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S01.E04: Week Two in Utopia - A

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I didn't think I was going to like Hex this much, but she seems like a person who really does care about others, and is willing to spend time to get to know people.  How many others would have spent that kind of time just really talking to Red and really listening to him?  I mean, Red is a nut, for sure, but he's also a person with feelings, and she seemed to really get that and to respect him as a person. 

Oh, hey, Taylor..how you doin'?


These fools are going to spend all their money, kill all the animals, and run out of food in like two weeks - what will Fox do then???

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My favorite line of the episode belongs to Hex:  "I don't want to yell at the chickens because Bella says I have a bad aura."  Sometimes I think I love Hex.


I was surprised that the only negative edit about the animal care was about Bella and the chickens.   In general, though, the editing seemed to be trying to give people (minus Bella) a positive spin tonight.  

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My favorite line of the episode belongs to Hex:  "We're going to lose our {{rooster}}."      don't know why she thought that particular chicken would run away.


a minute earlier, the chicken door was opened, and they calmly walked out.

those loose chickens immediately started happily pecking away (eating stuff on the ground).  


when the new guy walks by Nikki and Josh, she says to Josh, "You have competition."    haha, funny look on his face then.

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I've been a fan of Hex's from the start, I think she's really good with people. Not so good with the whole wearing clothes and/or ones that leave much to the imagination... but she's got a good heart.


Loved the narrator adding "And for the first time a party that hasn't ended in tears. Is this progress?"


Little does Josh know what a commitment and journey it would be to have sex with the good doctor! Be careful what you wish for, buddy.


Bella is losing it... glad to see she put on a hat to keep the sun of her face... but yeah there's a reason people don't farm in the nude, especially with other people around!


I was just cringing through the whole Utopiyoga segment.


ETA: I was shocked to hear how far along Amanda was...

Edited by Wandering Snark
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My favorite line of the episode belongs to Hex:  "I don't want to yell at the chickens because Bella says I have a bad aura."



I forgot about that, but I actually laughed out loud when she said it.  So funny.  


Bella is a real enigma to me.  At first I thought she was just hippy-dippy (scientific term!), but now I worry that she might be a little unstable.  Her whole Josh thing is so bizarre to me.  She was afraid of him and he needed to go, but now she wants him and is kind of stalking him?  I don't get it.  I think she's going to crack.


I'm soooo interested in seeing what happens with Amanda.  Now that we've seen medics and vets come in, I'm less worried about her giving birth there, and I think it might be really interesting to have a baby in Utopia.  So, just interested to see.

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My favorite line of the episode belongs to Hex:  "I don't want to yell at the chickens because Bella says I have a bad aura."


I thought the bit after the credits was funny for other reasons.


"Want to walk through the gates of Paradise yourself. Utopia is now open for business.

There's yoga classes, boot camps, fishing and Red.   Now's your chance to visit."


Come for the Red Experience, stay for the fishing and yoga.

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The TV show vs. what re-cappers see in live feeds are so far apart at this point as to be from two different planets.  The story editor is spinning a version of this mess that is so at odds with what is really happening and is a boring one as well.  I get that that is how most of these "trash school genre" reality shows work but it is assumed there are enough couch potatoes interested in the unreality they make up.  But with ratings through the root cellar for this show the fantasyland story editing is just making things worse.


Next week the old, former big three networks start their new seasons pretty much.  Wonder if there will be anyone left on earth that will still watch the TV version of this mess at that point.  I know I won't.  But I'll read the live feeds stuff with the funny, witty comments the re-cappers throw in more than likely.  That's where the entertainment is.


These producers missed the boat on trying to save the mess they made by trying to spin stuff the way they have.  The disconnect is so great now and the social media so prevalent showcasing what is really going on with re-cappers and you tube that those of us that don't watch the live feeds still know what they are showing.  They just shoot themselves in the foot trying to make up these storylines so divorced from reality.

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The TV show vs. what re-cappers see in live feeds are so far apart at this point as to be from two different planets.  The story editor is spinning a version of this mess that is so at odds with what is really happening and is a boring one as well. 


I couldn't agree with this more.  I have been going back after I watch the aired version an re-read Zahdii's recaps to remind myself what REALLY happened.  There are huge chunks of "story" that they aren't even touching on that would be WAY more interesting.  But, again, I wasn't paying full attention to this train wreck so maybe there was more than I realize.


