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Mr. Selfridge - General Discussion

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Watching the show for the first time here. And Roger Grove gets my vote for character who should be run over by a bus. Like, obviously Lord Loxley is a horrifying, abusive husband who should be behind bars. But the show doesn't expect me to like Loxley. He's clearly a villain. Meanwhile I'm apparently expected to like Mr. Grove, even after the way he handled his relationship with Miss Mardle last season? I can't do it. He's lost my sympathy, and I'm sorry he's back for season two instead of Miss Ravillious, who I enjoyed.


I love Lady Mae! And it's awful to see her under someone's thumb, abused, and kind of subdued. She's one of the best characters on the show. She and Mr. Crabb.


And I love time jumps between seasons, so I was thrilled to discover that five years had passed. It's one of my favourite things and I wish more American shows did it.


So I suppose Roddy Temple is gone for good? I found the actor super attractive. It's too bad his character turned out to be such a tremendous arsehole.


Frances O'Connor is such a lovely actress. A character like Rose is often boring, but I find her wonderfully likable and real.

Edited by Kirsty
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I think we are supposed to see what happened to Roger Grove when he got exactly what he thought he wanted. Last season, he cruelly cast aside Miss Mardle - whom he referred to as the love of his life - in order to marry young Doris whom he barely knew but who could give him many children. Now he's got those children and it has cost him his sleep and possibly his job. "Be careful what you wish for because you might get it..." Stay tuned, Kirsty, it gets more interesting.


It's a shame how they changed Roddy Temple's personality toward the end of the season. He was very likeable in the beginning (or, you know, one of the most likeable of the many characters on this show who are willing to commit adultery). But he became quite scary, especially the way he used Rosalie to get to Rose. I kind of wish they had just let him go after Rose revealed who she was in the middle of the season, rather than have him come back later on and turn out to be so creepy. Oh well.


Rose gets involved in a few interesting things in the middle of this season, so I think you'll be pleased. From what I understand, she was a very accomplished and interesting person in real life.


I've got to say one nice thing about Loxley: he has fabulous clothes! So many of the men on this show are great dressers, but I find him to be the best of the best.


Enjoy watching season 2!

Edited by jordanpond
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Oh lord, it's a good bet Lady Mae just shafted her friend Harry by assuring him that Loxley is trustworthy. At least she has some leverage over her snake of a husband now, though. I was glad to see her taking some action.


When Mr. Thackeray saw Henri for the first time and was all "I didn't imagine he'd look like that", I totally thought he meant... criminally hot. It's hard for me to accept that someone could see Gregory Fitoussi for the first time and their impression woud be anything other than : YOWZA.


Aw, it's sweet the way the show is bestowing gifts on Miss Mardle because she got kicked to the kerb last season.


Gordon the Selfridge son needs to stay out of his parents' marriage. When he was quizzing his mother, I could only assume that she didn't explain to him that his father is a serial philanderer out of kind consideration for the father/son relationship.

Rose has bugged the heck out of me from the start. She tries to come off as this delicate flower, but she's a total B itch

A Bitch must be a woman who doesn't eat shit with a smile, then!


Unfortunately, the show is far more interested in the romantic tension between Agnes and Victor than I am. I like them as friends.


I can't get over how good Frank Edwards' Irish accent is. I'm Irish -- and I have a pretty good ear for accents -- so when I looked up the actor, Samuel West, I expected to find that he's Irish too, or that his parents are Irish, or he went to uni in Dublin or something. Not a bit of it! But he's nailed the accent. He absolutely sounds like an Irishman who has lived in England for a long time.

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Well, at the end of the season my feelings about Mr. Grove are much the same as they were at the beginning of the season. They are best summed up by that dumb acronym that I used to see online a lot in the past.


Mr. Grove directed his ex's love life this season. First telling Miss Mardle that Florian has the hots for her, then that Florian is playing her, then that Florian loves her. And all without having spoken a word to Florian or asking Miss Mardle about her feelings, or until the finale, without being guided by anything but jealousy and a raging sense of entitlement. And Miss Mardle allowed herself to be directed by him! Even when he insulted her to her face.


