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Small Talk: The Quiver

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 My grandmother was an English teacher and I tended to go to her house after school and she'd have me read to her, fair cause she taught me how.  Yet  I absolutely hated it, but still love reading.   It wasn't until high school when I waa getting As while sleeping or skipping English and writing classes that I realized what she was doing.   Alas,  if only she had been a fan of math...I might know how numbers work. 

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18 minutes ago, Delphi said:

 My grandmother was an English teacher and I tended to go to her house after school and she'd have me read to her, fair cause she taught me how.  Yet  I absolutely hated it, but still love reading.   It wasn't until high school when I waa getting As while sleeping or skipping English and writing classes that I realized what she was doing.   Alas,  if only she had been a fan of math...I might know how numbers work. 

  I know what you are saying.  With reading, you constantly are going back to it so the feel for words and sentence structure and mood and even punctuation is something you are constantly refreshed, but as much as I loved knowing how to make numbers work for me back in my Algebra I and II days, it's all gone now.  Use it or lose it and I lost it.  Now I can remember knowing how numbers worked but I can't do it anymore and I wish there'd been a way to make math a regular part of life like reading so that it stuck rather than just faded away before I had the chance to build on it.  

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Anyone really enjoy reading food descriptions in books as a child?

I LOVED food descriptions (still do if I am to be honest). Especially in Enid Blyton books where they had the land of goodies or midnight feasts at boarding school. 

I remember reading about blancmange and fantasizing about it for years! Then I made it as an adult and it didn't live up to my expectations.

I swear I don't remember a thing about Calculus or probability despite maths being one of the major components of my HSC (scoring system to get into uni). I've told hubby we are hiring a tutor for the kidlet when the time comes but he's confident he can still do all his HSC Maths and Chemistry! 

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1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

Anyone really enjoy reading food descriptions in books as a child?

I LOVED food descriptions (still do if I am to be honest). Especially in Enid Blyton books where they had the land of goodies or midnight feasts at boarding school. 

I remember reading about blancmange and fantasizing about it for years! Then I made it as an adult and it didn't live up to my expectations

Turkish Delight from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  I figured anything that could get a kid to betray his siblings had to be utterly fantastic.  Tried it as a teen. It did not delight me.  

I rather liked Fried Green Tomatoes though.  I'm still waiting to try the Raspberry Cordial from Anne of Green Gables.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

Turkish Delight from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.  I figured anything that could get a kid to betray his siblings had to be utterly fantastic.  Tried it as a teen. It did not delight me.  

I rather liked Fried Green Tomatoes though.  I'm still waiting to try the Raspberry Cordial from Anne of Green Gables. 

This was my exact same thought process and experience with Turkish Delight. I tried a commercial version of it (a friend brought back Fry's Turkish Delight from a trip to the UK) and was so disappointed. I tried handmade versions of it as an adult and liked them a lot more, but it still not betray-my-family-to-an-evil-witch level good. 

I want to try raspberry cordial and currant wine, to see if they really could be confused for each other. 

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What do fried green tomatoes taste like? Are they very acidic?

Cream buns aren't all that. I don't think cream goes well with sweet bun dough. 

I read the kidlet Bread and Jam for Frances this morning and made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner because the family of badgers in the story ate it for dinner and the drawing looked yummy! Gave me a craving. 

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Stay away from "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" unless you really want to get food cravings, lol. Every time I think about that book I still remember the page with the giant pancake covered in syrup, yum.

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53 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

Stay away from "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" unless you really want to get food cravings, lol. Every time I think about that book I still remember the page with the giant pancake covered in syrup, yum.

Omg you rock!!!!! I always thought this was just the movie which I haven't watched!

I googled when you said it was a book and it looks awesome!!!!!! I've ordered it for the kidlet!!!

I love my food books! The Giant Jam Sandwich is a family favourite too.

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6 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:


I swear I don't remember a thing about Calculus or probability despite maths being one of the major components of my HSC (scoring system to get into uni). I've told hubby we are hiring a tutor for the kidlet when the time comes but he's confident he can still do all his HSC Maths and Chemistry! 

Could he though?  Not that he doesn't remember how to do math,  good for him.   But in the states the way children are taught mathematics and algebra have changed so much over the past fifteen years that I have teacher friends that have had to take refresher courses just so they can teach their students in the new methods.  Though this might just be on an elementary level with the higher grade methods going unchanged. 