That whole "thirsty" talk was really getting on my nerves.  The metaphor, IMO, was stupid to begin with but then to REPEAT it about 50 times in the same conversation drove me up the wall!


I laughed and laughed about the chickens eating the cow poop.  I lived on a farm when I was 10-12 (then we moved to a big city, so I've lived all over) and our chickens would eat the grain out of the poop too.  The chickens were just happily going along their merry way, doing what chickens do and Hex was freaking out over "poop eggs". 


I do agree that there's something wrong with Bella and she is losing it, but the way everyone talks to her makes me kind of upset.  No human being deserves to be belittled, laughed at, and be treated that nasty all of the time.  That's probably what's wearing her down.  Although, I quite honestly couldn't deal with her either.  If I were there I would just avoid her at all costs instead of talk to her or about her like that.

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Wow, these people are just blowing through their money. Week two and there is no long-term strategy discussed. If they seriously think an impromptu, "Let's invite people to do yoga on our compound!" idea is going to sustain them, well.....that's our Utopians. 


They're dropping like flies too. Again, two weeks in and two Utopians are gone - and not from the voting out process. I was sad to see Jonathan go. He seemed like a really great guy, and well liked. I think he should feel proud of himself, though - it seems like he did accomplish what he set out to. Did he convert every Utopian to Christianity? No. But it's clear he really touched some lives, and showed people what the true face of God is - kindness, generosity, acceptance. He was a good example of a Christian and I'm glad people got to see that. 


I really like Hex at this point as well. When she was trying to comfort Red about missing his wife, she struck me as a really genuine person who cares about people and tries to empathize with them. She seems like she would be easy to get along with, very understanding and tries to see your point of view. 


Bella on the other hand, I'd go nuts if I had to live with her. One minute she's bawling over someone leaving, the next she's trying to claim their sleeping space. Then she's flirting mercilessly with Josh, then she's letting chickens fly the coop. Her main issue is that she just really doesn't seem to want to communicate with anyone. She thinks because she's a "prepper" that she knows everything. They should all just be grateful for her expertise and do whatever she says. I wouldn't be able to stand her for more than 5 minutes. 

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That whole "thirsty" talk was really getting on my nerves.  The metaphor, IMO, was stupid to begin with but then to REPEAT it about 50 times in the same conversation drove me up the wall!



Stop trying to make thirsty happen! It's not gonna happen!

The Utopia version of "fetch".

Edited by kikismom
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Because I felt guilty about enjoying the live feed recaps so generously provided by Zahdii and Andyourlittledog2, I watched episodes 3 & 4.


The contrast compare between what they distill into that hour and what our intrepid recappers note is startling to say the least.  On the upside, the host Dan Piraro is coming across as the most sane of anyone associated with this show and he is the Bizarro cartoonist (full disclosure:  I love Bizarro).



Stop trying to make thirsty happen! It's not gonna happen!

Did Tyrant Banks cross over from the CW?  Cause she's been trying to make certain words happen for years - smize and booch tooch come to mind immediately, but there are others.


Not sure if it was in a preview or in the show, but they were showing the Udopians gathering booze making goods for Red, including a condom.  I'm hoping they were joking when someone said they washed it out.

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Came to post just how annoying "thirsty" is. Was Kristen the one that brought that term in because listening to that word is NOT my Utopia. 


The whole thing seems like a crazy, sad summer camp. I mean everyone crying around the fire because you kind of feel obligated to share how much you love everyone; then the little hissy fits over where to sleep (did Bella just want that spot because it was close to Josh) and then the "wild and crazy" drag party. I don't blame any of them for not taking it seriously. 


They have a lot more interaction and communication to the real world than I expected. And I think it is funny how the narrator keeps saying "they'll have to live with this person for the next year", when people are leaving right and left. I say two weeks tops. 

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The disconnect for me is that they actually make it seem as though the money in the safe is ALL THEY HAVE.  Like, if they use it all to pay for oreos and pizza, that they will run out of money and supplies, and like the pioneers, face STARVATION over the next year.  Because, the producers will have them locked in, and the cameras on, while we watch them die?   

What Bullshit!    

I think the Utopians know that nothing dire will happen.   At worst, if they run out of supplies the producers will take funds out of their $1000/week "salary"  to make up the deficit.   Which might actually be a decent idea, and get them motivated to be more responsible. 

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Anyone else find it funny how the nurse showed up to compound with Jon's x-ray? The editing is so hokey.


