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Small Talk: The Quiver

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12 hours ago, tv echo said:

I've been watching Once Upon a Time and, I swear, sometimes there are eerie similarities to Arrow. Or maybe, it's just that they use the same common themes. Latest example...

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Last week Hook was planning to propose to Emma but then found out that, back in his evil pirate days, he killed David/Charming's father. So he's all conflicted, but then Emma finds the engagement ring and that more or less compels Hook to propose to her without telling her his dark secret. So they're engaged. Then this week, Emma finds out Hook's secret and she's angry, not because he killed her grandfather but because Hook didn't trust that she would understand and forgive him. So basically, it's not the secret itself that was the problem, but the fact that Hook didn't share the problem with her. She said something about how she agreed to marry him because she thought that they had the kind of relationship where they shared things and worked things out together. (I'm paraphrasing from memory.) She gives him back the ring. Hook decides to go off on a journey with Nemo because he thinks he's irredeemable and wants to try to become a better man. But he changes his mind when he finds out that the Evil Queen was redeemed and got her happy ending, but due to villain shenanigans, Nemo's sub takes off while he's on board, so now Emma thinks that he's abandoned her. In addition, there's the good Regina and bad Evil Queen as two sides to Regina, and how the bad side can be redeemed, and how Regina learns to reconcile both sides into being part of her.

I think it shares a lot of the same growing pains. They are about the same age, have similar themes. Fight against canon v. non-canon. And also the fact that they both shoot in Vancouver with similar sites and supporting casts does not help.

Not sure I want the reboot they keep on talking about next season, but also sometimes I think it is long overdue. I feel like they are starting to spin their wheels on OUAT. Everyone is beloved, there really is no villain. And even this villain, has a pretty good case to try to redeem him. They are suffering from a lot of their own success and inabilities.

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^ Is Debbie the cyclone category 4 (5?) that's around Australia right now? My sisters, their husbands, and my nephew are actually stranded at Arlie Beach because all flights out got cancelled and all rental cars were sold out. They're there on vacation and are supposed to come back tomorrow but had to scramble to get accommodations plus update their work about the delay. Talked to them last night and they assured us they're safe but they've been incommunicado since.

Anyway, take care Australia! Hope this doesn't cause too much damage to y'all.

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4 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

@MaisyDaisy how are you faring hun?

Are you in Debbie's path?

The cyclone is further up the coast, but all the way down to the NSW boarder is on high flood alert. We are forecast for 80mls of rain per day for the next 4 days, add that to the deluge coming from upstream and it's a little nerve wrecking. I know that over 50,000 people up the coast have lost power. It's such a huge storm that it's going to hover for 24 hours up north.

Its just now getting super dark with black clouds. I am just a couple streets back from the beach, usually the weather here just gets sucked out to sea, but this is going to be a bit of a mess.

but I'm not scared or panicking at all. It took a full week of that type of rain during the Brisbane floods for us to be effected here, so if it's only 4 days we should be right.

Edited by MaisyDaisy
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4 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Stay safe!!!!!

I'm hoping our farmers don't cop too much damage either! I've been reading stuff about how they won't be able to pick their crops and that they've got crops they just put in the ground. 

Well it hit the Burdekin Shire hardest, and they supply a huge amount of the countries fruit and veges, so I think we could see things get pricey for a while.

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14 minutes ago, MaisyDaisy said:

Well it hit the Burdekin Shire hardest, and they supply a huge amount of the countries fruit and veges, so I think we could see things get pricey for a while.

Oooh do you remember Larry and Yassi?

$20 per kg for bananas!

Whenever this stuff happens I always think of the My Country poem by Dorothea Mackellar!

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1 minute ago, Mellowyellow said:

Oooh do you remember Larry and Yassi?

$20 per kg for bananas!

Whenever this stuff happens I always think of the My Country poem by Dorothea Mackellar!

That area has things like beans, tomatoes, pumpkins, melons, and a massive amount of sugar cane. They do get an insane wet season (I lived up there for a while), so if that rain moves inland to the drought stricken west, then it might not be so bad, they might save some crops. So fingers crossed.

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The latest in my funny stories from Tumblr file.


