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S06.E04: Weekend at Bobby's

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After Bobby discovers Crowley has no intentions of returning Bobby's soul, the hunter takes matters into his own hands. He calls on Sam and Dean for help after he unearths one of Crowley's deepest secrets. Meanwhile, Sam and Dean learn what Bobby does all day when they are not around.



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I adore this episode so very much. Jensen really knocked it out of the park on his first time out. Rufus and Bobby; Jodi Mills; Crowley; and even the kooky neighbor lady that's smitten with Bobby--so much delightful delightfulness complete with death by a woodchopper!:  It's all juicy goodness, IMO.


Bobby taking the boys to task and needing a drink of courage to do it. Love that scene so much. The reactions from Sam and Dean make me giggle every damn time. Oh yeah, and Bobby falling through the window of the local library when trying to break in also puts me in a fit of giggles--plus, The Gambler is a perfect music choice, IMO. But the best part of the episode IMO is Rufus. I just love that guy!

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I quite enjoyed this episode. It was nice to see the big ensemble cast together and Jensen did some fine directing.

I liked Bobby calling the boys out, but I also liked him needing to learn the lesson that he does need to allow people to help him/ask for help when needed. There were some good Bobby and Dean moments and watching Dean slowly freak out over Sam being 'off' was good.

Which brings me to... I appreciate how Jared plays Sam this season, so far. There's just enough off about him that I can tell not all is right, but he's acting enough like Sam that we could wonder if we're wrong. Hmm, hard to describe coming at it from the angle of already knowing the punchline, but it's been fun to watch this time.

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Watched this last night, still love it. Jensen was amazing at his first directors shot.  The only thing that bugs is when Dean is trying to talk to Bobby about how Sam is not Sam, the Bobby blows him off and both of them get the "lecture".  I hate it.  Bobby should have know that Dean doesn't do those kind of talks, like ever and if he is its probably important.  I know they were trying to show poor Bobby overworked and overlooked, but it didn't play out for me like that. I didn't think it was funny or right.  Especially with the next episode. So love everything about the episode but the above.  Really love the wood chipper scene, pure gold.

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I was wondering how'd they'd do a 'fun' story in the middle of this "weird Sam" story arc.  Of course, focus on someone else, like Bobby, who still needs his soul back.  So I did love the fun in this episode, and I did like the way that Bobby was able to get leverage to negotiate with Crowley to get his soul back.  And we got a break from the 'weird Sam' bit.  Really, he weirds me out with this changed personality.

I have some questions.  I thought demons possessed people on earth.  But here they had two demons that appeared to be in their own bodies, or at least were more solid apparations, since their bones were elsewhere.  So how does that work?  The demon can choose to appear like their original body, or possess someone else?  So did we ever see the "real" Meg or Ruby? It appeared that they both chose to possess someone else.  Why not appear in their own body?  why would any demon possess someone else, if you get someone like a "sam" able to exorcise them out?  I presume they couldn't be "exorcised" out of their "apparant" bodies, they had to be burned out, like shown here.  Or is it that people who were cremated can only possess other bodies?  Then why would burning the demon's bones "kill" the demon?  How can some be killed by fire, but not others?


Oh, and I guess now the easiest way of killing monsters is now via wood chipper.  Good to know.

Edited by Hanahope
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15 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

I was wondering how'd they'd do a 'fun' story in the middle of this "weird Sam" story arc.  Of course, focus on someone else, like Bobby, who still needs his soul back.  So I did love the fun in this episode, and I did like the way that Bobby was able to get leverage to negotiate with Crowley to get his soul back.  And we got a break from the 'weird Sam' bit.  Really, he weirds me out with this changed personality.

I have some questions.  I thought demons possessed people on earth.  But here they had two demons that appeared to be in their own bodies, or at least were more solid apparations, since their bones were elsewhere.  So how does that work?  The demon can choose to appear like their original body, or possess someone else?  So did we ever see the "real" Meg or Ruby? It appeared that they both chose to possess someone else.  Why not appear in their own body?  why would any demon possess someone else, if you get someone like a "sam" able to exorcise them out?  I presume they couldn't be "exorcised" out of their "apparant" bodies, they had to be burned out, like shown here.  Or is it that people who were cremated can only possess other bodies?  Then why would burning the demon's bones "kill" the demon?  How can some be killed by fire, but not others?


