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They probably just attached Meryl to the article to get more traffic to it. I had no idea about Casey Affleck until like an hour ago. Will need to look more into it now. It's just sad that he would do that.

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I think what's annoying is the quotes from the Hollywood Foreign Press Association insider in The Guardian article I just read on Casey Affleck it's all "Everybody likes him, they want him to get a chance, they don't want him to be an abuser". It's the same poor woe is me give the guy a break narrative that gets used by our courts and officers when acquitting college rape and general rape sexual assault and sexual harassment cases. Girls are liars, sex is just sex, men should be given a second chance and shouldn't have their whole lives ruin by one bad sexual experience. 

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Oh Stefan you good looking muppet idiot Always wanting to see the best in people and not realising that you wanting to save your brother is basically going to be an invitation to have your brother steal your girl (whose basically been emotionally cheating on you anyway) and not feel sorry about it. 

ETA: So Klaus is like in love with Stefan right? 

Also I'm debating whether I'll be able to handle another 4 seasons of Elena and Damon's bullshit and Stefans total stupidity about their bullshit.

Hopefully Caroline Jeremy Tyler and Bonnie stay awesome.

Edited by LeighAn
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So glad This is Us is back. Of all things, the beginning reminded me of last year's Arrow mid-season premiere. Not really a parallel I expected to see, but there we are. :)


I will say one good thing about Toby's heart condition. It gave us the big three interacting some more. Although I'm still bummed they didn't use the footage of Beth comforting Kate. Too little Beth in this episode for my taste, really.

The most interesting thing I found is that they're showing cracks in Jack and Rebecca's marriage at this relatively early stage. On the one hand, there's Jack just making these big decisions unilaterally, first leasing the apartment, then going to his asshole father, and finally, buying a freaking house without consulting his wife. On the other, there's Rebecca, who's starting to feel a little spoiled and her marrying Miguel after Jack's death is actually starting to make perfect sense to me. I'm getting the feeling that she doesn't cope on her own. 

Oh, and Kevin made me laugh with his perfect Kevin-ism. An artnership. Heee.

Edited by bijoux
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5 hours ago, LeighAn said:

ETA: So Klaus is like in love with Stefan right? 

I don't know how anyone could read Klaus otherwise?!

1 hour ago, LeighAn said:

Team Klaus (Klaus Stefan Katherine Rebecca) is so much more fun then Team Damon (Damon Elena Alaric). 

At least Stefan is having fun with his friends!

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This was my least favorite episode of This is Us. For once, it felt a little too cliche. The abusive father, the return of the crazy ex-lover, the heading to OR love confession, the thought you were sleeping love confession, overhearing someone break your heart, overhearing someone crying, borrowing money from a bad source, the disapproving mother. It was just a little much.

But, I'm going to give it a pass because I think it was a transitional episode that established some necessary groundwork. We find out about how they got the house. It established some character moments & interactions. But it was not the best,

I agree that we need more Beth. I could take less Toby. Still love Kevin, but wanted to give him a good shake this episode. Jack is interesting, because I feel like since the show has become so popular they have scurried to change his character trajectory because they want him around longer.

I know they wanted to integrate Denis OHare into the storyline, but I just don't know if this is the way I would have gone. Randall's reaction felt off. I would have preferred if they made it more about his jealousy or some other emotion. I like the potential of the relationship as drama, but the reaction is just feeling a little off.

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I feel like the only way you can enjoy Delena is if you just ignore the fact that Damon and Stefan are brothers because otherwise it makes Damon and Elena by extension truly crappy human beings that they are falling in love/lust with each other in the same season as Stefan is giving up his soul his humanity and every relationship that matters to him to save Damon. And no matter how much Damon has gone all soft for Elena you can tell that he probably would never do the same for Stefan. You can tell by the fact that he reacts indignant and angry when he realises Stefan everything to save him because it ruins his Stefan is a souless evil monster I'm the good guy narrative he spins for himself while he seduces Elena.

Edited by LeighAn
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38 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Are you up to Klaus yet?

I want know if you liked Klaroline.

