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I dunno, I think T’kor has placed herself in a precarious situation.

Quinn said he’s putting up Angela and Rubina and is considering Kimo.. if any of those 3 win veto what will Quinn do?

He’s not gonna put up Chelsie, Cam, Leah, Joseph and probably not makensey… so who’s left…. T’kor

IMO her hoh was a total catastrophe 

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18 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I don't think a CHANCE of her becoming the third nominee, but in no danger of actually being voted out against any of the other options, is that dangerous of a position for her. 

But if Kimo gets voted out or Rubina (who seems to be the target) then T'Kor loses a faithful ally and just becomes Chelsie's pawn.

T'Kor is no longer trying to win BB for herself.  She is just a stepstool for Chelsie.  That is why "race" is a bad thing to bring into a game.  People cease to be individuals in their own right.

The Cookout righted some past wrongs.  Actually a LOT of them.  But time to move on and play BB with individuals as being important and bonding with other individuals to get further in their game; not addressing some social agenda.

Edited by Skooma
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T'Kor has been very upfront about her position regarding Chelsie. If Kimo and Rubina didn't want to get sucked into her deal, they could have argued with her about it, but neither did, so I don't think it's unfair that they're reaping what they stupidly supported. Heck, only Rubina SLIGHTLY pushed back at the moronic idea of letting Tucker be a pawn, Kimo was totally down with it.

Everyone can decide for themselves what is most important for them in this game. If protecting the only other Black woman in the house was T'Kor's strongest motivation, I can certainly differ with her perspective from MY perspective (which would be "Do whatever it takes to win"), but I don't think it's wrong, really. And, again, she was so upfront about her motivations regarding Chelsie that if neither of her allies objected, they deserve the position they're in, as well. 

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33 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

That being said, I think he’ll have a more successful HoH this time than the DF one.

While I agree, I think it's a lot easier situation for him now, he's allied with pretty much everyone but Rubina and Angela, so if he gets one of them out, he's fine, and the odds of BOTH coming off the block are pretty darn slim. 

I really have to give it up to Chelsie for how much she is misting Quinn in this game. Cam is RIGHT THERE, DUDE. You're obviously not Chelsie's closest ally, and yet he truly seems to believe that he IS. 

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Okay, so Quinn is HOH. Should we once again start the "Someone tell Quinn that Leah hates him, has been trying to get him out, and is even painting a picture that he's a creeper" challenge? Basically everyone in the house other than Quinn has heard her do it. Anyone who might go on the block should be throwing Leah under the bus hard, and yet I will be surprised if anyone does.


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10 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

My only fear is that this could be set up too easily for a Chelsie-controlled run here (and even there, I don't mind Chelsie doing well, I just want her to EARN it), and THAT would bore me. 

Yea, that's the problem now. But better her than Tucker, I guess lol. 

58 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

Okay, so Quinn is HOH. Should we once again start the "Someone tell Quinn that Leah hates him, has been trying to get him out, and is even painting a picture that he's a creeper" challenge? Basically everyone in the house other than Quinn has heard her do it. 

I'm pretty sure multiple people have told Quinn this. He just doesn't care and/or doesn't believe them. When Tucker said it after the veto meeting, he literally said 'I don't care.' Leah has quite the hold on Quinn and Joseph.

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21 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm pretty sure multiple people have told Quinn this. He just doesn't care and/or doesn't believe them. When Tucker said it after the veto meeting, he literally said 'I don't care.' Leah has quite the hold on Quinn and Joseph.

They tell Quinn about Leah. People expect him to lose his mind. Quinn seeks out Leah and drops more cringe, "So now that I'm not flirting with you any more heh heh," and "I'm really not hitting on you but heh heh," and five minutes later, he's the human embodiment of the heart eyes emoji. I think I've seen it like four different times now. It's the lather-rinse-repeat of the season.

Speaking of favourites, I'm Team Leah - barring any major controversy or scandal that's actually concrete, I'm rooting for her because I adore the balls it takes to play a femme fatale game in 2024 and I've wanted to see this for awhile - so I don't mind. Break his heart. Rip it out of his chest and grind it into the ground. Quinn will still smile and ask if she can do it again but don't worry, he's not flirting with her anymore heh heh.

Edited by Callaphera
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Quinn acts like a giggly schoolgirl around Leah, yet she doesn't even flirt back.  It's strange.