Mortality Bites; or, You Think They’re Normal But Your Parents Could Be Hiring Hitmen Under Your VERY NOSE | a trashbag full of donuts

until the fourth grade, i lived with my dad, brother and sister in gentle suburban massachusetts where i could ride my bike to school. my mom, however, rode and trained horses for a living, so she and my stepdad lived on a big, beautiful farm in virginia. it was my favorite place in the world, but life on a farm is very different from life, like, anywhere else.

for one thing, i sometimes had to shovel another animal’s poop from one location to a different, slightly farther location. for another, i got to experience the miracle of life waaaaaay way way too early.

it gets a lot less magical and a lot more visceral when you’re a 10-year-old sitting in a horse stall watching your stepdad and the vet literally PULL A HORSE out of ANOTHER HORSE.

get up close and personal with placenta just one time and i promise you will never look at babies of any species the same ever again.

and of course, the first thing any farm kid will tell you is that living on a farm teaches you pretty immediately that Death Comes For Everybody, But It Comes For Your Animals First. i know that’s a terrible thing to just put out there in the universe, but it’s true.

mother nature is like if that girl from your middle school who was OBSESSED with horses–you know that girl, we all know that girl–wasn’t ever allowed to get a pony so she grew up to be a hoarder whose kleptomania was focused on all the neighborhood pets.

“all your pets are now my pets,” says mother nature, and we all let her get away with it, because she’s terrifying and will definitely murder you without hesitation.

like all life lessons, that’s a hard one to learn, and i had to learn it like five times before it stuck. anyway, the first time i encountered the whole concept of like, mortality, it was the summer before fourth grade. things around me had died before, but i’d been gently sheltered from it by both the tiny size of my undeveloped brain and the adults in my life.

once, my mother told me that two of our jack russells were being sent to live on a farm where they could herd sheep. i believed her.

i was thirteen.

thirteen is waaaaaay way way too old to believe that your dogs are really being sent to live on a farm.

honestly, i think the fact that i was so old is what convinced me? i was like, “i’m thirteen, there’s no way she would lie to me about death at thirteen. i’m basically an adult! so the dogs must really be going to live on a farm! how neat for them. tra-la-la.”

i swallowed this lie so completely that it wasn’t until i was literally in my twenties that i mentioned it offhandedly and my mom was like, “what? you…uh, no, honey, we for sure put those dogs down. those dogs have been dead for at least a decade.”

but at the tender age of either-8-or-9, i learned about death first hand, because i witnessed a murder.

haha, what if that was the end of the story? what if i just dropped, “i witnessed a murder,” and then left you all hanging and never brought it up again?

i’m not going to do that.

but you have to admit, it would be funny.

it was a sunny day in virginia, which i know because i remember very clearly wearing a very stylish outfit of neon pink soffee shorts and my billabong shirt with the orange butterfly on it.

it was late in what had been an action-packed summer: my mom finally married my stepdad, i decided to move to virginia, and nine days released “absolutely (story of a girl),” the best song that i had ever heard up to that point in my life. i’m not sure what exactly i was getting up to, but as a youth my usual MO in the summer was to wander around until i was struck by an idea for something. on this particular day, i was struck by the idea of going to see our newest barnhand, chipmunk.

her birth certificate obviously didn’t say chipmunk, but i don’t actually remember what chipmunk’s real name was.

on chipmunk’s first day of work her face was swollen from having recently gotten her wisdom teeth removed, and in my family you have to be prepared to live with the consequences of that kind of thing forever.

i have no idea how old chipmunk was, because when you’re younger than ten, everyone older than ten seems like they’re at least forty-five. but i think she was probably in college??

anyway, chipmunk wasn’t in any of the usual places, in the barn or in any of the paddocks, so i wandered over to the indoor ring. our farm had two riding rings, an outdoor one for the summer and an indoor one for the winter and rainy days. the indoor ring was made entirely out of this kind of tinny material that could get really loud when it was raining.

you could hear everything in that ring. the building had these high rafters on it that pigeons liked to perch on, especially when it started getting colder. and because of the ring’s terrible sound situation, horses would freak out every time one of those birds so much as ruffled its feathers. and the thing about horses is that they are really beautiful, soulful, majestic animals but they are also on the edge of a nervous breakdown, like, 100% of the time.

then again, aren’t we all?

let ye who has not spent a night crying for no reason into a pint of ben & jerry’s half-baked frozen yogurt cast the first stone.

