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Mob Wives - General Discussion

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Where to start.  Where did they get these two newbies?  Ridiculous.  It's all fake.  I read Carla lives in Westchester if they show her house it is just a set.  Love just popping out at the mermaid parade was the most obvious scripted thing I ever saw on this show.  Big Ang is the best part of the show.  Hope she stays healthy and cancer free.

I agree. Sadly though, it was reported that Big Ang's cancer returned.

  • Love 3

So, did Los Angeles run out of models, or airplanes? In what world in Brittany a model? Is this code for "I worked at car shows?" or "I cage danced but called it modelling?"

Oh, and had to LOL at her line "if you don't like me you can fuck yourself....there is the door" What does a door have to do with fucking?

Renee is a piece of work...wonder how she will feel if her son is not invited to things because she married a rat?


Oh dear I forgot all about the "runway model" comment and I'm not proud to say how many airport jokes I made to myself after that. I mean come on.

Also Renee's bs about how it would be no question that she'd send JR into foster care because she's so awesomely loyal. Yea right. Good observation about how she'd feel if he was ostracized the way she was into ostracizing the runway model.


That doctor dinged my radar, because: a) I don't know that you can ever dismiss someone who says they feel like they can't breathe....I know I'm wrong, but that would send me straight to WebMd, and b) it seems ridiculous to bring up diet and exercise before bringing up smoking, and c) why would you suggest sudden and drastic changes....at Ang's weight, with her health issues, she is going to take up running? Start eating a bunch of kale? I would think a doctor would know their patient well enough to suggest realistic lifestyle changes. Does that really sound realistic for Big Ang? I cant even imagine the sports bra she would have to wear to run...


Yes! The "can't breathe" comment and he was all oh that's normal! WTF? I remember an ep where Ang's sone went to prison and she was cooking up a storm. I mean ok maybe not 100% fried meat and pasta all day long but Italian food is really healthy with all the vegetables and garlic and herbs etc and yet this quack is all here's what a beet looks like. Obviously the main thing would be quit smoking and drinking. He didn't even mention alcohol! And she really doesn't look overweight to me but those giant implants would be lethal if she were to try and run.

  • Love 1

I don't know if I believe all of this either--it all seems to be all from Karen's POV with zero proof but her flapping gums.  And why would Drita write Ramona's letter to the producers for her?  Doesn't really make a lot of sense.


This whole thing with Love and the fight with Carla and Drita allegedly setting up the fight feels very much like a contrived production move and I don't trust anyone's word unless they have physical proof to back up their claims.


That being said, I live in Bucks County--Dublin is about 15 minutes from my house--and it cracked me up listening to Brittany bad mouth the area because girls there don't where high heels--fabulous :):)  I do like how she easily stands up for her mom and defends her choices and who is Renee kidding, she would do anything to protect AJ--like any decent mother would.


This you can not trust what they say on mobwives blog - they are very one sided with agenda. If you try to post anything there that is not on their agenda they will not let it be shown. 


Next I really can not with these women if they can not do anything better with this show and their story lines - I quit. Its the same thing each season just switch character for last few seasons. Love is pathetic and the way they have tried to bring her back on the show is more proof of how "low" they are willing to go. Who wants to watch another character that is need of serious mental help? We have Renee and Karen arent they enough? Also this new girl Brittany - if her dad was close to "Sammy the Bull"  why does that make Karen want to have a relationship with Brittany who has publically said she was not and is not close or has anything to do with her father?  And the other new girl is such an airhead the she was saying whatever she thought Renee wanted that one second she was like talking about wiping girls out and then when Renee was not responding like she like it - she switched gears and says "Im really easy Breezy" So fake really. At least Nat G was able to make herself look somewhat real - like her or not. Lastly I think I complained on her before about this - Drita with her daughters and the reliving of Lees imprisonment and what it did is too much and too depressing for her girls. I dont like to watch an adult lean on their kids for support like she does - grow up and be the support system they need and find your own way to deal. 