Am I supposed to care that Mr. Grove, who cheated on his first wife, strung Miss Mardle along as his mistress, married a woman half his age once the first wife died, let the mistress learn of his new relationship from his fiancee in the most brutal way possible, explained the new relationship to her in terms of her advanced age and infertility, encouraged her to continue to be his mistress because she's still good enough to screw, and has since had four kids with the new wife while he continues to be Miss Mardle's boss... Am I supposed to applaud him because five years later he finally gave his permission for her to become attached to another man??! How about a kick in the balls instead? Nah, that's too good for him. DIAF, Mr. Grove.


I really enjoy Kitty Hawkins. She's such a fun, saucy character. It's as though, because she began as kind of a baddie, her character doesn't suffer from the burden of having to be nice all the time. I like how she makes a performance even out of walking -- presumably because she knows she looks good! And I like that she's not afraid to speak her mind or to stand up for herself. She clearly enjoys a good gossip as well. I've enjoyed her relationship with Frank Edwards.


Lady Mae was a different character this season. In season one, she had a permanent smirk on her face. She was this wonderfully selfish, Machiavellian schemer. This season, she was the victim of a bigger, meaner villain, sure. But on top of that, they took away all her edge and bite, and her old role on the show was given to Delphine. It was totally unnecessary and a shame, because she was the show's best character as she was. I don't know why they felt the need to make her so nice. Still, I liked when she visited her old friend the singer, backstage, and reminisced about her younger days. And I loved how she and Pimble stole off together with only three bags between them.


My favourite Mr. Crabb moments were on his birthday when he thought he was going to be forcibly retired, and when his feathers were ruffled at the sight of women working in the loading area!


The Welsh lady was a lovely addition to the show. And Harry's son starting at the bottom of the store career ladder worked surprisingly well all season.


The Victor/Agnes/Henri triangle was just plain strange this year. Henri was super sweet to Agnes last season, but this season he didn't treat her as you would a friend. I mean, he is shit hot, but the ship needed to give me more to work with from his side. At least Agnes treated him well, and you could see that she cared deeply for him by how upset she was when he was in trouble, particularly when she lost her head at Kitty, shouting that none of them deserved him.


Victor on the other hand, was a fantastic friend and boyfriend to Agnes this year. And although I was all about Henri/Agnes coming into this season, by the last episode I had accepted that she would be happily married to Victor. So I was completely surprised by the end of finale twist. I really don't think the show laid enough groundwork for it eg. I never saw Agnes doubting her decision to leave her job, or dragging her feet about it, or having second thoughts about her relationship with Victor.


Why did Victor have to tell her her own mind? Why didn't he accept her decision (as Henri had) instead of making a new one for her? Why couldn't Agnes choose Henri for herself? How did Victor know that she loved Henri more than she loved him when the rest of us didn't?! Was Victor trying for sainthood? I thought it was a really annoying way to flip everything on its head at the very end. And if that's what the plan was all along, then they should have shown Henri treating Agnes better this season.


All season the show persuaded me to accept a happy ending for Victor/Agnes, only to snatch it away at the last second and give the happy ending to Henri/Agnes instead. So it was the happy ending I orginally wanted, but delivered in such a backwards, roundabout fashion that by the time I got it, it wasn't nearly as satisfying as it should have been.


And what's with the show constantly telling us how special and extraordinary Agnes is? If she's so fucking special, we should be able to see it for ourselves without being told. I like Agnes very much and I still found that offputting, so if you weren't disposed to like her, it would surely put you right off her. And why does she need to be special in the first place? I guess it's the writers' clumsy way of letting the viewers know that Agnes is a pet character, but jesus, they should cut it out already.


This show has already handled the war much better than Downton Abbey ever did, but then that wouldn't be difficult. ; )


I'm thrilled that there's another time jump between seasons two and three, and I'm looking forward to watching this next season as it airs, to see what's happened to all the characters in the meantime.

Edited by Kirsty
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Oh, I'm delighted that Henri comes back from the war! Judging by those pictures, I'm guessing he's suffering from shell shock.


