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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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OMG being forced to watch live television with commercials is my worst nightmare! I'd rather face a zombie apocalypse! I happened to catch something midway through and it had the option of backing up to the beginning but it removed the ff or rewind options. I hit ff at least 6 times. 


Back to cooking rat on a stick! wheeeeeee zombie week

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OMG being forced to watch live television with commercials is my worst nightmare!


I used to watch old classic shows, commercial free, on Encore. A typical one-hour show had between five and eight minutes of ads. Now, it's up to nearly 20. I never watch commercials. They make me irrational, screaming "SHUT UP SHUT SHUT UP!" at the screen and then muting the sound. But I can still see the ridiculous clowns shrieking with orgasmic glee over toilet bowl cleaners so I have to leave the room and sometimes I sorta kinda forget to come back and miss what I was watching.


Commercials suck.

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Yea, I refuse to watch commercials. I generally use my DVR, but if I'm watching something live I either switch to something else during a commercial or mute it and read. With TWD, we record it and then start watching at about 8:15. That way we can FF ALL commercials and not really lose the pace of the show. I refuse to sit there and wait for a commercial to be over with this show. It would lose all momentum. Plus, starting at 8:15 gives my kids a good 20-30 minutes to calm down and not be bugging me during "My Show". 

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I refuse to sit there and wait for a commercial to be over with this show. It would lose all momentum.


Seriously. In the bad ol' days when I let commercials roll they would sometimes last so long I couldn't remember what happened last in the show, never mind lose momentum. And yeah, you get to a crucial moment and are jarred out of it by big mouthed morons yelling about laxatives and erectile disfunction. Takes me right out of the mood.

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I marathon so much crap now that commercials do kill my wood. Always start a show 15 minutes in, I see commercials accidently when I first turn the tv on and before I settle for whatever. And if it's not walking dead I can let several episodes stack so that I can really get on a roll. But without commercials I sometimes miss things I want to know, such as when things start back up, like Vikings, or something I watch infrequently. I'm watching Z Nation, don't judge.

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Yea, last season was the only one we watched as it aired - we had spent the previous summer marathonning seasons 1-3. So when the time was approaching I had to sit down with my husband and have a serious discussion about the WAY we would watch it. I have issues, I truly do. 

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We haven't watched commercials in years. I can't imagine life without the ability to FF commercials. I love watching things on Netflix. We watch the show day-after for a variety of reasons, and that's hard! This Sunday, we'll be traveling. I don't know if our hotel will have it or not. The horror.

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I'm in Australia so we don't view in real time and I can't imagine watching this show with commercials either.

So excited about the new season! I made the decision after last season to watch this one without spoilers so have been staying away in case I get too anxious and give in to temptation.

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 This Sunday, we'll be traveling. I don't know if our hotel will have it or not.

You're traveling? Wow! And your hotel may not have it!  red alert! ... Avert your eyes from those newspapers boxes where they have "light news" up to the side of the main headline---sometimes they put entertainment news there, and USA will put a TV headline in bold print center. I don't know if you're going by car or plane or train but it is fraught with peril!---can you imagine getting almost all the way there and some big blowhard walks by your seat or your table in a diner and yells to his friends "Hey can you believe Carl killed Rick & Michonne & Glenn & Maggie and ran away with Gareth, and Eugene accidentally shot Daryl last night on TWD?

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You're traveling? Wow! And your hotel may not have it!  red alert! ... Avert your eyes from those newspapers boxes where they have "light news" up to the side of the main headline---sometimes they put entertainment news there, and USA will put a TV headline in bold print center. I don't know if you're going by car or plane or train but it is fraught with peril!---can you imagine getting almost all the way there and some big blowhard walks by your seat or your table in a diner and yells to his friends "Hey can you believe Carl killed Rick & Michonne & Glenn & Maggie and ran away with Gareth, and Eugene accidentally shot Daryl last night on TWD?

I know! That's the worst part. Avoiding the "media." Scrolling through my facebook feed the day after and trying to avoid spoilers before we watch. We will be at Disney...I guess I'll be all, "Kids! Tell Mickey goodbye! Mommy has to get back to the hotel to watch her stories!" (Surely they will have AMC...but I don't know if we'll even be in the room and settled to watch it. Ack.)