On a different note, Leah suggested Kimo and Rubina as potential nominees for Quinn.  Quinn hinted that Rubina might be his target (despite her not being a threat) and let Leah know how close she came to being nominated instead of Angela.  Leah is not happy to learn that Kimo and Tucker were the ones most strongly pushing or her.

For anyone who cares, Quinn's HoH music is by Teezo Touchdown.

Now Angela is holding court in Quinn's HoH room and giving everybody a verbal blowjob about how much she loves this cast and they would have been "her favorite cast" if she was a viewer at home.

She reiterates that she doesn't want to go home this week and thanks everyone for being her friend.  Seems like she's getting ahead of the block early.

I guess they were all going in a circle sharing their favorite BB players prior to me watching.  So now Kimo is saying he loves Danielle Reyes, Jun Song, and Dan Gheesling.  He says he loved Kaycee Clark because she was Pacific Islander and gay.  He's probably the only person who has ever said that on planet Earth.

He also did compulsory mentions of Taylor Hale and Da'Vonne Rogers, and everyone screamed, "Yeeeessss!" at the top of their lungs.  T'Kor wet her pants with an orgasm.

These houseguests must be seeing something in T’Kor that all of the viewers and the cameras aren’t picking up!

She already turned on Joseph in her talk to Quinn, saying that she’s sure that both Rubina and Kimo didn’t know that Tucker was lying about where his vote would go should he come off the block, but Joseph would’ve had to have known.  Then, in the Storage Room, when T’Kor talked with Chelsie, she said that Tucker wasn’t a pawn, and that she put him up there because of Cedric!

She also threw shade at both Kimo and Rubina for throwing their games away on Tucker!  She’s too smart for that!  Her words.

So this whole "I’ve got you" is only until T’Kor is completely embedded in the Chelsie/Cam/Quinn/Leah/Makensy group.  Then, it’s bye-bye, Rubina and Kimo!

T'Kor really is willing to abandon her trio and her F2 in Kimo . . . for Chelsie and Quinn.  Wow.  My opinion of her is rapidly falling.

Edited by Rodney
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7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm pretty sure multiple people have told Quinn this. He just doesn't care and/or doesn't believe them. When Tucker said it after the veto meeting, he literally said 'I don't care.' Leah has quite the hold on Quinn and Joseph.

No, he believed it, though just at first, and was really depressed about it.  But Leah did such a good job of covering her ass when he confronted her over it, he stopped believing any attempt at getting through to him about her.

Leah may be very under the radar and seems like a flaky, ditzy girl, but she's more of a player than meets the eye.

Edited by Rodney
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T'Kor is so gross.  She's already told at least two people that she would have evicted Tucker in a tie, which we all know is a boldfaced lie.

Whether that's true or not is up to each person to decide, but the posturing makes me want to throw up.  She didn't voice an opinion for seven days, but is now trying to act staunch that Tucker going home was "the right decision."

Quinn seems to believe her.  Chelsie and Cam do not.

Later, Joseph the rat and Quinn the rat debrief in the HoH room.

I think that Joseph is going to get on his hands and knees for Quinn this week, but if his talks with Tucker are any indication, he does not trust Quinn at all.

But who knows?  Joseph may be the player that needs to be attached to another guy at the hip no matter what, and Quinn is his new guy (which would make sense, as he didn't actually trust Tucker, either).  It's not like Joseph will find much help in the T'Kor/Rubina/Kimo trio, especially when T'Kor already tried to sell him down the river.

In fact, Joseph is doing his own selling down the river, burying Rubina and getting ahead of her.  He says that Tucker and Rubina were talking shit about Quinn, and he would join to save face.  The two rats then talk and circle-jerk about how they can easily beat Leah and Makensy in a jury vote.  (Makensy, maybe.  Leah, no.)

They say that T'Kor is someone who can win a jury vote.  Quinn says something along the lines of "Gosh, I love T'Kor!" More verbal rimjobs for T'Kor, etc., etc.

Quinn and Joseph say that they won't nominate or put each other up or vote for each other.  Joseph says, "Look how loyal I was to Tucker."

Quinn is thumping his chest to Joseph, saying that he is basically the best at physical competitions now that Tucker is gone and laughing while saying, "All of a sudden, I'm a huge threat!"

Hopefully, Joseph shanks him, but Joseph is playing a follower game, so . . . no chance.

Joseph: Literally, dude!  We could bulldoze!

Quinn then says this about Kimo: "He would've chosen Tucker over me.  He made his bed and he needs to lay in it."

Looks like Kimo has been officially settled upon as the third nominee.

