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Small Talk: The Quiver

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It's funny. I quit that show because the seeming "ship" being pushed was so distasteful to me.  (Ex husband that cheated on her and was now her boss.)  Berlanti has been the name behind an awful lot of really terrible IMO designated couples. 

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I hate Eurovision. By this point, it's obvious it's all about behind the scenes politics and, well, actual politics. Also, today, the social networks and news sites here in Russia are all about it, all the time, and I'm sick of it. The amount of butthurt reactions from our so-called patriots is rather funny, though.

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Is there a way to limit what your followers can see of your tweets like you can on Facebook? My uncle's on a rampage today, opening both Facebook and Twitter accounts and I'm not sure I want everything to be visible to him

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2 hours ago, FurryFury said:

I hate Eurovision. By this point, it's obvious it's all about behind the scenes politics and, well, actual politics. Also, today, the social networks and news sites here in Russia are all about it, all the time, and I'm sick of it. The amount of butthurt reactions from our so-called patriots is rather funny, though.

Heard about that. :/ By the way, is Eurovision that big of a thing? I've never watched it - nor have I been interested in following the outcomes. Actually, I think I've started to hear about it just in the last couple years - it doesn't get much coverage here. (Or maybe it does, and i was just blissfully ignorant).

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Eurovision Song Contest is the official name, I just learnt - I was skimming Wikipedia, haha.

I also found out why I didn't hear about it until a few years ago - Italy didn't compete for 13 years until 2011, haha.

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5 hours ago, Carrie Ann said:

God bless you. I shipped Clintasha after the first Avengers because I'm easily led with ships--and especially with movies because what's the point?--and JW obviously wrote them with romantic overtones. No clue why he reversed course there, but I think I started shipping Steve/Nat after the Clint's family reveal (and honestly, Renner's offscreen persona turned me off too) and was an immediate No on Bruce, and I saw someone mention S/N in a romantic way and I was like, oh. Yes. That's the one for me. I could go into ways the ship appeals to me for many of the same reasons O/F does, but I will spare everyone else. ;) 

I'm glad you now see what I did way back when :') Out of everyone in the Avengers I feel like Steve/Natasha have the most genuine relationship. I wish the movies would explore that relationship more but I won't hold my breath :(

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1 hour ago, FurryFury said:

Heard Limitless might not make it to s2. So bummed.

That sucks. I binged the first 10 and then started watching weekly. I thought the show had found its footing and its voice. The last 2 eps were pretty solid (I already miss Sands)

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While a good number of people were meeting SA, EBR & co this weekend, I got to meet Jamie Lawson after a small intimate concert that had last minute tickets open up. I know its not the same, but I was a little obsessed with his album and got to talk with him about my favorite song on the album which was exciting. It does still feel a little weird to meet quasi-famous people and get your picture taken with them. It's a little surreal considering you're both just people but they write songs that millions of people have heard and you have to drive around the block a few times for a parallel spot - yet you both just seem normal.

If you can see him in concert, I highly recommend it. Plus his album is amazing. Amy Vachal opened up for him and she was really good as well. Classic female singer-songwriter. I felt like her songs could wind up on a CW/WB coming of age TV soundtrack.

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3 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

So I'm catching up on posts in the social media thread, and I noticed that this post by @quarks is in a green box instead of the usual gray. Is it a new feature on posts that get a ton of likes? It's the first time I've seen it.

It happens to posts that have over 25 likes :)

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Anybody here still watch Quantico? I must admit the show was not what I expected and at times was far too predictable. Most of that finale could have been predicted by episode 3. I was a sucker for that opening montage though, I like it when they visually recap all the bits & pieces that solve the mystery. But overall glad I stuck with it... because it looks like she is headed for the



which is predictable and will allow them to do more fun stuff, since FBI is not as TV glamorous. And if they find a way to keep Henry Czerny on, it will have to make at least my guilty pleasures list... that man finds a way onto so many juicy shows. I just am a fan of his. I don't know how they will integrate everyone, but honestly they could probably clear house with most of the cast as regulars - bring in some new blood and just let the others recur.

Although I must admit, I don't know why they had to kill off two of my fav characters, first Rick Cosnett's character and now



It's a lot annoying, especially since they could have easily killed some of the other NATs and I would have been okay with (some of them are just annoying). That being said, those actors might have wanted to pursue other options. They were some of the more talented actors out of the bunch.

Edited by kismet
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Huh?! (throws up hands in disgust)...

