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Hall of Nicknames

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It would be fun to have a list of nicknames that you have heard characters be called over the years or ones you made up. If you guys have any list them and we can add them to the list :)


*Remember no names that violate the rules here.


Abby - AbiFail, Jar Jar Binks, The Mistress, The Supply Closet Girl, The Boring Twit, Slappy Abby, Slapagail


Abe - 


Aiden - Shark Teeth


Anne - RAnneCid


Ben - Plucky, BOllie


Bev - 


Bo - 


Brady -


Cameron -  


Chad - 


Ciara - 


Clyde - 


Dan - Dr. Tan, Dr. Dirt, Dan the 2nd Coming, Superman, Unwashed Hippie, Dr. Orange Dong, Dr. Pigpen, Dorito Dan, Farrah Fawcett


EJ - 


Eric - Father Blah, Father Eh-Ric, Eric the Gray, Prince Eric


Eve - 


Hope - My Cop Voice, Frowny Face


Jennifer - Pickle Puss, Polly Pureheart


JJ - 


John - Yawn, Jawn


Jordan - Boredan, Theraflu, Tiramisu, Grimace Sue, Tammy Flu, 


Kate - 


Kayla - 


Kristen -


Lucas - 


Maggie - Meddling Maggie, Naggie


Marlena - RoboMar


Mary Beth - 


Maxine - Dannifer Pimptress


Melanie - Strawberry Shortcake


Nick - Fish Lips Fallon


Nicole - Asscole


Paige - Rocky Dennis, Lima Bean


Rafe - Pretty Eyelashes


Roman - 


Rory - 


Samantha - Scrunchy Face, Scami, Batman Voice


Sonny -


Stefano - 


T - 


Theresa -


Theo - 


Victor - Popup Victor,


Will - Sneasel

Edited by ShadowSixx
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Micky didn't put up with her.  He left town as often as Justin. When she insisted they go away on a trip together, he preferred to die while packing.  I've worked for attorneys with stupid wives.


My personal names to add are Dr. Grope and Scabbie.  You know, the itchy, irritating thing that just won't go away.


ETA Creepy Clyde and Dumb Lug or Pretty Boy for Brady


I usually call Rafe Dim Bulb.  But like I said, personal names.

Edited by QuelleC
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Well I can't edit my initial post, but hopefully once we have all nicknames for characters it can/will become the initial post :)


Abby - AbiFail, Jar Jar Binks, The Mistress, The Supply Closet Girl, The Boring Twit, Slappy Abby, Slapagail, Scabbie

Abe -

Aiden - Shark Teeth

Anne - RAnneCid

Ben - Plucky, BOllie

Bev -

Bo -

Brady -

Cameron - 

Chad -

Ciara -

Clyde -

Dan - Dr. Tan, Dr. Dirt, Dan the 2nd Coming, Superman, Unwashed Hippie, Dr. Orange Dong, Dr. Pigpen, Dorito Dan, Farrah Fawcett, Dr. Grope

EJ -

Eric - Father Blah, Father Eh-Ric, Eric the Gray, Prince Eric

Eve -

Hope - My Cop Voice, Frowny Face

Jennifer - Pickle Puss, Polly Pureheart

JJ -

John - Yawn, Jawn

Jordan - Boredan, Theraflu, Tiramisu, Grimace Sue, Tammy Flu,

Kate -

Kayla -

Kristen -

Lucas -

Maggie - Meddling Maggie, Naggie

Marlena - RoboMar, Gasplena

Mary Beth -

Maxine - Dannifer Pimptress

Melanie - Strawberry Shortcake

Nick - Fish Lips Fallon

Nicole - Asscole

Paige - Rocky Dennis, Lima Bean

Rafe - Pretty Eyelashes

Roman -

Rory -

Samantha - Scrunchy Face, Scami, Batman Voice

Sonny -

Stefano -

T -

Theresa -

Theo -

Victor - Popup Victor,

Will - Sneasel

I wish I could update my first post but can't so I'll just wait til we get a good collection of nicknames where we will have a full list of all characters.


I did call Dan Dingy Hippie which will go next to his name lol.


I call Kristen Miss Rapey


I like to call Roman the Crypt Keeper cause his face is just scary. I can just imagine him popping out of the casket and laughing like the crypt keeper.

