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S06.E11: Gators And Haters

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Absolutely, Victoria Gotti is the one responsible ultimately.  The deal is that it is just another example of Teresa hanging out with questionable folks, and then defending their behavior.  In Teresa's blog about the reveal she acted like Victoria's motives were pure.  According to Teresa she was only revealing the information in the high hopes that Amber would dispute it, defend her friend, and let Victoria know that the rumor was false.  Teresa said that this was the only reason that Victoria told Amber in the first place, since Amber knows the family better and might be in a position to know the truth. Teresa sort of put the blame on Amber for not doing this.  

No one on the show, including Teresa, is blaming Victoria Gotti, not Rino, not the twins, not Dina.  No one.  Funny how once being married to John Gotti insulates you from being criticized for bringing nasty gossip to TV.  Yet only Teresa is criticized for not blaming Victoria Gotti?  ITA that Teresa's defense of VG is stupid and convoluted (??)!  But none of them are blaming her.  Why should Teresa be singled out for not blaming VG?  IMO it's all crap.  Production brought the overextensioned, skinny hag on to stir up drama.  Jim's the little bitch that let it out in Florida.  Those two and those two alone are the ones responsible for "destroying a family."  


And really FWIW, if Rino fucked Santa and those twins were able to move on, then it didn't ruin a family.  And I totally think the twins knew about the rumor long before they joined the show.  If it was true, I think they justified the whole thing by saying that Twin 1 and Rino were separated and that Santa's husband was in jail, so there you go.  They are the dimmest of the dim, and that is saying a lot with these Jersey people.

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No one on the show, including Teresa, is blaming Victoria Gotti, not Rino, not the twins, not Dina.  No one.  Funny how once being married to John Gotti insulates you from being criticized for bringing nasty gossip to TV.  Yet only Teresa is criticized for not blaming Victoria Gotti?  ITA that Teresa's defense of VG is stupid and convoluted (??)!  But none of them are blaming her.  Why should Teresa be singled out for not blaming VG?  IMO it's all crap.  Production brought the overextensioned, skinny hag on to stir up drama.  Jim's the little bitch that let it out in Florida.  Those two and those two alone are the ones responsible for "destroying a family."  


And really FWIW, if Rino fucked Santa and those twins were able to move on, then it didn't ruin a family.  And I totally think the twins knew about the rumor long before they joined the show.  If it was true, I think they justified the whole thing by saying that Twin 1 and Rino were separated and that Santa's husband was in jail, so there you go.  They are the dimmest of the dim, and that is saying a lot with these Jersey people.

I absolutely believe the twins knew about the rumor before they came on the show. They just didn't seem as shocked as I would have been had someone made that same charge about my mother.


The twins are absolutely blaming Victoria.  This is what they had to say in an interview this week:


“People do things for money,” Teresa said. “When you’re a has-been, you do anything to put your name in the spotlight and get on TV.”




Victoria, apparently insulted by the idea that folks were saying she would do anything for a buck, responded in this manner:

“Victoria genuinely feels bad about how this has all unfolded, however stands by her statements 100 percent. It would probably be a good idea for Teresa to stop talking about this because she’s only bringing more attention to what has to be a very painful situation for her.”



Edited by motorcitymom65
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I absolutely believe the twins knew about the rumor before they came on the show. They just didn't seem as shocked as I would have been had someone made that same charge about my mother.


I agree. I feel like they had an inkling that was what Dina was alluding to, hence Twin Teresa hushing Dina and not wanting her to go any further when she said people had 'information.'  What I think they were both shocked about and upset was Jim throwing out that Bobby said shit about their family. That would be hurtful to me, anyway. 


Wait what? He was in jail? I missed that.


About Santa's husband...I missed that too! What was he in jail for?

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Something to do with illegal removal and disposal of asbestos at a worksite I think.  He exposed his workers to it and then disposed of it illegally.  It is in one of the threads somewhere around here.

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Scemo/scema means idiot in Italian. Neapolitans "eat" the last syllable of words so they pronounce it something like "shim."


I hadn't thought of that! You're absolutely right. They're definitely saying scimm'. I'm Sicilian (we say scemu or scimunitu or babbu, etc.) so it hadn't even occurred to me those little kids would be speaking Neapolitan and not English!  That makes me feel better because saying "shim" in English isn't cool.

