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The L&O: SVU Spoilers and Spec Thread!

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The NBC Upfronts are/were today and I'm pretty sure their attendance confirms that both Kelli Giddish and Peter Scanavino will be returning for Season 17. Here's a link to a rather adorable pic of them from the official NBC account:




Aw. Happy they'll both be sticking around.


Going by other pictures, Mariska and Ice T were also there, but Danny Pino was not (or at least there are no pictures of him that I can find after a cursory search). That may not mean anything (availability etc) but still.


Hm. Might this be why we've been getting Carisi/Rollins bonding, to establish that partnership? And why Amaro has been on the sidelines a little bit? Sigh. I'll miss him if he really is gone. Well, his face, at least. And Danny's acting.


I do at least think that sassy, funny Amanda (the way she's been with Carisi) is more fun to watch than dour Amanda or walking-on-eggshells Amanda (like she sometimes is with Amaro) so I don't hate this development completely.

Edited by Princess Lucky
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I think him not being at the upfronts settles it for me. He's not returning for season 17 & I have to face it even if it makes me really, really sad :( It won't be the same without Danny and why does my ships always turn to wrecks!? Darn it.

I'll know we'll see shirtlessAmaro in the finale (& it might be the only reason to tune in) but I actually would've rather taken him dressed for S17 than that :(

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I wouldn't blame Danny Pino if he wanted to leave after what they did to his character in the last two seasons.  Most of the character elements which made Amaro unique and different from Stabler in season 13 [long-distance (but mostly happy) marriage/raising daughter alone] were taken away.  Also, they gave Amaro a long lost son but didn't develop that story line much. When those elements were taken away, Amaro became an angry and often one-dimensional character.   It must be exhausting for an actor to play angry and morose for two seasons in a row when that is not how the character was originally pitched.  
So, I would understand if DP leaves SVU....I just selfishly wish that he would stay.

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Yay! Carisi is here to stay! I hope that they don't ruin his character like they did Amaro, Olivia, and Stabler. It seems to be a trend on SVU. 


I noticed that a lot of people really warmed up to Carisi when he shaved off the mustache. I may be making up some weird theory, but I remember looking at the Facebook when he still had the mustache and most people hated him. But, when he shaved it off, I noticed that a lot more people liked his character. 


It may be he became a million times better looking without that that stache, and that meant more eye- candy. I probably sound so crazy...lol! I'll just leave :)

Bite your tongue! (Not really! Welcome lurker!)

He better be. Really. The alternative doesn't even bear thinking about - and I say this as an avid Hannibal fan. A world without Barba would be too sad.


My heart would be broken. I've been spoiled by having both Chilton and Barba in my life, I can't go without one of them.

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So, hi, first post, long time lurker. I was womdering if Raúl Esparza was confirmed for next season?

I thought I had seen a post here confirming that Raul's contract wasn't up this season, no? He became a regular later than Danny Pino and Kelli Giddish (whose contracts were signed at the same time and, I believe, were both up) so he probably still has a few years left in his contract, right?


At any rate, here's a pic of from the Upfronts with Raul, Peter and Jon Seda (which might be interpreted as "the Chicago PD guy and the SVU guys"):




I don't think we should be worried about Raul. At least I hope not.

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I would have been sad to see Amaro go last season or even before that but now I'd rather they write him off before they make his character any worse. I liked Amaro when he was first introduced then as others have mentioned it seemed like he started to display traits similar to Stabler's rage outbursts and etc. and it got to the point where I thought of him at times as Stabler Jr. in terms of behavior. 

The Lewis storyline ruined this show for me and I haven't been able to watch it or enjoy it the same way I could before that whole nightmare for viewers started and ended. 

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The Lewis storyline ruined this show for me and I haven't been able to watch it or enjoy it the same way I could before that whole nightmare for viewers started and ended.

True. I actually didn't watch SVU this season until after Christmas. I was just done. In fact, now that I check the episode guide, I didn't even watch the Amaro/Joshua Malina stuff from the last couple of episodes of S15 (and I still haven't). The whole William Lewis thing drained me.


But then I randomly watched the episode with Lili Taylor, because I love her (checking again, that aired in February. Wow.). And, not gonna lie, Carisi caught my eye. The next episode had Marcia Cross, and even more Carisi, and I was like "oh well, let me watch some more episodes that are a bit more Carisi-heavy". I then watched the Slenderman episode, and my Carisi love was solidified. The way he's all angst-free and funny actually improved the season for me; it made things less tragic and more fresh. I honestly think that, if Carisi hadn't joined the team, the S16 episodes would all be sitting on my DVR waiting for a rainy day.


