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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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25 minutes ago, diebartdie said:

Right, just last week I overheard someone say something about cream pie, I thought they meant a delicious sweet treat so decided to google a recipe and.....

Oh, shit.  What was that thing from Better Call Saul?  Squat cobbler?

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1 hour ago, diebartdie said:

Right, just last week I overheard someone say something about cream pie, I thought they meant a delicious sweet treat so decided to google a recipe and.....

That's nothing. Do not Google "Blue waffles" ( Seriously. Do. NOT!) Sounded like a fun treat. I never seem to learn and also googled "Plushophilia" Sounded cute. It's not. There are people out there regularly engaging in perversions I could never have come up with in the wildest fever dream. I feel so humdrum and vanilla now.

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3 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

That's nothing. Do not Google "Blue waffles" ( Seriously. Do. NOT!) Sounded like a fun treat. I never seem to learn and also googled "Plushophilia" Sounded cute. It's not. There are people out there regularly engaging in perversions I could never have come up with in the wildest fever dream. I feel so humdrum and vanilla now.

I am googling blue waffles right now.  Here I was thinking I'm such a sophisticated person and all, don't know about waffles.  

ETA.  That's not even that bad.  I am disappointed in you all. 

Edited by Mu Shu
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I do not EVER Google, and rarely even Duck Duck Go, much less click on links.  But I watch a lot of TeeVee, and know about "scritching", I'm sorry to say.  And the ID Channel feeds me much more despicable debauchery than I care to swallow (Lifetime movies notwithstanding).

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I'm currently the prisoner of 1 cat. I swear he's trying to kill me. He's just learned how to open doors. I keep rooms closed off because I would like to keep at least one space in my home undestroyed by him and I'm now reduced to tying a hair scrunchy across 2 doorknobs until I can get a hook and latch thing to keep him out. 

Dont Google lemon party 

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52 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

know about "scritching", I'm sorry to say.  

Scritching? The only scritching I know is the kind you do behind a dog's ears or on its tummy when it rolls over. Am I about to have my last shred of innocence stripped from me? Won't look - no, I won't and no one can make me.

I love horses and looked up "pony play" because it sounded like something I'd like to watch. *sigh*


9 minutes ago, nachomama said:

I'm currently the prisoner of 1 cat. I swear he's trying to kill me.

I have two and one of them constantly tries to trip me on the stairs and then runs and hides, looking at me like I'm the Cat Murderer when he accidentally gets kicked. I have his mom too, but she's totally feral and knows without a doubt that I'm the Cat Murderer, well, unless she's hungry. Then she stands in the doorway of my computer room and barks at me for food. They're 16 and 18 and are going to outlast me.

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3 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

They're 16 and 18 and are going to outlast me.

My 20 year old kitten Zena died two weeks ago. She was pretty freekin great cat and I both miss her and am glad she passed. Being that old, she had problems with remembering where to pee and poo and that got real old. I just kept reminding myself, hey when Im 100 + years old, I'll be damn lucky if anyone cares enough to clean and feed me!

I know what "rosebudding" is and that shit is dangerous.

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I think it's time for me to get offline for tonight.


Lemon Party: hardcore old man gay orgy sex

I think I'll be pathetically grateful tonight even if we're stuck with Negan or eve the GPK, as long as they're not going to indulge in any outrageous perversion.


My 20 year old kitten Zena died two weeks ago.

Aww, RIP Zena! I had one who lived to be 21. He was like my dotty old uncle at the end. He would gobble his food then go sit in a closet, stare at the back wall and howl. For no reason.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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14 minutes ago, nachomama said:

I'm currently the prisoner of 1 cat. I swear he's trying to kill me. He's just learned how to open doors. I keep rooms closed off because I would like to keep at least one space in my home undestroyed by him and I'm now reduced to tying a hair scrunchy across 2 doorknobs until I can get a hook and latch thing to keep him out. 

Dont Google lemon party 

Puleeze stop with the fruit shaming, I beg of you all!!!  

My cat not only opens doors, but he tripped me while I was getting out of the shower years ago and broke many of my ribs.  Then one day a while back, he ran in front of me as I was walking to the bathroom in the dark and overturned a wing chair directly in my path.  I fell on it, dead center, and kinda cracked my sternum.  Danger kitties DO exist.  Beware and be forewarned!


