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Detective Dominick "Sonny" Carisi: Like Or Loathe?


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What's the concensus on him? I really like him and think that he balances out the other detective's. I really hope Dick Wolf has him on for the rest of the series. Amaro's character is on my nerves because it seems like he is turning into Stabler number two.

Also, I find him really attractive. His eyes are amazing.

Edited by Suzy123
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I loathed him at first, but now I like him a lot. Maybe it was just the moustache that I hated. He's a breath of fresh air right now for the show and up there with Barba and Fin on my list of characters who are still more than tolerable. Now if they can a) not kill him, and b) leave out the personal drama and just show him growing into the job, that would be ideal.

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I loathed him at first, but now I like him a lot. Maybe it was just the moustache that I hated. He's a breath of fresh air right now for the show and up there with Barba and Fin on my list of characters who are still more than tolerable. Now if they can a) not kill him, and b) leave out the personal drama and just show him growing into the job, that would be ideal.

Lol! I think a lot of people hated that mustache. He is a breath of fresh air. I cannot stand Amanda, Nick, or Olivia. The storylines have been pretty stale these past seasons and hopefully they keep the new guy.

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Without that mustache you can see what a good looking guy he actually is.  I mentioned this in a different thread too, but he also looks to be pretty damn tall, which is just another plus for me.


I also like that outside of that first episode, he appears to have some pretty good instincts.  He's been pretty right on in two of the three episodes he's been in, and now I wish they hadn't made his introduction such a joke.


I will say that his intro scene made me laugh pretty hard, just because it was so terribly written.  "I brought zeppoli!" might be up there as one of my favorite SVU quotes, just because he delivered it with such glee.

Edited by Princess Sparkle

I liked him even before the season started, just from watching the cast interviews. I am however a little disappointed he hasn't brought more tension to the squad room, from the interviews it sounded like he would raise a little more hell. But he's fine. Not physically fine though, he does nothing like that for me with or w/o the stache. But that's okay, he's still a great character.

Scanavino also seems like a sweet guy so I too wish they keep him around.

Warren tweeted "I hope so" to the question "Is Carisi here to stay?", not sure how to interpret that but Ice-T signed on for 4 eps and they kept him around cause everyone liked him so much so let's keep loving Carisi & we might get to keep him around too :)

The established standard is having two pairs of detectives, and Olivia did mention that she was understaffed in regards to getting Amaro back on the squad. So if anything they should keep Carisi around in order to keep up the number of detectives. Otherwise we'll just have Rollins and Amaro gallivanting around. Although I suppose we did have years of pretty much only Benson Stabler so it's probably not a big deal.

The established standard is having two pairs of detectives, and Olivia did mention that she was understaffed in regards to getting Amaro back on the squad. So if anything they should keep Carisi around in order to keep up the number of detectives. Otherwise we'll just have Rollins and Amaro gallivanting around. Although I suppose we did have years of pretty much only Benson Stabler so it's probably not a big deal.


True. But this was also the same show that once said the turnover was great because of burnout, and yet...most of them remain. So workplace logic is very transient. :-)    But, that said, maybe the new guy will become permanent. Then he, too, can become cranky, ragey, and tired. It's the SVU way.

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Without that mustache you can see what a good looking guy he actually is. I mentioned this in a different thread too, but he also looks to be pretty damn tall, which is just another plus for me.

I also like that outside of that first episode, he appears to have some pretty good instincts. He's been pretty right on in two of the three episodes he's been in, and now I wish they hadn't made his introduction such a joke.

I will say that his intro scene made me laugh pretty hard, just because it was so terribly written. "I brought zeppoli!" might be up there as one of my favorite SVU quotes, just because he delivered it with such glee.

His eyes are amazing! They are so blue and pretty.

True. But this was also the same show that once said the turnover was great because of burnout, and yet...most of them remain. So workplace logic is very transient. :-)    But, that said, maybe the new guy will become permanent. Then he, too, can become cranky, ragey, and tired. It's the SVU way.


Don't forget the relationship problems. It's like that department is where happy marriages go to die.

