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Angela Murray: She's a People Pleaser!

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Sometimes they just call to you, and sometimes you have to wait for gold to drop into your lap.  Thanks for making my job easy, Angela.

And I do confess, seeing somebody presented with The Big Alliance, We're Gonna Run This House, Dude! and go "yeah, surrrrre" was comedy gold.

I even semi-approve of her rationale that "The Collective" was such a lame name that it obviously had to be a low-effort fake.  A caveat, however.

Years ago (perhaps even as far back as TWoP), I was one of a number of people who claimed that they would resist the producer-driven pressure to name every single alliance by choosing the blandest name possible.  So "The Collective" does somewhat ping a chord of remembered joy, and I do feel that Angela might have leaped to a conclusion with her automatic disdain.

(Among the suggestions [not all of them mine] were, IIRC:

The Alliance

The Group

The Thing


A Bunch of People Were Sitting in a Room Together, and Nobody Had the Guts to Say "No")

Won't mind if she's swiftly Frenchied (there's always more crazy available), but she's at least made herself memorable.  Thanks?

Edited by Halting Hex
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I'll bet her family was sitting at home watching this episode and said, "Yep, that's Mom alright.  She's doing exactly what we warned her NOT to do!"

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Angela refers to herself as "Mom"  and has said she's the mom of the house - except for Kenny, all the rest could be her kids.  I bet she is the kind of mom (i had one) who has meltdowns like that on the regular - then complains that nobody respects her, nobody appreciates her, etc. 

Some of the houseguests seemed stunned into silence by her outburst.  I wondered why they didn't just walk away.  Then I remembered my childhood - walking away would only make "mom" focus her anger on you.  I bet they felt stuck, but also mesmerized by something they might not have observed from their families.

It didn't seem like anyone deserved her ranting, unless there's some major stuff we weren't shown, nobody did anything to warrant that attack.  What was interesting was how she recovered, and didn't seem to understand that there could be hurt feelings, or  fear, from the others.  She says "sorry" and expects everything to get back to normal.  I"m sure that's how it works at home, but these people are NOT her kids, so they don't know the routine. "mom yells and screams, accuses us, but after a while it's over, she feels better, and we're all good."

Anyway, she certainly seems to have a borderline or narcissistic personality disorder.  I hope the group can talk her into some yoga/mindfulness exercises before she becomes completely unhinged

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3 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Angela refers to herself as "Mom"  and has said she's the mom of the house - except for Kenny, all the rest could be her kids.  I bet she is the kind of mom (i had one) who has meltdowns like that on the regular - then complains that nobody respects her, nobody appreciates her, etc. 

Some of the houseguests seemed stunned into silence by her outburst.  I wondered why they didn't just walk away.  Then I remembered my childhood - walking away would only make "mom" focus her anger on you.  I bet they felt stuck, but also mesmerized by something they might not have observed from their families.

It didn't seem like anyone deserved her ranting, unless there's some major stuff we weren't shown, nobody did anything to warrant that attack.  What was interesting was how she recovered, and didn't seem to understand that there could be hurt feelings, or  fear, from the others.  She says "sorry" and expects everything to get back to normal.  I"m sure that's how it works at home, but these people are NOT her kids, so they don't know the routine. "mom yells and screams, accuses us, but after a while it's over, she feels better, and we're all good."

Anyway, she certainly seems to have a borderline or narcissistic personality disorder.  I hope the group can talk her into some yoga/mindfulness exercises before she becomes completely unhinged

So sorry to hear that.  It does sound like the classic NPD.  My mom wasn't like that, she was just a pseudo-sophisticate who was disappointed with her life and mostly wanted me to stay in my room and not embarrass her in front of her friends.  Hardly great (basically destroyed my self-esteem and ruined my life, although most of that is on my lack of coping skills), but I don't think I'd swap mine for yours.

On an happier (???) note, it just hit me that if Angela truly thought that "The Collective" were working for Matt, why did she nominate him?  Don't put them up if you don't have the votes.

And also:


ANGELA: Your words are shit, put them back in your ass.

Not denying that this is a damn good line, but just so you know, Angela, that is not the preferred method for disposing of fæces.   Try that handy "toilet" device around the corner that all the kids are using. It's all the rage.  Give Thomas Crapper his props…and his poops.

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I found this on YouTube. It's VERY long. Start around 10 minutes in for the dr phil part. Also, in the comments Angela's other daughter chimes in with some info.

Angela's husband punished daughter by taking away her phone. Angela enabled the conflict by sneaking the phone back to her at night. Because of dad's yelling, daughter had not spoken to him for 5 years. Dr phil fixed it.

Edited by tinkerbell
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She gave us an epic week 1 fight and mercifully spared us a potentially nauseating showmance by nominating Matt. In my eyes, that makes her deserving of AFP! 

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Many years ago, I went to a taping of the Price is Right.   Names are NOT drawn randomly.  Ever wonder why there is never more than one person from the same group picked?   When you are in line, they do a ten second interview and you have to make an impression.  Clearly Angela did.  