  • Love 4

New brunette needs to get off my screen.  Renee/Renee's sister keep bringing in these "new" friends and "stir up the drama".  They're not Renee's friends...ever.  

Are we completely copying the RHO?  Wasn't Luann the Mermaid queen last season (I think it was Luann) and the Beverly Hills gang was just at the winery "last week".  


I wanted their last season to be good....it doesn't appear that that's going to happy.  

  • Love 2

Am I the only one who found everything Ang's Dr. said to her other than quit smoking rather questionable? I mean unless she has some extreme all cold cuts and donuts diet it was kind of weird to me. I'm worried about her, she's not just the only likeable cast member for me but seems like a nice fun person in general.


He might have been a naturopath or something along those lines. My husband is going through almost the same cancer treatment. His drs at the a renowned cancer center tell him to eat healthy and whatever he wants but the naturopath we've been going to basically said everything Ang's dr said. Organic, veggies and no sugar. He was fairly healthy to begin with, went to the gym every day, so the naturopath just told him to continue going to the gym until the radiation causes too much fatigue. 

New brunette needs to get off my screen.  Renee/Renee's sister keep bringing in these "new" friends and "stir up the drama".  They're not Renee's friends...ever.  

Are we completely copying the RHO?  Wasn't Luann the Mermaid queen last season (I think it was Luann) and the Beverly Hills gang was just at the winery "last week".  


I wanted their last season to be good....it doesn't appear that that's going to happy.  

I agree! It seems the producers are H-ll bent on dredging up old slights/fights this season and they are using the 2 idiot newbies to do it.

I have such a low tolerance for manufactured drama and that's all this show is--it's simply the women all talking behind each other's backs and it's so childish but we did learn some interesting info.  Drita and Karen will good friends for twenty years and then something happened--otherwise known as Drita's marrying Lee after Karen went out with him for seven years situation--and now the women hate each other.  But then last year they buried the hatchet and were able to be cordial but now they hate each other again because Karen and Renee are good friends with Carla who Drita now hates.   This is exhausting!


Now we have Ang and Drita befriending Brittany while Britt still hanging with Renee and Karen--I sense more drama to come :):)

  • Love 1

The new brunette gal seemed high as fuck to me. It would explain the curb stomp bs talk that seemed even too psycho for Renee, the "rolling marbles around in her mouth" syndrome,the claustrophobia attack in the bus and the never ending lush harassment. Diagnosis: coke head. Also her bf was involved in narcotics, so.


Yeah, I thought the same thing, that Marlisa(sp? Not positive of her name)was on something! And what is up with Renee, she seemed like she is dabbling in pills again, did she start drinking again? Plus I was so shocked to see Ang, smoking & drinking, and seriously not changing any of her old behaviors, I know how hard it is to change life time habits but damn Ang! I was heartbroken to hear they found more cancer! Oh & Go Storm!

Edited by ebkitty
  • Love 1

Umm, I'm just gonna put this out there -- that party did not look like a meeting of the classy and elite.  That did not look like a Martha Stewart party.


Sigh -- two more girls to talk a lot of shit about what they want to do, what they are going to do, what they are going to do in five seconds, how they could totally demolish someone if they wanted.  Blah, blah, blah.  Are there any actual fights in Staten Island or do people just go around talking a bunch of shit?

  • Love 4

The scenes with Brittany and her mom made me want to hate both immediately! Now I like (like is pretty strong but you know) Brittany way more than Marrissa. I can't stand watching marrissa speak, the way her face contorts is hard to watch.

Marissa is a straight up bitch, so yeah, by comparison, Brittany seems nice. As for the Carmela Soprano reference, I was LOL, she was Carmela from her dyed blonde haircut to her RL activewear, complete with pearls. Although in Carmela's case, it would be all her gold chains. But Carmela would never have forced Tony to "cooperate" to spare herself prison. 

