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S09.E17: Mother's Little Helper

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This episode was so good.  Dean playing pool whilst trying to keep his cool and being snarked at by Crowley is a show in and of itself and I would pay good money to watch that and only that.  Ackles and Sheppard are just so fantastic together. 

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Watching Dean racking those balls with his arms was too cool. I wonder if that was in the script, or if JA added it. Loved Sam's use of the exorcism phone app as well - need to get me one of those! It reminded me of Jus in Bello.

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Watching Dean racking those balls with his arms was too cool. I wonder if that was in the script, or if JA added it.

I think that was an acting choice by JA. It quickly reminded me that "Oh yeah!  Dean is a veteran pool shark and of course he'd rack the balls like a boss. So great!

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I loved the Dean-Crowley scenes, though I think Crowley is fooling himself if he thinks Dean stopped the fake hunter from going after him because Crowley somehow has wrapped Dean around his demonic little finger.  I think there were two reasons involved, one being that Dean would try to keep someone who looked like a newbie hunter from getting himself killed by going against someone considerably more powerful than your average demon (there has been some discussion as to whether or not Dean should have known the hunter was a demon but the show has often been so claustrophobic that we sometimes forget there are other hunters in the universe and, of course, we know that if someone shows up in the ep, there's some special story reason, as opposed to "real life," where people move in and out of our lives with no special importance and that this is the way the characters would see the other people in an episode). 

The other is that Crowley still holds the FB, and while Dean may be afraid of what he experienced while holding the FB, I don't think he's given up on going after Abaddon as yet. 


I also think that Sam's words in "The Purge" that crossed the line and stomped all over Dean's life and character--most especially the claim that Dean's only been willing to sacrifice if he didn't get hurt, which is total nonsense--played a part in Dean's decision to take up the FB again.  He says that it doesn't matter what the consequences are for him and for me, that was a total reference to Sam's statement.

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I think there's a completely different interpretation as to why Dean stopped the "hunter" from trying to kill Crowley.  He knew the "hunter" was a demon, because Crowley's played that little game before.

In First Born, Crowley has a demon in the bar watching the conversation between Crowley and Dean.  Dean recognizes the guy from the bar during the fight at Cain's and calls Crowley on the manipulation at the end of the episode. 

In Mother's Little Helper, Dean glances over and sees a guy with a rosary and a knfe get up to follow Crowley.  Dean's look could easily read "here we go again."  He knew it was a demon and he knew that Crowley was testing him.  He stepped in to "save" Crowley because he's playing his own game.  I think Dean is ahead of Crowley in this chess move.  He needs the First Blade, obviously, but he also needs Crowley to underestimate him so when it comes time to kill Crowley, he won't see it coming.

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I don't know if he knew it was a demon but I think he knows Crowley is trying to manipulate him.  I think they are setting it up so it could go either way - Dean falling for Crowley's manipulation or Dean surprising us the audience by seeing in coming and just keeping it to himself. Makes sense to me that keeping us guessing is a good thing from a storytelling perspective.

I read in several places a theory that Dean actually went to Milton, Illinois and was in the vicinity (ostensibly to be near by for Sam) because the name of the bar was The Milton.  To me that just does not compute so I'm going to set up my rationale as to why I think Dean stayed in Kansas and seek opinions.

Essential bits which influence my perspective:

  • Dean appeared pretty desperate for a drink and pulled the scotch out of a hiding place even before the door shut when Sam left.  I take that as Dean really wants some "me" time and doesn't want Sam to know he has issues. Par for the Dean course.
  • When Sam calls (and Dean has polished off the ENTIRE bottle of scotch), Dean suggests there's nothing there and Sam come home.  Sam says he's staying the night just to be sure. Then Dean LEAVES FOR THE BAR.  To me, this is the single most important clue -- Dean felt there was likely no danger so why would he drive to Illinois at this point?
  • When Sam calls again Dean is already AT THE BAR. At this point it's a real case but if Dean wanted to provide "secret backup" this would seem to be the moment he would leave for Illinois.  But since he stays at the bar, seems to me, the bar is in Kansas.
  • Dean walks away from the bar.  Now it's entirely possible he took an MOL car or Dorothy's bike, but he may have just walked into town.  Again, keeps him in Kansas.
  • Finally, "Milton" is, of course, a likely nod to Paradise Lost. Which is so full of the Satan, Adam and Eve and both falls from grace that the parallels are obvious.  The use of "Milton" for both the town and the bar is not IMO a coincidence. Especially when the sign for the bar is framed between Dean and Crowley for their final conversation.  Further, the Paradise Lost concept also applies to Sam's story - so using it in two locations may have just been an anvil or a nod to the two major stories in the poem. To be specific (and other interpretations exist I'm sure):
  •         -- For Dean: clearly he's suffering with both temptation and a Fall from Grace. The Blade's effect, every choice he's making, etc.. I won't go so far as to say he's getting the Satan arc (although that may be an intentional misdirect), but he's gone from the #1 Angelic Vessel to potentially a weapon of Hell. And the primary temptation may very well be power.
  •         -- For Sam: The town's nicest people had their souls corrupted. Souls forcibly turned away from good to evil.  It lacks the "choice" element but there's arguably plenty of sympathy for the Fallen in Paradise Lost (if memory serves). Sam himself doesn't seem in any position to bite the metaphoric Apple but perhaps him going along with the First Blade plan is supposed to lean towards Milton's story where Adam wittingly eating the Apple knowing it's dangerous. Dean, in this plot, is Eve who has taken on this evil (mission to kill Abaddon using the First Blade), and Sam is joining him because he feels Abaddon is a big enough threat.  Now the analogy to the Adam and Eve story kinda falls apart in many ways because right now Sam has given Dean the "no brothers" speech. OTOH, his actions seem to suggest more and more that he's not going to stick to that position.

Bottom Line:

  • I think the timing and logistics don't support the theory that Dean secretly went to Milton, Illinois to keep an eye on Sam (and that is why the bar is named The Milton).
  • I think the parallels with Milton's Paradise Lost are obvious, along with the two-arc construct, to make the use of "The Milton" as the name of the bar precisely to hammer home the parallel.

DISCLAIMER: I'm familiar with Paradise Lost, not a scholar of the work. If I've really butchered it, gentle correction would be appreciated.

Edited by SueB
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SueB and KellyLynn,

I agree that Dean is smart enough to pretend that he's fallen for Crowley's trick with the fake demon. However, I'm not sure at this point whether the writers are smart enough to come up that clever of a concept.

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I'd kinda forgotten most of the actual details of this episode. I wish I liked it more in the end, it has some interesting themes and ideas circling around, but the writing seems rather sloppy and lackluster to me. Kudos to Misha, though. I think he did a nice job on his first foray as director. He had some interesting set ups even if the pacing seems lacking a bit, but I suspect that's more down to the episode being heavily rewritten, so I'll stop nitpicking poor Misha and Adam Glass...maybe...


The soulless people didn't make hardly any sense to me, they should've been totally uncaring about the wrongdoings they'd committed without their souls and I'm not sure it should've made them all homicidal either--I don't know. I also don't really understand how Abaddon taking all these souls and putting them in glass jars (really?) was turning them into demons. Aren't demons supposed to be the result of being twisted and corrupted in Hell for centuries? I know, I'm not supposed to think about this stuff, am I?  Okay fine.


I just don't have much interest in the Men of Letters nor was I particularly drawn to Henry last season--I did think Josie was an interesting character last season, but she seemed less so to me here--so, I kept checking out when Josie and Henry were on screen.


I did like Sam working the case and I liked how he was trying to keep in-touch with Dean and all. It was nice they didn't need to have a petty fight to separate for a few days. Crowley and Dean snarking at each other seems rather done-to-death by this point and I don't really have any interest in watching Dean hang around a bar wallowing (although I think they missed the mark not having him hustling pool while he was wallowing, but whatever.) Nor do I think Crowley's little con was successful in showing anything. But, I also know this episode was rumored to be heavily re-written so Jensen could have some much needed and much deserved time off, so I forgive the Dean side of things here. Dude deserves a break once in a while, IMO.


The good to end on: That little phone exorcism was clever and useful. They should remember that little detail once in a while, IMO.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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My favorite part of the episode is Dean racking the balls with his arms.  jeebus that was way sexier and hotter than it should have been.  And I loved him telling Crowley how good it will be when he kills Crowley.  /fans self

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I really enjoyed the older former nun.  I'm surprised Abbadon didn't kill her in her youth.  She evidently knew that the sister KNEW.  I did hate that Sam and Dean were apart, but I think their respective story lines were well done.  I always love me some Crowley.  The anvils gave me a slight headache, however.