2 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

Scritching? The only scritching I know is the kind you do behind a dog's ears or on its tummy when it rolls over. Am I about to have my last shred of innocence stripped from me? Won't look - no, I won't and no one can make me.

I love horses and looked up "pony play" because it sounded like something I'd like to watch. *sigh*


I have two and one of them constantly tries to trip me on the stairs and then runs and hides, looking at me like I'm the Cat Murderer when he accidentally gets kicked. I have his mom too, but she's totally feral and knows without a doubt that I'm the Cat Murderer, well, unless she's hungry. Then she stands in the doorway of my computer room and barks at me for food. They're 16 and 18 and are going to outlast me.

Scritching isn't nearly as sick as you'd think, at least, according to Six Feet Under.  It basically involves animal costumes and blue-balled rubbing, from what I can remember.

I am ever so glad I don't look things up - my imagination is running amok right now, and I need to hug my cat too tightly.  Is it time for Zombie gore yet?  Because I'm in desparate need of a palate cleanser.  Preferably with full sentences, tragic bang trashpile chick.

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2 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Scritching isn't nearly as sick as you'd think, at least, according to Six Feet Under.  It basically involves animal costumes and blue-balled rubbing, from what I can remember.

Okay, I was a Six Feet Under (in fact I've started rewatching it) fanatic and I don't remember that part. Did the COTW die that way? I thought kooks in animal costumes call themselves Furries? OH god, now I'm getting my perversions mixed up. Blue balls? Like... blue balls?

Not sure I want to be enlightened, but what the hell!

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8 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

Okay, I was a Six Feet Under (in fact I've started rewatching it) fanatic and I don't remember that part. Did the COTW die that way? I thought kooks in animal costumes call themselves Furries? OH god, now I'm getting my perversions mixed up. Blue balls? Like... blue balls?

Not sure I want to be enlightened, but what the hell!

OK - years since I watched (one of THE best shows EVER!), but there was a brief almost dalliance between Mama Widow and her bespectabled virgin boarder. trainee mortician.  I think,  They may have rubbed heads.or something.  No furry costumes, but it was implied.

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54 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

OK - years since I watched (one of THE best shows EVER!), but there was a brief almost dalliance between Mama Widow and her bespectabled virgin boarder. trainee mortician.  I think,  They may have rubbed heads.or something.  No furry costumes, but it was implied

Of course! Ruth and Arthur. That was wild. They were "nuzzling" ("We nuzzled,"said Ruth to George. "Like horses.") not scritching - heee! Scritching would have been awesome too though. I can picture Ruth scritching Arthur's tummy and his foot kicking out the way dogs' feet do when you hit the "Magic spot."

That show! I could go from hysterical laughter to sobs, all in one episode. Words cannot express my love of that show.

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10 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I even had a stud colt develop a giant erection whenever he was in my vicinity. That was SOO much less creepy than Ruth & Arthur,

The worst part of all that is that it's true! Man-hungry Ruth and dorky, weird Arthur just squicked me out.

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1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

The worst part of all that is that it's true! Man-hungry Ruth and dorky, weird Arthur just squicked me out.

Oy, that even made MY skin crawl.

But perhaps you haven't seen a 3 foot crusty horse peen up close ... or had to hand wash one.  After that?  Weird sexual encounters are NOTHING, and I'd head nuzzle anyone in a hot minute before touching one more dirty appendage.  Lookin' at you, Neegan, and your too tight girly moto-jacket.  Just go back to having hot ghost sex with Izzie and gain a few pounds.

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ARGH!! Why must retail management be so willfully obtuse??

I work in a very large store that has just finished a very challenging annual inventory. Long story short, we had a HUGE amount of product shrinkage. It does not appear to be a shipping/receiving problem, so that means it was loss due to theft.

Well, management has been cutting the staff on the retail floor for years. There is simply no one there to serve customers, keep the shelves stocked, and watch for theft. They want to hear our input as to what "went wrong" this year. I no longer work on the floor, but I really want to say (again...to deaf ears) that the lack of staff is the problem. They will say that we simply no longer have the budget. Well...you could have hired 4 full time workers for the floor for the amount of product you lost. Do you have the budget for THAT???