a horse’s entire self-defense mechanism is “RUN AWAAAAAAAAAY” which, look, i get. all of my self-defense mechanisms are also “RUN AWAAAAAAAAAY” except usually that means turning down dates with boys i like and not, for example, getting scared by a fly and running into a tree and shattering my entire leg.

that really happened.

not to me; to a horse. just to be clear.

in an attempt to keep startled horses from accidentally killing themselves or their riders, my parents had to be pretty vigilant about what was going on both in the ring and outside it while people were riding. no fast cars, no loud noises, and absolutely no shenanigans.

which meant: the pigeons had to go.

i’m going to pause here for a second.

remember all that hogwarts, a history about death’s inevitability and that joke about murder?

i’ve given you fair warning. don’t @ me, folks.

now, the thing is, i was a gentle kid. i mean–terrible, like truly unbearable, but very gentle, ultimately. in my heart. i used to trigger the mousetraps in my mom’s house to save the mice.

well, it was one mouse, and his name was chubbychubbs, and i loved him even though we only saw each other once.

i think my mom thought we were dealing with like, pinky and the brain because chubbychubbs managed to evade her traps for so many years.


so you can imagine how i reacted when i walked into the ring just as chipmunk hit a pigeon with a pellet gun. you can imagine how a small round drama queen with a love of animals might respond to seeing a little gray pellet fall out of the rafters and land on the ground. you can imagine how someone with an underdeveloped understanding of how diseases are carried and transmitted might scream, “YOU’RE A MURDERER!” at the top of her voice, sprint to where the little gray bird is laying, stunned and bleeding, and scoop it up in her hands without bothering with protective gloves.


“JUDAS!!!” i would have shouted as i sprinted away, if i had known what a judas was. instead, i pulled the bird to my chest, blood getting everywhere as it understandably began to panic and flap its wings to get away from me. i don’t know if you’ve ever been punched in the face by a bird, but it hurts more than you’d expect.

“CALM DOWN I’M TRYING TO SAVE YOU,” i shouted at the bird, which did not calm down because it did not speak english.

“COME BACK” cried chipmunk, chasing after me.

picture it:

a furious, panicked pigeon, trying to get away, flapping its wings and repeatedly face-slapping –>

a tiny child, in a billabong t-shirt with an orange butterfly that is now covered in blood, screaming at the top of her lungs, pursued by –>

a frantic twenty-something, cheeks still slightly swollen, waving a pellet gun in the air like that pigeon-child duo swindled her out of a vast fortune and she wants revenge

i broke for the door, but the poor pigeon, at this point very slippery and very desperate, wriggled free and dove for safety under the building’s bathroom unit. the unit was on a platform a couple feet above the ground for reasons i have never known or cared to look into.

if you know, don’t tell me.

do not.

i do not want to know.

in what i felt at the time was a very heroic move, i followed suit, scrambling under the toilets with my hands outstretched, explaining to the pigeon in high-pitched screams that i was saving its life!!!

“molly,” chipmunk begged, “please come out from under the toilets. you are going to get a disease and you are going to die.”

“i don’t take orders from murderers,” i hissed, making a point not to think about any of the things i was crawling in. “come on, pigeon. we can run away together.”

“coooooooooooo,” said the pigeon, which i assume is bird for, “get the fuck away from me.”

chipmunk gave up on reasoning with me and reached under the toilets to drag me out by my ankles as i screamed like the scene in a horror flick where the best friend of the final girl gets dragged into a pit. the pigeon watched me go unblinkingly.

“oh, god,” chipmunk said, looking at the swamp creature that had emerged from beneath the toilet: pants ripped, hands and shirt covered in pigeon blood and a mysterious dark substance neither one of us wanted to investigate too closely. i looked like how a cartoonist would anthropomorphize the black plague in a new yorker cartoon.

poor chipmunk dragged me to the house, freaking out the entire way about what she was going to tell my mom, her employer, the one who was paying her to get rid of the pigeons. “well, i was doing what you asked, and then your daughter came in and high key ruined everything by bathing in pigeon blood and probably some human waste”?

by the time we got there, she’d worked herself into such a state that she simply shoved me through the front door, shouted, “IT’S NOT HER BLOOD,” and ran back to the barn.

my mom looked at me from where she was standing at the sink.

