Artsda November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 (edited) GOING AFTER EVERYTHING ESTHER LOVES - When Klaus (Joseph Morgan) discovers that Elijah (Daniel Gillies) has been afflicted by Esther's (Sonja Sohn) magic, he heads to the bayou in search of an antidote, but quickly realizes he's not alone. Armed with intel gathered by Aiden (guest star Colin Woodell), Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) teams up with him, Marcel (Charles Michael Davis), Cami (Leah Pipes) and Josh (guest star Steven Kruger) and launches a plan to take down Vincent (guest star Yusuf Gatewood) by exploiting his one weakness. Well, wow Klaus. They did they huge back story and bringing back the father story just to have Klaus kill him minutes later. Loved his speech to Elijah and his waking up. I really like Jackson. Loved Marcel and Haley joining together to get Finn. I really hope mommy did eye for an eye and killed Cami, that would be awesome! The promo for next week looks awesome. Rebeckha! Edited November 18, 2014 by Artsda Link to comment
Morrigan2575 November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 Great use of music, loved the cover songs both Devil Inside and Down to the River to Pray. I thought this dragged at first but I liked the last 20 minutes, lots going on and interesting set up for the next episode. Loved the family reunion at the end and the promo was awesome. Link to comment
AlliMo November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 I know it's on the CW and so expectations are what they are, but damn, this show is on fire this season. In the hands of lesser actors it could be a total cheesefest, but Joseph Morgan is just SO GOOD. The scenes between Klaus and Ansel and the bedside scene where he tells Elijah how much he means to him were so beautifully done. Though, my son and I literally laughed out loud when Ansel told Klaus that he didn't have it in him to kill him. You've been watching your kid from the other side for 1000 years, dude. You know better. The more of a stone cold bitch Hayley becomes, the more I like her. 7 Link to comment
blixie November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 (edited) Yeah I think that was one of if not the best episode I've seen of this show, mostly because it was almost entirely present tense? Elijah's dream was the closest to a flashback, but more the former than the latter. I'm so proud of Klaus he matured to at least...16 from his usual 12. I had to laugh when wolf daddy was like I have observed you for a thousand years, you won't strike me down. Ansel dude, you were not paying attention. At all. Hee. I liked seeing everyone pull together to take it to Esther. And I LOVE Kol and Davina, they have great chemistry, and I feel like I didn't know Kol was the only one to inherit witch powers prior to being turned, I liked that bit of new(?) backstory. I wonder if that means Marcel has the white oak stake? I'm sure he's not giving that up to Klaus. I'm looking forward to Davina realizing Marcel is the one screwing up her plan to save his ass, and rid the world of Klaus. My favorite thing about Klaus is that I love him, but he's so horrible that I can never really root against anyone who takes him on/out. It looks like Esther's spell is still messing with Elijah, so i like that he's struggling with that, but C'MON man I think she's lying about him killing Tatia. Edited November 18, 2014 by blixie Link to comment
rue721 November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 Great use of music, loved the cover songs both Devil Inside and Down to the River to Pray. Me, too! Gorgeous. Down to the River to Pray actually got me feeling weepy over Oliver's death. And I despised Oliver! I really like Jackson. Loved Marcel and Haley joining together to get Finn. This storyline really dragged for me, probably because I don't care about Jackson or Hayley (or Cami), so I was rooting against them and rooting for Finn pretty much the whole time. Definitely when Finn was pulling Hayley's heart from her chest, because DAMN, and I hated that he was stopped by some arrows of all (corny) things bah. To be honest, I also found that scene upsetting because I was still tripping out over Ansel and Klaus's scenes and all I could think was that Jackson, the werewolf with flowing dark locks and a bow and arrow/respect for the "old ways," is getting set up to be Ansel Jr. So if Jackson and Hayley get together as per that betrothal nonsense, let me guess, they're going to be what Ansel and Esther could have been and are going to be the better choice to raise Hope? Also, another reason I wasn't really rooting for Hayley et al, is that I'm a complete sap, and when Cami and Finn were in the jazz club, and Finn was saying how his mother made so many sacrifices for them that anything she could ask for seemed negligible, he won me over. If Cami had class (and a sense of humor!), she would have proposed a toast to that. LOL. And the primary reason, at least once their plan was put into place: I'm sorry but I was revolted by the use of shackles. NOPE. BIG HUGE NOPE. As soon as those came out of the box from Kiernan's closet I was OUT as far as supporting that little squad's plan. The scenes between Klaus and Ansel and the bedside scene where he tells Elijah how much he means to him were so beautifully done. Though, my son and I literally laughed out loud when Ansel told Klaus that he didn't have it in him to kill him. You've been watching your kid from the other side for 1000 years, dude. You know better. I was thinking about this, and of course I also was like ANSEL ARE YOU KIDDING but to be fair, Klaus was also the freak who was always getting all upset about people hurting their own "blood." So maybe that was what Ansel was thinking? Especially since he was talking about how he was pulled to Hope by their blood tie and all that. Link to comment
Cattitude November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 (edited) By far the best episode this season for me. I still can't understand how Jackson is now suddenly Jack? Loved that Esther got bested it was glorious. While i don't like peices of the rag tag team as a whole it worked and I really liked that they got Finn without the help of an orginal. I don't like Jackson and don't want him and Hayley together. I liked Davina and NOTKol but he is not Kol to me but a different character. I still want Kol back. I can't even with Davina still wanting to kill Klaus b/c I feel only sympathy for him at this point and her reason for revenge seems long long ago. ETA: the song is to the tune of Down by the River to Pray, but it is actually called Poor Man's Son. Edited November 18, 2014 by Cattitude 1 Link to comment