Obviously Jon left to have his thumb examined at a hospital or clinic, but the producers want to play down the absurd amount of coming and going of these contestants who are supposed to be squared away from the outside world.

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At worst, if they run out of supplies the producers will take funds out of their $1000/week "salary"  to make up the deficit.   Which might actually be a decent idea, and get them motivated to be more responsible.



I wish that when they run out of money, Production would simply not give them any more.  If it looks like they're going to starve, then give them carrots or something.  The problem is, these guys can leave whenever they want.  And I realize there are probably legal reasons for that, but I wish they'd had to sign a contract that they could only leave on a certain day of the week (barring emergencies), so that they had some kind of impetus to make things work.  I would have liked to see them actually panic when they realized how fast the money was going and then saw only one guy show up for their yoga thing.  

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I wish they'd had to sign a contract that they could only leave on a certain day of the week (barring emergencies), so that they had some kind of impetus to make things work.


Or better yet, if the Myopians choose to walk out they immediately forfeit their accumulated stipend.

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It's very weird watching this show after being a week ahead on the recaps; it's like I'm rewatching something I've never, technically, actually seen before.  Plus, when Bri comes on the screen I hiss like she's the stereotypical movie villain, even when she's just, say, sitting on a rock.  And I'm all "Ugh, look at Bri, sitting on that rock like she friggin' *owns* the place". :)


Or better yet, if the Myopians choose to walk out they immediately forfeit their accumulated stipend.


I was thinking this exact thought!  I assumed they had to draw up *some* kind of contract that would keep them there, since you don't spend $50M to make a show where your entire cast can walk out at a moment's notice without some legal protection.  On other shows, the big reward is the incentive; no matter how miserable you are after 15-20 days on "Survivor", when you think of quitting you remember that half the cast is now gone, and you're that much closer to $1M and really only have to suck it up at most a couple more weeks.  As a result, we've seen maybe 2 people quit in 20+ seasons of Survivor, but what's the incentive here? 


Unless you're single and put all your stuff in storage and gave up your home/apartment, you and/or your family are still running up bills on the outside.  For some of these folks, they won't even have much of the stipend left when they leave after a year!  I mean, it's cruel, but I guess "clawing back" that money, even if your family spent it, *is* protection.  Hence Dave and Jon quitting early, when they aren't on the hook for much.


Whatever the penalty, Pastor Jon seemed to me to be almost relieved to have an "out".  I thought he'd jump up and kick his heels together when the nurse told him he couldn't stay at Utopia if he got surgery.  I mean, the guy apparently had injured that thumb in the past year, and then he goes out and plays barehanded, long toss softball catch with Josh?  I believe some part of him wanted his thumb to get hurt, as crazy as that sounds...


When the inevitable happens, and the money and food runs out... first, I hope they take the animals, since they won't have the feed or money to keep them alive (the hay and chicken feed are coming from *somewhere*).  Then I hope they give them basic staple foods like on Survivor auctions: "Here's a twice-daily bowl of rice, beans, and veggies that will keep you alive and sustained, oh, and it's $150/day a person out of your stipend".  I don't think Mrs. Red would be too happy to no longer have the stipend to pay bills because her husband was too busy stuffing his face with Oreos and Ramen in the first few weeks.



My favorite line of the episode belongs to Hex:  "We're going to lose our {{rooster}}."      don't know why she thought that particular chicken would run away.


a minute earlier, the chicken door was opened, and they calmly walked out.

those loose chickens immediately started happily pecking away (eating stuff on the ground).  


I like the unedited version, because with this show's absurd hormonal teenage antics, her screaming out that line just had me in hysterics.  And honestly, Hex has completely won me over; she's my favorite Myopian so far; everyone else except Josh (!) and new guy Taylor, can go jump in the (clothing optional) lake as far as I care.  Hex seems genuine and compassionate in her interactions with other people, and other than the day 1 drunkenness seems fairly level headed and drama-free. Also, did anyone notice when the graphics monkeys slipped up and put "Administrative Assistant" instead of "Huntress" as her job title?


I'm not sure if Hex was correct about the chickens and cow poop- I doubt it, since again symbiotic farming will have things like pigs following chickens following cows so as to organically "self-farm" the land healthfully and naturally.  Regardless, Bella did what most of these people do all the time: they just make their own choices without talking to anyone, then spitefully act like spoiled children whenever someone dares to disagree.  Red was the same way (as was Bella) about the sleeping spot of Jon's.  He was right, but he was still an asshole. It blows me away how easily these people lose their tempers.  How do any of them hold down jobs or relationships when they're this hot headed, ill-mannered, and childish?