Edited by outtosee
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Here is my take with Teresa Aprea-when Dina said it is about your family -I think Teresa's mind went to her father's arrest, conviction and incarceration.  With Teresa the felon's case being front and center I believe the twins thought it would be about their daddy-not mom.


In the case of Victoria Gotti, her reasons defy logic.  If she thought it is common knowledge in Colt's Neck and wanted to put a rest to it. Why not say to Amber-what have you heard about the break up of Teresa and Rino in 2001?  If Amber said-well he cheated, then Victoria could say-do you know with who?  That is how you  see if someone has heard a rumor.  The way Victoria did it was to put it out there plain and simple.  Teresa Aprea isn't the one bringing it up -she and Rino get asked about it constantly.


Victoria Gotti took Kim D.'s place as Teresa the felon's gossip delivery system.  Production knew well in advance and Teresa the felon knew in advance, Amber I think knew there was going to be some storyline changing information.  Teresa the felon's reaction is basically it didn't matter to her if she hurt a family-because she really doesn't know them.  I hope Sunday when they film the Reunion it is open season on the felon.  Three seasons in a row she has brought someone on to deliver information about her enemies or take the heat of her. 


I am hoping there is not a bunch of BS sympathy towards Teresa the felon come Reunion.  I would love it if someone said-I have a hard time believing what Teresa the felon says because she has a penchant for lying.


As to Amber-she is feigning she would have never said anything because she knew Jim was dying to say it.  For some reason Jim thinks the way to get even with someone is to hurt their wife, girlfriend or family.  Amber is not so innocent.

Edited by zoeysmom
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Teresa the felon doesn't bring people on.  Production brings people on. Production pays them to come on and say it. Jan, Melissa's bridesmaid, wasn't brought on by Teresa, she was brought on by production.  Teresa is responsible for what she does and says. These people are responsible for what they say and do.   


Every single cast member who comes on this show knows what the deal is. If they have any dirt in their closets, then they are fools for signing on. Bravo found out about Danielle's past in season 1.  Are we to believe that Dina, Caroline and Jac were able to google Danielle's past name and find an out of print book on her?  After that, none of these people can come on this show and blame anyone but themselves for breaking up their families when their deep, dark secrets come out. 

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Teresa the felon doesn't bring people on.  Production brings people on. Production pays them to come on and say it. Jan, Melissa's bridesmaid, wasn't brought on by Teresa, she was brought on by production.  Teresa is responsible for what she does and says. These people are responsible for what they say and do.   


Every single cast member who comes on this show knows what the deal is. If they have any dirt in their closets, then they are fools for signing on. Bravo found out about Danielle's past in season 1.  Are we to believe that Dina, Caroline and Jac were able to google Danielle's past name and find an out of print book on her?  After that, none of these people can come on this show and blame anyone but themselves for breaking up their families when their deep, dark secrets come out. 

Jinger, you are supposing what Gotti said is true.  If it didn't happen or the twins had no idea of Rino saying that to Victoria-how can they be held accountable for having skeletons in the closet?  I do agree if one has a dark secret then perhaps one should not come on the show. I do question the level of desperateness to come on this particular reality show. It just seems to me for three years prior when Teresa went after Melissa the first year was Melissa would leave her brother for a richer man (Teresa later admitted to making that one up), then it was the manager from the gentleman's club and there has never been anyone or any photo to indicate Melissa was a stripper, the third year it was a disgruntled Melissa bridesmaid who so desperately wanted on the show and was mad at Melissa, she claimed Melissa was in the parking lot servicing an ex boyfriend and the truth of that was pretty much never sustained.   BTW I am almost at the point of believing the animosity between Teresa and Melissa seemed a little contrived.  Although I do honestly believe they loathe each other always have and always will.


As to the Manzo sisters digging up the dirt-after re-watching Season 1 and  Danielle on Friday-I would not blame anyone from questioning her past, she was so focused on Dina.  I don't think that one was producer driven.  I could be very wrong and maybe since Danielle was hired out of an audition process and did not know any of the others that is why she was selected.  ootherwise I think perhaps Danielle's ex-husband or his friends may have had a hand in it. I definitely thought she did some rather strange things that seemed producer coerced. 