Quinn says that he would be okay with Angela staying.  (Shocker from him!)  He knows that she's no threat, and she'd likely be beholden to whomever keeps her safe.

Joseph and Quinn both agree that keeping Chelsie is good for their game.  They say that they love T'Kor and want to go far with her, as well.

So it looks like Kimo and Rubina are targets one and two this week.

Great job, T'Kor.  You escaped the targeting scope, but got the rest of your trio exposed to it instead.  Hope you're proud of yourself.

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I've got to admit it, though, that it amuses me at how deeply and uniquely deluded Joseph is.  He really thinks that he's playing some Dan Gheesling game and is killing it.  Can't he count Diary Room visits and realize that even the show sees how deluded he is?

I don't think Quinn really wants to break up Kimo and T'Kor, though.  He'd like to keep the Visionaries intact.  He just needs to humble Kimo and make sure that he's not going to be a problem.  Kimo's actually got some spine to him, unlike T'Kor, so Quinn has to make sure that that's bent, and he falls in line like T'Kor and Joseph have.

Problem is, he has no idea how wrong he is.  T'Kor and Kimo are talking right now and saying at least they'll know that the Visionaries are done if Kimo goes up on the block.

So T'Kor at least seems to understand that she's safe, but not Kimo.

Edited by Rodney
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T’Kor bent over backwards to protect an “ally” of Quinn’s because he asked (even though it wasn't in her best interest), and he’s nominating her two besties?  I love seeing that, at least.  She may not have her safety at risk, but her alliance is.  And it's fully deserved on her part.

Rubina has her one-on-one with Quinn now, but it's just the two of them pointlessly bashing Tucker and how dumb he was at the game.

Rubina, you're shameless.  You're going on the block with or without the Tucker bashing.  Just own your shit, stand by your man, and you'll get a lot more respect.

Funny how Rubina has been so concerned about camera time and "going into the Diary Room," but meanwhile, she's missing the opportunity to do the scorned woman act that would actually accomplish that.

Instead, she's just bashing Tucker, talking about how stupid he was at the game, how she didn't understand Tucker's decisions, etc.

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Interesting that Quinn won.  I would think he'd want to throw this as he's aligned with pretty much everyone but Angela at this point. But I guess that's the reason he felt fine with winning it.  He's pretty protected and can do what he wants.  Which is break up Rubina/Kimo/T'Kor.

I think T'Kor definitely made a mistake in using Tucker as a pawn.  She should have just put up Leah at the outset, and then replaced Cam with Angela at that point. She should have known people would take the shot at Tucker, although I do believe she kind of wanted him out due to Kimo and Rubina's adoration of him.

But I don't think nominating Angela over Leah was a mistake.  The votes would have been the same; nominating Leah would have accomplished nothing but breaking trust with Quinn, which she's currently benefiting from.  The fact is, for whatever reason I believe she has always trusted Quinn more than Tucker.  

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Long T'Kor/Kimo exchange coming up.

T'Kor says that her HoH was so great, because she put up people with whom she wasn't burning bridges (delusional), and she made smart decisions based on the relationships she spent so much time building!  Wow!  She's so great!

T'Kor says that Quinn is going to burn some people this week as HoH.

High Priestess T'Kor is allowed to just make any sweeping statements she wants now and revise history because of the pedestal upon which the house has put her on.

Kimo now says, "If Quinn puts me up, then the Visionaries are done, because I wouldn't have even thought to put Quinn up."

T'Kor says that if Quinn puts up Kimo and Rubina, then Quinn "would jump up to the top of her list" with Makensy.  (WTF is this woman's issue with Makensy?!)

Also, I thought that Makensy was T'Kor's target last week.  You know . . . when she was HoH?  But all of a sudden, it was Tucker all along and she was so okay with Tucker going?  What the hell, T'Kor?!

T'Kor is now saying that she "tried to test Tucker," but he kept doing things that made her uneasy and not allow her to trust him.

Kimo is now groveling at T'Kor's bedside and saying, "Thank you so much for being patient with me [in trying to get her to trust Tucker]."  I want to throw up.

T'Kor says that Tucker made a series of mess-ups that led to him being booted.  "He can only blame himself," she says.

T'Kor should just ask Kimo for a foot rub and be done with it.

T'Kor then goes on to slam Leah and Joseph in this convo with Kimo.  She says that she wouldn't want to see Angela on the block again for another week.  She says that Leah was slamming Quinn, and Joseph had a F2 with Tucker, so why aren't they going to be nominated?