  • Love 3

I cannot stand listening to Marissa, her voice grates. Next week should be interesting with the sit down. I don't know why I keep watching this train wreck.

Its the vocal fry that girls her age think is cute, like valley girls.  


You know -- I know the girl tries hard, but I don't think she is particularly pretty.  She kinda looks like a blow up doll, she isn't ugly, she just isn't the raving beauty she thinks she is.  She reminds me of girls that model on cars.


But, from what I can see, its just another two girls who talk about doing a bunch of shit and end up doing nothing.  I get that Britney is young, but I feel like wearing a skirt so short I can literally see your butt cheeks isn't a Hamptons look.

  • Love 4

^^I understood Drita kissing Karen/Renee just to keep the peace at Big Ang's party.  However, I'm completely over Karen.  I get that the man was your father, and nevermind the rat thing, he has killed innocent people.  Stop acting like you're just so proud of him, he is a violent psychopath.  And I know I'm watching Mob Wives, but I get tired of these women constantly acting like victims of a cruel and unjust criminal justice system.  To hear them tell it, no man in their life has ever done anything criminal and the government just has it out for them.  


Everyone is annoying me.....including and especially Big Ang in this episode.  She should be happy that she got away with running that bar for as long as she did.  She is on national TV about the mafia lifestyle, did she think no one would ever check?  She was silly not to put that liquor license or the bar in someone else's name, perhaps her sister.  But there had to have been ways to get around it, but she did nothing.  Even if they determined that SHE couldn't work there, she could have at least kept the bar open and generating income.  And her expecting Neil to pay for this extravagant lifestyle she wants to maintain.  He is right, that big house was her dream, not his.  I think he is just a simple guy that would be happy living within his means, but she wants him to bankroll her lifestyle the way her old mafia boyfriend did.  And then she would be upset at the government if he got in trouble for doing whatever it took to bankroll her lifestyle.  If I were him, I would be reluctant to hand her my money because she spends it on stuff she probably doesn't need.  How does she not have health insurance?  Neil is a city worker, she wasn't able to get on his insurance?  


And Karen is BS.  Yes, let her approach the wrong guy on the street and start pushing him around.  She would get her ass beat.  And how many spanx is she wearing?  Why does she have the exact same dress is 15 colors?


Drita...once again shit talking about how she is going to do this, and do that, and they should all be scared.  Girl, that ship has sailed, just stop, you're embarrassing yourself now.  Although, I do feel bad for Drita.  The more I think about it, the less Love's story makes any sense.  And Love is crazy and delusional, so she may have just convinced herself that the conversation happened.


Renee....who never, never suggests that people just get together and talk it out.  You can tell Ang sincerely wants people to work things out because she will set up a time and a meeting place.  Renee will just run back and forth with stories to make people even more upset.

  • Love 7

^^I understood Drita kissing Karen/Renee just to keep the peace at Big Ang's party.  However, I'm completely over Karen.  I get that the man was your father, and nevermind the rat thing, he has killed innocent people.  Stop acting like you're just so proud of him, he is a violent psychopath.  And I know I'm watching Mob Wives, but I get tired of these women constantly acting like victims of a cruel and unjust criminal justice system.  To hear them tell it, no man in their life has ever done anything criminal and the government just has it out for them.  


Everyone is annoying me.....including and especially Big Ang in this episode.  She should be happy that she got away with running that bar for as long as she did.  She is on national TV about the mafia lifestyle, did she think no one would ever check?  She was silly not to put that liquor license or the bar in someone else's name, perhaps her sister.  But there had to have been ways to get around it, but she did nothing.  Even if they determined that SHE couldn't work there, she could have at least kept the bar open and generating income.  And her expecting Neil to pay for this extravagant lifestyle she wants to maintain.  He is right, that big house was her dream, not his.  I think he is just a simple guy that would be happy living within his means, but she wants him to bankroll her lifestyle the way her old mafia boyfriend did.  And then she would be upset at the government if he got in trouble for doing whatever it took to bankroll her lifestyle.  If I were him, I would be reluctant to hand her my money because she spends it on stuff she probably doesn't need.  How does she not have health insurance?  Neil is a city worker, she wasn't able to get on his insurance?  