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I couldn't resist coming back to post these:


Abigail -- WHHHYYYY?; Selfie


Adrienne -- Harpy-er Than Thou; Agony Auntie; And-Another-Thing Adrienne; Adrienmnesia


Ben -- Wax On, Wax Ollie; Brows; Pron


Brady -- Poor Dumb Brady; Box-of-Hair Black


Cameron -- The One No One Remembers

NuCameron -- Doctor StripperGram


Chad -- Stupid Chad; EmoHair

NuChad -- No-No; Stumpy; Wee Dimera Wannabe; Even Stupider Chad


Daniel -- Doctor Tannery Leatherton; Dark Roast Dan; Pigpen; Doctor Everything


EJ -- Elvis (Has Almost Left the Building)


Eric -- Father Uncle Eric; Father Judgypants


Eve -- Suddenly Southern; Don't Get Mad Get Eve


Jennifer -- Beige


John Black -- Jerkface; Serial Coma; Zzzzzz; Fishhook; Nostrils; the Human Sleeping Pill (or just Pill, for short)


Jordan -- Who're You, Again?; Tammy Floo; Oh, That's Right: I Don't Care; Miss Fast-Forward Button 2014


Julie -- Fooliette; Shrieky; Susan Screechforth Hayes; Cruise Control; The Pacific Princess; All This Time I Thought You Were Hope's Mother; Dragula; Whatever, Lady


Kate -- Granny Get Your Gun; Caterina Borgia


Kristen -- Please, Lord, Make Her Go Away


Marlena -- Devil Woman; Madame Sinister; Judgment Face


Nick -- Ick Fallon; Gabi's Aryan Controller


Nicole -- Used To Have A Backbone; Sniffles


Rafe -- Shut Up, Rafe!; Hey, Dummy!


Roman -- Roman Column ('cause he's just standing there, kind of broken down); Commissioner Grampa Mumbleteeth; Mumbles


Sonny -- Poor Sonny; Sonny Poppins


Stefano -- Steffi; Oh, My GOD, Haven't You Died, Like, Six Times Already?


Theresa -- Too Good For This Show; Nora Charles


Will -- Won't; Weasel Face; Squinchy the Sweater-Vest; Judgy Junior

Edited by Sandman
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I'd like to start calling Sonny Jackson again like Victor does.  Where has Victor The Great been though all of this?  Does he still have an alliance with Eej?  Wouldn't it be great if he was the one who spirits Eej away to a private island?


Susan Screechforth Hayes - thank you!


Eve - Suddenly Southern.  Awesome.  I just call her AllAboutEve.


Will - Bull Face Gramps.

  • Love 2

Updated list 



Abby - AbiFail, Jar Jar Binks, The Mistress, The Supply Closet Girl, The Boring Twit, Slappy Abby, Slapagail, Scabbie, Grabbigail, WHHHYYYY?, Selfie


Abe -


Adrienne - Harpy-er Than Thou, Agony Auntie, And-Another-Thing Adrienne, Adrienmnesia


Aiden - Shark Teeth


Anne - RAnneCid


Ben - Plucky, BOllie, Metro Cartoon Character, Hulk Smash, Wax On, Wax Ollie, Brows, Pron


Bev -


Bo -


Brady - Dumbass, Poor Dumb Brady, Box-of-Hair Black


Cameron - Doctor Strippogram


Chad - No-No, Stumpy, Wee Dimera Wannabe, Even Stupider Chad


Ciara - Snot, 


Clyde -


Dan - Dr. Tan, Dr. Dirt, Dan the 2nd Coming, Superman, Unwashed Hippie, Dr. Orange Dong, Dr. Pigpen, Dorito Dan, Farrah Fawcett, Dr. Grope, Dingy Hippie, Doctor Tannery Leatherton, Dark Roast Dan, Doctor Everything


EJ - Blinky


Eric - Father Blah, Father Eh-Ric, Eric the Gray, Prince Eric, Father Uncle Eric, Father Judgypants


Eve - AllAboutEve, Suddenly Southern, Moaning Eve


Hope - My Cop Voice, Frowny Face


Jennifer - Pickle Puss, Polly Pureheart, Judgy Jenn, Beige, Bland Toast


JJ -


John - Yawn, Jawn, Jerkface, Serial Coma, Zzzzzz, Fishhook, Nostrils, the Human Sleeping Pill


