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Farmhouse Rules - General Discussion

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I really want to like her...and I do like her cooking...much more than Ree's...


BUT I always feel like she is yelling at me LOL...it is very off putting.


Her size doesn't bother me a bit...her yelling does.

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How this show got renewed, I have no idea.  Nancy's way of speech is just grating...  She acts as though her audience is comprised of four-year olds. 

Back when TWOP was still around Food Networks ratings were regularly posted and season one of this crap had HUGE ratings.  I mean it was pulling in well over a million per episode and for shows on weekend mornings numbers like that would make the network sit up and go "yep we got a hit here".  Ditto Ree who also brings in huge ratings. That should tell you something about the prime FN demo.  I dont know what the ratings are currently like though.


Anyway dont know if this was a rerun but I caught the episode today where she cooked for the bingo night and made ham sliders, strawberry tart and clam chowder.  The strawberry tart looked like a recipe I've seen a million times before but the chowder actually looked good.  By the amount of food she made I thought she would be feeding maybe 10-15 at the most people then they showed the bingo hall packed with people and she told someone they could take seconds. I was like huh? Unless she stashed away more batches in her car..?

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I hate her sing-song voice as well....enough not to tune in too often.

Interesting she was on The Chew and didn't use it. I think they would have cringed.

But I did see the ladies coming over for soup and to make the apple jelly...why would they stand all that time and not sit down and eat it all then?

But then Trisha does this often as well. I don't get it.

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Bajovane, Heartland Table has been renewed!!!!  Probably the best show on the FN as far as I'm concerned.

It was?!  Yay!  Very happy for that!

Watched a marathon of Farmhouse Rules the other day.  Dang that voice grates on my nerves.  One thing I will say though - Nancy does use fresh food - while it may be loaded with fat - it's still fresh.  There's a few of her recipes I'd try - but I certainly wouldn't use my hands to mix them...

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What a train wreck of a show.  The only thing that would make a murder mystery dinner party with her have a truly satisfying ending would be if one of the guests put some actual hemlock in Nancy's cocktail.  I think if I had to listen to her speak "at" me like she does her guests for more than a half hour I'd end up stuffing that armadillo cake in her mouth and running out screaming.  

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She is just not appealing AT ALL and the interactions with her husband are so fake and stilted.  At least IMHO Ina and Jeffrey seem so sweet and loving, and Jeffrey is so much more natural than Mr. Farmhouse (sorry don't remember his name).

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Yeah, last week's airplane show was awful.  And they kept using the clip of her sitting in the plane with the wind blowing her huge breasts back at her, her shirt sticking to her like skin on bologna--there's no way I would ever, ever let that picture be broadcast if I looked like that.  


Saw the antique show today and can not find anything of redeeming value with this show.  I love short ribs but I'd never use her recipe; love whipped cream and coffee but not even her Irish coffee seemed appetizing.  She had so many 'glugs' in the coffee I'm surprised she even added coffee, just make it a full blown 'gee, gee juice' mixture.


I had high hopes for this show last year when it premiered but it may be my favorite show to snark on.  For sure, Nancy takes the cake as my least favorite FN personality

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"I'm younger than they are". Well, I'm sure Buzz and your friend are healthier than you anyways and who cares, Nancy? She's a mess and I can't stop watching. (That last sentence was added post comment production like half of her added voice overs.)


I will give her credit when she took out the extra butter she put in.

Edited by rustyspigot
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FN seems like it's trying really hard to push Nancy onto us. She is a judge on the holiday baking competition series and yesterday she was a guest on "The Kitchen."


I probably shouldn't say too much in this forum, but on "The Kitchen," Nancy was paired with poor Jeff Mauro (Who must have drawn the short straw. I would have paid good money to have seen her interact with Geoffrey Z.) She made a slow-cooker beef stew and threw in whole carrots, potatoes, beets and brussels sprouts. She claimed it was for "texture." When they removed the lid of the slow cooker, you saw a big pile of curled up carrots that resembled something you'd see in a toilet. She also boasted about how she is an "etiquette expert." Oh-KAY...


I didn't care for today's show. Who doesn't know how to make artichoke dip or mashed potatoes? 

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Yeah, last week's airplane show was awful.  And they kept using the clip of her sitting in the plane with the wind blowing her huge breasts back at her, her shirt sticking to her like skin on bologna--there's no way I would ever, ever let that picture be broadcast if I looked like that.  