RachelKM November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 I enjoyed Klaus in this episode both with his father (finally a killing I believe he was conflicted over) and saving Elijah. Great use of music, loved the cover songs both Devil Inside and Down to the River to Pray. Agreed. I enjoy Kol and Divina. I wish I could forget that she's 16 and he's 1000. If she were at least an adult it would be less uncomfortable (and yes Stelana and Delana too). But still, Hot. It's too bad their goal is to kill Klaus. It means they have to lose I imagine. Badass Haley is fun. Badass Camille is unconvincing. And Jackson is like 50% more likeable after his stint in Bon Temps. As much as I love a good pop culture reference, it rings a bit odd from Koleb to Esther. The flying monkey to the wicked witch should not roll off his tongue so easily. Unless they absorb some of the hosts bodies' memories, he should have been in a box and she should have been hanging in The Other Side since before it came out. I guess it's possible Kol was an avid children's book reader in the 1910s and/or binge watched the Top 100 films list and that Esther somehow had cable, but still it seems out of place in conversation. Link to comment
immortalfrieza November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 Seriously Finn? You actually fell for Cami's "I can't possibly be any more obvious that I'm flirting with you just to manipulate you" plan? Did 900 years and coming back from the dead COMPLETELY rob you of your brain cells or was it just your dick that was thinking for you? I liked Davina and NOTKol but he is not Kol to me but a different character. I still want Kol back. Seconded, KalebKol is just missing that little psychotic manchild vibe and especially characterization that I think we all loved the real Kol for. I also still hope KalebKol ends back up in his original body because this actor just doesn't play Kol as well as the previous one did and I don't think he would even if KalebKol was still being written like that psychotic manchild these days, though I do think he's still a pretty good actor. I can't even with Davina still wanting to kill Klaus b/c I feel only sympathy for him at this point and her reason for revenge seems long long ago. Maybe, but it's nice that for once there's someone on either of these shows that actually doesn't just drop and forget about the horrible things that Klaus has done and still wants to see him get what he deserves for it. Both shows tend to at some point completely ignore the bad things that characters do all the time once they become mainstays so it's good to see them not pull that so quickly and easily this time (and come on, we all know Davina is either going to fail or decide against killing Klaus at some point, there's no way she's going to succeed). 1 Link to comment
bluebonnet November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 Hahaha, I knew Esther's plan was doomed to fail because it was so stupid. I might actually enjoy evil Esther now that she may no longer be pretending she's all wholesome and sensitive and loving and all that bullshit. I really loved this episode. Even when I hate a plot, the characters make it great. I agree with others in that I want real Kol back, but I also want Kaleb to stick around. It's too bad Kaleb is so tied up in Kol. The character is great, but not as Kol. If that makes sense. I know that the fall of the Other Side meant that death would be more final going forward, but I really would not mind an exception being made for Ansel. That was a relationship I wanted to see explored further. Ansel and Klaus had such great on screen chemistry. Their emotions were just so believable. It would be a shame if Ansel is gone forever. Link to comment
Artsda November 18, 2014 Author Share November 18, 2014 (edited) I don't even understand why she's even still trying, she does know if she kills Klaus then Marcel dies too right? It really seems pointless, Klaus won't die because of who would does after him. Edited November 18, 2014 by Artsda Link to comment
RachelKM November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 I don't even understand why she's even still trying, she does know if she kills Klaus then Marcel dies too right? It really seems pointless, Klaus won't die because of who would does after him. She does know. That is why Davina has spent the whole season trying to unbind Marcel and Josh from Klaus and why she wouldn't allow Mikael to kill Klaus when was itching to do it. And I LOVE Kol and Davina, they have great chemistry, and I feel like I didn't know Kol was the only one to inherit witch powers prior to being turned, I liked that bit of new(?) backstory. I don't think he said he was the only one to inherit witch powers, only that he was the only one to tap into his. The implication being that all his siblings were witches by birth, but he was the only one who had begun practicing. I have wondered for a while about Klaus, I assume he was a born witch too, at least pre-curse trigger. I'm not sure you can be both witch and wolf. Link to comment