I'm starting to beat myself up for being such a procrastinator. I keep meaning to take courses so I can pad my resume for when the store does another round of lay offs. Now, I really feel I need to start studying.


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19 minutes ago, shanndee said:

ARGH!! Why must retail management be so willfully obtuse??

I work in a very large store that has just finished a very challenging annual inventory. Long story short, we had a HUGE amount of product shrinkage. It does not appear to be a shipping/receiving problem, so that means it was loss due to theft.

Well, management has been cutting the staff on the retail floor for years. There is simply no one there to serve customers, keep the shelves stocked, and watch for theft. They want to hear our input as to what "went wrong" this year. I no longer work on the floor, but I really want to say (again...to deaf ears) that the lack of staff is the problem. They will say that we simply no longer have the budget. Well...you could have hired 4 full time workers for the floor for the amount of product you lost. Do you have the budget for THAT???


I'm starting to beat myself up for being such a procrastinator. I keep meaning to take courses so I can pad my resume for when the store does another round of lay offs. Now, I really feel I need to start studying.


Fuckballs, now you are making me feel guilty for ever leaving an item in a  Kohl's dressing room. Happily, I am a dedicated nudist, so that hasn't happened since I bought my Mum clearance Vera Wang pants (?slacks? - what are they called these days?).

Edited by walnutqueen
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Hahaha. Thanks walnutqueen, I needed that! :)

It isn't the leaving march. in the store that is the problem...it is those who walk out with it in their bag/on their person without making a nice stop with the cashier that is the problem! :D

...and I vote for "pants". 

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10 hours ago, shanndee said:

Hahaha. Thanks walnutqueen, I needed that! :)

It isn't the leaving march. in the store that is the problem...it is those who walk out with it in their bag/on their person without making a nice stop with the cashier that is the problem! :D

...and I vote for "pants". 

OK, "pants" it is.

I'm terrified of ever getting sick enough to dial 911 - not only because there's nobody to feed the critters, but I don't own a single pair of "panties".  I PITY the poor First Responders who have to drag my fat nekkid ass out on a gurney.  ;-)

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So... today is my work anniversary date (way back when, I guess I should've taken the "ides of March" as a warning).  I've bounced around several different positions within the agency over the years, but today marks thirty years on the job.  Not eligible to retire just yet - I started young, and still have about a year and a quarter to go until I reach minimum retirement age - but when I do, I can go out on full benefit.

Notwithstanding that, I was really looking forward to today; thought about taking the wife out to dinner in Nashville to celebrate or something.

That is, UNTIL Lord Dampnut decides he has to visit Nashville to pay tribute to one of the bigger genocide architects in America's history, and no other day will do but today.  As in he's flying in from Detroit, doing a photo op of laying a wreath on Andrew Jackson's grave at the Hermitage (today marks Jackson's 250th birthday), then doing a rally downtown this evening.  A direct result of which is every interstate, road, and route in/around the downtown Nashville area being hopelessly FUBARed all freaking day.

Thanks for ruining it, Donny. 

Yay today.  :(

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Tough break there @ Nashville. Congratulations on the anniversary though. I just marked twenty-seven years since I came to Canada on a one-year work visa.  My new job starts on Monday. I went through three work permits, 2 years of permanent residency and then citizenship before I finally recognized I would not be going home again.

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my neighbor is an idiot who feeds squirrels and birds.  We are full of Jaybirds and Mocking birds, and the squirrels are trashing the new early fruits.  Destroying the mango, papaya, and avocados.  A squirrel is just a rat with good PR.  I put several bounties on them.  Cat sitting this weekend.  I should get some trophies. 

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I have a question for @walnutqueen (or anyone else who has multiple cats, some of which have been outdoor).

Hubby and I fostered, then adopted a young female that had been hit by a car in October. She had to have a front leg amputated due to a horrible infection. She also had a really bad case of mastitis (she had had kittens 8 weeks earlier). It is unclear if the severity of the mastitis was the result of "just" late treatment or it was complicated from the leg infection.

Long story short (I know, too late!) she has recovered really well, is super active, eats well, and is always getting into mischief...but the mastitis still lingers. The SPCA vet told us it takes a "long time" to clear and nothing I find on the 'net answers my questions. I don't really want to go to our new vet to be told to just keep an eye on it.

