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Small Talk: Behavioral Gabbing Unit

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Secnef, the movie is pretty campy, but I still enjoyed it. There were some unexpected things that really cracked me up, but it also had a message (but not a hamfisted message).

The kitty had a seizure the other night, but he recovered and he's slowly seeming to get a little better. He's not eating solid food, but he's drinking milk (vet said it was ok) and juice from cat food and stuff. I will still have to force-feed him something (which I hate doing and he hates it when I do it). The lysine arrived in the mail today-- stuff in syringes that let me administer a set dosage very easily. He didn't like it and felt the need to go drink water afterward, but he didn't spit it out. He was unhappy with me for taking him to the vet for his B-12 shot yesterday so he climbed on my lap and peed on my leg. I imagine he'll stay annoyed with me for awhile. My chiweenie, Fippy, has been keeping an eye on him. The kitty made a sound earlier and Fippy rushed over and stuck his nose in the cat's face to see what was wrong. Captain Fluffy (my oldest cat) seems to be respecting that she isn't allowed in the quarantine room and is happy that I give her treats in the kitchen. The tumors on my rottweiler's leg are expanding, but they aren't swelling up like the first tumor did. So, the medicine isn't stopping it completely, but is slowing it considerably. I gave my vet the link to the lysine stuff I ordered so she can recommend it for other people. Neither of the vets at the local office were aware that lysine could be given to help with the feline herpes.

One of the dogs is barking now so I have to go see what's up.

On 10/14/2016 at 8:14 PM, zannej said:

Secnef, the movie is pretty campy, but I still enjoyed it. There were some unexpected things that really cracked me up, but it also had a message (but not a hamfisted message).

The kitty had a seizure the other night, but he recovered and he's slowly seeming to get a little better. He's not eating solid food, but he's drinking milk (vet said it was ok) and juice from cat food and stuff. I will still have to force-feed him something (which I hate doing and he hates it when I do it). The lysine arrived in the mail today-- stuff in syringes that let me administer a set dosage very easily. He didn't like it and felt the need to go drink water afterward, but he didn't spit it out. He was unhappy with me for taking him to the vet for his B-12 shot yesterday so he climbed on my lap and peed on my leg. I imagine he'll stay annoyed with me for awhile. My chiweenie, Fippy, has been keeping an eye on him. The kitty made a sound earlier and Fippy rushed over and stuck his nose in the cat's face to see what was wrong. Captain Fluffy (my oldest cat) seems to be respecting that she isn't allowed in the quarantine room and is happy that I give her treats in the kitchen. The tumors on my rottweiler's leg are expanding, but they aren't swelling up like the first tumor did. So, the medicine isn't stopping it completely, but is slowing it considerably. I gave my vet the link to the lysine stuff I ordered so she can recommend it for other people. Neither of the vets at the local office were aware that lysine could be given to help with the feline herpes.

One of the dogs is barking now so I have to go see what's up.

Sending good vibes for your kitty and other assorted furbabies. I know when I had my old kitty, Dickens, I was advised to feed her heated up baby food when she got really sick, and she did eat and got better. Ask your vet about this.

Hoping to have a good week-end, going to spend the day mostly running a few errands and cleaning my apartment for I have friends coming to town tomorrow. 

Edited by Bookish Jen
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1 hour ago, Bookish Jen said:

I also thought of a possible episode where an election campaign is causing all kinds of craziness to ensure, some of it violent and chaotic. The BAU is called in to profile the candidates and their followers and supporters.

Then I realized, we don't have to imagine an election campaign; we're living it.


CM meets Dr Seuss?

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15 hours ago, secnarf said:

Thanks for this! I love it!

Through our RE classes, my church donates money to UNICEF every year around this time. This Sunday, my class is making crafts, which we are going to sell at the following week's bake sale (I'm making cinnamon sugar cookies and possibly something else). We have to come in costume so because it is a political year I'm going as a suffragette!

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Sadly my poor kitty passed away early Monday morning. He started having seizures while the vet was closed. He had seven seizures in 24 hours and the last one was the kicker. They had started to get progressively worse, but the only vet open at that time was an hour away and it sucks. They often do more harm than good. I was with him when it happened and did my best to comfort him. I wish I'd been able to do more for him. I think if I lived somewhere with better vet care, he might have survived longer or at least been more comfortable.

At least he isn't suffering anymore.

  • Love 2
35 minutes ago, zannej said:

Sadly my poor kitty passed away early Monday morning. He started having seizures while the vet was closed. He had seven seizures in 24 hours and the last one was the kicker. They had started to get progressively worse, but the only vet open at that time was an hour away and it sucks. They often do more harm than good. I was with him when it happened and did my best to comfort him. I wish I'd been able to do more for him. I think if I lived somewhere with better vet care, he might have survived longer or at least been more comfortable.

At least he isn't suffering anymore.

I am so sorry your precious fur baby crossed the rainbow bridge, but I'm glad he is no longer suffering. I'm sending hugs your way.

