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Small Talk: The Quiver


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My question with the 100 is, if they are supposed to be a unified combination of other countries, why do they all sound American? Why can't they let the actors use their natural accents? Being that they are British and Australian both English speaking countries. Do they think the CW crowd would be turned off by other accents? For most accents make people hotter. 


With that said, anyone checking out iZombie tonight? It's from Rob Thomas the creator of Veronica Mars. See Arrow EP's if I enjoy a shows run, I will follow the EP to check out their new shows. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Also checking out iZombie, I'm actually kinda hyped, it has Rob Thomas, good reviews and a nice cast (I know Rose McIver from Once and David Anders from lots of stuff).


Sakura, The 100 gets MUCH better in season 2. I'd say this is almost Parks&Recreation level of improvement. I mean, season 1 was not that bad except for the typical CW stuff (which I suspect was forced by the network - I mean love triangles and stuff really distracted me from the more interesting storylines), but s2 is just on another level.

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I'm definitely checking out iZombie. Been waiting ages for it to pitch up. Big fan of VM so looking forward to this.


And in other news that not many people are bothered about, but I'm stupidly happy about, Hindsight has been renewed for a second season. Yay!

Hindsight is an awesome show!! The soundtrack & music they play alone makes it worthwhile. Plus I always think shows that have protagonist go back in time are pretty interesting psychological exploration shows. I mean its fascinating to think if only I could go back in time and change this one decision everything would be better. But its not the case, all you do is create a change, sometimes there is no way to tell if it will be good or bad. . Even the minor decisions can change the outcome of somethings so drastically. So its funny to watch these shows, it really can make you wonder and think about your own life. That feels very deep & introspective for a vh1 show... But I totally recommend it, makes great binge watch too.

Edited by kismet
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And in other news that not many people are bothered about, but I'm stupidly happy about, Hindsight has been renewed for a second season. Yay!


I'm actually very happy about that because the ending of the last episode was not very satisfying!  Another one that I'm hoping is renewed is Eye Candy.  Not a masterpiece to be sure, but I found it entertaining.

I'm also watching The Walking Dead and I have to say that Norman Reedus' rise on that show has been like EBR's on Arrow.  NR's character, Daryl Dixon, first appeared in season 1 as part of the group and he could easily have been killed off that season.  NR's name first appeared in the string of second tier cast credits in the opening title sequence.  But NR added nuances and his own back story to his portrayal of Daryl.  That character is now one of the most popular on TWD and NR's name is now second in the opening credits (following Andrew Lincoln).

Edited by tv echo

If anyone is interested in what Kristin Kreuk is like when she's not Lana Lang, she's currently on the for panelists on Canada Reads this week, which is like Survivor  but with books.  I think she's one of the better debaters, along with human rights activist Craig Keilburger.   She made a really good argument for her book Intolerable, today.  Other panelists are musician  Martha Wainwright, Cameron Bailley, the director of the Toronto International Film Festival, and Lainey Liu, Vancouver gossip columnist.


You may remember Liu was the one who posted the Hallowe'en picture of EBR captioning it was an unidentified woman.  (After two days of debate, my friends and I dislike her a lot because she doesn't listen to other people, she tries to beat them into the ground.)

My question with the 100 is, if they are supposed to be a unified combination of other countries, why do they all sound American? Why can't they let the actors use their natural accents? Being that they are British and Australian both English speaking countries. Do they think the CW crowd would be turned off by other accents? For most accents make people hotter. 


With that said, anyone checking out iZombie tonight? It's from Rob Thomas the creator of Veronica Mars. See Arrow EP's if I enjoy a shows run, I will follow the EP to check out their new shows. 

As for the accent question, maybe we are supposed to believe that over a number of generations that the accents all amalgamated into one generic version which for the sake of simplicity sounds like an American accent?  I imagine whatever station had the most resources got to make the rules and it would make sense to have one common language and not saying the US would automatically be in charge  but it's a US based show so that bias would automatically be there.  Given the lack of real diversity, one really questions if some countries even made it into space or perhaps the show runners theorize there was some kind of disaster among some of the stations before they banded together.


Interesting questions.  I watched season one with no expectations of it making a lot of sense.  I watched because it kept my attention but season two has raised my expectation of the show. 

For anyone that is interesting: Suprnatural Vegas Con should be You-Tubed. So many cast members and I'm pretty sure they were all drunk. Timothy Omundson singing Let It Go in purple velvet. Jensen Ackles singing Sister Christian by request of guest Jeffery Dean Morgan. Jared and Jensen Hula Hooping. Seriously. That's just some of what they were doing.

