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First Looks: The Locked One

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ryebread, LOL What in the world is she doing in that clip.  I have to say though, I'm grateful to Kim for the blouse with the bow THs.  They make awesome gifs. 


I think, just like Brandi, Kim knows that she can push the other HW buttons and get away with it because 1) it usually brings more ratings and 2) apparently it's hard to get fired as a HW.  So, they taunt and tease and drop hints.  All for their own satisfaction.  These two can suck it. 

  • Love 6

Then why wasn't she shrieking at Yo who is in fact the one who brought up the general topic at the table? Also, Lisa WAS NOT QUESTIONING KIM'S SOBRIETY AT THAT TABLE. She was APOLOGIZING for sticking her nose where it didn't belong and EXPLAINING the reasons why it happened. For heavens sake, Lisa is the child? All Kim had to say was 'I understand your reasons, but I'm fine.' So simple.


Furthermore, Kim is fighting back against what exactly? Concern and worry. All of these women have been concerned about her. Shoot, I've read enough on these boards about past seasons to know plenty of people here have expressed concern and worry over Kim's sobriety. Not one of them has said something mean about Kim's sobriety (or lack thereof). No one said 'wow Kim is really weak because she can't seem to actually be sober.' or 'Kim is pathetic because she's not only a drunk but now taking pills.'


I will agree that Lisa should not have thrown the wine and more importantly should not have broken that glass. However, everyone ... every single one of us is capable of such actions. It's just that most of us haven't ever been pushed that far (both by Kim and let's face it Bravo). I told the story earlier about something my brother said to me and I hit him in the head. I've never ever been in a physical fight. I've never been since. But he set me off in a way I've never experienced before.

It seems to me it is either Bravo drama and LisaR is a part of it, or Kim was about to reveal something worse than Harry might be a cheater. That one's been done to death. Who cares if someone like Kim starts gossip like that? But if related to an illness, for example, LisaR might become that desperate to keep her quiet. When she reached for Kim's throat, it looked like real desperation or LisaR is a better actress than I think she is. 

  • Love 5

I saw a preview where they ride bikes up to this windmill where this troll lives who claims he dated Yolanda back in the day and was the first one to get her to take off her wooden shoes. More of that. Less drug addict raving please. Thank you.


Oh stop it, I'm dying. Is this true?! I must see it to see if it matches the wonderful vision in my head because your description paints a vivid picture.


Well, at least no one was told to CALM DOWN.


Holy cow, can you imagine Kim and Ramona locked in a room together with a camera crew filming them? Ramona is a wine-soaked maniac with little to no ability to regulate what she says and Kim is...Kim. I need this immediately. Immediately!


I love Eileen on this show and I think both the Eileen and Yolanda's are very necessary. You need balance. A show full of dramatic freakazoids who specialize in violent outbursts would land us smack dab at the door of The Bad Girls Club. I like my reality shows kind of trashy, but not THAT trashy.

  • Love 7


None of these dames, including her own sister at this point, should feel compelled to be on the look out for what's best for KIM RICHARDS.

My point was:

Lisar should have kept her distance from Kim not because it was best for KIM RICHARDS,  but because it was in the best interest of LISA RINNA. I just don't understand it..... why does Lisar feel compelled to engage with Kim's craziness at all? If not to keep herself relevant? IGNORE KIM.  It's simple. Problem solved.



At some point, and I can see how Rinna got there pretty quickly, the active addict can really just go screw themselves and the gloves are off.  Kim is feeling attacked and paranoid?  So be it!  Get yourself clean and sober or get off my lawn.  For real.

Whether we like it(and I don't) or not,  Kim is employed by Bravo to be a part of the show. Lisar and Kim are co-workers. Lisar has agreed to be on the show, with these castmates, and at least for this season, she is obligated to co-exist with Kim at work...... Kim isn't going to get off the lawn..... in season 5 at least.


“The gloves are off”

You wish Lisar to take her gloves off? Throw drinks at Kim? Choke her to death?

What would that accomplish?  More stress and conflict at the workplace.

Any REAL problems with cast mates should be addressed  by Bravo brass.

Taking gloves off is  never an answer to anything.

