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Rick And Morty - General Discussion

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  On 12/9/2019 at 11:48 AM, Lantern7 said:

How long will Morty need to shower? I’m thinking at least an entire week, as he sobs uncontrollably from the memory of getting dragged pulled into a dragon orgy. Rick? Ten days with the dragon stuff and whatever the hell was up with the cat, but he probably has his own place for shame-showering.


You gotta wonder what exactly DID Rick and Jerry see to disturb them enough, since Rick had just come from a dragon soul orgy with his grandkids.

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God, I love the absurdity of a snake in space wearing its own space suit. And apparently she was its Neil Armstrong. I loved seeing Snake World.

Snake Terminator was something I didn't see coming. Sure, they said they wouldn't mess with time travel, but they said nothing about snakes screwing with it. "Ford's Snake Theater" slayed me, as did the return of the 4-D Testicle Time Cops (one of them was voiced by Eddie Pepitone).

"I wasn't born into the God business. I fucking EARNED it." Legend.

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I don't understand, why did Morty feel so bad about killing the space snake? He said he killed their Buzz Advil, is that a reference to something? Why does killing the space snake the reason 19 billion snakes lose all hope? Is it because the snake does not return to it's planet alive? Then he takes a snake from earth and takes it back to the snake planet. But why does he do that? What does this play on?

What happens in that scene when the earth snake is in a room and the other snakes watch it through a glass, and they hiss, then the earth snake hisses back, and a machine draws the sound waves and they start to analyze the sound the earth snake made. Is that them trying to figure out the earth snake's language, or something else?

And then Nancy asks - can you alter the evolution of a species like that without reprecussions? - but Summer only tells her the story that Rick scanned the culture of a planet to get the anti venom for Morty. He did that while being very far away from the planet. So why would scanning a planet from far afar interfere with it's evolution in any way?

  On 12/16/2019 at 8:18 PM, Harvey said:

I don't understand, why did Morty feel so bad about killing the space snake? He said he killed their Buzz Advil, is that a reference to something? Why does killing the space snake the reason 19 billion snakes lose all hope? Is it because the snake does not return to it's planet alive? Then he takes a snake from earth and takes it back to the snake planet. But why does he do that? What does this play on?


It's weird to think about. But "Buzz Advil" definitely references Neil Armstrong and Buzz Lightyear, and maybe Buzz Aldrin on top of that.

EDIT: It's absurd enough that the snake was able to somehow bite Morty while still wearing a space helmet.

Edited by Galileo908
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"Rattlestar Ricklactica".

Things in space include snakes and sharp stuff.


I enjoyed this  bonkers spoof(?) of The Terminator and other time-travelling tropes. Hey, it's the time-traveling testicles again!


Hey! Rick was watching how a plumbus is made on TV!

Edited by Ubiquitous
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Snake world! Not as cute as Kitty History, but I'll take it.

  On 12/17/2019 at 4:38 AM, Grammaeryn said:

The snake Hitler and all the time traveling assassins KILLED me! Typing that sentence is kicking off a giggle fit. Such a weird and good episode.


The growing piles of assassins was great. I don't know what it says about me, but I sorta love that whenever Morty tries to do the right thing or fix things, it always blows up in a horrible way.

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  On 12/10/2019 at 12:55 AM, Galileo908 said:

You gotta wonder what exactly DID Rick and Jerry see to disturb them enough, since Rick had just come from a dragon soul orgy with his grandkids.


When Rick erased Jerry's memory of the cat's true origins, did he add it to his "Jerry's mind-blowers" collection?


Oh my god that Wendy's commercial was great.

So this was an Anthology Train, and every car was a different episode structure? (Vignettes, musicals, girlfriend plot, Christmas, etc) It was literally Dan Harmon's Story Circle.

"He's suspended in disbelief."

"Why is 'lesbian' part of her job title?!"

"NOW you're progressive?!"

So this is the most meta thing I've ever seen. EVERY single dangling plot thread was resolved at once. PhoenixPerson! The Citadel! Snowball! Lincoler! Eyepatch Morty! A final battle that combined Endgame with Return of The King. Summer going to college! With 64 or so more episodes, I wish they kept those plots.

