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It's nice to see Everybody Hates Chris alumni doing well.  Terry Crews is brilliant on Brooklyn 99 and now Chris himself shows up on The Walking Dead. I hope he sticks around for a while, though he doesn't seem particularly well-equipped for the world.  His escape plan was rudimentary, at best, and he would have had trouble getting out of the yard without Beth shooting everything that moved.  For his sake, I hope he found Daryl.  Otherwise, I wouldn't lay odds on him surviving long.

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It's going to take some time for me to get used to him speaking in a low voice!


Too bad his little sister from EHC wasn't on; I would have liked to see her vs. Lizzie. Or her versus Eugene for that matter.

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I clicked on this thread solely because of the title.


If Noah was traveling with his dad (who was apparently big and strong looking) up until a year ago, and has been in the hospital since then, he may not have had much experience killing walkers himself. It might be interesting to get someone "green" in this area with CDB. I also think his age group is a bit lacking, so he would make a nice addition there as well. With Maggie and Glenn off on the short bus, there's quite a gap between Carl and...Darryl? Is Darryl the next youngest of the group still with Father Pee-Pants, not counting Beth?

Edited by morgankobi
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I like him too, and particularly that he was trying to be kind to Beth, a total stranger, by giving her lollipops. Yes, he might have just been trying to butter her up to get help escape, but it seemed like a genuine attempt to be decent to a vulnerable innocent person. Everyone figured she was useless after all. Beth's grin at his escape was great and I think he was sincerely upset that she got caught. I just hope walkers don't eat him as soon as he turns the corner because he was in bad shape.

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Dude looked so much like a young Orlando Jones, I had to do a double-take. No wonder OJ's twitter has him stating "Not the guy from Everyone Hates Chris"


I hope he comes back and somehow they insert him into the rest of the group, because I liked his character a lot. He would make a nice addition.

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I'm feeling a little bad for Noah right now.  I'm sure he will blame himself for Beth's death, and having to watch the group grieve her loss is going to be difficult.  I saw potential in a Noah/Beth pairing, and I thought there was some sort of chemistry there.  On a more shallow note, it sucks for Noah because he just watched the only available age-appropriate female in the world (as far as he knows) die in a misguided attempt to help him.

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 I saw potential in a Noah/Beth pairing, and I thought there was some sort of chemistry there.  On a more shallow note, it sucks for Noah because he just watched the only available age-appropriate female in the world (as far as he knows) die in a misguided attempt to help him.

On a more shallow, but positive note, I sighed with the relief of knowing we won't have to see a Noah vs.Carl stabby/shooty confrontation in a cow pasture over Beth's availability.

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On a more shallow, but positive note, I sighed with the relief of knowing we won't have to see a Noah vs.Carl stabby/shooty confrontation in a cow pasture over Beth's availability.


Yeah, there would have been no suspense either.  Clearly Carl would have won.  It also means that Carl will need to go a little older now - watch out Glenn.

Edited by RedheadZombie
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As someone who has never watched EHC and got tired of hearing "Everybody really does hate Chris" any time Noah breathed the wrong way, I'm not sure I'd want it in the title, but I can't really come up with anything of my own.


I do like Noah. I think Tyler James Williams has a great deal of stature for a younger actor - he doesn't seem like an overgrown child star, the way some do even when they're middle-aged or older. I thought he and Emily Kinney had great chemistry together and I believed the bond between Noah and Beth almost immediately. There are real opportunities in having another young-ish character outside of Carl, and I hope the show takes them. I wonder how he will feel about the group in general. I'd think he will be distant and likely somewhat disturbed.

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I like the actor. But I'm not sure how far I trust the character. One moment he's ready to go in guns blazing with Rick. Then, when the hostage schtick is in play, he's insisting that "oh, these are all good cops!" You know, until one of them smashes Sasha unconscious while she's trying to be nice to him, and then Rick kills him. Which Noah is still fine with. We saw no surprise, no grief, just... "well, fuck him then. I'm still alive."

Noah's a good guy to have on your side when he's on your side. But I'm just sure how dependable that is.

If the doctor was killing other doctors because they might get more records to listen to than him,  I shudder to imagine what Noah may have done to skilled laundry workers if he thought they might get him bumped down to cleaning up guinea pig turds.

The best living-with-Noah survival strategy, in my opinion, is to dye your hair blonde and start singing.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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I give way fewers damns about Noah than I did about Beth, and if the raison d'etre for CDB turns into getting Noah "HOME" then it will officially turn into the Wizard of Oz, and I will not be able to take it. Been there, done that with Terminus, the CDC and Washington.


Of course, I'm pretty sure (hope) that won't happen, as I think Noah's home is outside the boundaries of Georgia, beyond which we know our gang cannot go.


OTOH, at this point Rick would make a pretty good Scarecrow, and we've got not one, but two Cowardly Lions. Abraham = Tin Man?

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 if the raison d'etre for CDB turns into getting Noah "HOME" then it will officially turn into the Wizard of Oz


OTOH, at this point Rick would make a pretty good Scarecrow, and we've got not one, but two Cowardly Lions. Abraham = Tin Man?

I thought Eugene was the Tin Man, Tyreese was the Cowardly Lion, Glenn was the Scarecrow, Herschel was sometimes the Great and Powerful Oz alternating/with Professor Marvel.

Bob was Clem, Daryl was the Flying Devil Monkey, Abraham was the Captain of the Castle Guard, Joe and the Merletones were the Enchanted Forest Tree Bastards throwing apples, Dale Horvath was Glinda the Good Witch.