I just saw the episode where he saves Caroline from Tyler's bite and is all "your beautiful the world is beautiful let's pretend we are in a Disney cartoon and fall in love at first sight" 

And I'm all dude do you even know her last name? Her middle name?

But I'm open minded more then with Delena right now. 

I still think all the non Stefan Damon and Elena characters are way more enjoyable/less eye roll worthy.

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Keep watching and report back!!!!!!!!

I adored Klaus, raging insane bastard that he was!

ETA: Once you get to know Klaus that scene is pretty in character for him. I've watched all of the Originals. Klaus is a hopeless romantic  (albeit a really nutty and murderous one).

Edited by Mellowyellow
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26 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

I just saw the episode where he saves Caroline from Tyler's bite and is all "your beautiful the world is beautiful let's pretend we are in a Disney cartoon and fall in love at first sight" 

Since Caroline is awesome, I'd say that her handling of Klaus and his advances is exactly what Caroline Forbes would do.


Maybe not the tree fuck but still.

Edited by CooperTV
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So far Im not throwing invite towel yet. I feel like Vampire diaries is kind of like  The OC sudsy guilty pleasure type viewing. But as I was warned it sounds like post season 3 is the real test.

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Confession: I quit Vampire Diaries because the actor who plays Klaus moves his mouth in a weird way when he talks -- I saw Drew Barrymore in his face when he talked -- and it freaked me out.

Greatest reason to quit a show ever.

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1 minute ago, dtissagirl said:

Confession: I quit Vampire Diaries because the actor who plays Klaus moves his mouth in a weird way when he talks -- I saw Drew Barrymore in his face when he talked -- and it freaked me out.

Greatest reason to quit a show ever.

He kind of reminds me of like one of the apes in Planet of the Apes (The original movie) 

And Stefan reminds me of Muppet Angel in season 5 of Angel.

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8 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

Haha, yeah, I used to call Stefan "40 Year OId Vampire" because he acted 40 while everyone else was a teen.

I'd say Caroline is also up there in the responsible adults category, that's why I like them.

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I never saw Caroline being an adult, I quit way before that. My experience with TVD was the opposite of what the show wanted from me, because I only ever liked side 'ships and minor characters, and I identified with the grown ups. Aunt Jenna and Caroline's mom were my favorite characters. LOL.

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2 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

I never saw Caroline being an adult, I quit way before that.

Caroline turning into a vampire was a huge improvement for her as a character. As opposed to Elena, who became the worst when she turned into a vampire.

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I love Sheriff Forbes! And Aunt Jenna. I also loved Elenas parents John and Isobel. Alaric is kind of dull and I feel like should be hanging out with people his own age. And I have a soft spot for Carol Lockwood.

Honestly the sides characters and supporting characters are what keep me watch more then the leads. 

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I just finished The Force Awakens and I think I may have enjoyed it more than the original trilogy. It's just so touching and adorable. Seriously, those are my main two take backs. Rey and Finn are just the cutest two beings in the galaxy. I liked Poe as well, although his role here is actually much smaller than the press coverage and social media has lead me to believe.

Too bad Han and Leia didn't have a girl. Leia's family produces seriuosly defective males.

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It's hard for me to remember a time when I liked Caroline on TVD. She's just so exhausting to watch after season five, but then again by that time Bonnie is the only decent character on the show. I'm watching season seven and Bonnie just sliced someone's hand off with an axe and then an episode later had this really nice emotional moment. I feel like the show is finally giving her screen time and things to do, which is maybe the only reason I'll end up watching the whole show.


3 hours ago, LeighAn said:

love/lust with each other in the same season as Stefan is giving up his soul his humanity and every relationship that matters to him to save Damon. And no matter how much Damon has gone all soft for Elena you can tell that he probably would never do the same for Stefan. You can tell by the fact that he reacts indignant and angry when he realises Stefan everything to save him because it ruins his Stefan is a souless evil monster I'm the good guy narrative he spins for himself while he seduces Elena.

Is this the season where Klaus compels Stefan to become a killer or to forget his emotions or whatever? I never really got why I was supposed to care about this, because...it's not like Stefan made the choice to turn his emotions off, he was just compelled to do it. I don't really get what they were going for there. Maybe they just wanted to push Damon and Elena together.