Honestly, there was so much Victor/Agnes in season two that I feel like Victor is standing by, ready to support Agnes if anything happens to Henri. So I don't think that Henri's safety is secure or anything.

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A few thoughts: If I recall correctly, Gordon didn't intend to comment on his parents' marriage. It was only after Rose said that relations between the sexes should be about both love and physical intimacy (in response to her finding the "girlie" pictures that weren't even his, poor kid) that he pointed out that his parents' marriage was not about both. I agree with you that he probably had no idea why they were sleeping in separate bedrooms, as neither Harry nor Rose would have let Gordon know about Harry's extra-marital affairs.


I agree with you that I didn't like the Victor and Agnes romantic tension of the first few episodes. In fact, I didn't find it romantic at all -- it was simply tension. Victor was constantly undermining Agnes' efforts to decorate the Palm Court: he didn't like the proposed "foreign" flags of one design, nor the "scary" tiger of another, nor the "screeching" birds of another. I liked an awful lot about Season Two, but I found their presentation of Victor's "romantic" feelings in the early episodes to be anything but romantic. He interfered with her work as much as that sour pickle, Mr. Thackeray, did. Where's the romance in that? 

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It's 1918 and as the family gathers at Rose's funeral, a grief-stricken Harry wonders how he will ever get by without his beloved wife. However, nine months later and the Selfridges are in high spirits - Rosalie is marrying renowned Russian aviator Serge De Bolotoff. At the forefront of the lavish wedding is Russian emigre Princess Marie, the glamorous mother of the groom, but what is she hiding? Agnes is overjoyed to be reunited with Henri, who has recently returned from the war


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While Harry decides to pursue a new charitable project, Crabb is faced with a massive professional dilemma. The biggest fashion event in store since the war proves a big challenge for the staff, and an exclusive contract with Lanvin hangs in the balance. As Rosalie begins married life, a frustrated Violette is bored and looks for something to do. Miss Mardle decides to make a fresh start, while Agnes faces an unexpected challenge very close to home.


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Dammit! Mr. Grove lives, Florian dies. War is never fair.


I liked the contrast between the big, showy wedding (where the marriage already looks DOOMED), and the tiny, simple wedding of Agnes and Henri with only George and Ms. Mardle as witnesses.


And I liked how they portrayed Henri's suffering (PTSD?) after the war.


Kitty and Victor both look better than ever. And Zoe Wanamaker is adorable as Russian aristocracy.


I hope Lady Mae isn't gone for good.


I liked both older Selfridge daughters, so that was a pleasant surprise.


Oh and it was pretty awful how only Harry's blind devotion to his wife's memory kept the women working in the loading area from being let go en masse, now that the men are back from the war. Awful but realistic.

Edited by Kirsty
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Harry pushes ahead with his plans for the Selfridge Estate, buying a field at auction - only to find there is an unexpected rival bidder. Kitty is on a high as she launches a high-profile cosmetics demonstration in store, which gets her into Harry's good books - and nets a job for her sister Connie. Miss Mardle returns and makes her mark in fashion. Henri continues to behave erratically, leaving Agnes out in the cold - could their marriage be in trouble?


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I am watching it.  The show really seems to have gone darker.  I was really surprised at what happened to Kitty!  I just couldn't tell if Mr. Selfridge was able to get to her before they

actually raped her. Because it looked like that is what they were doing.



I am impatient to see when Mother Selfridge confronts the Princess about her "apartment renovation".  Lastly, was the real Mr. Selfridge so without assets?  I read the novel the series was based on and I didn't understand why the real Mr. Selfridge always leased property instead of buying.  Is there a law in the UK that keeps non-citizens from purchasing real estate there?


Oh and what was going on with Doris Grove?  Who was that

man that grabbed her by the arm?

.  I hope the writers are not going to go all Julian Fellowes on us and re-tread the plot of down and out entitled relative - remember Agnes Towler's user/useless Dad?


Also, it looks like they are going to go all Anna and John Bates with the once vibrant Agnes and Henri LeClare.  Suddenly the golden couple is droopy and sad all the time.  Please don't.