Anyway, topic: last night Mariska Hargitay and co. were posting pictures to promote the episode's hashtag. They were apparently posting from the set, as they were filming a S17 episode.


In attendance were: Mariska herself (obviously, with her new hairstyle which further confirms they were shooting for S17), Peter Scanavino, Kelli Giddish and Ice T:




So. Yeah.


I do think the promo for the finale is misleading, though. The "someone" who isn't coming out alive is totally Noah's father. Even if Amaro is hurt, he'll probably survive. If only because, if he died, the writers would actually have to write angst for Rollins, or angst for Benson that in no way relates to Noah, and that doesn't seem likely.


Danny Pino wasn't at the Upfronts and he doesn't appear to be filming for S17 (yet), so I don't know. Maybe he'll leave and come back for a couple of episodes. Especially if S17 is the final season. I agree with the comments above, I don't really blame him for leaving. Between Cold Case and SVU, I almost want him to do a sitcom next. He's had enough angst for 2 lifetimes.

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As dumb as it sounds, seeing Danny at the Joyful Heart Foundation gala a few days ago is what got me suspecting he was gone. Look at that haircut and scruff. That is not a Nick Amaro look (although don't get me wrong--it is HOT, especially in combination with Raul). And since they're clearly filming the next couple of episodes right now based on last night's Twitter photos from the set, my gut feeling is that he's off to (hopefully) greener pastures--if not, this is the biggest (and meanest) scam ever on Warren Leight's part.


ETA: I agree about the Lewis episodes. That, for me, was the SVU 2.0 jump-the-shark plotline. I refuse to watch those torture-porn-fests ever again. 

Edited by kirinan
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I agree with everyone. The Lewis storyline went on for way too many episodes. The way it just dragged out was just terrible.

I actually stopped watching SVU for a few years because Stabler's anger was out of control and it became the Olivia show.

I started back again when Danny Pino joined because I loved him on Cold Case. Then, the writer's had to ruin his character. It kind of amazes me how much they changed Amaro.

Carisi came on board and SVU had my interest again. He really is a breath of fresh air and I hope they don't ruin his character.

I think the best thing for SVU to do is to stop making so much Olivia centered episodes. Everything has already happened to her and it's just getting old. Her character has been annoying me for years. And she used to be my favorite!

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@kirinan--I wouldn't mind if that WAS a Nick Amaro look, because rowwwr. But yeah, all signs are pointing toward DP leaving, and I will look forward to following him to greener, and hopefully less angry, pastures. After seeing him play the Angry Cop for a combined total of eleven years, as much as I've enjoyed that, I'd like to see him do something different.


As for his departure from this show, I just hope they use the clearly-marked exit doors they created for him with both Zara and Gil being in California. That makes the most sense with what's already been established, and it's very in character for Amaro. Say what you will about him, but he's always been a good dad, and I think it would be very believable for him to want to be near his kids. I'm okay with a character death if it's the only believable way for him to go, but in this case, it isn't, and to kill him now would just be spiteful and mean. There's simply no reason to do so.


It's a bad sign when your greatest hope for a once-loved show is that they'll at least let your favorite character leave with a modicum of dignity. Sigh.

Edited by oucellogal
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Oh wow. That's so unfair. I didn't think The Pretty could get prettier, and then he (probably) goes and leaves and gets even more beautiful. Damn.

The idea that we won't ever get another scene with Amaro and Barba arguing in Spanish in the elevator just breaks my heart. Maybe Barba can argue with Carisi in Spanish (we've seen him speak some Spanish) but it just won't be the same.

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lurker and new, but long-time lover of SVU, through the ups and downs...I was totally thinking they were going to kill off Ed Tucker, for some reason...like his being nice to Amaro in the ep with Amaro's dad and then the possible hint of a ship situation with Olivia??? I hadn't even thought they would kill off Pino as he clearly should be Olivia's 2nd and although I love, love, love Carisi, should he be a Sergeant this soon? They still make him out to be such the newbie. I didn't watch the show for years after Meloni left and then found myself watching it this year. It has its moments, but I am wondering if they should just make next season the last. 

Now that most show except SVU have aired their finales, I've been having a look at the TVLine sweeps scorecard (this is usually pretty accurate). http://tvline.com/2015/04/02/may-sweeps-scorecard-2015-spoilers

There's one death and one possible fatality left. But they've used up all the spaces for characters leaving town and resignations/job changes.

