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Retro B&B: When the Beautiful Were Also Bold

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20 hours ago, tessaray said:

That clip was awesome.  So Ridge has never been good at successful scheming? And who was the dark haired girl who didn't say anything? 

That was none other than our own Steffy Forrester, about two surgeries, eight rounds of Botox and a carton of shoe polish ago.

19 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I had forgotten how bad of an actor RM was.  Did he always rely on that pseudo-growl thing as his sole means of portraying anger/tension? 

Pretty much, yeah. Thorston Kaye has the chops to make Ridge into a proper villian. Ronn Moss....yeah, no.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Probably. She was in her Logans Are The Devil phase and goes on to "seduce" Bill in the following episode and HFTF would begin to infest be introduced the following week.

They were simpler times, then... ;)

Edited by Anna Yolei
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22 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I had forgotten how bad of an actor RM was.  Did he always rely on that pseudo-growl thing as his sole means of portraying anger/tension? 

Who cares, I just wanna look at him. And he had hella chemistry with KKL.

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That chemistry kept that pairing together far longer than they should have, IMO.

Ronn was easy on the eyes, but ye gods,  some of his acting choices had me rolling out off the couch. 

Case in point:

Ridge finds out about Caroline I's cancer, and the over the top scenery chewing took me right out of the moment. ??? But to his credit, I prefer this over the lack of fucks that comes through when TK gets material he doesn't care for.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Ronn Moss was the absolute worst actor I've ever seen on any show on television. Hands down, no question. How he lasted as long as he did on B&B is a mystery for all time. 

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No kidding she became "born again." 

Uh, I have to politely disagree with the RM is the worst ... I think the guy who plays Zende eclipses him.  Just think back to the scene where Nicole caught him in bed with Sasha on the plane and his "acting" when he ran down the aisle of the plane to get Nicole to stop and talk to him ...

Edited by grisgris
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RM is way too metrosexual pretty boy for my tastes.  I'll take a TK any day over that (well, there are times that TK's hair really decreases his appeal, but good hair TK with just a little stubble?  Any day over RM.)  Although honestly right now, the best looking guy on the show is probably JMc/Eric.  

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I don't know how lighting didn't strike either Katie OR Steffy in these scenes!

by this point in 2009, Steffy had cheated on Marcus with Rick--aafter Phoebe died!--and spent much of the summer chasing after Owen, who was very much in love with Jackie. And the snorefest that was Katie and Nick who apart from the pregnancy revel were the show's most boring couple at the time had just split up at the BEGINNING of 2009.

I can't ?

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Great scene! I was bored on NYE and NYD and watched a lot of old B&B clips (sad, huh!?) and watched that one.  What's so sad is that JMW is nearly unrecognizable today and her acting hasn't improved one iota.

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Wow, DD's been working out since that clip because back then was a tiny. Or else they now have him wearing smaller clothes, LOL.

I miss this Katie. Confident, not screechy, just putting people in their place. Man she really crumbled under Bill and Brooke's betrayals.

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Another scene from Steffy/Bill. I'd never seen it before, because I was at an eight week vacation in grand ol' Great Lakes, courtesy of good ol' Uncle Sam ;) But I gotta admit I'm having a hard time remembering why I initially despised this pairing. 


notice her actual thoughts? I've actually forgotten that she had a dynamic personality once upon a time. But even in her early days, she's always been about the company and protecting it (on the face of it anyway. If it was all a rouse to get a ride on Bill's disco stick....well, there's a reason Brooke nicknamed him Stallion :p ).

Edited by Anna Yolei
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10 hours ago, bannana said:

I didn't realize that Bill and Katie had a long history, like more than ten years.

Neither did I...sigh I really do feel like time is going by faster the older I get :(

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Who cares, I just wanna look at him. And he had hella chemistry with KKL.

And luckily enough, he also had good chemistry with Hunter Tylo and Joanna Johnson, too.


Ridge finds out about Caroline I's cancer, and the over the top scenery chewing took me right out of the moment

That scene is so laughably bad. And some of the dialogue doesn't help, either: "Why, why is she doing this to me?!?!"

Yes, Ridge, Caroline gave herself a terminal illness just to fuck with you.