ETA: another bad thing is hearing the common viewer talk about it. I could hear some people talking about the show last night at my kid's soccer game. There was no shipping or googly eyes over Daryl, but you just never know what inane comment you might hear and then feel you have to correct. Ha. I mean, if they aren't here, going into the depth we do, they can't be trusted! ;)

Edited by mandolin
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We will be at Disney...I guess I'll be all, "Kids! Tell Mickey goodbye! Mommy has to get back to the hotel to watch her stories!" (Surely they will have AMC...but I don't know if we'll even be in the room and settled to watch it. Ack.)


mandolin - that's an easy one.  Go early so the kiddos have a fun day.  Then slip them some Bendryl in the afternoon (the allure of those overpriced souvenir cups mask the taste).  Problem solved,

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ETA: another bad thing is hearing the common viewer talk about it. I could hear some people talking about the show last night at my kid's soccer game. There was no shipping or googly eyes over Daryl, but you just never know what inane comment you might hear and then feel you have to correct. Ha. I mean, if they aren't here, going into the depth we do, they can't be trusted! ;)


Oh, so agree! I cannot deal with, "Oh, you like Walking Dead? Isn't Daryl hot?" Gah. 


Another thing that drives me crazy is when people try to talk comics. The other day at the zoo my Zombie Apocalypse Survival Team messenger bag sparked a conversation with this guy, but then he suddenly started saying, "I can't wait until ___ comes along" and was going off on this whole comic tangent. I don't read the comics, and I know the show does not always follow them, but I still want no comic spoilers! So I literally covered my ears and started singing until he got the hint. LOL


I hope you find a way to watch this Sunday. Maybe you could ask the people at Disney to set up a big screen and air it in the park? Haha!

Edited by ghoulina
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Great ideas! "Overpriced souvenir cup." Hee.


I do read the comics, but I always ask, "Have you read the comics?" and then tailor my conversation accordingly. 


Maybe they can project the episode onto Cinderella's castle. It is Halloween time after all. 

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Once the season starts I can spoil the crap out of myself without feeling bad, but I like my premiere to be like my virginal wedding night. All squeals and excitement. (yeah right). And I would love to read the comics but to start now would be expensive. Someone bought my friend the whole compendium but I'm poor so for now I watch free tv and accept them as 2 different entities.

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. We will be at Disney...

Disney?! Disneyland or Disneyworld?

Disneyworld is close to Universal which right now is absolutely engulfed in Halloween Horror Nights Featuring the Walking Dead...if you're in Orlando you will be surrounded by TWD fans, costumes, conversation, even the freakin weatherman can't resist throwing it in .Lots of luck!

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Disney World. Yep. I didn't realize what was going on at Universal until earlier this week! I (duh) didn't realize that's where the premiere was shown. We aren't leaving Disney World proper, so we won't be exposed to it hopefully. As much as I love TWD, I do not love haunted houses, etc. As far as I'm concerned, episode 5x01 doesn't happen until Monday night when we are back home. What a coincidence though. Heh. And I'll be sure to avoid the weatherman Monday morning. ;)


Oh, and nachomama, check your library for the comics if you are interested. Mine sometimes carries the volumes, and if not, I bet you could request them. You could also read the Kirkman books about the Governor's backstory. They aren't half bad (but they are comic based, not show.)

Edited by mandolin
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Well, I survived meditation class.  One down, four to go.  I was exactly as awful at it as I thought I would be.  Everyone else is meditating away and I'm looking around, quietly playing with my bracelet, wondering what's going to happen on this season of The Walking Dead, looking out the window at the rain and then slowly going out of my mind because I've run out of things to think about.  The agoraphobia kicked in and I started feeling like I was never going to get out of there.  And that was the first ten minutes.  The guided meditations actually worked better for me because my brain wasn't free-ranging but I still had the attention span of a toddler unfortunately.  My room mate's seriously into it though.  This was like putting her training wheels back on.  She's vegetarian, into Raj Yoga (the spiritual side rather than the poses) and all about selfless service.  And apparently celibacy is the surest way to connect with the Divine.  My room mate and I don't have much in common; it's amazing we're getting along so well.  I'm going back next week because I refuse to be that bad at something!

