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Judith: Little Asskicker

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According to http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/Television_Show_Timeline Rick & Lori were reunited on day 61, and Lori gave birth on day 311. The "average" gestation is 280 days, so Lori conceived on or about day 31.


This assumes Judith was full-term when she was delivered. 

The Walking Dead Wikia article on Lori's death states otherwise - that Judith's delivery was premature, and brought on by the stress associated with a walker invasion of the Prison.

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That is one big preemie.



Lori may have had a tiny ginie, but she sure had a roomy wombie.


I just realized this may be why the weird bit with Daryl being the one to give the first bottle. When Maggie came out after the birth she just had a baby/rubber doll wrapped in a blanket, but for the feeding they needed a live baby. Maybe they tried it first with Beth or someone and it looked like hey that kid is big enough to drive a car! so they get a man with big arms to try and make the baby look smaller.

Edited by kikismom
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I don't think Judith was super premature. It seemed like Lori and Carol were preparing for the baby to come fairly soon. I doubt she was able to keep accurate track of her due date; as much as I doubt they were able to keep track of the darn days of the week. But I think if she had been born any more than a few weeks early there would have been complications that they just wouldn't have been equipped to handle. 


While I find it unlikely, I think the only way she could be Rick's baby would be if they got pregnant before he was shot. 

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Sadly, that doesn't necessarily mean they weren't still boinking. Some people might find it odd, but a lot of couples who aren't getting along, are on the verge of divorce, etc. still have sex. My mother got pregnant with me when she was NOT getting along with my dad - and it was actually realizing that she was having a baby that made her finally leave. 


I just think it's unlikely that that is the case, because Lori seemed to be in early pregnancy on the farm, with the morning sickness starting up and all. It just seems to fit better with her Shane sessions.

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See, I've never been entirely sure on the timeline prior to Rick waking up. Isn't it possible that the outbreak was already happening when he was shot, but it wasn't that prevalent yet and people weren't sure what they were dealing with, the authorities were trying to keep it quiet so that people didn't panic, etc?

From the very beginning, there's a certain "suspension of disbelief " thingie at the core of TWD you have to accept for the timeline of subsequent events to make any sense whatsoever - namely, that a gunshot, comatose Rick was able to lay unattended on a bed in a deserted hospital with no food, no water, no medicine or medical treatment, and no protection from walkers for a period of TWO MONTHS between the start of the ZA and Rick waking up from his coma.

The writer(s) apparently had a little confusion about the difference between the terms "coma" and "suspended animation". Heck, forget starvation, dehydration, or infinite Zombie Kibble potential- the bedsores on Rick's ass should've gone septic and killed him long before that.

Once you can get past that, though, everything else is gravy. ;>

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So, how many times now has Judith been near gunfire without any ear protection?

And, more importantly, does her age mean she has a higher chance of her ears healing and staying okay, or a higher chance of them being permanently damaged?

That's a TV thing you have to handwave, like toilets & plucked eyebrows.

But I still wonder: do babies conceived after the ZA have any immunity to the virus?

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Vaccines died with civilization, I'd guess, but everyone in Judith's group likely had theirs so she probably wouldn't be at risk for most childhood diseases because of herd immunity.  In most cases kids handle measles, mumps and chicken pox okay (I had all three as a kid, happily not at the same time)  I didn't have whooping cough or scarlet fever, but kids in my neighbourhood did and came through it.  It's things like tetanus that'll kill her because that's a shot she's never going to get.

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So, how many times now has Judith been near gunfire without any ear protection?

And, more importantly, does her age mean she has a higher chance of her ears healing and staying okay, or a higher chance of them being permanently damaged?


On Torchwood:  Miracle Day, Gwen is attacked while at home with her husband and baby.  She has to fight while holding her baby, so she throws a pair of pink ear muffs on the baby before blowing the bad guys away.  Judith needs some pink ear muffs.

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Vaccines died with civilization, I'd guess, but everyone in Judith's group likely had theirs so she probably wouldn't be at risk for most childhood diseases because of herd immunity.  In most cases kids handle measles, mumps and chicken pox okay (I had all three as a kid, happily not at the same time)  I didn't have whooping cough or scarlet fever, but kids in my neighbourhood did and came through it.  It's things like tetanus that'll kill her because that's a shot she's never going to get.

I guess I'd worry most about diphtheria.

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I'd like to apply for the job of making a more realistic-looking Judith doll. Whenever someone carries the doll on his or her back, it's always much smaller and flatter than the real baby. There were a few times I didn't even realize the small, flattish blanket pressed against someone's back was even supposed to be Judith.

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That is one big preemie.