  • Love 4

I do think that one of the subliminals this season has been the need for women to get educated and pursue careers outside of modeling, acting, and bullshit.  I think Kim would probably still be the troubled and self-absorbed asshole she is with a degree or two under her belt, but perhaps more options would've been available to her.  Some way to make a life for herself beyond being a child-teen actress and marrying well a few times before the bottom fell out.  And making folks miserable because she doesn't know how to live a life in common with other humans and relies on chemicals to get her through. 


Same for Kyle, who got lucky in the sense that her genetics didn't take her totally there and that she hooked up with a decent husband who's been able to provide and then some.  


Brandi's the scrappy train wreck we all see.  Never been interesting enough to comment on.  She's like the yeast in the bread and that's about it. 


Eileen shows us the lucky side of the equation -- beautiful, smart, and talented enough to have made it in a limited but significant sphere without anything more than a HS diploma.  Lisa R. at a lower, much, level in the same general sphere but married to a man who was back in the day a real tv star and who could still have a career ahead of him if others don't fuck it up with reality tv show BS and innuendo.  If all this drama is just about Harry and Lisa having strayed, that will be a good thing and no worries.  Leave it to Kim to be such a bitch about it.


And of course the constant drum beat of Yo and Bella and Yo and Gigi and Yo and David -- meant to tell us what exactly?  That it's still a man's world and that the lure of big sexy money if you are a hot young girl will always win out over going to school and learning a thing or two -- Yo's message has always been to cash in while the cashing in is good.  Even though her daughters don't need to do anything of the kind. 


The real lesson for Kim in all this goes way beyond being told she's an addict and an asshole to her face and demanding that she be responsible for any part of that.  The real lesson would be this -- You're not special enough, no matter your actress past, to get away with this kind of bad behavior.  Like the grocery clerk down the street with a problem, you are responsible for your shit. 


Lisa and Todd as the successful and foreign tradesmen outliers. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 9

My point was:

Lisar should have kept her distance from Kim not because it was best for KIM RICHARDS,  but because it was in the best interest of LISA RINNA. I just don't understand it..... why does Lisar feel compelled to engage with Kim's craziness at all? If not to keep herself relevant? IGNORE KIM.  It's simple. Problem solved..

This isn't real life. It's a reality tv show. The very definition of their job is to engage.

I'll never forget season 2 Camille. As soon as an argument started, she not only disengaged from the fight, she left the room! And season 3 Camille? Oh, right - no such thing. You can't ignore or disengage if you want to stay on the show. LisaR knows what she's doing. She's a pro.

  • Love 9

No she didn't. In fact, as I remember it, Billy Bush must have asked her the question a million times, in a million kind of ways, and she wouldn't say.


Billy to Kyle: "Your sister Kim said, 'If you don't want people to know about Harry, then watch yourself.'    What'd Harry do?" 

Kyle:  "Well, that's the thing.  I mean, you have to watch the show to see."


Billy and the female host were like dogs with a bone.  They want to KNOW. LOL


Guess we'll have to wait and see.


Maybe Kim will collapse on the floor, admit she made it all up because she's an addict in 100% pain and all will be forgiven. 


  • Love 4

Billy to Kyle: "Your sister Kim said, 'If you don't want people to know about Harry, then watch yourself.'    What'd Harry do?" 

Kyle:  "Well, that's the thing.  I mean, you have to watch the show to see."


Billy and the female host were like dogs with a bone.  They want to KNOW. LOL


Right. And yes, the hosts were relentless. And Kyle said the old standard "watch what happens." (Which they all have to say). Not sure how you think she's acknowledging or even hinting that something about Harry will be revealed.

  • Love 6

That bike trip happened before the Shard-donay toss, right?  Because there's no possible way they were all getting along that well after that.



Good Question Re: "Timeline" & How About The Photo From The Trip To Barcelona??!



1 October 2014 10616778_1470370549917078_470457569_n.jp



5 months ago

@kimrichards11 sent this to me from Barcelona saying she missed me with a❤. It's always nice to know you're missed by loved ones... #friends #love #heart #life #rhobh #Barcelona #family @kylerichards18 @yolondafoster @brandiglanville @lisavanderpump




  • Love 1

Lisar should have kept her distance from Kim not because it was best for KIM RICHARDS,  but because it was in the best interest of LISA RINNA. I just don't understand it..... why does Lisar feel compelled to engage with Kim's craziness at all? If not to keep herself relevant? IGNORE KIM.  It's simple. Problem solved.