I like him, too. His introduction was way over the top--the mustache, the zeppole, the whole stereotypical Italian thing. It was just awkward. And no one brings zeppole, unless they're coming from an Italian street festival. But now that they got rid of the mustache and toned him down a bit, he's a breath of fresh air and rather easy on the eyes. It's nice to have a detective whose personal life we're not overly familiar with, and I kind of like that he gets under the other detectives' skin a bit without being a jerk. 

Edited by Everleigh
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Oh hell yeah it was Corey Stoll, who was most definitely the best part of that show.  I am SO HAPPY that show didn't succeed so he could go on to bigger and better things.


Yeah, but I knew NBC gave up caring when Stoll's character's partner was gunned down only to pop up in later episodes, again on the job, because NBC was airing it out of order.


I can't fathom why NBC axed the Mothership for that dung pile.


Topic? Sometimes, I think SVU has the same dung pile smell and has gone well beyond its expiration date. I do wonder if Dick Wolf is trying to have SVU get to 20 seasons to tie the Mothership. And then I shake my head...

I've been watching The Blacklist recently and Peter Scanavino appears in an episode in season one with shaggy hair and a scruffy beard. He looked great. Not sure why SVU thought the mustache was ever a good idea.

I wonder if it was for some type of role? Maybe dick wolf thought the mustache added character to his face? Lol! I remember when Anthony Anderson and Jeremy Sisto were on the original Law and Order,they had beards. Anthony Anderson said that Dick Wolf's wife made them shave it. I wonder if she had a say in Peter Scanavino's mustache?

Continuing the discussion from the December Solstice thread:

Edited to fix formatting (quoting these, I apologise for the lack of formatting but I'm on my phone, I'll try to edit when I have access to a computer again)

I don't get why anyone hates Carisi. He doesn't seem like as much of a brown-noser as Amanda Rollins was when she first started.


Maybe if Nick hadn't been put in anger management or Rollins didn't have that stupid gambling problem that almost resulted her in servicing an undercover police officer, I might understand their reluctance to like a new person, but so far Carisi seems like the only person I wouldn't be anxious to go out to a Starbucks with. (Ditto for Ice-T, I think).


When Barba was introduced, he was insensitive, but so smart, sassy, and most of all interesting that I could forgive it. He was likable as a character if not a person.

Carisi is just as insensitive, but is dim-witted and boring. He exists solely so he can say something dumb that then gets him scolded by the more senior detectives. He is a chasm of a character; he doesn't contribute... anything. This isn't a knock against Peter Scanavino, but... there's just no there there. Nothing about him pulls me into a scene like Barba does. With Barba, I often forget I am watching a TV show. With Carisi... I get pain in my forehead from smacking it so much.


I agree that it's kind of a running joke that everyone hates Carisi (confirmed, in my opinion, when Donal Logue's character clocked him with that gun 2 minutes after meeting him). Carisi is enough of a doofus to make this funny, and he messes up often enough, and he says the wrong thing often enough. But I also think that Peter Scanavino has brought some depth and an inherent likeability to the role, at least as I see it, so the constant Carisi dissing may appear annoying to some.

But it is, I think, interesting that Rollins and Fin, the two most laid back people in the squad (by comparison), don't really have a problem with him now (Rollins is all 'give him a break' and Fin seems to be OK with him). On the other hand, there's Amaro who has issues with every living creature, apparently. And Benson seems to only like Barba at this point (which, good taste).

Barba himself is, I agree, being harsh with Carisi but I actually find their relationship funny. I agree that Carisi is trying to show off but I don't agree that he's trying to show up Barba (as if he could). I, too, see it as Carisi seeking approval or even praise (lol). And I don't think Barba is being a total dick to him (he did begrudgingly admit Carisi had a point in this episode), I think he just probably finds Carisi uncouth or unpolished or rude or annoying (all accurate, more or less). Like, if Barba were being nice he might encourage Carisi instead of dissing his University (now that was a total dick move). But Barba isn't really the "nice" type and Carisi is too brash to be treated nicely.

Ultimately I think Carisi is meant to be seen as that, frankly. Not a bad guy, but a bit on the unpolished, brash, green and/or overeager side. Most of the other characters know what they're doing. It's fun to have a newbie and not one who is a "natural" (or a wunderkind like you see on most shows). In fact I think the main reason I like him is because he kind of reminds me of Cassidy from a million years ago. I mean, I can just see Carisi saying "fromage, right counselor?". I love dopey characters, what can I say?