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  • I liked seeing Henry again.  And Josie when she was Josie.  Good grief though, did they really have to make her 'in love' with Henry?  Of course she was.  He's a Winchester, after all.  And typically, oblivious of her feelings.  [sigh].
  • At least we got a name for Henry's wife.  I wonder what ever happened to Millie?  Presumably, she would have raised John after Henry's death/disappearance.  Did she never know about the MoL?  She obviously never told John anything about them since he grew up thinking Henry abandoned (Abaddoned? haha) them.  I wonder if that's what Millie believed also.  Henry just didn't seem like the type to not tell Millie anything at all.  I mean, even a line like - hey, I'm joining a secret boy's club, can't tell you what they do, but just thought you should know I'm not out cheating on you.  Seriously.  It's kind of like the Shriners, eh?  The wives can't attend (I don't think - not all the meetings anyway) and but they know their husbands are members.  
  • I kind of like that Dean blew off Sam this entire episode.  Just keeping it strictly business, Sam.  Isn't that what you wanted?  [snort]  And how's that working out for you now?
  • On an entirely shallow note, I really am not liking Sam's hair lately.  The bob cut tucked behind his ears?  Ick.  No wonder Crowley calls him Samantha.
  • Maybe the bad hair cut was another way for the show to make us not like Sam so much?  Damn those sneaky devils!  It's working!
  • Was it me, or did the soulless people degenerate a lot faster than in the past?  And what was with the OCD blood writing on the walls?  We haven't seen that before with soullessness.  I didn't like that it was never explained.
  • I call shenanigans on Dean couldn't tell the guy in the bar was a demon.  Maybe we are supposed to think that's the Mark's influence messing with him.  But then, I don't think Dean would have bothered stopping the guy if he was that far gone with the Mark.  And I don't think Dean stopped him to save Crowley.  I thought Dean did it entirely to save the guy, who if he hadn't been a demon, Crowley would have taken out - and then like he said, gone after everyone else in his life too.
  • It was nice to see at least attempted exorcisms again.  I feel like the show forgot about having the ability to do that instead of simply using the demon knife/angel blade to kill demon and host.  I'd like to see more exorcisms/saves.
  • Julie looked a lot like Shirley MacLaine.  I thought it was her until I looked it up.  
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14 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:
  • I kind of like that Dean blew off Sam this entire episode.  Just keeping it strictly business, Sam.  Isn't that what you wanted?  [snort]  And how's that working out for you now?

I'd agree with you more - and I also agree about the hair: the Sam assassination was strong this season - except that Dean chewed Sam out and told him to stop being a bitch when Sam tried a similar, but even nicer, strategy in "The Mentalists.*" So Dean is kind of being a hypocrite here.

* In that episode Sam was angry with Dean for lying to him, so Dean suggested that they could just work the case, keep it business, no problem... but when Sam actually did that - and he wasn't even being mean about it, just focusing on the case - Dean chewed Sam out for keeping it just business (even though that's what Dean agreed to) and told Sam he was being a bitch. And then Sam apologized and admitted Dean was right... kind of like this episode... Where Sam admitted that Dean was right.

Surprisingly I liked both episodes, because in general I get tired of scenarios where Dean agrees to stuff supposedly to compromise, Sam complies, then Dean passive-aggressively "complains" about the situation he either agreed to and/or suggested in the first place, and then Sam ends up apologizing and/or admitting Dean was right. I guess mostly it annoys me when passive-aggressive strategies work, because the not-so-good family memories button gets pushed but good for me there.

14 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:
  • It was nice to see at least attempted exorcisms again.  I feel like the show forgot about having the ability to do that instead of simply using the demon knife/angel blade to kill demon and host.  I'd like to see more exorcisms/saves.

I was happy to see Sam actually hunting again and getting a win. It didn't happen often this season, and at least Sam used his ingenuity to do it.

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This episode felt out of place and jarring to me this time. Maybe it's just that I haven't been totally in it this re-watch and the wee break I took had me forgetting where I was for a minute? Maybe it's that the episode feels cobbled together somehow? I dunno, but Dean choosing to do research over working a job is a sure sign something is out of balance with the universe. Sam, hon, you really need to choose your words better if you want to get through to Dean.

Anyhoo, too bad the case of the soulless people didn't make more sense to me. And, still don't get the why and how of it all. I mean, I understand how the souls were taken and I understand why Abaddon would do such a thing, but if this was a viable option, why haven't demons been doing this all along? I mean, I get why Crowley prefers to the deals; he's a salesman, but regular demons....I don't get it. I should probably stop now before I start going on and on about why vampires and werewolves haven't taken over the planet either.