I kept thinking the same thing!  That was AWFUL.  But bless her for apparently not caring.


I made a version of her broccoli soup from the Murder Mystery episode.  Although it didn't scare the bejeebus out of my husband and I for being GREEN (WTH was that about?), it was pretty good.  I liked the soft herb cheese in it, gave it just a little extra something.

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Today I made the brownies with mint frosting she did a month or 2 ago. They were really good, but very rich and decadent -- just a small piece is more than enough. For the frosting I used a teaspoon of mint extract instead of creme de menthe -- I couldn't see buying a whole bottle of that stuff just for 2 tablespoons. So I used the extract instead, and some green food coloring. I really liked how it turned out -- just a touch of mint. Any more would have been too overpowering. And, it made exactly enough icing to frost the brownies, with none left over. 

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I made the broccoli cheese soup from the Murder Mystery episode.  I didn't use half-and-half as I prefer heavy cream, so I just used less dairy.  For the soft herbed cheese I used Alouette herb cheese.  It was pretty good.  I liked the little extra something from the herb cheese.

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So I watched the episode today where she made the pork roast w/root veggies and scalloped potatoes.  My question is how did that tiny meal she make feed all those people at the dinner?  There were at least 30 people there at that dinner and unless she served each person their tiny portion, there was no way all that she made could feed that group.


I also find it strange on her episodes or other cooking shows they do such a small amount of vegetables.  I know when I do carrots I have to do a whole bag usually b/c my group loves veggies, but on these shows they do two carrots or potatoes (not mashed) and call it a day.

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I wondered the same thing. The meal that Nancy prepared looked like it would feed six, maybe eight. I have to say that today's show seemed better than usual. The storyline made sense and Nancy gave some pretty good tips, like when she was making the roux/sauce for the potatoes.

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I wonder if since she is/was a caterer that she prepared more than one of each dish but only showed us how to make a basic serving for a family on camera b/c we will more than likely not be feeding a group of 30 or more.

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I wonder if since she is/was a caterer that she prepared more than one of each dish but only showed us how to make a basic serving for a family on camera b/c we will more than likely not be feeding a group of 30 or more.


I wonder.  But it's strange, within the context of the show.  Remember the Barn Dance episode with the chili?  A single Dutch oven's worth for something like 50 people?  They showed it out on the table too, just that single Dutch oven.  I make that much chili for my husband and myself and we get something like 3 or 4 meals out of it.

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I did notice that there were some other people with tables set up. Maybe it was some kind of potluck thing, so she didn't have to make as much? We had one at work earlier in the week, and there was an absolute mountain of food. I took a tiny little serving of everything, and my plate was still full. But it is strange though.


I liked her trick of setting the pork roast on the inside of the lid of her Dutch Oven while she added the veggies. I never would have thought of that. I'm all about finding ways to have fewer dirty dishes. Also interesting was her comment about having the veggies on the bottom so the meat would not steam and the air would continue to move around it. Makes sense.

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Nancy certainly is creative in coming up with occasions where she can serve booze. Those ladies weren't going to get much quilting done with wine and champagne.


Those potatoes were the size of footballs!


If was pretty obvious that Nancy had no patience for quilting, so what was the point? I know that Ina comes up with some pretty lame plots for her show, but I think today's show, Nancy as the Red Baron and "Camp GiGi" have got this.

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I was trying to do the math today. Nancy had a 7 pound prime rib roast to serve 24 (11 adults and 13 kids of varying ages.) She used one head each of broccoli and cauliflower for her au gratin. There was one 8" x 8" gingerbread cake for dessert. That is, unless the dessert was only for the kids. She put about four teeny tiny cubes of cake in each of those mason jars for the kids. But, she said she was making her popovers in batches...


I wasn't sure how kids would like cranberry curd. (I thought it looked good, but for another purpose.) I also don't think small kids would like crystallized ginger. That stuff packs a punch. Also, wouldn't the whipped cream stick to those pieces of gingham that Nancy stuck over the tops of the jars before securing the lids.


Lots of voiceovers Why are we supposed to be afraid to make popovers?


A couple of the grandkids are taking lessons for the "Little Drummond Boy." There were several, "This is the best.... I've ever had." Todd Drummond is too old now for that nonsense, so somebody has to pick up the slack.


Thankfully, the DVR cut off before Nancy got too far in to her histrionic reading of "The Night Before Christmas." I'll bet the oldest grandkids were squirming to get up off the floor.