I will always blame a person, who for no particular reason decides to spread or start gossip-whatever role they played along the way.  Victoria Gotti had no reason to start it , Teresa had no reason to tell Dina, there really isn't prophylactic  exception to the rule,  and Jim had no reason to tell TeRessa.  The bottom line is it was nobody's business.  I contrast this gossip with say, the Lisa talking about what is in the tabloids-although tasteless to bring it up -it had been printed and the other RH were asked for a reaction by the press.  This was just a horrible thing to say, spread or start about someone.  


Teresa the felon, is floating the story that she was pushed into doing the Gotti sequence by production.  Each season Teresa the felon, pretends these off the wall people get to her and with cameras rolling BOOM-horrific information about another cast mate or in this case their family.  If someone really doesn't want to be a part of it they do what Yolanda did on BH when she started yelling "cut, cut" and screwed up Joyce's proof of Brandi and Yolanda's  Lisa defamation.  You don't sit there like Teresa the felon, and wonder if it is true and then say could be and then ask what Santa looks like.  The one who I believe is honestly surprised was Dina and she did what even a passing acquaintance would do-express disbelief.  Dina subsequent actions were odd but I guess by that time they knew Amber and Jim well enough to know they could not keep quiet.

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Yes Teresa the felon is the only one who truly couldn't walk away from the Bravo paycheck because she was indicted and was busy committing bankruptcy fraud.  Bravo had Teresa over a barrel and they both knew it.  Plus Teresa did hate Melissa, so it made it very easy for her to sit there.  She needed the money and wasn't going to jeopardize getting fired/not renewed.


This season, Teresa basically phoned it in. Showed up and sat there, and I think most of the stuff she said when it wasn't with her family was scripted by Bravo.  With her family, scripted by her attys.  Except the driving with the girls.  That was scripted by Teresa.  No shoulder bets, coffee cup and maybe foot on the seat.

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Yes Teresa the felon is the only one who truly couldn't walk away from the Bravo paycheck because she was indicted and was busy committing bankruptcy fraud.  Bravo had Teresa over a barrel and they both knew it.  Plus Teresa did hate Melissa, so it made it very easy for her to sit there.  She needed the money and wasn't going to jeopardize getting fired/not renewed.


This season, Teresa basically phoned it in. Showed up and sat there, and I think most of the stuff she said when it wasn't with her family was scripted by Bravo.  With her family, scripted by her attys.  Except the driving with the girls.  That was scripted by Teresa.  No shoulder bets, coffee cup and maybe foot on the seat.

I am so glad to read, Teresa phoned it in.  We know she wasn't working on her financial documents.  She was a sloth, running around getting someone here, there everywhere to put her mug on a product.  I am tired of the Giudice children.  Just tired.  I think maybe someone associated with "Celebrity Apprentice" should have told her, "fifth place isn't all that special."  At this point all the players are on shut down from Bravo and it is up to them to decide how they will treat the delicate  flower known as Teresa.

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To me, the fault for the Rino/Santa expose lies with Bravo/Sirens Media. People can and will say anything for attention/money. But at some point, the medium needs to take responsibility for what it broadcasts.


The rumor may be true, it may not be true.  If true, it may be something that Santa's husband did not know about, Rino's children did not know about and other family members may not have known about.  And if true, they seemed to have worked past it as a family.


It never should have been aired,  but this is the level that Bravo and Sirens have sunk to.

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To me, the fault for the Rino/Santa expose lies with Bravo/Sirens Media. People can and will say anything for attention/money. But at some point, the medium needs to take responsibility for what it broadcasts.


The rumor may be true, it may not be true.  If true, it may be something that Santa's husband did not know about, Rino's children did not know about and other family members may not have known about.  And if true, they seemed to have worked past it as a family.


It never should have been aired,  but this is the level that Bravo and Sirens have sunk to.


Andy and Bravo have never truly given a rats ass about anybody on any of their shows. They live for train wrecks and causalities. Andy's attempt at concern for a cast member is a crock of shit. They know that drama and trauma are ratings gold and put money in their pockets so they will do anything they have to and throw anybody to the wolves to get a pay off . Andy will go on TV and feign concern and spurt crocodile tears but it is all just a lie for the cameras and viewers, you can see it in his eyes and face, and when somebody has had enough and leaves for what ever reason their attitude is "Don't let the door hit you in the ass. Next!"...and it starts all over again.


