. 


He doesn't ask me to do things- he will just inform me in a condescending tone "You need to clean the litterpan" or whatever task it is he wants me to do and whines that its making him sick. I know he has COPD, but he is capable of scooping shit out of the litterbox. I have a very long-handled scoop for that.


Also, I did stop doing things that were his tasks and things just built up so now the house is a total disaster. And friends and family always tell me that I should just clean it up and do all of the stuff so it will get done (which is what I used to do before I just became overwhelmed). They make it out like I'm just making excuses or I'm the bad guy because I gave up on it. But I realize that its not healthy so I've been trying to get things in order, but its annoying being the only person working on it. I wish my brother was more reliable. He doesn't keep his promises and he has never had a lot of responsibility because of his unreliability. When he first got back he was being so nice for the first week or two, but now he's back to acting like he's entitled again. I'm sort of used to that, but when he started lecturing me about shit, that just really pissed me off. And I know he badmouths me to friends and says I'm lazy and won't do things because he thinks having to cook a few meals and carry in groceries is "the lion's share of the work". Ugh...


Ok, I feel better after venting. 

Edited by zannej

Please, I know it's not as simple as shoving it back in his face, but you can't - CANNOT - acquiesce again in the name of peace. If he leaves stuff in other places, put it all in one place. Not his room, in another room that he has to go looking for his laundry, or whatever. I agree, if he won't help you take care of the cats you have to do that, but keep a talley, for a little while, say, a month. You may never let him see that, but, you will have the support of the numbers. 

Oh, believe me, he doesn't care about tallies. I've kept track, but he just denies it and says I'm either making it up or just imagining things. And he has so many clothes that it doesn't matter if he can't find his stuff. Besides, I don't have anywhere else in the house to put his stuff. It looks like a house from Hoarders with stuff piled up all over. For some reason he seems to think that getting the house back in shape should be solely my responsibility and he gripes about the conditions but he seems to think the solution is to just move out-- but we don't have a place to move out to. I have a friend who said he would help out, but he always ends up just helping clean my brother's room and last time that consisted of just shoving all of my brother's laundry and trash out into the hallway so I can't get to the laundry room without tripping. He also literally just shoved a bunch of trash and stuff out the back door so we can't use the back door anymore. Another friend helped in the kitchen, which made things better, but its starting to get cluttered again. I know I need to do things to make things better, but I can only do a little at a time before I need to rest. My energy level is very low and I can't bend over much.


It doesn't help that I've been procrastinating on stuff because I feel so overwhelmed with it all.

Well, I guess its time to admit that I'm a bit of a hoarder (and so is my Mom) and I hate to throw things away (except actual trash). I have a lot of anxiety about throwing away things that are useful-- and sometimes even things that are not-- like old clothes that I think can be used as rags or something....

Another issue is that we don't get actual trash pickup at our house. We have to put the bags in a vehicle and drive them about a mile away to a spot at the end of the road and the trash truck comes to pick it up from time to time (never picks it up on weeks where it rains though). There is a backlog of bags that need to be hauled out and its been raining. It was easier before a tree branch dropped on the pickup truck and totaled it. We could fit the trash in the back easily. When the weather warms up, I'm going to see if I can get the tractor running again and use the front-end loader to scoop up some stuff. Right now it won't start though. Need to figure out what is wrong with it-- other than a dead battery.


I'm feeling a bit better today despite the weather. I'm hoping that once this crud clears up and if the weather warms up enough and isn't raining, that I'll feel better about tackling more of the mess.

Hey,no judgment zone. I'm not a hoarder, but it takes a miracle from God to get to stop being lazy and get my life together.  I bought a table and cart from Ikea before the holidays, they're still in the boxes.


What I think you should do is, as much as is easy for you take things out to the road. I don't know if you have a little car or something to get to the dumpsite, but even if you take one bag a week that should at least stop the house from getting even worse, maybe.


And is there any place you can donate items to? Would that make you feel better as opposed to just throwing away potentially useful items?

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Geez, zannej. It's really easy for me to sit here and say to throw out his stuff and lay down some laws, when you're the one who has to deal with the repercussions and his subsequent reactions. But he is clearly (to me) pushing boundaries and taking advantage. I hope you're able to work this out.

You seem like a super person, who deserves better.

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Random change of subject...


Whoever put this Wu-Tang name generator together must be fans of Criminal Minds.

Spencer Reid becomes Misunderstood Knight

Emily Prentiss becomes Mad Ninja

Hotch becomes Respected Destroyer

Jason Gideon becomes Violent Watcher

JJ becomes Wicked Dominator (Jennifer Jareau becomes Wicked Contender and when I accidentally misspelled her name with 2 Rs it because Lazy-Assed Menace).


And now I have to stop, but I'm sure I can finish the character names later.  My username comes out as Insane Lover.  ;-P

  • Love 6

Finished up the list, aquarian1. It is as follows:


David Rossi becomes Wicked Mercenary

Penelope Garcia becomes Respected Assassin

Elle Greenaway becomes X-cessive Magician

and Alex Blake becomes Tuff Lover. Which amuses me a whole hell of a lot more than it needs to. ;-)

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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