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So what's the deal with her glasses on top of her head? She doesn't use them for reading. When she was reading to the children, her glasses were perched on her head. She doesn't use them to get a better look at food when she is judging. She must think that glasses are an a fashion statement.

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She has pulled the glasses down from time to time but for the most part they stay on top of her head. She also has a ton of them because sometimes they match an outfit, i can recall them in: purple/black/white/lime green and orange. Why do I remember this? I don't know.

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A couple of the grandkids are taking lessons for the "Little Drummond Boy." There were several, "This is the best.... I've ever had." Todd Drummond is too old now for that nonsense, so somebody has to pick up the slack.


LOL.  I kept waiting for one of them to produce a crutch a proclaim, "God bless us, everyone!"  


Or rather, "God...bless us, every...one!"

Edited by anneofcleves
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I was also puzzled how she fed her entire family w/just that one prime rib as well as that dinky cauliflower and broccoli dish...let's face it, most of the family members don't look like tiny eaters.  I was looking to see at the actual dinner if there was more than one casserole dish, b/c if not the portion sizes so everyone can eat must be tiny...like Bob Cratchet household pre-Scrooge coming around tiny portions.

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The nauseating episode from Season 1 was on again today...........mixing/mashing her potato salad wih those meat hooks she calls hands.  I felt my gag reflex start to kick in.


And not that her looks have changed all that much but in this first season, she looks and acts every bit the big fat slob, even to wiping her face on the peach farmer's shirt.

Edited by finnzup
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I would have agreed with any of the posters before me, based on the first couple of episodes.  But I actually enjoy the show now.  Nancy seems to have washed her hair, become nicer to her audience, and focused more on recipes that aren't too difficult or too easy for the most part.  She is letting us in more about her life, her relationship with her husband, and her background.  It's really interesting and fun to hear!  Most of her shows revolve around her and her husband (a la Ina Garten), with no 109 children and grandchildren crowded around the table.  I'm beginning to like Nancy -- quite a bit.

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I only watch if I happen to catch it on.  While I appreciate that Nancy is a good cook, there isn't much that she makes that really appeals to me.  Most everything is pretty heavy.  


I did enjoy hearing about the acquisition of their farm house and how they built the large, modern addition with door clearance adequate for her husband.  I'd love a tour of that home and property.

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Yesterday's grandkids episode and today's golf outing really showcased Nancy's yelling at the camera.  Wow, can she ever scream her sentences out, it's sickening, really.


I can't believe this show is still on the air.  Between her slovenly appearance and her screaming, it's got to be the worst thing on the network (except for anything with Guy Fietti, oc, lol.)

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Now I know I like Nancy's show!  Yesterday I watched a re-run, no less, and enjoyed it!  It was the episode in which Nancy made prime rib sandwiches in "club buns" (never heard of them before), sweet potato fries, a version of an Arnold Palmer drink, and chocolate-mint brownies for her husband and his golfing buddies.  She used literally the best-looking prime rib I've ever seen of that size, roasted it to perfection (a little bit pink inside), sliced it as close as she could come to paper thin, and piled it onto the buns, topping it with a sour cream horseradish sauce.  I wished I could have been there for the meal!  There are lots of brownie recipes out there, but hers looked like some of the best -- nice and rich -- with a vanilla pastry cream frosting to which she added a little bit of crème de menthe, turning it a lovely Spring green.


I'm another one who worries about Nancy's weight, but there's little I can do about it.  I agree that sometimes she gets a little loud, but I ignore it and keep watching.  The real thing about Nancy that I like is that she's real.  She'll probably not lose weight to match the country club set, and she'll probably never stifle her yelling when she grew up on a farm.  She's no Giada with artificial eyelashes,  She's a "take it or leave it" kind of woman who loves making people happy and sharing her recipes, many of which are great!

Edited by Lura
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There are lots of brownie recipes out there, but hers looked like some of the best -- nice and rich -- with a vanilla pastry cream frosting to which she added a little bit of crème de menthe, turning it a lovely Spring green.


I made those a few months ago, and they were delicious. Very, very rich and decadent -- you can cut them into small bite-sized servings, and it's enough to satisfy your sweet tooth. And I just used green food coloring  plus a teaspoon of mint extract, since I didn't want to buy a whole bottle of creme de menthe that would just sit there and not get used. I added a little bit of water to thin out the frosting; since the liquid from the creme de menthe wasn't in there, it got pretty thick. I think the recipe called for 2 Tbsp of creme de menthe, so I added 1 Tbsp plus 2 Tsp of water, to get to the 2 Tbsp of liquid the recipe called for.  And the amount of frosting was perfect for the brownies -- none left over. I always appreciate that.