“o……kay,” she said, after a second. “you know what, let’s just. let’s hose you off outside.”


It's a Modern Family episode! It just took me a while to decide on which character it fit. My thought process went Lily - Cam - Phil. Of course it's Phil.

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1 hour ago, bijoux said:

The latest in my funny stories from Tumblr file.


It's a Modern Family episode! It just took me a while to decide on which character it fit. My thought process went Lily - Cam - Phil. Of course it's Phil.

It really is.  Lol.  Also laughed about the girl living on a farm, buying into her dogs being sent to live on a farm.

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Just saw Spy with Melissa McCarthy. Really enjoyable and I like the focus on women in all aspects of the film - hero, villains, support, boss. I just wish there had been 100% less mice, farting and puking jokes.

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Anyone know anything about criminal minds?

I'm too scared to ask in that forum.

Is the Reid fanbase very huge?

Or is it just this forum. I go on the forum to see what happened in the latest seasons and it's ALL Reid. Like they love Reid more than we love Felicity x 10000000000000. I've got nothing against Reid and I'd even say he's one of my favourites but I'd like to know if it's like that everywhere else too.

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40 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Anyone know anything about criminal minds?

I'm too scared to ask in that forum.

Is the Reid fanbase very huge?

Or is it just this forum. I go on the forum to see what happened in the latest seasons and it's ALL Reid. Like they love Reid more than we love Felicity x 10000000000000. I've got nothing against Reid and I'd even say he's one of my favourites but I'd like to know if it's like that everywhere else too.

I don't watch it because I don't like murder shows. Watching shows like that made me really nervous when I lived in America, because instead of seeing typical American houses, my mind would say "ohhhh this looks like that house in that murder show".

But Matthew Gubber Grey (think that's the spelling) is hot, and his YouTube stuff is hilarious, like seriously seriously funny. I particually liked his mockumentory about what life is like as a star on the show.

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25 minutes ago, MaisyDaisy said:

I don't watch it because I don't like murder shows. Watching shows like that made me really nervous when I lived in America, because instead of seeing typical American houses, my mind would say "ohhhh this looks like that house in that murder show".

But Matthew Gubber Grey (think that's the spelling) is hot, and his YouTube stuff is hilarious, like seriously seriously funny. I particually liked his mockumentory about what life is like as a star on the show.

I'm up to Ep 4 of that mockumentary! It is freaking hilarious!!!!

On one of the eps he gets pulled over for hassling females and the producer tells him "Do you know how quickly we can replace model motherzzzzkers like you"

It's so funny!!!! Thanks for telling me about it!

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It's my understanding that Reid is the very special wubbie of Criminal Minds and his fans will cut you like a bitch if you say anything different, lol.   It's not just at Previously TV.  He features in the majority of Criminal Mind's fan fics (A surprising number of which seem to be Reid/reader fantasies) 

It is funny, on the show I don't think he's featured so much more than the rest of the cast, but I stopped watching after Morgan left so maybe things have changed in how they write him.  I heard about the Reid fans only last year, but I was never into the fandom so maybe it's always been like that.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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I thought he was the very special wubbie because he's cute like a puppy.

I tried to watch Criminal Minds a few times but the psychology is so very, very bad, we end up either in a fit of giggles or throwing things at the TV.

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On 3/27/2017 at 10:03 AM, tv echo said:

I've been watching Once Upon a Time and, I swear, sometimes there are eerie similarities to Arrow. Or maybe, it's just that they use the same common themes. Latest example...

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Last week Hook was planning to propose to Emma but then found out that, back in his evil pirate days, he killed David/Charming's father. So he's all conflicted, but then Emma finds the engagement ring and that more or less compels Hook to propose to her without telling her his dark secret. So they're engaged. Then this week, Emma finds out Hook's secret and she's angry, not because he killed her grandfather but because Hook didn't trust that she would understand and forgive him. So basically, it's not the secret itself that was the problem, but the fact that Hook didn't share the problem with her. She said something about how she agreed to marry him because she thought that they had the kind of relationship where they shared things and worked things out together. (I'm paraphrasing from memory.) She gives him back the ring. Hook decides to go off on a journey with Nemo because he thinks he's irredeemable and wants to try to become a better man. But he changes his mind when he finds out that the Evil Queen was redeemed and got her happy ending, but due to villain shenanigans, Nemo's sub takes off while he's on board, so now Emma thinks that he's abandoned her. In addition, there's the good Regina and bad Evil Queen as two sides to Regina, and how the bad side can be redeemed, and how Regina learns to reconcile both sides into being part of her.