Oh, and I guess now the easiest way of killing monsters is now via wood chipper.  Good to know.

Just to let you know, this was Jensen's first episode that he directed.

Edited by Diane
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20 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

have some questions.  I thought demons possessed people on earth.  But here they had two demons that appeared to be in their own bodies, or at least were more solid apparations, since their bones were elsewhere.

I'm not sure what demons you think were in their own bodies?  If Crowley and the CRD were in their own bodies than Bobby would have had to burnt the CRD to burn her bones.  He dug up the bones of the person she was before she became a demon (how he found that out, don't ask me).  They were possessing completely different bodies.

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Oh, I got the impression they looked like their own bodies, because Crowley's son recognized him.  But maybe somehow he could recognize the 'soul' (or whatever its called when its a demon).  

Jensen did a good job on the directing.

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13 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

Oh, I got the impression they looked like their own bodies, because Crowley's son recognized him.  But maybe somehow he could recognize the 'soul' (or whatever its called when its a demon).  

Jensen did a good job on the directing.

He could recognize him because he was a ghost and therefore sees through the body to the demon.  Plus, Bobby probably told him ahead of time.

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Did I not tell you to just wait about Crowley and Bobby's soul or what, @Hanahope? ;)

I keep wanting to comment on Sam's behavior...SPOILERS!! ;)

3 hours ago, Hanahope said:

I have some questions.  I thought demons possessed people on earth.  But here they had two demons that appeared to be in their own bodies, or at least were more solid apparations, since their bones were elsewhere.  So how does that work?  The demon can choose to appear like their original body, or possess someone else?  So did we ever see the "real" Meg or Ruby? It appeared that they both chose to possess someone else.  Why not appear in their own body?  why would any demon possess someone else, if you get someone like a "sam" able to exorcise them out?  I presume they couldn't be "exorcised" out of their "apparant" bodies, they had to be burned out, like shown here.  Or is it that people who were cremated can only possess other bodies?  Then why would burning the demon's bones "kill" the demon?  How can some be killed by fire, but not others?

The bone-burning twist is still one of my favorite lore twists ::cough:: retcons ::cough:: they've managed to successfully pull off over the years. I can't say it truly makes sense, but I think it works much like burning the bones of ghosts does. Granted, demons aren't ghosts, though.

I can't explain to you why Gavin could recognize his father, but @Katy M's theory works for me. All the demons you mentioned were possessing people, though. Demons themselves are just black smoke and have no body when on earth. It seems like demons and angels need to possess someone to in order to interact on the earthly plane.

So, we never saw "real" Meg or Ruby or Crowley. In fact, Meg wasn't even the demon's real name, it was the name of the girl the demon possessed back in S1. I've always wanted to know the demon's actual name, myself, and why she chose to keep that girl's name instead of any of the other girls she possessed over the years.

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9 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

So, we never saw "real" Meg or Ruby or Crowley. In fact, Meg wasn't even the demon's real name, it was the name of the girl the demon possessed back in S1. I've always wanted to know the demon's actual name, myself, and why she chose to keep that girl's name instead of any of the other girls she possessed over the years.

Her name was Dorcas. Nobody names their kids that any more, so way to suspicious.  Sam and Dean just kept calling her Meg when she showed up in a new body, so she just went with it. 

I made up the name, lest people think I possess incredible powers of observation and memory.

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1 minute ago, Katy M said:

Her name was Dorcas. Nobody names their kids that any more, so way to suspicious.  Sam and Dean just kept calling her Meg when she showed up in a new body, so she just went with it. 

I made up the name, lest people think I possess incredible powers of observation and memory.

Bwahahah! I love that name. She will forever Dorcas Meg now! ;)

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19 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

The bone-burning twist is still one of my favorite lore twists ::cough:: retcons ::cough:: they've managed to successfully pull off over the years. I can't say it truly makes sense, but I think it works much like burning the bones of ghosts does. Granted, demons aren't ghosts, though.

