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S07.E08: Kill Switch


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Thanks McManda I was starting to wonder! 


I can't believe this was put in sweeps. That was boring, I kept glancing at the clock thinking "is this over yet?"


Jon was okay but the fact the only person I liked and cared about in all of that was the transit cop says it all.


If the intentions of TPTB is to focus more on the secondary characters in the future they're going to have to do better than this, the writing has got to be spot on and the performances need to have energy and focus and this episode and none of that. If this is the best Amann can come up with for these type of episodes then he's in trouble. Dialogue was bland and predictable and the performances were flat for the most part.


Lots of talking back and forth between everyone, there was drama but no tension or emotional punch. I lost interest after they found the body in the park. Gates role sadly appears to have developed into that of explainer to the audience. She either repeats what's already been said by someone else or tells me the bleeding obvious that I can see for myself just to make sure I get it. Oh for the days when the showrunner trusted the audience to understand without having to spell it out in painful exposition exchanges.


The ending was pretty meh, some friendly hugs and then off to the Old Haunt and that's it drama over. I knew what was coming before he even said it as did the series of lame "jokes" from Castle to round off a thoroughly dull and predictable episode.

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I don't know, I liked this one more than I expected to. I mean, it's not a Cops and Robbers or Once Upon a Time in the West, but as far as an episode focusing on a secondary character goes, I thought it was interesting enough. I think it helped that it didn't follow the murder/interview/interview/red herring/interview/killer formula that they seemed to fall into for a long while.


I do think it's sad that they did a better job at creating and writing Marissa the transit cop than they did, say, Tory, who's been around for a few seasons. (Side note: can she stay? I like her. She can be like LT and just be around. Or be like Tory and do "useful" things every once in awhile.)

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Esposito had more sexual chemistry with the lady transit cop who he had only just met than he ever does with Lanie. When he saw her at the hospital I was praying that they were going to hook up because they seem way more interesting and genuinely attracted to each other as a couple to me in the brief moments I saw them together.  I really wish they would stop forcing me to try and care about Esplanie as a couple. The conversation in the car with Ryan felt forced as if they had to shoehorn a brief moment in there as a way of signalling something more is going to happen soon on the Esplanie front. 


Nothing much of interest going on with Castle and Beckett either.  Nathan and Stana seemed to be going through the motions here, there was no real sparkle or energy in their exchanges, they were basically reading dialogue. If you had missed the first few minutes you would be hard pressed to know they were a newly married couple. I wonder if the last few episodes have exhausted them a bit. There was the amused reaction from Kate to Castle's theorising but really I'm scraping around for moments that stood out. Best bit was the opening scene. 

Edited by verdana
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If you had missed the first few minutes you would be hard pressed to know they were a newly married couple.


Which I did (probably along with a lot of others) because of news interruptions.  Was there at least a cute Caskett scene in the opening? 


I thought this episode was okay, but a bit boring, especially compared to the last couple of weeks.

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KaveDweller. The sneak peek of them walking up to the body was the opening scene that was nice. 


The passengers on the train were barely sketched out, why is there always a pregnant woman involved? Seriously pregnant women should take note don't go into banks or on subway trains you're going to get held hostage. Not that she had anything to do mind you other than grab her stomach and look worried occasionally.  I didn't care about any of them including the cliche salesman and his predictable patter. What Amann needs to realise is that for me to get invested in the story he has to make me care about what happens to these people put in this dire situation and the only person who made any impression was the lady cop, she did well with what limited dialogue she had. 

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Nothing much of interest going on with Castle and Beckett either.  Nathan and Stana seemed to be going through the motions here, there was no real sparkle or energy in their exchanges, they were basically reading dialogue. If you had missed the first few minutes you would be hard pressed to know they were a newly married couple. I wonder if the last few episodes have exhausted them a bit. There was the amused reaction from Kate to Castle's theorising but really I'm scraping around for moments that stood out. Best bit was the opening scene.


To be fair, they're trying to solve a case and get their friend and co-worker out of a hostage situation where the guy is threatening to blow everyone up. It's not really a cheery situation that leaves much room for witty banter or humorous, flirty exchanges.


I could see maybe concern, or a conversation where they empathize with Lanie (her SO in danger, yada yada), but the plot of this episode isn't really conducive to what you felt was missing.