Speaking of which, Josh was the voice of reason about how poorly they handled their business venture in terms of first impressions.  For the clowns like Rob and others who were mocking the yoga and the turnout while "Ben" was within earshot: it happens to be the only way they've earned any money, since the hecklers haven't made a penny themselves.  It doesn't take a marketing expert to know that if your first customer leaves and says "Wow, what a group of assholes", you might not get anyone else.  If Nikki got even 4-5 paying customers once a week doing some kind of open air holistic yoga thing, then if you're not completely stupid (I really can't stress this caveat enough) that would keep you decently supplied with nutritious and sustaining- if unexciting- food indefinitely.


It's really incredible that they seem to think money is the only way you can eat; guys, you're on a FARM.  Once you paid to get electric, plumbing, stove (why a gas stove, anyway?), and a refrigerator, a half-way sensible group would have clamped down on the money and said it's for emergencies and supplements of foods only until the garden is in full bloom, so let's try to increasingly live off the land until we can get our feet under us.  Which... doing a very quick google search, complete food self-sufficiency for a group this size would take 1.5-2 acres, and I'm not seeing Bella's keyhole garden look aaaanywhere close to that size.


While I'm on the topic of clueless fools, Kristen is quickly earning my complete scorn.  She was pushing too hard on "thirsty" and would just. not. let. it. go.  That whole conversation with Bri and Kristen while they ogled Chris was really gross; he's working hard doing... well, I don't know what, hauling logs around... and they're a couple of cackling hens commenting on his butt dimples and how horny- er, "thirsty"- they are. 


She seems like those young, dim-witted people who flock to marketing and ad-rep jobs because they aren't actually good at anything else.  Her repeated imploring that "marketing is my passion" and the importance of marketing to making money was laughable; you're not trying to up market share in a competitive B2B space, Kristen: you're living on a farm and trying to make a few bucks a week to cover food and expenses.  It just made me think of the classic Bill Hicks routine about marketing people (warning, VERY not-safe-for-work language).



All the ranting aside, I... kind of enjoyed the episode last night.  I'm so ashamed, but it's largely because the live feed recap forum is soooo so good that the broadcast itself is the occasional crummy side dish, two hours a week. 


But mostly, I think we've just accepted these people are helpless imbeciles, and we're the fools who are entertained by the bread and circus distraction of that time-honored American tradition: turning on the TV an laughing at people dumber than us.

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While I'm on the topic of clueless fools, Kristen is quickly earning my complete scorn.

That is the one thing Kristen has actually worked at - earning scorn.  I'm not sure she's be shown to do anything productive although she's got counter-productive covered with the shit stirring.


Rob was actually shown doing some work and doing a decent job at leading the meetings/discussions last night.  I'll give him credit for that cause it has to be like herding cats. 



(why a gas stove, anyway?)

I know, right?  Cause you've already gone through the trouble of getting electricity up to the human barn, now let's run gas lines?  My knowledge is limited in this area, but the amps/voltage needed for a stove is probably different than what you would need for Mike's hair dryer so maybe it does make some sense.

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Unfortunately, 'thirsty' has already happened. Spend a little time on Whisper and you'll see that Kids These Days have embraced it.



I had no idea. I'm tragically unhip.

Yeah, I don't even know what "Whisper"  is.   



I agree about the gas stove.  An electric stove might even be cheaper.   

BUT -  there are even cheaper options.  Boy scouts cook over fires, Use dutch ovens over coals as a sort of "outdoor crockpot", and use propane camp stoves to cook for 12 - 15 people.  These idiots seem intent on running through that $5000 as fast as possible. 

They just seem to be making poor decisions, one after the other.   

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I know, right?  Cause you've already gone through the trouble of getting electricity up to the human barn, now let's run gas lines?  My knowledge is limited in this area, but the amps/voltage needed for a stove is probably different than what you would need for Mike's hair dryer so maybe it does make some sense.


The line voltage from the power company is the same for everything in your home.


Goggling an explanation is easier and I'm lazy.


"In North America ... (cutting formulae and center tapping explanations) ... The actual measured voltage in your house receptacle circuits will normally be 110 to 120 volts. All appliances are rated for the minimum operating voltage (110-115). "


I do wonder if it was production that made them run the gas line though.  Maybe the intent was they would use gas heat in the winter eventually?  Haha, like they would last until winter.