‘Drew’ Pilot Not Going Forward at CBS, Being Shopped Elsewhere
by Nellie Andreeva •  May 14, 2016 3:35pm


CBS brass took extra time to deliberate between Joan Rater and Tony Phelan’s two drama pilots for the network, legal drama Doubt and cop show Drew, a contemporary take on the character from the Nancy Drew books In the end, Doubt, which had had the edge heading into the final stretch, was picked up to series on Saturday.

Drew is not going forward at CBS but is being shopped to other outlets by CBS TV Studios. I hear the pilot tested well but skewed too female for CBS’ schedule. In the end of the day, I hear the network had no 8 PM or 9 PM slot available.
*  *  *
Written/executive produced by Rater and Phelan, Drew stars Sarah Shahi as Nancy — now in her 30s — a detective for the NYPD where she investigates and solves crimes using her uncanny observational skills, all while navigating the complexities of life in a modern world. Anthony Edwards, Felix Solis and Rob McClure co-star in the project, also executive produced by Dan Jinks.

Edited by tv echo
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Caught up with OUaT finale, and the only question I have is, why is Henry still alive? Or at least can't they FF a few years so that he's off to college or something, please.

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20 hours ago, wonderwall said:

I'm glad you now see what I did way back when :') Out of everyone in the Avengers I feel like Steve/Natasha have the most genuine relationship. I wish the movies would explore that relationship more but I won't hold my breath :(

I hope you mean it's the most genuine romantic relationship, because you've got the friendships of Steve and Bucky, Steve and Falcon, Scott and Luis (okay Luis isn't in the Avengers, but I'm counting it), Steve and Thor, Steve and Fury, and Natasha and Fury.

Edited by Jediknight
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2 hours ago, Jediknight said:

I hope you mean it's the most genuine romantic relationship, because you've got the friendships of Steve and Bucky, Steve and Falcon, Scott and Luis (okay Luis isn't in the Avengers, but I'm counting it), Steve and Thor, Steve and Fury, and Natasha and Fury.

Well, yeah, considering the topic at hand was romantic relationships.

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On 5/13/2016 at 10:13 PM, Delphi said:

Unrelated to all the tv show drama,  which is crazy,  I'm currently apartment hunting and it is the most stressful thing I've dealt with in years and other Mr. Delphi is so not helpful.  It's actually super annoying because I've never done this before and I have no idea what I'm doing and just ugh.  

God I'm right there with you! now add to that trying to find a place with 5 cats in the area also known as SF-Bay area!! while being on a budget.

All I can recommend is: Craiglists, facebook groups in your area, asking everyone. and if all else fails get a relator (if you don't mind telling me which city you guys are looking in I can see if I know anyone in that city that can either help you or put you in contact.

On 5/15/2016 at 10:09 PM, catrox14 said:

You know what's crazy,? I've re-watched s2 recently and I STILL gasp a bit, get giddy and teary eyed. I'm a sucker.

15+ years later and I still get giddy and teary eyed every time I watch the ER Doug and Carol reunion scenes in S3 and S6!! This also applies to the hook up scene between Josh and Donna on TWW.

On 5/15/2016 at 9:57 AM, BkWurm1 said:

Is it true that the only hit makers to come out of the Eurovision song contest is ABBA?  I was listening to some BBC commentators and couldn't tell if they were being sarcastic or not. 

Umm... Celine Dion once sang for one Sweden or Belgium or something like that, back in the 80's when she was just about to make it big. ummm most of the artists that tend to sing in the Eurovision do become fairly famous only in Europe and usually only in their country and general region (I should also note that most countries tend to send performers that are already somewhat famous in their country).

I'm trying to think of anyone else that may be familiar to someone from the American continent... 

On 5/15/2016 at 3:05 PM, looptab said:

Heard about that. :/ By the way, is Eurovision that big of a thing? I've never watched it - nor have I been interested in following the outcomes. Actually, I think I've started to hear about it just in the last couple years - it doesn't get much coverage here. (Or maybe it does, and i was just blissfully ignorant).

It is in Europe, or most of it anyway. It used to be so much bigger! now it's more of show show than a song contest. By the way, politics always played a part in the contest and how countries vote; to be honest I think that's why most people watch, to gossip about why country A gave country B x amount of points :-P

13 hours ago, looptab said:

Caught up with OUaT finale, and the only question I have is, why is Henry still alive? Or at least can't they FF a few years so that he's off to college or something, please.