That's always been my point about the Hos letting the villain push them to bad behavior.  They shouldn't let THEM determine how they're going to act.  They win.  And no, it doesn't mean anyone has to stand around and take it, but there are other ways to handle the villain or the bully. 


Everyone's mileage varies and I imagine it's all personality based but I think you're either the type to keep your cool like Eileen, Yo and LisaV or go BSC like Lisa R, Brandy, Kyle and Kim.  For all the speculation about how the couches will be set up for reunion, we know it won't be like that. 


Actually, I think Yo and Lisa V are the only cool cucumbers.  I think Eileen will end up somewhere in the middle.

  • Love 6

This isn't real life. It's a reality tv show. The very definition of their job is to engage.

I'll never forget season 2 Camille. As soon as an argument started, she not only disengaged from the fight, she left the room! And season 3 Camille? Oh, right - no such thing. You can't ignore or disengage if you want to stay on the show. LisaR knows what she's doing. She's a pro.


You hit the nail on the head.   LisaR is doing what she has to in order to keep her job.  


I saw her on that CSI episode and her part was a small one - no more than one minute.  She played the role well but I doubt the paycheck was a hefty one.  She's does talk shows too but they don't pay much and neither does filling in for the host of one.  She did admit that the Depends commercial was lucrative but how many of those can one actress do?  RHOBH is a well paying gig for two or three months out of the year.  It sure beats hustling for small roles.  And let's face it, not one of these women is an ingénue.   As the old saying goes they need to "make hay while the sun shines." 

  • Love 4

ryebread, LOL What in the world is she doing in that clip.  I have to say though, I'm grateful to Kim for the blouse with the bow THs.  They make awesome gifs. 


'Va vooom shebang' was another one of Kim's manic phrases which manifested during the same time frame as her admission of deep turtle love.  Truth be told, I'd take that manic Kim over the one we saw in First Looks.


She's so weird.  /Eileen

  • Love 7

I think Kyle told Kim things about Lisa Rinna for sure. I also think she told Kim that Both Rinna and Eileen questioned her about Kim's sobriety. So she is hearing it from at least those two and maybe Yolanda too.

Kyle's blog mentions she told Kim about LisaR before they got on the small plane and recommended that Kim talk to LisaR one on one about it.

  • Love 1



Well,  according to this article, but yeah, RADAR OL so...the accusation was about cheating and the fight continues back home.

Thanks for this and here's to hoping that's all it is.  Kim remains, in my mind, a giant flaming asshole.  Because her consistently ridiculous, irresponsible, and dishonest for hire behavior is the moral equivalent, in her uneducated brain, to a couple married for several years, with children, encountering infidelity.  She can go play with herself really.  Total see you. 


It woud be nice to to see Rinna go all French and laugh it off and not give a damn, but doubt that will happen either. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 5

Whoa.  Kyle is bringing it in that picture from Barcelona. Hair, skin, clothes, make-up and jewelry - on point.  The extra bucks Mauricio's been bringing in is serving her well.  I'm jelly.


I'd love to put an iron to Yo's clothes, makeup remover to Kim and Brandi's faces and I'd throw Lisa's hat in the Llobregat.


You hit the nail on the head.   LisaR is doing what she has to in order to keep her job.  


I agree.  Not only do I not have the temperament to flip a table or throw a wine glass, I could never be an actor. Not in my DNA.

  • Love 6

Lisar : "it's not ok to talk to anyone like that, Kim, it's just not ok" ........ 

As correct as you may be, Lisar, that was NOT the time to lecture Kim the nutcase about proper conduct. If you are sincere and really want your point to sink in,  let the moment pass, allow tempers to cool, speak with Kim at a LATER TIME, one-on-one,  in private. Also, Avoid that PARTICULAR tone of voice you used......   be diplomatic, non-confrontational, non-judgemental. That would be the mature respectful way to handle this.


However noble your intentions may be, Lisar, your methods are all wrong.  Chastising an addict in front of others only shames them and drives them further away.  You cannot FORCE help on anyone. You tried, Kim didn't bite,  Back off.