I was shocked that they mentioned the coronavirus. If South Park can toss together an episode in a week, surely this show could shove in a Covid-19 reference within two months.

Also, use Jesus to solve everything, and you only exist to consume.

Edited by Galileo908
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Anyone else think that the main purpose of this episode was not merely a way to show and spoof on story structure, but rather that a lot of the epic scenes would wind up in the S4 trailer, making us believe we would see dangling story threads soon to be resolved?

Nah. When I can get me a Story Train? That merch looks so good!

This episode was a bit odder than usual. I'm guessing it will need a few more viewings to fully sink in. I do know Morty's spontaneous story-telling skills are pure crap . . . though the distillation of certain female-centric commercials into a battle against scorpions was pretty funny.

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I never heard cumgutters before. I think that may be my new favorite word.

So, interesting that they had a mention of the virus. They usually don't produce as fast as south park. Makes me wonder if that was actually suppose to be the real Rick and Morty on that train originally and they slotted in the toy-train part at the last second.

"Who makes a Pornhub account?!" Maybe it's because it was the only way to get that free premium trial that ultimately wasn't worth it. Not like I'd know about that or anything...

I was DYING at the swerve at the 9/11 bit, and then they got full Pearl Harbor because it was classier. This f-ing show, man.

Yeah, loved the whole bit with the Gundam suits.

This whole episode was great. Loved that "Do you suffer from Alzheimer's?" commercial.

So what was up with that stinger? Who WAS that girl?

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Interesting episode. Yes, most of them are interesting, but you have to dig a plot where Rick and Morty flee a planet full of parasitic aliens, blow stuff up for laughs, come home, and then realize that they forgot about Summer. And, of course, she becomes Queen of the Face-Huggers by persuading them not to poop out an egg and die in the process. Meanwhile, Jerry "I Am The Jesus Of Christmas!" Smith gets into beekeeping. Amazingly, he doesn't wind up nearly dying. Well, not in this episode. We still have three more to go.

Is it me, or is Rick a little less mean to Morty lately? I guess he got a lot out of his system after popping Morty in the face over the snake planet stuff. Fun to see Rick comfort his grandson as they thought they were dying, and he managed to nudge the fourth wall. Turns out they just had to take a shit. Who hasn't been there?

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Oh my god I lost it when Morty was just done with hiding in the vat of acid. THIS is what broke Morty's patience, that was great.

Oh my god, Morty save scumming was incredible. Jerry just ruined Morty's whole relationship. And then the reveal that ALL the deaths happened? Wow, damn. And how many Supreme Court justices are gonna be in this season?

What the hell was even this episode?

Also, I'm not the only one who caught Moe's Tavern in the background.

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Bottle episode turned "Rick might be hitting a limit" episode to "Morty gets infinite do-overs" to "Rick basically bends Morty over and goes to town on him to teach a lesson." My main takeaway: Jerry Smith fucking ruins everything. EVERYTHING.

I mean, Morty met a girl, fell in love, survived a plane crash in what I'm assuming is the Andes, and almost died. Even with the "save point" looming in the air, it was fun seeing a happy Morty. And then he gets flung back in time and gets maced in the face by the woman that was supposed to love him.

And yeah, a phony vat of acid is totally within Rick's character to create. Warm Mountain Dew, a respirator, eavesdropping devices, face bones . . . I can see how Morty would be irritated, but it is unbelievably Rick, and therefore awesome.

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  On 5/18/2020 at 4:02 AM, Lantern7 said:

And yeah, a phony vat of acid is totally within Rick's character to create. Warm Mountain Dew, a respirator, eavesdropping devices, face bones . . . I can see how Morty would be irritated, but it is unbelievably Rick, and therefore awesome.


IN CASE OF LADLE killed me.

Also, Morty's Girlfriend HAD to have been aware of all the alternate timelines too, right?