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That red framed photo on her desk was that of their wedding? I was more interested in checking that out than the case.


If anyone knows about chips on shoulders it's Esposito, that made me laugh. 


The scenes between Kate and Lanie were brief and superficial, two hugs and a couple of bland reassurances, disappointing. 


You still remind me a little of Hooch... like the playful push and side eye she gives him.   Nice to hear them talk about being married for the first walk up to a dead body. Enjoyed the call back and it makes the fans happy to hear them but I hope they don't go overboard. They have a better impact when they're used sparingly and in the right circumstances.


I sense ratings are not going to be all over the place because of the Ferguson decision. 

Edited by verdana
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I liked the episode. I didn't love it like the last two episodes, but I thought it was good for a filler episode that focused on a secondary character.


I also liked the transit cop and thought Esposito had better chemistry with her than he does with Lanie. His relationship with Lanie feels forced, and I never cared about their on-again/off-again relationship. If I had my choice, they would be over and done with.  Esposito and Marissa had nice moments, and I was disappointed when she left at the end.


Next week's promo looks a little silly.

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I do think it's sad that they did a better job at creating and writing Marissa the transit cop than they did, say, Tory, who's been around for a few seasons. (Side note: can she stay? I like her. She can be like LT and just be around. Or be like Tory and do "useful" things every once in awhile.)

I would take Marissa over Tory any day of the week, given the short time she was there she made way more of an impression than Tory and she has good chemistry with Jon.  I still don't get why Tory is around when they don't do anything that interesting with her. 

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I sense ratings are not going to be all over the place because of the Ferguson decision.


Yeah, it's going to be tough to sort out. I'd actually be surprised it they even can, given it was an interruption, it wasn't across the board, and it pushed everything back.


Can we take a moment (and I realize this has nothing to do with this episode) and appreciate that next week has Castle in a sleeveless shirt? I mean, dude ... biceps. That is all.

Edited by McManda
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That promo didn't do much for me either.  I'm waiting for the Creasey's episode now.


Had to smile when Castle and Beckett made the comparisons between them and the likes of Nick and Nora Charles, the Harts, McMillan and wife because they've been mentioned by many including cast and crew as examples of great married couples in love and fighting crime. Was this a stated intention by the writers to the audience that we're already there or a vain hope?  Because based on what I've seen so far they have some work to do before they can claim that.

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KaveDweller. The sneak peek of them walking up to the body was the opening scene that was nice.


Which I just went and watched (for the first time).  I guess missing it tonight is what I get for avoiding the sneak peeks so I could be surprised with it during the episode.  But it was very cute, and I loved the Turner and Hooch call back.  I liked how Castle's complaint isn't that Hooch was a dog, but that they weren't married.


To be fair, they're trying to solve a case and get their friend and co-worker out of a hostage situation where the guy is threatening to blow everyone up. It's not really a cheery situation that leaves much room for witty banter or humorous, flirty exchanges.


Yeah, I didn't have a problem with their interaction, if they were bantering it would seem like they were being insensitive to what was going on.  But that's why I usually prefer episodes that are lighter, they allow for that fun banter that is the show's strength.


Does anyone else think they are hinting at Lanie getting pregnant? We had that scene with Espo asking Ryan about fatherhood and then the transit cop admitting she has a kid.  And they had Lanie pregnant in the AU, which seemed crazy but also could have been forshadowing.  Maybe I'm reading too much into things, but it's just a theory that I have that keeps getting stronger.  I hope I'm wrong though.

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Does anyone else think they are hinting at Lanie getting pregnant? We had that scene with Espo asking Ryan about fatherhood and then the transit cop admitting she has a kid. And they had Lanie pregnant in the AU, which seemed crazy but also could have been forshadowing. Maybe I'm reading too much into things, but it's just a theory that I have that keeps getting stronger. I hope I'm wrong though.


That has actually crossed my mind too, and I so hope they don't go that route. I agree that it feels a little bit like foreshadowing. A pregnant Lanie would not be fun and not something I have any desire in watching.

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Can we take a moment (and I realize this has nothing to do with this episode) and appreciate that next week has Castle in a sleeveless shirt? I mean, dude ... biceps. That is all.

Yeah....sigh.  At last that's one thing that automatically rates a tick in the plus column.