Edited by manbearpig
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Well at the end of season 2 Stefan was told by Klaus that he would save Damon's life if and only if Stefan becomes a Ripper and helps him make a hybrid army. So Stefan drank human blood to save Damon. But its not clear after that how much Klaus was compelling him and how much Stefan was doing out of guilt or to gain Klaus trust. I think it was a bit of both. 

Then during the episode where Tyler becomes a hybrid Klaus compelled Stefan to turn his humanity off in punishment for not killing Elena. 

For a while humanity less Stefan joins forces with Damon to take out Klaus but when Katheribe learns Klaus had directed his hybrid through sire bonds to kill Damon should he be harmed Kstherine convinces Stefan to turn his humanity back on to save Damon's life. 

Stefan the double crosses the kill klaus plan and goes to extreme lengths to take out Klaus both because of desire to protect Damon and for his own blood thirsty revenge that Klaus ruined his life.

So I think amongst the mind control their was self sacrifice from Stefan for his brother that 2.5 seasons in I don't think Damon has earnt or would ever return to Stefan if their roles were reversed. My fanwank is that Stefan holds onto deep guilt about turning Damon in the first place.

But in reality they demonised Stefan to get him out of the picture so they could justify and try to believably have Damon and Elena fall in love in a way that attempts to make them not look like the worst for cheating on a brother and boyfriend who was nothing but good to them.

ETA: Like the scene with Stefan and Elena in the car like to me I know I'm suppose to be angry at Stefan but it just felt like such an obvious atrempt to prop Delena that I didn't get angry at Stefan but rolled my eyes at the writers lame attempts. Maybe because I'm binging after the fact, perhaps it didn't feel so proppy when watching live?

Edited by LeighAn
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I binge watched TVD too so I don't know how it would have felt live, either. I agree with all the points you are making. I watched those seasons a few years ago so my memory is very fuzzy. For me, in a very basic way, it's just hard for me to care about what Stefan was doing after he was being mind controlled and it would have been weird to see Damon and Elena grow closer under these circumstances anyway, but even more so considering that Damon had snapped her brother's neck and violated Caroline.* 

*Which the show handled so oddly. Like obviously Caroline does not particularly care for Damon, but the writers always kind of skirt around the issue of why and it's annoying.

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28 minutes ago, manbearpig said:

*Which the show handled so oddly. Like obviously Caroline does not particularly care for Damon, but the writers always kind of skirt around the issue of why and it's annoying.

Because they couldn't ruin their preferred romantic lead even more, I'm guessing. Even though he had another living sex toy (the journalist lady, I think) after Caroline. TVD is a bazzarro world.


And he apparently was killing members of one particular family for 50 years (eliminating every generation) because the grand-grand-dad of the family tortured him. That was a sob story Elena fell even more for him over, I think.

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Yeah if the acknowledged it for what it is sexual physical and mental abuse and rape it would ruin not only Damon but Elena as well for basically validating the guy that raped and abused her best friend.

Sort of like how they made Alaric Damon's BFF so that people wouldn't associate Damon with killing Alarics wife and Elenas mother and turning her into a vampire.

Then thing is I could have more tolerance for Delena if they didn't make Damin such a shitty brother and a smug sleaze about it. Have him actually show some awareness or remorse for her brother rather then cockily gloat and rub it in his brothers face that he's been intent fully stealing his great love.  

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Stefan and Alaric trying to push the dark side of each other to the surface was the gayest thing in Vampire Diaries Ive seen so far including Klaus playing Scarlett O Hara to Stefans Rhett Butler.

Edited by LeighAn
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21 minutes ago, Chaser said:

Looking at a long weekend in NYC. Anyone know it well? Trying to figure out location. 

I stayed in the East Village the last couple times I went to visit. It's not as frenetic as other parts of Manhattan, and I felt safe walking around at night by myself. There were lots of trendy places to eat within walking distance.

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1 hour ago, Chaser said:

Looking at a long weekend in NYC. Anyone know it well? Trying to figure out location. 