Edited by kpw801
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I got the impression Kitty's attack happened in real time, so it was definitely a sexual assault, but not a full-blown rape.


I don't think Doris's mystery guy was a relative.  Going by what Mr. Grove said and how he acted in his scenes I assumed it had something to do with him.  Maybe debts?  Maybe something to do with their son?  The line of dialogue about the son seemed forced to me, like they were just trying to remind us the Groves have a son for when it comes up later.  This especially so since they didn't mention the other children at all and we know the Groves have at least four kids.


Lastly, was the real Mr. Selfridge so without assets?  I read the novel the series was based on and I didn't understand why the real Mr. Selfridge always leased property instead of buying.  Is there a law in the UK that keeps non-citizens from purchasing real estate there?

I don't know about the real Selfridge, but in the show it's about liquidity.  He mentioned to Woolworth back in season one that he didn't want to tie up his assets in real estate.

Edited by ddawn23
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Harry and Nancy take Kitty to hospital as Frank is horrified to realise that he might have been complicit in his own wife's attack. When the police begin their investigations, security in the store is tightened. Violette has her eye on Victor, who finds himself in trouble with DI Purkiss. Henri and Agnes struggle to find a way through their present troubles - and Harry discovers that his feelings for Nancy are deeper than he first thought.


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As Harry and Nancy's secret romance continues, he publicly announces the acquisition of the Selfridge Estate - but Loxley is out to get him. In store, there is a race for the post of deputy manager, with Mr Grove and Miss Mardle both jostling for the role. There is more fallout in the aftermath of Kitty's attack as she finds herself the focus of some unwelcome press attention. When Lois drops in unexpectedly on Princess Marie, the exiled Russian is forced to reveal the truth about her situation. As things hot up between Victor and Violette, the future of the club seems to be in jeopardy.
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Okay, here's the beginning of my wish list:

Delphine 's emerald and gold gown from her book reading.

Some of those Chinese fans from accessories.

Mae's entire dining room.

Some of those delicious looking cakes from that tea room they all visit.

All of the above at 1914 prices, of course!

Seriously,when you come back, a full report would be appreciated!

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Following Violette's arrest, Harry is struggling to keep her in check. Gordon takes up his post as deputy manager but the store's new head of display sets the cat among the pigeons as Gordon unwittingly commissions a rather racy window montage which may bring Selfridges into disrepute. Victor brokers a deal with a shady businessman in order to reopen the club. George helps Kitty to confront her attackers once and for all. Nancy and Gus worry about how best to handle Harry, while Miss Mardle's good nature results in a shocking event.
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Holy crap!  I can't believe they killed Doris.  It's so rare these days to be actually shocked by something on tv, but I was not expecting that.  And Amanda Abbington knocked it out of the park once again in the scene on the Grove's doorstep.  I am disappointed that Mr. Grove's sudden and second widower-hood will make him seem more sympathetic, since he is such a huge ass.  I really wish they hadn't taken away the competition for deputy manager so quickly because he clearly 1) wasn't going to get the job and 2) was absolutely certain it was his.  So now he resents Gordon for taking his promotion from him, which is only the reality of the situation in Mr. Grove's imagination.  He gleefully leaves Gordon to deal with arguing employees, which as chief of staff should be his. job.  Ugh.


I've been so enjoying Mrs. Crabb's appearances even if they require a bit of reconning (since it was made clear in season one that she considered shopping at Selfridge's to be out of the household budget), so she was missed this episode.


And this was the second full episode without the Leclairs.  Even though they're not in England anymore I assumed we'd be following their story.  I need my Agnes and Henri fix.  Com'on, people.  Show us the Leclairs!

