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Beth: You're going to miss me when I'm gone...

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It's been said before and it deserves being said again: if people directed even half their fandom passion into addressing/improving/fixing the problems which exist in the real world, we would be living in a vastly better world.


I am just so saddened by all this. There is so much to be outraged by in America but a fake, dead girl is some people's #1 passion project. No wonder the country's in the shitter...

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Okay, the satire speculation inspired me to check out the video to see for myself.  Honestly, it doesn't seem savvy enough to be treading the line between a song that would appeal to the schoolgirl groupie subculture and one that is mocking it.  I mean, something like "What Does the Fox Say" starts out earnest and takes an opportune moment to jump into full on absurdity and satire.  I don't think I buy the argument that this Rockstar song is somehow more clever by never taking that leap.  If it was intended as satire, it should have made that leap.  

I never claimed it was GREAT satire.... ;>

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Ah yes, if only people would DO something about important issues, rather than posting about it online.   :-)


Back to our regular scheduled programming;  the character Beth on the tv show TWD :  I am always sad when a character dies, and that goes for Beth, too.  I did not see her as a redshirt or a useless foil; she was a young girl trying her best to come to terms with a world most were unprepared for.  I am not ashamed to say that I loved her singing and the comfort it seemed to give Hershel (and perhaps even Daryl - that isn't a ship); it reminded me of evenings long ago on the "farm", when the hippies would sing folk songs and my uncool old parents would mellow the fuck out for a precious few hours, and I found some peace.   It isn't easy dealing with teenage girly hormones, as I recall - in fact, I think it would be just as tough as going through the ZA with menopausal rages, tears and hot flashes.  :-)   So I'm willing to cut the girl a little slack, especially since she's supposed to be a sheltered naive almost-child when we first meet her.  


I'll probably be bawling like a baby when the show comes back and we see the aftermath.  But then, I bawl like a baby about lots of stuff.  Fucking hormones - get you when you're young, get you when you peak, and get you when you're old.  ;-)

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It isn't easy dealing with teenage girly hormones, as I recall - in fact, I think it would be just as tough as going through the ZA with menopausal rages, tears and hot flashes.  :-)   So I'm willing to cut the girl a little slack, especially since she's supposed to be a sheltered naive almost-child when we first meet her.  



How old WAS Beth, anyway? I thought she was past her main hormonal teen years by the time we met her. I have 17 in my head and I don't know why. It's been maybe a year in the narrative I'd say, so Beth was maybe 18 when she died? Does that sound about right?


Very sad loss for the group.

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Holy delusional fans! On another Walking Dead forum fans of Beth + Daryl= True Love have now decided that since Emily Kinney was on Talking Dead after 'Slabtown' and she (the actress) seemed 'so full of hope for the future' even having already filmed Coda, then Beth must be coming back!

You'd think that the fact that she cried her eyes out in Talking Dead after 'Coda' would negate that, but they explain that away by saying that EK having to watch Beth's death and her family mourn is just as hard as going through that in real life, so of course she cried.

Basically because EK didn't break down on Talking Dead after 'Slabtown' she must know Beth's not really dead. Never mind she's known since filming the finale and was not allowed to say anything. Never mind she'd probably be sued if she went around crying everywhere and gave away the spoiler months early. The sheer flimsiness of the straws being grabbed at now is nuts!

ETA: oh. my. god. The crazy in this blog. It's like a rabbit hole where you think it can't get more nuts and then it does:


(warning: if you consider stills from AMC promos about the next episode as spoilers, there are some there, and discussion (crazy, crazy discussion) of them as well)

Edited by BrokenRemote
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ETA: oh. my. god. The crazy in this blog. It's like a rabbit hole where you think it can't get more nuts and then it does:


You know, far be it from me to be sarcastic (/sarcasm) but: "I feel like this is no longer “delusional” but rather hopeful and quite frankly it just makes the most sense."