I hate retcons and continuity fails, but I have to say, I don't even think this is a retcon.  We have been told that demons are people who go to Hell and are twisted into demons.  So, they're just super-charged up evil ghosts.  If you can kill a ghost by burning its' bones then why not a demon?  But, then I have to point out, or ask, do you really kill the ghost by burning its bones or just send it on to wherever it's supposed to go?  I ask b/c of something that happens past this point, so I will just leave the question as is, because up to this point, it has just been stated by S&D that they don't know what happens, most pointedly in Roadkill.  So, maybe if you burn a demon's bones it just goes back to Hell and starts the process all over again?  Who knows?

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12 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I hate retcons and continuity fails, but I have to say, I don't even think this is a retcon.

I only loosely call it a retcon--it is a retroactive revision of established canon, IMO. However, not all retcons are bad. Sometimes they fit nicely into the established lore and actually deepen the story. Supernatural hasn't managed many of these, but I think that's what happened here.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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I'm an unabashed Bobby fan, and Jim Beaver is fantastic in this one. I'd forgotten about the contract showing up on Bobby's skin. That was a cool moment. How many of Bobby's drunk and disorderlies are from Bobby breaking into the library like that? Garth mention! I would really like to see more cases where the cause is something mundane, like the referred to Garth case. I like referencing Bobby spending time in Japan, since we know he speaks Japanese. I love Rufus, liquor connoisseur. Does anybody ever go to Singer Salvage for car parts? I mean, how funny would it have been if one of the people randomly showing up at Bobby's was just shopping for used parts and saw something they shouldn't have? Why's a Japanese monster targeting single, white females? That seems off. "Wood chipper, that pretty much trumps everything." I love the conversation with Bobby chewing out the boys for depending on him for, well, everything. I also really like that he just casually drops the "I love you boys like my own" in the beginning of the conversation considering hard is for the Winchesters to say those three little words in that order. I love Jody. She never disappoints. "But I'm surly and I got a beard! Gimme!" Dean on a plane: "At least I was sober. If some nutjob decided to try something I was ready. I had a fork!"

Great episode. Season 6 has a few stand alone eps I really like. 

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9 hours ago, bettername2come said:

Why's a Japanese monster targeting single, white females?

Why not? I mean, monster's gotta eat and nothing says they can only eat Japanese folks. Perhaps a single white female was mean to her?

9 hours ago, bettername2come said:

How many of Bobby's drunk and disorderlies are from Bobby breaking into the library like that? Does anybody ever go to Singer Salvage for car parts? I mean, how funny would it have been if one of the people randomly showing up at Bobby's was just shopping for used parts and saw something they shouldn't have?


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9 hours ago, bettername2come said:

Does anybody ever go to Singer Salvage for car parts?

I think they must.  Bobby has to pay his property taxes if nothing else.  Maintaiing a home, he would need more legit money than Sam and Dean who don't. 

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11 hours ago, bettername2come said:

Does anybody ever go to Singer Salvage for car parts?

In my head canon Dean visits Singer Salvage regularly to pick up parts when he fixes Baby.  (Love me some scenes of Dean fixing Baby).  I wish writers would reference past seasons or stories once in a while.

I enjoyed this episode a lot (directed by our very own Jensen ... his directing debut - he never really got a good script to direct after this).  

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2 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

(directed by our very own Jensen ... his directing debut - he never really got a good script to direct after this).  

Except for the Girl Next Door and Soul Survivor.  Actually, I thought Heartache was thoroughly enjoyable as well. 

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On 7/15/2017 at 0:28 PM, Katy M said:

Except for the Girl Next Door and Soul Survivor.  Actually, I thought Heartache was thoroughly enjoyable as well. 

I would give you a like for this, because I, too, liked TGND and really liked SS, but I can't get on board with "Heartache." Granted I have never seen the entire episode through, but that last scene? Just no. It wouldn't matter how good the rest was, the last scene would ruin it for me, but I pretty much explain it in my comments on that episode thread. Looking back just now, I even used "just no" back then, too - almost 2 years ago. Good to know I'm consistent. ; ).