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Angela has been on dr phil, price is right, let's make a deal, and big brother. 

I assume she has applied to additional shows and never made it. What do you think? I say Wife Swap, Master Chef, Amazing Race.

Maybe Who wants to be a millionaire, or that new 1 percent club with Patton Oswald. Anybody else?

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22 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

Angela has been on dr phil, price is right, let's make a deal, and big brother. 

I assume she has applied to additional shows and never made it. What do you think? I say Wife Swap, Master Chef, Amazing Race.

Maybe Who wants to be a millionaire, or that new 1 percent club with Patton Oswald. Anybody else?

LOL.    Anyone watch 90 Day Fiancé    She reminds me of Baby Girl Lisa who was with Usman, aka Soja Boy.

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Angela has also reportedly been seen with cast members of the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. I know it was probably Whitney Rose and Heather Gay. But could you imagine Angela having lunch with Jen Shah before she got carted off to the pokey to share a cell with Elizabeth Holmes? Or Mary M. Cosby with her step-grandfather-husband saga and the portrait of her mom and Jesus?

...can we start a GoFundMe to make those things happen?

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2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Angela has also reportedly been seen with cast members of the Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. I know it was probably Whitney Rose and Heather Gay. But could you imagine Angela having lunch with Jen Shah before she got carted off to the pokey to share a cell with Elizabeth Holmes? Or Mary M. Cosby with her step-grandfather-husband saga and the portrait of her mom and Jesus?

...can we start a GoFundMe to make those things happen?

Yes, that would be awesome!

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I am just curious how other viewers feel about Angela and Big Brother...

I am disappointed that BB allowed what Angela was doing to other houseguests to continue.

She has made fun of them and mocked them and basically bullied one of them.

I understand there will be personal conflicts in the house, but what Angela is doing is not acceptable.

Shame on you BB!!!

Disappointed in Canada

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15 hours ago, BBfaninCan said:

I am just curious how other viewers feel about Angela and Big Brother...

She annoys the heck out of me.  I hope she gets the boot soon.

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On 8/2/2024 at 8:45 AM, BBfaninCan said:

I am just curious how other viewers feel about Angela and Big Brother...

I am disappointed that BB allowed what Angela was doing to other houseguests to continue.

She has made fun of them and mocked them and basically bullied one of them.

I understand there will be personal conflicts in the house, but what Angela is doing is not acceptable.

Shame on you BB!!!

Disappointed in Canada

Her presence on the show makes me very uncomfortable. Her unprovoked anger, twisting others' words around to make herself the victim, screams narcissistic/borderline personality.

She imitates others, makes fun of their appearance,  and breaks down crying if anyone calls her out on it.at the very least she's a middle age mean girl who is desperate to have to be accepted by the popular kids

Lisa's  reaction looked over the top, but I wonder if there was more to Angela's bullying than what we saw. I think the others try to keep on Angela's  good side so they do t become her next target.

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4 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Angela hasn’t done anything to even come close to that prick Evel Dick!  🙄


Was that the guy that went on the show with his supposedly estranged daughter, except they weren't and they applied together, and he and the production staff abused some other girl, saying some incredibly nasty things to her?  That was the only season I watched and was so sickened by what happened that I didn't watch any other season.  Boredom had me turn on this season and while I agree that Angela doesn't approach that level of sickening abuse, I think watching that other guy left such a bad taste in my mouth that I find it hard to tolerate Angela's lesser abuse.  Perhaps her being like this on a show I already associate with tasteless abuse is making me judge her more harshly.

Is there someone like this every season?  I probably shouldn't watch this show.  I'm old and my tolerance level is low.

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4 hours ago, DEL901 said:

I don’t like Angela and I figured, like a lot of you did that her behaviour could spill over into the real world by impacting her real estate job because 8n tha5 field, good Will is everything, but this is terrible….  https://www.tmz.com/2024/08/05/big-brother-villain-angela-murray-yelp-negative-reviews/

I get that she is isn’t popular and even a “villain “, but you don’t attack someone’s livelihood like this.  

No you don’t. This is awful to do.

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It is a nasty thing to do, but you don't go on a show that is presumed to be "reality", agree to "play the role" of a horrible person and not expect the results to spill into your private or professional life.  

Personally, I don't think she is playing a role.  I think this is how she truly reacts to stress and paranoia and perhaps never has to address those emotions during work.  She might be a respectable realtor, but I would never hire her.  Maybe the realtor I would hire would be like Angela in the same circumstances, but when I hired her, she wouldn't have been stupid enough to go on TV to show everyone.


Eta:  there is an Angela on the 90-day fiance franchise that is also a horrible bully.  Both Angela 's have the same despicable on-screen personalities and both are milking their TV appearances for whatever they can get.  This Angela on multiple shows and the other within the fiance franchise.  Perhaps I am combining the two into one huge scumbag, and am making them doubly worse in my mind.