With respect to this blogger: no. What makes the most sense is that Beth, who was shot in the fucking head, is dead. That is, without doubt, the most logical, sensible conclusion.


That said, if you wanna LOST this bitch, by all means. And maybe you're right and you'll have the last laugh when everyone else realizes that they haven't been watching a show about the straggling survivors of a ZA and their story; instead TWD is actually chock full of conspiracies, where freeze-framing an episode at the 23:14 minute mark will get the Easter Egg which will reveal the hidden mysteries of the universe after the moon rises in the fourth equinox...


If this is the kind of show where a girl who had a hole blown clean through her skull is actually NOT DEAD, then I may just have to quit watching because that is some cop-out bullshit, not something "hopeful" at all, IMO.

Edited by NoWillToResist
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So, EK debuted the music video for her new song "Rockstar". Imagine my disappointment that the titular rock star is the boyfriend and the chorus is "I'm gonna marry a rock star". What a worthy goal!! And basically the entire thing is about how her life revolves around him and his career, but maybe sometimes he'll let her use the studio equipment to record  "the little poems" she writes. Jesus, Mary and Joseph.


She's super cute looking in the video, but everything else in it was painful, IMO.


The "dancing"? Can I use one of the spoons to stick in my eye? Less painful than those "moves".

Dropping "The Walking Dead" into your lyrics? Holy fuck.


I finally followed this link, and it was ........ something.  What I found most, um, interesting, wasn't the horrible lyrics, the "dancing", or even the pandering to the Disney/Nickelodeon population, but this comment from the director of the video:


I jumped at the chance to work with Emily because she’s a double threat—an incredible dramatic actress and a pop star.

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Holy delusional fans! On another Walking Dead forum fans of Beth + Daryl= True Love have now decided that since Emily Kinney was on Talking Dead after 'Slabtown' and she (the actress) seemed 'so full of hope for the future' even having already filmed Coda, then Beth must be coming back!

You'd think that the fact that she cried her eyes out in Talking Dead after 'Coda' would negate that, but they explain that away by saying that EK having to watch Beth's death and her family mourn is just as hard as going through that in real life, so of course she cried.

Basically because EK didn't break down on Talking Dead after 'Slabtown' she must know Beth's not really dead. Never mind she's known since filming the finale and was not allowed to say anything. Never mind she'd probably be sued if she went around crying everywhere and gave away the spoiler months early. The sheer flimsiness of the straws being grabbed at now is nuts!

ETA: oh. my. god. The crazy in this blog. It's like a rabbit hole where you think it can't get more nuts and then it does:


(warning: if you consider stills from AMC promos about the next episode as spoilers, there are some there, and discussion (crazy, crazy discussion) of them as well)

Yes, very compelling evidence...as long as we ignore the giant chunks of her brain that flew out the hole in her head lol.



I finally followed this link, and it was ........ something.  What I found most, um, interesting, wasn't the horrible lyrics, the "dancing", or even the pandering to the Disney/Nickelodeon population, but this comment from the director of the video:

Emily Kinney is a double threat all right. As in "Stop me before I sing/act again!"

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Yikes, That blog. Morgan is going to find her??? Find her where? Ignore the fact that the entire back half of her head was blown off - CDB always buries the ones they love. So, presumably, they will bury Beth and move on. How and where and why????? as to Morgan finding her. I just cannot wrap my mind around this logic. Is she going to thrust her hand up out of the ground ala the old school zombie flicks? But then wouldn't SHE be a zombie? But she can't - the brain!!! Argh, I am about to self combust over here. 


Also, the "Transport Bef" on Morgan's wall is supposed to mean Beth? Because he's black. Mmmmhmmm, that's not racist at all. Also, did they forget Morgan was CRAZY???? 

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Latest crazy fan theory floated on another forum: the season finale is on...OMG...PALM SUNDAY! Surely that means something!

