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One year ago today, I had to say goodbye to my Maddie.  She was an adult when I adopted her, and we had 15 years together, so she was at least 16 and probably more like 18 when she died.  She was very ill when I adopted her and had wasted away to 4-1/2 pounds of skin and bones; while 6-month-old Baxter, whom I adopted at the same time, ran around exploring, Maddie just slept.  I spent a week dropping her off each morning for hospitalization, then taking her home each night.  After that week, she finally started eating on her own, and I stayed home for two weeks of continued medication and fluids (and TLC), after which she was perfectly healthy and never looked back. 

Despite her age, she was never an old lady cat; up until the illness of her final months, she maintained the same energy level and playfulness she’d always had.  She was my Chatty Cathy – she talked all the time, and had quite the repertoire of sounds.  Including a call for emergency belly rubs – she’d bellow to summon me to the carpeted floor in the study, pace around chattering to herself looking for just the right spot (it was always the same general area, but the perfect spot moved from day to day) on which to fall over and present her belly.  I’d get down on the floor with her and rub while she rolled back and forth purring.  She did this until the end, and I remember thinking on the day before she went into hospital, “If this winds up being it, I’ll always have this memory.”  I know the exact place on the carpet where the magic spot was that day.

She loved Baxter and was protective of him, but he was the quintessential annoying little brother, and when he died unexpectedly at 13, I figured she’d earned the right to be an only child in her golden years.  Although I missed him terribly, and still do, the year and a half Maddie and I had as a duo was a special time.

I miss her.  Riley is making this anniversary a lot easier than it would be in a cat-less house, but it’s a tough day.  I was in my twenties when I adopted Maddie and Baxter; after a lifetime of family cats and then roommate cats, they were the first two who were mine alone.  They were with me through job changes, a second education and complete career change, buying a house, losing old friends and gaining new ones, dreams achieved and dreams abandoned to reality, and all the myriad changes you go through as your twenties turn into your thirties and you really become the person you are.  So many changes, and they were the constant. 

Anyway, a crappy cell phone picture of her is my avatar here, but she died before I learned how to resize photos in order to post here so she was never visually part of Chit Chat.  So here’s my favorite picture of her, my mantle kitty:

Mantle Kitty b.jpg

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19 hours ago, Bastet said:

Thank you, harrie.  She was not a very photogenic cat (plus, I have no particular photography skills and black cats are hard to photograph well), but she was adorable in person.  This was Baxter:


Bax looking for sun a.jpg

Baxter was a handsome devil, too. (And I think your pictures are fine. Just sayin'.)


11 hours ago, Demented Daisy said:

It's been a rough year for a lot of the pet lovers around here.  I've been thinking of Loki a lot lately, even though the anniversary of his passing is still a couple of months away.  As much as I adore Luke and Leia, we'll never have another Loki.

Hugs to all who need (or want) them. My tough time is coming up in December.  

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I'm so sorry @Bastet and @Demented Daisy.  

Daisy, I know exactly what you mean. I lost my Harley 4 years ago last week.  He was my first dog as an adult.  He was born on June 5th 2001, which is the same day my mom died.  Harley had been rejected from his litter and needed bottle feeding and a lot of care.  My brother brought him to me when he was about 4 weeks old.  He is good friends with a Border Collie breeder and knowing how hard my mom's death was on me and knowing  I'd been looking for a BC pup, he got Harley for me.  My brother is a biker so Harley was named for him. 

From the second my brother put him in my arms we bonded. For almost 13 years I couldn't go to the bathroom alone because he would whine at the door until I let him in.   He loved everybody and everything he ever met but not like he loved his mama.  People said they'd never seen a dog and a person with such a bond before.  I was devestated when I lost him.  I didn't get out of bed for days and I swore I would NEVER get another dog. 

I love my current pets so much and I loved Kaylee immensely but there will never be another Harley. 



This was my baby boy. 


Edited by Maharincess
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As was Harley.

No, I'm not tearing up at all.  Why do you ask?  ;-)




You can always tell a Border Collie by that white tip on their tail.


Loki was the only one of his brothers and sisters that got their mom's white ring around the collar, too.