So, one mammary gland continues to be swollen. Well, more like it is just loose skin now. It is soft, she has no pain, she allows us to touch it but has started to refuse to sit for the warm compresses (hasn't let us do that for months now). 

Should I take het to the vet, or is this loose skin/swelling simply a permanent part of her?

Thanks cat people!

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@shanndee - wish I could be of help, but I have zero experience with mastitis.  Have you tried asking for advice over on the pet talk forums (Off Topic/Everything Else/Post Your Pet Photos & Pet Discussion, or Misc TV Talk/Genre Talk/Veterinary & Animal Rescue Shows)?   There may be more experienced pet people hanging around in those venues ...

I've had indoor kitties (who NEVER go outside) and outdoor semi-ferals, but most were/are boys, for some unknown reason.  The boys just always seem to find me  ;-)

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@walnutqueen, Thanks, I'll give that a try...I just thought I'd try here first since I knew there were some cat people here.

(also, I really need to explore these boards some more...I didn't realize just how much else was here other than specific show discussions...)


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On 3/18/2017 at 5:31 PM, shanndee said:

I have a question for @walnutqueen (or anyone else who has multiple cats, some of which have been outdoor).

Hubby and I fostered, then adopted a young female that had been hit by a car in October. She had to have a front leg amputated due to a horrible infection. She also had a really bad case of mastitis (she had had kittens 8 weeks earlier). It is unclear if the severity of the mastitis was the result of "just" late treatment or it was complicated from the leg infection.

Long story short (I know, too late!) she has recovered really well, is super active, eats well, and is always getting into mischief...but the mastitis still lingers. The SPCA vet told us it takes a "long time" to clear and nothing I find on the 'net answers my questions. I don't really want to go to our new vet to be told to just keep an eye on it.

So, one mammary gland continues to be swollen. Well, more like it is just loose skin now. It is soft, she has no pain, she allows us to touch it but has started to refuse to sit for the warm compresses (hasn't let us do that for months now). 

Should I take het to the vet, or is this loose skin/swelling simply a permanent part of her?

Thanks cat people!

You could ask at http://www.thecatsite.com - I think that was it. I found a cat site last year, when I was googling for FIV (my former ferals who have been in my life since they were around four weeks old - in 2013 - are positive for FIV, and I almost lost one last October). 

I used to be a member of all kinds of pet groups. I wish I could remember them. 

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I'm super dorky today. Going to the Price is Right. Not the real, real one but some traveling show which they claim do give prizes, like you could win a car but I'm guessing nowhere near the big prizes. We made shirts. We are such goobers.

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The show was fun and you knew ahead of time you don't get the super big prizes. But they do have trips and you could win a car. But....omg the final thing was such a rip off! First, nothing was cumulative. Every round was fresh new people. Even the spinning wheel, new people hadn't won a game to spin. If you didn't spin a dollar it was basically a bust. The top number was 85 cents and they were the "winner" and only got $250. Then they don't go to the showcase showdown. Showcase was even just 2 random people who had not won to get on stage. Had not won a game. Had not spun the wheel. They bid on 1 showcase. Apple computer, BBQ grill, trip to Hawaii, Segway and a Hyundai Accent. All right. Everybody bid. 

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Not sure where to post this so...I was looking for an audible book and found A Borrowed World by Franklin Horton.  Apocalypse without zombies and SO much better than WD.  Informative and scary.  In fact tomorrow I am going to a Survivor Expo tomorrow here in Richmond VA.

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I'm getting excited for my Saul return and Legion was good, didn't understand a frikkin thing but I liked it.

Last night opening a can of chile I sliced open a finger. So gross, I'm proud of myself that I didn't panic, usually I'm ok with other people's blood but my own gets me woozy. I popped it like a cherry tomato and just went "towel", slapped 3 bandaids on and elevated my hand. It'll be a fun week not touching anything and trying to do everything with my left hand.

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Once upon a time I was left handed. I was one of those kids they "converted", my father swears up and down that he didn't instruct anyone to do it. (he was left handed and his mother told him that meant the devil was in him)  I remember getting a smack if I was coloring with my left hand. and I know that to this day I'm very klutzy, in gym they always asked if you were right or left handed cuz for baseball you'd bat on that side or basketball you want to lead with that foot and I've always been uncoordinated and I think it's because I answered "right" when I shoulda been left. Til about 4th grade my handwriting was about the same with both hands.