rue721 November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 (edited) I know that the fall of the Other Side meant that death would be more final going forward, but I really would not mind an exception being made for Ansel. That was a relationship I wanted to see explored further. Ansel and Klaus had such great on screen chemistry. Their emotions were just so believable. It would be a shame if Ansel is gone forever. Yes, I agree. I also felt just terrible for Ansel because Klaus kept telling him explicitly how he (Klaus) needed things to "be" (i.e., Mikael's his father, he's a vampire/invulnerable, he slaughters even innocents, he's vindictive and paranoid, he knows nobody does something for nothing, he's not a father, etc), and Ansel just COULD NOT understand. He just kept correcting Klaus and telling him he knew the truth! WTF Ansel, did you literally never leave the woods ever, how are you this confused about what a polite fiction is? I mean, I know that Klaus's version of a "polite fiction" is batshit, because Klaus is batshit, but COME ON. I also would think that Ansel knows how to deal with people like this, he had some epic love affair with ESTHER ffs. That said, I do enjoy Klaus/Ansel together, and what I'm really interested in is Ansel/Hope. But I don't think it occurred to Klaus what potential happiness or love he could be denying Hope by killing Ansel -- and apparently out of straight up ignorance rather than selfishness, which is also sad in its own way. I also don't think it even occurred to Klaus that Ansel could help him learn how to be a better father to Hope. That's actually what broke my heart in that scene near the end, when Klaus told Elijah that he just couldn't bring himself to believe that Ansel wasn't a threat to Hope, so he'd killed him. It was just so wrongheaded and he seemed like he half-knew it, but couldn't quite figure out why and had already done it anyway. Anyway, my fingers are crossed that Ansel will be back. Considering that Klaus left him right in Esther's atalier, and even arranged him so he was impaled just the way Mikael had left him impaled originally, I think Esther will have a fire under her to bring him back if there's any way she can do it. Btw, are Cami and Aiden dead?! ETA: I have wondered for a while about Klaus, I assume he was a born witch too, at least pre-curse trigger. I'm not sure you can be both witch and wolf. Good question, now I'm wondering about that, too. They used fetus!Hope's blood for a spell that required witch's blood, so I guess that Esther has passed that down to Hope through Klaus (because it seems like Crescent werewolves just stick to their own pack, even for marriages (!), so Hayley's parents were both wolves I assume?). I would actually think that you could be both a werewolf and a witch, since those are both ~natural~. But I don't think there have been any? On this show, it seems like practicing magic has a lot of aspects that are like practicing a religion, rather than it being a completely inherited thing. Like how the witches' beliefs came into play when it came to doing the Harvest, or how they have all these rituals and rules, etc. I think that being born with the potential to become a witch is like being born into a pack but with an untriggered curse, maybe. So I think the problem in terms of being both a witch and a werewolf might not be that it literally can't happen (how could it not?), but that if a person is born both into a pack and into the witch "community," that the groups won't let that person retain split loyalties and will make the person choose which to be a member of? Though Esther also seems pretty intent on mixing the two groups, seeing as she even wanted to split her children between them, gave out moonlight rings like candy, and is trying to expand her "werewolf army" -- so maybe that won't be such an issue in the future. Edited November 18, 2014 by rue721 Link to comment
ElectricBoogaloo November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 LOVED that they used "Near Light" by Olafur Arnalds. It's such a beautiful song and it fit the scene perfectly! I liked that so many people willingly worked together to take down Finn. See, you guys? There is hope for the vampires and the werewolves to get along! Even though Finn is a bad guy in this, i was like ehhh, go ahead and kill a couple of these lame characters before they take you out! Similarly, I really hope that Esther killed Cami. Oh, Klaus. First you kill your bio dad and then you have the nerve to try to look sad about it. Ugh. I don't care what martrying self pity you used to rationalize it (he MIGHT end up betraying me and/or Hope so I might as well just kill him now!). Dick move. I can't even with Davina still wanting to kill Klaus b/c I feel only sympathy for him at this point and her reason for revenge seems long long ago.Maybe, but it's nice that for once there's someone on either of these shows that actually doesn't just drop and forget about the horrible things that Klaus has done and still wants to see him get what he deserves for it. I'm totally fine with Davina still wanting to kill Klaus. In fact, I'm more than fine with it for the reason above. Elijah and even Rebekah know what a tyrant Klaus is, bullying his siblings and daggering them whenever he feels slighted, not to mention all the humans, vampires, werewolves, hybrids, and witches he has killed over the years, yet they both forgive him time after time. It's nice to see that Davina the Teenage Witch is the only person who is like screw his sob story - kill Klaus! Even with all of the back story we have gotten about Klaus, I still don't feel sorry for him. I mean, I feel bad in the sense that Mikael was a horrible (step) father and he gave up Hope to keep her safe, but that doesn't give him the right to put Finn in a box for hundreds of years. Dude, I get that Finn is a kiss ass and a momma's boy. I see how annoying that can be. But Finn's annoying personality combined with your crappy upbringing doesn't excuse daggering him for centuries. Similarly, how many times have we seen him dagger Rebekah for things like daring to fall in love with someone? Klaus is a big spoiled baby and he takes his anger out on everyone: minions, strangers who cross his path, and his family members. I don't care how tragic your life has been. That doesn't give you carte blanche to be a dick and then blame your victims for provoking you into being a dick. I know that this show would not kill Klaus off permanently so Davina is doomed to fail, but at least someone is making an effort to knock him off this throne of entitlement. 5 Link to comment