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This is my all time favorite picture of my boy.   He was so happy when we moved up here, he loved his new yard.  I just wish he'd been able to enjoy it longer.  I scattered some of his ashes in this spot. He loved being outside.  We had a big yard at our previous house but nothing like this.  He would lie out there for hours. 


Edited by Maharincess
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In her later years, my Golden used to "forget" she wasn't allowed on the couch.  Sometimes I would come down the stairs in the morning and she was in such a deep sleep that I'd catch her and she'd be like, "huh? how did i get up here?"

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She was sleep walking.

I've got to rearrange my living room furniture because the couch is front of the big window and that is where Kook (my pup's new nickname) has to look out to sound the alarm at 2 AM about the marauding squirrels or the pending armadillo invasion.  I'm not delusional enough to believe this will stop him from going on the couch, but at I am hoping it cuts down the urgency in which he is jumping on and off the couch with.

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In her later years, my Golden used to "forget" she wasn't allowed on the couch.  Sometimes I would come down the stairs in the morning and she was in such a deep sleep that I'd catch her and she'd be like, "huh? how did i get up here?"

When Baxter would "forget" the rule about staying in the backyard*, and I'd find him in the driveway or out front, he'd get this look on his face I interpreted to mean, "The aliens have done it again!  There I was, in the backyard where I belonged, and suddenly I was abducted."

*Yes, for the first time in my lifetime of cat guardianship, in Maddie and Baxter I had two cats I somehow trained to stay put in the backyard, not to go more than one house in either direction when we were out front, and to, on the occasions they broke these rules, turn around and immediately return when I said, "Come back here, please."  I was always with them out front just in case, but I could leave them in the backyard and just check on them every half hour or so to make sure the aliens hadn't struck.  It was so great for all three of us.  I will probably never luck into that again. 

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I don't think I've mentioned my first "solo" cat yet. Her name was Ethel (named for Ethel Merman because of her lovely singing voice), and I got her just after I had moved into my first housemate-less apartment. When I picked her out at the shelter, she had just had kittens recently, but they had all been adopted out. I paid the adoption and spaying fees, then picked her up a few hours after the surgery and brought her home. So I had this beautiful short-hair calico cat stumbling around the apartment and bumping into things because the anesthesia hadn't worn off yet and she was high as a kite. Kind of amusing, but I picked her up and held her on my lap for a few hours until it wore off. "Purr, purr, purr."

She spent the next couple of days searching the apartment for her kittens and crying, which wasn't amusing at all, but she eventually decided that I was a kitten...a kitten that needed constant bathing. I could never go barefoot after that, because she'd sneak up on me (usually while I was reading or brushing my teeth) and start sandpapering my toes without any warning. If I was wearing socks, she'd do it anyway, but at least my toes got to keep their skin then.

Her favorite hanging-out spot was the living room windowsill, because it was always sunny there, and because she could watch the birds hopping around on the roof a few feet away while making that funny chittering sound that cats make. After sunset she was a lap kitty, and we'd read or watch TV.

I had to find her a new home with one of my coworkers a few years later when I moved to a "no pets" apartment. Unfortunately I didn't have a camera back then, so no pictures.

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Aw, I've missed a lot of new pictures and stories. So sorry for those of you who have lost such a treasured family member. The stories are all great, though. Pets are too funny. 

I've entered Lilly into a cutest pet contest a local radio station is having. Would be very appreciative if any of you could vote. http://washfm.iheart.com/contests/enter-online/washfm-cutest-pet-contest-68222/  She is on page 11 - the picture of her in the car where it looks like she has bunny ears. It has the title "Happiness is Leaving the Vet." If anyone else here has entered, guess we'll have to duke it out. :-)

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These aren't my pets but I had some cow visitors today when I went out on my property this morning.  They don't come over the hill too often but I love it when they do.  A few weeks ago a calf got onto my side of the fence, he was the cutest little guy. 


Edited by Maharincess
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Riley has been with me about three months now, and while she is definitely still a scaredy-cat, she's coming out of her shell nicely.  She's roaming the house more freely now; for quite a long time, she stuck to the bedroom and office, only venturing into the study or living room if I was in there and generally avoiding the kitchen.  Those first two are still her most-frequent hangouts, but she will now enter every room of the house on her own.  She has not slept under the beds in nearly two months; she always naps on a bed or couch (or sunny spot on the floor) now.  She still often runs away when I walk towards her while she's on the ground (if she's on a couch or table so we're not quite so far apart in height, she's fine), but not always, and she just darts a couple of feet away now; no hiding, and when I stop moving, she walks up to me.

