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Small Talk: The Quiver


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It was pretty Ward heavy but there were some great team moments as well. I enjoyed that ep. We learned a little bit more about Bobbi, Simmons fangirled over Peggy Carter, Skye's dad is crazy creepy and we found out his true motivation. I'm not a Ward fan either so even though it was about him, the show was able to get in some other characters storylines as well. I think that is what AoS is excelling at this season most of the characters get their time to shine without taking over the show. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Cool, I liked the show and it was wonderful to see Sean Bean live and be the good guy...not sure that's ever happened before.

I also saw that there's still a possibility for the Major Crimes Spin-off. I really enjoyed the backdoor pilot and it was nice to see Laurie Holden again (I was an Andrea fan).

I remember how much hate there was for Jennifer Keller on SGA, and I think one of the writers/EPs even said something like - the more people complain about her the more they pushed her. Kind of a "you're not going to tell me what to do" attitude I guess.


I had all my Kaylee love from Firefly to keep from ever hating her but I hated that they killed the character she replaced (apparently so did everyone else since they rewrote is so an exact clone version with the same memories was found alive - can we do that with Sara?).  I also hated how all over the place they wrote her character, giving her one backstory and personality in one episode only to completely contradict it in another a couple weeks down the line.  And it went back and forth like there was infighting in the writers room.  Plus they went from setting her up a love interest with super hot alien guy to sticking her with whiny crabby pants Rodney who had to be at least double her age and never stopped being a self obsessed jerk.  I liked Rodney but he and Jenifer were a terrible fit that felt grossly forced. 


Fan fiction to the rescue.   

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DC and Marvel conversation is fine in the Mind Your Surroundings topic. The original creator of the topic put it in, but also talked about ALL superhero worlds in the original post, so go ahead and post about DC and Marvel in there.


We do ask that you limit yourself to just posting in one or the other topic - if you put it in Mind Your Surroundings, PLEASE don't post it here as well, and vice versa. It's plenty busy as it is that we strongly discourage any duplicate posting like that.



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Not sure if this belongs in anything super Arrow related, so I'll throw it out here.  I have such a gunshy reaction to the "because comics" feeling that I get from Arrow that it's affecting how I view comics in general.  My (nearly 11 year old) daughter has been reading Betty & Veronica and Archie books since, well before she could read.  She is a voracious reader and reads at a much higher grade level, but I haven't really introduced any other books to her because of subject matter (I can't figure out why, either.  Am I a prude, suddenly??)  She's read several graphic novels, but hasn't really been introduced to a superhero series.  When Batgirl #35 was released with a new creative team and rebooted story (I believe she's a hipster that moves to Brooklyn and the cover is of her taking a selfie LOL) I read really good things about this and it being good for the 'tween set.  I bought it for her and she really enjoys it.  Now I'm worried that one day Batgirl will be a show in the future CW and I will have turned her into a "because, comics" fan.  LOL  


Slight tangent - I hear "Ready Player One" was offered to Christopher Nolan for the screen.  I loved this book SO much.  Apparently there is licensing issue with some of the content, so they are making liberties with the source material.  I'm not sure how I feel about this and now I'm worried I'll be a hypocrite about not wanting to see changes in the movie, but being fine with any changes to Arrow.


Lord help me!

Ready Player One seems a little too fun for Christopher Nolan so I can't see him doing that movie. I liked the book a lot too although there were so many 80's game references and stuff like that that I don't think there would be enough time to fit everything in but I'm sure they'll keep the basic story the same. I dunno. I'm not entirely convinced it will get made. I'd like to see it, but it would be expensive to make, even if they cut out a lot of references.

I have such a gunshy reaction to the "because comics" feeling that I get from Arrow that it's affecting how I view comics in general.


I loved this book SO much.  Apparently there is licensing issue with some of the content, so they are making liberties with the source material.  I'm not sure how I feel about this and now I'm worried I'll be a hypocrite about not wanting to see changes in the movie, but being fine with any changes to Arrow.


It's a conundrum, that's for sure.  I used to  HATE most movies based on books I love.  I've never seen one that didn't in someway drive me nuts. Even the best BBC version of Pride and Prejudice (ahh, Colin Firth rising out of the pond) took major liberties.  I eventually reconciled with them (I mean, hello, wet half naked Colin Firth) but in general I now try to leave my expectations at home (which is how I'm enjoying the Hunger Games movies) .  I think the fact that I've come to realize that it is impossible to directly translate a book to a movie or a comic to a small screen, I think that is why it bugs me when showrunners refuse to wholly embrace this truth. 