And Karen is BS.  Yes, let her approach the wrong guy on the street and start pushing him around.  She would get her ass beat.  And how many spanx is she wearing?  Why does she have the exact same dress is 15 colors?


Drita...once again shit talking about how she is going to do this, and do that, and they should all be scared.  Girl, that ship has sailed, just stop, you're embarrassing yourself now.  Although, I do feel bad for Drita.  The more I think about it, the less Love's story makes any sense.  And Love is crazy and delusional, so she may have just convinced herself that the conversation happened.


Renee....who never, never suggests that people just get together and talk it out.  You can tell Ang sincerely wants people to work things out because she will set up a time and a meeting place.  Renee will just run back and forth with stories to make people even more upset.



I keep meaning to post about how every time I watch this show I wonder to myself what their Spanx budget it. This week Renee's "gardening outfit" was particularly laugh out loud ridiculous.


I'm also tired of Drita's pathetic tough talk. Does she know we've all heard how Lee talks to her? Didn't he cheat on her a few seasons ago and have a baby with someone in her hair salon? Did I dream that? She even went to a divorce lawyer about it and tried to hock her ring. Someone posted a week or so ago about how she was laying heavy stuff on her little kid and I agree. Why would she do that? That's her burden. It was clearly freaking her daughter out.


I was also annoyed with Ang. She is talking as if Neil never works when it seems like he does. Also he was totally right about how those wise guys of yesteryear are no longer around ( I wasn't sure if he was saying she can't attract them anymore or if they're all dead) but he seems really supportive and caring  so why was she abusing him on camera like that? I genuinely felt uncomfortable with the way she yelled at him and the stuff she was saying to him. That part didn't seem scripted to me because why would he go for that? Her house is ridiculous. Even when she had the bar how did she pay for all that? You're also right that she should have known all along that with her history and the talking she was doing about the lifestyle on tv what did she expect?


If Storm is willing to be this much of a creepy, disrespectful dick on camera, what goes on in general? Karen has zero self esteem. I couldn't believe she was still seeing him after that first episode humiliation. It was genuinely cringeworthy to watch her comply in the parking lot when she was all set to break up with him. He's gross. I don't understand why she's always defending her family name (yea ok) but puts up with him.


He might have been a naturopath or something along those lines. My husband is going through almost the same cancer treatment. His drs at the a renowned cancer center tell him to eat healthy and whatever he wants but the naturopath we've been going to basically said everything Ang's dr said. Organic, veggies and no sugar. He was fairly healthy to begin with, went to the gym every day, so the naturopath just told him to continue going to the gym until the radiation causes too much fatigue. 


Workslame, I hope your husband is doing well with his treatment. 

  • Love 5

Wow Ang's treatment of Neal is making me, not love Ang as much! Not cool Ang, not cool Ang! A husband working 2 jobs, plus working 2 reality shows is not giving you enough money? I hope I didn't understand that scene!

I think Ang likes being in control of her family/house and we are just starting to see it on the show, also, I think her illness has made her more of a control nut at home. JMO

  • Love 1

That's interesting, what a wake up call for a control freak, you can't control cancer, you can't control the law, & you certianly can't control others, she's in for a long lonely road, if she doesn't decide to change her behaviors.

I have know several strong women, like Ang, that got sick with cancer and most (although NOT all) of them got even more controlling and nasty to those they love during their illness and for a while after it. It seems to be a fear reaction, they can't control what is happening to their bodies so they MUST control everyone/everything around them even more than normal. I hope Ang settled down with Neal before the cancer came back AND that he realizes she did/said things out of fear and not anger AT him.

  • Love 4

I keep meaning to post about how every time I watch this show I wonder to myself what their Spanx budget it. This week Renee's "gardening outfit" was particularly laugh out loud ridiculous.