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Holy crap!  I can't believe they killed Doris.  It's so rare these days to be actually shocked by something on tv, but I was not expecting that.  And Amanda Abbington knocked it out of the park once again in the scene on the Grove's doorstep.  I am disappointed that Mr. Grove's sudden and second widower-hood will make him seem more sympathetic, since he is such a huge ass.  I really wish they hadn't taken away the competition for deputy manager so quickly because he clearly 1) wasn't going to get the job and 2) was absolutely certain it was his.  So now he resents Gordon for taking his promotion from him, which is only the reality of the situation in Mr. Grove's imagination.  He gleefully leaves Gordon to deal with arguing employees, which as chief of staff should be his. job.  Ugh.


I've been so enjoying Mrs. Crabb's appearances even if they require a bit of reconning (since it was made clear in season one that she considered shopping at Selfridge's to be out of the household budget), so she was missed this episode.


And this was the second full episode without the Leclairs.  Even though they're not in England anymore I assumed we'd be following their story.  I need my Agnes and Henri fix.  Com'on, people.  Show us the Leclairs!

Well maybe they are going to make Mr. Longchamps the Henri LeClaire reboot.  I couldn't believe they killed Doris either.  Maybe Mr. Grove will marry Ms. Mardle and she can have children by proxy and he can live a good life since she is wealthy.  He doesn't deserve it but I think she would love it.

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I am disappointed that Mr. Grove's sudden and second widower-hood will make him seem more sympathetic, since he is such a huge ass.  I really wish they hadn't taken away the competition for deputy manager so quickly because he clearly 1) wasn't going to get the job and 2) was absolutely certain it was his.  So now he resents Gordon for taking his promotion from him, which is only the reality of the situation in Mr. Grove's imagination.  He gleefully leaves Gordon to deal with arguing employees, which as chief of staff should be his. job.  Ugh.


I've been so enjoying Mrs. Crabb's appearances even if they require a bit of reconning (since it was made clear in season one that she considered shopping at Selfridge's to be out of the household budget), so she was missed this episode.

Where I thought they were going with the deputy director opening: Gordon stays out of the running but gains more confidence and earns Harry's trust later on with something major at the store. Mr. Grove and Miss Mardle compete for it and Selfridge chooses Miss Mardle, then she has the upper hand on Mr. Grove at work, which makes him uncomfortable and puts him in his place. We didn't get a scene of Miss Mardle's reaction to not being chosen but I'll assume she just handled it maturely. Mr. Grove is being silly. The store is called Selfridge's, so clearly the guy named Gordon Selfridge should be deputy director if he wanted it.


Where I thought they were going with Doris: The baby daddy becomes a problem and at some point wants custody of the baby, then Doris has to tell Mr. Grove what happened.


Where I thought they were going with Miss Webb: Some past victim writes to Selfridge about how this woman swindled them. He then confronts her. I'm wondering if she has caught feelings for Harry and that's why she wants to cut out. Her partner's greed is probably going to get them caught.


So I guess what I'm trying to say is this show is doing a good job of surprising me.


Loxley: what a turd, paying the bail of Kitty's attacker. This actor is hilarious though. He's so good at playing a smug villain.


Remember in Season 1, when Victor's boss said you were hired because you're good-looking? I didn't really see it then. I don't know if it's the 1919 hair but Victor seems 100x hotter in Season 3.

Edited by corgi shieldmaiden
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I have to say it- Mr. Grove is and always has been a selfish asshole. I know that he's suffered a shocking tragedy with the death of his wife, but I was FUMING about the way he blamed Ms. Mardle for everything. How dare he! Considering that he risked her job during their secret affair during his first marriage, then unceremoniously dumped her for a younger model as soon as he was free to marry again, then tried to shame her out of petty jealousy when she found love again with the young hot Belgian guy, she's been nothing but gracious and dignified, and was a good friend and confidante to his wife, who was growing increasingly miserable in her marriage (shocking). And even if she technically was the impetus for Doris being in the park that day, the death was a freak accident, and Ms. Mardle was acting in good faith to her friend and trying to make the best of a messy situation. She wasn't trying to break up the marriage or get revenge on Doris for "stealing her man", she was trying to help. Ugh, I can't stand him! Once upon a time I may have rooted for them to get back together, but not anymore. She deserves much better. I did think it was weird though that she took it upon herself to be the gate-keeper of the information about Doris' affair, and decide if and when Mr. Grove should know the truth. It was really not her place, and should have been discussed between the men in my opinion. But oh well, the cat's out of the bag now!