She's eating well, although she has decided she doesn't like canned food -- only raw or dry.  She won't eat quite enough raw to get a full day's calories, so she gets a little bit of dry food each day.  Oh well; it's one of the few remotely healthy dry foods out there, she's not eating much of it, the ultra-healthy raw food balances it out ... I'm letting it go.  But the raw duck that was her favorite (of chicken, rabbit, and duck) when I had the little one-pound bags?  As soon as I dropped big bucks on the 3-pound bag, she decided duck was awful and she would only eat chicken or rabbit.  Of course.  Chester eats the duck, so I just gave the bag to my parents. 

She remains the ultimate cuddle-bug.  Any time I sit down, she tucks herself in right next to me and purrs away.  And at night she still sleeps on top of me or right up against me; she does not like being picked up and held, but when we're lying down she loves to have my arm across her or around her.  She'd be unbearable to share a bed with if she was a person, but I have completely different rules for cuddling when it comes to cats.

She needs her claws trimmed.  A couple of months ago, she got spooked while I was carrying her, and she launched off my chest with her back claws spread; I looked like Tina after Freddy Krueger got through with her in Nightmare on Elm Street.  There's still a 4-inch scar from the deepest of the three slices; it's slowly fading as I lather myself with vitamin E, but still quite visible -- this cat has ruined my cleavage.  She, of course, doesn't like having her claws trimmed, so one night I manage to get one clipped before she runs away, then I can't get any for several more nights ... thus far, all her back claws have been trimmed, but only three front claws.  By the time I get the last one done, the first one will need to be done again.

I'm working on getting her better with being picked up; sometimes when I pick her up, it's just to kiss her head and put her right back down, sometimes it's to hold her for 30 seconds, sometimes it's to carry her to the next room, etc.  It's small bursts, and not always for something "bad," and it's helping so that when I do need to pick her up and move her for some reason, there is far less struggling.

My mom is still the only one she doesn't run away/hide from, and I still have to shut her in the living room or study for her to stay, so being around others remains her biggest issue.  And if she just hates everyone other than me, so be it, but so that sometime in my life I can actually go on vacation again, I would like her to be reasonably comfortable with her grandma.  So we keep working on it -- my mom comes over once a week for about half an hour.


Riley photoshoot 3a.jpg

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6 hours ago, P2C2E said:

Has anyone had any experience with canine spindle cell sarcomas? Our 12 year old lab was just diagnosed.

Maybe, though I don't recall that specific name.  Our dog Tip had a soft tissue sarcoma - maybe a fibrosarcoma? -  in her waist area that was malignant.  It came out, she had a quick recovery, and she was fine for about four years.  If you don't mind my asking, has the doctor offered any prognosis?  Sending positive vibes your way, P2C2E


Maharincess, I love your visiting cows; and it looks beautiful wherever you live. What a view!

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@Bastet, I'm so happy to her that Riley is doing so well. I have a cat who seriously hates everyone but me. She hides in the closet if anyone comes over,  she'll come out when my granddaughter spends the night but she doesn't get close to her.  She's the most loving cat I've ever had, to me, but it's only me. 

@harrie, that's my favorite spot on my property,  it's the only spot I can see the water from.  It's at the very edge of my property, it's so peaceful there. I go up there when I want to relax and smoke a little something (legally!).   I couldn't get up there for a long time until my son and his friends showed up at my house one day and layed a path for me. Now I go there every chance I get. 

I would like to introduce you all to the newest addition to my family. She has no official name as of yet but I've been calling her either Granny Clampett (I need to see if Granny had a first name) or Sweet Cheeks.   They think she's around 13-14 years old and she's as fiesty as a puppy, we brought her in and she made herself right at home right away.  I went with a friend to a senior dog rescue in San Francisco this morning and this little one chose me to go home with.  They say she's remarkably healthy for her age.  She was put in the over night drop box at the shelter.  She's so damn cute I can't stand it.  She looks a little like my old Chihuahua Baby who lived to be 18 years old.  