I'm also tired of Drita's pathetic tough talk. Does she know we've all heard how Lee talks to her? Didn't he cheat on her a few seasons ago and have a baby with someone in her hair salon? Did I dream that? She even went to a divorce lawyer about it and tried to hock her ring. Someone posted a week or so ago about how she was laying heavy stuff on her little kid and I agree. Why would she do that? That's her burden. It was clearly freaking her daughter out.


I was also annoyed with Ang. She is talking as if Neil never works when it seems like he does. Also he was totally right about how those wise guys of yesteryear are no longer around ( I wasn't sure if he was saying she can't attract them anymore or if they're all dead) but he seems really supportive and caring  so why was she abusing him on camera like that? I genuinely felt uncomfortable with the way she yelled at him and the stuff she was saying to him. That part didn't seem scripted to me because why would he go for that? Her house is ridiculous. Even when she had the bar how did she pay for all that? You're also right that she should have known all along that with her history and the talking she was doing about the lifestyle on tv what did she expect?


If Storm is willing to be this much of a creepy, disrespectful dick on camera, what goes on in general? Karen has zero self esteem. I couldn't believe she was still seeing him after that first episode humiliation. It was genuinely cringeworthy to watch her comply in the parking lot when she was all set to break up with him. He's gross. I don't understand why she's always defending her family name (yea ok) but puts up with him.



Workslame, I hope your husband is doing well with his treatment. 


DaibLOL he is thank you! We've started the 3rd week of radiation, very little side effects so far. We're hoping and praying that continues. Thanks for your kind thoughts !

  • Love 2

I love Big Ang but this bothers me. 




The whole crowd funding your life has really jumped the shark.

This is a GFM for $20,000 worth of cannabis oil?  I know that cancer patients smoke cannabis, but it seems like you could get a better price.  And I'm confused about the boatload of medical bills.  Neil is, or was a city worker, normally the reason people covet those jobs are for the great healthcare packages.  Between the VH1 money and Neil working 2 jobs, and the money from being on the marriage show, and the money from that short lived show of her own I don't see how she is this broke that she needs to be crowdfunded.


I don't ever think that Ang would scam anyone, and I wouldn't be surprised if she knew nothing about this.

Big Ang has been diagnosed with stage for brain and lung cancer. Her family has set up a gofundme account to raise money for alternative treatments. She's no longer responsive to the stand treatment methods. Very sad.


someone posted that one her thread, but I find $25,000 for cannabis oil very suspicious.

  • Love 2

This is a GFM for $20,000 worth of cannabis oil?  I know that cancer patients smoke cannabis, but it seems like you could get a better price.  And I'm confused about the boatload of medical bills.  Neil is, or was a city worker, normally the reason people covet those jobs are for the great healthcare packages.  Between the VH1 money and Neil working 2 jobs, and the money from being on the marriage show, and the money from that short lived show of her own I don't see how she is this broke that she needs to be crowdfunded.


I don't ever think that Ang would scam anyone, and I wouldn't be surprised if she knew nothing about this.


That's what I'm screaming! Either Neil doesn't really have a job or they just bleed money. He did say something in the last episode about her spending $10k on a couch so maybe but if you have $10k for a couch you have money to buy cannabis oil? I'm sure her son knows someone that can hook her up. 

  • Love 1

That's what I'm screaming! Either Neil doesn't really have a job or they just bleed money. He did say something in the last episode about her spending $10k on a couch so maybe but if you have $10k for a couch you have money to buy cannabis oil? I'm sure her son knows someone that can hook her up. 