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But it's a catch-22, isn't it? I know many here aren't enamored of Lanie and Esposito or much of the secondary cast. Which, okay. People like what they like.


But then there is the concern that the secondary characters are not fleshed out or given anything to do. While I will easily concede that these people should have been fleshed out 5 or so seasons ago, well...with today's preview, the thought "you gotta start somewhere" may apply here if TPTB want the show to continue on even if/when it may be C/B lite.


So if the spec about Lanie has merit, maybe such a story will open some new avenues. Or maybe not. But an attempt at broadening the scope would perhaps help the show in terms of longevity.

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Yeah, I didn't have a problem with their interaction, if they were bantering it would seem like they were being insensitive to what was going on.  But that's why I usually prefer episodes that are lighter, they allow for that fun banter that is the show's strength.


Does anyone else think they are hinting at Lanie getting pregnant? We had that scene with Espo asking Ryan about fatherhood and then the transit cop admitting she has a kid.  And they had Lanie pregnant in the AU, which seemed crazy but also could have been forshadowing.  Maybe I'm reading too much into things, but it's just a theory that I have that keeps getting stronger.  I hope I'm wrong though.

They felt flat to me in their exchanges, whilst not expecting happy banter given the situation Caskett didn't feel very energised in the precinct despite all the supposed drama taking place. 


As for Lanie I could see a pregnancy on the horizon. They've had them split up already so really the only options to move the goalposts are a proposal or a "shock" pregnancy, I think it will be more likely though a proposal or Espo says they should move in together as surely it has to be something with a positive forward momentum otherwise you're just screwing the Esplanie fans around for kicks. 

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Does anyone else think they are hinting at Lanie getting pregnant? We had that scene with Espo asking Ryan about fatherhood and then the transit cop admitting she has a kid.  And they had Lanie pregnant in the AU, which seemed crazy but also could have been forshadowing.  Maybe I'm reading too much into things, but it's just a theory that I have that keeps getting stronger.  I hope I'm wrong though.


I was speculating that she might get engaged but with the AU and this ep, I'm thinking it might end up being both. Tho Espo had better chemistry with the transit cop than Lanie and Tory. I rather she show up every once in a while. Between former cyber detective and now transit cop some of these guest stars are interesting and wish they would have them recurring. It would've been cool if the hostage negotiator was the same one from Cops and Robbers even if he wasn't shown.



Can we take a moment (and I realize this has nothing to do with this episode) and appreciate that next week has Castle in a sleeveless shirt? I mean, dude ... biceps. That is all.


Ikr? At least it's not the usually button ups, slacks and shapeless jackets/coats. So now 80s action wear makes a debut, but will it look better than Nathan's Marty McFly costume?


Tamala must be loving the last 3 eps. She actually got to do something and talk about things other than lividity.


Since Castle,Martha and Espo has been held hostage while Beckett and Alexis has been kidnapped, it's probably Ryan's turn for something along those lines to happen to him.

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But then there is the concern that the secondary characters are not fleshed out or given anything to do. While I will easily concede that these people should have been fleshed out 5 or so seasons ago, well...with today's preview, the thought "you gotta start somewhere" may apply here if TPTB want the show to continue on even if/when it may be C/B lite.


So if the spec about Lanie has merit, maybe such a story will open some new avenues. Or maybe not. But an attempt at broadening the scope would perhaps help the show in terms of longevity.

If they do go with a Lanie pregnancy storyline they have to include Castle and Beckett otherwise fans will get bored very quickly. They're not in the position of a Bones that can happily have the secondary cast off doing their own thing that doesn't necessarily involve the two main leads. Castle is not an ensemble show and never has been so trying to move it in that direction (if that's what they're attempting) is going to be very difficult if not impossible to achieve. It feels too little too late at this stage. The writers will probably make some half arsed attempt in the second part of the season at including the secondary cast more but I suspect their hearts aren't in it.

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Castle Recap: Subway Fare by Matt at TV Line 

All told, this episode was “fine,” though not the least bit Die Hard-like (as I had hoped). Having the bomber be misguided/oblivious seemed too pat, and the “release a virus to sell vaccine” plot has been overdone in recent years. I’d rather they had, like, set aside a two-parter to do a proper, highly intense riff on The Taking of the Pelham 1-2-3, featuring a lot more derring-do, rather than burn through the premise this way.