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, zannej said:

Sadly my poor kitty passed away early Monday morning. He started having seizures while the vet was closed. He had seven seizures in 24 hours and the last one was the kicker. They had started to get progressively worse, but the only vet open at that time was an hour away and it sucks. They often do more harm than good. I was with him when it happened and did my best to comfort him. I wish I'd been able to do more for him. I think if I lived somewhere with better vet care, he might have survived longer or at least been more comfortable.

At least he isn't suffering anymore.

Aww :( I'm sorry.

  • Love 1

Okay, I'm gearing up for Halloween. As you know I'm going as a suffragette this year at our church's charity bake sale for UNICEF. I don't have the time or money to make or buy a costume so I'm looking at what I already have on hand. So I'm wearing a mid-length pleated black skirt, a white cotton shirt waist blouse with a long black cardigan over it. I have a cute pair of Mary Janes with a mid-sized heel. My accessories will include the cameo brooch I told you about, a blue lacy knit scarf a friend made for me, pearl earrings and a vintage blue hat with some pretty blue/whitish flowers. I just need to buy some wide ribbon to make a "Votes for Women" sash.

And I'm making those cinnamon sugar cookies for the bake sale and possibly a chocolate chip cake (mom's recipe). My office is having a Halloween potluck next Wednesday. I'm bringing chips and some homemade goat cheese chip dip. And I need to pick up a fruit salad the day before.

  • Love 1
On 20/10/2016 at 3:46 PM, zannej said:

Sadly my poor kitty passed away early Monday morning. He started having seizures while the vet was closed. He had seven seizures in 24 hours and the last one was the kicker. They had started to get progressively worse, but the only vet open at that time was an hour away and it sucks. They often do more harm than good. I was with him when it happened and did my best to comfort him. I wish I'd been able to do more for him. I think if I lived somewhere with better vet care, he might have survived longer or at least been more comfortable.

At least he isn't suffering anymore.

I am so sorry zannej :(

  • Love 1

Bookish Jen, that sounds like a lot of fun.

The current mayor of my town has banned trick-or-treating so not many people get in to it. They used to have a haunted house thingy over near the church, but one year some teenage boys hid inside and tried to rape younger girls so they nixed that (although, they didn't do anything about it until a cop's daughter was attacked).

The weather is finally cooling off so the kitties are wanting to be inside and on top of me. I put a large dog bed on the kitchen table that the cats like. I have the fuzzy blanket and pillows spread out on my bed for them as well. The youngest one is on me right now. He's been touching my face with his paws, licking my nose, and drooling on me. LOL.

Went into the kitchen and went to say "Hi" to Mendicant (the cat that isn't mine who discovered the cat door and now comes over all the time to eat and beg for attention) and realized it wasn't a cat.


This little guy apparently dug through some trash and then found the food bowls. Bag of rice is my brother's. No idea why he left it there. Possum wasn't interested in it.

  • Love 4

For some reason, it reminded me of how pigs actually like to be clean but basically rolled in the mud to keep cool (it acted as sun screen). My pigs (back when I had pigs) had access to the pond so they used to go swimming. The boar taught the piglets to swim and used to walk them around chattering at them like he was giving a tour. We had separated him from the sow and the piglets because we'd been told boars would kill the young, but he was a sweet piggy and he liked to be around them. It was adorable how they followed him around.

I kinda miss having a huge farm full of animals, but I don't have the energy to take care of them all anymore. It was fun when I was younger to go out and feed all of the critters and play with them. Chickens actually like to be petted. And that reminds me that I need to buy some hay for my cows.

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4 hours ago, Droogie said:

I would be completely freaked out if I suddenly had a 'possum in my kitchen!  How did you get it out of the house???

The possum was scared of me. Can't say I blame it. I must look huge and scary to it. I moved something and it got spooked and it scurried to the cat door and went out. The previous possum visitor got to the point that it ignored people-- unless they held out food and it would take food directly from people's hands-- and would just go sleep in a cat bed once it was done eating. All they do is come in for warmth and food. They don't hurt anything.

In a bit of sad news, my dog with cancer passed away this morning. :-( She went quickly though, so she didn't suffer.

Edited by zannej
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10 minutes ago, zannej said:

The possum was scared of me. Can't say I blame it. I must look huge and scary to it. I moved something and it got spooked and it scurried to the cat door and went out. The previous possum visitor got to the point that it ignored people-- unless they held out food and it would take food directly from people's hands-- and would just go sleep in a cat bed once it was done eating. All they do is come in for warmth and food. They don't hurt anything.

In a bit of sad news, my dog with cancer passed away this morning. :-( She went quickly though, so she didn't suffer.

I'm so sorry Zannej. Your heart must be heavy with sorrow.

  • Love 1
On 10/29/2016 at 2:55 PM, zannej said:

Yeah. I've had my quota of grief with pets for the year. I know it could be worse, but it still sucks. At least the vet was sympathetic and didn't charge. He said he would take care of the body for us and not to worry about it. So at least there wasn't a large vet bill to add to the misery.