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1 hour ago, Delphi said:

Could he though?  Not that he doesn't remember how to do math,  good for him.   But in the states the way children are taught mathematics and algebra have changed so much over the past fifteen years that I have teacher friends that have had to take refresher courses just so they can teach their students in the new methods.  Though this might just be on an elementary level with the higher grade methods going unchanged. 

No idea!

When I did the HSC we were given questions from the 70s to practice with! They used to cross out the questions that were no longer relevant. 

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How can math questions no longer be relevant? Like do those areas of life no longer exist?

I've heard a lot of complaints about the new ways math is taught.  I get the feeling that like the new ways reading is taught, it makes it more difficult for the child.  When schools started teaching reading by sight rather than phonetics, dyslexia rates went up.  Now they don't teach cursive writing here any more, just printing, and kids are having more problems because writing in cursive develops parts of the brain that are important.

Even something as simple as crawling before walking helps brain development.  The way math and reading are taught these days makes me ragey.

17 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

With the dyslexia diagnosis, were they able to help make reading easier for your daughter?  I can't imagine where one would even start. 

I found a program that helped develop those parts of the brain. The tutor was in the north end of the city though so for two years twice a week I'd pick her up from school and she'd eat dinner in the car during the drive there, have an hour-long tutoring session, do the long drive back home and then have to do her homework when she got home, poor kid. It worked though because when she was assessed in high school, the tests didn't show that she had dyslexia.  She's still a slow reader when it comes to academic papers though.

8 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

 Use it or lose it and I lost it.  Now I can remember knowing how numbers worked but I can't do it anymore and I wish there'd been a way to make math a regular part of life like reading so that it stuck rather than just faded away before I had the chance to build on it.  

I grew up with Fahrenheit temperatures so I know that when it's 68 degrees I should probably take a sweater but now the weather reports only give them in Celsius here so I translate them in my head just as an exercise.  I also used to figure out the cost per ounce of foods when I was comparison shopping in grocery stores but the stores labels do that for me already and I'm too lazy to do it myself.

It's really hard to stay in practice with math though with calculators on everything from phones to watches.

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They abolished some of the harder parts of the syllabus @statsgirl. The maths we did was irrelevant to most of us anyway after highschool, except for those who went on to study maths/engineering courses at Uni. 

I have never used integration in real life!!!!

Interesting thing about the crawling. My friends and I all had fussy asian parents who didn't let us crawl because it was dirty. They were horrified to see our kids crawl around!

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8 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

What do fried green tomatoes taste like? Are they very acidic?

No but the quality depends on who makes it.  I've never made them myself (I don't have the patience for at home frying) but I've had them at restaurants several times and a lot of chefs screw it up.  The recipe is very simple and some chefs will respect that and work hard to make it great.  Others clearly find simple to be beneath them and either half ass it (resulting in over or under fried tomatoes) or add ingredients that just don't work.  When they're done right they taste great so give it a try if you find the right recipe.  If you're ever in the (American) South, your chances of finding quality fried green tomatoes are higher since they're a staple here.

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My nephew, age 7, has a wonderful vocabulary and loves being read to but couldn't read to save his life. The teachers said he must either have dyslexia or that he was just too lazy to read. They took him to an opthalmologist and found that when he read one eye went up and down and the other went side to side. He has to do eye exercises everyday and see the dr. once a week. His reading has greatly improved in the past six months. 

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Good for your brother for taking your nephew to an opthalmologist.  It can't be fun doing those exercises.

Happy 150th birthday Canada.  A difficult situation (the justified anger of indigenous peoples) handled with grace.

13 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I have never used integration in real life!!!!

Interesting thing about the crawling. My friends and I all had fussy asian parents who didn't let us crawl because it was dirty. They were horrified to see our kids crawl around!

I think integrating is the work of the devil.  I've never met anyone who used it in real life.

The thing about crawling is really interesting.  When my daughter was having trouble reading, one of the things they told her to do was touch her elbows to the opposite knee.  She started walking before she was crawling so she never got those neurons working.

Edited by statsgirl
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I grew up with Fahrenheit temperatures so I know that when it's 68 degrees I should probably take a sweater but now the weather reports only give them in Celsius here so I translate them in my head just as an exercise.  

Is the US the only place left that uses feet and Fahrenheit?  I remember them trying to teach Celsius and the metric system in grade school but by the time my nephews went to school, they no longer even bothered the attempt, lol.  

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According to wikipedia


Fahrenheit is used in the United States, its territories and associated states (all served by the U.S. National Weather Service), as well as the Bahamas, Belize, and the Cayman Islands for everyday applications. For example, U.S. weather forecasts, food cooking, and freezing temperatures are typically given in degrees Fahrenheit. Scientists, such as meteorologists, use Celsius or Kelvin in all countries


4 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

@statsgirl what were the signs that she had trouble reading?