rue721 November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 (edited) I know that this show would not kill Klaus off permanently so Davina is doomed to fail, but at least someone is making an effort to knock him off this throne of entitlement. It seems like the de-linking spell is just not panning out, so she's going to go with Kol's plan to just stick a dagger in him to weaken him and bury him somewhere? I think that could work. Not foreverrrr but over the winter hiatus or something. (ETA: Why is Davina not just working with Esther to get Klaus into a mortal body, so that she can kill him much more easily (and I guess then double-cross Ether by hiding Klaus's body from her, if the de-linking spell is really off the table)? Does she not know that's a plan? The show also seems like it's hinting REALLY hard that Klaus's going to get turned into a mortal/werewolf or something, though. Half his lines are about how he doesn't want that, so it seems like they're setting up a payoff where he's actually made one. But I don't know how they're going to pull that off, because he's got so many people wanting to kill him that it seems like he'd survive about ten seconds. I also am not super down with that because of my general dislike of the werewolves and because I don't want to see Klaus be king of anything, let alone a bunch of werewolf buffoons. But it seems like they're setting up some kind of change for him. I'm also hoping that Esther is going "Manchurian Candidate" with Elijah, and that's why he brought up the continuing nightmares! Js. Edited November 18, 2014 by rue721 Link to comment
driedfruit November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 (edited) The end was delicious. Kol and Finn in chains? Sounds like dessert. I'm all for more family dinners. I don't think there's ever been a single time when Klaus, Elijah, Kol, and Finn have been in a scene together, so I'm all for the exciting new dynamic. Cami is a waste of space. I don't get her appeal, and Klaus somehow going after Marcel for risking some simpering bland human is laughable. They need to either put her in the background, a la Matt in TVD. Or they need to kill her off already to put Esther even with Klaus. Even though Finn is a bad guy in this, i was like ehhh, go ahead and kill a couple of these lame characters before they take you out! Similarly, I really hope that Esther killed Cami. Right. Out of all the non-Original characters Davina and Marcel are the only ones that don't totally put me off. All the others can drop dead for all I care. Even with all of the back story we have gotten about Klaus, I still don't feel sorry for him. I mean, I feel bad in the sense that Mikael was a horrible (step) father and he gave up Hope to keep her safe, but that doesn't give him the right to put Finn in a box for hundreds of years. Dude, I get that Finn is a kiss ass and a momma's boy. I see how annoying that can be. But Finn's annoying personality combined with your crappy upbringing doesn't excuse daggering him for centuries. Similarly, how many times have we seen him dagger Rebekah for things like daring to fall in love with someone? Klaus is a big spoiled baby and he takes his anger out on everyone: minions, strangers who cross his path, and his family members. I don't care how tragic your life has been. That doesn't give you carte blanche to be a dick and then blame your victims for provoking you into being a dick. I know that this show would not kill Klaus off permanently so Davina is doomed to fail, but at least someone is making an effort to knock him off this throne of entitlement. I like Klaus a lot, but I never feel too sorry for him. Not enough to want his enemies destroyed. All through last season my only wish was for him to be slapped around good by somebody, so I was pleased when Mikael and Esther returned. And if Cami had any sense or decency, she'd be right alongside Davina. I'd respect her as a character then, and her existence in the plot would make more sense than now where she's just an older Elena Gilbert--alluring men with her blandness and getting constantly kidnapped for her vamp boyfriends to come to her rescue. Edited November 18, 2014 by driedfruit Link to comment
Smug47 November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 I'm so glad Elijah is back, that man looks so good in a suit! I really loved what Klaus whispered to Elijah, that they are the monsters except when it comes to Hope. I think their brotherly dynamic is wonderful. Elijah enables Klaus, definitely, but they love each other deeply and will always have each other's backs. When Klaus told Elijah what had happened to Ansel, I saw him needing his big brother to help him make his decision okay and necessary. He needed Elijah to validate his choice. I don't know if Klaus should have killed Ansel, but I understand why he thought he had to. However, now that Esther has planted seeds in Elijah's head, how can Klaus be sure that Elijah won't be the one to spill the beans about Hope? I won't talk about the four stooges, except to say that Finn gets duped and captured pretty easily. If this were a video game, Finn would be the boss you fight on the very first level. 1 Link to comment
Kaboom 2.0 November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 Loved this episode. I agree about not feeling sorry for Klaus, I enjoy the character every now and then but for me, he's made so many wrong decisions over the last millennia, whined so much about well, everything, and is such a horrible person overall that I don't really feel sorry when shit gets piled on him and he doesn't get his way. Unfortunately since he's a main character I know that he won't be killed or daggered (for long). Ansel, we hardly knew ya and I miss ya already. Klaus killing him annoyed me to no end but Ansel should've known better if he had really watched Klaus for a thousand years. Josh and Aiden are still adorable. Squee. I'm glad Elijah has finally woken up (and cleaned up...yum!) but I still think Esther has worked something on him and that he'll somehow betray either Klaus or the Anti Klaus Brigade. I still cannot freaking believe Davina allowed Kaleb to put ANYthing on her. Girl, he is a witch. Like you he can imbue objects with magic. I know you're still a little teenager who's getting all atwitter because a cute boy is flirting with her, but come ON. I really hope Marcel has that white oak dagger, if Davina can't unlink him and Josh from Klaus hopefully they can find a way to dagger Klaus so he and Josh can still live. It seems like this show loves to torture me by almost killing Hayley, THE one character I hate the most, only to let her live. Last year we had her "dying" on the altar after Hope was born, last night she was almost taken out by my beloved Finn. I hated Jackson before but boy I hate him even more now for interrupting Finn from finishing her off. Now onto the second character I hate the most: Cami. It's bad enough she tricked Finn but I can only hope that Esther will do something to her for taking her Momma's Boy away from her and as a middle finger to Klaus since Cami means so much to him. Esther, you are nutso but I hope you kill Cami. Please? Link to comment