She says that she is taking notes.  If Kimo goes up, then that lets her know everything that she needs to know.

Kimo and T'Kor say that Joseph says things that aren't true.  She seemed skeeved out by Joseph's conversation that he'd had with T'Kor immediately after his one-on-one with Quinn, where he made it seem like he was "vouching" for T'Kor and Kimo.

T'Kor and Kimo believe that Quinn commandeered the whole vote flip last night.  (He didn't.  Chelsie did.)  Kimo cites that Quinn tried to get Kimo to vote to keep Makensy if it was Makensy vs. Angela, but they never thought that he'd vote out Tucker.

T'Kor believes that the best (or "smartest," she says) players in the house are herself, Kimo, Chelsie, and Quinn. She believes that Leah is also strategic, but hasn't made any concrete moves on her own.  However, she gives her credit for sitting back and observing.

T'Kor and Kimo planning that Kimo or Rubina have to win the Veto and the other has to either win the AI Arena or hope to stay via a vote against Angela.

T'Kor says that it would be a shame if Kimo or Rubina would go home over Angela, because they both "represent something" and "have a story," and while the house likes Angela as a person, no one respects her as a player.

BARF.  STFU with this "story" and "represent" shit.  Just shoot me, already.  Besides, it's not like Angela doesn't represent someone, too.  She represents women of a certain age who are also likely obese.

Anyway, after this, T'Kor and Kimo adjourn.

Edited by Rodney
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Quinn has been telling Rubina and now Kimo that Angela is his target no matter what, he's really gunning for her, blah, blah, blah.  Chelsie and Cam celebrated a little bit in the sky room about both being safe between all this.  Rubina is now telling T'Kor in the Storage Room that she is going up, though she made it abundantly clear to Quinn that she's not upset about the Tucker thing and such.

T'kor now talking about how Quinn is probably putting Rubina and Kimo up despite Kimo really trusting Quinn.  Said that he is trying to build a bridge with Makensy, but burning one with Kimo, and that if he nominates Kimo, Quinn will not get T'Kor's jury vote.  Said that he's making a mistake if he nominates him, but they'll see how the talk upstairs goes (with Kimo and Quinn currently in the HoH room).

T'Kor is now in the phase of wanting someone to watch the show.  She said that she can't wait to see Quinn watch the show and see how much Kimo protected him.  You think that that little rat would give a fuck?

Rubina also said that she thinks this week is probably the best one to be nominated and that she's not scared.  T'Kor said that Rubina and Kimo are not going home.

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Kimo is now explaining that he aligns with people whom he likes and enjoys, and he absolutely means it when he tells Quinn that he loves him. Quinn says, "I genuinely love you, too.  And . . ."  Skippy sends us on four feeds of T'Kor and Rubina talking some more.

Back to the HoH room.  Quinn tells Kimo that he won't go home, and he'll go far in this game.  He told Rubina the same -- they're going to go far, and he believes it.  Said that based on the vote, though, that he has to do this to keep himself safe from "other people" next week and that Angela is definitively going home.

Kimo sighs and says, "Okay.  I trust you.  But I am still genuinely, one-hundred-percent trying to protect you."  He's not happy about it, but really not pushing back.  He asks what happens if Angela miraculously wins the Veto.  What happens then?  Quinn takes barely a beat and says, "Unfortunately, Rubina has to go home, then."  WTF at everything you just said to Rubina and Kimo, then?!  He says that he really likes Rubina and she reminds him of his ex-girlfriend, blah, blah, blah.  But Angela won't win the Veto.  Quinn will!

Edited by Rodney
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Makensy later takes over the HoH room from Kimo for her one-on-one with Quinn.  Quinn says that he put Makensy on the block before, because the power was exposed, and he had heard she would put him up or something.  They're quibbling over which week it was, but Tucker was saying that he'd vote Angela out, and how Cam and Chelsie were also involved, and the plan was to leave them all out of the vote at Makensy's expense.  I'm not really following or caring to, but Quinn is just trying to say how he was Makensy's champion and would not have let them do her badly like that!  What a hero, Quinn!  Guess what?  America still hates you!

Quinn said that he genuinely likes Makensy and hopes that they can work together and give her a sense of security for the first time in this game!  He wants to build something with her having people that she likes.  He says that it's unfair that since week one, she has been shat on and been called out (and I know that this is the truth, because he also said that to Chelsie last night), but he has always genuinely respected her.  Laying it on a bit thick, though I know that his motives are at least honest.