Jordan - Boredan, Theraflu, Tiramisu, Grimace Sue, Tammy Flu, Tammy Floo


Julie - Fooliette, Shrieky, Susan Screechforth Hayes, Cruise Control, The Pacific Princess, Dragula


Kate - Caterina Borgia


Kayla -


Kristen - Miss Rapey


Lucas -


Maggie - Meddling Maggie, Naggie, Meddling Maggott


Marlena - RoboMar, Gasplena, Devil Woman, Madame Sinister, Judgment Face


Mary Beth -


Maxine - Dannifer Pimptress


Melanie - Strawberry Shortcake


Nick - Fish Lips Fallon, Ick Fallon


Nicole - Asscole, Peter Pan, Sniffles


Paige - Rocky Dennis, Lima Bean


Rafe - Pretty Eyelashes, Spider Lashes, Shut Up Rafe, 


Roman - Roman Column, Dentures R Us, Crypt Keeper


Rory -


Samantha - Scrunchy Face, Scami, Batman Voice


Sonny - Poor Sonny, Sonny Poppins


Stefano -


T -


Theresa - Nora Charles


Theo -


Victor - Popup Victor,


Will - Sneasel, Bull Face Gramps, Won't, Weasel Face, Judgy Junior, Squinchy the Sweater-Vest

Updated list. Also bolded the names that have stuck with the character whenever we talk about them. Also deleted the ones that don't have nicknames....yet.

Abby - AbiFail, Jar Jar Binks, The Mistress, The Supply Closet Girl, The Boring Twit, Slappy Abby, Slapagail, Scabbie, Grabbigail, WHHHYYYY?, Selfie, AbiStale, 

Adrienne - Harpy-er Than Thou, Agony Auntie, And-Another-Thing Adrienne, Adrienmnesia

Aiden - Shark Teeth

Anne - RAnneCid

Ben - Plucky, BOllie, Metro Cartoon Character, Hulk Smash, Wax On, Wax Ollie, Brows, Pron, Ken Doll, Plastic Doll, Bollie Vinyl Chloride

Brady - Dumbass, Poor Dumb Brady, Box-of-Hair Black

Cameron - Doctor Strippogram, Black Leno

Chad - No-No, Stumpy, Wee Dimera Wannabe, Even Stupider Chad

Ciara - Snot,

Clyde - Mr. Rapey

Dan - Dr. Tan, Dr. Dirt, Dan the 2nd Coming, Superman, Unwashed Hippie, Dr. Orange Dong, Dr. Pigpen, Dorito Dan, Farrah Fawcett, Dr. Grope, Dingy, Dingy Hippie, Doctor Tannery Leatherton, Dark Roast Dan, Doctor Everything, Mr. Perfect

EJ - Blinky

Eric - Father Blah, Father Eh-Ric, Eric the Gray, Prince Eric, Father Uncle Eric, Father Judgypants, Eeyore, ErYuck,

Eve - AllAboutEve, Suddenly Southern, Moaning Eve, Senile Cougar

Hope - My Cop Voice, Frowny Face

Jennifer - Pickle Puss, Polly Pureheart, Judgy, Judgy Jenn, Beige, Bland Toast

John - Yawn, Jawn, Jerkface, Serial Coma, Zzzzzz, Fishhook, Nostrils, the Human Sleeping Pill

Jordan - Boredan, Theraflu, Tiramisu, Grimace, Grimace Sue, Tammy Flu, Tammy Floo, Anbesol

Julie - Fooliette, Shrieky, Susan Screechforth Hayes, Cruise Control, The Pacific Princess, Dragula

Kate - Caterina Borgia

Kristen - Miss Rapey

Maggie - Meddling Maggie, Naggie, Meddling Maggott

Marlena - RoboMar, Gasplena, Devil Woman, Madame Sinister, Judgment Face

Maxine - Dannifer Pimptress

Melanie - Strawberry Shortcake, Toothy, MelanMe

Nick - Fish Lips Fallon, Ick Fallon

Nicole - Asscole, Peter Pan, Sniffles

Paige - Rocky Dennis, Lima Bean


Paul - Sparkles, LL Cool J

Rafe - Pretty Eyelashes, Spider Lashes, Shut Up Rafe,

Roman - Roman Column, Dentures R Us, Crypt Keeper, Commissioner Grandpa Mumbleteeth