During that Hook/Emma scene I thought GEE did the writers watch Arrow last season cause parts were very similar to the Olicity break up 

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3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I thought he was the very special wubbie because he's cute like a puppy.

I tried to watch Criminal Minds a few times but the psychology is so very, very bad, we end up either in a fit of giggles or throwing things at the TV.


I don't know anything about psychology so I totally bought into the whole "Unsub has Mumma issues so grew up to be an unsub"

15 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

It's my understanding that Reid is the very special wubbie of Criminal Minds and his fans will cut you like a bitch if you say anything different, lol.   It's not just at Previously TV.  He features in the majority of Criminal Mind's fan fics (A surprising number of which seem to be Reid/reader fantasies) 

It is funny, on the show I don't think he's featured so much more than the rest of the cast, but I stopped watching after Morgan left so maybe things have changed in how they write him.  I heard about the Reid fans only last year, but I was never into the fandom so maybe it's always been like that.  

oh yeah I definitely got that impression! Just wanted to check it was universal with all Reid fans everywhere!

It was one of the few shows where no one in the main cast was annoying but it just got too murdery after a while. I watched it from beginning to until after Morgan left (I didn't quit because he left, just was too much murder for me in my old age).

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10 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

I don't know anything about psychology so I totally bought into the whole "Unsub has Mumma issues so grew up to be an unsub"

I was watching it with my daughter when someone said "of course he's a serial killer, he has OCD" and my daughter piped up "Hey, I have OCD!"

Actually I could get past the "Unsub has Mumma issues so grew up to be an unsub" if it was just once or twice an episode but everything they say is psychobabble that makes no sense and it wears me down.

Of course, it wasn't till Morgan left that I finally gave up on it.  Kill my ship and I'm gone.  That was the nastiest never-intending-it-to-happen ship teasing I've ever seen, and I think it didn't happen because she wasn't as attractive as they want his woman to be.

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I was watching some old clips they had on the site about the reunion and I was so impressed with SMB's ability to fight convincingly. I thought she was great back then but seeing some downright woeful fighting in recents times makes me appreciate how good she was. They casted well!

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I saw the live action Beauty & the Beast over the weekend and it is amazing!!! I was enchanted and entertained the entire movie. It was so well done. Emma Watson's voice is not the greatest, but it is sweet & she does feel like a good Belle. I was not too keen on the casting of Gaston, the animated version was so perfect & this one fell a little short on menacing/creepy. The LaFou is gay, was just the media overreacting. Chip was cuter in the animated movie. But the live action/CGI Castle objects were so good. Really good voice acting from the cast. The dance numbers & songs were on point. And I loved some of the new twists they put into the movie. Loved that they tied some it back to the BATB legend and not just the animated movie. Although I was mad they cut out one of my favorite lines "Marie the baguettes, hurry up!" :(

And I have to admit, this may be the project that I forgive Dan Stevens. I was seriously still angry at him for abandoning Downton Abbey, but he was truly phenomenal in this one. Although I still think he had time to do both DA & other projects. He might have earned my forgiveness.

Certain as the Sun, you will enjoy this movie. SCREW YOUR COURAGE TO THE STICKING PLACE! And go see it :)

Edited by kismet
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13 minutes ago, kismet said:

I saw the live action Beauty & the Beast over the weekend and it is amazing!!! I was enchanted and entertained the entire movie. It was so well done. Emma Thompson's voice is not the greatest, but it is sweet & she does feel like a good Belle.

Emma Watson was Belle. Heh. Emma Thompson is the far, far more superior British Emma.

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48 minutes ago, SleepDeprived said:

Emma Watson was Belle. Heh. Emma Thompson is the far, far more superior British Emma.

Fixed it, sorry. Totally knew that, just slip of the keys. Although Emma Thompson's voice was sweet as well. I did miss Angela Lansbury's BATB rendition though.