Elsewhere, T'Kor and Rubina are talking shit about Quinn!  T'Kor says that Quinn promised her safety and thought that that would be enough to make her feel good, but Kimo and Rubina "and even Chelsie" maybe being in danger makes her feel in danger, too, and worried.  Rubina wonders about Joseph, and T'Kor said that he just talked about his F2 with Tucker the whole time, probably.  They say that both Joseph and Leah left their talk with Quinn feeling safe.

T'Kor says to rewind the tapes, but she doesn't seem to know that Quinn doesn't really care who's done favors or protection for him.  T'Kor says that if he puts up Kimo and starts shaking her head . . . But Rubina says that no, he won't do that.

T'Kor said that if he puts up Makensy, then he burns one bridge.  If he puts up Kimo, then he burns three bridges, and that's just stupid.  Rubina says that it's a weak move from Quinn.  They're not wrong, but did they also miss the entire week of T'Kor being HOH?  Maybe Quinn learned from you dummies.  Now they're speculating about the AI Arena twist ending this week and jury beginning.  (I think that they're right about both.)

Back in tihe HoH room, Makensy now talks about Rubina and says that she knew that her platform was all women, and she took that "with intention."  She says that she had a conversation with her about Tucker and wanting it to be a game decision and not personal, blah blah.  Said that Rubina wanted to try and start an all-girl alliance, because that's what she stands for, and she tried to get it going on day one, but they never work, because one or two women also bring them crashing down to run headlong to the men of the house (which, sadly, is true -- Nicole dump El Quatro for the Detonators in BB16 and, along with Zakiyah, the Fatal Five for the couples alliance in BB18, and Brittany dumped the Girls' Girls for the Leftovers in BB24).

Makensy was interested in a women's alliance, but then, Rubina never spoke to her again the entire week.  Said that she was waiting to see if she would mention it during girls' night, but it never came up.  She's swearing on nothing having been built that night, Quinn said that there wasn't any game talk from the boys, either.  (It's worth noting that Quinn's real first alliance was the Andersons with Tucker, Cam, and Kimo, but he never wanted to stick with that permanently, because he knew how hated guys' alliances have been since the Brigade in BB12.)

Just blabbing now about how Makensy and Matt were targeted for a showmance, but Rubina thought that she and Tucker shouldn't have been, etc.

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Joseph and Leah finally make the F2 around which they've been dancing for weeks.  It's called Something Chill or Chill Something.  Joseph says that he thought that Tucker and Kimo had a F2, because of some story where Kimo told Quinn and Joseph that he didn't want Tucker to have another competition win to add to his resume.  They were talking about the possibility of Veto and AI Arena wins and said it would definitely be Kimo, but unsure whether they meant definitely getting off the block or definitely getting the votes.

Now Quinn and Makensy, still in the HoH room, are saying that their moms wouldn't let them hang out with Angela post-show and that they don't need to hang out with a fifty-one-year old woman.  Yeah, Angela's really going to miss out hanging with you two dullards.  Just bashing Angela now.  They've talked about her speeches many times.  What will they talk about if Angela goes?

Post-show without Angela while they're hanging in Texas is going to be "so awesomesauce!  I can't frickin' wait."  Makensy is telling America to watch them, because these two are on the up.  They were the power holders and are holding the power again!  It's impressive how Quinn pulls out all the worst qualities in people.  To me, Makensy has never been interesting, but she's downright annoying now.

Fortunately, Skippy jumps back to Joseph and Leah again.  Joseph saying that the show is not that hard to figure out.  He says that Quinn sucks, everyone knows his game, it's not a big deal, and he can be worried about later.  That's when he convinced Tucker to Veto Quinn by talking about how obvious his game was.  Joseph has a Twisted Tea and looks happier than he's ever been, but unsure if it's that or that he and Leah are sitting on the same bed together.

Joseph is now saying that Chelsie knew that Joseph and Tucker had a F2 because she's sharp and walked in on them being joyous together, and Chelsie just said, "Interesting" and walked away.  Then, Tucker started laying it on super-thick.  Leah saying how dumb that was.  Just ignore it.  She then told Joseph that with Tucker, "less is more" and not to overact.

These moments where Joseph talks about what a great player he is are pretty hilarious.  I love seeing him high on his own supply.  I suspect that Leah detects his delusions, too, and purposely feeds into them.