I'm glad the vet didn't charge. You can only take so much. One of my co-workers just had to put her kitty to sleep and is filled with sorrow. Losing a pet is so sad. Pets are family; it's never just a dog, it's never just a cat. I had to put my old cat Dickens done several years ago and I felt like I was cutting off a limb. I grew up with Dickens. But now I got Pokey Jones and he is a love!

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Yeah, my vet bills in the past few months have been quite high. And I just had to shell out more for worming medicine because one of the cats puked up a 3-inch long segment of tapeworm that looked like a piece of fettuccine. I actually thought it was a noodle until it started moving. Meds were more than $10 per pill and I have 11 cats-- some of them needed to take a pill and a half. And then there is 11% sales tax on top of it.

It's a good thing we've pretty much stopped getting fast food and don't go to restaurants very often.

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Something strange just happened.When I liked  Reidfan's post, a notice said "you cannot like this posters post". But I have checked, and the "like" is there... misteries of technology!!

Anyway, I came here to say that in the Spoilers thread someone said there won't be a new episode today, due to the game, quoting CBS. I'll find out tomorrow, due to the time difference. 

Can I ask : What game?? (Please , don't throw things at me, remember I live very far from you!!)

Edited by senin
15 minutes ago, senin said:

Something strange just happened.When I liked  Reidfan's post, a notice said "you cannot like this posters post". But I have checked, and the "like" is there... misteries of technology!!

Anyway, I came here to say that in the Spoilers thread someone said there won't be a new episode today, due to the game, quoting CBS. I'll find out tomorrow, due to the time difference. 

Can I ask : What game?? (Please , don't throw things at me, remember I live very far from you!!)

Sometimes, if you hit the like button before the page is fully loaded it will do that. Or if you hit it twice. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ReidFan said:

my online listings still say it's a new one, both on the Canadian CTV signal and the American CBS signal from Buffalo. PVR automatically records it anyway, so I'm not worried one way or the other. Worst case scenario, I'll actually have time to rewatch last week's and do the long overdue screencaptures O:-)

It's not new. It was supposed to be, but they've changed it.


4 hours ago, illdoc said:

My morning news program on CBS always has "what's coming up tonight". It indicated that Survivor & Code Black were new, but did NOT indicate CM was new, so I'm thinking probably a rerun tonight. All together now:  Let's go Cubbies. LET'S GO!!!!

I liked this part of your post....... 

but not the rest of it (if it is a rerun tonight, and I won't have a new CM to look forward to after all the WS excitement dies down). 
ETA:  Which seems it will be, not only a rerun, but not even aired at all.  Boo!

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
1 hour ago, ReidFan said:

LOL.... my  station apparently didn't get the memo. They're still listing the new one as airing tonight, but I highly doubt it will be *snorts of laughter* after all, they just insert the Canadian commercials into it and air what CBS sends down the wire anyway. 

The CTV and CBS TiVo listings didn't update at all for me from last night's pre-emptions (even though in Canada we get NCIS: NOLA on Mondays and Global knew enough to air the repeat then, despite the new episode listing!), so I don't think it's something that will be updated. Best bet is to check online.

7 minutes ago, Danielg342 said:


This isn't a dream Chicago. This isn't a dream.

It's going to take some getting used to saying "the defending World Series champion Chicago Cubs".

Still hasn't sunk in yet, not really.



ETA:  Somebody didn't get the memo [guessing the Canadian broadcasters] that CM wasn't supposed to be broadcast new tonight..... its available for 'borrowing' in certain areas.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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34 minutes ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:

Somebody didn't get the memo [guessing the Canadian broadcasters] that CM wasn't supposed to be broadcast new tonight..... its available for 'borrowing' in certain areas.

I looked up one torrent and one commenter said the upload was for S11E07, "Target Rich", and a number of other commenters said it was the wrong episode.

Doesn't surprise me...I should figure there would be those looking to capitalize on people's expectations and swindle them with inauthentic (if not outright dangerous) material.

...but I wish to focus on the positive.


  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

I looked up one torrent and one commenter said the upload was for S11E07, "Target Rich", and a number of other commenters said it was the wrong episode.

Doesn't surprise me...I should figure there would be those looking to capitalize on people's expectations and swindle them with inauthentic (if not outright dangerous) material.

...but I wish to focus on the positive.


Chicago must be losing their entire shit right now! I used to live in Chicago-Rogers Park area, so yea, I can understand Chi-town's excitement.

On-topic: We'll be back to a first run episode next week, which I'm looking forward to. And yes, I did start organizing or at least cleaning up my desk area, but I still have loads to do.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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8 hours ago, iRarelyWatchTV36 said:


ETA:  Somebody didn't get the memo [guessing the Canadian broadcasters] that CM wasn't supposed to be broadcast new tonight..... its available for 'borrowing' in certain areas.

oh they did. The change didn't happen in time for the PVR listings to be changed. We got Target Rich. I went to my usual two torrent sites and they both had torrents called 'Season12Episode5" but when I dloaded it, it was Target Rich so the torrent providers apparently don't watch the show, they just upload it.

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