blixie November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 I really hope the delinking spell happens, it made sense when The Originals were first introduced in TVD S3, but it's been a serious pain in the ass ever since. Link to comment
patchwork November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 (edited) Aiden isn't dead is he? Finn's move looked kind of fatal for a werewolf. Good on Finn for figuring out the betrayal though, mama's boy isn't a complete fool. I knew Ansel was dead the moment he revealed his knowledge about Hope, after what happened last season Klaus won't risk her safety. I don't want Cami to have more screen time but making her a vampire or a new type of hybrid thanks to Hope's blood via Hayley would integrate her with everything better while expanding on Hope's nature and her perceived threat to the witches' mandate to preserve balance. Not that it needs help but the witches do like to think they know better. Kol having magic hasn't been mentioned before but it confirms my headcanon about why he hung around witches so much. If it came easier to him than did his other siblings I can see why he'd miss it more than they did. Plus I can't see Mikael encouraging his children to embrace their powers -it's difficult to remain top dog when your children can fry your brain, which they might not have done to save themselves from a beating but probably would to protect someone else. Edited November 18, 2014 by patchwork Link to comment
Crucial November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 The best part of the episode for me was Klaus telling Elijah what he meant to him and how they both needed each other while he was putting that cure on him. That was the first time I saw Klaus actually show his love and need for his brother (or anyone except for his daughter). I liked this part of Klaus. He had no choice but to kill his father because Esther would have found out and Ansel would have told her. Sad but both got to spend time, although small, together. Hope and her future is much more important than a father who didn't claim his son and was brought back by the mother who hid it from her son. I'm getting tired of Davina. Please go back to Marcel and listen to him. He had your best intentions out of everyone. But whatever, at least there is more screen time with Kol, although it is not Nate, I kind of like this one. I hope Esther doesn't kill Cami too quickly. I hope she would figure out she has that vampire/hybrid blood in her and keep her alive long enough that it passes out of her system. I just don't want to have a supernatural Cami, let alone a human one. Link to comment
Gwen-Stacys November 18, 2014 Share November 18, 2014 Oh, Klaus. First you kill your bio dad and then you have the nerve to try to look sad about it. Ugh. I don't care what martrying self pity you used to rationalize it (he MIGHT end up betraying me and/or Hope so I might as well just kill him now!). Dick move. Eh. I understood it. He's a parent now and his daughter is in danger if his mother finds out she's still alive. Marcel doesn't even know that she's alive anymore; only Becks, Klaus, Hayley, and Elijah, people who won't be moved to give her up. Ever. Klaus doesn't know his father, and even if he was being truthful about not wanting to hurt Hope, Klaus couldn't take the chance that Ansel might be the reason Esther finds out she's been duped. (ETA: Why is Davina not just working with Esther to get Klaus into a mortal body, so that she can kill him much more easily (and I guess then double-cross Ether by hiding Klaus's body from her, if the de-linking spell is really off the table)? Does she not know that's a plan? I think because Esther's goal is to kill ALL vampires (by killing her children's original bodies and sticking them in normal mortal witch bodies). Davina doesn't want Josh or Marcel (no matter how angry she gets with him) to die. She's said that she doesn't have anyone but Marcel, and she can see that he does legitimately care for her wellbeing. 2 Link to comment
GraceAnne November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 So Klaus kills his bio dad, who apparently was a decent dude ( minus the adultery and child abandonment- but on this show the bar is pretty low for decency) however in the next episode we find out Hope has to come out of hiding anyway? Talk about timing being a bitch. I would have to agree the scenes between Elijah and Klaus were the strongest- even with Daniel Gilles unconscious for 90% of them. I'm not sure this is so much a compliment to Joseph and Daniel or a complaint aimed toward the female regulars which I find to be... lacking. LOVED the ending! Klaus's smirk at the end reminded me how much I enjoy the character when you see that crazy nut bag's sense of humor....... all be it the sense of humor of a psychopath but hey who's splitting hairs about it? I'm not sure what it says about me that I was pulling for Finn in the church instead of the rag tag scooby gang... 1 Link to comment
sashabear21 November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 I just watched last night's episode, and Klaus's look of glee at the end for having his brothers chained up for whatever evil he wants to unleash was awesome! I was sorry to see Ansel go because of the storyline potential, but who knows on this show, they can always find a loophole to bring him back. If they're going to use Claire witches the same way they do Bennett ones on TVD, then I'll be calling all Davina storylines "The Claire Witch Project" (althought that may be what the web series is mainly about, my laptop crapped out so I haven't been able to watch it yet). Nathan Parsons is getting a little bit better than he was from his General Hospital days, but he's still so marble mouthed in some of his line deliveries that I can only understand what he's saying if I've had a few beers. Hopefully they wrap up Cami being in peril really quick next episode and get on to the better stuff. I like new not Kol, but he's really not Kol. They should have switched him and Finn out because Finn was a pretty mundane self hating vampire and Kol was a murdering psycho. It would have made more sense to have Finn be into magic and helping Davina than anything we know about Kol. Guess we'll see where this goes. Link to comment