How shocked was Lisar's  face when Kim said "let's talk about your husband". She didn't expect that from Kim. At All.  Lisar went from zero to 100  in less than a second!! Kim seems to have touched a raw nerve with that remark....... If there was no element of truth in what Kim said(or was about to) about Harry Lisar would never have erupted the way she did. 

So addicts get special treatment?  It seems to me that Lisar had asked Kim to essentially choose her words more carefully and instead Kim decided to amplify the hurt.  We don't know what Kim was about to say or if Lisar knew what she was about to say so how can their be truth or fiction in it?  Maybe just the idea a filthy, sleazy creature as Kim has now shown herself to be, mentioned another's love one and was ready to chamber yet another round of offensive comments was enough to call a halt to it.


Kim claims to be sober so I really don't think she can wear her addict badge while constantly telling people to butt out of her sober world, first Kim has to realize she can be very mean and hurtful.  Kim is not sober -no one should have to pretend she is or give her a pass to be verbally abusive.

  • Love 9

Hi all. This is my first post.  Let me first say I enjoyed reading all of your post and opinions.

And lol'ed many times.


I have watched this clip at least 4 times in awe each time.


So conflicted. I understand why Kim is frustrated because no one wants their privacy violated but I also understand the puzzlement

Lisa and Eileen have with her behavior. Kim never seems right.  That is clear to the viewer. So Lisa is not

saying anything others are not thinking. And we did not see everything Lisa saw in that car ride, it could've been worse.

I still don't think she should have gotten involved - it's so complicated with KIm, and Lisa did not know

her well enough to go there with her. Lisa V. warned her.


Kim is an emotional manipulator -  terrorist actually. I think Kyle breaks down when Kim turns on her

because she knows Kim is close to Kathy and they will both come down hard on her. Kyle

is the youngest -  with two older sisters,  strong personalities - they probably gang up on her. In 

this clip, I think we see more of the Kim that Kyle sees when the cameras are not rolling.


Kim wants everyone to believe she is sober, IMO, she is not. And she will lash out at anyone that does

not praise her fake sobriety. Even Brandi implied that she could not question her sobriety or there would be

hell to play. She still thinks she can hide it. An individual that is committed to sobriety does not

randomly take a pill that was prescribed for her cancer ridden ex husband. In extreme pain? Call your Doctor, how about

that?  -maybe consult with your sponsor or support group. 


Kim threatening Lisa to expose her family, husband or home life is not ok. Lisa never went after Kim's family.

She spoke on something that is well known to the viewer and part of Kim's history.

A sober mind would have said  - You know Lisa I appreciate your concern but I'm ok and would like you to stay 

out of my business, we are not close enough for you to play that role in my life. I am sure there are things in

your life you would not like discussed in public, and leave it at that.


I was just seriously disturbed at Kim getting such pleasure at threatening Lisa, she looked down right

demented, vicious and truly hateful. I will never look at her the same way. Lisa may have been nosy, she

may have crossed a line, she may have been even looking for a storyline...but she did not deserve to be

threatened and taunted.


I can not believe I just wrote an essay on these knuckleheads. They can drown their sorrows in pink champagne, while

riding in a limousine on to the next fabulous event, where they will concoct more drama. And I have to get on the Subway

to go to work on Monday. 



  • Love 24

Kim told them to drop it.


They were obviously not dropping it.  So she decided to fight back (with WORDS) and make someone else uncomfortable for a while.


Lipsa was the one who got physical.  She could have seriously hurt someone.  How is that OK?  I mean, even if a 3 year old threw that kind of tantrum, provoked or not, what happened to "use your words?"

Lisa was wrong to break the glass and she was wrong to make it seem as though she was going to go for Kim's throat. I'm not going to argue for a second that either of those two things are okay.


Even with this being the case I still found Kim to be about a 1000000x more offensive than LisaR on every level. Kim was hostile and defensive from the beginning. When Yolanda started talking, the only person who wasn't being a respectful listener IMO was Kim. She was stroking her phone as though she were itching to use it, she barely looked in Yolanda's direction, she seemed bored, etc. Then LisaR starts her story and we see how tight lipped and frosty looking Kim is. She's the only one at the table who doesn't appear to be moved in any way by either woman's story other than I think LisaV whose face can't be seen. When LisaR apologizes to Kim not only does Kim not accept the apology but she starts finger pointing and she begins her loud rant. 