I'm a little late the party on this, but I must add that a shirtless Victor Colleano is hot, hot, hot! I never would have thought that in season 1, and I can't pinpoint what's changed, but wow! More of that please! 

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I have to say it- Mr. Grove is and always has been a selfish asshole. I know that he's suffered a shocking tragedy with the death of his wife, but I was FUMING about the way he blamed Ms. Mardle for everything. How dare he! Considering that he risked her job during their secret affair during his first marriage, then unceremoniously dumped her for a younger model as soon as he was free to marry again, then tried to shame her out of petty jealousy when she found love again with the young hot Belgian guy, she's been nothing but gracious and dignified, and was a good friend and confidante to his wife, who was growing increasingly miserable in her marriage (shocking). And even if she technically was the impetus for Doris being in the park that day, the death was a freak accident, and Ms. Mardle was acting in good faith to her friend and trying to make the best of a messy situation. She wasn't trying to break up the marriage or get revenge on Doris for "stealing her man", she was trying to help. Ugh, I can't stand him! Once upon a time I may have rooted for them to get back together, but not anymore. She deserves much better. I did think it was weird though that she took it upon herself to be the gate-keeper of the information about Doris' affair, and decide if and when Mr. Grove should know the truth. It was really not her place, and should have been discussed between the men in my opinion. But oh well, the cat's out of the bag now!


I totally agree!  I hated that they killed off Doris but I thought at first that now Miss Mardle could have it all.  She could have Mr. Grove and be a mother at the same time.  However, Mr. Grove is a pure pig!!  No wonder Doris cheated.  He complained about having babies one after another but I bet it was his decision because he was never going to stop until he had a son.  He has brought nothing but heartache to Miss Mardle.


I'm a little late the party on this, but I must add that a shirtless Victor Colleano is hot, hot, hot! I never would have thought that in season 1, and I can't pinpoint what's changed, but wow! More of that please! 

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I'm so glad they're not going the expected route of having Miss Mardle get together with Mr Grove immediately. For one, he's a selfish prick. For two, she made a very courageous and way ahead of her time admission to Kitty about not feeling motherly after all. Kitty was very kind in pointing out that Miss Mardle is an excellent mentor at work. Quite the contrast to Downton Abbey where it's all relationships, all the time.


Loving Amanda Abbington. This is the third series I've seen her in, the other two being Sherlock and Case Histories. In every one she plays a wildly different and unique character, and does it so well that I hardly recognize her at first.

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I miss Rose!  She was by far my favorite character, and she grounded Harry.  I also thought the actors playing Harry and Rose had great chemistry.  


According to the historical accounts that I have read, one thing the show got wrong was his womanizing.  The family claims he was faithful to Rose until her death.  However, one thing the show is getting right is that his downward spiral began when he lost her.


I wish Harry would throw the prince and mommy dearest out of the family home,  What a useless waste of space they are!  

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My thoughts:

  • LOVE that Kitty and Frank are married. They're great together.
  • Mr. Grove fought?  I thought he said he was too old.
  • Just how many princes and princesses did Czarist Russia have?  There were a couple on Downton this season too.
  • Not happy with Loxley being the big bad this season, especially since it looks like we won't be getting any Lady Mae.
  • Having trouble believing the new actress as Rosalie since she's brunette and doesn't talk or act like the original actress.
  • Victor says he came back to nothing.  Are we to understand that Franco died?
  • It's a bit cliché that Rosalie's marriage is miserable from the very beginning, but I guess that's to do with her rushing into it.  She claims to love him, but I don't see any affection on either side.  It doesn't help that he's been shown as thoughtless and arrogant from the start.  I'm all for having someone to root for and someone to root against, but can't we have at least a smidge of ambiguity?
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Poor Mr. Crabb!  He's always been one of my favorite characters and he was so miserable I was afraid he would become ill.   It was so painful to him to have to go against Mr. Selfridge and now it looks like it's going to be a battle between the two from here on.  Harry's weakness has always been pretty women, the real life Harry going to ruin over a vaudeville star, but I wonder if the show is going to make this young Rose-type his downfall?  It's sort of terrifying to see him go into such great debt, good cause or not.