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6 hours ago, nachomama said:

Once upon a time I was left handed. I was one of those kids they "converted"

They tried that with me.  It didn't take.  Second grade teacher would bust my left with a ruler any time she saw me doing anything - writing, drawing, EATING - leading with my left.  She broke over 40 rulers across the back of my hand that school year - and not the cheap plastic ones, the wood ones with the metal strip - and it didn't make a bit of difference.  And I hope she paid for every one of the damn things out of her own pocket.

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3 hours ago, Nashville said:

And I hope she paid for every one of the damn things out of her own pocket.

I hope she paid for them with pieces of her soul.

Who remembers in school being made to sing even when you couldn't sing? I still have bad memories of our music teacher, Miss Legge (we also had a Miss Foote and a Miss Head) going around the classroom making everyone sing a line as I sat there in terror, sweating and expecting total humiliation when she got to me. In those days, kids couldn't even comandeer all public media sites to complain about how they were made to feel "uncomfortable" because, well, basically, the opinions of eight-year olds never made the evening news and no one gave a shit. We just had to get over it.

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18 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

I hope she paid for them with pieces of her soul.

Who remembers in school being made to sing even when you couldn't sing? I still have bad memories of our music teacher, Miss Legge (we also had a Miss Foote and a Miss Head) going around the classroom making everyone sing a line as I sat there in terror, sweating and expecting total humiliation when she got to me. In those days, kids couldn't even comandeer all public media sites to complain about how they were made to feel "uncomfortable" because, well, basically, the opinions of eight-year olds never made the evening news and no one gave a shit. We just had to get over it.

Oh god.  I pretended singing, and the teacher decided that day to come right up on me lip synching.  It was like I pooped in his shoe, he was so offended.  

in 2010, we had a really hard time in Florida coming out of the recession, so I took a horrible call center job.  The person doing our onboarding tried to force us to fucking dance to that stupid Alicia Keys New York song, because of course she was from NY, where everyone is the most successful people on the planet.  Except her dumb ass was in Florida, trying to humiliate a bunch of desperate people who were forced to take an $11.75 per hour job.  Bitch.  I sat and drummed my fingers, and everyone else did too, one by one.  Sadist.  And it was Comcast.  Hell and back in one long miserable year.

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22 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

force us to fucking dance to that stupid Alicia Keys New York song, because of course she was from NY

Never heard of her or it so looked it up. Had to turn it off quickly since it nearly made my eardrums implode. How does one dance to that? Did you have to do something very artistic?  Are there really people sitting around thinking up ways to torture those in dire need of money and are unable to say no?

I think someone must have had a word with Miss Legge, because after only humiliating, traumatizing and degrading half the class, she switched to all of us being able to sing en masse for her to grade. Of course I, like you, lip-synched while heaving a great sigh of relief. Funny the things you remember.

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I pretended to play the French horn in band. I knew I sucked. Didn't want to be the one bleating during a rest in pomp n circumstance at graduation so I just pretended to hit my notes. No one ever made me sing though. Thank dog. We all would have bled to death out of the ears by now. 

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Remember fire drills? Had your designated spot in the safety zone and either held hands or had a buddy? My question is when we had a "drill" and they just had us put our heads down on desks.  Ummmm what did that protect us from? Was that In case of apocalypse and just keep us calm before we die? Even getting under a desk is pointless but we had to just put heads down. 

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On 4/8/2017 at 9:52 PM, nachomama said:

Remember fire drills? Had your designated spot in the safety zone and either held hands or had a buddy? My question is when we had a "drill" and they just had us put our heads down on desks.  Ummmm what did that protect us from? Was that In case of apocalypse and just keep us calm before we die? Even getting under a desk is pointless but we had to just put heads down. 

Carry-over from the '50s-'60s, when (a) schoolrooms were regularly constructed with a HECKUVA lot more windows in classrooms than is common nowadays, and (b) the primary scenario for disaster drills was Russian A-bombs.  The head-down was to protect eyes and face from flying glass if the windows were blown in by the shock wave from a bomb blast.