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2 hours ago, DeLurker said:

Wait - shelters have overnight dropboxes like Blockbuster (in the days of yore)?

I wish you well (because my experiences with chihuahuas have never gone very well) and I think she chose wisely!

I asked the same thing,  there are night drop boxes at the shelter?  She explained that before they had the drop boxes people would come after hours and either tie the animals up at the shelter door or just leave them there in a box. They want to dump their pets but not pay a surrender fee apparently. She said there's a row of boxes and once the animal is put inside it locks so nobody can let the animal out or put another one in the same box.  People suck. 

I've had a Chihuahua before. I adopted her when she was seven and she lived to almost 18 years old.  

Thanks @ABay,  I like the name Daisy but she's such a Granny that I think that name is going to stick.  With her grey hair it fits her. 

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My local shelters have those outdoor cages, too, and for the same reason -- at least that way the animals are safely contained until shelter workers arrive in the morning, versus the poor animals who were being tossed over or tied to fences, left in cardboard boxes, etc.  It's also for people who find a stray overnight and want to turn her/him in, but can't keep the animal at their home until morning.  There's fresh water inside, and they can only be re-opened by shelter staff. 

Maharincess, congratulations on adopting Granny Clampett.  And kudos to you for adopting a senior.  She looks like she has a big personality.

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She has a huge personality. She has made herself right at home.  Trixie is a little unsure of her but Granny wants to play with her so bad,  she keeps going up to Trix and doing that little pounce thing dogs do when they play.  Trixie just runs away from her.   She's so spry, I had some dog stairs from when I had my other Chihuahua, I put the stairs next to the bed but she ignored them and hopped on the bed by herself.  She has chosen my body pillow as her bed so I guess I have to buy a new one for me.  I took her to my vet this morning,  her hearing is going but other than that he said she's in perfect health. 

@Bastet,  it's always been in my plans to adopt a senior,  the timing was just never right.  The rescue had an adoption event over the weekend and my friend was going in to the city yesterday so I just went with her.  The timing was perfect as I'm doing really well physically and have no major medical stuff happening in the near future so it all worked out great. I already had an approved application with them so it was smooth sailing.  

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She loves the sun. It's in the triple digits today so I had to make her come in so she didn't get too hot. She did not want to come in but I coaxed her with some doggy ice cream.   She's just too cute, she's so goofy that she keeps me laughing, she really thinks she's a big dog. She loves to cuddle too, she slept on the pillow right up against me all night and when I'm sitting down she and the cat fight over my lap.  

I love her so much already. 

Edit:  Please excuse the condition of my yard, this section is a small side yard that is the dog bathroom area. 


Edited by Maharincess
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Granny is so cute!  I also love the seniors.  Tai was 8 when I adopted her and is 14 now.  She is still pretty spry though she doesn't walk or play for as long as she used to.  That's OK since neither do I, heh.  I have to stop her from jumping out of the car (she has arthritis) but she hates to be picked up.  We've kind of compromised where I quickly and casually lift her out by her harness and place her on the ground

Bastet, Riley has such a pretty face, so sweet looking.

On 9/25/2016 at 1:17 PM, P2C2E said:

Has anyone had any experience with canine spindle cell sarcomas? Our 12 year old lab was just diagnosed.

I don't, P2C2E, but will send positive thoughts.  Wishing you well.

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P2C2E, I somehow missed your post about your dog's diagnosis, and thus came off like a complete asshole for posting after it without offering my condolences and best wishes on the diagnosis.  I'm not familiar with the condition, so have nothing informative to offer, but wish you and your lab the best!

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9 hours ago, Bastet said:

P2C2E, I somehow missed your post about your dog's diagnosis, and thus came off like a complete asshole for posting after it without offering my condolences and best wishes on the diagnosis.  I'm not familiar with the condition, so have nothing informative to offer, but wish you and your lab the best!

Don't worry about it @Bastet, I didn't think that at all!

The vet recommends an x-ray to see if it has metastasized. She also recommends that regardless of the lump being benign or malignant that it should be removed. On the other hand, because of it's location (right under Sophie's shoulder) it's a difficult place for an incision to heal. If it is malignant then there is a very high chance of it coming back in the same place. Right now it doesn't seem to be bothering Sophie at all or restricting her movement. 