Drinking a ginormous bottle of (scarce) formula! With my preemie, we were THRILLED when she drank more than 10mL (1/3 of an oz) and even when she was "full-term" she didn't drink more than an ounce or two at a time for a while.  There is no way that newborn would suck down a full 8oz bottle.


I rarely second guess a wiki but I feel like that timeline of Rick meets up at 61 days and the EPT is requested at 69 days is off.  I've been binge watching this past week thanks to AMC and I see it as:  They were in camp for a few days - enough time for Rick's uniform to be laundered, go look for Merle, come back, bury/burn the dead; at the CDC for at least 2 nights - though I felt more was implied; Searched for Sophia for 2 days, before Carl got shot; I'd say Lori arrived on the farm by day 69 at the earliest.  And then there is a throw away line before they run to town for supplies about how they've been there a week and Carl is healing nicely.  The kid was up and about walking around, so I can't imagine it was any sooner than a week.  So I think it is tight, but Judith COULD be Rick's. 


Edited because Judith being Carl's (instead of Rick's) puts this show on a totally different gross out factor

Edited by MelineB13
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I've been re-reading an old "Far Side" book recently, and there was one cartoon that immediately made me think of what Judith's life without Tyreese is probably like. There's an unsupervised baby outside, and two birds sitting on the edge of the carriage. The caption reads: "It's still hungry, and I've been stuffing worms into it all day!"

Edited by CletusMusashi
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I've been re-reading an old "Far Side" book recently, and there was one cartoon that immediately made me think of what Judith's life without Tyreese is probably like. There's an unsupervised baby outside, and two birds sitting on the edge of the carriage. The caption reads: "It's still hungry, and I've been stuffing worms into it all day!"

LOL! Daryl's babysitting technique.

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Those were acorns?  I thought they were snails . . . on the other hand, I was SO EXCITED for her to get some mushed apple.  Proper baby food, Judy, I kept cooing at the screen like a mad woman.

Well, most folks would shuck the hull caps off the acorns first.

Even the squirrels don't eat that part.

No wonder the kid is squalling.

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I thought acorns were kind of an odd choice for food, especially for a baby since from what I remember from the wilderness survival unit I had in high-school, they are unappetizing and potentially sickening unless considerable care is taken to leach out the tannic acid. I don't think she'd be quiet due to the resulting tummy upset. Perhaps the point was to underline how desperate they were when Aaron made his approach.

Edited by yuggapukka
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I'm sure Carol would have given her something better than acorns. Even boiled worms would be much better. Shit, Carol might just cut her arm and let the baby suck blood, if the only alternative was acorns. Better yet, Sasha could do it, and then she and Judith could turn into bats and check out the other team from above.

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Oooooooooh - acorns would be SUCH a bad idea for baby food!  After you crush them, you have to soak them numerous times to get the tannin out of them, or they'd be way to acidic to eat. (This I learned in 7th grade whilst studying the local native groups.  We have to weave baskets out of pine needles, crush the acorns with stones, and leech those babies multiple times before they were edible)  And after all that you have to boil them to make the nuts soft enough to digest.

  • Love 2

 Shit, Carol might just cut her arm and let the baby suck blood, if the only alternative was acorns.

Alright, I've thought about referring to this since Judith was born. But I wondered if I would get reported for being offensive to some sensitive person (who had to have wandered on to this forum by mistake).

However; screw it. Damn the torpedoes.

It might be a little late for the people in the show however.


Edited by kikismom
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Alright, I've thought about referring to this since Judith was born. But I wondered if I would get reported for being offensive to some sensitive person (who had to have wandered on to this forum by mistake).

However; screw it. Damn the torpedoes.

It might be a little late for the people in the show however.


That's fascinating. Too bad the women didn't try that with Judith.

Why would that be more offensive than discussing Daryl's pubes? LOL!

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Zaftig as he is, I still vote against Yosemite Sideboob. He'd still want to wade into a herd of zombies, boxing them one-handed, while nursing her. I say Eugene might be a better choice. His body has adequate fat reserves, he moves slowly enough not to drop her, he's not particularly useful for any other jobs, and, unlike a certain someone else, he probably won't give her to cannibal pedophile taxidermist mimes in exchange for a shiny new hairshirt.

  • Love 2

Tell your husband to look at these and say it's the same kid:











ETA:  As regards your second child being blonde...is that why you can't ask your husband to let you go away for the weekend?  J/K  : -D


Actually those are both from the same set of twins at least. I know their mom. They are identical and I can't tell you which is Charlotte and which is Clara, although I'm sure their mom could. They debuted at the beginning of this season. Another set of twins is playing Judith in the back half of the season.

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