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I truly hate zombies--I'm tired of them as a cultural phenomenon AND I find them repulsive on a visceral level (which I know, you're supposed to, but it's not an enjoyable feeling when consuming culture). So Rob Thomas is just about the only thing that could make me watch something with zombie anything, and I did. I liked it, but wow, yeah, that was Zombie Veronica Mars. There were differences, of course, but enough similarities to feel a little eerie. I assume it will stop feeling like that after awhile. And from the critics who've seen more episodes, it sounds like David Anders is actually the thing they like best, so that's promising too.

I actually also don't care for zombies. I don't watch zombie movies and I've found The Walking Dead horribly boring (at least the pilot, couldn't force myself to watch more). But this show isn't really about zombies. It's about Liv and her struggles, imo. Well, Rob Thomas does promise a more extensive mythology, but overall, it's a dramedy mixed with crime procedural that just happens to feature a main character who's a zombie.


Also waiting for David Anders, love the actor and the character seems to have potential from what I've heard.

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I've actually never watched Veronica Mars so I don't have anything to compare it, but iZombie was pretty much what I expected from the commercials. It was perfectly enjoyable though not exactly ground breaking or anything. It's the kind of show I will watch because it's kinda fun, but would have no problem forgetting about if something I was actively looking forward to came on at the same time.

Here's some of it...

For anyone that is interesting: Suprnatural Vegas Con should be You-Tubed. So many cast members and I'm pretty sure they were all drunk. Timothy Omundson singing Let It Go in purple velvet. Jensen Ackles singing Sister Christian by request of guest Jeffery Dean Morgan. Jared and Jensen Hula Hooping. Seriously. That's just some of what they were doing.

Watch Jensen Ackles Sing the Hell Out of Some Classic Rock Songs
(video is about 12 minutes long, group song followed by JA solo)


He's come a long way since Dark Angel 2...

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It's not that surprising, they took the initiative to get rid of the the showrunner that tanked the show, so they had to be willing to give it another chance with someone else at the reins. 


I finally watched the last two episodes and I did enjoy it. I liked seeing the parallel to the pilot with Abbie as the person in the different time. I loved Ben Franklin immediately believing her because of logic. The way she dressed and the way she talks she couldn't possibly be a woman from the 1800's. 

Edited by Sakura12
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It's not that surprising, they took the initiative to get rid of the the showrunner that tanked the show, so they had to be willing to give it another chance with someone else at the reins. 


I finally watched the last two episodes and I did enjoy it. I liked seeing the parallel to the pilot with Abbie as the person in the different time. I loved Ben Franklin immediately believing her because of logic. The way she dressed and the way she talks she couldn't possibly be a woman from the 1800's. 

I never watched past the first episode (not my cup of tea) but I love the image of Ben Franklin just rolling with time travel rather than assuming she's cra cra. 

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This news caught me by surprise... Maggie Q is engaged to Dylan McDermott

I had no idea he divorced his wife gardenia rose or whatever, BUT it's interesting that Maggie Q hooked up with him on set, since Lainey Liu had BI about what an asshole Maggie was on the Nikita set hooking up with whoever she wanted (including Shane West) regardless if they were married or not and shoved it in the face of a crew members wife.


I loved iZombie, I thought it was Veronica Mars-esque, but also had enough of it's own identity, Liv is inherently more open and squishy (like the brains she eats) than Veronica ever was. I saw someone crack on her full zombie look, but I liked it a lot,I can pretty much only deal with Zombies in a comedic context: Zombieland, Shaun of the Dead, v. The Walking Dead which bores me to tears.

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I had no idea he divorced his wife gardenia rose or whatever, BUT it's interesting that Maggie Q hooked up with him on set, since Lainey Liu had BI about what an asshole Maggie was on the Nikita set hooking up with whoever she wanted (including Shane West) regardless if they were married or not and shoved it in the face of a crew members wife.


Ha!  When I heard the news that Maggie Q was engaged to Dylan McDermott, I thought of that blind item.  Here it is if anyone is curious:




I mean, I don't know if it's true, but if it is, damn.

I recently started watching Vikings and I really like the character of Lagertha, who's played by Katheryn Winnick.  Did you know that in real life, KW is a martial artist who got her black belt at age 13, as well as a licensed bodyguard?  No wonder her fighting scenes are so awesome.  I loved how Lagertha divorced Ragnar after he cheated on her and got another woman pregnant, and then wanted to have two wives!  Then Lagertha becomes an Earl in her own right.