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I'm slowing down on my rewatch with hitting these S6 eps. I'm probably going to have to quit when I get to S8 anyway, just because I'm not ready for that again.  lol.  Anyway...Awwww, I liked Marcy!  Poor thing.  The woodchipper incident wasn't pretty.  That was one darn big woodchipper that gal had.  Lol - "Monsters lately.  Is it me or is it weird?"  I like the Bobby and Rufus banter.  And the scene with Dean on the phone with Bobby (answering the police at the door) while Sam gets thrown around is great.  Bobby and that peach cobbler was just about like Dean and pie.  Aw, Jody came through with Rufus!  

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On 11/05/2017 at 11:31 AM, Diane said:

Just to let you know, this was Jensen's first episode that he directed.

first? he does more? and that makes sense because i was entirely lost with people praising jensen when i'm like "but he was barely in the episode...." lol


rufus is amazing. i love him so much, i'm thoroughly anticipating his character throughout the show. honestly i thought bobby would get in some real trouble going behind crowley's back but it all turned out okay. he even got his legs back! i knew not to trust crowley, ruby made sure of that. i knew it would never happen but i'm still mad he never got to eat his cobbler, poor guy. he had ice cream and everything! 

also random but i liked how crowley said his own version of "balls" when he got caught. "Bollocks!"

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32 minutes ago, Iju said:

first? he does more? and that makes sense because i was entirely lost with people praising jensen when i'm like "but he was barely in the episode...." lol

I think he directed during seasons 6-11. I don't think that he did any during season 12 or the current season.

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9 minutes ago, DeeDee79 said:

I think he directed during seasons 6-11. I don't think that he did any during season 12 or the current season.

I don't think he did any in 9, either.

I'm no tgoing to double check, but I think he did Weekend at Bobby's, The Girl Next Door, Heartache, Soul Survivor, and I think The Bad Seed.

Edited by Katy M
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8 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I don't think he did any in 9, either.

I'm no tgoing to double check, but I think he did Weekend at Bobby's, The Girl Next Door, Heartache, Soul Survivor, and I think The Bad Seed.

I just checked; you are correct on all counts :)

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11 hours ago, DeeDee79 said:

I think he directed during seasons 6-11. I don't think that he did any during season 12 or the current season.

is there any story on how that came to be? he simply asked to direct or...???

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1 hour ago, Iju said:

is there any story on how that came to be? he simply asked to direct or...???

He's always been interested in the camera and getting stuff on film. Kim Manners told him he was going to direct one day. And TA DA!

Here is a BTS video of Jensen as a first time director for this episode that talks about all that. 

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23 hours ago, catrox14 said:

He's always been interested in the camera and getting stuff on film. Kim Manners told him he was going to direct one day. And TA DA!

Here is a BTS video of Jensen as a first time director for this episode that talks about all that. 


thank you very much^^

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Season 6 has been playing on TNT and I just watched this ep again. I have to say that I was annoyed at the depiction of Dean towards Bobby in this ep. In the entirety of the show we haven't seen ( to my recollection ) the boys taking Bobby for granted or calling him selfish. In this ep we have them badgering him to do research for them and chewing him out for putting Dean on hold. Are we forgetting the time when Dean played poker to get 25 years of Bobby's life back or when Sam and Dean persisted in staying close when Bobby's wife suddenly returned from the dead? He doesn't get "jack with a side of squat" from them. *sigh* OOC portrayals like this annoy me especially since it would be more IC for Bobby to have told them about Crowley reneging on the deal from the beginning. Argh. Rant over.

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1 hour ago, DeeDee79 said:

Season 6 has been playing on TNT and I just watched this ep again. I have to say that I was annoyed at the depiction of Dean towards Bobby in this ep. In the entirety of the show we haven't seen ( to my recollection ) the boys taking Bobby for granted or calling him selfish. In this ep we have them badgering him to do research for them and chewing him out for putting Dean on hold. Are we forgetting the time when Dean played poker to get 25 years of Bobby's life back or when Sam and Dean persisted in staying close when Bobby's wife suddenly returned from the dead? He doesn't get "jack with a side of squat" from them. *sigh* OOC portrayals like this annoy me especially since it would be more IC for Bobby to have told them about Crowley reneging on the deal from the beginning. Argh. Rant over.