Kim is the one to get loud first. 


Kim is the one to call people names first.


Kim is the first one to get in people's faces with her obnoxious finger. 


Kim was the first to blast into profanity. She tells Eileen to shut her fucking mouth? She asks Kyle "What the fuck is that?" She was oozing hatred on every level.


Kim is the one who decided to flip out on the person who was offering her an apology. (Not only that but this was Lisa's second apology meanwhile Kim has yet to give one! Unbelievable!) The moment could have been positive but Kim chose to turn it into something negative. The things Kim listed on her hostile fingers included being asked about whether or not she has a sponsor and where she went for treatment. That's the worst she could come up with as far as Lisar's supposed inappropriateness in asking about her sobriety? 


Kim said once back in season 1 that she gets "nervous" (her words) when it comes to conflict and confrontation. I don't think I've heard anything less true. I think she loves this shit. It's disgusting and pathetic and so is she. 


Kim agrees that Lisa asked her to her face about what sort of help she was getting so this isn't about talking behind Kim's back.


Kim is aggressive and combative with Lisar, Eileen, and Kyle. 


Kim is the one who ignored the two people who attempted to talk her down. 


Regarding Kim telling Lisa to drop the issue--that was in the plane not at the table but either way--why does Kim get to decide what the women talk about when it comes to what is going on in their lives? Kim is in their lives because of the show and Kim is the one who has issues that are having a negative impact on the other cast members with the exception of Brandi. 


Oh, and Kim? When even Brandi "I will fucking kill you" Glanville is telling you that you need to dial it back a few notches it's time to admit that you need help.


There truly is no escape from witch mountain. 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 18

OK gang. The episode hasn't even aired yet and we're on what, page 7 of comments? That's all fine and good. I watched the first look too and boy was it a doozy. I just want to remind everyone to please be respectful of other poster's opinions and to remember we're probably never going to change each other's minds on who is "right" or "wrong" so once you've made your opinion known, maybe restated something once for clarity, it's best to just drop it. Thanks! 

  • Love 3

I'm wondering how Bravo is going to pick up all the broken pieces to make this show work again. After Kim and Eileen went eyeball to eyeball saying 'I don't like you' and 'I don't like you very much either' to 'I don't like your hair or your face'. 


I mean this is hateful and something that I could never get past no matter how many times I heard 'I apologize'. How is Kim, Eileen and LisaR ever going to be able to move past this one and do another year of luncheons and fun party games together?


I think someone absolutely has to go.

  • Love 6



Well,  according to this article, but yeah, RADAR OL so...the accusation was about cheating and the fight continues back home.

I don't believe this from the article:  But when Kim launched her own rumor attack, “Kim didn’t think Lisa would have such a violent reaction, and it really shook her up,” the source said.


Kim did NOT look shaken up at all when Lisa went to grab her throat.  She stood right up to that and actually leaned in.  Shudder.  Scary, that one.


It woud be nice to to see Rinna go all French and laugh it off and not give a damn, but doubt that will happen either. 


I agree.  I'm not her so I don't pretend to understand her reaction if it is a cheating rumor. If you accuse my husband of cheating, I would blow you off because nothing anyone can say can threaten what I know is as tight as a frog's ass in water.  By accusing him or me of cheating you don't hurt us, so I won't bother to get upset.


Now, out his illness before he's ready to announce that and I'd....well, still not throw a glass at you but I'd likely raise my voice a little. LOL

  • Love 6



I know a lot of you don't want to speculate about Harry but we've done it about Mauricio and Ken and probably all the rest of the husbands.  Kyle says in the Access Hollywood interview that whatever it is will be revealed.  That's how it sounded to me, anyway,

I think personally I don't want to speculate about Harry because unlike the other husbands including Mauricio, Ken, "Yo's King" or the many other husbands in the other franchises this one has not made himself part of the storyline. Except for a couple of cursory sightings we have heard nothing from Harry.

  • Love 4

Whoa.  Kyle is bringing it in that picture from Barcelona. Hair, skin, clothes, make-up and jewelry - on point.  The extra bucks Mauricio's been bringing in is serving her well.  I'm jelly.