When she was younger could she do all the basics etc. Was she in line with the milestones to a certain point?

Asking because I'm a paranoid mumma and it's good to watch out for things. 

You have to remember that boys tend to start speaking and reading later than girls do.

In our case, even though she had always loved being read to, she wasn't reading or writing down the stories she was making up in school.  When she was forced to write, she was mixing up 'p's and 'q's and 'b's and 'd's. At the end of grade 2, I went to her school concerned that she wasn't reading. The school replied "Don't worry, she's turning the pages along with everyone else.  She's reading ready."  At that point we changed schools.  

My mother got her Hooked on Phoenics but it was torture to try to work with her.  She was doing better in the new school (partly because it was French immersion and they taught phonics) but still not at the rate she should have been progressing so in grade 4 we took her to a psychologist for testing and that's when it was confirmed.

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@statsgirl thanks so much for answering my question.

I find these days it's hard to work out whether you're being paranoid or it's time to start looking into things. 

Mine refused to ride a tricycle when some kids his age were riding bikes without training wheels. After a while I kinda freaked out and demanded we take him to an Occupational Therapist to get checked out. Hubby who is more level headed took him to a bike trail where you could rent bikes to see what his deal was. Three weekend outings later he could ride a bike with training wheels and we bought him his own bike. 

He's still on training wheels and not that into bike riding but we figure that's just his personality. Plus I hid in the bushes at preschool drop off and he was riding the trikes there just fine. 

There is so much pressure these days for them to meet milestones and be well rounded.

Edited by Mellowyellow
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11 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Plus I hid in the bushes at preschool drop off and he was riding the trikes there just fine. 

I love this.  It's both sweet and hilarious. I now want it a Olicity fic, only with Oliver the one "hiding" in the bushes.  

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42 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

I love this.  It's both sweet and hilarious. I now want it a Olicity fic, only with Oliver the one "hiding" in the bushes.  

Haha I completely agree with you on Oliver being the one doing the hiding. Diggle can drag him home by the ear and threaten to tell Felicity.

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Okay, now I really, really want a fic with Oliver hiding in the bushes.  He's got all those Lian Yu skills after all.

11 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

There is so much pressure these days for them to meet milestones and be well rounded.

Put your fingers in your ears and refuse to be intimidated.  Especially at that age, everyone develops differently.

Your hubby sounds great. 

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Patty Murin (Colin Donnell's wife) has a fun sense of humour

Does anyone watch Hawaii-50?  Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park have both quit the show because of pay differences.  They earn 10 - 15% less and get none of the money from extras.

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SAG-AFTRA reached a deal with the AMPTP (studios) over the holiday so there will be no strike and fall TV should proceed as planned. 

17 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Patty Murin (Colin Donnell's wife) has a fun sense of humour

Her blog is great. 

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I'm trying to watch season four of the 100 on Netflix.   Good god,  I realize I'm a Lexa Stan,  but this show has become such shit.   I'm not sure there is a reason I keep pausing and watching something else.  The only thing keeping me going is the fact that the cast is talented. 

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On 7/5/2017 at 0:08 PM, statsgirl said:

Does anyone watch Hawaii-50?  Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park have both quit the show because of pay differences.  They earn 10 - 15% less and get none of the money from extras.

I'm with Team Kim/Park on this issue - Lenkov's statement below just made things worse (imo) because it just highlighted how much less they were getting in the first place. While I could see Alex O'Loughin getting paid more than the other actors because Steve McGarrett is arguably THE star of the show, Scott Caan's Danny is as much a supporting character as Chin and Kono, and Danny doesn't even appear in every episode...

Hawaii Five-0 boss speaks out on Daniel Dae Kim, Grace Park controversy


“Thank you for all your messages and support over 7 seasons,” Lenkov wrote. “We are all saddened by the Daniel and Grace news and I wanted to reach out to you directly. The truth is this: Both actors chose not to extend their contracts. CBS was extremely generous and proactive in their renegotiation talks. So much so, the actors were getting unprecedented raises, but in the end they chose to move on. No one wanted to see them go — they are irreplaceable. After being away from her family for seven years, I understood Grace’s decision to leave. There was an opportunity for her to return for a handful of episodes, but for several reasons that didn’t work out. In the end, everyone tried their best to keep the ohana intact. So much so, we were holding off from reporting the news, hoping an agreement could still be reached. Yes, it’s heartbreaking, but this happens on long-running shows. It is a hurdle we all worked hard to overcome.”