Joseph and Leah talk about how others mistreat Angela and make fun of her and how they won't do that.  Leah admits that Angela is spastic and unpredictable, but she's still a person.  Joseph agrees, saying that it's unfair that they act the way that they do.  He then says that it's good for them that they don't take part, because Angela will remember that they never did it.  He also says that he doesn't just do it for game.  It's just because he was raised that way and wouldn't want someone being hateful toward his own mother.  Angela is someone else's mother, after all.  Leah agrees, saying that she loves Angela, and Joseph says that he does, too.  It's just hard to spend long times around her, because they don't want to make themselves targets by doing as such.

They also mentioned that some people (not sure who) got HoHitis from T'Kor's HoH and thought that she'd be super controllable.  Joseph saying that he was very stressed in the Mattrix and thought that Leah would be nominated, so he was very happy that she worked her ass off to stay off the block.

Leah said that she would never compare them to her face, but she does see similarities between Angela and her mom.  Said that some of Angela's behavior is what her mom has also done that have driven people to isolate from her, which drove Leah to feel protective over her.  Said that she feels strongly about Angela in that way, but won't make the comparison to her, because then Angela will get in her feelings about it.  She says that people are ruining their relationships with Angela, but she will be amenable to them (Joseph and Leah) and trust them.  (I agree, but be careful playing with fire!)  Leah suggests pulling Angela in as a third, which Joseph considers (as he has slowly gotten back around to trusting her again), though they'll have to let her know that she has to keep her paranoia down.  She can't keep going to the worst-case scenario in her mind.

Cut from the conversation of Leah and Joseph talking about how they feel badly about Angela, and Leah saying that she's so strong and overcame cancer (which makes me feel sad, because my own roommate is currently dying of terminal cancer), to Makensy and Quinn laughing about her in the HoH comp. What a dichotomy.

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Wow, lying in Big Brother, what an absolute bitch. 

Also, it’s T’Kor, so that was actually a very real possibility.

Lying in a way no one suspects, fine.

Lying in a way that even the other houseguests know is a lie, pathetic.

I don't mind lying in this game.  Just make it believable.  T'Kor can't even do that.

Edited by Rodney
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Apparently HOH was the egg comp and Cam is allergic to eggs. Damn BB lol.

I kinda want Rubina to win veto. It forces Quinn to put up someone he doesn’t want to/told he wouldn’t. Plus, I want the streak of the veto being used to continue. Even better would be T’Kor winning and taking Rubina down.

I kinda want to see Kimo play more without Tucker because I think he could be a pretty cutthroat player but I’m also OK if he becomes the target because I will never not be at least a little happy to see another man go lol.

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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I kinda want to see Kimo play more without Tucker because I think he could be a pretty cutthroat player but I’m also OK if he becomes the target because I will never not be at least a little happy to see another man go lol.

Also if he's the target, we wouldn't have to hear every burp, fart, groan, gag, snuffle, and moan that Kimo lets out. I'm totally down for this.

Edited by Callaphera
sentence structure, yo
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10 hours ago, Rodney said:

Uh . . . I'd say that Quinn is an outright dick.  But aside from that, I agree with you.  All of the others seem fine as people.  Even Angela, with all of her sheer excitability and paranoia, seems like a good person, since the houseguests seem to like her as a person, at least, despite their distrust of her as a player.

IMHO Quinn isn’t really a dick, but he does play one on TV.  😄


1 hour ago, Rodney said:


T'Kor really is willing to abandon her trio and her F2 in Kimo . . . for Chelsie and Quinn.  Wow.  My opinion of her is rapidly falling.

My opinion of T’Kor can’t fall very much further, unless I feel sufficiently motivated to go scrounge up a shovel.

Edited by Nashville
Dicks and ass, dicks and ass….
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51 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Wait, apparently all the evictees voted no for Ainsley. And Kimo is maybe the only one left that voted no. Now I kinda want him gone even more because that would just be hilarious.

I saw a notification about that on X/Twitter.  Quite the coincidence that all of the "yes" voters (Makensy, Angela, Rubina, Joseph, Leah, and Quinn) are still in the game.

But Chelsie, Cam, and T'Kor also voted no for Ainsley.

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26 minutes ago, Rodney said:

I saw a notification about that on X/Twitter.  Quite the coincidence that all of the "yes" voters (Makensy, Angela, Rubina, Joseph, Leah, and Quinn) are still in the game.

But Chelsie, Cam, and T'Kor also voted no for Ainsley.

So THAT’S how Angela keeps hanging on, week after week….

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

I know, everyone is so messy and they change their minds on who they want to work with at least once or twice a week.  I think people like Joe's mustache and Quinn like the idea of creating alliances more than the actual working IN the alliance.  