ITA. The writing in this episode was the pits in regards to the brothers' relationship with Bobby. It was WTF? writing, for sure, hidden behind Jensen's directing, and that was it, AFAIC. And more's the pity for that, IMO.

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I loved this! I already love Bobby, and this one was great. I really like that he has relationships with so many hunters. I actually think the communication issue was on both sides, but largely on Bobby who needed to ask for help. But I love that he apologized and loved the imperfect communication. It's one of the things I like about this show (feel free to throw this back in my face lol). The characters screw up and say things they don't mean and are realistically imperfect.

Hard to list everything I loved in this one. The sequence where he kept saying balls was hilarious. I loved all of his interactions with the neighbor (who was absolutely lovely) and law enforcement. 

The story was interesting too. I figured Crowley wouldn't care about his kid, so I liked that they didn't try to sell that. I continue to find Crowley tedious but I love a well drafted contract. This is why you need a lawyer when you sign a contract, people. If you can find one not working for hell 😋 (obviously kidding but I do wonder about some of my opposing counsel). 

Plus there was no what is happening with Sam or Campbell foolishness.

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2 hours ago, The Companion said:

I loved this! I already love Bobby, and this one was great. I really like that he has relationships with so many hunters. I actually think the communication issue was on both sides, but largely on Bobby who needed to ask for help. But I love that he apologized and loved the imperfect communication. It's one of the things I like about this show (feel free to throw this back in my face lol). The characters screw up and say things they don't mean and are realistically imperfect.

Hard to list everything I loved in this one. The sequence where he kept saying balls was hilarious. I loved all of his interactions with the neighbor (who was absolutely lovely) and law enforcement. 

The story was interesting too. I figured Crowley wouldn't care about his kid, so I liked that they didn't try to sell that. I continue to find Crowley tedious but I love a well drafted contract. This is why you need a lawyer when you sign a contract, people. If you can find one not working for hell 😋 (obviously kidding but I do wonder about some of my opposing counsel). 

Plus there was no what is happening with Sam or Campbell foolishness.

If it interests you, this episode also marked Jensen's directorial debut. There is a nice little featurette about it on the S6 DVD set.

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Marcy: "Have you seen "Drag Me to Hell?"
Bobby: "Trying to avoid it."

lmao It's kinda cheesy, but I love that exchange. In fact, I enjoyed the entire episode, Bobby and Mr. X Rufus' humorous camaraderie, Bobby finally getting the appreciation he deserves from the boys (whom, let's face it, were pretty whiny, especially during 4-5, regardless of good reasons or not). I like seeing Kim Rhodes' Jody Mills make a return as well. Certainly one of the few positive female voices of the show that hasn't been killed off. Didn't recognize her well enough to match her with her role in Suite Life, which was the first time I saw her.

Also, let's not forget Crowley. I can see why fans grew to love him. Just the right balance of wit and threat, though I feel the latter might fade away soon with demons. I remember reading a YouTube comment for a season 1 Supernatural clip, where they said "Remember when demons were the biggest threat around? Good times."  Because as Bobby said, they're just ghosts with an ego.

Dean abruptly calling Bobby out of nowhere seemed kinda forced though, gotta admit.


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5 hours ago, MagnusHex said:

Dean abruptly calling Bobby out of nowhere seemed kinda forced though, gotta admit.

This is S6 and as it progresses, you'll see why Dean called Bobby. Strange things afoot...

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2 hours ago, FlickChick said:

This is S6 and as it progresses, you'll see why Dean called Bobby. Strange things afoot...

Oh yeah, that's true. I miswrote. What I meant was Dean abruptly calling Bobby selfish, considering their history.

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21 hours ago, MagnusHex said:

Oh yeah, that's true. I miswrote. What I meant was Dean abruptly calling Bobby selfish, considering their history.

I agree and thought the same thing as you. Trust me, that will be the least of the dialog writing problems in times ahead. 🙁

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36 minutes ago, FlickChick said:

I agree and thought the same thing as you. Trust me, that will be the least of the dialog writing problems in times ahead. 🙁

What an understatement 😭

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