I'd love to put an iron to Yo's clothes, makeup remover to Kim and Brandi's faces and I'd throw Lisa's hat in the Llobregat.



I agree.  Not only do I not have the temperament to flip a table or throw a wine glass, I could never be an actor. Not in my DNA.


The first thing I noticed in that picture was how great Kyle looked.  She can be very striking with flattering clothes and makeup. 


I couldn't be an actor either, but it's because I can't remember lines for shit.  lol   I can bring the drama and the tears and the cat fighting.  Just don't ask me to say anything from a script. 



What bugs the shit out of me with these two (Brandi and Kim) is what I said above; they think they can get away with their bullshit.  And they think they can because of the women they are doing it to.  Which is why I'm kinda glad Lisa did go off.  Brandi wouldn't dare say she'd kick the ass of one of the NJ or ATL HW.  They'd take her up on her offer and then some.  And I highly doubt that Kim would try to intimidate those HW either. 


HumblePi, I'm wondering that as well.  The show has painted itself into a corner I think.  I think if both Brandi and Kim left then it would be salvageable but there's just so much contempt and out-and-out hatred with the current dynamics.  This show has really lost me because I wanted to see fun and flashy BH stuff, not this.  I hope none of the other ladies get into it with each other because I don't think I can handle another round of Kyle vs. Lisa. 

  • Love 5

I'm wondering how Bravo is going to pick up all the broken pieces to make this show work again. After Kim and Eileen went eyeball to eyeball saying 'I don't like you' and 'I don't like you very much either' to 'I don't like your hair or your face'. 


I mean this is hateful and something that I could never get past no matter how many times I heard 'I apologize'. How is Kim, Eileen and LisaR ever going to be able to move past this one and do another year of luncheons and fun party games together?


I think someone absolutely has to go.

I agree. Please let it be Kim. And her bff Brandi.

  • Love 7

I was replying to Copacabana who addressed me by name.  Apparently Copa's post included yours. 

I'm really sorry that I created a problem with quotes within quotes pages ago.  I don't know what I did wrong and wasn't able to correct it. 


I'm also resolved to taking a long break from all this.  I'm sick and tired of this show and way sick and tired of what happens when I get into it.  It's just really poisonous and increasingly not worth it.  I really do hate myself now for even watching it.  I'm just one broad among millions and there's nothing special about me at all.  I do think that Bravo is playing with fire with all this.  If I feel this way, I expect that some other tens of thousands do too. 


It's simply not worth it. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 6

Did the moment where Lisar started to stand remind anyone else of the scene in Mean Girls where Cady fantasizes about settling the boy issue jungle style by tackling Regina in the cafeteria? I totally got this animalistic vibe from both women and my mouth and eyes were wide open in fascination because it's not something I expect from this show even though I knew this moment was coming. It's crazy to me that things escalated so rapidly. 


Another thing that is funny to me is when people go into their natural/original accent when they're feeling really pissed off during a conflict. The way Lisar says "Don't you ever go off on my fuckin' husband..." with the dropped g was so pronounced to me because I don't think she typically does that. Another person whose accent would come out during conflict was Camille. Taylor too sometimes.

  • Love 3

You had to know this was coming...it's the year of the two sisters!  Kyle and Kim starring in What the Heck Happened in Amsterdam? Kim tilting her head to the side blurts out in a low moan, "But...but you never had my back! Even no good Brandi has my back...Kathy is a better sister than you are!!"  Kyle slowly stands up, composes herself and sprints out of the restaurant with the speed of a long distance runner.


-Photo from Stupid Housewives

Edited by RealityTVSmack1
  • Love 5

I hope none of the other ladies get into it with each other because I don't think I can handle another round of Kyle vs. Lisa. 

I've read in a couple places that Eileen and LisaR have 'words'.  Anyone else read that?


I couldn't be an actor either, but it's because I can't remember lines for shit.  lol   I can bring the drama and the tears and the cat fighting.  Just don't ask me to say anything from a script. 

I need to know a paycheck is coming in regularly.  As an actor, you're only as good as your last gig.  If you don't invest well while making money, you're looking at an unpredictable future.  The cost of living, taxes, the price of treatments to stay fit in L.A. or any major acting market...no thank you.  But thank god there are people who love the business or I wouldn't be watching the "Jaws" marathon right nor conversing with you about this red hot reality show mess.