I'm not sure what thats about, because from my understanding, government workers, in a state with as many unions as New York/New Jersey has would have pretty great healthcare.  I suspect that she bleeds money and he has to squirrel his money away.  I feel bad for him, she wants this money for the house and he was clearly like "I never wanted this house, this was your dream house."  I think he realized that the house was WAY beyond their means.  And now he is stuck trying to scramble to find this money to fund a house he never had any interest in buying.  I thought GFM was for poor and needy people...I'm not saying you have to be dead broke, but Ang has been on this show for at least 4-5 years, she has had her own show, she was on that marriage counseling show, she had the drunken monkey, I'm sure she got appearance fees, she is driving a newer model Mercedes.  It seems hard to ask people to give you $25,000 for cannabis oil when you're driving a luxury vehicle.

I'm not sure what thats about, because from my understanding, government workers, in a state with as many unions as New York/New Jersey has would have pretty great healthcare.  I suspect that she bleeds money and he has to squirrel his money away.  I feel bad for him, she wants this money for the house and he was clearly like "I never wanted this house, this was your dream house."  I think he realized that the house was WAY beyond their means.  And now he is stuck trying to scramble to find this money to fund a house he never had any interest in buying.  I thought GFM was for poor and needy people...I'm not saying you have to be dead broke, but Ang has been on this show for at least 4-5 years, she has had her own show, she was on that marriage counseling show, she had the drunken monkey, I'm sure she got appearance fees, she is driving a newer model Mercedes.  It seems hard to ask people to give you $25,000 for cannabis oil when you're driving a luxury vehicle.


I agree, 100% with all of this!!!

  • Love 1

Holy cocaine fairy. Watching Marissa and her friend talking in that store made me twitchy and itchy. I think I got high by proxy

I love all the women getting along.

Renee was cute with her son and his girlfriend, Crazy, codependent, and loony but cute.

I laughed at Renee showing Ang, AJ's room. Staged and fake maybe, but it made me laugh

Can't stand Marissa and almost can't stand Brittany. I wish it had just the OG's considering it's the last season.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 3

Can't stand Marissa and almost can't stand Brittany. I wish it had just the OG's considering it's the last season.

I wonder if they were planning on doing another season when they decided to add these 2 desperate newbies before filming began and when Ang found out that her cancer spread/returned they then decided to end the show entirely. I think Ang IS the glue that holds this show together and without her it just will NOT work. JMO

  • Love 5

I also wish it was just the OGs.

Kept running the end over to see if there were actually any shots thrown, but couldn't tell and not expecting any.

Interesting that only person pushing for fight at end was Drita.

Did anyone catch during sit-down Drita ADMITTED to knowing Love was going to attack Carla. She said she told Love she wouldn't watch her attack a friend. Like Carla said, if you were a friend, you would have not let it happen instead.

The episode was full of needed laughter for me. Loved Renee's "smoked a joint" and even more her lifting the picture to reveal a bunch of holes.

Fave part of the epi, hands-down:

R: "Oh-kaaaaay"

C: "What are you oh-kaaaying?"

R: "What she (M) is wearing!"

C: "I can't see!"

R: "You must be bliiii-iiiind!"

Cue priceless reactions from them trying to put on normal welcoming looks!!

Prayers for Ang. Mob Candy is selling a F#CK CANCER shirt to go along with GoFund Me to raise money. Unfortunately, even though my quote seems to be "I'm a well-educated, classy woman who happens to say fuck a lot," I could never wear the shirt, lest my parents kill me.

edited bc phone auto-corrects are the worst!

Edited by punkypower
  • Love 5

I am just sad that Ang appears to be nearing the end of the road.

I'm not sure where else its been reported, but since I find that GFM suspicious I find the information given somewhat suspect as well.


If Ang went to the ER, it could have been for a number of reasons.  The GFM just feels like an opportunistic money grab, which would require a person to make the situation sound as terrible as possible.


It could all be legit, in which case, I would be sad too.  But that GFM just raises more questions than anything else for me.


ETA -- just read somewhere that Neil is confirming the story and that the oil is $60/gram -- so $25,000 would only be less than a pound, and only 14 ounces.  Those are crazy prices.  Ang may have made some decisions I disagree with, but I really feel bad for her so I hope that cannabis oil helps.  I had no idea it was that expensive....geez

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 2

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