I also wonder how it is the Knights of Hell symbol would be pre-Enochian. Isn't Enochian the language of the angels? And, aren't the angels pre-Cain which would make Knights of Hell post-Enochian. Hell itself is post-Enochian, right? This is what happens when an episode bores me... .

On 8/10/2016 at 8:42 AM, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Was it me, or did the soulless people degenerate a lot faster than in the past?  And what was with the OCD blood writing on the walls?  We haven't seen that before with soullessness.  I didn't like that it was never explained.

I get that soullessness would be different for each person, but this soullessness didn't make sense to me. The kid in the diner, sure, he had no inhibitions and just did whatever popped into his head. The woman at the top of the hour killing her husband, sure, I'd want to whack that jackass in the head with a candle holder too. But, the blood writing and the suicides, don't get it at all. Why would they give a crap about the things they did if they didn't have a soul. Isn't that the point of not having a soul, you don't don't have a conscience?

Also, if Abaddon was taking the souls and turning them into instant demon, wouldn't those souls have been damaged and those people "locked inside their own minds" when the souls were returned? I mean, maybe not to the same degree, but essentially isn't it what was wrong with Sam's soul back in S6 and caused him to go all Beautiful Mind when his wall got broken? 

Alright, I'll stop nattering about it all.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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This episode always bothers me, because it makes zero sense that Dean "saves" Crowley.  From what?  Some high-schooler with a knife he took from his daddy's toolbox?  WTF.  Unless that blade is another ancient demon-killing knife of the Kurds, Crowley's never in any danger of any kind.  Crowley knows it.  Dean knows it.  The scene makes no sense (other than Dean saving some kid from getting eviscerated by the King of Hell).  Drives me nuts every single time.

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On ‎10‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 10:28 AM, DittyDotDot said:

Also, if Abaddon was taking the souls and turning them into instant demon, wouldn't those souls have been damaged and those people "locked inside their own minds" when the souls were returned? I mean, maybe not to the same degree, but essentially isn't it what was wrong with Sam's soul back in S6 and caused him to go all Beautiful Mind when his wall got broken? 

I think maybe they hadn't started yet.  They were going to collect x amount of souls, then turn them into demons?  We saw them just sitting in jars, so I don't think anything could have been done with them yet.  But, yeah, just don't get me started on soullessness.

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17 minutes ago, sarthaz said:

 The scene makes no sense (other than Dean saving some kid from getting eviscerated by the King of Hell).

That's what I thought was happening: that Dean was saving the kid. Crowley just chose to interpret it as Dean saving him (Crowley).

I mainly somewhat enjoyed this episode, because Sam actually did something himself. If I remember correctly, I think it was his only successful hunt of the season.

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On ‎8‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 9:42 AM, RulerofallIsurvey said:

I call shenanigans on Dean couldn't tell the guy in the bar was a demon.  Maybe we are supposed to think that's the Mark's influence messing with him.  But then, I don't think Dean would have bothered stopping the guy if he was that far gone with the Mark.  And I don't think Dean stopped him to save Crowley.  I thought Dean did it entirely to save the guy, who if he hadn't been a demon, Crowley would have taken out - and then like he said, gone after everyone else in his life too.

They can only tell when demons are demons when it's plot-convenient.  Don't forget Samuel and Sam ran around with Christian for a whole year not knowing he was a demon, and Dean had met him several times.  Actually, I can't really think of that many times, when they just know someone is a demon.

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2 hours ago, sarthaz said:

This episode always bothers me, because it makes zero sense that Dean "saves" Crowley.  From what?  Some high-schooler with a knife he took from his daddy's toolbox?  WTF.  Unless that blade is another ancient demon-killing knife of the Kurds, Crowley's never in any danger of any kind.  Crowley knows it.  Dean knows it.  The scene makes no sense (other than Dean saving some kid from getting eviscerated by the King of Hell).  Drives me nuts every single time.

I thought this was one of the strongest eps of s9. 

The entire episode was showing that Dean was fighting to not succumb to the Mark and the bloodlust that was triggered when he first touched the First Blade and killed Magnus with it.

Dean both wanted and didn't want the First Blade and to both find and not find Abaddon because of what it was doing to him. He felt it changing him. Crowley thought Dean was scared of the power, but Crowley was wrong. Dean was scared that he would become a killer like Cain. 