  • Love 5

I'm really sorry that I created a problem with quotes within quotes pages ago.  I don't know what I did wrong and wasn't able to correct it. 


I'm also resolved to taking a long break from all this.  I'm sick and tired of this show and way sick and tired of what happens when I get into it.  It's just really poisonous and increasingly not worth it.  I really do hate myself now for even watching it.  I'm just one broad among millions and there's nothing special about me at all.  I do think that Bravo is playing with fire with all this.  If I feel this way, I expect that some other tens of thousands do too. 


It's simply not worth it. 

You have to stick it out until the reunion! Then you get a break.  You can water your plants and do your laundry then. Buy some new clothes to get you through. :)

  • Love 2

Harry IS part of the story.  He became part of the story, and completely fair game, when his wife accepted this job.  Lipsa talks about him on camera, (when she can stop talking about Kim for 5 seconds)  and he's been seen on camera.  "Cheating" seems tame to me, but it's fun to speculate!  Maybe they are swappers, or do 3 somes with guys, or the person(s) he cheated with are somehow scandalous? 


One thing I really have to applaud, Kim has lightning fast reflexes!  I don't think a drop of that wine hit her, that that was heaved at her with force!


Bravo needs to force these overpaid women to find a new topic of conversation.  Are Eileen, Lipsa, Kyle, Lisa, and Brandi's lives really THAT boring?  The vast majority of time they are on screen, they are talking about Kim.  If the first 4 aren't talking about Kim, they are talking about Brandi.  Y A W N


At least next week won't be boring!  Lipsa makes a complete ass of herself, and now everyone is really going to wonder what's up with Harry.  Finally, a topic changer!

  • Love 3



Kim is the one who decided to flip out on the person who was offering her an apology. (Not only that but this was Lisa's second apology meanwhile Kim has yet to give one! Unbelievable!) The moment could have been positive but Kim chose to turn it into something negative. The things Kim listed on her hostile fingers included being asked about whether or not she has a sponsor and where she went for treatment. That's the worst she could come up with as far as Lisar's supposed inappropriateness in asking about her sobriety? 



And what's funny is that even if Lisa hadn't mentioned anything right then and there, Kim was still pissed at her and was treating her like shit. If anything, Lisa just sped up the confrontation.  Kim is a horrible human being.  No way would she have not taken any opportunity that presented itself to go off on everyone.  She's done it twice so far -- at the airport with Kyle and now at the restaurant with Lisa and Kyle and Eileen.  She's LOOKING for a fight.  There's a lot of rage in that women and she's on the warpath.  There really is no winning with her.  If you said "Bless you" to her sneeze she'd call you a slut-pig because how dare you call attention to the fact that she sneezed.  It's no one's business!!! She hasn't sneezed in THREE WHOLE YEARS, dammit!  


Bitch be crazy.  No avoiding it.  This would have happened regardless because she needs to release some of that anger.



eta:  She's done it three times actually, because she went off on Lisa on the plane. 

Edited by SwordQueen
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Harry IS part of the story.  He became part of the story, and completely fair game, when his wife accepted this job.  Lipsa talks about him on camera, (when she can stop talking about Kim for 5 seconds)  and he's been seen on camera.  "Cheating" seems tame to me, but it's fun to speculate!  Maybe they are swappers, or do 3 somes with guys, or the person(s) he cheated with are somehow scandalous? 


One thing I really have to applaud, Kim has lightning fast reflexes!  I don't think a drop of that wine hit her, that that was heaved at her with force!


Bravo needs to force these overpaid women to find a new topic of conversation.  Are Eileen, Lipsa, Kyle, Lisa, and Brandi's lives really THAT boring?  The vast majority of time they are on screen, they are talking about Kim.  If the first 4 aren't talking about Kim, they are talking about Brandi.  Y A W N


At least next week won't be boring!  Lipsa makes a complete ass of herself, and now everyone is really going to wonder what's up with Harry.  Finally, a topic changer!