(Also saw a girl saying Beth's death has ruined her holidays.) I gotta stop reading other sites and stay here with you nice, sane people.

Yikes, That blog. Morgan is going to find her??? Find her where? Ignore the fact that the entire back half of her head was blown off - CDB always buries the ones they love. So, presumably, they will bury Beth and move on. How and where and why????? as to Morgan finding her. I just cannot wrap my mind around this logic. Is she going to thrust her hand up out of the ground ala the old school zombie flicks? But then wouldn't SHE be a zombie? But she can't - the brain!!! Argh, I am about to self combust over here.

Also, the "Transport Bef" on Morgan's wall is supposed to mean Beth? Because he's black. Mmmmhmmm, that's not racist at all. Also, did they forget Morgan was CRAZY????

Yeah, a lot of these insane theories center around Morgan finding Beth. And the messages on his walls. So, apparently he prophesied Beth's 'resurrection' months ago? A little too close to Magical Negro territory for me.

Edited by BrokenRemote
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It's times like this where I'd really love to have a chat with TPTB about this stuff. I mean, surely they are aware of the fan fervor over Beth's death. My question is simply this: is this something that you want to encourage?


I mean, on the one hand, it's exposure and publicity, so yeah, they'll let them rant and theorize and flock to the web etc. which keeps your show - which is on hiatus - in the news and a water-cooler topic.


But on the other hand, if the character is full-on dead, why not just go on record and say so to try and put an end to this?


I get that they shouldn't have to but if I were Gimple and was constantly getting barraged by wanking Beth fans, I think I'd want to say "ok, you know what? Enough is enough. I'm sorry that you're upset but she's totally dead. As in WILL NEVER COME BACK. The end. Move on. There is no conspiracy/twist here, so stop wasting your time on theories, trying to twist my story into one in which Beth will live again. Beth is dead and she will not be coming back in any way, shape or form." At least TRY to stop the insanity?


Though, I suppose even then, the more fanatic will just say that he's saying that to keep the surprise alive. Hm. Guess they're just fucked.


Honestly, did anyone see this backlash coming?? I sure didn't. I truly thought the fallout would be confined to mourning Bethyl fans on Tumblr...

Edited by NoWillToResist
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In a twisted way I'm beginning to enjoy this. It's bringing all the junior grade fruitcakes out of the woodwork. (I just realized what a mixed metaphor that is. But you know what I mean.)

I just read a Bethyl fanfic where Daryl is working out with a yoga ball.

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In a twisted way I'm beginning to enjoy this. It's bringing all the junior grade fruitcakes out of the woodwork. (I just realized what a mixed metaphor that is. But you know what I mean.)

I just read a Bethyl fanfic where Daryl is working out with a yoga ball.


I'm hoping that it was an AU story? Otherwise, I have no words...

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In a twisted way I'm beginning to enjoy this. It's bringing all the junior grade fruitcakes out of the woodwork. (I just realized what a mixed metaphor that is. But you know what I mean.)

I just read a Bethyl fanfic where Daryl is working out with a yoga ball.

LOL!  a yoga ball?    That's some boring damn fanfic.   Is it supposed to be an attempt at eroticism, or just boring working out with a yoga ball shit? 


Just watched EK's video.    If that's her being satirical, it doesn't show.    I can buy it's satire, but she's too poor an actress to sell it.   Frankly, Rebecca Black's "Friday" was a much better song and video.    I'm not even kidding.   Oh, well, now Nickelback's execrable "Rockstar"  has a distaff bookend.   Will Emily get to hang out in the coolest bars with her Rockstar? 

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Not sure which stood out most: the poor grammar or the statement that Daryl had blue eyes. Does he really? The hair prevents me from determining his eye colour.


But, "her big doe eyes"? Someone please run some kind of internet search to find out how many Bethly fanfics have that phrase!!! I need to know for science-y reasons. ;)

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the statement that Daryl had blue eyes. Does he really?