TV Q&A: 'Hawaii Five-0,' Pennsylvania EMS tests and weather on local news
14 August 2015     Written by  Rob Owen


Q: What is going on with “Hawaii Five-0”? Have watched it from the beginning and it seems as though they are not using Scott Caan very much. In fact some weeks he is not even on the show. They seem to be using the actor from the police force more and more. I would like to see them go back to the original four characters.

Rob: I actually received and ran this question earlier this year but the non-response was unsatisfactory. So when I spotted Caan at a CBS party earlier this week, I was able to get a response straight from him.

“I do five episodes less than [series star] Alex [O’Loughlin],” said Caan, who lives in Los Angeles while the show shoots in Hawaii. “I just do a couple episodes less so I can come home to see my family and stuff. They were cool about it so we just all came to that.”

Edited by tv echo
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I'm sorry about Stan Lee's wife -- a marriage that long is a very special thing.

4 hours ago, tv echo said:

After being away from her family for seven years, I understood Grace’s decision to leave. There was an opportunity for her to return for a handful of episodes, but for several reasons that didn’t work out. In the end, everyone tried their best to keep the ohana intact.

Nice try, Lenkov.

As I heard, it was about Asian-Americans actors being paid less than the white ones even when their stories were carrying the parts of the show.  Not only did they get paid less than O'Loughlin and Caan, they also weren't part of the money from side marketing deals as the other two were.  As Amanda Joy (another Asian-American actress put it, there is a sense in Hollywood that for roles which are fewer, like POC or older women, you should be happy you just got the job and shut up about not making as much money as the white people.

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CBS seems to be having a real issue with hiring/keeping actors of color. Just even from a purely mercenary PR perspective how is it a good look to let go both of the Asian costars from a show set in Hawaii?! They also had another pilot cast with non-Latino white actors when it was written for Latino actors and said that they couldn't find Latino actors and a ton came out and said they were never even approached. 

Maybe it's not fair but I also sideye the two 5-0 actors that didn't show solidarity to their costars. At The Big Bang Theory (as awful as that show is) the actors all stood together to get two actresses raises. 

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Apparently Alex O'L said that this season is his last so they will have lost 3 of their core foursome.  Do they think that their moldy old formula is what makes the show?  Think about foreign sales.

ITA about the two who didn't show solidarity.  I wonder how Daniel Dae Kim and Grace Park feel about that.  Greed over concern for the people who have worked side by side with you for  years.

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As a white dude,  I'm still shocked by the standards of other white dudes in charge of stuff.    The Asian American characters and other PoC always,  at least to me,  seem to be the most interesting characters in the shows I watch. 

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I just finished iZombie. Is anyone in the fandom? I'm really curious about the real time reaction to Major and Liv/Major. It just seemed to dwindle off. So did Major in a way, he seemed kind of lost as a character by S3. I'm not sure why. I thought he (and they) were working. 

Also, Jason Dohring's body is distracting. He is so buffed up. It's throwing me because his face is so lean. It's just odd. But I am enjoying him on the show. He's kind of Logan-ly.

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21 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I just finished iZombie. Is anyone in the fandom? I'm really curious about the real time reaction to Major and Liv/Major. It just seemed to dwindle off. So did Major in a way, he seemed kind of lost as a character by S3. I'm not sure why. I thought he (and they) were working. 

Also, Jason Dohring's body is distracting. He is so buffed up. It's throwing me because his face is so lean. It's just odd. But I am enjoying him on the show. He's kind of Logan-ly.

Yes, all my Logan love is back in full force for the new guy.  Snark is a beautiful art form from his lips.

I love iZombie but I'm not in the fandom.   I do like Major but more in the context of Rav's roommate. He's always suffered from the same problem I had with Duncan on Veronica Mars - he's not that interesting.  He was miles better in the second season and on but I simply can't get too invested in them as a couple.  Don't hate them together, just don't deeply care if they are together. They don't seem so broken up about being apart either.  And now that they brought in JD,  I just find the new guy sooo much more entertaining.    Plus It's kind of odd to me how they spent no time on Liv reacting to what Major did after his buddies all died.  I can't imagine her being ok with that even though at the same time, it also would allow her and Major to reconnect.  But again, no one brings that up.  Great cliffhanger though. 

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Aiii I am a terrible person! I was watching this asian series today and got really confused because I thought these two women were the same person but every few scenes they'd be doing totally different things in different places! Turns out it was a completely different person ! I feel so bad because I am asian myself and we often joke that caucasians think all asians look the same!!!!!!

hehe clears up the plot a fair bit though now I know it's two different people! And in my defence I was watching with English subtitles! 