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"Childrick of Mort" . . . because "The One Where Rick Fights God And Raises His Kids" would have been too on-the-nose. Ditto "Summer Huffs Brake Fluid And Kills God."

Great premise . . . Jerry relaxing family camping trip is hijacked by a planet having Rick's kids. Rick and Beth bond building a civilization of weird vaguely-shaped cookie people, Jerry actually does a little good with the unproductive beings of that world, and Morty and Summer stumble into an adventure that's basically the C-plot.

Gotta love how Rick hits a button, the station wagon becomes a spaceship, and Jerry is thrown from the driver's seat to the rear. As much as I'd like Rick to win one (was his last victory "Meeseeks and Destroy"? "A RIckle In Time"?), being the eternal butt monkey suits him so well.

Also fun to see the Sanchezes have some daddy/daughter time while playing god. Is it on-target to say that Beth's relationship with Rick goes from one extreme to the other, with very little time in the middle?

Season finale is next week. We might see Dr. Wong again. Any guesses as to when we'll get the fifth season? My prediction: Twenty-thirty-never, given the way things have been going with us.

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  On 5/19/2020 at 7:01 AM, Lantern7 said:

I keep forgetting to ask: does anyone here play Pocky Mortys?


I haven't.  For the longest time, I just thought it was a joke.  Turns out it's real.  Are you recommending it?

The last episode was pretty good, can't believe the season is over already.  I thought Rick was going to get into trouble with the religious people, but his explanation "This is just a Zeus, if it was the real God, it would have been a different story" was a nice save.  He did fight the devil before, after all.

  On 5/26/2020 at 11:33 PM, rmontro said:

I haven't.  For the longest time, I just thought it was a joke.  Turns out it's real.  Are you recommending it?

The last episode was pretty good, can't believe the season is over already.  I thought Rick was going to get into trouble with the religious people, but his explanation "This is just a Zeus, if it was the real God, it would have been a different story" was a nice save.  He did fight the devil before, after all.


The season is not over. There will be one more this Sunday.

  On 5/26/2020 at 11:33 PM, rmontro said:

I haven't.  For the longest time, I just thought it was a joke.  Turns out it's real.  Are you recommending it?


No. I was just wondering if it was worth downloading. The closest I've been to that was when Oni Press put out a miniseries based on the game. The title: Pocket Like You Stole It.

Our Beth was a clone (maybe)?! Tammy's back (and dead)?! NEW Galactic Federation?! So much happened in the first ten minutes. And then Rick fought Phoenix Person. Only for Jerry to save the day with puppeting. Holy crap.

Loved Morty and Summer's story with the invisibility belt. And then Jerry tosses it into a garbage truck and then has an adventure with the invisible garbage truck. This show.

"TV gives British people prizes for baking, Jerry."

Loved that the giant space laser couldn't destroy Wrangler jeans. Because sponsorship.

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Great end to the season. Everyone got to be a hero. Even Jerry . . . albeit in the dumbest and saddest way possible. "You think you saved us, Jerry? I probably did ninety percent damage to Birdperson's optic crap, so he couldn't use thermal imaging to see you violating his girlfriend's body by using it as a puppet. Jesus Christ, Jerry, why the *burrrrrrpp* don't I kill you?"

Naturally, we get an episode where Rick is a shitty father, and he doesn't know which Beth is his daughter. Luckily, everything turned out okay in the end, and we'll probably never get a straight answer.  This is a universe where you can basically make a Death Star with zero openings for heroes to blow up, yet your downfall is that you had to be sponsored by Wrangler Jeans, and your death beam could be destroyed by Morty's pants.

Let us not dwell on how long we'll have to wait for the fifth season. With the world being as it is, we'll probably keel over from impatience waiting for a lot of shows to return.

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Loved the reference to War of the Worlds with the weapon not being able to destroy Wrangler jeans.  

The show basically stated no one knows which Beth is the clone.  But on the Pocket Mortys commercial, they named the space version "Clone Beth".  Not sure if that's canon, of course.  Everyone seemed happy not knowing who the clone was, and so am I.

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