They all seem fine in reimagining it to get it to the screen but then so often they wont' bend on their chosen interpretation which is as absurd as expecting it to be just like the book or movie or comic (or video game or Disney ride, ect...) 


So yeah, that probably wasn't really helpful.   


I feel your pain! 

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I have such a gunshy reaction to the "because comics" feeling that I get from Arrow that it's affecting how I view comics in general. 


I understand, too. I hated the Percy Jackson adaptation because it was so different from the books, and many times, I've been disappointed when my idea of the comic book doesn't translate well to the screen. (I'm looking at you Green Lantern.) But I've learned to look at the quality of material that's being presented and remember that the mediums are totally different.


I think Arrow is a perfect example of this. They had a wonderful Black Canary. If they truly killed her off because another character on the show had the right name, that is sabotaging their own production. I think the elements of a story are more important than what came before it. Especially comics since there's been 70 years of material that has been changed, retconned, rewritten, and then changed back for years and years and years. I would much rather get the essence of a great Black Canary (or whatever character I'm watching on screen) then a mediocre version that has the right name. 


It goes along with racebending, too. Heimdall was a super cool character in Thor. His super coolness wasn't changed because he was black. Hopefully, Johnny Storm will retain his wisecracking self in the new Fantastic Four reboot (though I have strong doubts on that project). My dream is to have Idris Elba as Batman. I think he could do a wonderful Bruce Wayne/Batman and bring a new dimension to that character. It doesn't diminish the 75 years of comics that came before. 


I hope that makes sense. I'm about to leave work, and I'm tired.

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Ya know... now that I'm thinking about it, I think JD and Turk have the strongest bromance... I mean all the Eaaglless, and planning on going to Disneyland together, and being a little married, and planning on how they would raise their kids together... I honestly don't think they could live without each other unlike the other bromances. Yep. I've changed my mind. 


JD and Turk > Cory and Shawn = Guster and Shawn = Troy and Abed

Edited by wonderwall
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Ya know... now that I'm thinking about it, I think JD and Turk have the strongest bromance... I mean all the Eaaglless, and planning on going to Disneyland together, and being a little married, and planning on how they would raise their kids together... I honestly don't think they could live without each other unlike the other bromances. Yep. I've changed my mind.


Solid. But I'd counter with the fact that Cory and Shawn actually did go to Disney World together, had public break ups, intimate phone calls etc.

Also Turk and JD separated in the last season (no, not season 9) 

While it may be partly the directors and writers fault. I think it's the actors main job to sell whatever they are given no matter how awful. On OUAT the Snow Queen's exit was stupidly and clumsy written, however Elizabeth Mitchell sold the shit out of that. I teared up a bit even though the whole thing came out of a last minute plot convenience. She made me believe that character believed everything that was she was saying. 


The actors job is to embody that character even when they are acting OOC. They need to make me believe that this is the same character acting differently because the writing says so. Alison Mack on Smallville managed to pull that off for 10 seasons. For me an actors performance can make or break a character. The writing and directing can only do so much and it's not their job to bring that character to life, it's the actors. 

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I haven't watched since The Snow Queen (4.07). I just was really turned off by the Robin/Regina hookup. I plan to binge watch the last few episodes of this arc all at once after next Sunday . That way I don't have as much time to get irritated over individual plot developments. But yes, I've heard that Elizabeth Mitchell knocked it out of the park in yesterday's episode.

Jane the Virgin is such an underrated show.  Light and funny, over the top and silly in the best way, and also touching, sweet and romantic.  Plus they have a better constructed murder mystery going on than Arrow.   


I've been watching it not sure if I was really behind the intended romantic pairing (reformed playboy) but then a little thing that was set up from early on in the show got paid off in tonight's episode.   Such a lovely, aww moment. 

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Yeah, I'm so digging the narrative structure on Jane the Virgin. The use of the voice over, and the subtitles, and the typewriting notes is just plain brilliant, and they help tying up every opened story thread in such a cohesive way. Sigh. It's almost a study in storytelling techniques. I think I'm loving the format more than the story itself, not because the story is bad or anything , but because the format elevates it in such a delightful way.