So it looks like either Amaro dies, mostly dies, or he's completely fine and stays. Which is more likely? Gulp.

Now that most show except SVU have aired their finales, I've been having a look at the TVLine sweeps scorecard (this is usually pretty accurate). http://tvline.com/20...d-2015-spoilers

There's one death and one possible fatality left. But they've used up all the spaces for characters leaving town and resignations/job changes.

So it looks like either Amaro dies, mostly dies, or he's completely fine and stays. Which is more likely? Gulp.


It's funny you mention this, Lebanna--I was just talking about it with a friend yesterday. I was doing the same thing, trying to figure out which category Nick would fall into (at this point, I guess I'd have to go with the possible death). But I was also wondering--while I agree Ausiello is usually quite accurate, does he have information about ALL the shows, I wonder? Is it possible that Leight ('Ptui, ptui' as my grandmother would say while spitting at the mention of his name) is holding the SVU cards so close to his vest that Ausiello knows nothing about what's going to happen? I hope that's not the case.

Now that most show except SVU have aired their finales, I've been having a look at the TVLine sweeps scorecard (this is usually pretty accurate). http://tvline.com/2015/04/02/may-sweeps-scorecard-2015-spoilers

There's one death and one possible fatality left. But they've used up all the spaces for characters leaving town and resignations/job changes.

So it looks like either Amaro dies, mostly dies, or he's completely fine and stays. Which is more likely? Gulp.


That page doesn't load at all. Leads to a 404.


Doesn't look good for Amaro :(. Damn it. Liked him too.

Huh. It still works for me too. I don't really know what to suggest. You're not copy pasting, are you? That might not work, but directly clicking it will.

I mean, yes it's possible that Ausiello doesn't know, or doesn't care about SVU. But I seriously doubt it. It's still a very popular show, and he has all the Chicago spoilers up on the list. And Leight has given him huge amounts of spoilers in the past... I mean, you have to share in order to have a good relationship next time there's something to publicize. As I say, I have to think that either one death/semi-death spoiler is probably SVU, or there's nothing at all because it all gets reset to normal by the end.

Its not that I don't like Amaro, but it might be too crowded with him, Carisi and Rollins? Maybe people are tired of how they are trying to make Amaro the "angry Stabler" type? 

I think you may be right, but I have to say it annoys me if the writers' solution is "kill him off" instead of "stop fucking up the writing." They were able to write Amaro as fairly different from Stabler when he first joined the show, so it CAN be done.


I like Carisi as an addition, but if he's here to take Amaro's place because the writers decided they wanted to just start over... that's going to legit piss me off.

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Warren Leight posted a picture on Twitter from the Season 17 premiere script read through:



It looks like Barba is back for anyone that was worried. (And Yates from the CPD crossover, too!) Still no pic of Danny Pino. I wonder if they are going to bring a new character to be sergeant since Fin doesn't want it, and Amaro is either dead or in California.


I love Carisi just the way he is. Even if Amaro leaves, I don't see him becoming a rageaholic. (fingers crossed)

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I wonder if Danny Pino had expressed a desire to leave when his contract expired. Like, not recently (when I imagine negotiations with Kelli might have taken place) but earlier on? Like, before S16 started? Or if he had at least suggested that he was considering not renewing his contract?

That may be why they wrote all the stuff about his kids moving away over a number of episodes (if it were last minute a la Derek on Grey's Anatomy there would be no such advance preparation/foreshadowing).

And maybe that's also why they brought in Carisi so early. Maybe the writers brought on Peter Scanavino as a guest so that, even if Carisi didn't work out (and I'm so glad he did, by the way), they'd still have time to bring in someone else before S16 was over, and it wouldn't be a straight-up swap. I've noticed that it's easier for viewers to warm up to a new character when they're not direct replacements. If Amaro left first and then they added a new guy, I imagine that would have invited a lot of hate. Amaro himself got a lot of hate post-Stabler, after all.

If Danny himself didn't ask to leave, I can only imagine that it's a budget issue. Peter Scanavino has to be a lot cheaper, obviously. And I wonder if Kelli isn't also cheaper; Danny was more established coming in.

So, with Season 17 starting, and with the production costs pretty high, maybe the producers just kept the two cheapest actors. They're all talented, in my opinion, and all actors involved seem nice and non-problematic, and all the characters have their fans, so maybe it has never been about plot/popularity etc. Just money.