What did you think of the Espo-centric “Kill Switch”? Will these events prompt Javy to invite Lanie to explore something more “real” with him?

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I originally wasn't very keen on watching this episode--didn't have any expectations for it all--which I is why I think I kind of liked it. It wasn't your typical hostage situation episode, and Espo and Marissa - they kind of made it work. I actually found myself rooting for them. 


Also liked how the secondary cast got a chance to shine. Seeing Lanie outside the morgue and away from bodies was nice for a change.


But the Ryan/Espo moment in the car didn't work at all for me. Loved the thought of it but it seemd kinda - forced? Unreal?


Does anyone else think they are hinting at Lanie getting pregnant? We had that scene with Espo asking Ryan about fatherhood and then the transit cop admitting she has a kid.  And they had Lanie pregnant in the AU, which seemed crazy but also could have been forshadowing.  Maybe I'm reading too much into things, but it's just a theory that I have that keeps getting stronger.  I hope I'm wrong though.

Yeah, I don't know, I'm kinda getting that vibe as well. Lanie and Espo don't do anything for me at all, but I think there is a certain pressure to have a baby on the show now. I mean, there is Sarah Grace, but it's hard to include her because Jenny doesn't work at the Precinct, but with Lanie and Espo being in every episode, it'd be easy to have a baby storyline and still have Castle and Beckett solve cases together. 

If it turns out to be true, I'm not really excited for it. I have a feeling that Lanie will just be the cliché sassy pregnant woman that's giving Espo a hard time with her mood swings. 

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But the Ryan/Espo moment in the car didn't work at all for me. Loved the thought of it but it seemd kinda - forced? Unreal?


It felt forced because it came over as plot driven. They need Espo to appear as yearning for more and to become good husband/baby daddy material so he has to start making the appropriate noises suddenly with Ryan the ultimate good, stable husband and father. He never came over before as being that way even when he was supposedly with Lanie and he doesn't look like a man passionately in love to me and ready to settle down but the writers need to get him there. They were also trying to squeeze in some backstory in on Espo at the same time but it didn't work for me felt superficial and awkward, they're not giving the characters time to breathe.

Edited by verdana
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Can we keep Marissa and have her be in a relationship with Espo and NOT Lanie ! Make up some story about her getting some tech degree and replace Tori ! That woman a) has got chemistry with Espo and b) can act.


Now it's Espo who is thinking about marriage and kids ? Gimme a break. Sorry nope don't see it. Please no pregnancy storyline for Esplainie around Christmas !


Lanie still gets nothing good to do on the show. Whining "Kaaaaaaaaate" and getting some hugs is not really what gets me hooked on the character. I want Perlmutter back ! I miss the guy.


Other than that....I think there have been worse episodes but I'm surprised they put something like that into sweeps.

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I was pretty bored by this episode. So much that I found myself distracted by news events unfolding on Twitter as I watched. 


Also, having Espo be suddenly interested in fatherhood is completely plot-driven IMO considering in The Good, The Bad and The Baby last season, he didn't even want to hold Baby Cosmo. So why all of a sudden is he thinking about it? What changed in his life? Surely it's more than Ryan becoming a father. Too bad they couldn't show me a good reason for that 180 degree shift.


As far as Lanie getting pregnant in the mid-season finale, I really ~really hope they don't resort to that. I saw many folks commenting in other places on how much chemistry Espo had with the transit cop, which really speaks to how poorly the Esplaine relationship has been written through the years (which many of us here already knew). Too bad the writers probably won't pick up on that from the fandom who even still care about those two. lol 


I miss Perlmutter too. So much. I can't believe we've gone 8 episodes now without seeing him. I really hope he appears in 7.09. 

Edited by S55
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Usually a character talking about growing up, settling down, and having babies forebears a character's imminent demise. Not so here.

So why not write the plot to have Espo come to the realization that he wants more? Instead of telling us something completely out of character out of the blue? Use the life and death situation he is in to build character. His talks with the cop could have made him realize how much he loves Lanie. Talking about her kid, or with the pregnant woman, or with some random kid on the train could have made him realize he wants one some day.

A little cliche? Sure. But at least we would see some development within him rather than having it explained to us in a forced and out of character conversation.