Edited by Irishmaple
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Here's the thought that will help you during yoga, your calm meditatey, vegan roommate is the first one gonna be eaten in the apocalypse. You will outlast her because you are alert and your mind is sharp! You will Otis her ass in a heartbeat (this is not always a bad thing, it's survival people). 


celibacy? no nonononoooo no shag like bunnies!

Edited by nachomama
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I think I'm getting warped because I'm actually wishing for a ZA.

I remember they once interviewed celebrities to ask: "What would you do if you found out the world was going to end in 24 hours?"

and Ellen Barkin said "Break into the nearest pharmacy and get high as a kite."


I think about it when I have to bite my tongue for the bazillionth time the supermarket bagger puts the cans on top of my bread or I call Geek Squad and get some IT guy in Bangladesh or my boss calls me at 5 o'clock in the morning to say "Oh I forgot, it's your day off".

The nice thing would be to have them all turn so I could just put them down and not get in any trouble for it!


I'm experiencing a growing envy of just throwing shit anywhere you want, stealing anything that isn't red-hot and nailed down, screwing anybody with a pulse just for the hell of it and getting jacked out of my mind on a pharmacy run.


Perhaps I should start watching the Hallmark Channel.



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Just wanted to take this moment before the 6 months drought officially ends...and say how glad I am to see familiar names who have stuck it out, familiar names that are so good to see again after too long, and new names we'll have fun with for Season 5!

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I'm back in the city!  I made it.  No egg salad necessary.  Bring on Season 5. 


As per Thanksgiving, I ate too much, drank too much and barely moved off the couch so I need to get back into training.  I had a lovely time in the (zombie-free) barn feeding carrots to horses and treats to cats, although the turnover rate of barn cats is kind of sad.  All of the ones I trained to accept cat treats from my hand are gone now, casualties of the nearby road or of natural predators - there are coyotes in the area.  I've lived in the city for so long that seeing stars in the sky is a novelty.  There isn't a lot of ambient light by the farm so I think I saw more stars on Saturday night than I've seen all year.  It was pretty spectacular.  I'm not convinced I could live there though, not without satellite TV (no cable there) and Amazon delivery (no bookstore or library either)  I don't need much, but TV, books and no driving are musts!  

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I'm so excited for this season! But I cut the cord this summer so I can't watch untl I get my Amazon instant video tomorrow. How am I going to control myself and stay away from the episode thread? AARRGGHH!!!

You are so brave. I have been threatening to cut the cord for a long time, even bought a smart tv. One day I will actually do it (I hope). 

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I bought a Mohu Leaf indoor antenna so I can watch football and Jeopardy! I kicked those asshats at Comcast to the curb, got CenturyLink for internet access and watch my other shows on Amazon and it's saving me a pile of money every month.

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I second, kikismom. I'm so glad to see my favorite posters have signed up over here; discussing the show would not be the same without all of you. And there's some great new posters too. I'm so excited. Bring it on, walkers!!!

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I'm back in the city!  I made it.  No egg salad necessary.  Bring on Season 5. 


As per Thanksgiving, I ate too much, drank too much and barely moved off the couch so I need to get back into training.  I had a lovely time in the (zombie-free) barn feeding carrots to horses and treats to cats, although the turnover rate of barn cats is kind of sad.  All of the ones I trained to accept cat treats from my hand are gone now, casualties of the nearby road or of natural predators - there are coyotes in the area.  I've lived in the city for so long that seeing stars in the sky is a novelty.  There isn't a lot of ambient light by the farm so I think I saw more stars on Saturday night than I've seen all year.  It was pretty spectacular.  I'm not convinced I could live there though, not without satellite TV (no cable there) and Amazon delivery (no bookstore or library either)  I don't need much, but TV, books and no driving are musts!  

Sounds wonderful!  I spent the afternoon watching another baby calf born; mama cleaning and his first feeding. Maybe a good omen or ...just plain good!  I couldn't live without books or tv, but I couldn't live where I couldn't see the stars at night. I guess I'm an indoor/outdoor cat! (nothin' sadder than me :-D ).

Glad you made it back in time--omigawd less than 1 hour!