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On 3/29/2017 at 7:26 PM, Mellowyellow said:

Kismet does the medical mumbo jumbo annoy you? Do they get it right or wrong?

I have no idea so I just accept whatever dialogue but if you know how things are supposed to be I imagine it would be annoying?

Took it to small talk from other stars, since not really about CD anymore.

Yes, in general most shows get all the medical mumbo jumbo wrong, and that becomes very frustrating & annoying. I also think for me its not an escape, because even though majority of what is going on is outlandish, I can't stop my brain from wanting to actually figure out the medical mystery and treat it. And because they want drama, they literally pull from the bizarre medical cases or make up extreme scenarios. For me, though I would love some of these shows to tackle realistic scenarios. Or at least bring attention to diseases and issues that need attention.

They have a platform to educate or at least bring awareness to the public about health & illness, and so many of them bypass that for drama. Imagine what Arrow could have done for the spinal cord community if it had shown a more realistic trajectory of recovery. Imagine what other shows could do with bringing attention to the struggles of early onset Alzheimer's. I would love for writers to flip open actual medical textbooks and have a person come in with some rare immunological disease. Show the struggle of Asthma flairs. Show the tragedy of strokes, bad heart disease or unexpected life altering diagnoses. People's lives turn on a dime in hospitals everyday. There is an innate drama in medicine and illness, that shows just refuse or are unable to tap into. Some are better than others, and often that probably comes down to their medical consultants. I always respected ER, because they had real diagnoses and showed a multitude of stuff from the benign, to the tragic. From the common to the rare. I also always loved that they used real nurses as extras, so when there were onscreen emergencies, the actors could rattle off the lines - but at least visually things were being done correctly onscreen. Oxygen tubes going on, IVs in the right places. Bandages that do their job. It was a wise decision and brought authenticity to the show.

I do think the biggest problem I have with most medically based shows is how unrealistic they set the scenes in. They almost never highlight the different professions that are critical to making a hospital run like Nursing, Social Workers, Aides and other health professionals (PT/OT). In real life, doctors spend a few minutes with a patient each day. The rest of the patients care is left to everyone else. Unless you are actively in crisis or surgery you will not likely see a doctor beyond about 15min in a 24hr period. And even if you are in crisis/surgery, you will be surrounded by more than just doctors. In fact, the more Doctors in the room, the more the confusion. You really only need 1 doctor to run a code. The others can be there to provide patient history or accept them into an ICU, but in general the doctor just stand around giving orders that other health professionals execute.

I have never worked in an Emergency Room, but I do know that there are more doctors there, and they can play a larger role in the day to day of the unit. So shows like ER & Chicago Med are more accurate in that there are more doctors that do more things in ERs. I also appreciate that both shows do not completely skip over nursing's importance. Each of those shows, have had nurses in prominent roles or at least acknowledges their existence. There is a messed up hierarchy that puts more power to the Doctors (both IRL & on TV) - but make no mistake Nursing is the lifeblood & runs hospitals. Which is why I honestly can't watch the soapy medical dramas like Greys' which almost never has nurses or even acknowledges what they do. Sure its fun to watch who is sleeping with who, but don't tell me the doctors do everything in the hospital. At least hire extras to take the patient to the bathroom, bring them their food or talk with them. Because in the 13 years I've worked in hospitals I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen doctors take patients to the bathroom. And while in an ideal world it would be nice if doctors had time to have long chats with the patients, the reality is that is just not an option in most modern hospitals, there is just not enough time in the shifts for doctors to chat & bond with patients.

Edited by kismet
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I don't think I've ever seen a RL doctor sit down and have a chat with a patient.  I remember when my mother was in the ICU and we had to hound and lie in wait for the doctor to get him to go in so she could talk to him about her condition.

Grey's Anatomy is bad in terms of what doctors do, as I found out in the first season when they set a group of surgical interns to take care of preemie babies because apparently there were no pediatricians in the hospital until Arizona arrived and no neonatologists ever.  I watched bits of it yesterday and it was particularly egregious. Maggie's mother was taking a drug trial and they explained to her that she had to have her chemotherapy in a separate room where they could monitor all the variables like room temperature (eyeroll), and then Maggie's mother scolded her for not knowing that the oncology nurse's son was going to take his driver's license today because Maggie works with her, as if oncology nurses and surgical nurses are interchangeable.