Yes, and they're a really interesting shade of blue.


Are we posting links to really bad fanfic here? Like, the stuff we love to hate? If we are, I have few doozies, like the person who wrote "menstruation" when she meant "ministration".


My favorites are the Mary Sues. They're awesome.

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I, for one, welcome links to the worst of the worst fanfiction.  I'm not gonna sift through the 10,000,000,000 Beth fictions out there to find the truly worst, so I would rely on my fellow fans to curate a supreme collection.  (Unless it's against any rules of the forum.)   Gotta kill our time until the next episode somehow.


I am not a crackpot.

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Please, just NO to the fanfic, and the incessant discussion about EK/Beth fandom.  Frankly, I am tired of all these obsessions, and would welcome a return to the topic of Beth and the show.  Sorry to be so bitchy, guys, but I've had it up to here with all this shit, and haven't started in on the moonshine yet.  [/rant]


Now get off my lawn!!!  :-)

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Well, to be fair, what more is there to talk about regarding Beth and the show?  A lot of sites have moved their Beth threads to the archives.  The story about Beth now basically is the fan reaction to her death.  If anyone has anything that hasn't already been discussed to death regarding what happened in the show, I'd welcome that too.  I figure I can skip over posts I'm not interested in.


Otherwise, I suppose this thread can die off , and I'm fine with that, too.

Edited by BrokenRemote
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the person who wrote "menstruation" when she meant "ministration".


Hee!! I love those moments where either autocorrect stepped in or the writer's fingers went faster than their brain. :)


So...Beth. What'll they do with her body? Guess they'll stuff her in the back of the fire truck, but then what? They gave up on Washington and everywhere else they've resided has been destroyed, so...now what? Will they go back to the farm to bury Beth? Will they go back to the prison and bury her and Hershel? Maybe just Gabriel's churchyard? 

Edited by NoWillToResist
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I, too, would love links to the worst of the worst of the Bethyl fics.  Maybe we can start a new thread for the links and discussion thereof?  I'm not a crackpot either, but my love of really bad movies is notorious.  I'd love to do a MST3000 type discussion of really bad fanfic.


As far as Beth's body is concerned, as they don't have any refrigeration or means of embalming, I hope they don't take it too far.  Certainly not as far as the farm, anyways.  Maybe they find a nice open spot in the countryside outside of Atlanta?  Or a nice graveyard nearby that isn't already full?

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Well, to be fair, what more is there to talk about regarding Beth and the show?  A lot of sites have moved their Beth threads to the archives.  The story about Beth now basically is the fan reaction to her death.  If anyone has anything that hasn't already been discussed to death regarding what happened in the show, I'd welcome that too.  I figure I can skip over posts I'm not interested in.


Otherwise, I suppose this thread can die off , and I'm fine with that, too.


You're right, there's nothing there, there.  Shoot me in the head already, or I'll do it myself!  :-D



Hee!! I love those moments where either autocorrect stepped in or the writer's fingers went faster than their brain. :)


So...Beth. What'll they do with her body? Guess they'll stuff her in the back of the fire truck, but then what? They gave up on Washington and everywhere else they've resided has been destroyed, so...now what? Will they go back to the farm to bury Beth? Will they go back to the prison and bury her and Hershel? Maybe just Gabriel's churchyard? 


Good question.  Because we've seen graves, and lots of them.  Yet in this world, graves and lives are left behind in the endless struggle to survive.  Any old hole will do, and maybe there'll be time to have a little service, and even make a little grave-marker.  And one day, some other ZA survivor will stumble across that grave and take a moment to reflect on the dearly departed ... like Beth and Daryl did by the "beloved Father" headstone.


Nothing, however, will top the awful baby grave with the bronzed baby shoes - THAT hit me hard, and is a visual I wish I could forget.

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NoWillToResist -  I think I love you.  But I wanna know for sure...  :-)


And rimshot is preferable to rimjob, in my book.