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I wasn't so sure about it in the beginning but I really ended up enjoying Santa Clarita Diet. 

1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

Aiii I am a terrible person! I was watching this asian series today and got really confused because I thought these two women were the same person but every few scenes they'd be doing totally different things in different places! Turns out it was a completely different person ! I feel so bad because I am asian myself and we often joke that caucasians think all asians look the same!!!!!!

hehe clears up the plot a fair bit though now I know it's two different people! And in my defence I was watching with English subtitles! 

While it's not fair to say everyone of a certain race look a like. Some people do in fact look a like.  I'm half Asian so most of the time no one knows what I am. 

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6 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

Yes, all my Logan love is back in full force for the new guy.  Snark is a beautiful art form from his lips.

I love iZombie but I'm not in the fandom.   I do like Major but more in the context of Rav's roommate. He's always suffered from the same problem I had with Duncan on Veronica Mars - he's not that interesting.  He was miles better in the second season and on but I simply can't get too invested in them as a couple.  Don't hate them together, just don't deeply care if they are together. They don't seem so broken up about being apart either.  And now that they brought in JD,  I just find the new guy sooo much more entertaining.    Plus It's kind of odd to me how they spent no time on Liv reacting to what Major did after his buddies all died.  I can't imagine her being ok with that even though at the same time, it also would allow her and Major to reconnect.  But again, no one brings that up.  Great cliffhanger though. 

I'm not really a Liv/Major shipper, I was just surprised at the way they seemed to drop the plot point. I didn't see it like a Veronica Mars or Arrow situation. I think Major is likable but binging the show, it felt like they were really trying him out in different roles and normally you see that if the character isn't working. The relationship is weird too. I thought they were bringing it back in S3 but it was like for an episode and they both just seemed to move on. I wondered if the response was so blah or negative that they decided to make them just friends. 

Is Jason Dohring going to be a regular next season? I'm not fully on the Liv/Train but more I like the character.

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11 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I thought they were bringing it back in S3 but it was like for an episode and they both just seemed to move on

Yeah. That was weird. I thought they'd get back together and then it felt they were acting like their relationship had been over for years. 

I never particularly liked Liv/Major (I fell in love with Liv/Lowell in S1 and never quite got over what happened) so I didn't particularly care. 

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Awww I loved Liv & Lowell. I did think Major and Liv had some good moments. I loved Clive & Dale. Aspects of Peyton and Blaine. I liked Major and Natalie (as short as that was). I'm intrigued by Liv and Chase. 

That said, nothing is Olicity for me. 

Edited by Chaser
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10 hours ago, Chaser said:

Also, Jason Dohring's body is distracting. He is so buffed up. It's throwing me because his face is so lean. It's just odd. But I am enjoying him on the show. He's kind of Logan-ly.

I'm finding that about a number of guys now that buffed is the fashion.  Stephen Amell can get away with it because he's naturally a muscular body type but Colin Donnell pulls me out of the story when he crosses his arms in a short sleeved scrubs top, he's so buff for a guy who is supposed to be working 100 hour weeks as a surgical fellow.   Most recently it's Dominic Allburn who plays Harry Polson in A Place To Call Home.  Harry is a farm worker so yeah, he's got muscles but they're the kind of muscles you get in a gym, not working in the fields and every time he takes his shirt off, I'm going WTH?

I remember years ago thinking how unfair it is that female actors have to be so absurdly body-conscious while the men just lay off eating donuts for a week for a shirtless scene (per David Orth) but I wanted it to be less for women, not more for men.

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Don't know if any of you read books by Julie Garwood but her new book Wired came in the mail today. I finished it earlier and I seriously wonder if she is an Arrow fan. It read like a well written couple of episodes of Arrow but with O an FBI agent and F a student at Boston College getting her degree in Computer Science, with hacking for good, her side job. It even had the Cooper character trying to sell the code she wrote. It was weird reading it because it had all the same beats as the show. 

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34 minutes ago, BunsenBurner said:

Don't know if any of you read books by Julie Garwood but her new book Wired came in the mail today. I finished it earlier and I seriously wonder if she is an Arrow fan. It read like a well written couple of episodes of Arrow but with O an FBI agent and F a student at Boston College getting her degree in Computer Science, with hacking for good, her side job. It even had the Cooper character trying to sell the code she wrote. It was weird reading it because it had all the same beats as the show. 

Now I'm looking forward to reading it even more.  

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