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I have to admit watching it live back in the day, I was stunned that after all the drama and 'growth' Ridge has gone through to get back Caroline and when Caroline was finally so happy (JJ played her newlywed joy brilliantly) that she was revealed to be dying. I even remember the scene where she goes to her doctor all ready to talk about having a baby and then they do the cut to a window outside looking in as we see Caroline's face fall and just become numb as she absorbed the news.

Then I thought, 'Well damn, Brooke is actually gonna get him."  Little did I know.

The show recovered from the blow of losing Caroline pretty well in getting Taylor and establishing her and Ridge as brunette Ken and Barbie. Caroline and Ridge were the show's first big supercouple and I really wasn't sure what was gonna happen next -except that Brooke was now the de facto young leading lady.

But I do think that of his 3 loves (Caroline, Brooke, Taylor) that if Caroline came back from the dead like Taylor had, Ridge would've gone to her in a heartbeat. She was the big 'what if' and 'the one who got away'. I think it's because he had to earn her and went through so much and she taught him what love was. Would they have lasted? Who knows, but I believed he wanted that marriage to work.

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I think if Caroline had never died, we would have just gotten a never ending Caroline/Ridge/Brooke triangle.

And if Caroline came back from the dead at some point...Ridge would have just ping-ponged back and forth between all 3 women.

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I wonder if we have the clip after Caroline I's death where Ridge's attempt at grief consisted of donning a black leather jacket (with a white T-shirt, how very Grease of him),  going for a ride on a white Harley and doing a mournful howl off the top of a cliff.

And yes, it is cheesetasticly fabulous.

ETA: OMG, I FOUND it! Enjoy! :-) Although apparently he doesn't howl here, but I know he did somewhere after she died and trying to watch his emote is just unintentional comedy gold. But it is still Velveeta awesome.


I couldn't help thinking upon rewatch, if only if he had lost his footing, there would be no Rumple to make me hate-watch.

Edited by CountryGirl
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As cheesetastic as RM could, let us cleanse our palettes with these 2 fabulous actresses, who can emote, and know how to bring in it each scene, whether it calls for over-the-top histrionics, or for something much more subtle, and do it well in both cases.


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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I couldn't help thinking upon rewatch, if only if he had lost his footing, there would be no Rumple to make me hate-watch.

Now you know that had Ridge fallen over that cliff no body would've been found and we'd have ended up with a recast Ridge with a face change who may or may not have been a con man or the real Ridge to then be revealed to be Ridge and settle in town until Ronn Moss returned as the real Ridge and Marlena, er I mean Brooke would be torn between two Ridges one of them Rumply. ;) 

Then again the Bells don't do weird stories like DOOL. But I just don't see them dumping Ridge for long back then. He was their banana hammock sex symbol.

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18 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

80s Ronn Moss was sexay AF....and I don't even like Ridge! I didn't even mind him wearing Speedos! But he was no contest for Thorne #1, ???

EEEEE Thorne #1!!!  Sigh.  I've even had...how shall I put this...graphic dreams about him :)

On 1/10/2017 at 9:18 AM, TobinAlbers said:

But I do think that of his 3 loves (Caroline, Brooke, Taylor) that if Caroline came back from the dead like Taylor had, Ridge would've gone to her in a heartbeat. She was the big 'what if' and 'the one who got away'. I think it's because he had to earn her and went through so much and she taught him what love was. Would they have lasted? Who knows, but I believed he wanted that marriage to work.

Agreed, which is why Ridge marrying her niece squicked me the hell out.

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Agreed, which is why Ridge marrying her niece squicked me the hell out.

Ew. At least he had the good sense not to hook up with Karen, beyond a few dates. Thorne, on the other hand...

Edited by AndySmith
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So, there's a channel with a Ridge/Taylor Playlist going back to their first scene together. Rather than post the clips one by one, I'll link to the whole playlist.

Tridge Restoration: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCTGxQFY7yFWwzxjH0Bg_uZ-p9JyWuIpA

It's kinda fitting, given the current Liam/Steffy stuff that the newer clips that take place during Brooke's early days as CEO when she's getting FC International up and going and encouraging Ridge to move there. Meanwhile, Taylor has her practice in LA (her oncology forgotten along the way, because plot :p). While it's clear that she's not happy about this, it's not the focal point of every conversation.