Lady Calypso November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Honestly, I doubt that Ansel is really dead-dead. Klaus' bio dad is too good of a story point to just drop within two episodes and it would parallel how Mikael was brought in to TVD and died three episodes later, only to be brought back for this show. I think Esther will find a way to bring him back, or Ansel will find himself a new body somehow. If I'm wrong, then they have the balls to do something like this. That would mean Klaus kind of wins again, as Esther used Ansel to weaken Klaus, and I would rather see Klaus lose once. So, Finn gets captured because he's too far in crush mode with Cami to see an obvious trap. Not that Finn has always been the smartest guy, because technically he's much younger than the other Originals in a way, but still. Esther is also getting more villainous, and it's quite obvious. Aiden/Josh happen to be adorable and I wonder if anyone else really notices their budding romance. Kol/Davina is growing on me, but still, Kol crushing on a sixteen year old is a little more than creepy. It's never worked with me when this kind of stuff happens. I get they can't exactly crush on people their own age, but sixteen years old? Just because Kol's in a young adult's body, doesn't mean that should coincide with his feelings and emotions toward others. The family scenes are pretty great, though. I like Klaus best when he's actually caring about his siblings. Y'know, when he's not daggering them or biting them. Um...yeah, that's all I got on this episode. No opinion on Cami, Hayley or Jackson. 1 Link to comment
rue721 November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 (edited) Cami is a waste of space. I don't get her appeal, and Klaus somehow going after Marcel for risking some simpering bland human is laughable. They need to either put her in the background, a la Matt in TVD. Or they need to kill her off already to put Esther even with Klaus. Yeah, I agree -- and I actually like Matt! But Cami still just...I dunno, she doesn't make sense to me. She's been so front-and-center in these last few episodes, but she still feels so tangential. She also doesn't even have her own SL afaik, she just sort of props other characters' SLs or acts as some kind of exposition-extraction machine with other characters (like she did with Mikael, for example). At best, things just sort of happen to her. I also find it weird that while the show keeps trying to make it feel like she's useful or her story is going somewhere by having more and more characters fall in love with her or try to kidnap her or whatever, they're not actually doing anything to make her charming *to the audience.* Maybe if she had her own (specific/concrete) goals or something that she was going after, she would feel more dynamic and I would care about her scenes, but as of right now I'm just befuddled/bored. And yeah, PLEASE DON'T MAKE HER IMMORTAL. Bleh. Though, I guess she'd be the second one in Hope's sire line (or is Hope's sire line also Klaus's sire line?)? OMG will Cami need Hope's blood in order to become a vampire, and will the big ~decision~ be whether to take her to Hope/reveal Hope's existence in order to save her? Please no. If they reveal that Hope's alive for Cami after Ansel's imo tragic murder, I will be so irritated. Though I'm already cracking up laughing at what I imagine would be the biggest FML expression ever on Klaus's face. ETA: if Cami is just becoming a vampire rather than a hybrid, then she would just need any human or witch or werewolf blood, right, and not Hope's in particular? Or might she become a hybrid -- do we know for sure she's not a werewolf? I doubt she's ever killed anyone, and her twin killed himself too soon after he killed others for the first time to have had time to see if he'd triggered the curse in any event. What do you guys think that Esther wants with Cami anyway? He had no choice but to kill his father because Esther would have found out and Ansel would have told her. I think he saw it that way, but personally, I would have secreted Ansel off to Hope and sired him to her. Even just in practical terms: I really doubt that Esther brought Ansel back *just* for Klaus, seeing as Klaus didn't even know the guy and Esther pretty much trained Klaus to be motivated by fear rather than love anyway, and meanwhile, Esther was the one who carried on some big affair with Ansel. I think that she brought him back at least partially because she honestly loved the guy. Who knows, maybe she had some idea in mind of the witches and werewolves living together as one big happy blended family, with her and Ansel side-by-side at the helm. She's nuts, I wouldn't put it past her. If Esther did love Ansel, then maybe if Ansel were in Hope's sire line, that would have made Esther at least a bit more hesitant to kill Hope, and maybe if Ansel were a hybrid, Esther would be a little more laissez faire about the existence-of-vampires thing? Idk, I just think it's too bad that even just as leverage, Ansel would have been worth more alive than dead. Plus, the "Hope's dead!" thing could never work indefinitely, it's just too big of a secret and too many people knew about it even from the beginning (including one person whose mind has now been breached by Esther ffs). I don't even actually know why Klaus would think that *Ansel* is the weak link in terms of keeping that secret anyway. Ansel is apparently *really* good at keeping secrets, I mean, that's why Klaus didn't even meet him until now! He even kept himself a secret from Klaus for the past four months, for no discernible reason. I really don't think it helped Ansel's cause to *continually* talk about how he's seen everything that Klaus has done for 1000 years, though. I don't know how Ansel knowing about every bad thing that Klaus has ever done would have meshed with the "we'll be heroes to Hope!" plan that Klaus was talking to Elijah about soon after he killed him. Tbh not even because Ansel would