On topic - It will be interesting to see the aftermath, and perhaps even a funeral-of-sorts when the show returns, but I hope the death of Beth is like every other loss we've all suffered, and everyone moves on.  Quickly.

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You know we were just kidding, right?

Sort of a TWD fan version of "Fun With Flags".


And a good thing too because if it had been true, I'd be upset that Daryl didn't talk about his preferences when he bonded with Beth after the fall of the prison. I would have paid good money to see Beth's reaction to an inebriated Daryl confessing that, every now and then, he likes a fist in an unusual place...  ;)

Edited by NoWillToResist
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You know we were just kidding, right?


My post was directed at the Beth fans and all their wild theories that she isn't really dead. Sorry, I've been working 10 hour shifts and I only get to post before and after bed, so my post may lag a bit with the latest theme.

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As someone with no strong feelings regarding Beth either way, I still hope TWD does a future call back to Daryl/Beth episode. The next time Daryl has a gulp of moonshine he could first make a quick toast to Beth - and then pee in a corner.

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For episode 9 I want to see Daryl weeping and rubbing his eyes.  Rick tries to comfort him and Daryl wails, "Poor Beth, she was JUST A KID!" 


Bring on the bad fanfics!  


It's two months until the next episode so some silly diversion could be fun.

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IKR? Every time I see him on the show tucking it in the same back pocket I guffaw.

Anyone old enough to remember the snark about Bruce Springsteens cover photo on the Born in The USA album?


Kikismom, you frighten me and thrill me at the same time.     You know all sorts of arcane stuff, and freaky thangs too.  


Can we do some fanfic?    that, or one of you intrepid posters can help me find all the tv and movies Benjamin Garnier has done.   My French is really bad for a half Cajun person.

Edited by Mu Shu
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For episode 9 I want to see Daryl weeping and rubbing his eyes.  Rick tries to comfort him and Daryl wails, "Poor Beth, she was JUST A KID!" 


I agree that it would be nice to have some canon clarification/confirmation of Daryl's feelings towards Beth. I hadn't seen anything romantic when they bonded after the prison (I thought he viewed her as a sweet kid, and then grew to respect her and found she had strength during their time together) but others obviously did so I had been very interested in seeing their reunion at the hospital, figuring that would provide a clue as to TPTB's intentions.


Considering that they barely even acknowledged each other, I feel comfortable in thinking that I wasn't supposed to see them as a budding (and soon to be tragic) romance. I felt like Daryl's actions were more along the lines of "you have one of our family members; we're here to get her back", along with a dose of guilt that she was taken right under his nose, rather than Beth herself meaning something extra special to him...

Edited by NoWillToResist
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IKR? Every time I see him on the show tucking it in the same back pocket I guffaw.

Anyone old enough to remember the snark about Bruce Springsteens cover photo on the Born in The USA album?



If it weren't for the age difference, I'd strongly suspect you and I went to the same high school.


Kikismom, you frighten me and thrill me at the same time.     You know all sorts of arcane stuff, and freaky thangs too.  


Not really that arcane.  Back in the 70s/early 80s, was pretty much common knowledge among the high school/college crowd.


BTW - Daryl is a left-pocket kinda guy, right?  ;>

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So some are saying that Morgan will find Beth, dig her out, treat her with magical healing powers or something, and then they travel north together.


Here's a question:  how exactly is Morgan supposed to find her?  She's buried in a grave with a mound earth over her, her grave looking like any other lump of dirt in the countryside.  Maybe she'll get a marker that says "Beth."  Even if his magical GPS does lead him to that random lump of earth, how would he know to dig her out?  He's never met Beth or even heard of her so if he did somehow manage to find her grave with a marker, why would he even bother to dig since "Beth" doesn't mean a damn thing to him?


Okay, back to your regularly scheduled hanky-code fanfics.

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