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Queasy-bo, I'm so glad you've made these brownies and have good advice to offer.  I, too, didn't want to use crème de menthe for the same reason you didn't.  I like mint OK, but really, you could use almost any extract and color, such as lemon or cherry or orange.  I think cherry would taste good, but it's up to the baker.

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I agree with you, anneofcleves.  Nancy's food is heavy.  I've noticed that her daughter, Nita, and her son both have that "rounded" look, so I imagine part of that is genetic, but they've also been raised to be good eaters, I suspect.  I think Nancy's philosophy is more "fill 'em up" than it is "healthy."  She isn't overly concerned with cholesterol and things that I'm concerned about.  I'm still trying to find the recipe for that strawberry-lime drink she made yesterday or the day before.  It's sugary, but it would be a nice change from sodas and some of the other bottled drinks out there.

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Na-an-ceeee's BACK! Today. She made recipes. With ale. The kickoff of this new season seemed more subdued. Nancy used actual utensils to mix everything and she took small tasting bites -- no shoving her fingers or overflowing spoons into her mouth.


She made that beef stew several weeks ago on The Kitchen. Personally, I'd omit the beets and brussels sprouts. Too much going on. Otherwise, it didn't look too bad.

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The beef stew looked good, but why does she leave the chunks of veggies so large?  In the case of the potatoes and carrots she could have done her rough chop twice to make them to a manageable spoon size.


I didn't notice she was more subdued, she seemed like regular Nancy to me and her puns were getting on my ever lasting nerve.  I can't believe she tossed that salad w/her hands...yes i'm sure there is a dirty joke in there.

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I saw the episode today....french onion soup in bread bowls and layered salad. And no bake cookies for dessert.


The layered salad was semi interesting although nothing I would make.....it had romaine, chopped eggs, red onions, bacon and peas and grape tomatoes. Topped with cut up pork chops?!  Dressing on the side (blue cheese). But not made the night before.


I suppose I prefer the 7 layer traditional.....her hers with chicken or steak instead of pork chops....but I'll never know for sure.


She did seem a tad toned down. 

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Funny how opinions change! I thought that this week Nancy was off the rails with her weird start-and-stop cadence. She raved about that bonfire with the grandkids like it was some life-altering event. "This bonfire. Is. Going to be. A. Real. BONDING experience with. THOSE kids!" Followed by a stern admonition of the importance of children spending time with their grandparents. (I do have to say that that middle child, the little girl, is adorable! She's good with the compliments, too. Todd Drummond, take several seats!) LOL!


I hate onions, so I didn't pay any attention to the soup making, other than how she made the beef stock. That salad looked weird. I'm not a fan of layered salads and I can't stand no-bake oatmeal cookies, so no loss here.

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Just watching the new episode now and have to give it to Nancy, she looks like she's lost at least 20 lbs.  


Everything about her is different, her hair, makeup and 'wardrobe.'


She looks so much better; good for her.  Bet she feels so much better too.  It even looks like walking is so much easier.

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Nancy has lost some weight and looks good.  She definitely looks healthier, like she has more energy.


The French onion soup looked delicious.  You don't see fresh beef stock made on these shows very often, and it's wonderful to see someone take the time to make it.  What a difference it makes in the soup, too.  I wouldn't do the bread bowls, though, and would rather have it in a bowl or crock.  


The salad was odd.  The pork layered salad with blue cheese dressing was totally unnecessary and strange pairing with such a hearty soup.  A simple green salad would have been fine with me.

Edited by anneofcleves
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I agree that Nancy looks like she's dropped a few pounds, so good for her. I think she's gotten some coaching about her screen presence or something, because she seems much less.....abrasive, I guess the word is, and seems more TV-friendly. And I'm glad, because I do think she is quite knowledgeable about food and cooking. I mean, does anyone really think we'd ever see Ree making beef stock from scratch?


I also noticed that there was no silly, elaborate story for her to go see the guy at the bakery. She just said she needed bread and so took off to go get it. She did make a passing reference to David about him wanting her to sell his leisure suits from the 70's, which was actually sort of amusing. That bread looked awesome too.

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