Judging by the story arcs, the female cast members: Carol, MIchonne, Maggie, Beth, Sasha, Andrea----get to take turns being Dorothy.

Tara and Rosita get to be Uncle Henry and Auntie Em, respectively.


Rick is, of course, Elvira Gulch.

Edited by kikismom
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I suppose there's one thing to be said about trading Beth for Noah.

He does know how to do laundry. Perhaps he can teach the others. 

Or at least maybe he'll wash Carl's damned hat.

Hey, for a thread title, how about "Noah and His Arc?"

Edited by CletusMusashi
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I get so tired of hearing about how Noah killed this or that person. He didn't kill Tyreese. Tyreese could have survived with a simple, quick sweep. He was upset because he found what left of his family rotting away. He wasn't there to protect Tyreese.


And I saw someone saying, "We traded Beth for this!!!" Well, no. I like Beth, so I'm not going to bash her, but there was no "trade." Beth went off on Dawn and died as a result. Noah and the group had nothing to do with that. It's not on him. 


I thought Tyler James Williams was terrific in this episode, especially his big melodramatic breakdown in the middle of town after he realized what had happened. That type of scene has been done so many times on this show and in this genre and I should have just rolled my eyes, but he really got to me. 


I feel emotionally connected to this character in a way I do to only a handful of others on the show. Which likely is not a good thing, sadly.

Edited by Pete Martell
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Noah is a red shirt to me - I never understood Beth's instant "devotion" to him, nor did I get why people thought he was worth a family reunion.  He hasn't brought a thing to my meager table - yet.


I think most of Beth's actions for him weren't really about him. She liked him, as he was there for her and he took a beating for her, but her standing up to Dawn was more about her hatred of Dawn than about him. The family reunion was also about what Beth had wanted.

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His schtick about how much Beth wanted to go there with him could have been less "actual truth" and more "him saying whatever it takes to manipulate Rick and Friends." In that case, mission accomplished. He even succeeded in killing off the only other guy who can wash diapers!

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In season 5, episode 9, “What Happened and What’s Going On,” it really bothered me that limping Noah so easily outran Tyreese. The New York Times recap said:

This show loves to give its characters limps, I assume, to boost the visual parallels between the living and the undead.

Edited by editorgrrl
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I thought Tyler James Williams was terrific in this episode, especially his big melodramatic breakdown in the middle of town after he realized what had happened.

I think it's possible that TJW has seen Matt Damon do that in the end of Saving Private Ryan.

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That's an acting choice that's likely older than Matt Damon's great-great-great-great-etc. grandparents. I'm sure they've all seen it somewhere. I just thought TJW did a good job of it, as I've seen many actors stink the place up with that type of scene.

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I knew Noah was going, and that he'd have a horrible death, so I wasn't shocked, but it still hurt to watch. They almost went out of their way to make sure viewers would care, compared to "OK, whatever" deaths like poor Oscar's, by having Glenn's reaction in the forefront. I just wish they hadn't felt the character was so disposable. 


This character has gotten so much shit from fans for "killing" Beth or "killing" Tyreese, and how dare he live while Beth dies, and all the rest, and even on Talking Dead I felt the actor was treated with disrespect, but I'm glad his last episode at least let us see just what a waste his death is and how much he could have added. 


I'm one of the very few people who have never seen Everybody Hates Chris, so this was the first time I'd ever seen Tyler James Williams. I was really impressed by his work in what could have been a throwaway role. I hope his next role will treat him better.

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Bye Noah. I am surprised how much I lament your death, and how sad I am that you'll never get the chance to learn to build things, or to let creepy Dr. Pete fix your leg. Rest in peace.

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Thinking about it, if he'd opted for the leg surgery, he wouldn't have gone on that run. I understand being hesitant, but if the alternative is running around in zombie country every day under a leader whose main survival skill is apparently running faster than his subordinates... you might want to take your chances with Doctor Drunky.

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Thinking about it, if he'd opted for the leg surgery, he wouldn't have gone on that run. I understand being hesitant, but if the alternative is running around in zombie country every day under a leader whose main survival skill is apparently running faster than his subordinates... you might want to take your chances with Doctor Drunky.


At least DD's shaky scalpel slip would give you an excuse not to go out on runs.  Just lay on a couch all day while Ms. Neudermeyer demonstrates her consummate skill at getting your pasta al dente - if you know what I mean (and I think you do).

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Well goodness.  I didn't think I particularly cared one way or another about Noah, but the sudden-ness of him being yanked from that swinging door, him begging Glenn not to let him go and then the horror on Steven Yeun's face as Glenn watched one of his comrades die HORRIBLY, I found that really affecting.  Well done, show.

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Wait a minute...are TPTB actually trolling us? After the complaints of the revolving door of black characters getting killed and replaced, they literally build a revolving door and kill a black character in it? I mean it was effective as hell, but is it also an elaborate meta joke?

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Wait a minute...are TPTB actually trolling us? After the complaints of the revolving door of black characters getting killed and replaced, they literally build a revolving door and kill a black character in it? I mean it was effective as hell, but is it also an elaborate meta joke?


If they did, then +10,000 points for chutzpah.

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What gets me is some of the same fans who say things like this are the ones who raged that he "killed" Beth and that his death was so awful not for him, but because "Beth died for him," as if he used mind control powers to make Beth stab body armor with teeny tiny scissors. So Noah is only worthwhile when it's time to bash Maggie.


I have been so disgusted by the way some fans treated him, and clearly that is not changing.


(I don't mean you, kirkismom, I mean the subset of fans who make things like this)

Edited by Pete Martell
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