I went to school and lived there for 10 years.  The Union Square area might be good as you are really close to a subway stop that can take you anywhere--upper east side, upper west, midtown and Brooklyn--plus being at 14th street you are within walking distance of a quite a bit, including the east village, chelsea, flatiron, and even up to Times Square if you are feeling energetic.

Edited by thegirlsleuth
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If anyone is interested, I stumbled across this posting at Arrowverse.tv (I know nothing about this website, so I don't know if they have any preferences or prejudices, or if they're good or bad)...



Open Positions

Arrowverse.tv is looking for a few good writers!

All positions are voluntary (without compensation), but writing for Arrowverse.tv is a great way to express and share your love of Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow with your fellow fans. In addition, these positions provide valuable experience that can help you attain paid writing jobs down the road!

Our only requirements are that you must be able to write in fluent English, be available to contribute at least one article per week (preferably three or more), and of course, be a huge Arrowverse fan! ... (Read more)

Edited by tv echo
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I started watching Stranger Things (chances are I'll be finishing it tomorrow or possibly Monday), and I was surprised to first see Cara Buono (yay!) and then Chris Sullivan who plays Toby on This is Us. It's no secret nor exaggeration to say I hate Toby. The warmest I've ever said about him is that I didn't hate him that much in a given episode. But there was something so instantly likeable and warm about Sullivan in this role, a very convincing vibe that this was a bona fide good guy. 


Of course, he was then promptly killed.

And man, that second episode with Nancy being an asshole, really, brought back so many memories to my teen years where I was Barb, the only thinking person in the room overflowing with hormones. The only nice thing Nancy did was to tell Barb to go home. Barb then had to ruin it by staying.

The kids are so, so excellent. I don't know which of them I like better, Eleven, Mike, Lucas or Dustin. And I love the credits. So 80's.

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1 hour ago, bijoux said:

I started watching Stranger Things (chances are I'll be finishing it tomorrow or possibly Monday), and I was surprised to first see Cara Buono (yay!) and then Chris Sullivan who plays Toby on This is Us. It's no secret nor exaggeration to say I hate Toby. The warmest I've ever said about him is that I didn't hate him that much in a given episode. But there was something so instantly likeable and warm about Sullivan in this role, a very convincing vibe that this was a bona fide good guy. 

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Of course, he was then promptly killed.

And man, that second episode with Nancy being an asshole, really, brought back so many memories to my teen years where I was Barb, the only thinking person in the room overflowing with hormones. The only nice thing Nancy did was to tell Barb to go home. Barb then had to ruin it by staying.

The kids are so, so excellent. I don't know which of them I like better, Eleven, Mike, Lucas or Dustin. And I love the credits. So 80's.

I binged it just a couple weeks ago.  It really was a great show.  Great kid actors.  Yes I was sad that we got stuck with Arrow's William.  Clearly there are better options.

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So A Series of Unfortunate Events was a lot of fun, would recommend (although it does have a particular sense of humor, so it might not be everyone's cup of tea). Only bummer is that I'm down a conspiracy-themed/mystery easter egg movie/tv project to get into until the God Particle trailer comes out to start the whole Cloververse franchise up again.

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Seconded on a Series of Unfortunate Events.   I binge watched entire season and skipped two trips to the bar.  I don't regret it.  If this was a longer show I'd be calling out of work Monday to continue.   It is a bit odd, but since the author of the books is writing the scripts that's to be expected and I find and the cast delightful. 

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Just now, Delphi said:

 It is a bit odd, but since the author of the books is writing the scripts that's to be expected and I find and the cast delightful. 

It's very interesting that he seems to be the head writer and deciding to go back to add things for extra foreshadowing/explanations that the books didn't get to until later (probably since the plot doesn't kick in until like book 5 yet this ends at 4, but still). Plus, loved that twist at the end of 101 and the twist of the twist (which, admittedly, I kind of caught on as the episodes went on) at the end of 107. 

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I loved the twist too! 