Edited by ae2
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Maybe Perlmutter will be back next week since the episode looks kind of silly. Though I like when Perlmutter is snarky with Castle in a more sly way than because Castle is dressed up like an 80's superhero....and, I am thinking pregnancy scare, not an actual pregnancy. Or maybe even a breakup because she isn't ready, so the path to Marissa is open. Nope, THAT won't happen!

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I guess I liked the episode.  I have to say kudow to the makeup people -- and the actor -- for portraying the bad guy's deterioration from his illness.  It seemed rather timely with all the Ebola scare (not sure when this was written or taped).  I saw the chemistry with Marissa, too.  Espo has shown paternal feelings before, it's just been awhile.  He's taken interest in single moms with sons in other episodes.  A Lainie pregnancy seems kind of weird.  Maybe she meets someone else.

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The episode fell into the entire "seen this before a million times." Bad guy is really just misunderstood but went over board on everything. Interesting he knew how to get a gun out of a street cop's holster just by yanking on it. Knew how to build a suicide bomber vest and get on the camera location no problem. Because remember, he was a hacker and occupied wal lstreet guy. I'm for Espo but you have more natural playing out when he and Ryan were stuck in the burning building with Jenny going into labor. Better scripted and acted. This was very forced. 

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Count me as one that is not on the Esplanie ship. She's been stringing him along for a while now, I would like to see him with the transit cop. She was cute, competent and seemed like a good match for him. I never really saw the chemistry with Lanie.

Not much real suspense, we all knew the bomb was not going to go off!  I thought the bad guy growing sickness was well-played though. I didn't see a flu virus coming, I thought he was just having an asthma attack from the stess.

I guess it was pretty much standard Castle COTW, but after the last episode was so great,  I wouldn't expect this to stand out.

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They almost fooled me into thinking the dead guy's brother was the culprit, because he said dead brother *was* a workaholic.  In TV crime dramas, innocent bereaved people use the present tense.  But he was too early in the episode, the first person they talked to, so he wasn't guilty after all.  Maybe I have seen too many TV crime dramas.


Gates's little glasses pushed down on her nose looked uncomfortable.  If she needs glasses only for close work she should get half frames.


Yay, Old Haunt!  Wish we had seen it.

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I have to say kudos to the makeup people -- and the actor -- for portraying the bad guy's deterioration from his illness.  It seemed rather timely with all the Ebola scare (not sure when this was written or taped).


I agree. He really was looking awful there before he was subdued. Though I also kept waiting for Ebola to be thrown in as the cause of his failing health, mostly because it felt like a current events tie-in that this show would try to incorporate. lol 

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I love Espo and Lainie together.  I think it is natural that Espo would be wanting more from life.  He has seen Ryan marry and have a child, and now even Castle and Beckett are married.  It did not bother me that Castle and Beckett were not front and center the whole episode.  They do not always have to be.  Nathan certainly makes the most of all of his screentime though.  Castle was hilarious at the end.

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I enjoyed the episode. There were weaknesses in the writing - like Esposito's unexpected biological clock, which was a bit ham-handed - but I thought it was a decent and well-acted episode. Especially by the guest actors. But as hostage situations go, holy clichés Batman!


Huertas did an excellent job with what he was given and I'm pleased to see the secondary characters finally being developed. I'm not invested in Esplanie, but there is potential there IMO both as a stand-alone relationship and to use as the basis for Kate-Lanie scenes that explore the Kate-Rick dynamic in the future. I didn't see the bomber-as-patsy coming, so that was kind of cool. But is it wrong that I think it would have been a better story if he'd died?


The only thing I really disliked was the ending. We finally get the gang going to the Old Haunt for drinks and they ruin it with Castle being a jackass. Ugh.

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The only thing I really disliked was the ending. We finally get the gang going to the Old Haunt for drinks and they ruin it with Castle being a jackass. Ugh.

Yeah I didn't like that at the end either. I know it's always tempting to insert a gag in every episode using Castle but sometimes I could do without it and that was one such occasion when his "jokes" fell seriously flat. 


Espo would be much better off as a single guy, that's more in keeping with the character they've established over the years than trying to force marriage and/or fatherhood on to him out of the blue. I didn't buy that car conversation or the clunky bit at the end when Marissa pushes him into thinking about Lanie and her importance in his life.