And I actually think Carisi is contributing a lot to the show right now; first of all, I think it's important to still have a character who messes up on a fundamental level ("men can't be raped by a woman") and has to learn what the others already know. In part because then the audience can learn too, and in part because it's a different, fun source of conflict within the squad; it's not personal angst (which has made me dread Amaro episodes even though I like him and I love Danny Pino), it's not baby angst, it's not the dark pit of addiction. It's just a dumbass who needs to be schooled. Which gives us hilarious Sassy Barba moments or moments where Benson is not just sanctimonious but actually right.

Secondly, I agree with those who say that the show has been rejuvenated by the presence of a fresh face in the squad. There are more variations to the partnerships (especially with Benson in a different role), more dynamics to explore (Carisi/Fin in particular is pretty great in my opinion). Thirdly, the very fact that Carisi is kind of a nitwit and not some angst-filled super-serious guy is refreshing to me.

I must say, at first I found Carisi simply amusing, but now I'd be lying if I said I'm not disappointed when he's not in an episode. I mostly credit Peter Scanavino but also, as I said above, the fact we have a fresh face in the squad period.

Edited by Princess Lucky
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I like Carisi a lot because he is not the stereotypical "angry cop" like Stabler and Amaro.  However, when he is in the box grilling a perp, I don't feel threatened by him...and so I think that a perp wouldn't feel threatened either.  These days, Olivia dons the "bad cop" mantle (during interrogations that is) rather nicely.  There is no reason for the writers to turn Carisi into Stabler 3.0 as long as Olivia is around.

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I'm finding myself liking Carisi a lot, but I disliked his hair on last night's epi. Has he always worn it like that - exaggerated pompadour or whatever it's called? But I do like the character.

I really like the pompadour on him. I think that is his best hairstyle. It softens up his features.

I hate the slicked back look. That should never come back.


You guys warming up to Carisi yet? I've been a fan since 'Stachegate, but his character has been uneven. I like how he was written last night -- no one rolling their eyes or finding him over-eager or naive. Scanavino's got great charisma, and it makes for a very likeable Carisi, IMO.

And he's pretty.

Totally agreed.

I said it over at the spoiler thread, but Carisi has really changed the tone of the show for me. After all the William Lewis stuff, the show had just gotten too dark. Too intense. I was drained. I still have yet to watch the last couple of episodes from last season with Amaro's ordeal because I'm just like "ughhh, too much drama".

And I didn't even watch any Season 16 episodes until February(!) this year. I was still over all the drama and the crossover stuff didn't appeal to me. I only watched the episode with Lili Taylor because I really love her, and I totally perked up when I saw Carisi (call me shallow if you must). The next episode was the one with Marcia Cross and it also had a lot of Carisi, except this time he got to do more and I got a better feel for the character. Based on the forums here, I watched the Slenderman episode next (still my favourite of his) and boom, my Carisi love was born.

I think the show really needed an angst-free character. A funny character. Fin is the same way but Ice T obviously has a lot on his plate and has less screen time, so another character in the same vein was the perfect fit, I think. It refreshed the show and it made everything less dour.

So I've really loved all the spotlight on Carisi this season, mostly because it's not really a spotlight. Because he's not a super-serious character, we don't have to watch him Taking!It!Personally! for him to get more screen time. Benson has baby issues, Rollins has gambling and family issues, Amaro has divorce/custody/daddy issues. Carisi just fits in every type of episode.

I mean, there's a kid? He plays with the kid. There's a yoga class? He sasses the receptionist. There's a ditzy mom? He makes hilarious faces. Or, Ellis and Cragen return? He fangirls. There's a measles outbreak? He's a hypochondriac. He just contributes something funny in every little scene, without hogging the spotlight, without making everything about him. He's a perfect supporting character, in my opinion.

I also agree that Peter Scanavino has been really great. He seems inherently likeable, so even when Carisi is saying something over-the-top he remains endearing. And the more serious scenes resonate because he's also pretty compelling. He's done a lot to round out the character, I think. He has actually made Carisi my new favourite character, and that has renewed my interest in the show itself. I'm actually looking forward to Season 17. Which, what?

tl;dr I love Carisi. And, yeah, he sure is pretty.

Edited by Princess Lucky
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Totally agreed.