have let anything slip on his own, but because Klaus couldn't even stand to hear Ansel *not* say anything bad about him. I can just imagine Ansel, Klaus, and Hope sitting around while Hope scribbles, Ansel mentioning, "your daddy likes to paint!" and Klaus being unable to stifle the compulsion to add "AND MURDER PEOPLE!!!1!" But whatever, I'm hoping that Ansel will be back anyway. I just can't imagine that Esther's not going to try to do that, seeing as Klaus basically dared her to by horrifically displaying Ansel's corpse right in her house like he did. If Davina could bring Mikael back from the dead, I'm hoping that Esther can do it again with Ansel. I really loved what Klaus whispered to Elijah, that they are the monsters except when it comes to Hope. That speech came off to me as pretty messed up. Could Klaus's thinking about people get any more black and white? He literally was talking about white knights and shadowy demons. Klaus needs to stop with this, people can't actually fit into ridiculous categories like that. Definitely not a baby or a parent ffs. It's an OK *metaphor* but with him I don't think it's just a metaphor. He really does create impossible standards that he expects other people to meet, and as soon someone fails to meet those standards, he flips out and has to basically get rid of the person. What is most frustrating imo is that one of his criteria for someone being perfect always seems to be for them to be heartless, or at *least* cold toward him personally. If someone fails to do that, it seems like he'll try for about five seconds to "correct" them, but if they persist, that's it, he'll basically snuff them out or leave. He couldn't even let Ansel live for ONE DAY once Ansel had convinced him that he genuinely loved Klaus and Hope. There are meanwhile all these people *actually trying to murder Hope,* and Klaus, too, actually, and what's the threat that Klaus needs to rush to extinguish? Hope's grandfather, because he loves her. Of course. Meanwhile, when Mikael was standing right in front of him calling him a cur or whatever? Oh, just let him run off. That guy is obviously not a threat like Ansel is, because he doesn't love Hope. Duh. Of course, Klaus no longer has a monopoly on unsettling black/white thinking, seeing as meanwhile, in Elijah's head, innocent!Elijah was fighting monster!Elijah to the death. I love that when Esther realized that Elijah had apparently managed to squeak by without developing a debilitating mental health condition, she purposefully created one inside his head using magic. I guess that's sort of Esther's "thing." Oh, is Klaus strong? Better give him this weakening necklace! Oh, is Elijah mentally resilient? Oh, better give him a personality disorder! Good on Finn for figuring out the betrayal though, mama's boy isn't a complete fool. He's won me over, I just find him really fun and likeable, and he's not any worse than any of his siblings, as far as I can tell. Now I just have to stop thinking that his name is Anthony (no idea why, I just constantly think of him as Anthony?). I like Klaus a lot, but I never feel too sorry for him. Not enough to want his enemies destroyed. Yeah, I agree. I like Klaus, but I love when people plot against him and try to kill him, and the closer they come to actually doing it the more fun it is, because the best part imo is seeing the absurd ways that Klaus manages to stay alive. I've always loved that about Katherine, too. And even though they're horrible people, I guess I always find it delightful rather than depressing that they survive because I do think that they have the right to fight for their own lives. When it comes to Davina v. Klaus, I'm definitely rooting for Davina. I would never want Klaus to kill Davina! And I think she's fully justified in wanting him dead. He murdered Tim basically just for shits and giggles. And then when everyone was like, UGH KLAUS HE WAS A KID! YOU'RE REVOLTING, Klaus acted like he didn't even understand what their complaint was. That cracks me up, that even the other monsters find his behavior unseemly. Anyway, I generally root for whoever is fighting Klaus, just on principle. Even Mikael or Esther for the most part, tbh. He's too overpowered! It's no fun if he wins, he's already stronger and more invulnerable than literally everyone else in the entire world. Edited November 20, 2014 by rue721 1 Link to comment
bluebonnet November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 I wonder if Elijah's choice was really what it appeared. His 'innocent' human self seemed to have killed his 'demon' vampire self. Does that mean anything? Link to comment
rue721 November 20, 2014 Share November 20, 2014 I wonder if Elijah's choice was really what it appeared. His 'innocent' human self seemed to have killed his 'demon' vampire self. Does that mean anything? I thought that what Klaus was saying in that speech at Elijah's bedside was that Elijah could be a monster on the outside but still be innocent!Elijah on the inside. That's why Klaus gave the stake to innocent!Elijah, because he wanted innocent!Elijah to defeat monster!Elijah inside Elijah's head, but didn't think that that would necessarily mean that Elijah would do as Esther wants and dump his "monster" body as well. It seemed to me that Elijah (might have) bought what Klaus was selling, since then innocent!Elijah actually did use the stake to kill monster!Elijah. But who knows -- it's also a possibility imo that he didn't buy it, and he's decided to do the "innocent" thing full-throttle and abandon his body after all. What with the outcome of the fight inside Elijah's head, I think it's definite that Elijah is innocent!Elijah on the inside now, but imo there's still no telling whether he actually thinks he can keep the "monster" body (as Klaus thinks/wants) or if he has to dump it in order to protect that innocence (as Esther thinks/wants). If I had to guess, I'd say that I think Elijah is fixing to dump his "monster" body and comply with Esther, because Elijah was pretty non-committal with Klaus once he woke up. Like how after Klaus confessed to killing Ansel, Elijah said "you did it for Hope," and then, "whatever innocence that remains, we must protect at any cost." I think Klaus was assuming that Elijah was talking about Hope when he referred to the "innocence that