Their reunion was hardly that amazing either, I was expecting some big super emotional moment but may be they realised if they did that it would piss off all the Castle and Beckett fans who haven't had anything similar. I can't decide if it's the actors who lack natural chemistry together or the dialogue that lets them down. They need to end the Lanie association which few care about, give them both new lovers or keep Espo as the happy single man to counterbalance Ryan and let Lanie find someone hot she can giggle to Beckett about! 


Is the actor who plays Perlmutter working on something else? I miss him and would rather he did alternative episodes with Tamala I find him way more entertaining, his repeated snark at Castle I genuinely find funny and in character. 

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Or maybe even a breakup because she isn't ready, so the path to Marissa is open. Nope, THAT won't happen!


A break up in a Christmas episode? I don't see it happening.


Espo would be much better off as a single guy, that's more in keeping with the character they've established over the years than trying to force marriage and/or fatherhood on to him out of the blue. I didn't buy that car conversation or the clunky bit at the end when Marissa pushes him into thinking about Lanie and

her importance in his life


I didn't buy it either, it felt rather forced.  Maybe if we'd spent more time on Lanie and Esposito I would feel differently, but I don't really believe they are in love.  Even the reunion at the end didn't convince me they were in love.  I wasn't expecting something at the level of Castle and Beckett at the end of Cops and Robbers, but it just fell flat.

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I know they have to do episodes periodically that are about the secondary characters but, ugh, I really do not like when they put them in peril.  It's just so formulaic and dull and this was no exception.  


I like the two guys when they are supporting, not primary players in an episode.

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They felt flat to me in their exchanges, whilst not expecting happy banter given the situation Caskett didn't feel very energised in the precinct despite all the supposed drama taking place.


I thought they came off as pretty in sync with each other, which is always nice.


But the episodes where they feature other characters work best when we get to see Castle/Bekcett do a little more than solve the case.  Like that episode with Ryan going undercover.


That red framed photo on her desk was that of their wedding?


It looked like it had a whole bunch of people in it, but I couldn't tell what it was.

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Yawn.  What a boring episode.  As a bottle episode of sorts, I thought it compared very unfavourably to Cops & Robbers and Still, or the hostage scenario in the much better written No. 1 Fan.  Don't know why they put this in sweeps either.  I've never really loved Amann's episodes (that I can recall).  His opener this season was clumsy and clunky to me with some really problematic character notes.  He apparently has a preference for writing 'dramatic' episodes but sorry, this dramatic episode was a yawnfest to me.  They could have substituted Esposito and just about everyone else with characters from another procedural and the episode would have been no different.  That is a mark of failure to me for an episode.  Maybe people who like crime procedurals in general would have liked it better but since I really need good character writing to give life to an episode, this just didn't do it for me.


The character scene between Ryan and Esposito in the car was poor as others have noted.  Even with a built in relationship between characters, scenes like these fall flat if the writing's bad.  


The better written character out of an uninspired lot this episode was the transit cop, without even turning her into a cliched fake!cop.  Count me in with those who thought she had better chemistry with Esposito than Lanie, and the fact that her character got more to do than poor Lanie had something to do with it.  (Felt the same about the Mad Men guest actress who played the character who used to date Ryan when he was undercover as having more chemistry with him than Jenny.  Just goes to show the writing as well as the acting has a lot to do with it.)  She was more interesting than Lanie + Tory put together in this episode.  I was almost waiting for Tory to confess in her scene with Lanie that she was in love with Javier too!  Anyone?  Just to liven up the episode a bit. ;)


With their waffling and continued superficiality and lack of organic development, i fear the ship has kind of sailed for me on Esplanie.  I was open to them the first time around but I long stopped caring when the writers also stopped caring. ;)  Even now, we've been given no insight into their interactions, why they want to be with each other, why Espo suddenly wants to be a father, or why Lanie supposedly doesn't want to take it further.  The way they broke up before was a very poorly and mystifying bit of character writing on the show.


It could be interesting if Esposito actually had a real conversation with Castle for once about fatherhood that didn't involve Esposito mocking Castle.  Castle's famously fatherless as well and is a great father so it actually would make sense for Esposito to talk to him, if he ever deems Castle worthy of seeking advice from. ;) 


If this is the best Amann can come up with for these type of episodes then he's in trouble. Dialogue was bland and predictable and the performances were flat for the most part.  Lots of talking back and forth between everyone, there was drama but no tension or emotional punch. 