Honestly my only question is: Why is OUaT still alive? I dropped the show completely! it has become such a stupid show that not even captain swan and lana parrilla can save it anymore, in my opinion.

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59 minutes ago, foreverevolving said:

God I'm right there with you! now add to that trying to find a place with 5 cats in the area also known as SF-Bay area!! while being on a budget.

All I can recommend is: Craiglists, facebook groups in your area, asking everyone. and if all else fails get a relator (if you don't mind telling me which city you guys are looking in I can see if I know anyone in that city that can either help you or put you in contact.

I'm trying to think of anyone else that may be familiar to someone from the American continent... 

Yeah,  budgets are the worst!  I'm in Maryland, about twenty minutes from the district right next to a huge college.  So property goes for waaay too much around here. 


I think Aqua and Tatu  are also some bands that have had sort of relevance in the the states that performed Eurovision. 

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So Castle, the show that was number one in my DVR is officially over. 

It could have been so much worse.

 Yes, damning it with faint praise but I'm not as down on it as I sound.  At least the ending didn't make me regret watching.  An imperfect show, but one I will concentrate on forgetting the silly BTS stuff and concentrate on the 7 1/2 years of entertainment (season 8 only gets half credit, lol) it gave me.  I am SOOOO glad I did NOT join that fandom.  Shallow pays off in this case. 

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Yeah it aired tonight.  

TVLine posted the ending, and I watched it, even though I haven't watched any of season 8.   I'm not sure if I will now.  It certainly wasn't the worst that could have happened, but...it wasn't the ending I might have hoped for.  It was very obvious that they just slapped on this ending at the last minute.  Last season's ending was much more of a series ending.  It's too bad they didn't end it there, really.  For a lot of reasons. 

Edited by Starfish35
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I popped over to the Castle thread and many are suggesting taking the ending of season seven and adding the VERY end of season eight and calling that the ending of the series.  I guess I don't mind so very much now that the show is done that there was a season eight.  It had a lot of issues but it also had good parts and now that I know the good was not retroactively ruined by the ending, I can live with the crappier parts easier. 

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I used to be a casual viewer at best, but the


three kids

sort of threw me. It wasn't something I expected Beckett would want. 


One, sure. Two, okay. But three in quick succession seemed like something of an overkill to me. And then there's Castle, who's a giant kid.

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I think that was supposed to be a callback to the "time traveler" episode.  IIRC, he told Castle 


they would end up with three kids, Beckett would eventually become a senator, etc.

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Re Castle, I think that the


two little boys were twins, so Kate would only have gotten pregnant twice in 7 years.



Edited by tv echo
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17 hours ago, Delphi said:

Yeah,  budgets are the worst!  I'm in Maryland, about twenty minutes from the district right next to a huge college.  So property goes for waaay too much around here. 


I think Aqua and Tatu  are also some bands that have had sort of relevance in the the states that performed Eurovision. 

Delphi, where in Maryland? I may know a realtor in that state.

if you want, feel free to send me a private message with a more specific city/cities you have in mind and i'll ask my friend if she works in that area or knows renter realtors there.

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Does anyone else have giant white spaces when viewing the Arrow forum? When I'm on the Arrow 'homepage' and I'm looking at the list of threads there's just giant gaps in between them, maybe every 3-4 thread. Is this the style or is it a glitch on my end?

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1 minute ago, Angel12d said:

Does anyone else have giant white spaces when viewing the Arrow forum? When I'm on the Arrow 'homepage' and I'm looking at the list of threads there's just giant gaps in between them, maybe every 3-4 thread. Is this the style or is it a glitch on my end?

Ads are supposed to be there - do you have adblock? 

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I do have adblock but this only just started happening today. There was no spaces before. Weird.

But thanks guys. It was bugging me!

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19 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

So Castle, the show that was number one in my DVR is officially over. 

It could have been so much worse.

 Yes, damning it with faint praise but I'm not as down on it as I sound.  At least the ending didn't make me regret watching.  An imperfect show, but one I will concentrate on forgetting the silly BTS stuff and concentrate on the 7 1/2 years of entertainment (season 8 only gets half credit, lol) it gave me.  I am SOOOO glad I did NOT join that fandom.  Shallow pays off in this case. 


19 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

Yeah it aired tonight.  

TVLine posted the ending, and I watched it, even though I haven't watched any of season 8.   I'm not sure if I will now.  It certainly wasn't the worst that could have happened, but...it wasn't the ending I might have hoped for.  It was very obvious that they just slapped on this ending at the last minute.  Last season's ending was much more of a series ending.  It's too bad they didn't end it there, really.  For a lot of reasons. 