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Now that it's that mythical holiday known as the mid-season break. I've noticed that almost all the shows I used love last season have disappointed me greatly this half season. Arrow, Sleepy Hollow and Elementary. I stopped watching Arrow, Sleepy Hallow and Elementary are shows I'm forgetting to watch on a weekly basis. What happened? Are the show writers getting together to and saying "We know what is working on our shows and what the audience loves seeing, this season lets do the exact opposite"

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Maybe the problem is that TV show producers think they must shake things up - shock the audience, have surprises and game changers, etc. - in order to attract attention and ratings, and to keep the show fresh and "original".  Instead, these shows should stick with what made them successful in the first place - have the show evolve, but keep the winning elements while jettisoning the weaker elements.

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Now that it's that mythical holiday known as the mid-season break. I've noticed that almost all the shows I used love last season have disappointed me greatly this half season. Arrow, Sleepy Hollow and Elementary. I stopped watching Arrow, Sleepy Hallow and Elementary are shows I'm forgetting to watch on a weekly basis. What happened? Are the show writers getting together to and saying "We know what is working on our shows and what the audience loves seeing, this season lets do the exact opposite"

Yeah, I agree on Elementary (and you already know my thoughts on Arrow). Don't watch Sleepy Hollow. But I have been in such a total TV funk lately. I have an embarrassingly long TV watchlist, but the episodes are piling up because I look at my list and it all seems like a chore. I don't know. Anyone else having the TV blues right now?

Yeah, I agree on Elementary (and you already know my thoughts on Arrow). Don't watch Sleepy Hollow. But I have been in such a total TV funk lately. I have an embarrassingly long TV watchlist, but the episodes are piling up because I look at my list and it all seems like a chore. I don't know. Anyone else having the TV blues right now?


Yeah. I have pretty much given up on Arrow. The only episodes I am still tuning in for are the ones that feature Katrina Law or Manu Bennett. The Walking Dead used to be must-see TV for me. I am still watching it, but the show really started to drag after the writers wrapped up the cannibal storyline. And season 4 of American Horror Story has been a total disappointment for me. The episodes are piling up on my harddrive, but I haven't been able to summon up the energy to watch them. On the bright side, season 4 of Homeland has really picked up steam lately. I am very much looking forward to the final 2 episodes.

American Horror Story: Murder House was great, it was fun, disturbing and had a an actual story to follow. The rest of the seasons have gotten progressively worse plot wise. Things just happen on Freak Show, there is no plot.


On a positive note I thought Agents of Shield had a great Winter Finale, it wasn't mind blowing or anything since I already guessed who Skye was and was right. I enjoyed it and look forward to it's return in March. Hopefully Agent Carter is good enough to take the wait time away. 

I think Agent Carter may do better than AoS because there's much less comic canon to have to stick to.  AoS suffered a lot trying to hang in there for the Winter Soldier last season, and Hayley Atwell hopefully is a better actress than some others.


I've been very disappointed in Sleepy Hollow this season.  It's a combination of a storyline that didn't really have a good focus and too much time spent on a couple of characters I didn't care for (Henry and Katrina, not to mention Moloch) while ignoring and then doing away with Irving.  Even with a shortened season, it still seemed they would have done better limited to one or two seasons.

Sleepy Hallow and Elementary are shows I'm forgetting to watch on a weekly basis. What happened? Are the show writers getting together to and saying "We know what is working on our shows and what the audience loves seeing, this season lets do the exact opposite"


Not watching SH but I understand about Elementary.  It just started off weird with Sherlock coming back with a replacement  for Watson.  Kitty has grown on me and I am adoring that Sherlock and Joan have shared custody of a turtle and I love the credit Joan is getting for her abilities apart for Sherlock but I miss my old show.  I liked them sharing the place and all the invasion of space and even just random kitchen chores.  In some ways I feel like I understand what they are doing.  In the original Sherlock Holms stories Watson does not give up his whole life for Sherlock.  He gets married, works, occasionally his wife dies, he moves back in with Sherlock only to get married again, but can't Joan get a life after the show is done? 

I love Orange is the New Black! I binged watched the second season in 1 day. I've never done that before. Not all the eps are great but it's nice to finally see some well developed women characters on tv. 


We complain about acting a lot. I recommend watching Orphan Black to see a master actress at work, Tatiana Maslany. 


I don't mind Kitty on Elementary. She's fitting in better than I though she would. But I miss the Sherlock and Watson personal space invading, bickering, solving cases together friendship. 

Edited by Sakura12
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