Nailed the problems.  Dialogue was so bad I was counting the lines of exposition.  I recall a scene where Castle, Beckett, Gates, Ryan, Tori and Lanie were all doing it.  Overkill much?


At this rate, I hope Amann doesn't write any of the dramatic mythology episodes for the remainder of the season.  When the showrunner writes a weak episode, I wonder what happens in the writers' room?  Do the other writers actually help with constructive criticism or is everyone silent about the weaknesses because the writer's their boss?  Marlowe, and now Amann, have not been the strongest writers in the room.


That red framed photo on her desk was that of their wedding? I was more interested in checking that out than the case.


May have to rewatch one tiny bit of the episode just for that. ;)


If anyone knows about chips on shoulders it's Esposito, that made me laugh.


Oh, I was laughing and rolling my eyes at that.  Is snarking at others his self defence mechanism or something? ;)

The scenes between Kate and Lanie were brief and superficial, two hugs and a couple of bland reassurances, disappointing.



The scene where Kate told Lanie she was married last week was OK, but their interaction was superficial and bland here again.  They've never quite recaptured the depth to their friendship that was felt in S1/2 in my opinion.  I feel Beckett/Lanie, even Ryan/Esposito have kind of regressed in the last few seasons as interactions got shallower and even less time was devoted to developing the relationships and crafted truly meaningful scenes around them by the writers.


The Irish mob episode with Ryan remains the only episode to date featuring a secondary character front and centre that I thought was interesting enough.  All the others have been duds for me because they didn't really shine a light on these characters in an interesting way.  They mostly went the very cliched route.  Next time a secondary character gets a turn to be featured prominently, I hope it's one of the women.  Martha, Alexis even, Lanie (without Espo drama) or Gates.  The boys have had more than one turn and it's time for someone else to see if there can be a more engaging result.  


Had to smile when Castle and Beckett made the comparisons between them and the likes of Nick and Nora Charles, the Harts, McMillan and wife because they've been mentioned by many including cast and crew as examples of great married couples in love and fighting crime. Was this a stated intention by the writers to the audience that we're already there or a vain hope?  Because based on what I've seen so far they have some work to do before they can claim that.


Wouldn't be surprised if they think they're already there.  But nope.  It's been a bit better this season but in the last few seasons where sharp, witty banter and sexiness was often absent, they have been far from being reminiscent of the classic pieces they love to reference. ;)

Edited by madmaverick
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I sat there with my mouth hanging open when Esposito said Lanie was the one who wanted to keep it light and casual, when I believe it was his not wanting to take it further that originally broke them up.


According to the actors, there was a deleted scene in their breakup episode (S4 maybe?) where we see them fight after Jenny's question about marriage, and Lanie is in fact the one that doesn't want marriage.  So, it actually is consistent with the writers' thinking, we just wouldn't know that if it weren't for the actors.

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According to the actors, there was a deleted scene in their breakup episode (S4 maybe?) where we see them fight after Jenny's question about marriage, and Lanie is in fact the one that doesn't want marriage.  So, it actually is consistent with the writers' thinking, we just wouldn't know that if it weren't for the actors.

That's a case of the writers yet again relying on what they know but the audience may not when telling the story. They would have to rely on the fact you either have read the interview where the actors mention that or bought the DVD and seen the deleted scenes. I must admit I didn't know anything about that so yeah it was a case of WTH when Espo is saying it's Lanie that wants to back off and he's Mr Commitment all of a sudden. 


I often wonder given some of the interviews I read if the writers realise how little the audience knows in comparison to what they see when they're working on the episodes day in day out. They see the "whole" picture but then things get cut or watered down but in their mind they've still got the whole story in their heads playing out, for them it makes perfect sense but they forget the audience has to go on what they see and hear on screen and that leaves big gaps in their comprehension in comparison to the writers.

Edited by verdana
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That's a case of the writers yet again relying on what they know but the audience may not when telling the story. They would have to rely on the fact you either have read the interview where the actors mention that or bought the DVD and seen the deleted scenes. I must admit I didn't know anything about that so yeah it was a case of WTH when Espo is saying it's Lanie that wants to back off and he's Mr Commitment all of a sudden.


It wasn't a deleted scene. It was in an interview Jon did with BollySpice.com come that you can read here.