Oddly, given I used to ship this in the early 2000s, I'm kinda bored with the early days. That's not to say it wasn't well written, but damn if Saint Taylor wasn't as boring as dry paint.

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Brooke wasn't CEO at this point in the videos yet. She is still pregnant with Bridget in the posted videos, and she only becomes CEO after Bridget is born.

As far as Taylor being boring...keep in mind, these clips focus mostly on her and Ridge. There isn't much about her triangle with Ridge and Storm (later a quadrangle with Eric and Brooke), the stuff with her father and brother, her initial clashes and friction with Stephanie, her ex-husband Blake, etc. Taylor is a saint, but I guess it was done to position her as Brooke's opposite, at this point.

I will say, HT and RM do have some really nice chemistry. And I like how Brooke keeps bring out the pricklier side of Taylor too.

Edited by AndySmith
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Oooh, here it is! Another one of those clips of infamy....Ridge's tacky attempt to woo Brooke after he left Taylor, complete with the only attempt at poetry prior to TK taking over the role ????

Mind you, this was even before she was seeing Nick and I think this was right after Bridget had lost Nicole. Talk about bad timing!.


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How sad is it that both Steffy and Hope and Oliver aren't that old and yet there is a remarkable difference in their looks between then and now. JMW we suspect had work done but even KM looks practically dewy in those scenes. 

Dang it, these scenes kinda make me miss Hope. T'would be funny if Hope came back married to Oliver. 

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

Oooh, here it is! Another one of those clips of infamy....Ridge's tacky attempt to woo Brooke after he left Taylor, complete with the only attempt at poetry prior to TK taking over the role ????

Mind you, this was even before she was seeing Nick and I think this was right after Bridget had lost Nicole. Talk about bad timing!.


I'm beginning to suspect that Ronn Moss and Drake Hogestyn are long lost brothers.  All I had to do was substitute "Doc" for "Logan" - it was eerie.  :-)  

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In honor of Steam's latest wedding  (*barf*) let us check us this clip from their humble beginnings. I'll be outta work for the next eight weeks recovering from the bones I broke as I tried in vain to write that last bit without laughing :p

Note this was from late 2011, after another one of Katie's heart attacks put the brakes on Still for good. I didn't realize till just now how long that emotional affair of theirs really lasted. They must be the only couple in B&B history to be cheating that long and never even bang. 

But geez, I swear you can see the blood leaving from a much more attractive Waffles' brain cells as he sees Steffy in lingerie pretending to be sexay....the wig was bigger than some of Original Sally's hairstyles!

Oh, and we get to see Leslie Ann Down again! Even with the blond wig she wore following her cancer, she was so gorgeous. ?

Edited by Anna Yolei
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On January 24, 2017 at 0:13 AM, tessaray said:

I'm beginning to suspect that Ronn Moss and Drake Hogestyn are long lost brothers.  All I had to do was substitute "Doc" for "Logan" - it was eerie.  :-)  

And he did use 'Doc' as his short name for Taylor so you may be onto something!

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1 hour ago, grisgris said:

So, I'm confused. Was Waffles engage to both Steffy and Hope in that clip?  Ha! Ha! Steffy flouncing around in that black teddy was a hilarious way to start off Valentine's Day!

This was right after Steffy bonked her head and imprinted on him and shortly before the Aspen wedding. 

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The whole Hope vs. Steffy over Liam debacle should have been a good opportunity for some growth and self-reflection from Brooke, Taylor, and Stephanie. Brooke should have been more sympathetic to Steffy, seeing something of herself in Steffy, ie, going after a man you honestly believe is your destiny, even if that man is already with someone else. And possibly maybe brought up to Hope that she wasn't meant to be with Liam. Taylor should have been more sympathetic to Hope; she of all people should know and understand what it's like to have someone come after your man, and using "Destiny!" as a justification for doing that. She should have at least called out Steffy for doing to Hope what she has always accused Brooke of doing to her. And Stephanie should have also been sympathetic to Hope and a bit disapproving of Steffy as well. But no, we just got a boring lame triangle that ate the show repeatedly, with nothing new being said about anyone.

Edited by AndySmith
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