It makes me wonder why anybody with a skeleton in their closet would go on one of these shows. You would think their family would dissuade them from going on TV. It will come out.

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Andy and Bravo have never truly given a rats ass about anybody on any of their shows. They live for train wrecks and causalities. Andy's attempt at concern for a cast member is a crock of shit. They know that drama and trauma are ratings gold and put money in their pockets so they will do anything they have to and throw anybody to the wolves to get a pay off . Andy will go on TV and feign concern and spurt crocodile tears but it is all just a lie for the cameras and viewers, you can see it in his eyes and face, and when somebody has had enough and leaves for what ever reason their attitude is "Don't let the door hit you in the ass. Next!"...and it starts all over again.

It makes me wonder why anybody with a skeleton in their closet would go on one of these shows. You would think their family would dissuade them from going on TV. It will come out.

Very true. The point of no return for me was the Beverly Hills season where one of the husbands actually committed suicide and Bravo still aired the season.

This episode made me like Joe Gorga. What has happened to me?!

Edited by TaxNerd
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Joe Gorga, with what looked like a K-cup in his hand, searching the kitchen for the correct coffee maker, while trying not to look like that's what he was doing, was pretty funny (especially since it was in the background of a scene).

Edited by ginger90
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It makes me wonder why anybody with a skeleton in their closet would go on one of these shows. You would think their family would dissuade them from going on TV. It will come out.


And I think that's why they end up with the type of women they have.  Because no one with an ounce of class, or common sense for that matter, would sign on. 

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Her twitter from the last few seasons have been awful but they could have been caused buy what was happening to Nick. I do think she went off the rails emotionally during that time because of that, again, I do not think Jac is strong emotionally. Yes, Teresa has alluded to Jac's drinking on the show, 1 example was during the first retreat that was family only, before Caroline showed up at Teresa's request and during several of her 1 on 1 interviews when she was talking smack about Jac. I do not remember ever hearing Jac slur her words and she only added Bailey's 1 time during a phone call with her ex about Ashley. This idea that Jac had/has a drinking problem was started by a blogger that disliked anyone other than Teresa and people ran with it.

this is all we see....what goes on off camera could  reveal more of a problem, and one does not have to slur his/her words to have a drinking problem.

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this is all we see....what goes on off camera could  reveal more of a problem, and one does not have to slur his/her words to have a drinking problem.

We haven't seen Jac exhibit any more signs of a drinking problem on the show than her fellow cast members like Teresa, Melissa, Danielle (season 1/2), Caroline, well any of her fellow HWs. Does she have issues, YES, but I do not think we know enough or have seen enough to say it is alcohol., for all anyone knows, it could be bi-polar or some other problem. I hate to put anyone in the same category as Kim Richards, an admitted addict. JMO 

Edited by WireWrap
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We haven't seen Jac exhibit any more signs of a drinking problem on the show than her fellow cast members like Teresa, Melissa, Danielle (season 1/2), Caroline, well any of her fellow HWs. Does she have issues, YES, but I do not think we know enough or have seen enough to say it is alcohol., for all anyone knows, it could be bi-polar or some other problem. I hate to put anyone in the same category as Kim Richards, an admitted addict. JMO 

Well KR, IMO, was/is on more than booze, IMO

When you're putting Bailey's in your am coffee, you've got a problem, and I've said, one doesn't have to be slurring words to have a problem.  I've never seen indications that the others have alcohol problems; they all drink, but I just don't see that they have a problem...   If Jax were bi-polar, we probably would have heard about that...if only to "preserve" her "reputation".....anyway, WW, we've had this same discussion on another discussion site, so I will not pursue it any longer. I have very personal experience with alcohol addictions, so I do recognize problems.  Anyway, it's really not worth the angst to discuss it further for me.