I would love to hear what Danny has to say. If he is indeed leaving, that is. I hope there'll be some interviews or a post-mortem or something after the finale airs.

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Huh. It still works for me too. I don't really know what to suggest. You're not copy pasting, are you? That might not work, but directly clicking it will.

I mean, yes it's possible that Ausiello doesn't know, or doesn't care about SVU. But I seriously doubt it. It's still a very popular show, and he has all the Chicago spoilers up on the list. And Leight has given him huge amounts of spoilers in the past... I mean, you have to share in order to have a good relationship next time there's something to publicize. As I say, I have to think that either one death/semi-death spoiler is probably SVU, or there's nothing at all because it all gets reset to normal by the end.


Got it to work. Pretty strange.

this is making me crazy...I don't want Amaro gone...and the problem could be fixed with writing. But I guess they'd rather kill him off. They really wrote him into a corner.  No way Amaro still has his badge after all the times he's been in trouble. I hate that they turned him into a walking timebomb. 


Does anyone else like the possible Benson-Tucker pairing or is that just me? if that happens, this could cause some interesting problems and maybe take some attention away from the whole baby Noah thing (which I am SICK OF)....

this is making me crazy...I don't want Amaro gone...and the problem could be fixed with writing. But I guess they'd rather kill him off. They really wrote him into a corner.  No way Amaro still has his badge after all the times he's been in trouble. I hate that they turned him into a walking timebomb. 


Does anyone else like the possible Benson-Tucker pairing or is that just me? if that happens, this could cause some interesting problems and maybe take some attention away from the whole baby Noah thing (which I am SICK OF)....


I don't either :(. It sucks tbh. I wish that they would have handled him better.

In another website, people were saying that it was Noah's father who dies and Amaro just gets wounded. If it happens this way, I can see Amaro leaving NYPD to be with his family. 


It's really sad to see how much the writers ruined his character. I liked his character when he first came on and then it went downhill rather quickly.


I agree with those who say that Danny might have wanted to leave before they brought Peter Scanavino in. When the Carisi character was brought in, I wondered why there was a new character. Fins, Amaro, Rollins, and Benson was enough people to do the show. Even when they made Olivia sergeant, she still went out with the team. 


I would love to hear what Danny Pino has to say. If he leaves, was it because his character is terribly written or is it because of something else? 


Anyways, I'm glad they brought Carisi on. His character definitely breaks up the monotony that SVU has become lately. 

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Thanks for that link Lebanna even if it's kinda heartbreaking to think of Nick dying. As he's been seen on a gurney though I'm still clinging on to hope he's not the one dying. Noah's dad has to die though, and with it - hopefully - the Benoah drama. I'd like to say RIP Benoah drama but I actually don't hope you rest in peace as you ruined S16 for many of us.


They really dropped the ball on the entire squad this season, so many missed opportunities for character development that wouldn't have to have occupied entire episodes. Such a disappointing season for those of us not invested in the Noah arch.


I like the entire cast, I want to keep them all, new guy and all.

But I do have a sneaky suspicion DP knew he was leaving as S16 started. He's been mostly MIA from Twitter this past season. They've let the Rollaro relationship live only in cut scenes. They sorta came full closure on the daddy issues in one single episode and they've weaved in his kids moving away in less-than-a-minute-clips. And they brought in Carisi to patch the void. The only positive with this might be that they stop with this frustrating rotation of squad/cast but if it was between that and DP staying I'll suffer through the rotation as it will break my heart to see Nick leave the squad. If they kill him off then I'll go livid.

  • Love 2

Thanks for that link Lebanna even if it's kinda heartbreaking to think of Nick dying. As he's been seen on a gurney though I'm still clinging on to hope he's not the one dying. Noah's dad has to die though, and with it - hopefully - the Benoah drama. I'd like to say RIP Benoah drama but I actually don't hope you rest in peace as you ruined S16 for many of us.


really hope that the Benoah drama will stop. I thought that it could have been more interesting if Noah was an older child, say 5 or 6 as there would be more to do with the character. Other than getting a fever like every episode. 


If Nick leaves, then it will be mixed feelings for me. He started off good, but they really ruined his character and just turned him into Stabler 2.0. 

Edited by Bananna
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They really wrote him into a corner.  



I couldn't agree more.  