It's interesting how one role will completely suit a person, and another not.  There were a lot of complaints about Katheryn Winnick when she did the House episodes One Day, One Room but Legertha seems made for her.


I have many many MANY issues with Lainey Liu,

If you don't like Lainey Liu, come sit by me because she just ruined this year's Canada Reads, something I look forward to all year.  She was such a bully.

Katheryn Winnick is a prime example of an actor that found the right role. I've seen Katheryn Winnick in other things and thought she was terrible (despite being a real life badass), but in Vikings she's amazing and my favorite character on that show. Some actors fail horribly when they are in the wrong role but can flourish when they find a role that suits them.

All of this talk of Vikings kind of makes me want to watch, but I'm not sure that I could handle the blood and gore.


Here's an interesting short article that I just read about film co-stars who hated each other  http://www.pajiba.com/celebrities_are_better_than_you/costars-who-violently-hated-each-other-on-the-set-of-their-films.php

Edited by SonofaBiscuit
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Here's an interesting short article that I just read about film co-stars who hated each other  http://www.pajiba.com/celebrities_are_better_than_you/costars-who-violently-hated-each-other-on-the-set-of-their-films.php


That Wesley Snipes story had me laughing so much. No wonder it seemed like Blade was barely in a Blade movie.

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Vikings is really not that gorey. They are bloodied after battles but during the battles they don't show that much.

I will have to say the stunt coordinator on that show is good too. Each battle looks different even when they have tons of people in them.

The whole reason I started watching show is because I'm half Viking. I know it's not historically accurate. It's still a fun show.


ETA: I'm watching the second season of the 100, man am I glad they got rid of whathisface, he was one extreme or the other there was no inbetween or transition. Both just made him the most annoying person on the show, there are a lot other contenders but he wins the prize for even making his death annoying. Also the 100 is more bloody and gorey than Vikings. 

Edited by Sakura12

I actually know quite a few Smallville fans who don't like and/or resent Felicity, because they feel she gets all this media attention that Chloe never got, and that Felicity/Oliver get all the accolades Chloe/Oliver didn't. Maybe Mitovich is one of those? He REALLY fanboyed Smallville a lot.

Edited by dancingnancy

I'd consider Chloe the original Felicity not because of their similar skill set and love of Oliver Queen but because of how they became more popular than the lead females (Lana and Laurel) with the fans. Smallville knew that Chloe was holding that stupid show together, that's why the could never kill her off. Arrow knows the same thing with Felicity. 

Edited by Sakura12
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It kind of baffles me that DC seem hesitant to use Chloe in the comics. She's my favourite DC character ever. She's such a great character and I want to read about her, or see her pop up in one of their current shows or movies. I want a Chloe comic that's basically Veronica Mars in Metropolis. Corruption! Investigative reporting! Meteor freaks!

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That's a ridiculous and petty reason to not like a character tbqh. I'm glad he's not the only one running that site. The women on TVline seem to be smitten with her.

Eh. I've hated characters for less, so I don't judge. I've hated a character because I don't like the way the actor's mouth move when they speak. I know that's ridiculous, but I still hated them. i kind of enjoy both sides of it from a fandom anthropology perspective. Both gratuitously hating characters , and also seeing characters I love being hated for petty reasons. I find it fascinating. And I'm not afraid to admit, sometimes hating a fictional character brings so much snark with it that it's worth it.

Eh. I've hated characters for less, so I don't judge. I've hated a character because I don't like the way the actor's mouth move when they speak. I know that's ridiculous, but I still hated them. i kind of enjoy both sides of it from a fandom anthropology perspective. Both gratuitously hating characters , and also seeing characters I love being hated for petty reasons. I find it fascinating. And I'm not afraid to admit, sometimes hating a fictional character brings so much snark with it that it's worth it.


Really??? I don't think I've ever hated a character for that. Gotten annoyed? Sure. But never hated. Has anyone else ever felt this way about a character? :p I know my sister-in-law does this with Michael from Jane the Virgin. She says that she doesn't like him because there's just 'something about him' but we both know she doesn't like him because he isn't pretty and his mouth looks kind of weird :p 

Edited by wonderwall

I don't think he hates Felicity, to be honest. I mean, I'm not him obviously - I can't read his mind. But I do get the feeling sometimes that the overly vocal sections of some fandoms start getting on his nerves at times, since he seems to be the main comment moderator. I know one group of Tiva/Ziva fans pushed him pretty much over the edge a couple of years ago.

Edited by Starfish35
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