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electric stoves often use   220/240


Yes and the line feed in from the street is tapped in the center using it as ground (stuff I edited out above cause of the techno-babble ... sorry, guess I should have kept it in) so it is only 120 volts.  But the feed itself is 240 volts.   Again there is only one single electric line into any house. 


All appliances run off of this voltage in.  How a junction box is wired as well as a step up (or step down) transformer and it's supporting circuitry on the power board inside an appliance takes the one feed and changes it as needed.  Otherwise 120 volts would fry this computer that runs on 15 volts to the mother board like most workstation computers do.

Edited by green
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The tv broadcast was so boring, it's like they're trying to avoid showing any of the parts people would find interesting.  I can think of at least a dozen incidents I've read about in the live feed blogs that would hook viewers more than the dearly departed Pastor Jon, extended version.


(I had to convert one of my outlets from 110 to 220 for a large appliance and it wasn't a big deal.  So I am extremely curious why they needed to blow 11% of their startup money running a gas line for the stupid stove.  I wish someone from the show would address the question because I'd laugh like a loon if it were something like "professional chefs prefer to cook with gas.")

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The tv broadcast was so boring, it's like they're trying to avoid showing any of the parts people would find interesting.

I was wondering if I felt that way because I'd been reading the live feed thread, or because it was truly boring. I came to the conclusion that what aired was truly that boring. You only have an hour, pack some action into it! It was almost impossible to get a sense of anyone's personality from what was shown, except for the pastor's, and he's gone!

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 I'd laugh like a loon if it were something like "professional chefs prefer to cook with gas."



I suspect that is the reason.     or, they only had 110volt outlets in the peoplebarn




one hour (probably 42 minutes of show) might not be enough to develop story lines and the personal relationships of fifteen people

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I suspect that is the reason.     or, they only had 110volt outlets in the peoplebarn




one hour (probably 42 minutes of show) might not be enough to develop story lines and the personal relationships of fifteen people



They manage to do so on shows like Big Brother and Survivor - I'm sure a clever (or decent) editor could do so with the raw footage.


It isn't that difficult to add 220V junction box/outlet to an existing electrical line.

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Bring back DAVE!


As someone who enjoyed the fights and the trainwreck that accompanied him this episode was pretty dull. I fear if it was a new viewers first episode it will also be their last as it was boring without the conflict. If I want to see kumbaya I'll tune in to BIG BROTHER where everyone spent the summer suckling on Derrick's teat.


Hex just smells of desperation the way she latched on to Taylor while Josh looks like a big fool...he could bag Bella in a heartbeat but instead he's going for the Yoga Doc who pretty much told him he would be a last resort.


Rob is a vile human being and I wasn't buying his scene with the Rev.

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Interesting to note that the show has changed its description of Rob from "Patriot" in the previous episode, to "Libertarian" in this episode. I wonder what reason was behind that change?

I did really dislike the use of "Patriot" as his moniker, as it implies that the other Utopians are unpatriotic. Of course, Rob does claim to be a "real American" unlike others who were... also born in America.

I would have said that I'd like to hear more about how Rob defines Libertarianism and what his underlying political philosophy is. But then I thought about it for a minute and realised that it would be terribly boring and uninteresting.

Also, the show's host/narrator is so annoying, I want to rip that moustache from his twee steampunk face.

Edited by In Pog Form
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From what we've seen Rob's Libertarianism includes guns. Lots and lots of guns. Oh, and arguing/flying off in a rage when topics are brought up.


ETA: I was just thinking about this series' imminent cancellation and thought there's a good chance that the last words that may be uttered could be: "Hey, does anyone else smell gas?"

Edited by Wandering Snark
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I agree about the gas stove.  An electric stove might even be cheaper.  

BUT -  there are even cheaper options.  Boy scouts cook over fires, Use dutch ovens over coals as a sort of "outdoor crockpot", and use propane camp stoves to cook for 12 - 15 people.  These idiots seem intent on running through that $5000 as fast as possible.

I was shocked when I saw a brand-new stove sitting there. I get the need for a fridge, but a second-hand one would have been so much cheaper. And yes, to cook food, camp stoves, hibachis, there are a lot of choices that don't require a brand-new appliance. And why not an electric stove, if they had to buy one at all, after all that work hooking up the electricity... the mind boggles.

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