Second edit:  if she were playing a role, she would address that in her private talks.  "Hee, hee, I'm just here to stir things up by being a horrible bully.  We'll see what happens.  Maybe I'll quit just short of ending someone's dream by lying about them to get them kicked out.......... Oops.  Too late."

Edited by Johannah
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10 minutes ago, Johannah said:

Personally, I don't think she is playing a role.

This.  Her boss told the press she's playing a role.  Well, if that's so, then she must be a CBS plant.  Julie recently said in an interview that she's not a plant as that would be illegal.  It would be illegal if BB is considered a game show, but I'm not sure it's considered a game show.  Do I think she's a plant?  Possibly, but why would she agree to play a villain role knowing how it could affect her realtor career.  Regardless of whether she's a plant or not, I think we're seeing her true mean girl personality.

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Angela playing a role? What role is that? The mean bully who targets people, insults them, mocks them, disparages them to others? Or is the role the "everybody's mom" who tearfully hugs people and proclaims that she loves "each and every one of you" while denying the bullying?

I think the only time she's playing a role is likely when she's  selling a house.

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On 8/5/2024 at 1:41 PM, Gemma Violet said:

This.  Her boss told the press she's playing a role.  Well, if that's so, then she must be a CBS plant.  Julie recently said in an interview that she's not a plant as that would be illegal.  It would be illegal if BB is considered a game show, but I'm not sure it's considered a game show.  Do I think she's a plant?  Possibly, but why would she agree to play a villain role knowing how it could affect her realtor career.  Regardless of whether she's a plant or not, I think we're seeing her true mean girl personality.

I think she's a plant.  

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Is she a successful realtor?  Does she make fun of the way her clients look and walk if they decide they don't want the house she's showing?  Somehow I can see that being the case.

Her brand of energy would exhaust me within one day of being in that house.

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On 8/3/2024 at 8:50 PM, Johannah said:

Was that the guy that went on the show with his supposedly estranged daughter, except they weren't and they applied together, and he and the production staff abused some other girl, saying some incredibly nasty things to her?  That was the only season I watched and was so sickened by what happened that I didn't watch any other season.  Boredom had me turn on this season and while I agree that Angela doesn't approach that level of sickening abuse, I think watching that other guy left such a bad taste in my mouth that I find it hard to tolerate Angela's lesser abuse.  Perhaps her being like this on a show I already associate with tasteless abuse is making me judge her more harshly.

Is there someone like this every season?  I probably shouldn't watch this show.  I'm old and my tolerance level is low.

Thankfully, no.  While bullies are not unheard of on the series, longterm abuse is a rarity, thankfully.  Season 8 (Dickless) was the worst, Season 15 (where blatant racist Aaryn wasn't even close to the worst person in the house) was awful, and Season 19 with Cult Master Paul were all terrible, but usually we dodge that bullet, thankfully.

(Jack, in Season 21, certainly had potential to be a disaster, but Jack's alliance imploded in the first half of the season.  And in Season 24, Taylor had a very bad first couple of weeks, but she [and the Season] rebounded after that, partially because the main bully [Paloma] had a mental health crisis and was pulled from the game.)

So it depends on your tolerance level, I suppose.  Things have been worse, and Angela doesn't seem long for the game.

But "sometimes a little is enough", to take a quote from another series completely out of context.  Feel your way ahead and do as you see fit, I'd say.

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If the biggest transgression we can point to is someone calling an HG a twit and another HG "crazy eyes," then I think we're doing pretty damn good! We've had plenty of instances of appalling behavior on this show, a particular nadir being on season 9 when an HG mocked another HG's father's suicide. Like, c'mon folks, this is reality tv where conflicts thrive for our entertainment. Let's grow some thicker skin!

Edited by UniqBlue69
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On 8/8/2024 at 5:29 AM, UniqBlue69 said:

If the biggest transgression we can point to is someone calling an HG a twit and another HG "crazy eyes," then I think we're doing pretty damn good! We've had plenty of instances of appalling behavior on this show, a particular nadir being on season 9 when an HG mocked another HG's father's suicide. Like, c'mon folks, this is reality tv where conflicts thrive for our entertainment. Let's grow some thicker skin!

No, thanks.  I can come here to bitch about people being jerks - minor or major.


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2 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Angela was at the very bottom on Joker's ratings list for 17 weeks in a row.  She was replaced two days ago by Cam.  

I presume you meant "days".  It only feels as though it's been 17 weeks, lol.

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38 minutes ago, Halting Hex said:

I presume you meant "days".  It only feels as though it's been 17 weeks, lol.

Lol, yes, I meant 'days.'  Must remember to review my posts before hitting 'submit.' 

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On 8/10/2024 at 3:04 PM, Gemma Violet said:

Lol, yes, I meant 'days.'  Must remember to review my posts before hitting 'submit.' 

Nah, that takes all the fun out of it.  😄

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Brooklyn was also on Dr. Phil/is friends with Aaryn. And Rubina was on Don’t Forget the Lyrics. Tucker is friends with Cody. The casting is weird this year.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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