I had to avoid the small talk section for awhile. I completely had forgotten that it was the Castle Finale - I thought we would get one more week. It wasn't the worst episode to go out on, but it certainly could have been much better. I'm of two minds with the whipped up, slapped on ending. I'm glad they brought it to a happy place, but it was so obvious that was not how they intended to end it from this episode.

I also am mad at ABC, because they never gave me a chance to grieve the show. I knew it was on its last legs, but they could have been more merciful to the fans and given us a final season (or at least call this the final season sooner than 5 days before the finale). Even Revenge got more respect in terms of notice. Instead they dangled us this season, did all the BTS shenanigans a few weeks ago and then slapped on a 30 sec clip to appease us. It just wasn't the right way for ABC to break-up with Castle. It needed closure and we'll never get it :(

I'll never regret watching Castle, I will always have enjoyed it for the fun that it was. When it was good it was good and when it was bad it still was better than a lot of what is being served up these days.

I will however not be too eager to forgive ABC after their behavior this renewal season. Perhaps a little boycott of their new shows is necessary.

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Tuned in to see Michael Weatherly's NCIS exit.

I don't think Ziva is dead. I know they said she was and they didn't hint that she wasn't but I honestly think Cote and Weatherly are going to pop up next season in a special guest appearance. 

They did something that really annoyed me. They say Ziva is dead and they act like she was just Tony's girlfriend. I don't think that the Team was given proper reactions. I hated that. It reminded me of the CSI finale and all the focus on Gil and Sara. I was saying good bye to the Team not just those two. 

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Okay. Thanks. Who knows, maybe it was just two or three at the time, they just didn't absolutely overwhelm my feed. 

Update: Within 20 minutes from posting this I found 12 new ones! It's goddamned freaky is what it is. I changed my password, but I don't like this at all.

Edited by bijoux
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9 hours ago, Angel12d said:

I do have adblock but this only just started happening today. There was no spaces before. Weird.

But thanks guys. It was bugging me!

I'm having this problem too. It never showed me the blank spaces before yesterday - and I don't think it showed the ads on mobile before a couple days ago.

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5 hours ago, Chaser said:

Tuned in to see Michael Weatherly's NCIS exit.

I don't think Ziva is dead. I know they said she was and they didn't hint that she wasn't but I honestly think Cote and Weatherly are going to pop up next season in a special guest appearance. 

They did something that really annoyed me. They say Ziva is dead and they act like she was just Tony's girlfriend. I don't think that the Team was given proper reactions. I hated that. It reminded me of the CSI finale and all the focus on Gil and Sara. I was saying good bye to the Team not just those two. 

Ziva is totally dead and I'm so fucking happy they killed her off. Couldn't stand the character, pity they had to make Tony's exit ALL ABOUT ZIVA but that was pretty much par for the course with NCIS and Ziva.  

Glad they didn't kill Tony off and gave him a reason to move on. I'm also glad that they brought his father back for the finale.

The Abby/Tony goodbye was the saddest, other than Gibbs they were there the longest, Tony and Abby were in the JAG, backdoor pilot and have been with NCIS from the very very beginning.  The Gibbs/Tony goodbye wasn't as emotional as i expected.

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5 hours ago, Chaser said:

Tuned in to see Michael Weatherly's NCIS exit.

I don't think Ziva is dead. I know they said she was and they didn't hint that she wasn't but I honestly think Cote and Weatherly are going to pop up next season in a special guest appearance. 

They did something that really annoyed me. They say Ziva is dead and they act like she was just Tony's girlfriend. I don't think that the Team was given proper reactions. I hated that. It reminded me of the CSI finale and all the focus on Gil and Sara. I was saying good bye to the Team not just those two. 

This pissed me off.  They basically fridged Ziva to for the man pain and somehow it's more of an insult that they killed her off screen.  I thought she couldn't be dead at first and then I realized that they don't value her character beyond her potential love interest connect to Tony and so since he was going, they had no reason to keep her.  Grr. 

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Hah! i totally missed that DiNozzo's exit was a redux of the Magnum Series finale. Kind of fitting for DiNozzo I guess.

Always funny how different people view things. I hated Ziva/Tiva, thought they destroyed the show by making it revolve around the Super Special Snowflake.  

Ziva/Tiva a destroyed NCIS for me and was the reason I quit the show.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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