Samantha - Scrunchy Face, Scami, Batman Voice

Sonny - Poor Sonny, Sonny Poppins

Stefano - Pop Up Stefano

Theresa - Nora Charles

Victor - Popup Victor,

Will - Sneasel, Bull Face Gramps, Won't, Weasel Face, Judgy Junior, Squinchy the Sweater-Vest

  • Love 1

Abby - AbiFail, Jar Jar Binks, The Mistress, The Supply Closet Girl, The Boring Twit, Slappy Abby, Slapagail, Scabbie, Grabbigail, WHHHYYYY?, Selfie, AbiStale,


Adrienne - Harpy-er Than Thou, Agony Auntie, And-Another-Thing Adrienne, Adrienmnesia


Aiden - Shark Teeth


Anne - RAnneCid


Ben - Plucky, BOllie, Metro Cartoon Character, Hulk Smash, Wax On, Wax Ollie, Brows, Pron, Ken Doll, Plastic Doll, Bollie Vinyl Chloride, Plastic Mannequin, Mannequin Doll, Mannequin


Brady - Dumbass, Poor Dumb Brady, Box-of-Hair Black


Cameron - Doctor Strippogram, Black Leno


Chad - No-No, Stumpy, Wee Dimera Wannabe, Even Stupider Chad


Chase - Casper the Friendly Ghost


Ciara - Snot, Ciara of the Corn


Clyde - Mr. Rapey, Creepy Clyde


Dan - Dr. Tan, Dr. Dirt, Dan the 2nd Coming, Superman, Unwashed Hippie, Dr. Orange Dong, Dr. Pigpen, Dorito Dan, Farrah Fawcett, Dr. Grope, Dingy, Dingy Hippie, Doctor Tannery Leatherton, Dark Roast Dan, Doctor Everything, Mr. Perfect


EJ - Blinky


Eric - Father Blah, Father Eh-Ric, Eric the Gray, Prince Eric, Father Uncle Eric, Father Judgypants, Eeyore, ErYuck,


Eve - AllAboutEve, Suddenly Southern, Moaning Eve, Senile Cougar


Hope - My Cop Voice, Frowny Face


Jennifer - Pickle Puss, Polly Pureheart, Judgy, Judgy Jenn, Beige, Bland Toast, Jocasta


John - Yawn, Jawn, Jerkface, Serial Coma, Zzzzzz, Fishhook, Nostrils, the Human Sleeping Pill


Jordan - Boredan, Theraflu, Tiramisu, Grimace, Grimace Sue, Tammy Flu, Tammy Floo, Anbesol


Julie - Fooliette, Shrieky, Susan Screechforth Hayes, Cruise Control, The Pacific Princess, Dragula


Kate - Caterina Borgia


Kristen - Miss Rapey, Kritter


Maggie - Meddling Maggie, Naggie, Meddling Maggott


Marlena - RoboMar, Gasplena, Devil Woman, Madame Sinister, Judgment Face


Maxine - Dannifer Pimptress


Melanie - Strawberry Shortcake, Toothy, MelanMe, Self Entitled Twit, Dr. Giggles, 


Nick - Fish Lips Fallon, Ick Fallon


Nicole - Asscole, Peter Pan, Sniffles


Paige - Rocky Dennis, Lima Bean

Paul - Sparkles, LL Cool J


Rafe - Pretty Eyelashes, Spider Lashes, Shut Up Rafe,


Roman - Roman Column, Dentures R Us, Crypt Keeper, Commissioner Grandpa Mumbleteeth, Rotox


Samantha - Scrunchy Face, Scami, Batman Voice


Serena - Shrewena 


Sonny - Poor Sonny, Sonny Poppins


Stefano - Pop Up Stefano, Stephono


Theresa - Nora Charles


Victor - Popup Victor,


Will - Sneasel, Bull Face Gramps, Won't, Weasel Face, Judgy Junior, Squinchy the Sweater-Vest

Edited by ShadowSixx
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