I was dismayed last season when they started writing all of the rage/stalking issues for Amaro as well as finalizing the divorce story line.  When Amaro snapped in the S15 finale, there were moments when I felt as if I didn't recognize his character anymore. Even the Rollaro storyline was written in a sloppy/careless manner.  It almost felt like the writers didn't know what to do with Amaro’s character anymore.  Perhaps Danny Pino felt the same way and made it known that he didn't plan to renew his contract when S16 was done before S16 started filming.  To me, all of S16 felt very much like a transition for the Amaro character.

Edited by hitonallsixes
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Okay I don't think Nick will be on that TVline list after all, just realized The Following has two episodes left. Surely they will have both 'fatality' and 'possible fatality', let's face it they kill everyone sooner or later. And we can probably also agree on the fact that SVU S16 just don't have that time to spend on him, him dying would surely take valuable time away from the Benoah drama and SVU S16 just can't let that happen right... *insert eyeroll*


I'm trying to stay positive and just think about the fact we'll get shirtlessAmaro on Wednesday, if he's leaving that's not such a bad last image of him to get ;)

  • Love 1

Okay I don't think Nick will be on that TVline list after all, just realized The Following has two episodes left. Surely they will have both 'fatality' and 'possible fatality', let's face it they kill everyone sooner or later. And we can probably also agree on the fact that SVU S16 just don't have that time to spend on him, him dying would surely take valuable time away from the Benoah drama and SVU S16 just can't let that happen right... *insert eyeroll*


I'm trying to stay positive and just think about the fact we'll get shirtlessAmaro on Wednesday, if he's leaving that's not such a bad last image of him to get ;)


Damn, thanks for mentioning.




Definitely not ;).

So glad Amaro wasn't on the list!

Some clues at the end of this interview with Leight about next season.http://www.tvguide.com/news/law-order-svu-postmortem/

It sounds to me like Rollins might become sergeant, Carisi might become a lawyer and (oh no, I just know this will end badly, on this show this always ends badly...) Barba might get a 'personal life'. I kind of hate all those ideas, to be honest.

Oh, if they went there, I believe they could do that. But then his boyfriend/girlfriend would be assaulted or go evil, or in some other manner cause something horrific to happen to him, and somehow simultaneously cause him to become more boring or less likeable. Because that's the only reason characters have personal lives on this show.

It will not be the actor's fault. It's never the actor's fault on this show. But just look at the rest of them. Every time their private lives come up, it seems like it doesn't add to them, it chips a piece off them.

Oh, if they went there, I believe they could do that. But then his boyfriend/girlfriend would be assaulted or go evil, or in some other manner cause something horrific to happen to him, and somehow simultaneously cause him to become more boring or less likeable. Because that's the only reason characters have personal lives on this show.

It will not be the actor's fault. It's never the actor's fault on this show. But just look at the rest of them. Every time their private lives come up, it seems like it doesn't add to them, it chips a piece off them.

That is true. BUT I have this feeling S17 is the last... so... does it matter?

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That is true. BUT I have this feeling S17 is the last... so... does it matter?


The ratings are basement level but NBC is in a world of hurt. I think it will try to keep SVU going, even if it SHOULD end then. Besides, usually final seasons have some advanced notice, and there doesn't seem to be any mention of such talk at the recent upfronts.


A part of me thinks TIIC are trying to tie the Mothership at 20 seasons as foolish as that is.

The ratings are basement level but NBC is in a world of hurt. I think it will try to keep SVU going, even if it SHOULD end then. Besides, usually final seasons have some advanced notice, and there doesn't seem to be any mention of such talk at the recent upfronts.


A part of me thinks TIIC are trying to tie the Mothership at 20 seasons as foolish as that is.


Yea that's where I'm at too, but tbh, it's limping. Let it die. End it after this season.

Oh no I jinxed it, I just mentioned Liv + love life in another thread and the next page I visit http://www.ew.com/article/2015/05/22/spoiler-room-scoop-outlander-svu-graceland-and-more- so yeah you can shoot me now :/

Pls don't go there Warren. Let her just be happy with Noah now for a while & focus back on the special victims (Amanda obviously being one of them as she is a rape victim which it seems we need to remind the writers off)


Well they are doing the transgender teen story in ep3. And Yates was back for the table read for ep1. From what I understand they are starting up with two co-joint episodes chasing down a bad guy. Not Yates again right? Cause surely CPD would want to be in on that and I don't want our SVU cast to guest star on their own show again, the regular cast kinda did that the entire season so... no. But Barba was at the table read too so yay. I want S17 here tomorrow so I can forget all about that miserable S16 :(

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