I don't know why Dean would ping that kid was a demon. Dean didn't have any special demon detecting thing because of the Mark.

IMO, Dean wasn't so far gone to not want to help someone he thought was an inexperienced hunter. Dean's actions weren't really to SAVE Crowley for Crowley's sake but so Dean could get the First Blade, which was Dean's struggle throughout the episode. If Crowley is dead, Dean doesn't get the First Blade and he doesn't kill Abaddon.

Crowley was playing Dean like a fiddle here. He was using his human blood addiction to try and forged a bond with Dean. I think there was a part that maybe Crowley wanted to believe that Dean saved him because they are "Besties" but that's Crowley's own pathetic need for Dean to like him.

And Dean got played by Crowley here because Dean was now addicted to the First Blade. 

Crowley has the upper hand now and it makes me sad :(.


Talk about foreshadowing. Abaddon manufacturing demons out of human souls...paralleled with Dean being turned into a demon.  

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I actually like this episode.  I just don't understand the premise of this encounter.

JAKE: For a second there, I thought he made me.  But he did do exactly what you said he would.  He saved you.

CROWLEY: Of course he saved me. We're besties.

Crowley sends a demon in to pretend to be a hunter to test Dean's state-of-mind, but Background Hunter #4 isn't a threat to Crowley on any level, and Dean would never interpret the situation in that manner.  It just makes no sense.  If Dean thinks that guy is a hunter, then the one who needs saving sure as Hell isn't Crowley, and the only thing this test could prove is whether or not Dean is still interested in saving random people who are about to get killed by the King of Hell.  On that level, it's nice to see Dean isn't completely off the rails, but that wasn't the purpose of Crowley's test -- and how he could come to the conclusion that Dean "saved" him makes zero sense.

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As a teacher, I laughed a little too hard at "Well, maybe she snapped. Ankle biters can do that to you." Directed by Misha Collins! Good for him. Aw, Sam sticks up for the waitress, even before the hitchhiker goes psycho. 

Grandma Winchester has a name! Josie was a badass. "He loves you too, you know. Like a sister." Demon's always want to pull that "little sister" crap. I liked the former nun. 

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Nice to see Henry again, and now we know how Abbadon got Joan.  Maybe Sam acted differently while soulless because he was a hunter and already got to kill things.  Still, some of the others acted more homicidal than soulless.  

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"Since you're lying to Sam like a wife, am I your mistress?"

bless you crowley, rather sick since he is a demon. whatever.

wow, i thought this episode would have done what i suggested a couple episodes ago - deal with dean's alcohol problems. like i mean he drank down that entire bottle at the bunker. that made me cringe is worry. on one side though, dean feels like he's breaking apart so it's not like i don't understand.

that "sam smile with demon blood scene" STILL gets me, it made me jump. goddang. and i know the ex-nun feels a ton of shame for not saying that josie was a demon but i can't help but slightly judge her. even so i liked her.

and i know dean has said sam is more than capable of going solo (and bobby has even admitted he's the better hunter) but it was cool seeing it in action. i know a long time ago sam did missions by himself in his trapped dream by the trickster but that's what it was, a long time ago. 

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This is going to go under the heading of I think about stupid stuff too much. But, I just got fixated on Dean saying that demons don't pee.  

1.  How does he know this?  Is this something he's bothered to observe.

2. Crowley drinks.  If he doesn't pee where does it go.  How does the vessel work?  does it digest food when demons choose to eat? 


3.  Did he just know something was up and threw in that "demons don't pee" as a reason

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3 hours ago, Katy M said:

This is going to go under the heading of I think about stupid stuff too much. But, I just got fixated on Dean saying that demons don't pee.  

1.  How does he know this?  Is this something he's bothered to observe.

2. Crowley drinks.  If he doesn't pee where does it go.  How does the vessel work?  does it digest food when demons choose to eat? 


3.  Did he just know something was up and threw in that "demons don't pee" as a reason

Maybe they just remove whatever waste is inside of their body with their powers. Cas doesn’t use the bathroom either but he did shots with Ellen in season 5 and there were all of those burgers from famine’s influence. From his convo with Metatron in season 9 it seemed that digestion was only experienced when they were human.

Edited by DeeDee79
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I liked getting some backstory on Abbadon. I am not sure the episode holds together entiely, particularly the no soul thing, but I enjoyed it. I hate seeing Dean spiral but I am resigned to the fact that we are at the point in the season where one if them inches toward rock bottom. 😆

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