The Princess Leech and son Serge need to be kicked to the curb at once.   Thank heavens Harry's mother is there to keep a cool eye on everything.


The jazzy previews to this new season looked like so much fun and what did we get?  Heartaches, nothing but heartaches!  Henri's PTSD, Victor being hounded by a thug,  Miss Martle a widow, Rose gone, Rosalie's disastrous marriage, women workers turned off,  dire money problems -- and Lord Loxley!


So glad it's back!

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I was thinking last season 1) I hope Rose is gone because I never cared for the actress 2) it would be a great addition to the story to advance the timeline so the Selfridge daughters could get a part of the action. Now seeing the "acting" chops of the two playing Rosalie and Violette...yeesh!  Makes me long for Rose's simpering again.  And I complained Season 1 about Jeremy Piven chewing the scenery!  Rosalie actress wasn't as bad as Violette.  Man, I did not understand how the director let that woman YELL her lines and over act in every scene.  It felt like I was watching a bad high school play whenever she was on. Maybe she'll tone it down a notch or twelve as the season progresses.  Otherwise it will be hard for me to get through this series.


Love catching up with all the employees again.  Those characters are my favorites. 


So, how long before Harry finds out his new in-laws are dead broke and have nothing but meaningless titles?  I find it hard to believe the Harry character wouldn't have done more of a background check on the son-in-law.  I guess he was to depressed about Rose to care that his daughter may be throwing away her happiness (and maybe his self-made millions) on her whirlwind romance? 


And why do the girls speak with an American accent and the son with an English one? 

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I think the girls did spend more time in America while the son was in school in England.  Or not?  I'm finding it very hard to remember past seasons, there's just too much time in between, not helped by so many different actors in the same role.  I do  like the latest Gordon actor though, are we to find he is Harry's ultimate yes-man?

Rosalie actress wasn't as bad as Violette.

I didn't recognize her in the model/dancer get up and thought this was going to be another sleazy tramp for Harry to hit on.  Heh.  Yes, Vee-oh-lette is ob-noxious.

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I want to know what happened to Harry's other daughter Beatrice because it's odd that they recast the other two sisters and left out the third all together. The fact that she wasn't at the wedding took me out of the scene a little.

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I thought she was there - one of the two bridesmaids.  And I think someone spoke to her by name during the episode.  She just didn't have much to do, compared to the other two sisters.


I just checked on IMDB, and the actress' credits include episode 3.1 of Mr. Selfridge.

Edited by AZChristian
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I thought she was there - one of the two bridesmaids.  And I think someone spoke to her by name during the episode.  She just didn't have much to do, compared to the other two sisters.


I just checked on IMDB, and the actress' credits include episode 3.1 of Mr. Selfridge.

Thanks for that info. I guess I wasn't paying attention enough to notice.

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I didn't recognize her in the model/dancer get up and thought this was going to be another sleazy tramp for Harry to hit on.

My guess is the social worker-real estate lady is going to be Harry's love interest this season's .  And from the look on Violette's face at Victor's Jazz Clud, I think those two will be heading for a hook up.UGH

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And why do the girls speak with an American accent and the son with an English one? 


Because the girls spent the last ten years in Chicago while the boy was in England.  Children acquire the accent of their peer groups.  That's why the kids on the Nanny spoke with American accents despite living with their British dad and British housekeeper.  I think it's a bit of a stretch for Gordon to have a British accent since he was like 9 or 10 when the family moved to London, but it's not unheard of as long as the kid's not in adolescence yet.

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I think it's a bit of a stretch for Gordon to have a British accent since he was like 9 or 10 when the family moved to London, but it's not unheard of as long as the kid's not in adolescence yet.

When I was in 6th grade - 11 years old - there was a kid in my class who moved from England. He lost his accent before school was out for the year. Speech is still very malleable at that age, especially if you want to conform.

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