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There was a fire drill at my last job. It wasn't nearly as much fun as in school, since we had to walk down 32 flights of stairs. I had no idea what that does to one's calf muscles. "Hol-leee shit!" I could barely stand the next day.

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Stairs are no joke, went to NYC and those subway stairs completely locked down my calf muscles.

I thought putting our heads down was kinda happy hour for teachers. We make them crazy all day so they got a lil flask tucked away. They declare "put your heads down" time and they take a nip.

I haven't watched "Better Call Saul" yet so I'm avoiding spoiler zones.

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On 4/6/2017 at 2:34 PM, Nashville said:

They tried that with me.  It didn't take.  Second grade teacher would bust my left with a ruler any time she saw me doing anything - writing, drawing, EATING - leading with my left.  She broke over 40 rulers across the back of my hand that school year - and not the cheap plastic ones, the wood ones with the metal strip - and it didn't make a bit of difference.  And I hope she paid for every one of the damn things out of her own pocket.

When I went to Kindergarten in the late 70's my teacher would put my arm in a sling so that I didn't use my left hand and I wasn't allowed to take it off.  WTF

I'm glad now though because I am completely ambidextrous and started using my left hand again after I told my parents (at the end of the year) what my teacher did.  Back then you just assumed everything adults told you was correct so I never thought to tell my mom and dad what was going on.  No wonder so many kids were preyed upon back then! 

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My washing machine decided to die this week, he was old but damn I sure don't have the money to replace him. So I've got a guy coming Friday to see if he can be repaired. Last night I set about cleaning under appliances because, dog forbid, the fixit man judge me on dryer sheets and dust bunnies under the washing machine. (the dishwasher has also not been rinsing so there's a lot of dishes too, JUDGE AWAY!) I'm gonna have him look at that too but if it's dead I aint replacing any time soon.

So I discovered my cat is freaky. I know he likes q-tips, digs them out of the trash, plays hockey with them, chews off all the cotton. Didn't know he was hoarding them under the washer. Actually, I'm sure he just lost them under there. Whenever I move furniture I find toys, the door to the attic, anything small he can lose, he pushes under a tight space. I just had no idea the sheer numbers of q-tips! On one hand, no dead rodents, but it's very ugly under there. I may have improved my refridgerators performance though! The vent underneath was fuzzy so I just cleaned everything down there.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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I grew up in Canada.  We didn't have bomb drills.


On 4/11/2017 at 10:38 AM, kj4ever said:

When I went to Kindergarten in the late 70's my teacher would put my arm in a sling so that I didn't use my left hand and I wasn't allowed to take it off.  WTF

I'm glad now though because I am completely ambidextrous and started using my left hand again after I told my parents (at the end of the year) what my teacher did.  Back then you just assumed everything adults told you was correct so I never thought to tell my mom and dad what was going on.  No wonder so many kids were preyed upon back then! 

I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous. 


On 4/13/2017 at 5:48 AM, nachomama said:

My washing machine decided to die this week, he was old but damn I sure don't have the money to replace him. So I've got a guy coming Friday to see if he can be repaired. Last night I set about cleaning under appliances because, dog forbid, the fixit man judge me on dryer sheets and dust bunnies under the washing machine. (the dishwasher has also not been rinsing so there's a lot of dishes too, JUDGE AWAY!) I'm gonna have him look at that too but if it's dead I aint replacing any time soon.

So I discovered my cat is freaky. I know he likes q-tips, digs them out of the trash, plays hockey with them, chews off all the cotton. Didn't know he was hoarding them under the washer. Actually, I'm sure he just lost them under there. Whenever I move furniture I find toys, the door to the attic, anything small he can lose, he pushes under a tight space. I just had no idea the sheer numbers of q-tips! On one hand, no dead rodents, but it's very ugly under there. I may have improved my refridgerators performance though! The vent underneath was fuzzy so I just cleaned everything down there.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

My house would surely fall down if it weren't for the dust bunnies, cobwebs and cat hairballs holding it all together.  Woe and betide any repairman who dare to enter here!  :-)

My Beanie Baby used to obsess over playing hockey with Sobe bottle caps.  He'd carry them in his mouth (which made him look like Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs), and bat them relentlessly under every piece of furniture i owned.  He's been gone for years, but I still find the occasional stray cap and cry like a fuckin' baby.

Edited by walnutqueen
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