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Help a WD newbie out. I caught up on WD during a marathon about a year ago but was only half way paying attention so missed why Carol was persona non grata with Rick and the others. I know she killed the crazy girl but what else happened??? Thanx!

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Help a WD newbie out. I caught up on WD during a marathon about a year ago but was only half way paying attention so missed why Carol was persona non grata with Rick and the others. I know she killed the crazy girl but what else happened??? Thanx!


Almost 3000, read the Carol thread. It's short but contains the reason right on the first page (two separate posts). For that stated reason, Rick decided to banish her from the group, because he perceived her as being a threat to the group as a whole.

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I'm back in the city!  I made it.  No egg salad necessary.  Bring on Season 5. 


As per Thanksgiving, I ate too much, drank too much and barely moved off the couch so I need to get back into training.  I had a lovely time in the (zombie-free) barn feeding carrots to horses and treats to cats, although the turnover rate of barn cats is kind of sad.  All of the ones I trained to accept cat treats from my hand are gone now, casualties of the nearby road or of natural predators - there are coyotes in the area.  I've lived in the city for so long that seeing stars in the sky is a novelty.  There isn't a lot of ambient light by the farm so I think I saw more stars on Saturday night than I've seen all year.  It was pretty spectacular.  I'm not convinced I could live there though, not without satellite TV (no cable there) and Amazon delivery (no bookstore or library either)  I don't need much, but TV, books and no driving are musts!  

It sounds like a good place to live in a zombie apocalypse. Just set up fencing that diverts the zombies away, and some kind of deterrent for humans...

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Almost 3000, read the Carol thread. It's short but contains the reason right on the first page (two separate posts). For that stated reason, Rick decided to banish her from the group, because he perceived her as being a threat to the group as a whole.

Thx! I should have thought of that. I was wrapped up in reading the "No Sanctuary" thread and didn't want to derail it.
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SWEET MOTHER OF MIRTH WE ARE BACK. I shall take myself to episode threads but wanted to express my glee. Had to last minute call satellit company and wheel and deal because I just couldn't stand to not have AMC. Watched a lot of the marathon so I was well ensconced in walker world. So now friday-Saturday-Sunday I hope to be in the same room with many of these people. I would like good questions to ask if I were able to. So input is good. 

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For anyone keeping score: two meditation classes down, a couple to go.  It wasn't raining so I didn't have that to entertain me, but there was a different group leader and I found her far more engaging than last week's guy.  She spoke about challenging our thoughts and adjusting from a negative attitude to a positive one.  Given that my attitude was: I do not want to be here, significant adjustment was required!  And after the long, long day I just put in, I'm consciously trying to adjust from negative to positive before I start pulling my hair out.  Next week's topic is silence.  Since I'm the woman who never shuts up and always has music/TV/laptop on the go (sometimes all at the same time!) I am basically a stranger to the concept of silence.  Should be interesting.

Edited by Irishmaple
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For anyone keeping score: two meditation classes down, a couple to go.  It wasn't raining so I didn't have that to entertain me, but there was a different group leader and I found her far more engaging than last week's guy.  She spoke about challenging our thoughts and adjusting from a negative attitude to a positive one.  Given that my attitude was: I do not want to be here, significant adjustment was required!  And after the long, long day I just put in, I'm consciously trying to adjust from negative to positive before I start pulling my hair out.  Next week's topic is silence.  Since I'm the woman who never shuts up and always has music/TV/laptop on the go (sometimes all at the same time!) I am basically a stranger to the concept of silence.  Should be interesting.

Meditation stresses me out...lol  I think I thrive on stress.

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Apropos of nothing, I would just like to share that I woke up this morning out of a dream where I was in the car stuck on the way to the veterinary college, and there were hundreds approaching but they weren't walkers. They were those Russell Stover chocolate/orange cream pumpkins in the foil wrappers with the jack-o-lantern faces on the front.They were marching en masse and smiling at me.

It doesn't mean anything. I'm just sharing.

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I remember Doom saying bye before TWoP closed but he didn't mention whether or not he'd drop by over here.  He was on the original TWoP thread before we even had a forum so I hope he's lurking.  Maybe if we say his name enough times, he'll appear?   

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