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Well KR, IMO, was/is on more than booze, IMO

When you're putting Bailey's in your am coffee, you've got a problem, and I've said, one doesn't have to be slurring words to have a problem.  I've never seen indications that the others have alcohol problems; they all drink, but I just don't see that they have a problem...   If Jax were bi-polar, we probably would have heard about that...if only to "preserve" her "reputation".....anyway, WW, we've had this same discussion on another discussion site, so I will not pursue it any longer. I have very personal experience with alcohol addictions, so I do recognize problems.  Anyway, it's really not worth the angst to discuss it further for me.

I wondered if you were the same Tulip! You have been missed , glad to "see" you. As for KR, that is why I used the term "addict" not alcoholic, she has more issues than just alcohol. I really believe that we would have heard more from the NJ cast if Jac had a drinking problem but I don't think they would go so far as to say she has mental health problems. For many people, mental illness, such as bi-polar, is worse than being an drunk/addict. I guess we will just agree to disagree about this, I am just happy to see you posting here.

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I wondered if you were the same Tulip! You have been missed , glad to "see" you. As for KR, that is why I used the term "addict" not alcoholic, she has more issues than just alcohol. I really believe that we would have heard more from the NJ cast if Jac had a drinking problem but I don't think they would go so far as to say she has mental health problems. For many people, mental illness, such as bi-polar, is worse than being an drunk/addict. I guess we will just agree to disagree about this, I am just happy to see you posting here.

Hey WW!, Yeah, it's cool with me, LOL  Good to see you too(((WW))) I still go to the other site, but it just doesn't seem to be very active...this site is...BTW, I'm Lizzzy on the other site now 

Edited by tulip555
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Hey WW!, Yeah, it's cool with me, LOL  Good to see you too(((WW))) I still go to the other site, but it just doesn't seem to be very active...this site is...BTW, I'm Lizzzy on the other site now 

I suspected that you and Lizzzy were one and the same but since you didn't say anything I thought there might be a reason you did not want us to know, so I refrained from asking. I am glad you came back, we MISSED you and were sad that you left. It is quiet there, I wish more would post but it is a very small site with most members just reading now.

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Did I miss the response to the question that Juicy needs to pee in a cup as a provision of his sentencing?  I bet he uses someone else's pee. 

That's why he has four beautiful daughters.  


He'll probably have supervised tests.  Doesn't mean he won't try though.  That's our Juicy.  If there is a way to try to cheat the system, he's on board.

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I suspected that you and Lizzzy were one and the same but since you didn't say anything I thought there might be a reason you did not want us to know, so I refrained from asking. I am glad you came back, we MISSED you and were sad that you left. It is quiet there, I wish more would post but it is a very small site with most members just reading now.

Do you remember when you and I got into some "trouble" posting about Joe Guidice's possible involvement with the "underworld" shall we say....was a good while ago, but it was made such a big deal....I felt like we were being censored, I deleted my account and came back as Lizzzy

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Do you remember when you and I got into some "trouble" posting about Joe Guidice's possible involvement with the "underworld" shall we say....was a good while ago, but it was made such a big deal....I felt like we were being censored, I deleted my account and came back as Lizzzy

I think our admin was just worried that someone would turn us into the PB's admin and get us booted for good. Her intent was good but maybe just a little to "sensitive". I've had my share of "warnings" there and just take them with the knowledge that our Admin's heart is in the right place, that she is new at it  and all sites have rules that we may not understand. Bravo's rules never made much sense nor were they consistent about them! LOL

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I think our admin was just worried that someone would turn us into the PB's admin and get us booted for good. Her intent was good but maybe just a little to "sensitive". I've had my share of "warnings" there and just take them with the knowledge that our Admin's heart is in the right place, that she is new at it  and all sites have rules that we may not understand. Bravo's rules never made much sense nor were they consistent about them! LOL

Yeah, I understand....I could never be an admin; I realize it has got to be a difficult job with many responsibilities.  It's been so long since the Bravo Message boards, I'd forgotten about all the trouble on them



I think our admin was just worried that someone would turn us into the PB's admin and get us booted for good. Her intent was good but maybe just a little to "sensitive". I've had my share of "warnings" there and just take them with the knowledge that our Admin's heart is in the right place, that she is new at it  and all sites have rules that we may not understand. Bravo's rules never made much sense nor were they consistent about them! LOL

Oh, yeah, I understand; I could never do what our admin does.  I remember the Bravo boards got rather chaotic at times....before they went caput,LOL

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