remains," but imo it's possible (maybe likely) that Elijah wasn't. Maybe Elijah was thinking that Klaus is never going to willingly stop being a vampire, and that he (Elijah) needs to find a way to protect himself and the rest of the "innocents"/non-vampires in the family against him (maybe by killing him without bothering to have him body hop?). Alternatively, I think that after seeing Ansel's sketch of Klaus as a kid and hearing that Klaus killed Ansel for Hope (rather than out of selfishness), Elijah might have been thinking that there was still innocence to protect in Klaus, and his wheels might have started turning for how to "protect" his brother by forcing him to comply with Esther's plan. If so, then once he heard that Klaus was willing to do basically anything for Hope, he was probably thinking that Hope makes fantastic leverage against Klaus. For example, they could tell Klaus that either he dies or the baby dies, and get him to body hop or let himself be killed that way (because I assume he'll chose Hope over himself, like he did when he decided to kill Ansel). But the thing with Hope is that I'm confused as to whether she (and Haley and now possibly Cami) will die if Klaus dies? Are they in his sire line? If the show is this fuzzy on it, it probably doesn't matter, but I'm curious as to whose life is at stake when. I *think* that Hope and Klaus have separate sire lines, because of Hayley saying that if he dies "lots of people die" (rather than saying that she'll die or something), but I'm not sure. OH WAIT. Hope must have her own sire line because she's capable of turning hybrids, right? Can't only the "Original" hybrid(s) do that, whereas all the other hybrids can only turn regular vampires? Anyway, ordinarily I'd also have some off the wall theory about Esther puppeteering Elijah during that last scene or something, but unfortunately I think that's off the table because she seemed so shocked when she saw Ansel's corpse, even though Elijah had just heard that news. Too bad, I (obviously) love off the wall theories. Link to comment
driedfruit November 20, 2014 Share November 20, 2014 Do we know if Daniel needs more time off to film his other show? Because with the way things are shaping up I wonder if we'll get a double body swap, Elijah cast into a witch and Rebekah ending up in Cami. Which should leave Klaus all alone, for a little while. I don't buy that Cami is going to be turned into a vamp or a hybrid. That would be so out of the realm of her purpose and we've been promised a 'surprise' regarding her fate. Those spots are already filled anyway by Hayley, the hybrid snowflake, and Gia, the hot chick baby vamp. And I'd like to believe the show runners wouldn't be that cruel. Link to comment
ElectricBoogaloo November 20, 2014 Share November 20, 2014 One of the things I like about The Originals is that, unlike TVD, not all the humans have been turned into supernaturals. I don't like Cami but if she's going to stick around, I'd rather she stay human since she's the only character who was a human in the pilot and is still humanand alive now. There are already enough vampires, werewolves, and witches running around. Link to comment
Timetoread November 20, 2014 Share November 20, 2014 I really liked this episode and have been totally loving season 2 in general. I, like everybody, enjoyed the original Kol actor, but the one they have now is fantastic, IMO, he's less of a psycho but I think he plays off well with Davina and I am interested to see how he does with Marcel because Marcel is playing the protective dad but Kol is his uncle and I'm sure completely immune to fearing him in the role of dad. Klaus will have to referee that one, which will also be interesting considering how much Davina hates Klaus. I LOVE this tangled family. I've never hated Cami but I found her to be quite silly in this battle. She is WAY out of her league and looks and feels out of place. What dog does she have in this race? Esther has plans for her but why is Cami so invested in this epic family war? I get Hayley's involvement because she is the baby mama and Marcel is basically a Michaelson himself. But what is Cami's issue? I LOVE LOVE LOVE Joseph Morgan as Klaus. He walks that fine line with precision. Yes Klaus is evil and dastardly but that's because he's cray cray and almost didn't stand a chance from the beginning. I kind of get Elijah's apologizing for him. And yet, evil is evil, so he deserves any hatred he receives. I hope that JM doesn't get punished for this CW association because he is a fine actor and I hope his career, on tv AND movies, continues to grow. As for Klaus' killing of his father. This is the rare instance where I understood his logic and reluctantly agree. Esther always has an agenda and her bringing back Ansel means that she OWNS him. Ansel, I'm sure, never intended to divulge that the baby was alive, but that doesn't mean that Esther wouldn't have picked his brain at her will to obtain information about Klaus when she needed it. Ansel may have spilled the beans without trying to do so. He was brought back by Esther FOR Esther and Klaus knew that and had to protect his daughter. I don't think he would have killed him otherwise. Klaus talks a good game and is mean to his family as an MO but he usually stops short of killing them -even when threatening to do so. He's sentimental in his own cray way. 2 Link to comment
rue721 November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 (edited) Maybe Klaus killing and "staking"/impaling Ansel was supposed to mirror innocent!Elijah staking monster!Elijah? Ansel had that sketch of Klaus as a child on him, which makes me think that Ansel maybe represented innocent!Klaus. In that case, Klaus as he is would represent monster!Klaus, I think -- it seemed like he was characterizing himself as the "monster version of himself," too, when he said that he needed to be a vampire/strong for Hope, and also that he'd been thinking about how he could have been different if he'd been raised differently (which implies that he's turned out a monster/badly, but is going to stay that way, imo). If the fights are mirrored, then I think that monster!Klaus and innocent!Elijah were the respective winners? Edited November 21, 2014 by rue721 Link to comment
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