Back when the Cedric flip happened, I said that I didn't see how T'Kor could possibly go through with it, and I was way wrong, but as it turns out, she probably really DIDN'T want to do it, but Kimo sort of pushed her into it. 

She definitely didn't want to be in a NEW alliance after that week. It was too, too funny.

7 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

I think people like Joe's mustache and Quinn like the idea of creating alliances more than the actual working IN the alliance.  

Bingo. Especially this week, Quinn just wants the air time of him forming it, naming it, etc. But the chance of this alliance lasting beyond this week (or today lol) is slim to none.

  • Like 8

Quinn is honestly messy as fuck.

He is low-key throwing Joseph under the bus to Kimo, saying that Joseph took the credit for Tucker "Vetoing Quinn off the block during his HoH week."

Kimo making the argument -- whether in good faith or not -- that it took a village.  (No, it did not, lmao.  Tucker literally saved Quinn both to cause drama and because he thought that Chelsie and Brooklyn were bigger threats than he was/is.)

It's hilarious to me that Quinn's new plan is the exact same as his old plan: a seven-person alliance with a "core" (Pentagon -> Chelsie/Cam/T'Kor) and a side three (T'Kor/Kimo -> Leah/Joseph/Makensy).   All while telling everyone everything.

It's why I don't think that he's going to last at all.  Ironically, I think that T'Kor and Kimo will finally have his number after this HoH.

Edited by Rodney
  • Like 3
3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Apparently HOH was the egg comp and Cam is allergic to eggs. Damn BB lol.

I kinda want Rubina to win veto. It forces Quinn to put up someone he doesn’t want to/told he wouldn’t. Plus, I want the streak of the veto being used to continue. Even better would be T’Kor winning and taking Rubina down.

I kinda want to see Kimo play more without Tucker because I think he could be a pretty cutthroat player but I’m also OK if he becomes the target because I will never not be at least a little happy to see another man go lol.

Okay, so can we manifest T'Kor winning veto and taking Rubina down and Kimo winning AI?  Here's my scenario that I want to happen because Quinn has too many alliances going right now and he's going to burn one regardless.  Best guess, he puts Makensy up as the replacement, assuring her that she's only a pawn and Angela or Kimo is gone, unaware of the fact that Joseph/Leah want to pull Angela in as a third.  Yet another flip happens and wallpaper/number Makensy is ousted.  That sets us up with 3 alliances of 3 people each for the jury phase - Chelsie/Cam/Quinn, T'Kor/Kimo/Rubina and Joseph/Leah/Angela.

1 hour ago, Rodney said:

So Quinn wants to go to the F4 with Cam, Chelsie, and T'Kor.

He wants to go to the F4 with 3 black people?  LMAO!  Okay, you moron.

RIght now, Angela, Joseph, Quinn, Rubina, Cam, Leah, and Chelsie are out in the backyard.  T'Kor is in the shower.

No clue of where Kimo or Makensy is.

26 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I half think he just wants credit for "not noticing color" or whatever.

Yeah, Quinn very much seems a "social credit" sort of dweeb.

  • Like 7

I'm so happy Tucker left, I don't know what people see in him, except that he made stupid game moves and made the game more interesting. If I had met him in the real world somewhere I would think something is wrong with him, he is 30 years old and he behaves like a little kid. Also happy to lose this fuckmance, I don't think Rubina is a bad person but I think she showed once again that a strong powerful woman forgot about her game and was running after a guy who is wayyyyy out of her league. And also Tucker, when you feel that a woman is the real deal as you told Julie, you don't fuck her on national TV. 

Kimo and t'kor are the next duo that have to go, wake up people and play the game of big brother like it is: a game of strategy, not friendship.

  • Like 5
33 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

I'm so happy Tucker left, I don't know what people see in him, except that he made stupid game moves and made the game more interesting

Yea, that’s why I liked him lol. 

This just really is not the season for fans of strategy. Great season for us fans of messy but unproblematic players and Team Fun Feeds though.


Okay, so can we manifest T'Kor winning veto and taking Rubina down and Kimo winning AI?  

I’m down. Thinking though, T’Kor is more likely to save Kimo and then Rubina can win Arena.

I don’t necessarily care who stays or goes though I just want it to be fun to watch. And I definitely want the veto used this week to further fuck over Quinn lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Like 12
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31 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Angela crying again while Rubina and Kimo are waxing poetic about Tucker. He’s gone people, move on!