Personally I don't think that it was all of a sudden that Espo decided he wanted something stable - he's seen his partner get married and have a kid, his boss and partner get married ... I can see him thinking that maybe that's something he'd like, too. Even before Castle and Beckett were married and Ryan had Sarah Grace I think it was something that he was looking forward to - he liked being a father figure to the foster kid and he's been sad about not having someone to spend the holidays with. So maybe we didn't know necessarily that Lanie was the one to originally cool off their relationship, but I don't think it's surprising to find out that marriage and kids might be something that he wanted.

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It wasn't a deleted scene. It was in an interview Jon did with BollySpice.com come that you can read here.


Personally I don't think that it was all of a sudden that Espo decided he wanted something stable - he's seen his partner get married and have a kid, his boss and partner get married ... I can see him thinking that maybe that's something he'd like, too. Even before Castle and Beckett were married and Ryan had Sarah Grace I think it was something that he was looking forward to - he liked being a father figure to the foster kid and he's been sad about not having someone to spend the holidays with. So maybe we didn't know necessarily that Lanie was the one to originally cool off their relationship, but I don't think it's surprising to find out that marriage and kids might be something that he wanted.


 I agree, I always so Espo as a father figure when he isn't written to be mad at Castle for some stupid reason. We even got an explanation in season 2 when we met his old partner. It wouldn't be hard to just have Laine talk to Kate and just say: "All of a sudden I was like: 'whoa' do I want to be this serious?" Simple as that and a lot of people can identify with Espo wanting to be more committed and Lainie realizing maybe she isn't ready or wants that.

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But that's more an issue of tptb not following up with things, not them throwing something in out of left field. (And that's something they admitedly have a problem with.)


Plus I'd say you were more than a casual viewer (or at least, not the norm casual viewer), otherwise you wouldn't be here and it wouldn't bother you. I'd bet that most people didn't notice or didn't care that "all of a sudden" Espo is looking for a serious relationship complete with kids and that doesn't necessarily gel with his character development in recent seasons.


We're a special breed of viewer and honestly, probably not the one tptb are catering to.

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As a book editor, I have to remind authors of that all of the time. When I say I don't understand something or am puzzled by why a character would act a certain way, they sit and explain it to me in great detail. I always tell them that they won't be there with the reader to explain it, so it needs to be in the book.


I had a writing teacher tell me this in 8th grade.  She was a horrible teacher too, but even she knew that.  However, if they have to cut things out for time I would much rather it be Esposito/Lanie than Castle and Beckett.


So maybe we didn't know necessarily that Lanie was the one to originally cool off their relationship, but I don't think it's surprising to find out that marriage and kids might be something that he wanted.


The thing here is, I don't think it matters if we knew who called it off before.  All we needed to know is it was over.  Finding out that Lanie likes things the way they are doesn't contradict with anything we've seen (except maybe in the AU episode), it just adds new information.


I would really love to see a scene with Beckett giving Lanie relationship advice.

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I agree with this, but then they shouldn't assume we saw the interview. If they'd added little clues here and there about Esposito thinking of settling down, even a line or two or him kind of watching a happy couple in a way that suggests he wants that too, it would have gone a long way for me.


The writers probably forgot that they cut the scene.  And this probably isn't the only time something like this happened.  Whenever I head the writers/actors talk about Esplanie I feel like I'm missing something.  I remember one interview last season where they talked about how they Lanie and Espo couldn't be around each other after than episode with the dead people that looked like them.  But I never got that on screen.  However, since I don't really care about Lanie/Esposito it doesn't bother me that much.


I guess I'm a stickler for character consistency, and the character has been sold to me as a ladies' man and kind of the free and single half of the Esposito/Ryan duo.


I've always seen him as a ladies' man, but I can also see him as someone who assumes he'll eventually get married and settle down.  Personally, I think they should have him keep playing the field.  Having all the characters paired off is less interesting.

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I found myself asking my husband if this was a rerun the moment it became clear that the hijacker's plan was being fed to him by a third party. I swear to god I've seen that plot play out before, I just can't for the life of me remember which show it was or in which decade it aired. Which should tell you all you need to know about the originality of this week's script.


On the other hand, I really appreciate the writers attempting to give the secondary characters more to do and showing that Castle & Beckett can continue to function as a team.

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