  Kim was on the attack and should have just said, I'm sorry to hear about your sister but, I'm fine and if I have a problem I have people in my life that I can't turn to who love me. Lisa, however, was totally out of control and that was some serious rage and that's not okay. There could have been a serious injury from her actions. Ramona was raked over the coals and she only threw a plastic glass.

  • Love 6

My gut about the HH secret says cheating.

But then the way Kim kept saying I'm concerned

about you and your home life,  maybe just maybe it could be

a domestic violence incident.

I was thinking he wears ladies clothes at home and struts around.   Though the rage that quickly enveloped LisaR made me think it's a disease that if known could harm his acting prospects?  Remember originally he was against LisaR being on RHOBH then he changed his mind.  They may need her source of income.

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Yes, I saw that, and I know it's your belief; it's just not mine. And hearing them both attest to it doesn't convince me, either. It's not impossible for me to believe - after all, these two have an unhealthy, screwed-up relationship with one another, and often say conflicting things about and towards one another. But I think deep down, their issues of jealousy and anger trump their feelings of comeraderie and desire to do this together.

I think Kyle said it best-they don't do well being in each others' lives daily.  I do think they love each other but I think over the years their interests have not stayed the same.  I don't see Kyle being jealous and I don't see Kim admitting to any jealousy. I do think Kyle would do anything for Kim's kids and I think Kim loves the idea of being an aunt-an aunt who can tweet really mushy Happy Birthday messages.  Sometimes a woman goes with her spouses interests and siblings take a back seat.

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As gross as that interaction between Rinna and Kim was, I just couldn't take it seriously. Lisa is an actress and I feel like she saw a moment to make a spectacle and took it. Her delivery was just much more polished than most Housewives when they decide to amp up the drama for screentime. Kim is just a cranky, bitter jerk and  her only topics of conversation are 1) excuses and 2) playing the victim. I tune her out most of the time. The most entertaining/over the top part of the First Look was Kyle sprinting out of the restaurant. I can't help it, I laughed. It reminded me so much of Tamra in RHOC's cut scene where she runs away in Bali. 

  • Love 4

Husbands Were Not Invited To The Reunion Unlike Past/Other Years...Do Not Think They Were Meant To Be More Than "Extras/SideKicks" On The Show This Season...Not An "Integral" Part Of The Story...




Vince Van Patten


actor writer producer poker player/host /tennis guy family man paddle x treme inventor


Feb 21

“@zlinemn: @VinceVanP_WPT Was you on the reunion with the wife's ?” No Bonnie don't invite the sidekicks lol prob need lots of drinks 4 that




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I acknowledged that. My point is Kim isn't a cat. But, for all intents and purposes at this point, I think the other women need to respond to her as if she were running on instinct only. If you find every time you do A to a person you get B, you can blame the other person all you want but eventually it stops making sense to keep on doing it if you're getting an unacceptable response. That doesn't excuse the other person. It's using common sense.

Hmm. Let me go find a thief. I'll leave my wallet. She steals it. I get mad and offended. The thief doesn't applogize. So, I go and leave my wallet. She steals. OMG what a nasty witch. She didn't even apologize yet. I go and leave my wallet a third time. She steals it. Ughhhh. My life is being ruined. That money was for my husband! How dare she touch his present money! I go to the thief. She steals my wallet. So, I throw my wine in her face. There's no excuse. She's trash. I go to the thief. She steals my wallet. I punch her nose and go to jail. So? It was her fault. She stole. There's no excuse. She deserved it. That money was for my child. And, the judge asks, well, if it's true she stole your money, why did you keep going back instead of handling the problem the first time? Because we have no proof she stole, but we've got you coming over to her place every day unasked and then assaulting this woman.

I think this is Kim's problem she is given a pass each and every time because there are four Hello Larry fans that must write a lot of letters to Bravo.  No judge would ever blame a victim ever and stay on the bench.  Regardless of Kim's addiction you can't blame the victims.  These people are forced to appear with her.  I will say Lisar and Eileen had given two prior shots to trying to get a cohesive response from Kim.    They had to go to Calgary and Amsterdam with Kim or lose their wages and or job.  Let's not let the addict win.  No way Bravo would have done the Amsterdam trip with Kim, Brandi and Yolanda.  If there were cast adjustments to be made I think Kim would have been the first thrown off the plane.  

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