It's Jessie's Funeral 2.0, with Angela, Kimo, and Rubina in Chima, Lydia, and Natalie's places.

Pentagon 1.0 talk right now in HoH.

Chelsie has a pretty good read on T'Kor.  She will do what's best for her game, and she is orbiting around all of them right now, but you can't give her info if it pertains to "her group," aka Kimo and Rubina.

Chelsie wants to see who wins the Veto and who needs to be the replacement nominee before they talk about re-forming their "group."

I mean, Pentagon 2.0 is basically a four-person group of Cam/Quinn/Chelsie/T'Kor, with T'Kor having parachutes of whom Pentagon 1.0 needs to get rid.

I don't think that Pentagon 1.0 wants Joseph or Leah too close, but Leah is basically Quinn's little secretary, so she's going to have to be.

am I the only one who thinks Tucker threw the AI challenge?  when I saw it was puzzles I thought he'd fly through it.  I don't buy he didn't understand the directions. he was facing Angela and should have seen how far she had progressed. something wasn't right. he didn't seem to have his heart in it or that broken up about being voted out.

  • Like 3
6 hours ago, Rodney said:

T'Kor is so gross.  She's already told at least two people that she would have evicted Tucker in a tie, which we all know is a boldfaced lie.

I'm not sure about that. She flat out told Kimo she would vote for Tucker to go. She was fed up with him telling her what to do and trying to get payback for his "gifts". At least at that time, she was really over Tucker.

6 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

But I don't think nominating Angela over Leah was a mistake.  The votes would have been the same;

Not if Angela voted for Tucker to stay. It would have been a tie. This was the scenario I was hoping for, because I wanted to see if T'Kor would go through with what she said she would do.

5 hours ago, Rodney said:

STFU with this "story" and "represent" shit.  Just shoot me, already.  Besides, it's not like Angela doesn't represent someone, too. 

Sure, she represents the irrationally paranoid. Their stories may shift by the minute, but they are stories! And should be told at the top of their lungs! (Tears optional.)

1 hour ago, SummerDreams said:

I'm so happy Tucker left, I don't know what people see in him, except that he made stupid game moves and made the game more interesting.

Exactly! Stupid game moves are the BEST.

  • LOL 3
5 minutes ago, watch2much said:

am I the only one who thinks Tucker threw the AI challenge?  when I saw it was puzzles I thought he'd fly through it.  I don't buy he didn't understand the directions. h

In all his exit interviews, he said he didn't throw it.  (He also has dyslexia, which maybe played a part.)  I believe him when he says he wanted to win it.

  • Like 4
6 minutes ago, watch2much said:

am I the only one who thinks Tucker threw the AI challenge?  when I saw it was puzzles I thought he'd fly through it.  I don't buy he didn't understand the directions. he was facing Angela and should have seen how far she had progressed. something wasn't right. he didn't seem to have his heart in it or that broken up about being voted out.

He said he didn't throw it; he was just doing it backwards because of his 'dyslexia.' I think dyslexia is about letters though, isn't it? Maybe he has the one that's like dyslexia but with numbers because he seemed to do OK reading when he had the AI punishment.

16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

He said he didn't throw it; he was just doing it backwards because of his 'dyslexia.'

He told Julie that he thought the numbers had to face the other way, and that's why he put the puzzle pieces in backwards. Maybe he just doesn't know what dyslexia is.

(Edit: I noticed that Julie smacked him with her cards for not understanding the directions, but not for putting himself up as a pawn. A misplaced smack, IMO.)

Edited by 30 Helens
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  • LOL 3
1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Sure, she represents the irrationally paranoid. Their stories may shift by the minute, but they are stories! And should be told at the top of their lungs! (Tears optional.)

I really think the whole house will be gunning for Angela this week, but not for game reasons. They'll know this is the last elimination before Jury, and nobody wants to be stuck in either this house or the jury house with her until early October.

  • Like 4
3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

He said he didn't throw it; he was just doing it backwards because of his 'dyslexia.' I think dyslexia is about letters though, isn't it? Maybe he has the one that's like dyslexia but with numbers because he seemed to do OK reading when he had the AI punishment.

My Mom was told by a Dr. later in life that she had a form of dyslexia.

Reading was not a problem, but maps, graphs, puzzles and long numbers totally threw her.

We were on vacation when I was 7 (almost 60 years ago) and she got us terribly lost.  Dad went ballistic and shoved the map in my face and I quickly solved the problem, got us where we were going.  They had a huge fight!😃

So it's possible.

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