I said it over at the spoiler thread, but Carisi has really changed the tone of the show for me. After all the William Lewis stuff, the show had just gotten too dark. Too intense. I was drained. I still have yet to watch the last couple of episodes from last season with Amaro's ordeal because I'm just like "ughhh, too much drama".

And I didn't even watch any Season 16 episodes until February(!) this year. I was still over all the drama and the crossover stuff didn't appeal to me. I only watched the episode with Lili Taylor because I really love her, and I totally perked up when I saw Carisi (call me shallow if you must). The next episode was the one with Marcia Cross and it also had a lot of Carisi, except this time he got to do more and I got a better feel for the character. Based on the forums here, I watched the Slenderman episode next (still my favourite of his) and boom, my Carisi love was born.

I think the show really needed an angst-free character. A funny character. Fin is the same way but Ice T obviously has a lot on his plate and has less screen time, so another character in the same vein was the perfect fit, I think. It refreshed the show and it made everything less dour.

So I've really loved all the spotlight on Carisi this season, mostly because it's not really a spotlight. Because he's not a super-serious character, we don't have to watch him Taking!It!Personally! for him to get more screen time. Benson has baby issues, Rollins has gambling and family issues, Amaro has divorce/custody/daddy issues. Carisi just fits in every type of episode.

I mean, there's a kid? He plays with the kid. There's a yoga class? He sasses the receptionist. There's a ditzy mom? He makes hilarious faces. Or, Ellis and Cragen return? He fangirls. There's a measles outbreak? He's a hypochondriac. He just contributes something funny in every little scene, without hogging the spotlight, without making everything about him. He's a perfect supporting character, in my opinion.

I also agree that Peter Scanavino has been really great. He seems inherently likeable, so even when Carisi is saying something over-the-top he remains endearing. And the more serious scenes resonate because he's also pretty compelling. He's done a lot to round out the character, I think. He has really made Carisi my new favourite character, and that has renewed my interest in the show itself. I'm actually looking forward to Season 17. Which, what?

tl;dr I love Carisi. And, yeah, he sure is pretty.

Is it weird that I was waiting for your reply? lol! I totally agree with everything you just said. Carisi just balances out the rest of the angsty cast. There is way too much drama and darkness in each show and Carisi is such an awesome character. 


I am totally excited about next season because Carisi is coming back! It feels weird writing that because the last few years have I have been pushing myself to watch the show. I had no motivation to watch other than that I have been a fan for over a decade. 


The writing has definitely gone down and SVU has become the "Olivia" show. But, Carisi is such breath of fresh air. He's not made out to be a buffoon who doesn't know what he is doing.


And I definitely fell more in love with him in the "Slenderman" episode.  He was just so caring towards the guy in woods and so gentle. 


I also squealed when they put him the opening credits. 

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Is it weird that I was waiting for your reply? lol! I totally agree with everything you just said. Carisi just balances out the rest of the angsty cast. There is way too much drama and darkness in each show and Carisi is such an awesome character.

I am totally excited about next season because Carisi is coming back! It feels weird writing that because the last few years have I have been pushing myself to watch the show. I had no motivation to watch other than that I have been a fan for over a decade.

The writing has definitely gone down and SVU has become the "Olivia" show. But, Carisi is such breath of fresh air. He's not made out to be a buffoon who doesn't know what he is doing.

And I definitely fell more in love with him in the "Slenderman" episode. He was just so caring towards the guy in woods and so gentle.

I also squealed when they put him the opening credits.

Hehe, not weird at all! Us Carisi lovers gotta stick together! Though I'm happy to see that more and more people are warming up to him.

I totally agree about the Slenderman episode and how sweet and understanding he was. Or, the way he was playing with the kid this week. Those are the little things that give Carisi depth. Sometimes the show goes overboard with him for a joke, but there's always more human moments which balance that out; that, and Peter Scanavino does a great job with both aspects of Carisi.

I've been watching SVU literally from the start, since I was a teenager, and I struggled with it too in the later seasons (when Stabler was still on). I did think Amaro and Rollins livened it up again for a couple of years, until the show descended into an abyss of angst again. Carisi has basically rescued this season for me. I hope Season 17 continues in the same vein.