It would be difficult for us to care for her post-surgery. We both work full-time and have another dog at home so it would require some creative doings to keep her in a low movement atmosphere for long enough to heal properly. We're leaning towards just leaving the lump there until it's affecting her quality of life and go from there. 

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I am so in love with this little old lady already, it feels like I've had her forever. I'm in shock over how comfortable she is here, she has taken over the house and made it hers.  We've had a couple of potty accidents but that's to be expected at first.  She's figuring it out though.  

I'm a little worried about her jumping.  She won't use the doggy stairs and jumps on and off the furniture like a puppy and it scares me every time she does it.   She was finally able to convince the cat to play with her. I'm trying to get a video of them because it's hilarious watching them chase each other around the house. 

She meets the grandkids today after school.  

I'm sorry, I know I keep posting about her but I can't help it.   I love her so much,  she's mama's little granny baby. 

Edited by Maharincess
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5 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

I'm sorry, I know I keep posting about her but I can't help it.

I'm right there with you between my cat and new pup.  I try to refrain from spewing my pet love notes in other threads, but since this is dedicated....

Sounds like your girl is feeling pretty secure already, so you must be doing something right.  Since she's just been with you a few days now, maybe some of this exuberance is pure, unadulterated joy at feeling like she has a home.  If it really is too much for her to sustain, she'll settle down a touch.

Kook had the opposite problem - he was on extreme good behavior and so restrained for the first week or so.  Once he got to feeling settled, more of his own personality showed through.  He's a bit more stubborn than the dog I had the first week, but he's still my sweetie. 

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She's a really good dog.  Since her hearing is going, I'm working on teaching her hand signals. She's really good at coming when I call her and she'll stop doing something if I say no, I just need to get her to associate the hand signals so when her hearing is gone she'll still understand me. 

She's not showing much stubbornness yet, but she is a Chihuahua so I'm sure it's coming but I can handle it.  I just want her to feel safe and secure. Murphy is on the road with Daddy so they haven't met yet but they're both really good with other dogs so I'm hoping for the best.  

I'm just so happy that she chose me.  When I got to to the adoption event I had no idea what I was looking for, I had a few in mind that I had seen on the website,  but once I saw Granny and saw that tail wagging at me so fast it was a blur, I knew she was the one.  I would turn my head and her tail would stop wagging, then when I turned back in her direction she'd start wagging again. I did that about ten times.  They took her out and put her on my lap in the wheelchair and she snuggled right in.  She stayed on my lap for over an hour while we finished the paperwork then she rode in my lap all the way home. 

Have I mentioned how much I adore her already??

@P2C2E,  I too apologize for not seeing your post, I didn't read previous posts before I started posting about my dog. I'm so sorry.  My thoughts are with you and your baby. Please keep us posted. 

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@P2C2E My thoughts are with you as well.

And @Maharincess - so great that you adopted a senior. I really admire people who do that. She is adorable and sounds amazing. One day maybe, but since I am only on my first dog as an adult, I wanted as much time with her as possible (except avoided the puppy stage). Have you tried giving Granny a little extra incentive to use the stairs? My dog has lower level luxating patellas, so I got her stairs for my bed. I used treats to teach her to use them. I probably didn't use them as long as I should have, so she doesn't always use them right now. But she does a decent amount.

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On 9/25/2016 at 0:17 PM, P2C2E said:

Has anyone had any experience with canine spindle cell sarcomas? Our 12 year old lab was just diagnosed.

How common is it (since no one here had any personal experience with it) or is does it have a tendency to show up in certain breeds of dogs?  Would a sample of the tumor be possible through fine needle aspiration or punch biopsy as opposed to the full removal of the tumor?  Given the location, the sampling might be difficult/impossible, but it also seems like just the full removal would be quite involved and be a tough process for your dog to go through, post-op care issues aside.

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Welcome Luna and/or Raven to the Macc home.  She's a pretty good little kitten who follows us around and is terribly curious. She's also put the dogs on notice that she isn't going to take any crap from them. Three pounds of puffed up tail and growl. Heh.



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