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My OB visited me everyday for a chat when I had my baby. But then so did all the other private OBs that my friends hired so maybe it's just an obstetrics thing where they actually chat to you since you've built a relationship with them over the entire pregnancy.

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I've started watching Me Before You while voting in that stupid fandom poll and I've decided it's an Olicity Au fanfic waiting to happen. Broody male character, bubbly female character who talks a lot and wears bright colours, ex girlfriend who runs off with the best friend, male physio character who works for and is like a brother to the male lead and offers sage advice to bubbly female and cold yet loving uptight rich parents.

Edited by LeighAn
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Amazing movie; but takes a major turn. Recommend it with tissues and a safe space for emotions. It was not afraid to get ugly. Really respected the performances. 

Totally agree about the Olicity AU vibes, feel like I mentioned it before when I saw it in the fall. 

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Loved the movie, was not ready for the ending! Like that's not suppose to be how you end a movie like that :'(

Rational thought me respects the ending and think it's a powerful message and also acknowledges a topic that doesn't get discussed enough and as someone who has watched a grandmother and father die through awful crippling illnesses should be debated more.

But loves romantic movies me, from the lame and cheesy to the classics, just thinks that Lou and Will should open a tea shop on the island haha.

Edited by LeighAn
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Today is Wrestlemania and opening day of the MLB season.  Truly a busy day.

It's going to be a strange season in baseball.  There's no Vin Scully calling games, and the Cubs are defending World Series Champions.  And for anybody who doesn't understand how you can love baseball, I present this, the opening to MLB The Show 17.

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Once baseball starts all other shows drop to the wayside with me. I prefer reading to watching anything on TV but baseball is my love. With 5 brothers who played throughout high school and my sister and I playing softball we are all fans.

Edited by BunsenBurner
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11 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

The only good thing to come out of it (well, the writers probably got better terms as well)  Ugh.  The strike was horrible.  It ruined a lot of good first year shows and I suspect that other shows really suffered plot wise from the abruptly shortened seasons.  Maybe it wouldn't be so bad this time around since people are accustomed to watching series with shorter runs and then waiting a year for it to come back but I don't think any of the new buzz worthy shows that were introduced the year of the writers strike survived past their second season.  The momentum was lost both on the viewers and the writers side.  And all the fricken reality TV that showed up.  Just YUCK.  

Just pay them better and smarter!  Don't make me suffer!

Haha No Survivor and Amazing Race for you then?

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7 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Haha No Survivor and Amazing Race for you then?

No, but compared to a lot of the schlock that came out at that time, those two were the classy, smart, big brothers.  ( Oh and I really hate Big Brother.)  

Also, if I recall, Keeping Up with the Kardashians came out that season.    Now are you scared?

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6 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

No, but compared to a lot of the schlock that came out at that time, those two were the classy, smart, big brothers.  ( Oh and I really hate Big Brother.)  

Also, if I recall, Keeping Up with the Kardashians came out that season.    Now are you scared?

Oh my that is scary!!!!

I actually peeked at an episode of Real Housewives of Sydney because it comes up a lot on the mummy forum that I'm on. Apparently it is supposed to be pretty funny. I physically could not look for longer than a few minutes. They had SO much work done to their faces it was hard for me to look at them. I am all for "your body, your choice" but I personally just couldn't look at the screen.

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I think I've glimpsed what you mean on the US versions (before I flipped the channel).  If it looks bad now, wait a few years, it gets worse, lol.  

I don't mind reality shows that are basically glorified talent shows though even those can get tiring, but I just can't watch a show where it's all manufactured drama all the time or being a good player means being an awful human being or where I know the producers are badly screwing with the heads of real people in order to get the craziness they want.  Or it's flat out a scripted show pretending to be a reality show.  

I think it was around the writers strike when people started wondering if Reality TV was the new dominant reality and if scripted television was going to be the exception rather than the rule and that prospect horrified me.  Thankfully instead we now have more scripted TV then ever before but I'd hate to put the industry back into the mind frame that made such thinking a reality.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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5 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Folks!!! Is there anyone local to San Hose who can give me tips as to what good restaurants/food there is to eat there?

The hubby has a conference there and has no idea what to expect. First time in the US ever!

To start with, I'm pretty sure it's actually San Jose.  ;)

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