Edited by Princess Lucky
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Hehe, not weird at all! Us Carisi lovers gotta stick together! Though I'm happy to see that more and more people are warming up to him.

I totally agree about the Slenderman episode and how sweet and understanding he was. Or, the way he was playing with the kid this week. Those are the little things that give Carisi depth. Sometimes the show goes overboard with him for a joke, but there's always more human moments which balance that out; that, and Peter Scanavino does a great job with both aspects of Carisi.

I've been watching SVU literally from the start, since I was a teenager, and I struggled with it too in the later seasons (when Stabler was still on). I did think Amaro and Rollins livened it up again for a couple of years, until the show descended into an abyss of angst again. Carisi has basically rescued this season for me. I hope Season 17 continues in the same vein.

It's great to see on Facebook people really warming up to Carisi.

Also, Peter Scanavino is just so damn attractive that it makes the scenes he is in that much better. Of course, the tight pants they put him in don't hurt ;)

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My God is he FINE. In the "Perverted Justice" episode when he and Amaro were paired together questioning the dad and then the mom I was legitimately drooling.

I wonder what they're going to do about his law degree. Maybe he'll end up being an ADA someday haha.

He is! My eyes automatically go to him whenever he is in a scene. I definitely appreciate how tight his pants are.

He is! My eyes automatically go to him whenever he is in a scene. I definitely appreciate how tight his pants are.

Pairing up him and Amaro together in the future would be just glorious.  I don't like the way Rollins treats him anyway.  I do suspect Amaro is going to be Sergeant Amaro next year....although his history with IAB does throw kind of a monkeywrench in there, so to speak.  I just really hope they keep Carisi on because we need the comic relief....Fin is great but they just don't use his glorious one-liners enough anymore.

Pairing up him and Amaro together in the future would be just glorious. I don't like the way Rollins treats him anyway. I do suspect Amaro is going to be Sergeant Amaro next year....although his history with IAB does throw kind of a monkeywrench in there, so to speak. I just really hope they keep Carisi on because we need the comic relief....Fin is great but they just don't use his glorious one-liners enough anymore.

Rollins annoys me. I really like when Carisi and Fin partner up. It reminds me a little of when it was Munch and Fin.

Here's a cute, non-spoilery interview about the finale with Peter Scanavino and Kelli Giddish from the Upfronts.


It's nice to see Kelli being so sweet about Peter and his inclusion to the main cast. Aw. They're both adorable, to be honest.

Also of note, apparently they give the babies who play Noah to Peter when they're fussy and he always calms them down, so it's not just Carisi who is great with kids.

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I'm probably in the minority but I LOATHE Carisi. I would rather every character be like Stabler/Amaro at their worst than have him around for one minute.

I think my biggest problem with him is that he is a CLOWN. He is written like a cartoon character. His exaggerated accent, the facial expressions, the words that come out of his mouth... it's like all of it were designed to bore a hole into our skulls.


The cast has been working on Season 17 already (there's pictures on Twitter from table reads and pics with fans etc). I thought I'd bring this picture over, because damn:


I mean, hello there. Not like we can complain about Carisi's look (I know I can't) but his casual styling could stand to be a little more inspired by Peter's, no? Because, damn.

I'm so glad he's sticking around for S17. I totally agree; both the show and I, as a viewer, need some levity, some humour, someone nice and fun whose entire life isn't a train wreck, someone who can put a smile on my face. Carisi totally ticks those boxes, and he looks good doing it, too.

Edited by Princess Lucky
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The cast has been working on Season 17 already (there's pictures on Twitter from table reads and pics with fans etc). I thought I'd bring this picture over, because damn:


I mean, hello there. Not like we can complain about Carisi's look (I know I can't) but his casual styling could stand to be a little more inspired by Peter's, no? Because, damn.

I'm so glad he's sticking around for S17. I totally agree; both the show and I, as a viewer, need some levity, some humour, someone nice and fun whose entire life isn't a train wreck, someone who can put a smile on my face. Carisi totally ticks those boxes, and he looks good doing it, too.

Ever since your post about the Carisi Tumbler page, I have been hooked. There are so many gorgeous pictures of him, that it is easing the pain to have to wait until fall for the new season.

You are feeding my Peter Scanavino addiction! Lol!

And that Twitter pic is beautiful. He looks like a model.

Edited by Suzy123
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