I think it's because I'm a sap.   But I also think they needed to infuse the show with some sort of hope into the show,  or it would have been far too bleak.  And the second twist was sad for me but I still enjoyed the hope of the first six episodes. 

Edited by Delphi
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Does anyone watch Emerald City? Watched the first 3 episodes and honestly am perplexed by the show. There's a lot going on and I feel like they are not telling us everything we need to know to understand it. I do love mysteries and surprises but right now, it's way more pieces than puzzle.

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I'm probably going to, but I have too much on my plate ATM.

Westworld is so dull. I am at episode 4, and I just don't. Care. I do love Jonathan Nolan, so I'm willing to wait if it gets better, but right now, zero emotional investment. Don't exactly care about any of the actors, too, although James Marsden sure is nice to watch (even if they kill him like 10 times per episode). The black dude with glasses is just annoying with his dead son sob story and by how much less cool he is than Finch from Person of Interest.

As for TVD, holy shit, did I hate Klaus. Especially Klaroline. Maybe it's because I liked Caroline way more than I even liked Elena, it felt like Klaroline was a 1000 times worse than Delena. It also made Klaus a weeping pony-drawing defanged loser instead of a (former) Big Bad.

That said, I always felt like he had some serious unresolved feelings for Rebekah, thus his interest in Stefan (her former squeeze) and Caroline (who resembled her in some ways). I'd probably watch The Originals just for this crack ship if Claire Hoyt didn't leave in s1.

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I'm only at the start of season 4 but I will say that Klaroline feels super random to me, like it came out of no where. I'm not as turned off as In am to Delena cause I haven't seen Klaus do anything to horrendously shitty to Caroline (so far) and Caroline doesn't seem like she's buying any of the bull shit he's selling (so far). 

But it felt like for half of season 3 Klaus and Caroline had no scenes or story together then Caroline gets werewolf poisoning and Klaus offers to save her life and has this big romantic scene with her and all of sudden is drawing her pictures and buying her presents and wanting to dance with her and tell her that their destined for one another and all I'm thinking is does Klaus even know Caroline's last name? Like when and why did this happen?

As for Klaus having I cestuous feelings for Rebecca I can buy that haha. I can't tell if I like the originals of hate them yet.

Im interested though that I see a lot of similarities with The Originals in season 3 and 4 of TVD and how they came in and took over the show with Arrow season 5 and all the newbies coming in and taking up screen time whether the Vampire Diaries fans where as opposed and unsatisfied as Arrow fans have been? 

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3 hours ago, kismet said:

Does anyone watch Emerald City? Watched the first 3 episodes and honestly am perplexed by the show. There's a lot going on and I feel like they are not telling us everything we need to know to understand it. I do love mysteries and surprises but right now, it's way more pieces than puzzle.

It wants viewers to think that stuff is happening but when I reflect back on episodes I've just watched, I remember nothing that moves the plot forward happening at all. It's the weirdest thing.

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10 hours ago, kismet said:

Does anyone watch Emerald City? Watched the first 3 episodes and honestly am perplexed by the show. There's a lot going on and I feel like they are not telling us everything we need to know to understand it. I do love mysteries and surprises but right now, it's way more pieces than puzzle.

I liked the first hour but, yeah, it has wandered since then.  I'm hoping it's just world building right now and stuff will start happening.

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11 hours ago, kismet said:

Does anyone watch Emerald City? Watched the first 3 episodes and honestly am perplexed by the show. There's a lot going on and I feel like they are not telling us everything we need to know to understand it. I do love mysteries and surprises but right now, it's way more pieces than puzzle.

I'm watching for the pretty-- beautiful landscapes/sets, gorgeous costumes, the lead character and her love interest (with bonus chemistry!)-- so I'm not too concerned about the plot. Yeah, I'm shallow. ::shrug::

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That's not shallow @lemotomato. The costumes and landscapes are top notch, cinematic quality. I'm definitely going to continue for similar reasons. Although I haven't figured out LIs yet. I'm not so much focused on the plots as much as I can't figure out the relationships or characters yet. Who's good, who's evil. Even with Games of Thrones I feel lost, but I get the characters. I just need a little more character work on Emerald City.

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